
=== Logan_ is now known as k
ryaxnbhas ubuntu officially gone to dvd?01:45
ryaxnbthe new release is 800MB01:45
natmananyone been using telepathy in kubuntu12.10? hows it looking? how does it compare to kopete?01:46
ryaxnbi personally would recommend a 2GB image file size.01:47
KRomeleoNhey yall02:06
arandryaxnb: over-sizing is an expected bug in alpha/beta afaik, I'm not sure if the maxsize was raised though, since it used to be the case that the oversizedness was pointed out on the cdimage page.02:07
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. The next version of Ubuntu will be 12.10 with development codename Quantal Quetzal. | Beta1 Released http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/
ryaxnbeh, 800MB is a lot of oversize02:13
ryaxnbit's worth noting if you switch to MODE1 you can fit 800MB on a CD02:14
ryaxnb(no error correction)02:14
ryaxnbmost CDs can technically hold 800MB, if need be... ;)02:14
ryaxnbwhether or not burning programs are adept at fitting 800MB on them is another matter02:14
ryaxnbanyway, on ebay, the prices for direct from china 100pk of CDs & DVDs are identical nowadays02:15
ryaxnbCDs are old things02:15
ryaxnbsame with DVDRW 25pk vs CDRW 25pk02:15
trismryaxnb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta1#Ubuntu (first sentence)02:17
mike_sunhi, I update my ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 and there is no dash preview02:55
mike_sunwhen I click if the right button, the file is open, not show any preview02:56
mike_sunany idea?02:56
mike_sunhi, I have to enable dash preview on ubuntu 12.10 beta 1? because right click don't show any preview, just open the file03:19
vega-takes 3-4 sec for alt-tab to display the menu, blazingly fast ...05:34
vega-with 2 year old laptop, nvidia quadro nvs 160m and nvidia binary drivers05:35
vega-same with the thingie that opens from Windows key05:35
vega-also winkey-s and winkey-w functionality is dead slow, any way to improve this?05:39
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
gnomefreakwhy7 cant stuff be easy at 3am08:54
smartboyhwgnomefreak: !?08:59
gnomefreaki cant even send emails right. i need a smoke, brb09:03
digidotAre there plans for Ubuntu (Unity) to move from Compiz to Mutter?10:26
digidotAre there plans for Ubuntu (Unity) to move from Compiz to Mutter?10:26
smartboyhwHey don't double post:)10:27
smartboyhwIsn't it moving to metacity!?!?10:27
rochabkhello everyone10:30
rochabkis ubuntu 12.10 beta 1 very unstable?10:30
smartboyhwHello rochabk10:30
smartboyhwrochabk: It should NOT bd10:30
smartboyhwSince it has already been tested10:30
digidotsmartboyhw: Sorry copy/paste mistake..10:31
smartboyhwdigidot: NP :)10:31
rochabkwhat are the common issues i might face10:31
rochabkyes NP:)10:31
smartboyhwrochabk: Well maybe you will get some bugs in certain apps10:31
smartboyhwOr crashes10:31
smartboyhwBut at least you can USE it10:32
rochabkafter  I upgrade to beta 1 should I reinstall the older apps again10:33
smartboyhwrochabk: You mean from like 12.04?10:34
smartboyhwOh alright you don't need to10:34
rochabkthats reliefing10:34
smartboyhwLOL it upgrades FOR you10:34
rochabkoh that really good10:35
smartboyhwBut then after upgrade10:35
smartboyhwremember to do a "sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"10:36
Ejdesgaardhow can it be that eclipse-3.8-rc4 is in 12.10 software-center and not eclipse-4.2 ?10:49
rochabkEjdesgaard: I think ubuntu keep certain build in their software database10:53
rochabkat the time of their release10:53
Ejdesgaardrochabk, I can't find any 3.8 release on eclipse.org... http://wiki.eclipse.org/Simultaneous_Release10:57
rochabkEjdesgaard: I find the answers here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11322349/eclipse-3-8-where-is-the-download-site10:58
Ejdesgaardthat explains it :)11:00
pwuertzHi, I just upgraded to 12.10 and I cannot find the option for a compact view of the contact list anymore.. is it gone?11:07
rochabkpwuertz: can you explain more?11:17
pwuertzrochabk: yea.. I just joined the irc channel for epiphany11:17
pwuertzrochabk: seems they removed the compact layout for the chat contact list11:18
rochabkoH in epiphany11:18
pwuertzrochabk: ahh sorry.. empathy11:18
rochabkOhmy I had not used Empathy11:20
EjdesgaardI read "Switch off" as pulling the power cord... which is kindof misleading, when I want to shut down the computer11:25
mortaldo you have sound problems on quantal? latest packages installed and both my eee pc and thinkpad laptops don't produce any sound11:38
mortalthey both have intel audio11:38
BluesKajHiyas all11:49
mortalhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1047299 posted this11:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047299 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Pulseaudio does not use audio hardware, has only pseudo output [quantal]" [Undecided,New]11:51
BluesKajmortal, install pavucontrol i, it's the GUI part of pulse , and gives control over your inputs and out puts , also which audio chip does alsamixer show ?11:57
BluesKajpuse is a soundserver that needs alsa to operate11:58
BluefoxicyI've upgraded but haven't yet rebooted and I restarted gnome-shell o.o12:27
smartboyhwOh yeah? Reboot please12:27
=== xezexal is now known as SolarAquarion
Guest3894Has any one managed to install with disk encryption? When I tick the disk encryption box in the installer, I can't get past the next screen titled "Choose a security key". There are no dialog boxes to enter a key, and the Next button is not accessible.13:35
ActionParsnipnot used i, too many headaches13:35
BluesKajdunno whythe devs insist on imposing lightdm on us , they could at least wait til it;s stable ...kdm works fine13:42
ActionParsnipits not imposed at all13:44
ActionParsnipits just installed by default13:44
ActionParsnipyou can use kdm if yuo want13:44
ActionParsnip!info kdm quantal13:44
ubottukdm (source: kde-workspace): KDE Display Manager for X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.9.0-0ubuntu3 (quantal), package size 907 kB, installed size 2690 kB13:44
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: its just like any other app, if you don't like it, use something else13:45
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: I hate firefox, its been the default browser forever, I always remove it and install something I prefer13:45
BluesKajI am using kdm ..but lightdm shouldn't be default 'til it's stable13:45
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: seems stable here, never had an issue13:46
BluesKajyou can't can't remove it only disable13:46
tsimpsonBluesKaj: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-o/meeting/16560/desktop-o-kubuntu-lightdm/ has some discussion around that from the last UDS13:46
ActionParsnipfor the sake of 2Mb, i'm sure we'll live13:46
BluesKajdefault is an imposition , when i doesn't work :)13:47
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: firefox doesn't work13:48
ActionParsnipgedit is dog slow13:48
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: want me to continue?13:48
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: lightdm is a dep of ubuntu-desktop you could report a bug to make it optional and then the user can install the DM of their choice13:49
BluesKajtsimpson, I'm on the single sighn in merry-go-round , Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again.13:52
tsimpsonI'll just pastebin it for you :)13:52
BluesKajso nm , today is not starting out well :P13:52
tsimpsonBluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190841/13:53
jbichaBluesKaj: you could ask for kdm to be an alternate dependency, lightdm is getting a lot more development these days & is a good choice for *buntu distros14:00
BluesKajjbicha, it was working until the last update/upgrade ...suppose i should have mentioned that , suddenly broke ..again , guess I should be grateful that kdm still works :)14:02
Guest3894If i turn on disk encryption, what does it do when I "encrypt my home folder" during the initial user creation with the installer?14:33
ironhalikthe encypt my home folder options creates an encrypted container in which your home folder resides14:38
ironhalikall your private data is encrypted and is accessible on login14:38
ironhalikbut directories like /opt /etc in plain text14:39
ironhalikits a decent solution - almost no performance hit while nice security14:40
ikoniaGuest3894: do you have secret data - and I do mean secret ?14:42
ironhaliklike, lets say,  one million apple UDIDs :>14:42
ikoniaGuest3894: unless you have genuine sensitive data that pure permission control is not enough, don't use it, it's a managment overhead you do not need14:43
ikoniaGuest3894: (you are of course welcome to ignore that advice)14:43
ironhalikikonia: well, on a laptop that can be easily stolen, browser cookies can be enough of a sensitive data14:44
ironhalikand home folder encryption is pretty much transparent14:44
BluesKajmy apologies , ActionParsnip , tsimpson , jbicha , lightdm works again after another reboot ,,,odd that it didn't load on reboot after the large upgrade the first time14:45
ikoniaI'm sorry, cookies are not sensitive data, they are of little concern14:47
ikoniabut if you feel the need - do it.14:47
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: good ol windows method :)14:47
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: don't sweat it btw it's all gooooood14:48
BluesKajActionParsnip, double reboots :)14:48
Guest3894ikonia and ironhalik does a default ubuntu partition scheme have a separate partition for /home? because otherwise /home is already encrypted when i chose to encrypt the disk14:48
ActionParsnipGuest3894: default partitioning is one single partition for / and one for swap14:48
Guest3894ActionParsnip: right, so asking me if i want to encrypt my user dir is redundant after i have encrypted the partition14:49
Guest3894i suppose if you want each of your users to have an encrypted home dir that would be something...14:50
Guest3894also the install just finished and whatever it did grub can't find it lol14:50
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
user_can i have more than 4 workspaces in Unity ?17:25
trismuser_: yes, you can configure them in ccsm on the general tab17:35
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
brotsoo, am i currently the only one who has problems installing a new version of linux-image?17:55
brotThe following packages have unmet dependencies:17:56
brot linux-image-generic : Depends: linux-image-3.5.0-14-generic but it is not installable17:56
trismbrot: -14 is still in proposed, and stuck in the NEW queue, so linux-meta (linux-image-generic) is ready but not linux (linux-image-3.5.0-14-generic)17:59
IdleOnein other words, just wait a little while and it will be there soon18:02
IdleOnesoon ~= 1 minute up to 1 year18:02
brotmmh, i wonder when i started to use the proposed thingys18:06
broti thought those get disabled while starting the 12.04 -> 12.10 upgrade18:06
IdleOnebrot: you aren't using the proposed repo, before a package gets put into the repositories it goes into a "proposed" queue waiting to be approved.18:09
IdleOnethese types of dependency issues are common during the dev cycle and usually resolve themselves fairly quickly18:09
brotdisabled proposed repo, everything works like it should18:12
brotthanks :)18:12
IdleOnelol, ok.18:13
brot( i needed to resolve that as i did some housekeeping and deleted every linux-image <3.5 :)18:13
=== Supersaiyan_IV is now known as matrixa1
marcappuccinoDoes anyone know whether the new window minimize and unminimize animations in Quantal beta 1 will be permenant?20:23
ChaosEngineGot funny issue under VirtualBox and U12.10 as a guest20:28
ChaosEngineFres install finishes with empty deskltop and some error popped-out20:28
ChaosEngineno compiz, no window, nuthing20:29
ChaosEngineUpdatre-SoftwareCenter crashed with DBusException in _new__();......20:29
ChaosEngineand I can only start reboot-looop-to-the same error20:30
ChaosEngineok, scratch all that before taht came from me, everything worx21:18
ChaosEngineI'v got some earlier borked CD which had this problem, and in bet i'ts obviously fixed.21:19
ChaosEngineSorry 4 the inconvinience ;->21:20
Morgawrhello everyone.. I'm trying to run the new ubuntu beta (12.10) on a kvm virtual machine just to see how it goes.. however when I go installing it it says that it fails on the step "Select and Install Software" after asking me what type of updates I want to use (automatic, manual, etc etc)21:27
Morgawris this a known issue?21:27
taowaAfter Quetzal what is the codename21:40
Daekdroomtaowa, it has not been decided yet21:43
FlumpyWhy did the most recent upgrade install gdm?23:11
ChogyDanaptitude why gdm23:16
jbichaFlumpy: because gnome-shell won't run if you don't have gdm installed23:18
Flumpyjbicha: Huh. Is that new? I haven't needed it before.23:19
jbichathe need for gdm is new, yes23:20
FlumpyOh, okay, thanks.23:20
jbichait might be possible to split libgdm into a separate package23:20
FlumpyI'm not going to try to force it, I was just curious.23:21
jbichabut if you want the lock screen to actually lock, you'll currently need to not only have gdm installed but have it as default23:21
jbichayeah, it looks like Fedora is fine with only depending on the gdm library, I'll look into that23:42

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