
joe__994hey guys06:14
joe__994can someone help me with my monitor settings?06:16
Unit193!details | joe__99406:19
ubottujoe__994: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:19
joe__994so i have a problem with my monitor settings. i'm running ubuntu 12.04 lts. my monitor is not detected. it has been detected on debian and mint distros07:14
joe__994so when i try to change the refresh rate from 60 to 70, it wont let me07:15
mysteriousdarrenjoe_994: what kind of graphics card do you have? integrated?07:15
joe__994nvidia nv1707:16
mysteriousdarrendid you update the driver?07:17
joe__994NVIDIA Corporation NV17 [GeForce4 MX 440] (rev a3) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])07:17
joe__994shouldn't the os do it automaticaly?07:18
mysteriousdarrennope, it will have some basic drivers, but your gonna have to change from there.07:19
joe__994oh i see, ok mate, thank you, i'll try to google it, if no luck i'll come back to you :)07:19
Unit193"Additional Drivers" from the menu, but I have had to generate an xorg.conf before, bad chip for me.07:20
joe__994wow thanks mysterious, you rock! i'm gonna check it07:20
mysteriousdarrenyup happy to help07:21
n150pHi everyone, can you tell me how to disable the guest account login? I'm using Lubuntu 12.04 "out of the box"10:21
bioterrorn150p, edit lightdm.conf10:23
bioterrorand disable it10:23
n150pi see no option to disable. it's only 4 lines:10:25
n150pbut I think now that you told me that I'm using lightdm (which I did not know) ... i could probably google it10:26
n150poh, thanks10:26
n150pi'll try that10:26
n150pbioterror, thanks. works perfectly.10:33
bioterrorhi mariob10:38
faLUCEhi. is it possible to install (x/k/l)ubuntu on zelig pad 700 ?11:27
faLUCE hi. Is it possible to install (k/l/x)ubuntu on a zelig pad 700 ?12:22
smartboyhwfaLUCE: Is that an ARM device?12:23
faLUCE smartboyhw arm cortex 1 ghz12:24
smartboyhwOK, I think Lubuntu just introduced an ARM image12:25
smartboyhwHowever it is unstable since it is 12.10 I think12:25
smartboyhwMay be12:26
smartboyhwDownload it12:26
faLUCEsmartboyhw: which version is it?12:26
smartboyhwAnd then https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/OmapNetbook12:26
smartboyhwfaLUCE, 12.1012:26
smartboyhwBeta 112:26
faLUCEsmartboyhw: but what about the touchscreen?12:27
smartboyhwTouchscreen oh12:29
smartboyhwThen I don't know:)12:29
faLUCEanyway, thanks for the other tips12:30
lucaaaho appena installato lubuntu, al riavvio tutto funziona però ho provato a fare gli aggiornamenti senza riuscirci e al riavvio non funziona più nè il mouse ne la rete wifi15:52
lucaaaqualcuno può aiutarmi?? :D15:52
kanliot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    15:53
kanliot                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      !it15:53
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:53
joe__462hey guys18:00
joe__462after running 'apt-get install nvidia-current', i got my desktop resolution absulutly currepted18:02
joe__462so i've uninstalled it but i can't get the original lubuntu driver setup going18:03
joe__462can anyone help me on how to restore my original ubuntu 12.04 video and sound driver settings?18:04
joe__462oh yeah, for some reason after running the nvidia update, i lost the sound ablilities as weel18:05
silverarrowsound driver should be easy18:06
silverarrowI think you can  switch drivers in alsamixedr18:07
silverarrowjoe__462, resolution is usually about config though?18:08
joe__462yeah, i've played around with alsamixer before to get the sound going but the thing i don't understand is why nvidia update messed up the sound..18:08
silverarrownot sure either, cause it should not18:08
silverarrowhowever the regular procedure for sound is: right click loudspeaker icon on the task bar18:10
joe__462yeah but it's all gray, i can't use the bars18:10
silverarrowit should be unmuted18:10
silverarrowis it a fresh install?18:11
silverarrowdoes alsamixer launch in terminal?18:11
silverarrowand all parameters are on, or high levels ?18:12
joe__462no it's a gui one thing, donno i've installed all sorts of alsa stuff before to get it going ;)18:12
silverarrowI have had alsamixer settings suddenly go off for weird reasons though18:13
silverarrowlike update, or package install18:14
joe__462yeah, i know... but to be honest, i'm more bothered with the display settings at the moment18:14
silverarrowI`m just suggesting a double check18:14
joe__462thanks silver18:14
silverarrowand you have tried monitor settings?18:14
joe__462monitor settings first does not detect my monitor, and second the max resulution i get is 640x480 60 refresh rate18:15
joe__462and i'm using 19 inch monitor how bad could it get ;)18:16
silverarrowunusually low, unless it is a very old computer18:16
silverarrowyou need one of the clever guys18:16
joe__462it is quite old, but everything seems to work fine before i ran 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-current'18:17
joe__462hehe silver, that's a good one ;)18:17
silverarrowsomeone on the Ubuntu channel should be able to help, at least of there is low activity here18:17
silverarrowhmm, let me check18:17
joe__462thanks mate, that's very nice of you18:18
silverarrowwhat are the graphics packages called?18:19
silverarrowASCII ?18:20
joe__462well my wife and i need to get ready and go to the movies :)18:20
joe__462we gonna watch 'possession'18:21
joe__462so i'll be back later18:21
silverarrowxorg core18:21
joe__462thank for all the help silver and i'll see you later18:21
silverarrownot much help though18:21
silverarrowjoe__462, if you post on the ubuntu forum, there is usually every quick replies18:22
silverarrowwithing three minutes18:22
IboShere a fact18:49
IboSi'm connecting with ssh on a lubuntu desktop machine18:50
IboSthis machine is on login screen18:50
IboSwhen i want via ssh launch the cmd alsamixer i can't18:50
IboSis there a way to launch alsa at boot before login ?18:51
IboSand have sound by the way18:51
silverarrownot shure18:58
silverarrowcan`t you just launch alsa in terminal like usual ?18:58
IboSsilverarrow: how to do that?19:01
IboSsudo service alsa start ?19:01
silverarrowjust open terminal and write alsamixer19:01
silverarrowit launches alsamixer and it can easily be adjusted19:02
silverarrowyou don`t need sudo or any commands19:02
silverarrowyou maneuver it with arrows sideways and up-down19:03
silverarrowand F-keys19:03
IboSwell i'm on ssh19:03
IboSi sshed to the machine19:03
IboSthe actual state of the machine : login screen19:03
bioterroralsamixer can be run from ssh session19:04
bioterrorshould not be a problem19:04
bioterroras I have done it too many times on different computers19:04
silverarrowas long as you get the terminal windows19:04
IboSwell it says can't open no such file or directory i can solve the problem by manually login on the machine but i want it different :)19:05
IboSon previous version of lubuntu it worked pretty fine19:05
IboSi learnt that at login a sound device is created19:09
IboShow to create it before then ?19:09
bioterroralsa is loaded on boot19:11
wxli just did grep alsa on every log i have and everything i get is terminations not startups19:14
wxlit would make sense though that alsa would be started on a per-user basis, i.e. at login, rather that on boot19:14
wxlhonetly this might be a question better answered by #alsa19:15
gomiboyit's pulseaudio that has a per user daemon, not alsa, just saying...19:43
TheLordOfTimeis Lubuntu better for a low-RAM, low-power HP Mini 110 netbook that is at least 3 years old?21:14
TheLordOfTimebetter than Ubuntu or Xubuntu21:14
TheLordOfTime(Kubuntu's not an option :P)21:14
Unit193Kubuntu is actually more of an option than Ubuntu is, as far as ram usage and CPU.21:15
Unit193And depends on the specs.21:15
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  well, i'm kinda in "Panic" mode atm...21:15
TheLordOfTimegiven the fact the main linux fubar'd itself on that system21:16
TheLordOfTimegive me a minute21:16
Unit193Soo.... Install it and findout then?21:16
TheLordOfTime*digs around for his specs on that machine*21:16
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  Bandwidth limits21:16
TheLordOfTimecan't go downloading each version and testing21:16
TheLordOfTime(Kubuntu's not an option, the netbook can't handle the graphics)21:16
TheLordOfTime(tried back in Natty)21:17
Unit193And it can with Unity?  Lubuntu is ligher than Xubuntu, so ther is that.21:17
TheLordOfTimeUnity runs, a tad sluggishly though21:17
TheLordOfTimei put Ubuntu 11.04 on here because that's the LiveUSB I had around at the time21:17
TheLordOfTimebut now its purge-and-install-new time, so...21:17
TheLordOfTimebut yeah, lemme dig up the specs21:18
TheLordOfTimethey're stored on at least *one* of my fileservers here... :p21:18
Unit193Right, well it's a tad sluggish on 500MHz, but using 227M of 512 (stuff open)21:20
TheLordOfTimeits got 2008MB RAM, an Intel Atom N270 processor, an Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950 (using shared memory, up to 128MB), and has a 160GB hard drive.21:23
TheLordOfTimei upgraded the ram from 1GB, apparently it takes some RAM to the graphics)21:23
TheLordOfTimei'll try Lubuntu, i'm quite tired of Unity :P21:27
TheLordOfTimeof course, i could always to a netinst :P21:27
TheLordOfTimebut that takes longerish21:27
=== nothingspecial is now known as Bradd_Figg
=== Bradd_Figg is now known as Brad_Figg
=== Brad_Figg is now known as nothingspecial
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  loadtime is SOO MUCH FASTER with Lubuntu on this machine22:37
W4spSorry, that wasn't intended as you may have guessed already.22:37
TheLordOfTimeW4sp:  stuff happens :P22:37
Unit193W4sp: I had to resist saying "I'm not cleaning that up."22:37
Unit193TheLordOfTime: As it should be.22:38
W4spI didn't fell asleep though.22:38
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  lol @ resisting.  and it is indeed much faster on this netbook22:38
TheLordOfTimewhoops caps22:38
TheLordOfTimeUnit193:  guess what else i found when i was looking at the system in the Live environment.  I found the blasphemous Windows XP on the system.22:39

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