
=== collinp is now known as Hellow
Widgeteanyone know much about the launcher???01:34
mysteriousdarrenWidgete: clearly explain your problem01:35
Widgetewell im new to ubuntu , but i want to change the launcher from the side bar to a bottom style launcher...01:36
Widgeteand be able to change the icons01:36
SergioMenesesWidgete, you can change the icons using MyUbuntu01:42
SergioMenesessorry is myunity01:42
=== Axlin_ is now known as Axlin
Jigar_hi guys09:49
boingboinghi jigar10:05
yeehiHello - I want to know about updating a laptop hard drive to SSD13:04
yeehiI currently have a SATA HDD - I want to know if I can upgrade it to a SATA III SSD...13:05
yeehiHow do i find out if my laptop can handle that?13:05
yeehiHello nothingspecial :)13:06
nothingspecialhello yeehi13:06
yeehiGood to see you nothing special :)13:06
yeehiYou know everything!13:07
nothingspecialyou too yeehi13:07
yeehiso, how do I find out about upgrading my drive?13:07
nothingspecialI suppose you need to go to the manufactures website13:07
yeehiI did that already - and also phoned their technical support - it wasn't inspiring13:07
yeehior helpful really13:07
yeehiMay I send you a link?13:08
nothingspecialThen I'm not sure, unless you can find a page somewhere describing someone doing it13:08
mewtwhen i ty to run a desktop launcher i get "[Desktop: command not found". I'm sure my problem is simple, but google isnt helping :( anyone know the answer?16:00
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
holsteinmewt: what are you running? ubuntu 12.04? unity? what launcher? is it one you made? if so , how did you make it? and if not, where did it come from?16:40
mewtive slowly realized that i made the .desktop file executable holstein, in an effort to get it to run16:41
mewtwhen i double clicked it nothing happened16:42
holsteinmewt: i would check the command in the terminal.. see that the command to run the application works, and is correct16:44
mewtthe script works fine alone16:44
holsteinwhat script?16:45
mewtit's just that the launcher does nothing, even if connected to the script16:45
holsteinmewt: if it works in the terminal, you could just run it as a terminal application16:48
holsteini have not made a java shortcut like that16:48
mewtah, im trying to make a nice little desktop icon for my little brother16:49
holsteinmewt: you are using unity? i assuming you have tried using the GUI ?16:50
mewtah no im not16:50
mewtbut xubuntu is hitting a wall it seems16:51
rfernandesmy laptop does not come back from suspend mode16:51
holsteinrfernandes: i would just not suspend it personally... i dont think its worth the hassle assuming the sleep works16:52
holsteinretruning from suspend and a cold boot are similar in time in my experiences16:52
holsteinrfernandes: you can try different kernels, and file bugs.. trying the mainline kernels can be helpful16:53
holsteinmewt: cool.. i didnt notice you were cross posting.. ill let recon_lap help you in #xubuntu16:54
rfernandesholstein: have you got the same bug?16:54
mewtis cross posting a faux pas16:54
holsteinrfernandes: i have seen that before, on several machines.. i consider it more of an incompatibility than a bug, but you test, and report, and that can help16:55
rfernandesholstein: ok. thanks!16:55
holsteinmewt: its pretty loose in the ubuntu support channels.. we're here to help, though you dont typically want to tie up to channgle if you can help it16:55
mewti see16:56
holsteinrfernandes: sometimes i just take the hard drives out and test with live CD's, so forcing the power off wont "hurt".. but you cant really do that with suspend, since is needs the swap space16:56
rfernandesholstein: i do believe it is some kind of incompatibility; i shall report it, anyway16:59
=== nothingspecial is now known as Bradd_Figg
=== Bradd_Figg is now known as Brad_Figg
=== Brad_Figg is now known as nothingspecial
=== Hellow is now known as collinp

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