
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
unheedingokay, KDE is the best desktop00:12
unheedingmost mature00:12
unheedingit Just Works00:17
Schrodinger`Catand apt-get aptitude RoX00:20
Schrodinger`Cati have to plan to get kubuntu00:20
SIR_TacoSchrodinger`Cat: are you alive or dead?00:21
Schrodinger`CatSIR_Taco: ^^ im a little bit intricated now...00:23
SIR_TacoNo.....nope...sorry... the correct answer was: "yes" ;)00:24
Schrodinger`Catkubuntu is not anymore pay by canonical ?00:24
Schrodinger`Catbut still using official ubuntu repos ?00:25
Schrodinger`Cat(sorry for my english)00:26
Schrodinger`Cati try my best, but im french and my english skills are low00:26
SIR_TacoSchrodinger`Cat: I believe there weren't many paid by Canonical to begin with...00:27
Schrodinger`Catso... Kubuntu is not dead ?00:27
Schrodinger`Cati hope so much00:27
[Raiden]not dead! )00:27
Schrodinger`Catit was my first distro linux :)00:28
SIR_Tacopas de soucis mon ami00:28
Schrodinger`Catthere isnt any french chan for kubuntu ? i try #kubuntu-fr but i have been redirected on #ubuntu-fr00:29
SIR_TacoSchrodinger`Cat: it would seem that that's the only French one00:31
Schrodinger`Catthanks SIR_Taco00:32
SIR_TacoSchrodinger`Cat: soyez le bienvenu00:33
Schrodinger`Catmerci bien SIR_Taco00:34
Schrodinger`Catkeeping an /home made with archlinux, on a new Kubuntu, not a good idea?00:35
SIR_TacoSchrodinger`Cat: it shouldn't cause problems00:39
Schrodinger`Catwhitout any trolling, im thinnking about pro/cons for choosing kubuntu or opensuse00:51
Schrodinger`Catwhat is the avantages of kuubntu, please?00:51
SIR_TacoSchrodinger`Cat: I'm not entirely sure. I haven't used Suse in about 10 years00:54
=== ruben is now known as Guest58418
phunyguyI am having a hard time trying to get my iphone to be seen by anything except dolphin to read the music on it.. are iphone 4s currently supported for anything yet in Kubuntu? or just Ubuntu? (works there)01:35
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest57607
=== Guest57607 is now known as Deet`
Deet`ok, i am attempting to recover 2 external hard drives that were damaged while loged in to windows. both have new enclosures and cannot be accessed by windows.01:55
Deet`i am currently inside a live disk Kubuntu 12.04, pluged in the first hard drive but i cant seem to locate it :/01:56
Deet`any know how i might find the drive?01:56
Deet`ok, i got  lsusb to admit one drive exists, but it just shows me an IDE/SATA adapter. i can't seem to locate an actual drive02:05
kubuntu_infernal contraption02:07
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SIR_Tacooh, right, that was the other onee02:10
kubuntu_this is why i hate quassel02:11
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SIR_Tacomuch better02:11
Deet`so did i miss anyone answering me due to mystical disconnests?02:12
SIR_TacoDeet`: USB or ESATA?02:15
kubuntu__its a USB enclosure. one is USB 2.0, the other 3.002:15
kubuntu__why does it say my nick is deet next to my chat bar, but show kubuntu__ when i post02:16
Deet`crap i hate this program D:02:16
Deet`ahem, SIR_Taco, USB enclosures02:17
Deet`the 3.0 unit does not show up on my lsusb list at all :/02:18
SIR_Tacothey don't show up hardwired in? (ie through sata or ide?)02:18
Deet`the usb 2.0 unit shows an IDE/SATA device. lemme plug that on back in02:18
SIR_TacoDeet`: but can you take thee drive out and plug it in to a SATA cable?02:23
Deet`i don't have that capability. working with a netbook with a live disk., none of my desktops have SATA connections02:24
SIR_TacoDeet`: don't know what to tell you. I've recovered many drives that Windows decided was beyond repair. But never through USB02:27
Deet`well, i know the reason one is stuck is because windows XP doesn't let go of a drive just because of a power loss02:32
Deet`the other one i'm not so sure about02:32
Deet`but the first on doesn't even show up on my computer02:33
SIR_TacoDeet`: you should be able to mount regardless02:33
Deet`are there any known problems with 3.0 devices?02:33
SIR_Taconot that I know of lately02:35
Deet`well, i'm gonna try to swap enclosures to see what that does02:35
Deet`i know the drive in the 3.0 enclosure is not physically damaged. the other one i'm not so certian02:35
Deet`ok, one drive is found. but it seems to have misplaced its partition table02:41
Deet`found some tools for that. gonna try 'em out later. bed tiem now. thanks for the help02:46
jokerdinohey, anyone home?04:23
tycheSometimes.  Sometimes we're out.  And then there's people like me that are permanently out to lunch.04:25
phunyguywell that sucked04:31
phunyguyran updates on 12.10 and it wouldnt boot into KDE desktop afterwards04:31
phunyguyhad to reinstall04:31
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lordievaderGood morning.08:55
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jmzchow I can execute a bash script clicking on it in Doplhin ?09:51
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=== paolo is now known as faLUCE
faLUCEhi. is it possible to install (x/k/l)ubuntu on zelig pad 700 ?11:27
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BluesKajHiyas all11:49
monkeyjuicemorning BluesKaj11:51
BluesKaj'morning monkeyjuice11:51
BluesKajraining here , monkeyjuice ..what's the weather there ?12:02
monkeyjuicelooks like rain ,none yet12:02
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faLUCEhi. Is it possible to install (k/l/x)ubuntu on a zelig pad 700 ?12:21
hateballMost things are possible, but it's probably not a one-click experience in that case12:23
faLUCEhateball: the problem is that I don't find a start (a web page or whatsoever) for that12:23
hateballWell I had never heard of the device, it doesnt seem as common as say a Samsung Galaxy Tab :)12:24
hateballSo chances are not many people have fiddled with it, I guess12:24
excognachi all. Plasma-desktop repeatedly crashes, even i removed ./kde and subsituated. otherwise fully updated 12.04 pn a laptop (i3-2310M, 4GB RAM no hardware issues)13:23
Riddellexcognac: running 12.04 or 12.10 ?13:27
excognacrunning 12.0413:28
Peace-excognac: run plasma-desktop on konsole13:32
Peace-excognac: disabkle kwin effects13:32
excognacPeace-: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.13:36
Peace-excognac: go #kde13:36
Peace-excognac: maybe you should enable even kdebugdialog13:37
Peace-run it enable all13:37
excognacPeace-: how i do that?13:39
Peace-excognac: run  kdebugdialog13:41
excognacok, here's the output :~$ kdebugdialog --fullmode13:42
excognacQDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.13:42
Peace-excognac:  you need to learn how to report  bugs13:42
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:42
excognacshall i post it on launchpad?13:44
tsimpsonthat D-Bus bug is already known13:47
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excognacokk. i reported mz d-bus issue as a duplicate. shall i do a fresh install now or what_14:09
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serge_Hello I'am update kernel :) and after update  when kubuntu is loading black screen(( how fix it?17:14
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pozopquestion about bit depth in audio. I imported 16 bit audio into Audacity. My Audacity has 32 bit set as default. Now I have realised that. Can I just change the audacity settings down to 16 bit?18:32
=== guest_ is now known as mah454
mah454Hello ...18:54
mah454How can change KDE default configuration for All new Users ?18:54
mah454I want to make new LiveCD and need change it ...18:54
mah454How can do this ?18:54
mah454nobody help me ?19:00
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest78474
Smo_sorry mah454, whats the problem?19:26
mah454Smo_: nothing ... ! find answer in #kubuntu-devel19:27
datruthWHat makes kubunutu boot up slowly  overtime? is my HDD dying?20:05
DarthFrogdatruth:  Try running smartctl on that drive.  And/or palimpset.  You'll get the info you need about your drive from those utilities.20:08
datruthDarthFrog: I've done smartmonctl and the drive is fine20:09
DarthFrogThen it's not dying.20:11
datruthDarthFrog: what could be making my boot times slow?20:13
DF_Meyer_datruth: Could you generate some bootcharts for us?20:13
datruthDF_Meyer_: how do I do that?20:14
datruthMy system as went from booting in 10seconds now its almost a minute :(20:14
DF_Meyer_datruth: http://www.webupd8.org/2009/04/ubuntu-boot-chart-make-graph-with-your.html20:15
DF_Meyer_datruth: Normal causes of slow boot times is DHCP, and mounting network shares. First generate the bootcharts and then we ca see.20:15
DarthFrogdatruth: You can also press Esc when the Kubuntu boot screen appears to see the boot startup.  Perhaps something is hanging.20:16
datruthI removed my network shares from the fstab because it would stop me from shutting down the pc20:19
datrutherr computer20:19
datruthOk finally got installed20:36
datruthlet me post the png file20:36
datruthis there like a paste pic website?20:38
datruthDoes powering off the computer kill the hard-drive?20:39
DF_Meyer_imgur is good.20:40
datruthone sec20:43
datruthwow seems to be hanging20:46
datruthwhat am I looking for in the bootchat?20:46
DF_Meyer_Something that's taking long and holding other processes up20:46
datruthDF_Meyer_: http://www.gurutechie.com/bootchart.png20:54
datruthDF_Meyer_: what do you see?20:58
datruthhrmm perhaps its fsck20:59
datruthit says unable to write bytes broken pipe20:59
DF_Meyer_datruth: Hmm, thats really busy and unfortunately beyong my capacity to debug. You should look at starting less virtual consoles on boot. Maybe avoid mounting an ntfs partion on boot too. Maybe look at starting network manager on demand . Those are the things that pop at me. Show it maybe to somebody else in a little while and see if they can help.21:01
goodtimevirtual on boot heh21:20
goodtimeasking for probs right there21:20
goodtimefirst youll need alot of ram a cpu for all that virtual stuff21:24
goodtimehence why i just run just one desktop21:24
datruthgoodtime: how do I stop it?21:47
goodtimestop what21:48
goodtimethe virtual desktops21:48
goodtimeuninstall is what i do21:49
datruthhow is that done?21:49
goodtimethey will be there later if you want them back21:49
goodtimeyou running kubuntu?21:49
datruthgoodtime: yes21:49
goodtimego to your softwear center21:50
goodtimetype in what you r looking for and remove it21:50
goodtimeprob ask you for your password21:51
datruthyeah I dont know what im looking for21:51
goodtimewhat desktops are you running21:51
datruthumm I have virtualbox21:56
datruthand I can not get rid of that21:56
monkeyjuicedatruth:  open muon, click on by status , then installed22:02
goodtimeinstall midnight commander22:02
goodtimedelete it22:02
goodtimeyoull never be able to install it again on that os thoe22:03
goodtimebut it will be gone22:03
goodtimemidnight commander is a terminal app22:03
goodtimeit runs off your terminal22:03
goodtimevery dangerous if your not careful22:04
goodtimebut you should be ok to do that22:05
goodtimeand if you do decide to use that method delete all22:05
goodtimethere will be some choices22:05
goodtimechose all22:05
datruthMount count:              15022:24
datruthMaximum mount count:      -122:24
datruthcould this make my fsck run everytime on boot?22:24
goodtimeyou can just uninstall virtualbox with the softwarecenter22:26
goodtimeim sure of it22:27
datruthNo I dont want to do that22:27
datruthI need virtualbox22:27
datruthHow can I disable fsck from running at boot?22:27
goodtimeunless you have the only kubuntu without it22:27
goodtimehang on ill ask some experts for you in a differnt channel22:27
goodtimegoolge it man22:28
datruthI have man22:29
datruthI have22:29
goodtimesorry im not that good yet but goole has done wonders for me22:29
goodtimehmm hang on22:29
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.22:29
TheLordOfTimedatruth:  there's method behind the madness for forcing fsck22:29
TheLordOfTimedatruth:  over time, ext4 filesystems can sometimes crupt themselves22:29
goodtimeim still learnning the rules here22:29
datruthI think I'll do a clean install that seems ti be the only fix ;/22:29
TheLordOfTimeor become unclean22:30
datruthTheLordOfTime: but it says it's clean22:30
TheLordOfTimeby having it run periodically, cruft and broken things can be cleaned22:30
TheLordOfTimedatruth:  doesn't matter, over time it can become unclean22:30
TheLordOfTimethat's why its forced22:30
goodtimehmmm now i know that nice22:30
datruthTheLordOfTime: so how can I fix this?22:30
TheLordOfTimedatruth:  by just running it every time, or not shut down your system?22:30
datruthI do not want fsck to run every time on boot22:31
TheLordOfTimeit won't22:31
datruthSo how do I stop fsck from running on boot when my filesystem is clean22:31
TheLordOfTimeit only does so after so many mounts22:32
TheLordOfTimeyou don't22:32
TheLordOfTimebecuase it iwont know its clean until it fscks22:32
TheLordOfTimeand it really doesnt take  long22:32
datruthTheLordOfTime: then I need to format my system and start over?22:32
TheLordOfTimethat's not what i said is it22:32
TheLordOfTimeyou're putting words into my mouth22:32
TheLordOfTimeand that's not nice.22:32
datruthOr find another distro that doesn't force me to run fsck on boot22:32
TheLordOfTimethere is none22:32
TheLordOfTimedebian forces it22:32
TheLordOfTimecentos forces it after a while22:33
TheLordOfTimeso do a few others./22:33
datruthThis is pretty dumb22:33
TheLordOfTimebut only after, oh, i think greater than 10 mounts?22:33
datruthI should have went with bsd22:33
goodtimeman fsck22:33
TheLordOfTimeso, only really every 10 days should you need to force it22:33
goodtimethere you go22:33
TheLordOfTimes/force it/run it/22:33
TheLordOfTimeif you shut down your computer ten times a day though22:33
TheLordOfTimeyou're doing it wrong.22:33
TheLordOfTimeand if its delayed (i.e. no AC power, like in a laptop), it'll push until its booted with AC power22:34
datruthI've rebooted 15times in the last 2hrs and it does it on every boot22:34
goodtimetyr man fsck22:34
TheLordOfTimedatruth:  because you need to run it *ONCE*22:34
datruthgoodtime: I know how to use fsck22:34
TheLordOfTimerun it once, and then see if it does it again22:34
TheLordOfTimeit shouldnt22:34
datruthAnd I am saying that I have22:34
datruthan it does22:34
goodtimeok just trying to help ill stop if you would like22:34
goodtimesorry dude22:34
TheLordOfTimethen something's wrong, datruth22:35
TheLordOfTimethere's no reason it should be saying that each time22:35
TheLordOfTimeunless fsck found something22:35
TheLordOfTimeor if you cancelled it22:35
goodtimeofcourse "stop fsck on boot <distro> <version>" is too hard to think of i guess22:35
datruthTheLordOfTime: correct thats why I am at a loss.22:35
TheLordOfTimedatruth:  did you *try* a reinstall?22:35
TheLordOfTime(back up your data first!)22:35
datruthAlrighty thanks for the info folks.22:36
TheLordOfTimedatruth:  or did you even try booting into the LiveUSB22:36
TheLordOfTimeor live env.22:36
TheLordOfTimeand then manually fsck the drive22:36
datruthIm just gonna format and start over22:36
TheLordOfTime(that sometimes shows stuff the onboot fsck won't show)22:36
goodtimethe whole point of me choseing to run linux in the first place is to not do the windows thing and reinstall22:36
goodtimegood luck22:37
goodtimei do know that you can format useing the fstab22:40
goodtimeprob with out wipeing out everything22:40
goodtimeok ill stop22:40
SanticlauseHowdy! Anybody around at the moment?23:02
Belial`does anyone have qtcurve's window decorations working in kde 4.9?23:08
Belial`i have qtcurve installed, but i don't see anything for window decoration. just widget styles.23:08
SanticlauseMan, I need some help with disk partitions. I'm trying to install Kubuntu on to a separate partition on the same hard drive as my windows 7 install, and I'm getting conflicting information from the various tools I'm using to try to figure shit out :(23:21
SanticlauseThe laptop hd was already partitioned in to C:\ and D:\ when I got it, so I shrunk D:\ to get ~50 gb of unallocated space23:23
Santiclauseand now I'm in the... live boot? something? I'm in an uninstalled Kubuntu that I launched with UNetbootin.23:24
Santiclausesudo blkid lists the two drives properly - /dev/sda1 with label "OS_Install" (my C:\ drive), and /dev/sda2 with label "Data" (my D:\ drive)23:25
Santiclausebut sudo fdisk -l lists two additional23:25
Santiclausethat's what it looks like for me23:26
Santiclauseand I have no real idea what I'm doing with this, but it looks like the sizes are all wrong on the partitions23:27
monkeyjuicehow many partitions do you have23:27
monkeyjuiceyou can only have 4 max23:28
SanticlauseI don't know :X23:29
SanticlauseI was able to partition the unallocated space in the windows disk manager23:29
monkeyjuiceit should show you how many partitions you have can you still boot windows23:30
SanticlauseI'll be back in a bit, switching to windows to try to see what's up on that end23:30
DarthFrogmonkeyjuice:  Not quite correct.  You can only have 4 primary partitions.  However, one of those can be an extended partition, within which you can have many logical partitions.23:31
monkeyjuice4 primary true23:31
Santiclauseoh also, the /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda4 aren't actually in /dev/23:31
Santiclauseso, I dunno :|23:31
Santiclauseanyway, switching to windows23:31
datruthHow can I disable the network manager from starting up at boot time this modem-manger?23:36
Santiclauseit looks like there is 4 partitions23:36
Santiclausebut two of them are "recovery partitions"... one is 100 mb, the other is 12 gb...23:37
Santiclausetime to find out what those are for23:37
Taggnostrlately my pc is freezing, for a while and then the screen shows random patterns and two leds on the keyboard start flashing, do you know what it is and/or where could I look to figure out what's causing this?23:37
monkeyjuiceSanticlause: http://askubuntu.com/questions/182794/how-do-i-partition-my-hard-drive-to-install-kubuntu23:44
SanticlauseI'm currently trying to delete one of the recovery partitions, but having no luck :|23:45
Santiclauseit's a 12gb recovery partition, but the option to delete it doesn't exist in the windows disk manager... :/23:45
szaltried a live CD w/ GParted on it?23:54
SanticlauseI don't have any CDs or USB drives available to me23:55
SanticlauseI'm doing it with UNetbootin23:55
Santiclauseso that tool just didn't help at all, I guess I'll try gparted in windows23:57
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
tsimpsonSanticlause: you can't change the partitions on a disk that's in use by the system, so you need some kind of RAM only live environment23:59
Santiclausethen how come windows disk manager can?23:59

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