
ubottuIn #kubuntu-devel, Riddell said: ubottu: no, testers-#kubuntu-devel is <reply> Testing help needed in #kubuntu-devel ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw13:24
bazhangprecise repos with hardy15:50
ubottuIn #ubuntu, taowa said: ubottu is is a member of wich loco team20:31
Myrttiit is ALIVE20:34
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Zayca said: ubottu but here is so much people22:36
jribwhat's the point of having both ubottu and eir managing bans in #ubuntu?23:25
Jordan_Ujrib: ubottu has better ban commenting, eir can automagically remove bans.23:26
jribJordan_U: but ubottu can now auto-remove bans too?  I think?23:26
Jordan_UIf that's actually "production ready" now then I don't know. I haven't been following the development closely.23:27

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