
ochosiknome: in case that calms you down, ubiquity will at least be readable in quantal (after xnox's patches are merged)00:11
ochosiknome: there are still some problems, i commented on the respective bugreports00:11
ochosiknome: to be exact #1010487 and #92490900:12
ochosiknome: for the latter i tested the fix we talked about (switch off compositor), created a branch and submitted that for review (if it doesn't get accepted, poke stgraber or cjwatson about it)00:13
knomeochosi, that's good news07:25
knomebug #104666707:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1046667 in parole (Ubuntu) "Parole Media Player does not display gui correctly " [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104666707:32
knomegna, brb07:33
elfythat caught me out too :)07:35
knomewhat i don't completely understand is why didn't you both try to play a video? :)07:40
knomewhere would a vignetted image like that come from07:41
elfyI rarely play videos on the PC and use it for music sometimes :)07:48
mips1911anybody know the original upstream 'repo' for gvfs?07:57
ochosiknome: lol, nice parole error09:44
elfyare we not using the xubuntu wiki short/long tests anymore ? or is it just that all the testcase are the ones written by nskaggs on the tracker? 09:46
ochosiknome: i'm marking our bug #1010487 as duplicate of this one #74428310:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1010487 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu - black windows" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101048710:20
ochosiknome: since the patch at least fixes the colors, i think that's fine10:20
ochosimaybe when ubiquity is properly patched the theme gets loaded properly as well with this patch10:21
ochosiotherwise we'll just report a new bug, i'd say10:21
smartboyhwBug #74428310:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744283 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Steps "Preparing to install" and "Erase disk" are unreadable with high-contrast theme enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74428310:21
knomeochosi, yup10:58
ochosii've done it already anyway :)10:58
ochosii also submitted a new, corrected, branch for review to ubiquity10:58
knomeelfy, we should update the testcases on the QA tracker, yeah10:58
knomeochosi, did you read cjwatson's comments?10:59
knomeochosi, or was this corrected stuff about that10:59
ochosisure, i just branched the wrong thing last night10:59
ochosinow the patch is as tiny as it should be10:59
knomeyeah :D10:59
elfyknome: so use the ones we were using previously - the wiki ones ? just don't want to waste my time :)10:59
knomeelfy, yes, run those10:59
ochosig2g, prolly bbl10:59
knomeelfy, they will be updated on the QA wiki in the following week11:00
elfyk cheers - I already had ... then saw this new testcase stuff and flipped out completely lol 11:00
knomei should do it today or tomorrow11:00
knomeas soon as i have time11:00
knomei'm now at a railway station so not willing to do it now :P11:01
elfyor whack a mail of to the list just to let people know 11:01
knomeif you can, that'd help ;)11:01
elfyor I can do one now and you can follow it up 11:01
knomejust say they will be moved to the tracker in a week11:01
knomeand you should still run at least the short test11:01
elfyk - will do that right now - cos I am at home and drinking tea and not at a railway station :D11:01
knomeanyway, i had a nice 2 hours with the guy running the linux courses11:02
elfyyea - well I run the short test and then the long test basically for milestones11:02
knomei think i just talked us up to 60 tests for beta211:02
knomeand that's totally doable again with other releases...11:02
knomehe was really excited about it all, so good sign for us11:02
knomemaybe i'll even go there and talk a bit about linux..11:03
knomeelfy, and thanks for sending the email :)11:04
knomedo you possible have time to look at the docs today?11:05
knomethere are a few sections/subpages that only need reviewing11:05
knomeif we got those reviewed and ACK'd, i could start converting them to docobok11:05
knomedocbook too11:05
knomeand we'd save ourself from some hassle11:05
elfyI can yea - got a bit frustrated earlier 11:06
knomethings will look much more brighter when we get to review those pages11:06
knomeand get them uploaded11:06
knomei think we have almost half on docbook then11:06
knomethat might be positive thinking11:07
knomebut at least we'll have quite a lot then11:07
elfypositice thinking is the best way 11:07
pnarcisoso, are  going ahead with beta 1 or suspend until the install issues are fixed?11:07
knomeit looks like we need to skip beta111:08
elfyknome: I'll send to xubuntu-devel/xubuntu-users and ubuntu-qa ? 11:08
knomeelfy, -devel is fine i think11:08
knomeelfy, but feel free to send to all11:09
elfyok - not the -qa then - I'd send to -users - might even get someone to think "Hey, perhaps I could help there"11:09
elfysent now11:10
knomeelfy, yup, thanks :)11:10
smartboyhwelfy: So you wanna use the short one or the long one?11:12
smartboyhwI mean the short testcase or the long testcase11:13
smartboyhwThe two links you provided in the email11:13
elfytalk to knome about it please11:13
smartboyhwOh alright11:14
elfybut basically we use them both for milestone releases 11:14
knomei'm probably making the short test mandatory and long test run-once11:15
elfymakes sense 11:15
elfyI generally check once that encrypted works as expected as well - but that's not on the test cases11:16
knomeelfy, we can probably reintroduce it now that we don't have alternate11:16
elfyaah yea - good thought11:17
knomeelfy, but let's talk about this later11:17
elfycya 11:17
knomeprobably tomorrow11:17
knomeyup, i'm off11:17
knomesee you and have fun! :)11:17
elfyI'll be about AM and then back in the evening if you want me 11:17
smartboyhwknome: On the "not having the alternate" part, balloons and phillw will be rewriting it:)11:17
smartboyhwI mean the testcases:)11:17
knomesmartboyhw, we don't have alternate images11:17
knomesmartboyhw, so we don't need alternate testcases.11:18
smartboyhwI know, since you deleted it11:18
smartboyhwOr the release team11:18
smartboyhwBut then balloons will be editing the desktop ones to let people get used to not having the alternates11:19
elfythey'll be rewriting the other stuff not the xubuntu wiki tests I suspect 11:23
smartboyhwelfy: I think knome means to rewrite it on the ISO QA Tracker11:23
elfyhave fun knome 11:24
mips1911How do you guys apply the xubuntu theme to xscreensaver?12:43
smartboyhwUnit193: PM12:54
ochosimips1911: you can't apply any theming to xscreensaver. most of the "style" is hardcoded13:14
pnarcisoHave you made any changes to 12.10 daily yet, regarding the theming issues?13:14
ochosipnarciso: you mean ubiquity or which theming issues?13:15
pnarcisoyes, ubiquity13:15
mips1911ochosi, I recall 12.04 having a custom theme, if you install xscreensave from the repos it lacks the theme so how does it get into ubuntu if it's hardcoded or do you guys ship a different xscreensave packge on the install media?13:15
ochosiyou can follow the merge-requests to see that13:15
ochosimips1911: no, 12.04 has the standard awful xscreensaver lockscreen13:16
ochosimips1911: this one: http://www.bstegmaier.de/wiki/images/Xscreensaver.png13:16
ochosi(incl. the terrible terrible pixmap)13:16
mips1911ochosi, I can swear mine was themed as in 12.10 I now have the plain one13:17
ochosimips1911: maybe you used gnome-screensaver13:17
pnarcisox screensaver is buggy13:17
ochosipnarciso: bug #744283: "Merged into lp:ubiquity at revision 5631"13:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744283 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Steps "Preparing to install" and "Erase disk" are unreadable with high-contrast theme enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74428313:17
mips1911ochosi, no definitely xscreensaver13:18
pnarcisoI must disable it because it interferes with games13:18
pnarcisoIt doesn't recognise gamepads13:18
ochosiwe'll try to drop it for 13.04 anyway13:18
pnarcisoI'll prefer that my screen enter suspend mode instead of having a screensaver13:19
ochosiscreensavers are already disabled by default in 12.1013:20
ochosithere's only suspend and then a lockscreen now13:20
pnarcisoif xfce power manager had the option to lock the screen when the monitor enters suspend mode it was the ideal solution13:20
ochosiit's more or less what will happen, yes13:21
ochosiwe'll try to get lightdm to do the screenlocking13:21
pnarciso12.10 have a blank screen screensaver enabled by deafult13:21
ochosiwell i guess my/the idea was to only let the monitor suspend, but wha'eve13:22
GridCube:) good moring people13:23
smartboyhwHi GridCube, ochosi13:23
ochosiahoi GridCube 13:23
bluesabregood morning!13:23
GridCubewhat are we pondering today?13:23
ochosioh, ahoi bluesabre :)13:23
smartboyhwI heard that due to test failures knome is not gonna release Beta 1.13:23
GridCubei heard there was a respin of beta 113:24
bluesabrei heard knome was going to sponsor all of us for uds13:24
smartboyhw<knome> skaet, i'm thinking that xubuntu will skip beta 1 looking at all the fails.13:24
bluesabre(except not really)13:24
ochosibluesabre: funny, i heard the same :}13:24
smartboyhwbluesabre: You're kidding:)13:25
bluesabresadly, yes smartboyhw13:25
ochosibluesabre: if you come, i'll come as well :]13:25
bluesabreLet me ask my bank account13:26
bluesabrewell, that was a quick "no"13:26
smartboyhwbluesabre: LOL13:26
ochosibluesabre: did you check the flights?13:26
ochosi(just out of curiosity)13:26
bluesabreNope.  Haven't checked13:26
bluesabreBut it's very likely they're outside of my present budget13:27
mips1911Why does xubuntu use the droid sans fonts instead of ubuntu fonts?13:29
ochosimips1911: why not?13:30
ochosi(because it's prettier)13:31
bluesabre13.04 --> Roboto font13:31
bluesabreActually, I like Droid Sans better than Roboto13:31
ochosiyeah, it's not so bad, but i also prefer droid as UI font13:31
bluesabreAnybody else interested in looking at indicator-messages?13:33
GridCubei always change it to ubuntus font :P13:33
smartboyhwGridCube: SAME13:33
GridCubei have two that pop up everyday, one says "you have 400 updates" and other one says "there was a faliure in a previous session", are those interesting indicator-messages? :P13:34
ochosibluesabre: tbh i already looked at the source and i feel very, very lost with it13:35
bluesabreyes, but there is one that is much more interesting ;)13:35
ochosibluesabre: ubiquity's scripts are a piece of cake in comparison13:35
bluesabreIt would be quicker to create a gtk3 panel13:35
ochosinot sure13:36
ochosiat least not incl. all the plugins we need13:36
elfyI ignore anything that says something has failed unless it is in big bold red letters13:36
bluesabreAs far as I can tell, to use the GtkActionGroup, I basically need to extend GtkWidget13:37
bluesabrewhich means we'd probably ship a custom gtk13:37
bluesabreit seems crazy13:37
elfyI'd like the thing that used to sit in notifications back again - used that all the time13:37
ochosiwow, that's a bit over-the-top for a single indicator13:37
GridCubei ignore it because its tehre every single time saying blueman has failed, when in fact i dont have any bluethoot device13:37
bluesabreAre the other indicators restored?13:38
ochosiGridCube: you not having a bluetooth device is probably why it fails :D13:38
ochosibluesabre: not sure, mr_pouit was a bit silent about that the last few days13:38
elfyit'd probably tell em that too GridCube if I'd left it in startup 13:38
bluesabreGridCube: sudo apt-get autoremove bluez13:42
bluesabrethat's my method13:42
* bluesabre would like to have bluetooth in his next laptop13:43
smartboyhwbluesabre: Sure make it 4.0 or 5.013:43
ochosibluesabre: from when is your laptop? my gf's laptop is 6(!) years old and has bluetooth13:43
GridCubebluesabre, :P that would help, but then if i wanted to use my bluethoot thingy to sync my cellphone i cant, but i only use that like never13:44
smartboyhwbluesabre: How much does your notebook cost?13:44
bluesabreI went to a college where you're given a laptop, so they customized it to have what the college needed13:44
ochosii see13:44
bluesabreso no bluetooth, no backlit keyboard, etc13:45
smartboyhwbluesabre: Oh OK13:45
bluesabrebut it runs xubuntu like a champ13:45
GridCubeas my netbook does, 13:46
GridCubefor some reason the case for my netbook has a precut hole that says "GPS" i dont know why because it doesnt have one, but i think that theres another version that do have gps13:47
GridCubeoh boy, i though this was ot, sorry for derailing people13:49
* GridCube hides in shame13:49
ochosibtw, what do you guys think of the original "wingpanel"-idea? (not sure everyone is familiar with it)13:58
* elfy isn't 13:59
ochosireference: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/12/wingpanel-elementarys-slick-new-space-saving-panel13:59
ochosiwe could easily do the same with xfce-panel in 4.1013:59
elfymmm 14:00
bluesabreIt seemed like a good idea, and worked well when that wingpanel worked well14:00
ochosianyway, i'm testing it atm14:00
elfynot sure if that wouldn't freak me out a bit 14:00
ochosielfy: to freak ppl out less, we could call it a new "maximize-mode"14:00
ochosiideally the xfce-panel would get intelli-hide mode14:01
elfyyou forget that I make my panel 20 pixels and hide it at the bottom 14:01
ochosithen we could make the rest, that is not "wingpanel-style" autohide when a window is maximized14:01
ochosielfy: i can't forget something i don't know14:01
bluesabrethe panel looks good at 26px14:03
ochosiyeah, currently we're still at 24, but i'm really considering 26 for the next release14:03
pnarcisohave a reduced panel like that implies that a more advanced docking app is used, to show what apps are open14:03
elfyochosi: so what does it actually do - make notifications bigger 14:03
ochosielfy: what does what?14:04
elfythis wingpanel type affair14:04
ochosiit makes maximized windows use all available screen estate14:05
ochosibecause the notification panel overlays the window-border14:05
ochosiand all other panels hide14:05
elfyoh - I see that now14:05
ochosithat at least is the rationale14:06
ochosibut as pnarciso pointed out, it implies a dock or an xfce-panel that can intellihide14:06
bluesabreand we'd have to tweak xfce4-notify14:06
ochosior: how? :)14:06
bluesabresince I think it would hide under the wingpanel if there's no space reserved at the top14:06
elfyochosi: kind of like the don't reserve space on borders option ? 14:07
bluesabrehaven't actually checked14:07
ochosibluesabre: no, notifications still work14:07
ochosielfy: not "kind of like", but yes, that option :)14:07
* bluesabre stops blurting out answers in class14:07
elfyok - now I understnad better - I like that idea :)14:08
smartboyhwbluesabre: Who would ever blurt out answers in class???:O14:08
bluesabreI've moved my panel and notifications to the bottom, since I was always clicking on notifications when trying to click a different tab14:08
bluesabreBut that's just me :P14:09
elfymine's at the bottom on the right of the lefthand monitor - so it is 'sort' of midpoint 14:09
GridCubeyeah, i never understood the idea of the panel on top14:09
elfy+1 14:10
ochositbh i think it doesn' matter where a panel is, top or bottom are both conventions that ppl get used to14:10
ochosiit's just the classical "windows versus mac" paradigm...14:10
bluesabreLet's do unity next, leave the panel at the top and put the launcher dock on the left14:11
GridCubeyep, in my netbook i placed them on the sides, because its widescreen and that takes less verticall space 14:11
ochosialso: gnome2 (and xfce upstream) have the panel at the top (i know, gnome2 had two panels, but much of what we have there now was on the top one)14:11
ochosiyeah, we could do a unity-like layout14:11
ochosiif we get a good patch for dock-functionality into the paenl14:11
ochosithat would be desirable anyway14:12
elfyso I've got to start looking at kde now ... :p14:12
ochosibut someone with some bamf skills would have to do it (although bamf is probably not the hardest part of it)14:12
ochosielfy: yeah, you're joking, but there are really users that start to flame and be really pissed off because of the default panel config (a different config is approx. 2 clicks away)14:13
pnarcisomint aproach on xfce put the notification bar on the bottom 14:13
ochosiGridCube: i was using the same for a long time (well, without the second panel on the right)14:14
ochosiGridCube: only downside is clock and date...14:14
elfyochosi: I know :)  14:14
ochosipnarciso: what notification bar?14:14
pnarcisoI meant xfce panel14:14
ochosiah ok14:15
bluesabrekinda like this14:15
ochosilike all versions of windows after win3.114:15
bluesabreyeah, basically14:15
bluesabreBut you know, there was something magical about win3.1 ;)14:15
ochosithe good thing about this is that you can do the "click-close" mouse action (it's almost a gesture!)14:16
ochosiyou mean "magical" because everything happened so counter-intuitively? :]14:16
bluesabremore or less14:16
bluesabrein fact, compaq had their own setup that involved the use of notebooks for everything14:17
bluesabreIt was...14:17
ochosithat reminds me of this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/frankbooth/lightdm-gtk-greeter14:17
ochosilubuntu asked us whether we wanna re-design the login-greeter with tehm14:17
GridCubeyeah bluesabre thats how my desktop is like, except i have a panel acting as a dock on top14:17
bluesabreochosi: Please don't do that design14:18
elfybluesabre: mine is similar http://imagebin.org/22741914:18
ochosibluesabre: i won't. but the "terrible use of notebooks" reminded me of that14:18
ochosianyway, if any of you feel like participating in the discussions of how the login-screen should look, i set up a xubuntu-internal spec-page as well: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/R/LightDM-Greeter14:19
ochosiit's still in a very raw stage, haven't had much time14:19
ochosibut it's for R, so there's still quite a bit of time14:20
smartboyhwYou know what? That looks like the Metro UI used in Windows 814:20
bluesabreooh shiny14:20
ochosismartboyhw: not really. furthermore it's just a login-screen14:21
ochosismartboyhw: explain how it is even remotely similar to this: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2011/06/6-1-11-metro.jpg14:21
ochosiwait... you're right!! - both designs use rectangles!14:22
bluesabreApple has sued for less14:22
elfyI want a circle 14:22
elfyor oval14:22
ochosianyway, basically that debian-proposal should be possible14:22
elfylooks nice 14:22
ochosiat least if we get our hands dirty with the code a bit14:22
bluesabreYeah, sounds like an interesting possibility14:22
ochosii like that there is no extra panel14:22
bluesabreThough, I really like the gtk-greeter with the 12.10 theme14:22
ochosii don't think it's needed14:23
ochosiin the 12.10 theme it's basically empty14:23
ochosijust two small menus...14:23
pnarcisoa more advanced lightdm greeter would add a nice touch do xubuntu, but in the end of the day, it's just another login manager, and single users won't see them much14:23
ochosipnarciso: well, it would also be used as a lockscreen14:23
bluesabreThis discussion, while offtopic, is still remotely mostly -devel related... congrats us!14:24
ochosiyeah, walking the thin line...14:25
bluesabreIt's ok, knome doesn't appear to be around ;)14:25
smartboyhwIt IS dev related, unless you wanna start a #lightdm-gtk-greeter channel :)14:26
bluesabreAnything is better than working on indicator-messages-gtk2 ;)14:26
bluesabreI just don't know what to do anymore14:26
pnarcisoFor now fixing the indicator-messages should be top priority :)14:27
bluesabreOh it is, I'm just still stuck14:27
pnarcisoI only I knew anything about programming14:28
pnarcisoIf I only knew anything about programming14:28
* elfy too pnarciso 14:28
bluesabreIf only the ayatana devs didn't kill gtk2 support...14:29
pnarcisoAnd from what I've read, XFCE devs wil stick to gtk2 for 4.1214:29
* ochosi thinks it's time for a coffee14:30
bluesabreYeah, but there's the possibility of a gtk3 panel at least for 4.1214:30
bluesabreseeya ochosi14:30
pnarcisothere's only a month and a half for the release of 12.10, the decision must be made in releasing it in the current state or postponing.14:38
mips1911postponing would be better14:39
mips1911but that's just my opinion14:39
pnarcisoI would give more time for fixing the regressions and polish some functionality 14:40
ochosipnarciso: release what in what state?14:59
ochosiindicator-messages or the whole thing?14:59
ochosiah right15:00
ochosiwell shipping it later would mean it's not in the default panel config15:01
ochosiso most ppl wouldn't even notice if we got it working again later15:01
mr_pouit(it's indicators, they're added automatically as long as they're not blacklisted in xfce4-indicator-plugin)15:01
pnarcisoalso the duplicate devices on thunar and desktop are also a problem 15:03
ochosimr_pouit: yes, but it wouldn't get installed by default15:04
pnarcisothey are not installed in the latest build15:05
pnarcisobut if they were, and plugins were later fixed, wouldn't they show up15:05
elfyknome: I checked a whole bunch of pages - sent list to the list 16:13
pleia2knome: I never got a reply on ubuntu-doc (big surprise) but someone followed up directly with a doc team member and we can just submit MPs16:15
elfypleia2: I see you get notification of changes - I tried to tick the trivial change box if it was just a word or something - but it still said you were getting them16:16
pleia2elfy: yeah, I subscribe to trivial as well (have to, the spam bots only do trivial changes)16:17
pleia2sneaky bots16:17
elfyohe yea - channel is logged ... sneaky bots 16:18
elfyI'll tell you what I really think in -ooftopic :p16:18
elfyI copied the wiki front page to a m/l and made notes against it as to what I did today 16:19
elfythought a proper list people can note against on m/l would be a useful idea 16:19
pleia2yeah :)16:19
* elfy has headache now 16:21
elfycopying the list out did show me that we are really quite close now :)16:21
bluesabreI've got my ubuntu-membership meeting today at 22:00 UTC :D  Excited!16:42
elfywhere's your wiki then bluesabre 16:43
bluesabreThanks for the testimonial elfy!16:49
elfywell I wrote something bluesabre - if it wasn't really late I'd pop along for moral support too 16:49
elfythough I might anyway :p16:50
mips1911Guys quick question, is fluendo included on the 12.04 livecd as people say they can play mp3s from the livecd?17:27
holsteinmips1911: i would just fire one up and check...17:33
mips1911holstein, i dont have one17:35
mips1911holstein, I tested with 12.04 lubuntu cd and I could play mp3 with it.18:17
holsteinmips1911: cool! id say its onboard then18:17
mips1911holstein, it also played flac & ogg but no video18:18
holsteinmips1911: what kind of video? ogg vids should play18:26
mips1911holstein, I don't have any ogg videos to test with but it should work. i could only test with avi, mkv,mpeg,flv18:27
holsteinogg should work.. the others are not supported by the free fluendo or anything that can be shipped18:29
mips1911is there a reason I'm not seeing any indicator applets on my panel in 12.10, no volume or network manager etc18:31
elfyI still see network - but no others - broken atm I believe18:32
mips1911elfy, I'm not even sure I installed it all correctly seeing I did a netinstall followed by manually adding packages18:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
elfymine has been an upgraded one - they broke a week or so ago 18:39
elfymips1911: if it's any use to you - these are the indicator packages I have http://imagebin.org/22744718:43
mips1911thanks elfy, that would indeed come in handy for me to comapre with 18:44
mips1911ok made sure mine are the same18:49
elfyand you have indicator plugin there - and maybe notification area in panel18:50
mips1911can't find a notification item to add to the panel18:53
mips1911ah, it's greyed out and I cant select it to add to the panel18:53
elfythat'll be the one then I suspect - pretty sure that si what they were talking about in here earlier 18:54
elfybluesabre is the one that knows I think 18:54
mips1911ok so that is what they were talking about. did not sound like it was gonna be fixed before release date18:54
bluesabreindicator-messages is broken18:55
bluesabremr_pouit has been working on the other indicators18:55
elfyjust checking with someone who can be positive bluesabre :)18:55
bluesabreSure thing :D18:55
mips1911that means I can go watch some mindless tv now as there is nothing more for me to fix :)18:56
elfywell I'm off now - cya 18:58
knomeplammh, sd was on this channel and told he could help20:47
knomepleia2 too20:47
knomepleia2, i'll be back in about 2-3 hours20:48
knomenow, bbl20:48
ochosihi everyone20:55
bluesabrehi ochosi!21:10
ochosihey sean :)21:10
bluesabreI have my membership meeting today at #ubuntu-meeting (in 50 minutes I think)21:10
bluesabreAnyways, what21:11
bluesabre's up?21:11
ochosii never managed to do it :)21:11
* ochosi is a lazy bastard21:11
bluesabreSo am I21:11
ochosidoesn't seem that way21:11
ochosiyou're pretty good at hiding it then!21:11
bluesabreknome told me too when he added me to xubuntu-team21:11
bluesabreso, here I go21:11
ochosiyup, it makes sense21:12
ochosii should've done it a long time ago21:12
Unit193I'm lazy too, I went for it...21:12
ochosibut since i haven't for so long, i feel even more reluctant to do it now21:12
ochosicareless these folks nowadays, they leave shortly before their membership meeting21:13
ochosiit's slightly OT, but do any of you do incremental backups with hardlinks?21:14
ochosihey satya 21:18
=== satya is now known as satya164
bluesabreI am lazy.  Spent a good portion of last week playing video games :D21:19
bluesabreI spent a good portion of today playing solitaire21:19
ochosiwhich ones?21:19
bluesabreKingdom Hearts 2 primarily21:19
bluesabreFinally got around to beating it21:19
ochosinever heard of it i think21:19
ochosiis it a pc game or console?21:20
bluesabreFinal Fantasy + Disney in a run-around hack-n-slash21:20
bluesabreTons of fun21:20
ochosiwow, that looks like it's fun21:21
ochosibluesabre: btw, a small idea for parole21:25
ochosialthough i'm not sure it's good or necessary, but anyway21:26
ochosiwe could update the menuitems of lang and subs to say something like "Subtitles (Japanese)" or "Language (English)"21:27
ochosii mean so that you wouldn't have to look in the submenu21:27
bluesabreYeah, they should do that automatically based on what they're embedded as.  But it seems like a lot of software embeds as just en, jp.  We'd have to create a map for that21:28
ochosiyeah, although the renaming wasn't the main point of the idea21:28
ochosibut yeah, let's add that to the roadmap21:28
ochosiin fact i had forgotten about that again (the odd lang names)21:29
ochosibluesabre: we need to find a new fun project for you, the message indicator is just pulling you down too much :)21:55
bluesabreYeah, it's not much fun, makes me not want to work on anything21:55
bluesabreSo I look at documentation and stuff instead21:55
bluesabreplay some video games21:55
bluesabreBut, I've made some progress on my wife's website, which she appreciates21:56
bluesabreUpdating my resume now21:56
ochosiwell for now i'd think that the gtk-greeter would be a cool project21:57
ochosimostly UI and nothing too harsh i think21:57
bluesabreYeah, I think so too21:57
ochosii can make new mockups based on the current 12.10 greeter integrating some of the stuff that's in the debian mockup21:57
bluesabreDo we want to go for that flashy "metro-like" interface21:57
ochosiwell, it won't be exactly like that21:58
ochosii just liked the layout, that's all21:58
ochosie.g. having the shutdown-button where it is in that loginbox21:58
bluesabreIt seems like a good starting point though21:58
ochosiand i guess the most important part is making it lock-screen-able21:59
bluesabreWhat all goes into that?21:59
ochosigood question, mr_pouit would know22:00
ochosibtw, since you mentioned thunderbird's wrong icon in messaging-menu: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6P1pdvOCnTQ/UEeC_c9tw9I/AAAAAAAAJ8k/9hEO_62aBVg/s1600/ubuntu12.10-messaging-menu.png22:03
ochosidoesn't look like it here (supposedly that's ubuntu beta1)22:03
bluesabrewe have a monochrome mail icon in our messaging menu22:04
ochosithat just means we'd have to drop one from elementary-xfce-dark22:04
ochosithink i'll watch a movie now, it's slowly getting late anyway and i don't feel like there's something useful for me to do right now22:08
bluesabrehave a good night ochosi22:09
ochosiare you a member already?22:09
ochosior is that still taking place22:09
bluesabreThey haven't started yet22:09
ochosioh ok22:10
ochosigood luck then :)22:10
* micahg waves to bluesabre22:12
bluesabrehey micahg22:12
bluesabreWell, I'll get my fancy ubuntu hat next time :D22:48
pleia2yeah, with more time you'll be a shoe-in :)22:49
bluesabreThat's what I'm hoping for.22:49
bluesabreAnyways, I've been hanging out at the office for too long.  Have a good day/night everyone!22:50
Unit193Awwwh, he got rejected?23:05
knomehuh? :P23:06
knomei'm back23:06
micahgonly for lack of sustained contribution, he's great though :)23:06
knomehe is23:06
micahgand he'll be a shoe in in a few months23:06
Unit193Yeah, he does seem good.23:06
* micahg gets to bug him about upload rights after that :)23:07
knomemicahg, great23:07
knomemicahg, btw...23:08
knomemicahg, did you already look at updated http://xubuntu.org/contribute/development/ ?23:08
micahgno :)23:09
knomemicahg, ok, if you could go through it and correct any failures, and maybe update it with more precise data on the packageset-upload-permissions and other points of interest, that would be great23:11
knomeso, i met this guy at the local univ of applied sciences23:12
knomehe's teaching linux there, and here's the brief outcome of our 2 hour meet: http://terokarvinen.com/2012/working-with-xubuntu-project23:13
knomewhat we basically almost settled upon is:23:13
knomethey are willing to test beta 2 installing, while they are installing their systems for the linux course.23:14
knomethis means up to 60 tests for beta 2.23:14
knomeif we can get it to any semi-usable state, that is23:14
pnarcisomy xubuntu install is getting a LOT of updates today23:15
knomemicahg, i also got some ideas on dropping the ISO sie.23:15
pnarcisoubuntu droped it23:16
knomewhat "it" ?23:16
pnarcisoiso size23:17
pnarcisoit's now 80023:17
knomewhat's the xubuntu iso size then?23:17
knomedid it affect that, or is it only the ubuntu iso23:18
pnarcisoin fact it's not 800 but 75723:20
knomeyes, i know that.23:20
pnarcisoexactly the same as xubuntu23:21
pnarcisoI've read that they wil drop the cd size restriction23:22
knomethey will, but we are not willing to23:23
knomewe will want to fit on a CD23:23
knomeyou got to realize that ubuntu and xubuntu decision making regarding these issues are completely different things23:23
Unit193Heh, LoCo guy was wondering why Xubuntu didn't have3 a B1.23:23
knomemicahg, http://typewith.me/p/x-q-imagesize23:24
knomemicahg, those are comments from the guy i met today23:24
pnarcisoYeah I know that this distro is targeted to older pc's23:24
pleia2it's not really23:25
knomepnarciso, you should probably read the strategy document23:25
knomepnarciso, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/StrategyDocument23:25
knomepnarciso, read that. and don't whine it being too long. it's almost half the length of the old one.23:25
pleia2Unit193: "It wasn't ready" :)23:26
knomei can promise better stability with a3 .P23:26
Unit193pleia2: Just making a note, nice to know someone keeps an eye out.  (Also the person wanting apt-offline)23:27
knomemicahg, humanity-icon-theme is 2.8MB, feel free to drop23:29
micahgknome: ok23:29
knomehumanity is 18M installed23:31
micahgknome: won't help, gnome-icon-theme pulls it in23:31
knomemicahg, can't we blacklist?23:31
micahgpreferably not (and it doesn't work right anyways)23:32
knomeso we're stuck with all this... meh23:32
micahgsoftware-center depends on it as well for some strange reason23:32
knomeidiocy pulling that much worth of icon themes23:33
pnarcisoxubuntu wallpapers include precise ones, can't they be removed23:33
micahgI can't dig more tonight, maybe I'll have a look on Sunday23:35
knomeok, any idea of the timeframe?23:35
micahgknome: what time is good for you?  I might be around sometime in the range of 15:00-18:00 UTC23:36
knomemicahg, that's fine23:37

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