
micahgnotgary: so, we prefer packages to go through Debian, as that saves us from having to review a merge/sync later as well as makes it easier to sync packages in the future00:00
micahgbut if Debian won't update for reason X, we can push new upstream versions in Ubuntu as well00:00
micahgexcept now we're past feature freeze, so we're mainly focusing on bug fix releases00:00
micahgand bug fixes in general00:01
notgaryI've found this page (http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/) which contains a list of build errors that need to be fixed - packaging bugs basically. Is this the best place to find packaging bugs, or is there something better?00:03
micahgthat's one place00:03
micahgthere's http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/debcheck/ as well00:04
notgaryThanks a lot. This'll be helpful.00:11
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zx2c4hey guys01:38
zx2c4might someone be willing to look at this?01:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047122 in Ubuntu "pass: the standard unix password manager" [Undecided,New]01:49
dholbachgood morning06:56
gesergood morning07:03
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hakermaniaHello there :D I'm having a failed build over here: http://goo.gl/TuWGl (launchpad) and says: 'Project ERROR: Package x11 not found' while I depend on libx11-dev. (I know about #ubuntu-packaging but there are no answers so far). Any clues?10:16
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xnoxhakermania: looking for X in a wrong place? subtle / unexpected change to multiarch locations not expected by the configure scripts?10:28
* xnox is guessing10:28
xnoxqmake.... ARGH.... have fun.10:29
hakermaniaxnox: are you a qt hater or something :P ?10:29
xnoxfind out which path it's looking for & see where it searches in correct place to find the X bits it wants10:29
xnoxhakermania: there are no sane buildsystems, some are worse than others.10:29
* xnox doesn't hate anything.10:29
hakermaniaxnox: thanks for the tips, how am I supposed to find 'which path it's looking for' etc? In my debian/rules I only use dh $@ --parallel10:31
xnoxyou need to poke qmake, enable verbose bits, make it talk to you.10:32
hakermaniaxnox: Ok, I'll bring my shotgun10:32
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xnoxoffer it cookies, sweets and candy.... or a shotgun would do =)10:32
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Laneyhardlinking debian ubuntu ubuntu-ports mirrors takes ages on the panda13:48
Laneylike 5 hours13:48
tumbleweedfor a fairly small space saving13:48
tumbleweedoh, ubuntu+ubuntu-ports is probably pretty decent13:48
Laney5 gig or so13:51
Laneyprobably not worth it13:51
Laneyor run it once daily overnight13:51
ogra_you run a mirror on the panda ?13:52
Laneyyeah, it has a 1tb hard drive attached to it :-)13:52
tumbleweedIIRC paultag does that too13:52
Laneyworks well apart from hardlink13:52
tumbleweed(or was that an rpi)13:52
ogra_not with ubuntu if its an RPi13:52
ogra_(though theoretically you could run ubuntu armel on it)13:53
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jtaylorwhy does ubuntuone-client-gnome install something into /debian?21:18
jtayloroh beta freeze is over 223 packages to upgrade :)21:19
tumbleweedsee #ubuntu-devel logs for this afternoon21:19
xnoxLaney: i only have laptops =/ so no PSUs here22:58

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