
archpowerFinally finished working on the Ford Mustang 1969 project that we've custom built around an extremely rare BOSS engine http://postimage.org/gallery/12fax27w/01:18
archpowerpics from the grounds up01:18
archpowerif you scroll down the rest of the images should load up01:18
azenddscassel: do you have any tips for starting a brand new LUG?01:51
azendI'm thinking of starting one at Conestoga College01:51
dscasselazend: Just start.19:00
dscasselazend: Find a few interested people, put up posters and have an introductory meet-up. Figure out what people might want to do.19:01
taowaCAn I get a cd20:21
taowaI am a member or ubuntu-ca and ubuntu-qc20:21
dscasselSure. Send me an appropriately CD-sized SASE...20:33

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