
bjfhow can i see where my jobs are in the build queue?00:51
Davieybjf: I don't think you can't see their ordering.. you can only see their score and estimated build time.00:59
bjfthat stinks :-)01:01
bjfbut thanks01:02
Davieyestimated time to build, rather01:03
bjfi'm waiting on ppc, it should just say "good luck with that"01:03
xnoxbjf: were in or after the beta1 freeze flood gate opening?01:08
bjfxnox: yup, but my job was in the queue early today. i do SRU kernels01:09
micahgbjf: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+builds?build_text=&build_state=pending01:09
bjfmicahg: thanks01:10
bjfmicahg: does that page cover non-virtualized ppas?01:12
micahgbjf: probably not01:12
bjfmicahg: oh well, thanks for the link anyway01:12
* infinity blinks at the binaries for unity-lens-help ...01:55
infinityDid I miss the memo about "raw-meta-data" upload types, or is that on crack?01:56
* micahg didn't know binary packages have Icon/Appname/Category fields...01:59
stgraberfun :)01:59
stgraberinfinity: I'd suggest rejecting01:59
* infinity reje... Yeah.01:59
stgraberthey copied some package from extras.ubuntu.com01:59
infinityextras does this craziness?01:59
micahgphew, dpkg-deb also didn't know about those fields :)01:59
stgraberthat extra metadata (logos) and package fields are what we had for extras.ubuntu.com in the past until someone fixed MyApps/SoftwareCenter02:00
ajmitchsorry, I missed those fields, too used to seeing them for ARB packages02:00
stgraberinfinity: we used to until the MyApps API took over the task of providing all that stuff to software-center02:00
infinityI suspect if I hadn't rejected, it would have just OOPSed on accept anyway.02:00
infinityI hope.02:00
infinityajmitch: I get to blame you for this?02:00
ajmitchinfinity: of course02:00
infinityajmitch: Does this mean you can communicate the issue and get it fixed? :P02:00
infinityCause I'm two beers deep and unhelpful right now.02:01
stgraberinfinity: not sure, works great in PPAs at least, so maybe something would blow up at publishing, but the rest should work02:01
ajmitchinfinity: it means I can fix & upload instead to make it faster02:01
infinityajmitch: Snazzy.02:01
infinitystgraber: Kinda hope something would blow up, cause the only other conclusion would be that the publisher would actually do "something" with the custom files, and I'm not sure what that something would be.02:02
ajmitchcould be interesting to find out02:02
infinityI disagree. ;)02:03
stgraberinfinity: for the extra PPA, it puts them in a separate folder of http://extras.ubuntu.com/ that's http://extras.ubuntu.com/meta/02:03
jbichahi, could we get glib-networking & glib2.0 moved from -proposed?02:25
phillwstgraber: I know balloons has been too busy with the global bug-jam, but I did register my, and the testers, thanks to you for the work you did on iso tracker to carry bugs over.03:43
phillwstgraber: do you have a couple of moments spare?04:06
phillwhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings/QA/20120905 has not appeared on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Meetings Any ideas as to wht (I have) gone wrong?04:08
slangasekdid someone here move gobject-introspection from quantal-proposed to quantal?04:40
jbichaslangasek: yes, that was my mistake04:43
slangasekjbicha: ok; please don't copy packages from -proposed, this is meant to be done by the archive admins04:45
slangasek(actually, it's supposed to all be automated with britney, but that's another story)04:45
faboskaet: could you approve linaro-image-tools FFE ? bug 104518806:23
ubot2Launchpad bug 1045188 in linaro-image-tools "[FFE] Sync linaro-image-tools 2012.08.1-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104518806:23
mvohi, I looked at the current unattended-upgrades bzr branch and merged some debian fixes in that would be useful for us. now the ubuntu branch is converted to py3 but not uploaded yet, do I need a freeze exception for the py3 version if I want to upload that now?07:35
bencerhi, someone from the -release team could have a look at this FFe, please? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zentyal-samba/+bug/104365407:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 1043654 in zentyal-samba "[FFe] New version of zentyal-samba" [Undecided,New]07:46
Davieyslangasek: wait, "please don't copy packages from -proposed, this is meant to be done by the archive admins" .. we discussed that a few weeks ago.. and the consensus aiui was that for the development series, a dev with the upload access should be able to do it.. Or did i miss-follow that07:56
Davieycjwatson: ^ was that your understanding ?07:56
Laneywell, I was told / allowed to copy LO earlier in the week07:57
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jamespagemorning all08:02
jamespageI'd like to sync the latest version of irqbalance from Debian testing to resolve bug 97445008:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 974450 in irqbalance "irqbalance classifies network interfaces with custom/renamed interfaces as class other" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97445008:02
Davieyjamespage: and i'd like a sparkly pony.08:02
jamespagenot finished yet08:03
jamespageits a new upstream release; its been in testing for some time so I'm comfortable that its not going to break08:06
jamespagebut upstream lack a changelog other than 'Look at the VCS commits'08:06
jamespagea) I assume this will need a FFe and b) any guidance on what to provide for the changelog - is the VCS history sufficient?08:06
* jamespage gives Daviey and sparkly pony08:07
jamespageDaviey: all yours - http://www.geekosystem.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/272e9652-550x548.jpg08:07
jamespagesorry - I said 'sync' mean't 'merge'08:10
Davieyjamespage: i was going to question that... but sid's changelog is based on Ubuntu packaging.. so what needs to be carried?08:11
jamespageDaviey, just digging at that now - may be minimal based on comment on that bug report08:12
jamespageDaviey, actually I think we can just sync it08:13
Davieydebdiff ubuntu/*.dsc debian/*.ds == uhttp://pb.daviey.com/9oB8/08:14
jamespageDaviey, just looking at the dropped patch - which is my one point of concern08:17
jamespagebut its so significantly difference in 1.0.3 I can't really tell TBH08:18
Davieyjamespage: infinity's applied patch?08:19
jamespagelooking at changelog upstream now for something similar08:19
Davieyjamespage: It has no bug number, no indication what it changed.. a really crappy upload.  Thanks infinity :)08:20
jamespageDaviey, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190390/08:20
Davieyjamespage: I assume this version has been tested by people, including vanhoof?08:22
jamespageDaviey, If you want to make that a condition of upload I'll get jmleddy to test it first in PPA08:23
jamespageI personally think that would be a good idea08:23
Davieyjamespage: So.. I'm happy to approve it, providing jm-leddy/vanhoof commit to testing it, and offer support to resolve any fallout.08:25
jamespageDaviey, ack - great - I'll update the bug report and get things moving forwards again08:25
Davieyi'll document that on the bug08:25
cjwatsonDaviey: developers with upload access *can* do it, but generally shouldn't unless given guidance08:28
Davieycjwatson: Hmm, that wasn't my understanding from the output when we discussed it a few weeks ago.08:30
Davieybut ok, i guess i missunderstood.08:31
Davieyecho $BETTER_UNDERSTANDING >> ~/wishy-washy-policy.txt :)08:31
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psivaamterry, I could not get the fixed package to a live session, this crash being occurring right after we go into live session installing the fixed package during the live session will not help. Further i noticed the bug is marked fix released, so waiting for an image with the fix to be published12:36
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Laneypsivaa: I'm spinning some updated images now (the ones this morning failed)12:43
didrockswarning: people having a i915 card, don't upgrade to latest mesa: it seems it's causing bug #1046933 and so no ui12:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1046933 in mesa "glsl/linker: array buffer overrun [CVE-2012-2864]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104693312:44
didrocksoupss, bug #1047306 I meant12:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1047306 in mesa "[Quantal] [Intel Atom] Mesa 2012/09/07 updates broke it all" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104730612:44
didrocksjust reverting will reintroduce the CVE issue though12:44
psivaaLaney, ok thanks, ill wait for them and try 97135312:45
didrocksworking with tjaalton to see if we can revert to the previous version + reintroducing the CVE patch12:45
tjaaltonit's not all i915, just some12:45
tjaalton965, snb working fine here12:45
tjaaltonso older than 965 then I guess12:46
didrockstjaalton: netbook ones typically?12:46
Laneynah, still failing12:46
tjaaltonwell, 915 is also a chip generation, like 945 so those that are using i915_dri are broken it seems12:47
tjaaltonlike they were before the unity stack updates, just in some other way now12:47
didrocksok, got it12:47
tjaaltonI'll diff the changes there12:47
didrocksthanks tjaalton :)12:47
tjaaltonI have 30min :)12:47
tjaaltonor maybe 4512:47
Laneypsivaa: sorry, didn't work12:50
ogra_The following packages have unmet dependencies:12:51
ogra_ mcp-account-manager-uoa : Depends: signon-plugin-password but it is not installable12:51
ogra_(thats what arm shows for your last attempt)12:51
ogra_ah, same on x8612:53
psivaathere was a bug reported for this bug 104724712:53
ubot2Launchpad bug 1047247 in empathy "Failed to install Quantal alternate amd64 and i386 daily build(20120907) : mcp-account-manager-uoa : Depends: signon-plugin-password but it is not installable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104724712:53
ogra_likely a missing MIR12:53
cjwatsonNo, binary-only12:54
psivaaright, report.html lists this as one of the uninstallable packages, not sure it needs a bug for it12:54
cjwatsonI've moved it to main now12:55
cjwatsonpsivaa: It doesn't12:55
Laneymissing move to main anyway12:55
Laneyexplains why my test install didnt notice it12:55
Laneyso I assumed it was transient12:55
psivaacjwatson, so the report.html is a heads up for saying these packages wont get installed?12:56
cjwatsonIt's automatic dependency analysis12:56
psivaacjwatson, so the relevant packages take their own action to recover this based on this report?12:57
cjwatsonFor images, if report.html is non-empty you generally might as well consider the image toast and not bother testing it12:57
cjwatsonNo, it'll likely cause a hard failure12:57
cjwatsonDepending slightly on which packages are involved12:57
cjwatsonThe package can't take any action, though, because the package manager will refuse to install it with unsatisfiable dependencies12:58
psivaajust wondering how to trigger a solution without a bug against the package12:59
cjwatsonAsking here is fine.12:59
psivaaahh ok :)12:59
cjwatsonThe package maintainer may well not be able to do anything about it; often requires an archive admin.12:59
cjwatsonDepending on whether it's a move-to-main kind of problem or something else.13:00
psivaaunderstand, thanks for the clarification13:02
mterryskaet, hello!  Might you be able to take another look at FFe bug 1040221 and bug 1044447?13:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1040221 in lightdm-remote-session-freerdp "FFe request: Provide remote login options" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104022113:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 1044447 in unity-lens-photos "[FFe, MIR] unity-lens-photos in quantal" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104444713:24
cjwatsonslangasek: Could you have a look at the efilinux-signed binary in NEW?13:27
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xnoxmini.iso should get a refreshed look =) bug 104737613:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 1047376 in ubuntu-cdimage "mini.iso has old branding" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104737613:44
didrocksFYI, reverting mesa now14:17
tseliothi, can an archive admin remove nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 and nvidia-graphics-drivers-96-updates from quantal, please?14:31
skaetmterry,  done.14:33
mterryskaet, thanks!14:33
skaetogra_, didrocks, popey, Daviey, arosales, brendand, psivaa_afk, and others interested.... - am cancelling meeting today,  not enough of the reports landed in time, and I've not had time this morning to go through the rest.      Please ask questions in email on #ubuntu-release14:37
popeyskaet, ok14:37
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ogra_skaet, bah, so i'm missing the milestone to end my week !14:37
brendandskaet, ok - thanks14:37
skaetogra_,  sorry...  ;)14:37
psivaaskaet, ok, thanks14:38
didrocksskaet: ok14:39
arosalesskaet: ok, thanks for the ping14:39
mvohi, I looked at the current unattended-upgrades bzr branch and merged some debian fixes in that would be useful for us. now the ubuntu branch is converted to py3 but not uploaded yet, do I need a freeze exception for the py3 version if I want to upload that now?14:49
skaetmvo,  is the only change the move to py3, or are there new features with it?14:56
mvoskaet: its moving to py3 and some fixes from debian, let me double check that there is no new feature in there, I *think* its just fixes15:00
ScottKtseliot: What do I give for the removal reason?15:02
tseliotScottK: the driver won't be updated to match the new X ABI15:02
skaetmvo,  if its just fixes and py3 which is a stated target, we're good.  Otherwise, best a FFe, so we can make sure no other implications.15:05
mvoskaet: great, thanks for this advice, I will check the bzr logs and either upload or do a FFe, but its good to know that py3 itself is ok (the testsuite is also pretty good so I don't expect any issues really)15:06
ScottKtseliot: Done.15:06
tseliotScottK: thanks a lot!15:06
tumbleweeda python3 port is a significant change to a package's build system, but not as risky as a dh_python2 port15:10
xnoxtumbleweed: nah15:11
tumbleweedxnox: is that nah applied to before or after the comma?15:12
xnoxtumbleweed: port to python3 is insignificant change to a package's build system if it already has been using dh_python215:13
tumbleweedyeah, the most likely result of a screwup is a broken python3 package15:14
tumbleweedwhich wouldn't be a regression15:14
xnoxunattended-upgrades is a leave package, even if it does depend on python-apt/debian, which (i) have been ported, (ii) are solid~ish, (iii) want more usage.15:15
cjwatsonIt doesn't depend on python-debian as far as I can see.15:15
cjwatsonUnless that's a change in this version.15:16
ScottKIt may be a leaf package, but it provides important platform functionality.15:43
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tumbleweedthere doesn't seem to have been much SRU review recently, either17:52
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ScottKI'll review those, but I haven't done much with SRUs lately either.18:19
infinitytumbleweed: It's been an off week or two for SRU reviewy types, the backlog should clear soon.18:26
slangasekI'm on the hook for those today; won't get to them until later today though18:28
tumbleweedit seemed that everyone took a bit of a holiday after the point release :)18:29
infinitySome of my SRU stuff got pre-empted by "more important" SRU stuff, then Labor Day happened this week.18:29
infinityCan't speak to others.18:29
infinityBut there was also just a backlog in general due to the .1 freeze.18:29
slangasektumbleweed: I'm quite certain this has not been a holiday for me ;)18:46
cyphermoxhey, could someone please approve https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/networkmanagement/+bug/1046918 ? :)19:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1046918 in wpa "[FFe] Enable RSN (WPA2) encryption support for IBSS (ad-hoc)" [Undecided,New]19:26
ScottKcyphermox: Can you put the networkmanagement diff in the bug too?19:31
cyphermoxScottK: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/115086274/nmgmt-diff.txt19:37
cyphermoxlooks to me like there was no ~kubuntu-packagers branch for this one, so it's against the UDD branch19:38
ScottKcyphermox: Go for it.19:45
cyphermoxScottK: Thanks19:45
ScottKYou're welcome.  Thanks for making sure it works everywhere and not just on one flavor.19:46
cyphermoxafter just enough reminding ;)19:47
ScottKYou know you're too far into queue processing mode when you do "./queue -Q done -s precise fetch postgresql-common".23:07
ScottKlazr.restfulclient.errors.ServerError: HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable23:09

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