
=== Logan_ is now known as k
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BenCcjwatson: Good news: I had to use video=ofonly, but the latest quantal-live ISO boots and installs on my iMac G502:04
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TheMusojbicha: Urm, stuff in proposed will eventually be let out...03:51
jbichaTheMuso: yeah, I just get impatient though :(03:57
TheMusojbicha: Well in teh case of those packages I uploaded to proposed and that you sponsored into quantal proper, it means the archive admins will now have to reject those.04:04
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TheMusoWHich will probably make a little more work for them, as they probably accept from proposed on mass.04:04
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pittiGood morning04:18
sshawhi, I'm trying to build f-spot from source on ubuntu 12.04 and when I run the autogen.sh script I get this error: autogen.sh: 10: autogen.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected04:18
sshawthe function it errors out on is check_autotool_version04:19
pittiev: yes, I think we can move the dependency to apport-gtk and apport-kde04:19
sshawam I missing some gnome devel package04:19
sshawor should this question be better asked in a different channel? #ubuntu?04:20
pittiev: pushed to packaging branch04:21
slangasekpitti: morning04:30
pittiah, we're unfrozen, nice! /me releases his staged -proposed uploads04:31
slangasekpitti: there seems to be a problem with glib2.0 and gobject-introspection in quantal... the latter has been copied to quantal and has a dependency on the former, which is still in -proposed?04:31
slangasekheh :)04:31
pittihm, I'm not sure why someone copied one without the others04:31
pittiI'll leave the linux bits, I don't know about their state04:32
TheMusojbicha: ^^^04:32
slangasekpitti: well if you're about to fix it, then that's fine ;)04:32
TheMusoGoes back to what I was saying.04:32
pittierk @ http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/quantal_probs.html04:33
pittihttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/quantal-proposed_probs.html looks slightly better, but I guess linux still needs some love04:33
slangasekTheMuso: which packages need rejecting?04:36
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dholbachgood morning06:56
iulianMorning dholbach.07:00
dholbachhey iulian07:00
cc11rocks10th Debian patch forwarded : http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?submitter=cc11rocks%40yahoo.com (1 pending upload, 9 outstanding)07:07
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tkamppeterSomeone around who can sync qpdf from Debian Experimental for me?08:13
pittisyncpackage doesn't work for you?08:22
pittitkamppeter: does it need a FF etc. exception? or just bug fxies?08:22
mptE: /var/cache/apt/archives/libgnome2-bin_2.32.1-2ubuntu2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite '/usr/bin/gnome-open', which is also in package libgnome2-0 2.32.1-2ubuntu108:28
evpitti: cheers!08:29
didrocksmpt: fixed08:29
tkamppeterpitti, it is part of a bug fix, for https://bugs.linuxfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1063.08:29
ubottubugs.linuxfoundation.org bug 1063 in cups-filters "pdftops - page management options not being removed" [Blocker,New]08:29
davmor2pitti: why does every release hate my Sansa fuse so, It's showing up but as a usb drive rather than a music player08:30
mptdidrocks, thanks. Anything I need to do to repair before installing next updates?08:30
didrocksmpt: should be nearly available: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome/2.32.1-2ubuntu308:30
pittidavmor2: not sure; when did this start breaking again? it's not like we do a whole lot of m-p-i updates..08:30
didrocksmpt: the easiest way is to download this .deb package: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+package/libgnome2-bin08:30
cjwatsonpitti: tkamppeter doesn't have upload access to qpdf, according to edit-acl08:31
davmor2pitti: it's the first time I've plugged it into Quantal so not sure08:31
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks08:31
tkamppetercjwatson, pitti, as QPDF serves mainly for printing and usually needs to be updated if there is a printing problem or change it should perhaps be added to my list.08:32
mptdidrocks, doing that says "Failed to satisfy all dependencies (broken cache)."08:32
didrocksmpt: ok, I thought that stokachu didn't put a strong dep in his new faulty -bin package, so the easiest way is to wait the fix to be published (should be in less than 30 minutes) or download this -bin package, libgnome2-common and libgnome2-0 + dpkg them08:34
pittitkamppeter: ok, libqpdf8 does not have many rdepends, just cups-filters and "qpdf"; I guess you tested those wit 3.0.2?08:34
didrocksfrom https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnome/2.32.1-2ubuntu308:34
mptdidrocks, I think I can avoid restarting for 30 minutes. :-) Thanks.08:34
didrocksyw :)08:35
tkamppeterpitti, qpdf was introduced only for cups-filters. The change in the new Debian package is only support for injecting comments into the PDF output. These comments are needed so that pdftopdf can communicate with pdftops, which the old pdftopdf to prevent N-up coming out as N*N-up.08:36
pittitkamppeter: synced08:37
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.08:38
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Davieycjwatson: hey, i wanted to see what you thought about adding X-Fields to .changes files?  Thinking of adding an optional jenkins based gate to the archive to do pre-testing before pushing to the archive.. but want extra data on knowing what to do.08:51
DavieySo for example, "X-ON-SUCCESS-UPLOAD: True" or something.. totally useless to LP/Ubuntu, but purely for Jenkins to know if it should push the signed upload to the archive08:52
dholbachcan somebody please reject https://code.launchpad.net/~vericalcroft/ubuntu/quantal/liborigin/typo-fix/+merge/122417?08:53
cjwatsonDaviey: Once all the pieces are put together, you should be able to use DEP-8 tests for that, and have that control movement from -proposed - XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest08:53
cjwatsonDaviey: In the meantime, sure, it's fine to use random X- fields08:54
dholbachhttps://code.launchpad.net/~bmanojkumar/ubuntu/quantal/gluas/typo-fix/+merge/122388 too please08:54
Davieycjwatson: Yeah, we were looking to run DEP-8 tests08:55
Davieycjwatson: ok, thanks.08:55
cjwatsonXS-Testsuite: autopkgtest is the "official" X- field for that08:55
dholbachhttps://code.launchpad.net/~bmanojkumar/ubuntu/quantal/eikazo/typo-fix/+merge/122386 too please08:56
cjwatsonAnd (AFAIK) our jenkins instance is already configured to automatically run tests for any packages that include that08:56
jamespagecjwatson, Daviey and I are working on this idea of a build/test pipeline pre-upload08:57
cjwatsonjamespage: it's on the foundations-p-upload-intermediary plan08:57
Davieycjwatson: so it does that as a reaction to uploads in the archive, rather than pre-testing?08:57
cjwatsonDaviey: Yeah, we were intending to do it based on -proposed08:58
* Daviey reads foundations-p-upload-intermediary08:58
cjwatsondholbach: done08:58
dholbachthanks a lot cjwatson08:58
dholbachthe next few I'll pastebin08:58
dholbachI'm cleaning up the should've-gone-to-Debian ones08:59
dholbachand the bug-fixing article with a few examples is online now too08:59
dholbachI hope that'll prevent things like this in the future08:59
Davieycjwatson: What would make me a happy bunny is if -proposed had /some/ promise of stability, so people wanting real craziness can run that.. with people wanting a little more stability running the release pocket.09:00
cjwatsonDaviey: That isn't going to happen09:00
cjwatsonI mean not with any kind of automatic promise09:00
Davieycjwatson: why can't we consider gating?09:01
cjwatsonPre-testing isn't going to help when you can't even install the packages09:01
Davieycjwatson: I mean, catching the real obvious crap that people seem to miss09:01
cjwatsonBecause scope09:01
cjwatsonThis project is already a cycle late09:01
Davieycjwatson: We wanted to do this from a server-dev POV anyway.. But i don't want to duplicate work either.09:02
cjwatsonAlso doing autopkgtest after upload allows you to parallelise the builds required09:02
cjwatsonIf you want to layer some independent stuff on top just for server, be my guest09:02
cjwatsonObviously people are entitled to test their uploads as much as they like before pushing them to the archive09:03
Davieyright, that was the plan.  If it worked out well, i'd like to welcome others to use the same infrastructure09:04
cjwatsonIn general, I don't want to cause all XS-Testsuite: autopkgtest to use pre-testing because autopkgtest at least sometimes involves building the source package, and I want to be able to do that in parallel with the official builds so that we don't slow everything down too much09:06
cjwatsonIf you can manage some arrangement where developers can opt in on an upload-by-upload basis (perhaps by using a different dput upload target), cool09:06
Davieycjwatson: yeah, that was the plan09:07
Davieyso i dput to jenkins, and if it passes, jenkins dputs to the archive for me.09:07
cjwatsonSo that's fine certainly, I just don't want it to turn into "developers are being irresponsible if they don't use this" in time, since there may very well be good reasons not to09:10
cjwatsonAnd I don't think it's useful to have an expectation of "<devel>-proposed is usable" since it's solely intended as a location for staging automatic checks09:10
Davieysorry, you mean.. -proposed IS a location for staging automatic checks.. or shoudln't be thought as such?09:12
cjwatsonIt is such a location, and the checks are intended to be such that it really doesn't make sense to "want real craziness" and bypass them09:12
cjwatsonIt would only be interesting to run -proposed if there were a delay, in the style of Debian propagation from unstable to testing - but I think all concerned (especially those with some experience of operating the Debian testing migrator) have agreed we don't want to do that09:13
dholbachshadeslayer, do you think you can have a look athttps://code.launchpad.net/~andreagrandi/ubuntu/quantal/kdevelop-custom-buildsystem/typo-fix/+merge/121225?09:16
xnoxDaviey: upload to $(devel)-proposed, wait for everything to build & settle, (autopkgtests run and give OK), (britney runs & says it's installable and ok to transition), (britney moves the batch into $devel)09:16
xnoxDaviey: apart from we don't have the bits in () yet....09:17
cjwatsonI believe we have "autopkgtests run and give OK"09:17
xnoxok. cool.09:17
xnoxone down =)09:17
xnoxcjwatson: And $devel-proposed, even if you have it enabled does not auto-install from it? (like debian-backports)09:18
Davieyxnox: well, that is just a priority.09:21
cjwatsonxnox: There's a work item for that somewhere09:28
cjwatsonxnox: But see https://code.launchpad.net/~laney/launchpad/proposed-notautomatic/+merge/11392109:28
cjwatsonbug 101677609:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016776 in Launchpad itself "Users are offered updates to packages in -proposed" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101677609:29
cjwatsonLaney: *poke*09:30
Laneycjwatson: argh09:32
Laneyit got blocked because I didn't see what to refactor in the area for LoC09:33
Laneyshould look harder09:33
dholbachcan somebody reject http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190481/?09:35
cjwatsonLaney: Next time I see something obvious I'll punt it your way, how about that09:38
cjwatsonLaney: The usual no-imagination answer is to rewrite some doctests as unit tests, which tends to come out positive09:38
xnoxwhat is GUdev and how is it different from udisks?!10:05
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davmor2guys quick query I have a virtual box install in place I've go to additional drivers and I expect to see the vbox addition drivers in there but there is nothing10:35
davmor2should it appear there like it did in jockey?10:35
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pittixnox: GUdev is a glib wrapper around libudev; it's got nothing to do with udisks12:19
xnoxpitti: thanks. got mislead.12:20
pittixnox: i. e. it provides GLib main loop integration and an "uevent" signal which you can connect to for listening to hw changes12:20
pittixnox: udisks is the dbus system service for managing disks12:20
xnoxpitti: any idea why does thunar ignores udisks --inhibit and automounts stuff which it (presumambly) sniffed from uevents.12:21
pittixnox: hm, I had expected thunar to call udisks as well -- I'm not aware of another d-bus system service which provides mounting12:21
pittixnox: one thing that could happen here is that we are talking about udisks vs. udisks2?12:22
xnoxwell. ubiquity is run under udisks --inhibit, yet thunar jumps in the middle and automounts partitions breaking the installer "partition is mounted....."12:22
pittixnox: in ubuntu we use udisks2 now, and thunar recommends that as well12:23
pittixnox: ooh -- presumably ubiquity needs to inhibit udisks2, not udisks12:23
xnoxpitti: i have no idea =) I added a call to xfconf-query to flip automount off. And I presume udisks --inhibit is udisks212:23
xnoxpitti: ah =)12:23
cjwatsonYeah, probably12:23
pittino, /usr/bin/udisks is udisks112:23
cjwatsonhttp://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/ucgi/~cjwatson/blosxom/ubuntu/2008-04-12-desktop-automount-pain.html *whine*12:24
xnoxOK, so we should try udisks2, udisks1, devkit-disks, hal........12:24
pittilet me figure out the current equivalent12:24
xnoxpitti: any ETA on udisks3?12:24
cjwatsonWe can probably afford to drop devkit-disks now12:24
pittiyeah, and hal as well12:24
cjwatsonI kept that just in case since the package was still around12:24
cjwatsonNeeds to work on all flavours/derivatives no matter what mad stuff they do ...12:25
pittias soon as usb-creator and checkbox get ported, udisks will fall off the CD12:25
xnoxpitti: I am hoping to do usb-creator tomorrow as part of Global Jam12:25
xnoxtogether with re-packaging to use python3 by default12:25
pittixnox: oh, is that the "Stop thunar from auto-mounting, above didn't work?!" part in ./bin/ubiquity-wrapper?12:33
pittixnox: right, your r563812:34
pittixnox: so yes, that should be replaced with an udisks2 inhibitor12:34
xnoxpitti: that does work, but it's not ideal. I really don't want to care about xfce/lubuntu/gtk/kde/etc changing the names of their options.12:34
pittixnox: there is no direct counterpart for this in udisks2, but how about I put a script for this (/usr/lib/udisks2/udisks2-inhibit) into our udisks package?12:35
pitti"udisks2" package, I mean12:35
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xnoxpitti: can i stop that dbus service? and restarted when I am done?12:35
pittixnox: my current idea was to change the polkit rules to only allow changes for root, and nobody else12:36
pittii. e. what udisks --inhibit did as well12:36
pittithat seems to be the most robust solution to me12:36
xnoxhmm... is that what udisks did?12:37
pittinot with polkit, but with --inhibit it only allowed operations from root12:37
xnoxit seemed to me that it also made dbus calls to return "inhibited" or something like that.12:37
xnoxpitti: that should do it.12:38
pittiyes, org.freedesktop.UDisks.Error.Inhibited12:38
pittiwith the temporary polkit rule you'd get a "no permission" error12:38
xnoxthe desktop is started as $user with passwordless sudo, so users could still screw the installer over12:39
pittiwell, with "sudo command" you can always screw the instlaler12:39
pittino need to talk to udisks, you can jsut directly "sudo mount", etc.12:39
xnoxpitti: yes, please add that wrapper =) and please don't change it's name =)12:39
xnoxand we can improve it later.12:39
xnoxpitti: it would be awesome to have a package $inhibit-any which will inhibit udisk, udisk2, hal and what not =)12:40
xnoxpitti: cause I'd use it in ubquity, usb-creator not sure about others.12:40
pittijust curious that this hasn't been discovered in testing so far12:41
xnoxoh it has been.12:41
xnoxthe first xubuntu bug is from ~201112:41
cjwatsonI think I saw a bug on Ubuntu desktop amd64 from this testing cycle as well12:42
cjwatsonThough that might be cognitive leakage from something else12:42
xnoxon Ubuntu Desktop we have default settings in nautilus to prevent automounting, similar to how I now did it for thunar12:42
cjwatsonAnyway this is the sort of bug that's pretty hard to track down if you don't recognise it12:42
pittixnox: so http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190766/ is my first working iteration12:58
pittixnox: however, not quit happy with the trap yet; I'll change it to an absolutely failsafe approach13:00
xnoxok. looks good.13:00
pittioh what would I give for a mount -t tmpfs -o overlay13:04
BenC$ dpkg -S /debian13:05
BenCubuntuone-client-gnome: /debian13:05
BenCIs that a known issue?13:05
pittidobey: ^ yay easter eggs!13:05
ogra_(the shiniest new quantal feature ...  we're turning your rootfs into a sourcepackage you just "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b" in / and you get a full backup alread packaged !)13:07
pittiit's a binary package, though13:07
iulianogra_: Heh.13:08
ogra_well, once cjwatson added .deb support to grob that will just work ;)13:08
ogra_*grub indeed13:08
* cjwatson checks 2.00 feature set13:08
cjwatsonYou never know13:08
ogra_err *g*13:08
pittic'est vendredi, évidemment13:09
didrockspitti: tout à fait! :)13:10
tkamppeterpitti, can you upload cups-filters to Debian and to Quantal? Thanks.13:15
dobeyyay dpkg :-/13:16
dobeyis the beta release done now so i can upload to quantal?13:17
pittidobey: yes; and you could have uploaded before as well (it'll just get caught in unapproved)13:17
pittitkamppeter: in a bit, sorry13:18
dobeyright; just don't see a mail to devel-announce13:19
pittixnox: ah, my trick with using unshare -m won't help, I'm afraid (the running polkitd won't see that); so, just tmpfs then13:19
dobeyBenC: is there a bug for that?13:20
ogra_dobey, the release mail was cross posted to -release and -announce13:23
ogra_probably your filter dropped into -release (as mine did)13:23
cjwatsonExactly why I don't believe in automatic deduplication of mails :)13:24
dobeyogra_: i don't think i'm subscribed to -release, and i am not filtering the -announce mail so it should just go into my inbox; but i only see the "beta freeze now in effect mail" :)13:24
cjwatsonMm, there's nothing on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/13:25
ogra_i definitely see it in the mail header13:25
cjwatsonOh, -announce, not -devel-announce, perhaps13:25
pittioh, où est xnox?13:25
cjwatsonThere ought to have been a separate mail to -devel-announce that the archive is open again13:25
cjwatsonOh well13:25
dobeyright, i was expecting to see the archive mail :)13:26
pittiudisks2-inhibit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190807/ ; ugly, but working13:26
pittimore pairs of eyes appreciated13:26
ogra_well, you could have guessed by the traffic on -changes that its open again :)13:26
BenCdobey: I just noticed it, so no bug yet13:34
dobeyBenC: ok, should i wait for a bug or just fix it?13:37
BenCdobey: Would take longer to file the bug :)13:37
stgraberdobey: just fix it please13:37
pittitkamppeter: erledigt13:39
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jamespage@pilot in13:40
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jamespage
pittixnox: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-utopia/udisks2.git;a=commit;h=93ccffecb013:45
xnoxpitti: (1.99.0-4) UNRELEASED13:46
* xnox =(13:46
pittixnox: yes, I just committed it; I want to fix another bug, and will then upload13:46
xnoxpitti: ping me when it's in quantal =)13:46
xnoxpitti: I will fix up ubiquity then.13:46
tumbleweeddobey: BTW, lintian complains fairly loudly about that. Maybe pay a little more attention to it in future? :)13:46
pittixnox: jsut in case you want to test it locally already13:46
* dholbach hugs jamespage13:47
dobeytumbleweed: complains where?13:47
xnoxpitti: 'testing ubiquity locally' is not a 30s setup =)13:47
* xnox is deep in partman right now.13:47
tumbleweeddobey: when you run it on the binary. do you run lintian in your test builds?13:47
pittixnox: no worries; I just gave you the URL in case you were waiting for it13:47
xnoxthank you =)13:48
pittixnox: (I usually test such stuff in a live system and edit files in-place)13:48
dobeytumbleweed: it isn't run automatically?13:48
Laneylintian your _arch.changes file after test building13:48
Laneyor configure your build environment to do it for you13:48
tumbleweedlintian is run by default when you use debuild. But debuild -S only builds a source package13:49
dobeypbuilder/sbuild don't run it by default?13:49
tumbleweedpbuilder has an example hook that runs pbuilder after the build. And in sbuild It hink it does it by default13:49
Laneyno I think it's false by default13:50
tumbleweedno, not by default, but you just set $run_lintian = 1;13:50
dobeyset it where? i found http://askubuntu.com/questions/140697/how-do-i-run-lintian-from-pbuilder-dist which suggests i have to make a new directory in my home directory and copy things to it, then set it as the dir to use in ~/.pbuilderrc13:54
tumbleweedthat all sounds right13:54
dobeyand i see dh_lintian being run in the build log for the package, but no complaints from lintian, on lp13:55
tumbleweeddh_lintian copyies lintian overrides into a binary package13:55
tumbleweednothing else13:55
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.13:55
dobeyso i guess the archive builders aren't running lintian by default?13:55
tumbleweedno. But we do have an external lintian lab: lintian.ubuntuwire.org13:56
didrockscan anyone rejects https://code.launchpad.net/~logan/ubuntu/quantal/notify-osd/debian-merge/+merge/118465? thanks :)13:59
pittididrocks: *zap*13:59
* didrocks hugs pitti14:00
didrocks(beautiful zap btw ;))14:00
pittididrocks: do you say "fini" for this, BTW?14:00
didrocksI would say "fait" rather14:01
ogasawara@pilot in14:06
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara, jamespage
* dholbach hugs ogasawara :)14:07
dholbachit seems to be pilot friday14:07
hualethello, guys, i'm developing an app now, but there's some problem...how can i make the .gschema file installed  while install the software?14:09
smoserdoes this seem wrong to anyone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190880/14:12
jamespagedholbach, I seem to be following you though bugs14:13
smosererr... try http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190881/14:13
smoseractually, yes it does seem wrong14:13
dholbachjamespage, I stopped :)14:13
smoseranyone have thoughts on how to figure out why an apt-get dist-upgrade on a cloud-image would pull in all those packages ?14:15
zulmterry:  ping14:18
mterryzul, I see it  :)14:19
mterryzul, urllib3 right?14:19
zulmterry:  how did you guess? :)14:19
mterryzul, email wins the race against IRC14:19
zulmterry:  yeah sorry im not fast enough14:19
smoserthere it is.14:20
smoseri think14:20
smoserbdmurray, your fix for bug 1043725 seems to have added a ton of dependencies to cloud-images14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1043725 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "dep8 test test_stop_update.TestStopUpdate failed: missing dependency on update-notifier (schema com.ubuntu.update-notifier missing)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104372514:21
mterryzul, can you port the patch they had on their embedded urllib3 to our system one and forward on?  It seemed like a generally useful thing14:22
zulmterry:  for requests?14:22
mterryzul, yeah.  requests had a tiny patch for AppEngine support in their embedded urllib314:23
mterryzul, just diff it with our system one to see it14:23
zulmterry: sure14:23
SpamapSare there people assigned to making Unity less battery hungry? since updating to quantal my MBA 4,1 has lost an entire hour of battery life. RIP unity2d...14:27
smoserSpamapS, that bug is [marked] fixed :)14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 917210 in unity (Ubuntu) "compiz+unity3d generates > 50 wakeups a second on idle system" [High,Fix released]14:28
zulmterry:  are you talking about the ntlm stuff?14:28
mterryzul, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1190918/14:30
zulmterry:  ah ok...i can add that sure14:31
mterryzul, just don't want to regress as we move to a system urllib314:31
pitticjwatson: bug 1039022 says it's being filed from a 64 bit platform; stat(2) says that EOVERFLOW should only occurr on 32 bit platforms; did you file this from the same computer than the one showing the error?14:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1039022 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "No large-file support?" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103902214:31
cjwatsonpitti: 64-bit kernel, 32-bit userspace.  Yes I did.14:35
pitticjwatson: aah, missed the Architecture: field; thanks14:35
cjwatsonYep, I have a 32-bit installation I don't want to bother reinstalling, but I want to be able to use 64-bit chroots and VMs, so I run a 64-bit kernel with multiarch.14:36
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Davieybdmurray: bug 1043725 .. seems to have added gui stuff to server/cloud images14:38
pittifortunately I just created a 32 bit chroot yesterday14:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1043725 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "dep8 test test_stop_update.TestStopUpdate failed: missing dependency on update-notifier (schema com.ubuntu.update-notifier missing)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104372514:38
dobey/tmp/hooks/B90lintian: 6: /tmp/hooks/B90lintian: Bad substitution14:41
Davieysmoser: As bdmurray isn't around, Can you back out the fix for 1043725 please?14:43
cjwatsondobey: sbuild FTW14:44
zulmterry:  ping anything else...im just queueing up the upload for urllib314:44
smoserDaviey, sure.14:44
cjwatsondobey: You could just run lintian foo.changes after your build anyway.14:44
dobeycjwatson: automation FTW14:45
mterryzul, oh I haven't been looking through yet.  If you don't mind just holding on to that until I get to it14:45
zulmterry:  yeah i just did a quick check and its using python2 and it runs the testsuite14:45
cjwatsondobey: Absolutely, but I assumed if you hadn't already switched to sbuild you must have had some reason14:46
cjwatsonGiven that pbuilder is awful14:46
dobeycjwatson: mostly time14:46
mterryzul, you server people and your python2!  Living in the past, man14:46
zulmterry:  yeah well um...:P14:46
Davieymterry: Did i just hear you volunteer to help port upstream code to py3?  I *think* i did.14:46
Davieyzul: did you hear that?14:47
zulDaviey: i did...mterry get on it ;)14:47
mterryDaviey, it's my foss-given right to bitch at other developers to do work I want to see done14:47
Davieymterry: Hah, yes it is. :)14:48
bdmurraysmoser: I'm here now are you working on it?14:48
pittixnox: there, have a new udisks2 with an inhibit script: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2/1.99.0-414:48
xnoxpitti: thanks =)14:48
smoseri just branched the source so far.14:48
smoserso if you wanted to do that, i'd appreciate it.14:48
bdmurraysmoser: okay, I'll fix it14:48
* cjwatson wonders if installing https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/ubuntu/quantal/grub2/2.00 on his laptop on a Friday afternoon is a Really Bad Idea14:49
cjwatsonMaybe a VM test first would be the path of wisdom14:50
Davieycjwatson: Oh, i thought you were brave.  Just. Do. It.  Man or Mouse?14:51
DavieyUnrelated, I just did a dist-upgrade on a Quantal server.. and it complained of FD leaks... now the partition seems fubar'd.  I don't know if it's just hardware failure, or something more serious.14:53
cjwatsonFD leaks almost certainly nothing to do with anything of importance.14:53
cjwatsonDaviey: mouse, when it comes to being able to work :P14:53
Davieycjwatson: fdisk exited non-zero on subsequent boot, directly after.  I wondered more if it was an indicator of something more serious.. or just a boring disk failure.. which FD leaks were indicating14:55
cjwatsonThat's not what an FD leak means.14:55
shadeslayerdholbach: ofcourse14:55
cjwatsonIt means that some process isn't being tidy about its file descriptors when forking some other process.  LVM likes to whine about this.14:55
dholbachshadeslayer, shukria14:56
xnoxyeah I am annoyed at that myself.....14:56
cjwatsonOnce in a blue moon something actually cares (it can break debconf from time to time), but it's very rare and the symptom would be much more likely to be a hang or something, not data corruption.14:56
xnoxwell or python3 really disliking those14:57
xnoxev loves fixing leaked FDs =)14:57
Davieycjwatson: right.. I could be entirely wrong.. but I wondered if a disk failing would block an app from closing it's FD.. hence run out?14:57
shadeslayerdholbach: there's a new KDevelop release as well14:58
evxnox: :)14:58
pitticjwatson: ah, I also understand it as a long-running process which is missing a close() and piles up open files, so that eventually your user hits the 1024 files ulimit14:58
Davieyanyway.. i just found it odd that a box failed to boot.. with that as it's only odd thing before it shutdown.14:58
wookeyhow practical is it to use only python3 in quantal?14:58
dholbachshadeslayer, ok cool I'll leave it with you then14:59
wookey3.3 is already multiarched, so wondering if I can just use that for python build-deps rather than finishing mulitarching 2.7...14:59
Davieywookey: As soon as you install someting, you'll probably end up with py2.  The intention was to keep py2 off the cd.. don't know if that has been achieved14:59
wookeyAny idea how many builds would break due to 2/3 diffreences?14:59
Davieybut real world usage, will end up with py2.14:59
wookeyI am doing this in a forked repo so can change build-deps15:00
wookeyI'm just wondering if it is at all likely to actually work...15:00
cjwatsonpitti: Oh, well, it depends on the exact message, but that's usually phrased as "out of FDs" rather than "FD leak"15:00
cjwatsonDaviey: No, it would not cause that.15:00
pittiit's similar to a memleak in that regard15:00
pittianyway, terms...15:01
mterryzul, go ahead and upload python-urllib3 with that tiny fix, looks fine to me15:01
zulmterry: k...it has a dependency of python-tornado when i just have a MIR for as well15:01
pittimeh, defining _LARGEFILE64_SOURCE doesn't seem to do the trick :(15:01
mterryzul, yeah I noticed, doing that nxt15:02
cjwatsonWell.  You can get EIO from close().  But it would be astonishingly rare for the process in question not to fall over somewhere else afterwards; IOW you would certainly not see an FD leak as the only error in this case.15:02
xnoxwookey: s/python2/python3/ will fail. code needs to be ported to python3.15:02
xnoxwookey: 3.2 vs 3.3 should mostly work15:02
cjwatsonpitti: You probably want -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=6415:02
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks15:02
cjwatson_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE isn't generally your friend15:02
DavieyAh, i think it was bad file descriptor.. not leak.. duh.15:03
wookeyxnox: OK, that's what I thought, but wondering actually 'most' code might work anyway (for building purposes - I don;t care if it doesn;t install/run properly (much)15:03
cjwatsonwookey: No.15:03
cjwatsonDaviey: That usually indicates either a lack of correct error handling somewhere or corruption in some variable, not anything due to disk.15:04
wookeyOK. I'll finish the 2.7 work then :-) cheers15:04
cjwatsonwookey: It's possible to write code that works in both >= 2.6 and 3.x if you're careful, but most packages that have gone to that effort have already been ported to 3.x.15:04
cjwatsonwookey: Anything that hasn't gone to that effort will almost certainly break immediately.15:04
mitya57wookey: to _build_ most python packages, you need python2 anyway (as it's rare case when the package supports only 3.x)15:05
cjwatsonIt's not even trying to be a drop-in replacement.15:05
zulmterry: done15:05
cjwatsonwookey: I guess if all the build were doing was shuffling files around then you might get away with it; but many Python packages run tests too.  I doubt the small saving in up-front effort is worth debugging the consequential problems.15:07
wookeyOK. I was just looking for a possible shortcut to test some other stuff. turning off the tests is easy. (assuming nocheck is properly supported). I think it's mostly done anyway, but I just know it'll fiddly getting it all right (not helped by my exceedingly week python-foo)15:09
mterryzul, tornado looks to have some kind of test suite, but nosetest doesn't seem to be the right way to run it.  Do you know how?15:10
shadeslayercjwatson: yer fix works15:10
zulmterry:  no i dont15:10
cjwatsonshadeslayer: Oh good15:10
shadeslayercjwatson: what would be the right way to provide ubiquity the release name and what not via live buid though15:11
cjwatsonwookey: Oh, in any case it will probably be explicitly using dh_python2 and the python3 packaging doesn't provide that.15:11
shadeslayeroh wait15:12
shadeslayerI can just put it in the binary folder15:12
shadeslayerand it'll end up on the binary ISO15:12
cjwatsonshadeslayer: It should be picking it up from .disk/info on the image, which is written by lb_binary_disk.15:12
cjwatsonWait, is that right15:12
cjwatsonJust make .disk look vaguely like Ubuntu images15:13
shadeslayerright, my question is how? :P15:13
shadeslayeris there a config option in live build for that?15:13
zulmterry: server team is subscribed to the bug reports for both tornado and urllib3 btw15:15
mterryzul, cool.  I just added a comment to the tornado mir on how to run the test.  It should be enabled15:15
zulmterry: ack15:15
cjwatsonshadeslayer: I don't know.  You'll have to investigate for yourself, I'm afraid.15:16
cjwatsonI've moved on from live-build stuff and am trying to sort out grub2 now.15:16
xnoxwookey: it will fail at ./debian/rules build, if not at resolving build-deps15:17
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mitya57wookey: check http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/python-packaging.html if you need help with python packaging15:19
shadeslayercjwatson: yeah np :)15:20
shadeslayerthanks for your live build fixes however15:20
cjwatsonmitya57: I suspect wookey is working on cross-building, not packaging15:21
cjwatsonI note that the debian/rules advice for Python 3 in that page is wrong15:21
mitya57cjwatson: which one?15:21
zulmterry:  adding15:21
cjwatsonIt will result in programs with #!/usr/bin/python3.215:21
dobeycjwatson: how does one avoid that?15:22
cjwatsonYou need something like https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/software-properties/main/revision/79415:23
cjwatsonOr you can look at germinate's debian/rules if you need to support both Python 2 and 315:23
dobeyhrmm, the suggested (documented) method also doesn't work on natty; but that may be a packaging issue with python3.1 there15:24
cjwatsonWorrying about Python 3 on natty is a waste of time15:25
dobeyyeah, i just noticed it in my nightlies builsd15:25
cjwatson(Actually, software-properties supports Python 2 as well, but it doesn't have an override_dh_auto_test target so doesn't need to worry about the same things that germinate does)15:25
zulmterry: i dont think tornado testsuite is python3 ready yet http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1191038/15:27
mterryzul, that's weird.  That's a line of code from tornado proper, which otherwise seemed pretty ready for python315:28
mterryzul, (testing.py is a feature of tornado for writing test suites, which its own suite uses)15:28
zulmterry: odd15:29
mterryzul, if you change that one line is everything else fine?15:29
mterrywondering if that's just a small typo or a larger problem throughout15:29
zulmterry: i havent gotten that far yet (checking the tornado git tree)15:29
* cjwatson files bug 1047457 for the above15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047457 in Ubuntu Packaging Guide "python-packaging.html will result in incorrect #! lines for Python 3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104745715:29
zulmterry:  can we accept on the condition that testsuite will be enabled and possibly fixed after?15:30
mterryzul, possibly.  If it's harder than that one fix, we can delay on the python3 one.  But we might as well enable the python2 tests now15:31
zulmterry: ok15:31
zullemme poke at it15:31
* cjwatson laughs at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/15.0.1+build1-0ubuntu215:32
zulmterry:  testsuite ftbfs in a chroot15:36
mterryzul, it needs internet access?15:36
zulmterry: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1191051/15:37
mterryJust one test! So close15:38
mterryI wonder why that would be different in a chroot15:38
dobeyif you do dh --with python3,python2 instead of python2,python3, will it run the setup.py install with python2 last?15:39
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cjwatsonNo, debhelper has no code to run setup.py install with python3 at all right now15:42
zulmterry:  probably because it does some io thingy15:42
cjwatsonWhich is why we still need overrides for that15:42
cjwatsonSo you write your overrides to call the underlying dh_auto_* either first or last depending on what you want to do15:43
mcclurmcis there a way to do a requestsync from a launchpad PPA into quantal universe?15:44
cjwatsonlifeless: I'm not quite ready yet, but do you think at some point you might be able to retest a PPA grub2 in quantal on the system where you encountered bug 803658?  Forward-porting that patch to 2.00 was non-trivial, and I dropped a piece which no longer applies and which I *think* is now unnecessary but I'm not totally susre.15:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803658 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "grub-install /dev/mapper/isw_$UUID_$NAME0 failing with ICH10R raid 1+0" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80365815:44
cjwatsonmcclurmc: No, but if you write it out by hand then somebody with upload access can sync it for you.15:45
mcclurmcas in, write it out in IRC, right here?15:46
cjwatsonWell, if they know how :-)  syncpackage won't do it15:46
cjwatsonI meant in a bug really15:46
mcclurmcyeah, i've filed a bug15:46
cjwatsonIs the PPA package not versioned in a PPAish kind of way, though?15:46
mcclurmcjust marked it "committed"15:46
mcclurmcyes, it's got ~quantal on it15:46
cjwatsonThat's not normally appropriate for uploads to the archive15:46
mcclurmcso probably not good to sync as-is15:46
cjwatsonMaybe just get somebody to reupload15:46
mcclurmcokay, should i email the ubuntu-server list? (it's a server-ish package)15:47
cjwatsonSubscribe ~ubuntu-sponsors to the bug15:47
mcclurmcokay, thanks15:47
jamespagemcclurmc, or just ask a pilot - which bug?15:47
cjwatsonOr that, yeah15:48
mcclurmc#1028135   https://bugs.launchpad.net/xcp/+bug/102813515:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028135 in XCP "blktap-dkms links to missing symbols in kernel 3.5" [Critical,Fix committed]15:48
mcclurmcwhat's a pilot? like an MOTU?15:48
jamespagemcclurmc, patch pilot - reviewing the sponsorship queue and sponsoring things/providing feedback15:49
cjwatsonsee /topic15:50
dobeycjwatson: would running dh_auto_install after all the python3 installs, result in it running the install with python2 last? (which i guess implies that page is wrong in that respect as well then as the resulting package would still default to /usr/bin/python for any scripts)15:51
mcclurmcjamespage: ah, i see ;)15:52
dobeyhmm; what was that wiki page where i got the py3 packaging info from that i used in dirspec :-/15:52
dobeywhich is yet again slightly different15:53
tumbleweedthere's more than one way to skin a cat :)15:56
jamespagemcclurmc, is this likely to land in experimental in Debian first - or are you targetting Ubuntu as we have the 3.5 kernel?15:57
mcclurmcthe latter. when i started work on this bug, 3.5 wasn't yet in experimental15:57
tumbleweeddobey: but yes, that approach will have the same problem.15:57
mcclurmci'm going to be working with my debian maintainer to get it in experimental, if experimental is ready for that15:57
dobeytumbleweed: in that the final "install" run will be with python2?15:59
tumbleweeddobey: will be run by python3.X15:59
tumbleweedrather than python315:59
dobeytumbleweed: wouldn't the way dependencies are handled result in plain dh_auto_install being run last? and would that not run with python2 since it doesn't do the python3 bits automatically?16:00
jamespagemcclurmc, OK - so we need to stuff a 0ubuntu1 release into it somehow so syncs/upgrades work in the future16:00
tumbleweeddobey: I can't parse that16:01
mcclurmcjamespage: do you mean in the version number in the PPA?16:01
jamespagemcclurmc, almost16:02
dobeytumbleweed: override_dh_auto_install: $(PYTHON3:%=install-python%) <- this says the "install-python%" rule is depended on by the override_dh_auto_install, so the "install-python%" for every version of python3 would happen first, and then dh_auto_install would run last; and since dh_auto_install does not handle python3 automatically (hence the overrides for it, but not for python2), it will run the install step with python2, an16:03
cjwatsondobey: If you have an override_dh_auto_install target that runs dh_auto_install and then your additional commands to run setup.py install with python3, then that will work16:03
mcclurmcjamespage: lol. let me know what i need to do (if it's something i have control over)16:03
tumbleweeddobey: that clipped at "python2, an"16:03
dobeycjwatson: and running dh_auto_install last will result in scripts being installed with python2, right?16:03
tumbleweeddobey: the problem isn't wit hthe python2 / python3 ordering. It's simply that you need to do the install with python3. dh_python3 doesn't correct shebangs any more16:04
dobeytumbleweed: "python2, and it will run last, no?"16:04
mitya57cjwatson: will "s/PYTHON3=$(shell py3versions -r)/PYTHON3=$shell py3versions -r) python3/" be sufficient?16:05
tumbleweedor am I missing something. Do you have scripts that you are only installing with python3?16:05
xnoxmitya57: should be.16:05
dobeytumbleweed: right, to install the files in the python3 dir it has to be run with python3; but what i want is to install the library code with python2 and python3, but have the scripts that are installed, have "#!/usr/bin/python" so they are still python216:06
cjwatsonmitya57: I think it's distinctly preferable to avoid calling the default one there, as my rules do.16:06
dobeytumbleweed: and verify that dh_auto_install running last would mean that16:06
cjwatsonmitya57: I think that there is some odd corner-case bug that happens if you don't do that.16:06
tumbleweeddobey: ok. I misunderstood. sorry16:06
cjwatsondobey: Whichever one installs scripts last will win, yes.16:07
tumbleweedI tend to do this without using debian/tmp, but just installing straight into debian/pythonX-foo16:07
dobeycjwatson: and dh_auto_install currently will *always* be with python2, correct?16:07
* tumbleweed shuts up and stops confusing people16:07
mitya57cjwatson: your rules have python3 at the end:16:07
mitya57PY3 := $(filter-out $(PY3DEFAULT),$(PY3REQUESTED)) python316:07
cjwatsonmitya57: I spent quite a while trying to get this right in germinate and settled on what I have, so I can't say I'd recommend changing that.16:07
cjwatsonmitya57: Yes.  But they filter out the default version (py3versions -d) from the output of py3versions -r, which is important.16:07
cjwatsondobey: Yes.16:07
mitya57cjwatson: ah, I'll just copy that line16:08
mitya57should the same be done for $(PYTHON2)?16:08
tumbleweeddh doees the same thing for python216:08
cjwatsonIn general you don't need to because debhelper already handles Python 2.16:08
cjwatsonIf you need to list Python 2 for some reason (e.g. tests) then, yes, you need this.16:09
tumbleweedit doesn't matter whether you run tests with python2.7 or python, thugh16:09
dobeycjwatson: then for the purposes of at least Ubuntu, that developer.ubuntu.com page is also wrong in that respect, as it seems we'd want the general case to be having the scripts installed with python3 last.16:09
cjwatsontumbleweed: No, but IIRC if you run them with python2.7 sometimes it can end up sticking that in #! lines and being hard to convince otherwise later.16:10
dobeycjwatson: i guess perhaps fixing your other complaint to follow the example you linked may also fix that, so long as the dh_auto_install and dh_auto_build are moved to be the first in the list16:10
cjwatsondobey: Depends on the audience.  A lot of the people reading developer.ubuntu.com will be developing for 12.04.16:10
tumbleweedcjwatson: yaeh. checking the substituted depends is always a good idea16:11
dobeycjwatson: then perhaps even further clarification is needed on that page, for this. :)16:12
cjwatson/usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Buildsystem/python_distutils.pm:setup_py is the implementation of this in debhelper.16:12
cjwatsondobey: Perhaps.  Other pages are probably better at explaining how to handle Python 3 ...16:12
dobeyperhaps. i just noticed it when i saw the page, so thought i'd mention it.16:13
dobeyanyway, thanks :)16:13
dobeyneed to go to lunch and an appointment now though16:14
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mterryinfinity, you have a couple small changes queued up in unity's packaging branch.  I'm assuming they are OK for release?16:19
xnoxmvo: did you see debtagshw python3 port bug/patch? did you have time to review it or not yet?16:19
smoserslangasek, ping.16:19
infinitymterry: Those changes were me bringing the branch in line with the archive, I believe.16:20
infinitymterry: (ie: if you build from the branch and then debdiff with the archive, you'll find they're not "changes" at all)16:21
mterryinfinity, ah..  OK, thanks16:21
cjwatsonOh, I remember what the problem that caused there to be a splash screen on server was.  The live-build refactoring has made it difficult to install the kernel without Recommends ...16:32
mvoxnox: I saw it but didn't really review it yet, sorry, I put it on my list for monday, ok?16:33
xnoxmvo: ok.16:33
jamespagecjwatson, is that something that is fixable?16:34
cjwatsonOr maybe this was always a problem and it just didn't matter for desktop.16:34
cjwatsonjamespage: It's all software, it's fixable16:34
cjwatsonI just need to think very hard :-)16:34
cjwatsonProbably broken by the move to squashfs-base, then, thinking about it.16:35
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jamespagecjwatson, I think the oversized minimal-virtual problem is probably caused by that as well - bug 102845316:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1028453 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Quantal Ubuntu Server minimal install oversized" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102845316:36
cjwatsonYou think?  It doesn't cause that much of a size increase.16:37
cjwatsonWell, it means you unnecessarily get kernel heads.16:37
cjwatsonAh, wrong kernel might make a difference, sure16:37
cjwatsonMind if I take that bug?16:37
jamespagecjwatson, please do16:38
jamespagethe automated testing validates 1) kernel == virtual 2) no ubuntu-standard and 3) the kernel module size is below 40M16:39
cjwatsonI think perhaps the solution is to build with --linux-packages none and then install the (correct) kernel packages later in a hook or something.16:39
jamespagecjwatson, that might work better I think16:40
cjwatsonOh, you need kernel == virtual, hm16:40
cjwatsonlive-installer doesn't have kernel installation support right now16:40
cjwatsonI guess that's fixable too16:40
jamespagecjwatson, yeah - but in todays kernel world its all the same base kernel right? we just drop some default modules for minimal-virtual16:40
* jamespage wonders at his over-simplification of the world sometimes....16:41
Davieyjamespage / cjwatson: Server without kernel headers sucks.16:42
Davieyplease keep them.16:42
Davieydkms often did the wrong thing.16:43
jamespageDaviey: dkms always does the wrong thing with virtual16:43
jamespageI had pain with this for the mininet/openvswitch work I did this cycle16:43
jamespageDaviey, should we not really be maintaining the status quo for minimal-virtual and deciding what we should do with it at UDS for next release :-)16:44
cjwatsonjamespage: It may be but it's a hell of a lot easier to have live-installer install the right one rather than to try to remove bits16:44
cjwatsonjamespage: the status quo is wrong in ways other than minimal-virtual16:44
cjwatsonWhat did minimal-virtual do wrt kernel headers in precise?  That's a more interesting status quo16:45
jamespagecjwatson, I don't believe it installed any kernel headers16:46
* jamespage looks at the preseed16:46
Davieyyes, that is correct16:46
DavieyOh, wait.. precise.. don;t know.. pre-precise.. it did not.16:46
Davieydkms used to look for linux-headers-server.. but dkms installed -generic headers... symlinks all wrong. :)16:47
cjwatsonWell, base-installer can install kernel headers or not, controlled by a preseeded question16:47
cjwatsonSo it's trivial to do either if live-installer calls the right function16:47
jamespage"d-ibase-installer/kernel/headersboolean false"16:47
slangaseksmoser: hey there16:48
smoserso lets just say that i was kind of stuck... what options do i have for massaging/forcing virtual-filesystems event to occur before mounted / ?16:48
cjwatsonI'm fine with dropping that preseed if you guys think it works out better16:48
cjwatsonNot wild about waiting for UDS if it's wrong16:48
jamespagefor referehnce http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191181/16:48
jamespageutlemming, do we install headers by default in the cloud images?16:48
jamespageI could check but feeling lazy16:48
smoserslangasek, i seem to be hitting the bad path for me consistently in our "ephemeral images" (which do iscsi overlay root).16:49
utlemmingjameaspage: yup16:49
slangaseksmoser: joy16:50
smoseri'm not certain that I *wasnt* hitting it before. it might have just happened to have been not so painful due to broken /etc/resolv.conf link in the imgaes.16:50
smoserjoy of joys is that this is precise where i really need to fix it.16:50
jamespage@pilot out16:50
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: ogasawara
slangaseksmoser: we can have a look at the necessary mountall changes next week, but definitely no sooner; and this is such a major semantic change that it would need to cook for a bit before going to SRU16:50
jamespagecjwatson, I would +1 installing headers just to make it consistent with the cloud-images16:51
* jamespage puts them in the same class for some reason...16:51
smoserslangasek, i agree to that.16:51
smoserbut, lets say i was *really* stuck16:51
jamespagethanks for that utlemming16:51
Bluefoxicyman somebody needs to fix printing.16:51
BluefoxicyPrint from chrome:  single sided16:52
Bluefoxicyprint from Evince:  duplex.16:52
BluefoxicyCannot find an option anywhere.16:52
smoseralthough un-maintainable... how might i go about figuring out which things i need my initramfs to mount before executing init.16:52
jamespagesmoser, FYI see above for conversation re minimal-virtual install - cjwatson took the bug16:53
smoseri know of /lib/init/fstab, but how do i determine which of these are "virtual" and which can be ignored (ie, my system has no 'spu' mount).16:53
slangaseksmoser: parse /lib/init/fstab; for each filesystem there that has a filesystem of 'none', look if there are any overrides in /etc/fstab and incorporate them, then mount the filesystem16:53
Bluefoxicyoh for christ's sake16:53
smoserjamespage, right. i saw, and happily lurked. thanks.16:53
Bluefoxicywhat moron removed the option to actually select a printer driver when adding a printer?16:54
smoserslangasek, how about "spu" ?16:54
BluefoxicyIt just adds it as "generic PCL6 printer"16:54
slangaseksmoser: those are marked 'optional' in the mount options16:54
smoserwhat does optional mean?16:54
smosertry and if no fs support just go on with life ?16:54
slangaseksmoser: so if the mount point doesn't exist, or the point exists but the mount fails, mountall ignores; but in your case you should ignore *all* failures and just get on with it16:54
smoserslangasek, thank you.16:55
smosercan you think of a better idea than this?16:55
slangaseksmoser: well, I'm worried about whether this is even guaranteed to solve your problem16:55
smoserwell, i think it will.16:55
slangaseksmoser: basically, mountall *has* to emit virtual-filesystems before it emits mounted MOUNTPOINT=/16:56
smoserbecause if mountall finds alll virtual-filesystems mounted, and work to do on /16:56
slangasekand while getting the virtual filesystems mounted from the initramfs helps with this, I don't think the order is guaranteed16:56
slangaseksmoser: it's probably deterministic in practice, so I'd say test it and see16:56
slangasekbut there's a chance the deterministic order is still not the order you want :P16:57
smoserstart on starting mountall .... emit virtual-filesystems16:57
smoserthanks for your help, slangasek and i'd appreciate and chan offer some help with a less hackish fix.16:57
slangaseksmoser: heh, well, you could do the emit virtual-filesystems from the cloud-init-nonet job instead16:57
smoserafter knowing that the initramfs fixd it16:58
smoserthat would work too16:58
slangasekand that would replace the need for calling 'start networking', and be slightly less hackish16:58
slangasekthe next step after that would be to have one of the cloud-init jobs *do* the mounting, instead of doing it in the initramfs16:58
slangasekwhich gives a tighter guarantee you're not emitting the signal incorrectly16:58
smoserwell, i could just not emit blindly16:59
smoserdo you think thats worth pursuing ?16:59
smoserover the initramfs solution?16:59
slangasekI think it's better to do it in-line in your upstart job, yeah16:59
slangasekthat way there's 0 risk of initramfs skew breaking things on you17:00
smoserand how to avoid emitting if already emitted ?17:00
slangasekshouldn't matter17:00
smoseri guess a job that starts on it17:00
smoserand marks.17:00
smoserbut ok. that can be sorted out.17:00
smoserthanks slangasek17:00
slangasekin practice, a double emit of v-f will cause a couple of spurious double-runs of jobs, but that's it17:01
smoserbut it shouldn't be too hard to determine17:01
smoserbu tyoure saying that even if all that stuff was already mounted the event might not have been emitted.17:02
cjwatsonDaviey: So of course fixing minimal-virtual is going to make the installation a bit slower again, because I'll have to pull standard and server out of the squashfs and have them installed from .debs17:02
smoserok. i'll go play now.17:02
slangaseksmoser: because mountall might process / before one or more of the virtual filesystems and thus deadlock the virtual-filesystems event, yeah17:02
cjwatsonDaviey: It'll still be quicker than precise, and I suspect (but haven't checked) that standard and server make up a relatively small percentage of the time taken; but thought it was worth mentioning17:02
smosercjwatson, Daviey do we have *any* data on how much faster our squashfs install is?17:03
cjwatsonI did some ad-hoc experimentation at the time17:03
cjwatsonI forget the results :-)17:03
cjwatsonIt was maybe a minute or two faster in my VM?17:03
smoseri think percentage improvement would be more useful than "1 minute"17:03
cjwatsonI think it was on the order of 5 -> 3 minutes for base system install, or something like that.  May be wrong.  Memory unreliable.17:04
cjwatsonYeah I know, but I don't have details17:04
cjwatsonWould be easy enough for somebody to try17:04
smoseryeah, just trying to know how slow your vm install was. cause 1 minute out of 120 isn't much.17:04
smoserit would.17:04
smoseri was just wondering if someone already did.17:04
smoseranyway, thanks, cjwatson17:04
cjwatsonMaybe more like 10/15 minutes for the full VM install end to end.  Something like that.17:04
cjwatsonReal hardware's more interesting for this anyway.17:05
Davieycjwatson: FWIW, i'm not sure how much i care about minimal atm17:07
DavieyCan we discuss this Monday?17:07
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xnoxwhat is /etc/init.d/hplip ?17:38
cjwatsonDaviey: *shrug* I'm probably going to make at least some of these changes anyway because they're clear regressions from precise, particularly the business about grub-pc being in the squashfs17:38
xnoxor more precise what was hplip and what has it become?17:38
cjwatsonDaviey: I'd rather get to a non-regressed state and then we can discuss what you do and don't care about from there17:38
Davieycjwatson: ok, thanks17:45
stgraberev: hey, a friend of mine just started hitting bug 991481 on 12.04, any idea what the problem might be?18:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 991481 in whoopsie-daisy (Ubuntu) "Constant dns traffic for daisy.ubuntu.com" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/99148118:13
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smoseranyone know why i have more than one udevd running on a system?18:30
smoserseems like i have about 3 "normally"18:31
lamontso I have some questions18:36
lamont1) while it's funny, I'd just as soon not clutter up the panel with all of the proc and pts and shmmem filesystems mounted under the various build chroots... can that be configured?18:37
lamont(quantal beta)18:37
lamont2) wtf have I and resolvconf and dnsmasq done to my system such that it fails to resolve hostnames?18:38
slangaseklamont: I presume what you have done is failed to fix the bug I filed against bind9 asking for it to properly dis-integrate from resolveconf on upgrade ;)18:48
lamontslangasek: that could well be18:48
lamontslangasek: execpt that my /etc/default/bind9 has RESOLVCONF=no18:49
slangaseklamont: so you are running bind9, but also have dnsmasq?18:49
lamontso... what have done:  dnsmasq.conf has listen=, bind_interface (or so)18:49
lamontnetwork mangler believes that it owns the devices18:50
smoserslangasek, so why do i not have /run/user mounted?18:50
slangaseksmoser: have you rebooted since upgrading mountall?18:50
smoserah. no then.18:50
slangaseksmoser: I suppose I could make mountall do a run from the postinst or something to get it mounted18:50
lamontand then resolvconf redirects us off to, and well, there is not happiness18:50
smoserthat was newly added. that makes sense. i was just testing my "what to mount" code, and it thought it should mount that.18:51
slangaseksmoser: right :)18:51
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slangaseklamont: so dnsmasq is misbehaving?  Is it running, does it have sensible config?18:51
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slangasek(cat /var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf)18:52
lamontslangasek: I believe that it is actually bind misbehaving due to listen-on-v6 { any; }; and thereby hijacking dnsmasq's love18:52
lamontthe file /var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf is empty18:53
slangasekmine too18:53
slangasekand I think that's a bug18:53
lamontgrep ^listen /etc/dnsmasq.conf; lsof -ni :53 | grep dnsmasq.*12718:54
lamontdnsmasq 3276          nobody    4u  IPv4  15900      0t0  UDP
lamontdnsmasq 3276          nobody    5u  IPv4  15901      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)18:54
lamonthelp me understand why is so much better than WHAT IT WAS TOLD TO DO18:55
slangasek/var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf is supposed to be the config that lists dnsmasq's forwarders18:55
slangaseklamont: oh, er, which dnsmasq.conf did you put this in?  Because NM configures its own instance18:55
lamont /etc/dnsmasq.conf18:55
slangasekthe system dnsmasq.conf is used for something else (or rather, for nothing, in the stock config)18:55
slangaseklamont: see network-manager changelog,
lamontslangasek: this is all prompted by the simple need to be able to have BIND run, while still somehow not throwing out everything that distro has done to help the world be better by providing everyone with dnsmasq so that they don't need a local resolver18:56
slangasekthe is there *specifically* to avoid conflicts with other DNS servers...18:57
slangasekcyphermox: ^^ maybe you and lamont want to talk :)18:57
smoserslangasek, and what about /tmp ?18:57
smoseroh. type is 'none'. so that just means "skip" ?18:57
slangaseksmoser: oh yes - the 'none' in the <type> field means "ignore this unless you find it defined in /etc/fstab"18:58
lamontslangasek: the launcher thingy on the left side of my screen... any thoughts on (a) getting rid of all the proc and such filesystems mounted in the chroots, or (b) wtf the package is and the thingy is, so that I can file a bug?18:59
slangaseklamont: udisks218:59
cyphermoxlamont: what's the full command line for that process 3276? it should have been started by NM18:59
lamontta, even18:59
slangaseklamont: I haven't seen this behavior myself - the only wrong disk I get shown there is one of my NFS mounts that's mounted at boot time (chosen, AFAICS, at random from the set of NFS mounts)18:59
lamontgrep -c ^proc /proc/mounts19:01
lamontinterestingly, I only get 3 of tem19:01
lamontcyphermox: it was19:02
lamontOTOH, resolvconf then happily tells resolv.conf that we should query
cyphermoxif dnsmasq is configured and running, yeah19:04
cyphermoxI mean, as started by the init script19:04
lamontSep  7 13:04:22 rover3 dnsmasq[2245]: using nameserver
lamontotoh, there is no listner19:05
lamontthis is after "service dnsmasq restart"19:05
cyphermoxlamont: so dnsmasq has to be writing something to syslog saying it can't start19:09
lifelesscjwatson: that machine is still on precise; if I can install just grub2 from the ppa and give it a spin, sure.19:09
smoserslangasek, do you know why i commonly have more than one "udevd --daemon" running?19:10
lamontdnsmasq   9239  0.0  0.0  31064   960 ?        S    13:08   0:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -x /var/run/dnsmasq/dnsmasq.pid -u dnsmasq -r /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf -7 /etc/dnsmasq.d,.dpkg-dist,.dpkg-old,.dpkg-new19:10
smoserit appeared that multiple 'virtual-filesystem' events will cause more of these, so i wondered if more than one would be bad. turns out i'm already running more than one.19:10
lamontand no udp sockets open19:10
cyphermoxlamont: ok. is listen-address the only thing set in your dnsmasq.conf?19:11
cyphermoxbecause bind-dynamic would do this kind of thing I think; just wait until it's able to start and claim a port19:11
lamontgrep -ve ^# -e ^$ /etc/dnsmasq.conf19:11
cyphermoxoh wait19:11
cyphermoxdrop except-interface19:11
cyphermoxI really need to remove that one from the config file19:12
lamontoh hey look.  something on
lamontand resolution19:12
lamontcyphermox: is this a bug I should file?19:12
cyphermoxlamont: the issue is the default dnsmasq setup needs that except-interface, otherwise it tries to bind on all interfaces IIRC19:13
cyphermoxyeah, file a bug against network-manager, I'll set this up again and try to see if there is a saner setting to keep19:13
lamontcyphermox: so are you telling me that the desktop install now has the very issue that I ran into as a bind developer?  and we solved it in a totally wrong way?19:13
cyphermoxwhat issue|19:14
cyphermoxthe big issue here is that dnsmasq has a setting where it just binds to by default when 'dnsmasq' (not -base) is installed, so there is just no way to start any other instance of dnsmasq19:15
cyphermoxand what we're trying to make sure is that if you want to run dnsmasq on your system you can, and we don't break that default setup at least19:16
slangaseksmoser: udev spawns worker threads19:18
lifelesscjwatson: its not impossible that I'll upgrade it to quantal v. soon, but it needs the proprietary ati drivers, and it needs to work, so I get rather protective of its availability.19:19
smoserbut if i just run another one 'sudo udevd --daemon' it will stick around also19:19
slangaseksmoser: sure, but it's the udev upstart job that does the locking19:24
slangasekso when you start it manually you're bypassing the standard mechanism19:24
smoseri dont see locking in /etc/init/udev.conf19:25
slangaseksmoser: the job *is* the lock19:25
slangasekif the job is running, a second isn't started19:26
evstgraber: blame gnetworkmonitor19:33
SpamapSor canada19:34
slangasekSpamapS: essentially the same thing, gnetworkmonitor *is* Canadian after all19:34
* SpamapS should have known by all the use of 'eh' in the man page.19:35
lamontwho understands unity3d window title bar decorations?19:56
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xnoxlamont: isn't it plain compiz?20:00
lamontxnox: could be...20:00
xnoxhence changing gtk theme makes no difference to it.....20:00
lamontI'm trying to undo something I did to that configuration back in natty time20:00
* xnox giggles20:00
lamontand ccsm isn't helping me20:00
xnoxlamont: unity --reset ?20:00
lamontis there a way to see what it will undo before I do that?20:01
xnoxlamont: apt-get source unity ?20:01
lamontremind me how to have focus-follows-mouse instead of click-to-focus/20:02
xnoxlamont: impossible20:04
xnoxlamont: due to global menus20:04
xnoxlamont: i guess we do have HUD now.... but still impossible20:04
lamontxnox: then if unity --reset is going to turn that off, then I definitely don't want to run that command20:04
infinityGlobal menus can be disabled.20:04
lamontinfinity: and worked around20:05
infinityWhich is a bit of a prereq for FFM.20:05
jbichaunity --reset doesn't work in quantal by the way20:05
lamontinfinity: nah... dragging the window to the top-panel when you care, is enough20:05
lamontmostly, I just use the keyboard shortcuts for menus20:05
lamontjbicha: NICE20:05
lamontjbicha: is there a bug filed for that?20:05
xnoxlamont: keyboard shortcuts vs hud?20:06
jbichalamont: not exactly a bug but https://code.launchpad.net/~didrocks/unity/unity-reset-removal/+merge/12311220:07
lamontjbicha: interesting20:11
smoserslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191536/20:15
ScottKlamont: I guess you're safe from unity --reset turning anything off.20:21
lamontScottK: HAHA20:22
YokoZarIs archive skew still a thing in Quantal?  I'm wondering if it could be responsible for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ia32-libs/+bug/1016294  (ie, unequal i386/amd64 libraries)20:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016294 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu) "ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable " [Undecided,Confirmed]20:41
infinityYokoZar: It can still happen, yeah, most library uploads don't go through proposed yet.20:49
xnoxanybody knows a good book about dbus......20:54
ogasawara@pilot out21:03
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Quantal Quetzal development | Archive: Open | Dev' of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> precise | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
slangasekYokoZar: if you're talking about bug #1016294 that you just commented on, no, libnspr4 hasn't had an upload since December 2011.21:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1016294 in ia32-libs (Ubuntu) "ia32-libs-multiarch but it is not installable " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101629421:14
slangasekYokoZar: at this point, the incidence of actual archive skew is so low that reports of ia32-libs uninstallability are almost always due to users having broken local libraries installed, and these reports are generally not worth pursuing21:15
YokoZarslangasek: ahh fair enough.  Do we plan on phasing out the ia32-libs-multiarch metapackage in general?21:17
slangasekYokoZar: at some point, yeah; I'm not in a hurry21:17
slangasekwe should probably wait until Debian has a multiarch release before really pushing aggressively for it21:17
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cjwatsonlifeless: not sure what shlibdeps will be like; it might only be necessary to create a quantal chroot, bind-mount /dev /proc /sys, upgrade grub-pc et al from PPA, and run the grub-probe command you quoted in the bug21:47
lifelesscjwatson: anyhow, drop me a whinge when its ready.21:49
lifelesscjwatson: if you feel kind, toss a build at /precise in the ppa just in case it works21:49
cjwatsonmm, there's *probably* no reason it wouldn't21:50
cjwatsonabout to upgrade it on my laptop, let's see21:50
cjwatsonLooks plausible in kvm -snapshot21:56
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