
oApocalypsethis only gives it read access then correct?00:01
protoCall7as long as you only do +r00:02
protoCall7the -R is recursive so it will effect everything under that directory too00:03
oApocalypsestill same error00:03
protoCall7really, can you do another ls -lsa /Shared/Share/Torrents/ pls?00:03
protoCall7oops, sorry, I forgot that directories need the x permission too lol.  sudo chmod -R +x /Shared00:06
protoCall7"Execute permission on a directory means you can list the files in that directory"00:07
protoCall7:)  lookin better?00:08
oApocalypseno error now00:09
protoCall7thats a good start lol, can you access your media from other devices now?00:09
oApocalypselol no files to be found00:10
oApocalypsebut we are heading in the right direction00:10
protoCall7most definitely00:10
protoCall7I'll be back in just a few00:10
oApocalypseok ill play more00:10
stgraberhallyn: found the problem, it's the sed call in pre-mount00:12
stgraberhallyn: that's altering the config file and breaking everything...00:12
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protoCall7oApocalypse:  I'm gonna head home from my datacenter, but I'm in this channel any time my laptop is online, so feel free to send me a PM if theres anything else I might be of assistance with00:18
oApocalypseok ty for your help00:18
protoCall7any time, gl00:18
oApocalypsei need it00:18
stgraberhallyn: well, will still need you to take a look... now the container gets created fine, starts/stops with lxc-start/lxc-stop just fine but can't get started from python/API00:19
stgraberhallyn: it says the pre-mount hook failed to run, but adding some debug to the script, it clearly worked and returned 000:20
arrrghhhoApocalypse, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_permissions#Notation_of_traditional_Unix_permissions <-- very helpful for me00:20
Davieyadam_g: how do you setup horizon without the headache of keystone/nova to test your changes?00:20
oApocalypsety :)00:20
stgraberhallyn: updated script at http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189928/, run as python3 script.py -o <orig> -k00:21
stgraberhallyn: it should fail, then try to lxc-start the failed container, that should work fine00:21
adam_gDaviey: i have no idea.  i install the package on an instance on my local openstack cluster, and just update /etc/openstack-dashboard/settings.py to find the keystone server and everything else is magick00:21
stgraberhallyn: lxccontainer.log doesn't tell me why lxc-start works and start() doesn't... my guess being that it's related to the hooks00:21
Davieyadam_g: lardie-dah.. local cloud eh?  very posh :)00:21
stgraberhallyn: apparmor doesn't show any reject here, so it's unlikely to be that either00:21
Davieyadam_g: yeah.. doing it at debuild -S time will always ensure that we have a correct css/js compression00:23
adam_gDaviey: i dont follow00:23
Davieyadam_g: one moment00:24
* Daviey wishes he wasn't sat in the dark00:24
smoserDaviey, does thatbaically mean generating the css/jss compression in 'debian/rules clean'00:29
Davieysmoser: well.. that is what i was checking.. i think so, yes00:30
DavieyI wanted to see if there was another entry point.00:30
smoseryeah, i didn't see anything either.00:30
smoseri do think that i've seen unpatch called00:30
smoseror reverse-pathces or something00:30
smoserclean seems strange, but i think the abuse is reasonable. and you can have configurable to disable if you'd like00:31
Davieysmoser: wait.. ./configure is often run.. is that via clean?00:31
smoserthat seems completely broken in a build source00:32
DavieyI'm sure i had seen that on a few packages00:32
stgraberhallyn: log when using lxc-start (working): http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189939/00:33
stgraberhallyn: log when using the API (failing): http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189940/00:33
Davieysmoser: rules clean, runs dh_clean, which runs dh_testdir00:34
Davieysmoser: ahh.. scrub that, irrelevant.. i think what i have seen is 'broken' make files.. where "make clean" does a ./configure aswell00:35
Davieyso handled by upstream, rather than packaging00:35
Davieysmoser / adam_g: "clean target: to clean all compiled, generated, and useless files in the build-tree" lol... we want to do the opposite :)00:37
adam_gDaviey: generating this stuff requires installation of node-less.00:38
adam_gthat would then make node-js  a build dependency and we're back at square one, no?00:38
Davieyadam_g: no, it's a source package creation requirement00:43
Davieynot a build-dep00:43
Davieyie, you need it on your machine... but the buildd's don't00:43
adam_gDaviey: ah, cool00:43
adam_gDaviey: let me figure out a good way to ship this stuff, and then we can come up with a good way to generate it00:44
Davieysmoser: what do you know of source format, 3.0 (custom)?00:44
Daviey(perhaps overkill)00:44
Davieyadam_g: ok, cool00:44
Davieysmoser: ah, debian bug 246918 .. not quite what i hoped00:48
uvirtbotDebian bug 246918 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-source may have an option to get .diff.gz from a custom source" [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/24691800:48
Davieysmoser: the definition made it sound ideal.. "This format is particular. It doesn't represent a real source package format but can be used to create source packages with arbitrary file"00:52
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oApocalypseanyone familiar with minidlna01:13
oApocalypseit appears to properly sharing the folders i have provided but it doesnt seem to be showing the contents of hte file01:15
stgraberhallyn: AFAICT from the leftovers, the pre-mount script is actually run, the container is failing right after for some unknown reason01:17
ajmitch /win 2601:27
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hallynstgraber: ok so the malforned rootfs was due to sed, but you're still having trouble?02:23
stgraberhallyn: yep02:23
stgraberhallyn: the resulting container boots fine with lxc-start but doesn't from the API02:24
stgraberhallyn: I pasted the current version of my code and the lxc log for a working (lxc-start) and non-working (API) start(0 call02:24
hallyni saw the logs but missed the code02:25
stgraberhallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1189928/,02:25
hallynmay be something i'm not executing in api that gets done in lxc_start02:25
hallynthx, looking02:25
stgraberthe good thing is that with all these tests, the API will be very well tested even before it gets merged upstream ;)02:26
hallynstgraber: so after you create one of these, even if you start a new python3, import lxc, and create a new Container() instance for that container, it still won't start?02:27
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stgraberI tried with "import lxc; lxc.Container("name").start()" and it'd still return False with similar log entries02:28
stgraberso it's apparently not something being messed up with the in memory structure02:29
stgraber(or it's messed up enough that it gets back to the wrong state even when reading the config from scratch)02:29
hallynstgraber: i'ts not leaving a /var/lib/lxc/p1-ex274c behind for me to look at02:31
hallyn(but destroy is commented out)02:32
hallynBTW - can i just say i HATE the python3 'print()'02:33
stgraberhallyn: did you use -k?02:33
stgraberhallyn: otherwise it'll get wiped out by the post-stop hook02:33
hallynno i didn't :)  i just did this to easily look at the hooks :)02:36
hallynstgraber: looks like maybe an error in lxc_run_script(), bc i put 'exit 0' at the end, a print right above that to confirm we're getting there, but it still says returning error in container.log02:44
* hallyn looks02:45
stgraberyeah, that matches what I've seen here when trying to trace the hook to see where it failed (to notice it didn't actually fail at all and was run just fine)02:48
hallynoh, no02:48
hallyni'm doing it wrong.  the 'c = lxc.Container("p1-ookuma')' already loads the config02:48
hallynthen i re-load the cnfig02:48
stgraberright, no need to call load_config on top of that, it'll just lead to duplicate network entries02:51
hallynstgraber: i note that lxc.mount is set to /var/lib/lxc/p1/fstab02:53
hallyn(shouldn't matter)02:53
stgraberyeah, I wasn't sure whether I wanted to mess with fstab at all, as it's supposed to be identical to the source anyway, might as well keep it pointing to the original one02:54
hallynstgraber: i think it's a bug in popen/pclose02:55
hallynbuilding new lxc to instrument pclose02:56
hallyn(racing against time, i must go in a few mins)02:56
hallyngr, compiler is getting downright fascist.  fine so i redefined ret.  what's it to you?02:59
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hallynhm, errno from pclose() is 'no child processes'03:03
stgraberoh, that actually tells me exactly what the problem is03:03
stgraberthat totally sounds like my zombie handler in python3-lxc catching the SIGCLD before you do03:04
stgraberright, so that's my fault then, will have to rethink how to deal with the zombie handler ;)03:05
hallynd'oh :)03:05
hallyni was worrying it was the way i was doing daemon().03:05
stgrabercan we get the errno in the log? that'd have helped quite a lot in this case :)03:06
hallynyeah, trivial to do03:06
hallyndo you have any other changes to queue up?03:06
stgraberI'll have the python-lxc fix for that new found bug03:06
stgraberso just stack it in python:lxc, I'll fix my bug and upload after that03:07
hallyngood night03:10
stgrabergood night03:10
hallyn(trying to test one more time as i did a 'cleanup' and you know how those go)03:10
stgraberhallyn: confirmed that it's indeed the zombie handler that's at fault. Will try to think about some ways around it and likely poke you about it tomorrow.03:54
stgraberhallyn: I'm actually wondering if start() should do the dual-forking, set a reasonable process name (showing up as python3 kind of sucks) and let init deal with the whole zombie thing04:08
stgraberbecause python3-lxc being a python extension it seems pretty tricky to only process the sigchld coming from the container and nothing else04:08
stgraberand ultimately the container doesn't depend on the parent process (when the python shell goes away, the container keeps running)04:08
stgraberso doing the full daemonizing with the usual dual-fork + exit might actually make sense (and then see if we can set the name to lxc-start or something similar that's more meaningful than python3)04:09
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[snake]Is it secure to put some files that you want to host on your web server in a file that's open(meaning it can be explored with the web browser because it doesn't have an index file)04:52
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koolhead17hi all06:46
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Kentosanyone install ubuntu on a dell poweredge 2800 before?07:21
mysteriousdarrenKentos: yes as well as 180007:24
Kentosim having some trouble with the install, i just bought it today, it already had a zentyal OS installed over Ubuntu, but im trying to get a fresh install and configuration for myself07:25
Kentosbasically boots right to zentyal07:26
mysteriousdarrenraid? specs please07:27
KentosI can get to the install from a Unetbootin USB, however it wants to check my cd-rom drive quickly after install begins07:27
Kentos2800, raid 5 on 4 drives, OS is currently on a seperate drive, total of 7 drives 4x 74gb 2x 36gb and one 9.1gb drive, I've not got a whole lot of info to be honest07:28
mysteriousdarrenwell did you have it check the disc for errors?07:28
Kentosthe OS is on a 36gb drive, i believe the 4x 74gb are on a newer scsi raid adapter07:28
Kentosill run that quick ya, I wasnt quite sure where to go, ive only played with the server OS a handful of times before07:29
Kentosgoing to take a second to boot up and into the USB07:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #1015033 in mysql-5.5 "mysqlhotcopy errors on databases containing MyISAM views" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101503307:32
mysteriousdarrenok, what were you gonna install? a base? or everything?07:32
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Kentosim looking to get the server on it, I don't want to mess around with whats already set up for an OS. not heard of the term base before07:33
Kentosjust want to install ubuntu server on it, and go throught the configuration, i printed off the ubuntu server manual and have a lot of coffee07:34
Kentosalright into the usb and checking disc for errors07:34
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mysteriousdarrenit shouldn't take too long07:35
Kentoswent to auto boot lol, i dont have batteries for my keyboard on this comp, so i do quick switching from usb ports lol07:36
Kentosahhh i thought that might be it07:40
Kentosmd5sum is not right, ive tried downloading it multiple times now07:40
Kentostried the torrent, the odd thing is i always get the same hash, but its always the wrong one07:41
mysteriousdarrenwell that sucks, try direct this time07:41
Kentosoh i have twice lol07:41
mysteriousdarrendifferent locations?07:41
Kentosits very odd, maybe a problem with chrome downloader07:42
Kentosnot sure how to navigate that file tree07:42
mysteriousdarrendownload via ubuntu?07:42
Kentosill try it again, im DLing the 1386 version as the proccesor i believe is the 32 bit one for the 2800s07:43
Kentos645 MB, does that sound a bit low?07:44
mysteriousdarrenhow much ram do u have? the 1800 was 64 bit07:44
Kentoshmmm, i have 3gb roughyl on this one07:44
Kentosyou may be right that it can run it, but its an older version i believe that wouldnt support the dual core Xeons07:45
Kentosim thinking its a v2 mobo07:45
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mysteriousdarren645 is right07:46
mysteriousdarrenya after some checking your correct on not supporting it07:46
Kentosi keep getting hash check fails07:47
Kentoseven on the 64 bit iso i DLed07:47
KentosI may have to try a different browser07:48
Kentosthe new DL of the iso is about done, ill check it quick07:49
Kentosyeah same hash as all the others07:50
mysteriousdarrenseems weird07:51
Kentosits kinda wierd, im wondering if something is off here with my system, since its not downloading it right from anywhere07:51
Kentosyeah, this may take a minute07:55
Kentoswhat I'm aiming to do with the server is to host websites, or possibly do some data storage for friends etc via a webpage if i can get that set up07:56
Kentosmostly low traffick type of stuff07:56
Kentosmaybe even host some older games or something, I just want to see where i can go with it07:56
Kentosseems like i might be able to get a deal on better processors provided the mobo can handle them, or atleast a second processor if all things go well07:58
Kentosis there any drivers or anything i will have to get from dell?08:01
KentosI couldn't find a whole lot but might as well look again if ill need somethign08:02
mysteriousdarrenI never looked about drivers08:02
mysteriousdarrenif your serious about games, i'd just rent and save the hassle08:02
Kentosyeah, i dont believe so, but i was prompted for drvier media on the bad boot usb, so it might not be a real issue08:03
Kentosnah, im serious about getting a useful hobby08:03
Kentoslearning something I dont already know08:03
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Kentosand if i do the data storage or website hosting it'll be for friends and family etc.  do something for myself and offer what i can for my fam and friends08:06
mysteriousdarrenI might pass out, be warned sorry08:12
Kentosno worries, thanks for the help so far. Im pretty sure its just a bad download issue for the iso file08:12
jimmyI am converting windows server (attached to 6 windows clients) to two ubuntu servers. one is to be a router (dhcp, dns, firewall) for increased security. second is to be samba, apache, sql, raid. am I on right track? where can I find info? - have spent 2 months googling w/ no results.08:12
KentosI think samba is the file server type that you want for windows clients to access it, but im just starting to get my server going...not even off the ground yet so to speak08:14
mysteriousdarrenyes that is correct08:14
Kentosbut i believe the samba file serveri s the kind that is best for multiple types of OS's not sure why though08:14
Kentosmaybe the drive formatting?08:15
mysteriousdarrensamba just allows linux to talk to windows08:16
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Kentosport protocols for the networking right?08:17
Kentosi noticed windows using the samba ports for IGMP before, was curious about that08:18
mysteriousdarrenhow is the dl going?08:18
Kentosjust finished and checking the hash08:19
Kentosno go08:19
Kentosvery strange, not sure why this is happening08:20
mysteriousdarrenhave a friend dl it for you08:21
Kentosgood thing to try i suspect08:21
jimmydoes samba have to handle dhcp duties for windows clients?08:24
Kentoshmm, DLing an alternate at 692 MB file size, hopefully this is the right one, at lest something is different =P08:25
Kentoscouldn't say myself jimmy, maybe in a few months ill have the experience to help =/08:26
jimmythx and have a great night/day!08:26
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mysteriousdarrensamba is a protocol for file sharing08:38
mysteriousdarrenjimmy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samba_(software)08:39
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Kentosstill can't get a real DL of the Iso lol. maybe i have to put it off for a few days09:03
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koolhead17Daviey: ping10:23
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Kentosanyone up? Trying to get this install going on a dell poweredge 280010:34
RoyKKentos: 'sup?10:42
Kingsydoes anyone know how you get a ar report from date to date? I know you can get a full 24 hours with sar -f /var/log/sa/sa29 -A  for example.. but what if you wanted 29 - 04 or whatever10:45
KingsyI know -e and -s manages times, but I havnt seen how to get a report spanning across more than 24 houts10:45
Kentostrying to get this server installed with a new ubuntu OS10:47
Kentosits seems it just won't go10:47
KentosI'd appreciate some help if anyone can. I thought it might be the hash check error but i found some posts stating the hash checks on the ubuntu page were not the right ones. So it would seem things should boot, but they don't10:50
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koolhead17zul: let me know when your here sir.10:59
koolhead17it appears that 2 files are missing from the quantum config :P11:00
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giroohi all11:05
giroois it safe to backport lxc from quantal to precise or should I expect some problems doing that?11:05
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giroostgraber: you seem very active in lxc, maybe you have some insight into this?11:11
Kentosi wish i could figure out what Im not doing to get this thing to boot properly11:13
Kentosgot me stumped11:13
Kentosbut I guess ill try again tomarow, later all11:14
Davieykoolhead17: hey11:27
koolhead17Daviey: howdy sir :)11:27
jamespageDaviey: how would you feel if I did a general call for testing of quantal on the ubuntu-server mailing list? not really tied to the beta but stating we are in the final run now so bug fixing is important - go find bugs!11:35
Davieyjamespage: Always a good idea11:37
koolhead17zul zul zul zul11:40
zulkoolhead17: should be fixed in today's upload11:41
koolhead17zul: awesome. both the issues vncproxy and quantum one11:41
zulkoolhead17: yep11:42
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stgrabergiroo: quantal to precise is fine. I have these backports in ppa:stgraber/experimental and they'll be pushed to precise-backports once we're done pushing a bunch of changes to quantal13:16
giroostgraber: cool, thanks13:18
giroostgraber: can we expect one of your great lxc blog posts about what's all new in this cycle?13:19
stgrabergiroo: yep, I'm at least going to blog about the new API, then do one of these generic "what's new" blog post close to release time13:20
giroostgraber: awesome :)13:20
girooplease keep up the great work13:20
zulsoren: ping13:42
hallynstgraber: now i can't recall...  aren't there some apparmor issues still in precise which could cause trouble with quantal to precise lxc backport?13:58
hallynor were all of those fixed in precise?13:58
stgraberhallyn: I think they were all fixed, at least nobody running my backports complained yet ;)14:00
hallynstgraber: cool14:06
stgraberhallyn: did you see what I wrote yesterday about having start() do a dual-fork + exit to move the container as a child of init?14:06
hallynso it is init and not python reaping?14:07
hallynstgraber: yeah...  do you happen to know if daemonize() actually does that?  i didn't think it did...14:11
hallynno, daemon(0,0) only clones once14:13
stgraberhallyn: right, the idea is that if we make the container a child of init, I don't have to deal with the whole zombie situation in my code and it'd also make it consistent with what lxc-start -d does14:15
hallynstgraber: oh wait,  I think the problem is I'm no longer doing setsid()14:15
hallynno, i am14:16
hallynstgraber: I'm doing setsid, so you shouldn't have to!14:16
hallynstgraber: do you have any reference for 'dual fork'?  I don't see anyone doing that14:18
stgraberroot     16551  0.0  0.0  25236  2264 pts/8    S    10:14   0:00  |       \_ /bin/bash14:19
stgraberroot     16907  0.1  0.0  60012  8788 pts/8    S+   10:18   0:00  |           \_ python314:19
stgraberroot     16909  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Zs   10:19   0:00  |               \_ [python3] <defunct>14:19
stgraberhallyn: ^ that's what I'm trying to avoid. This being the result of start() + stop()14:19
hallynstgraber: right, i understand.  but setsid is supposed to do that14:20
hallynwell, i guess i can try dual fork.  it makes sense, i just don't see anyone doing it.14:21
hallynlemme spin off a branch...14:21
Davieyhallyn: I have encountered dual forks before.. they ended up intermingling.. rather confusing.. i documented it here.. http://dual.forks.daviey.com/14:24
stgraberhallyn: I can't find any proper reference to it, though it's essentially what lxc-start does with -d at the moment as lxc-start itself exits after spawning the container in the background14:24
hallynstgraber: oh, well - it doesn't dual-fork, it just exits after the first fork.14:25
hallynin fact, i think i see now14:25
hallynwe used to exit, now we wait for completion14:26
hallynso that (recent) change probably broke this.  ok, tree almost ready for testing14:26
plodHi I am trying to create a vm with ubuntu-vm-builder and I am getting a 2012-09-07 15:24:31,485 ERROR   : Process (['umount', '/tmp/tmpbBTW0f/dev']) returned 1. stdout: , stderr: umount: /tmp/tmpbBTW0f/dev: device is busy.14:27
plod        (In some cases useful info about processes that use14:27
plod         the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))14:27
hallynDaviey: btw, thanks :)14:35
karihreQuestion, I have now blocked all ports except for tcp/udp 2049 and I don't see any program listening to this port (using lsof -i), yet nfs v4 works.  Can someone explain to me what I'm missing?14:35
hallynstgraber: well i pushed to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/quantal/lxc/lxc-dualfork/, doesn't seem to help.14:35
hallynI'm still pretty sure the setsid() is supposed to do that for us anyway14:36
hallynso why isn't it...14:36
hallynwtf let's check ppid before and after.14:37
* koolhead17 is happy14:38
Davieyhallyn: hope it helps.14:39
hallynlet's try using setpgid(0,0) i place of setsid14:48
stgraberhallyn: I pushed the code change to python-lxc removing the reaper code to my git branch14:52
hallynstgraber: actually can you try the lxc-dualfork branch?  Maybe I'm now failing for different reasons.14:53
stgraberwith that change, start() will work with hooks but you'll see the zombie processes if you stop a container (at least until you figure out why that's happening)14:53
stgraberhallyn: yep, I can do that14:53
hallynno this doesn't make sense.  sometimes ppid  is 1, sometimes not (after dual fork)14:53
hallynmust be racing with myself14:54
hallynyeah i think it's now actually working and my containers fail for a different reason14:55
hallyni STILL say setsid should keep your reaper from reaping the child, but...14:56
stgraberhallyn: hmm, so using the dual-fork branch and after removing my reaper, I see that the container is now a child of PID 1 but I'm still getting a defunct child15:00
hallynstgraber: can you run that through strace ?15:02
stgraberhallyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1190977/15:04
stgraberwell, I guess it makes sense that the initial fork is still the child of the python shell... so I still need to reap that one...15:05
stgraberor can we do that in liblxc?15:06
stgraberas I'm not the one calling fork() it's a bit difficult to do the waitpid()15:06
hallynoh, yeah, i guess we can15:08
hallynso that is the firs fork that'z zombieing?15:08
stgraberlooks like it15:10
hallynyeah lemme reap that, one min15:10
raubLSBInitScripts question: Required-Start means if facility is not running (even if it is not installed), service depending on it will not start?15:12
stgraberraub: I believe that's correct. Though please note that Ubuntu doesn't use the LSB headers15:13
raubstgraber: what does it use then?15:16
hallynstgraber: re-pushed to bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/quantal/lxc/lxc-dualfork/ .  stab in the dark, but shoudl work15:17
raubAFAIK, it does not use inserv, which is fine with me15:17
stgraberraub: upstart uses the init jobs in /etc/init/ with their start/stop conditions instead. For sysvinit scripts in /etc/init.d, they just start sequentially depending on the runlevel (/etc/rcX.d/)15:17
raubBut the packages in question -- nslcd/nscd -- do not seem to be upstart-ready yet15:17
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stgraberhallyn: ok, testing15:18
hallynwhat fun.  "start on runlevel [2345]\nexec reboot\n"15:19
stgraberhallyn: looks like you killed all the zombies! :)15:21
hallynyay.  and containers start?15:22
raubstgraber: a bit of a bummer on the LSB headers though15:23
stgraberhallyn: yep15:24
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stgraberhallyn: only bit of code to port from shell to python is the fstab handling, everything else seems to be working great16:03
hallynstgraber: cool.  you're going to grab the doublefork patch whenever you push?16:05
hallynI assume there's a git pull request coming my way too, so so as not to complciate things in your tree I"ll wait for that16:05
stgraberhallyn: I'm still not sure whether I want to push the python rewrite in quantal, but I'll at least send you a pull request for it16:06
stgraberhallyn: did you push the doublefork change to your git? that one I dion't have in mine16:07
hallynno i didn't16:07
hallynstgraber: do you want me to, or are you doing it?16:08
stgraberhallyn: go ahead16:09
smoserrbasak, so... i'm pretty sure that i'm just SOL right now16:09
smoserwith our ephemeral images.16:09
smoseri'm not sure what would have broke them (they previously worked), but now this issue with mounted / coming before virtual-filesystems (and udev) is just really screwing me.16:10
Jake232Is there an easy way to overwrite a function within a class, with a new function? I can't just curry it with a new function because there are references to this in other libraries I don't want to edit. eg, I want to do something like16:10
Jake232requests.get = functools.partial(requests.get, timeout=0.00001)16:10
Jake232wrong channel, my bad16:11
zulDaviey: uploading a new snapshot this afternoon16:31
jamespageutlemming, I'm guessing you probably won't be fixing bug 928990 for quantal?16:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 928990 in cloud-init "fsck / dirty filesystem on instance is death" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/92899016:33
utlemmingjamespage: I'll be building a rescue image for that, but no, we're not going to fix that in instance.16:34
utlemmingjamespage: that is in the cloud image roundtable blueprint. We talked about options and thought it best to just a rescue volume16:34
jamespageutlemming, is that a 'Won't Fix' then? or should we leave it open for the future?16:34
utlemmingyeah, I'll put something in the bug there16:35
tonyyarussoI currently have Postfix set up with both Amavis and SpamAssassin on 12.04, based on the Server Guide.  I want to use user preferences with SpamAssassin, which apparently the version of Amavis in the repos for precise doesn't support.  How would I go about removing Amavis from the mix and just having Postfix call SpamAssassin directly?16:36
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TheLordOfTimeis the server team aware that PHP 5.4.4 and greater (which would include the 5.4.6 in Ubuntu) listens by default on a UNIX socket instead of a TCP listener?16:37
TheLordOfTimeand that it may impact other applications/packages which use PHP's configurations?16:38
protoCall7Hi all, can anyone explain if this log entry is normal behavior or if it is indicating a problem? Sep  7 08:02:33 rarch-002 sshd[5335]: Connection closed by [preauth]16:38
Davieyzul: cool16:41
Jeeves_TheLordOfTime: Why would php listen on a socket?16:44
Jeeves_Unless you tell it to do so?16:44
TheLordOfTimeyou don't read the changelogs much, i guess, because in 5.4.4 it was patched to automatically have that as a default config option16:45
TheLordOfTimewas wishlisted in both Ubuntu and Debian, was fixed in both.16:45
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TheLordOfTimei wrote the patch, i'd know.16:46
TheLordOfTimehaving said this, if the server team thinks that should change, they only need to remove a single patch from the package.16:46
Jeeves_No, I don't read changelogs much. I've got about 590 packges on an average server. I've got more to do than reading those changelogs :)16:47
hallynSpamapS: ^ i assume you were aware of the php listening on unix sock default change?16:48
TheLordOfTimewell, that changed the default configs, though, so webserver documentations might need updating16:48
SpamapShallyn: very aware16:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 900620 in php5 "Possible Bug: php5-fpm does not listen on a socket by default" [Wishlist,Fix released]16:48
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS was integral in helping get that patch to Debian16:48
hallynSpamapS: jolly good16:48
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: are you talking about php-fpm ?16:48
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  aye16:48
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  specifically -fpm16:49
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: right so upstream followed suit then?16:49
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  not sure if upstream did, i know at least Ubuntu users are getting that patch implemented16:49
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  i'd have to dig around in upstream16:49
TheLordOfTimeatm, i'm fighting PHP 5.4.6 on this system right now, so...16:49
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: I had read somewhere that some high-intensity tests revealed that it was actually slower because of some kernel locks around unix sockets that had been optimized away in AF_INET16:49
* TheLordOfTime kicks the PHP source code.16:49
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  then should the patch be removed?16:49
* SpamapS will probably never be able to find that article again tho16:49
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: no, AF_UNIX should be fixed :)16:50
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  the only reason i remembered the change is because someone in #nginx was running PRecise server and was using QUantal level PHP16:50
TheLordOfTime(5.4.6 at least)16:50
TheLordOfTimethey were complaining about the upgrade breaking their setups16:50
TheLordOfTimeand i remembered that patch/change, so...16:50
TheLordOfTimei'm itrying to track down changelogs now, SpamapS, for upstream source, see if they implemented it or not there.16:51
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: the upgrade shouldn't break anything.. we did that as the default in 11.10 IIRC16:52
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  it was implemented in 5.4.4 of PHP, 11.10 had an older version16:52
TheLordOfTime5.4.4 wasnt synced to Precise before freeze16:53
TheLordOfTimeso the changes made it to Quantal16:53
TheLordOfTimenot Precise16:53
TheLordOfTimeso 11.10, 12.04 are both still using the  original default listener,
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  and the implementation was only in Debian and Ubuntu16:53
TheLordOfTime(Upstream didn't adopt the change)16:53
SpamapSok so this might warrant a NEWS item16:54
TheLordOfTimei'm going to put a note in my blog, that'll aggregate on planet.u.c, so...16:54
SpamapSI recall now that there was no need for a NEWS entry for Debian because they had not shipped php5-fpm in squeeze16:54
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: how about opening a bug and making a patch to debian/NEWS?16:55
SpamapSand perhaps release notes too16:55
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  can i post on my blog first?  I've been working on the post for 10 minutes, and am on a roll.16:55
SpamapSquantal is a good time to make these changes.. but we need to call them out16:55
TheLordOfTimei'll make the bug shortly afterwards, the patch is only in Quantal we're targetting?16:55
TheLordOfTimes/patch/news change and release notes change/16:56
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: I'd recommend linking to the bug in the blog post (perhaps as an update after the fact)16:56
TheLordOfTimethat's what i plan on doing :P16:56
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: thanks for helping out with PHP. :)16:56
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  still waiting on that SRU to go through, but...16:56
TheLordOfTimei'm not whining, i've got the patched version already running via a PPA, so....16:57
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: SRU team has been busy w/ 12.04.1 and then beta1 .. only a couple items in front of it now.16:58
TheLordOfTimeas i said, i'm not complaining, i'm running a patched version already :p17:02
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/104752017:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1047520 in php5 "NEWS and release notes need updating" [Undecided,New]17:09
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TheLordOfTimeprobably forgot to set a status other than "New" though...17:09
TheLordOfTimethere we go, "In Progress"17:09
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: targetted at Quantal17:10
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: Once you have the text figured out, we can add it to the bug description and open a task against ubuntu-release-notes17:11
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  alrighty, i assume that I don't need to include a debdiff detailing the changes, but rather I should just figure out the wording and post that?17:13
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: a debdiff or merge proposal against lp:ubuntu/php5 would be a lot easier to sponsor in :)17:14
TheLordOfTimethat's dependent on whether this system explodes or not...17:14
TheLordOfTimeits been close to dying a lot lately17:14
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  oh, a bug needs to be filed against phpmyadmin, if not already filed against it, which changes its fpm configuration options (was reading through the Debian bug on that initial Wishlist bug that changed things)17:17
TheLordOfTime... oh snap, i'm going to be late for class...17:18
SpamapSTheLordOfTime: thanks for the tip, go go go17:18
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  before i run, where in debian/NEWS should i put the note about the changes, in the 5.4.4 section(s), or in a new entry?17:20
stgraberhallyn: sent a pull request your way17:22
stgraberhallyn: this includes the new lxc-start-ephemeral17:22
hallynstgraber: nifty17:22
hallynbtw i tried to do a git-send-email from my mail server, but lxc-devel didn't like that address.17:22
hallynI'm not about to send 100 patches by hand to the m-l, so we'll just have to hope Daniel is ok with the github workflow17:23
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  oh hang on...17:23
TheLordOfTimeSpamapS:  already in NEWS: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191228/17:23
* TheLordOfTime runs at insane speed to class17:23
stgraberhallyn: I think he'll be, otherwise I'll figure out a way to get the 100 commits to the ML, but I'm not sure everyone will like that :)17:24
stgraberhallyn: any thoughts on registering an lxc "project" on github so we can have a shared staging branch on there? That way whenever one of us has something to push, we can just send a pull-request to that branch and the other can review17:25
stgraberFWIW Daniel seemed happy to have an official staging branch that he can easily pull from and I believe having it on github would make it much more accessible to other contributors17:26
hallynstgraber: i'd be happy with that17:26
stgraberok. I'll try to figure out how to do that then17:26
hallynstgraber: one issue with lxc-start-ephemeral,17:26
hallynyou're hardcoding some paths17:26
hallynwhich other scripts set through '@LXCDIR@' etc,17:26
hallyni.e. lxc-start-ephemeral should probably be lxc-start-ephemeral.in ?17:27
hallyn(i've already merged your request)17:27
stgraberhallyn: oh yeah, that'd make sense17:28
stgraberhallyn: did you see anything besides /var/lib/lxc?17:28
hallynhm, i'm really not sure about the ordering after commits after a pull request.  i may have to install gitk to get a closer look17:28
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hallynstgraber: no only htat one17:29
stgraberok, I'll reduce the use of it even more, then turn the script into a .in for the remaining one17:31
hallynstgraber: cool, thanks.  shout when a new pull requeset is ready17:33
hallyn(my laptops are all busy trying to reproduce odd bugs)17:33
stgraberhallyn: hmm, do we actually have a variable for /var/lib/lxc? LXCDIR is only defined in lxccontainer.h17:36
hallynstgraber: stgraber I think '@LOCALSTATEDIR'/lib/lxc - at least that seems to be hardcoded in some places17:39
hallyn(@LXCPATH@)  pretty sure that's it17:40
hallynhm, my laptop has precise-backports enabled.  i didn't think i'd enabled those17:42
TheLordOfTimehallyn:  that's been on by default i think17:44
TheLordOfTimefor a while...17:44
stgraberhallyn: it's enabled by default but packages won't auto-install/auto-update from it. You need to specifically pull a version from it17:44
hallynah, ok17:45
hallynwas hoping that might explain why apt insists that 'tk', which is in main, cannot be authenticated17:45
stgraber-dest_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="%s-" % args.orig, dir="@LXCPATH@")17:55
stgraber+dest_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="%s-" % args.orig, dir="${localstatedir}/lib/lxc")17:55
stgraberhallyn: ^ do you know how to tell autoconf to fully expand these?17:55
hallynstgraber: just the '@LXCPATH@' should do it... not working?17:55
stgraberhallyn: looks like in the shell scripts we have an extra localstatedir=@LOCALSTATEDIR@ line to workaround that problem, but that's not of much help with python17:56
stgraberhallyn: @LXCPATH@ is expanded to "${localstatedir}/lib/lxc" not "/var/lib/lxc"17:56
hallynstgraber: those get expanded in Makefile.am, maybe the thing to do is make a new define which does the right thing for python17:58
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stgraberhallyn: Makefile.am seems to expand them before setting them in the cflags, though I'm not sure how that'd help for python... I guess I can simply add an extra target that does a sed though...18:12
hallynstgraber: sorry - actually look at configure.ac18:16
hallynjsut add a python_lxcpath variable in there, and use proper python in the text in that one18:16
hallynoh, yeah.  sed would work too i guess18:17
adam_gDaviey: when you have a second.... what is th best way to get bug #1044318 moving? i assume its too late to upload a new version into quantal (assuming the fix is debian, to begin with). should i apply the fix to quantal package as a patch to get it fix released there, and start the SRU process for the precise package?18:17
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1044318 in quantum "pre-1.5 OVS has trouble with floating ips when pinging from the same box" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104431818:17
Davieyadam_g: well, it needs to be fixed in Quantal to start with, regardless18:18
Davieyadam_g: diff looks SRU-able IMO.18:18
Davieyas a patch18:18
adam_gDaviey: yeah, no problem on the SRU. im wondering how to get it fix released in quantal. if the fix is included in debian, is it to late for another merge? or should it just be carried as a patch in Q?18:19
joemyfriendIs it ok to encrypt your home directory if Ubuntu server is going to be an apache server?18:19
Davieyadam_g: it's not too late for another merge, no18:20
joemyfriendI wanted to have docroot in that users home dir18:20
Davieyadam_g: if the merge introduces features, it should be signed off first tho18:20
Davieybut bug fix merge is fine18:20
adam_gDaviey: okay, ill see whats what in debian18:20
joemyfriendAnyone good with Apache?18:23
joemyfriendI'm in need of some help. =(18:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:24
RoyKan encrypted home won't work well with apache serving it18:24
RoyKyou will need a freetext storage area for web18:24
RoyKjust reconfigure apache to use another place to store home websites18:25
joemyfriendWhy won't it work?18:25
RoyKserving from encrypted homes won't work well, period18:25
RoyKbecause the user needs to be logged in for the storage to be available18:26
RoyKwhich is really the reason for encrypting things18:26
joemyfriendIf the user is user1 and the application runs as root?18:26
joemyfriendI didnt code this application and I know it shouldnt run as root but that is how it is now (atleast in testing)18:26
RoyKroot can't decrypt a user's encrypted home18:27
joemyfriendBut it seems to be working18:27
RoyKlog out18:27
RoyKand it won't18:27
joemyfriendThis is on Ubuntu server18:27
joemyfriendI"m sudoing from the user to run this application as root18:27
RoyKreboot the machine and sudo into the user with an encrypted home, and you won't find shit18:28
RoyKthat's what encrypted home is about18:28
RoyKit's safe with the user18:28
RoyKnot root18:28
RoyKso use another place for storing things exposed to the net18:29
joemyfriendOk so I may have to create a new user and then move the docroot18:29
joemyfriendDon't know why it is working18:29
arrrghhhor just put the docroot in like /var/www18:29
arrrghhhnot in the encrypted /home18:30
adam_gDaviey: so, debian is not any more recent than we are (1.4.2+git20120612-9), dan just mentioned a new stable upstream release (1.4.3) came out last night. is it acceptable to update to that in Q, ahead of debian?18:30
joemyfriendShould that user own those directories18:31
RoyKjoemyfriend: docroot is irrelevant, home directories can be set somewhere else18:31
joemyfriendSorry, I'm only worried about apache. I understand18:31
RoyKjoemyfriend: and it doesn't matter what permissions you set if the home directory is encrypted18:32
arrrghhhindeed joemyfriend.  i would put docroot somewhere else other than /home if you use encrypted /home's18:32
joemyfriendWeb apps shouldn't run as root rigth?18:33
arrrghhhwww-data usually18:33
joemyfriendThis dev is annoying me18:33
RoyKjoemyfriend:         <Directory /home/*/public_html>18:33
RoyKthat's the default18:33
RoyKin userdir.conf18:33
RoyKchoose another directory for that18:33
RoyKweb apps run as www-user18:34
RoyKby default18:34
RoyKrunning web apps as root isn't very smart18:34
joemyfriendAgreed.  developer is insisting that is ONLY way to go18:34
joemyfriendAnother ?18:35
RoyKwww-data, not -user, sorry18:35
RoyKjoemyfriend: can you spell RTFM?18:35
arrrghhhoh noes18:36
joemyfriendread the f***** manual18:36
joemyfriendDoes an alias directory have to exist or is it like a link (think ln)?  so can I alias for /var to /home/username/webdata when there is no /var?18:37
joemyfriendSorry I haven't been working with apache in years (10 to be exact)18:38
joemyfriendCan I alias for a directory that doesn't exist?  FYI I'm restoring this application from an older box with a different configuration18:40
stgraberhallyn: sent updated pull request: https://github.com/hallyn/lxc/pull/518:41
roaksoaxsmoser: failed to get https://maas.ubuntu.com/images/query/quantal/ephemeral/released-dl.current.txt18:42
roaksoaxremote query of https://maas.ubuntu.com/images failed18:42
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smoserutlemming, ^18:43
smoserdo you know anything about that18:43
Davieyadam_g: I'd be happier if quantal shipped a release rather than a snapshot. :)18:43
adam_gDaviey: meaning what? jump the gun with a new orig.tar.gz? the snapshot comes from debian.18:43
utlemmingsmoser: I have touched nectarine's MAAS code/generation/process yet18:44
Davieyadam_g: take note that the DM is well integrated into upstream, i'd expect a new Debian version shortly18:44
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Davieyadam_g: I'd be tempted to shoot an email to the DM asking if he has plans18:44
utlemmingsmoser: but I don't see any quantal images being built there18:44
joemyfriendRoyK, Thanks 4 ur help18:45
smoserah. you're right. roaksoax we have not built any quantal18:45
smoserutlemming, sorry. i was afraid fallout of move off nectarine18:45
roaksoaxsmoser: ah! that is it then18:45
utlemmingsmoser, roaksoax: I hope to have some EOD, but no promises there18:45
utlemmingsmoser: I wanted to make sure I understand the process before I move that off...and I will absolutely get your sign off before I migrate the MAAS generation18:46
adam_gDaviey: i think we're on our own for the new stable release. #openstack-dev, if interested.18:49
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hallynstgraber: still using /var/lib/lxc?18:51
hallyn(s'ok, it can get straightened out later)18:51
stgraberhallyn: hmm, the last commit should be fixing that...18:51
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stgraberhallyn: or not... looks like I messed up my commit18:52
stgrabercanceling the pull request, will fix18:52
stgrabertoo late actually ;) you already merged it18:52
Davieyhallyn: gah, dammit.18:52
Davieyerr, adam_g18:52
Davieyadam_g: Okay, just cherry the patch to Quantal for now, to unblock the SRU18:52
Davieywe'll evaluate the stable solo effort next week18:53
hallynstgraber: i pulled, but didn't hten push18:53
hallynDaviey: i should ignore?18:53
Davieyhallyn: Yes, wrong nick.. sorry18:53
hallynstgraber: oh no, i did18:53
stgraberhallyn: there you go: https://github.com/hallyn/lxc/pull/618:55
hallynstgraber: yup got it, thanks18:56
hallynstgraber: it's all very unfortunate :)  we should probably look for a better way18:56
stgraberhallyn: https://github.com/lxc/lxc/commits/github/staging19:13
stgraberhallyn: that's the new staging tree19:13
stgraberhallyn: these last two "merge" commits seem to be messing quite a bit with the history... will see if I can fix that somehow19:14
hallynstgraber: cool.  teams :)19:18
stgraberhallyn: oh, fun, our branch doesn't actually apply on the upstream git ;)19:39
hallynhow can that be?19:39
stgraberapparently some of the apparmor stuff merged upstream doesn't match what we have in the branch19:40
stgraberI'm attempting a rebase now to try and sort out that mess19:40
hallynstgraber: that's true, but the apparmor stuff in upstream git should be what's in my lxcgit19:44
stgraberhallyn: it's close but not quite19:45
hallyncould thing i haven't yet further complciated it with selinux implementation19:45
hallynand smack19:45
adam_gzul: thoughts on making OVS the default quantum plugin ?19:55
adam_gDaviey: ^19:56
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ScottKIsn't it rather late in the game?19:59
adam_gScottK: considering the package is entirely unusable at this point, i dunno? in addition to the fixes i'm working on, i thought maybe it'd be a good idea to provide a default that at least provides a running service after installation20:00
ScottKIn that case, I guess not.  Didn't realize it was that broken.20:00
Davieyadam_g: oh, most certainly20:01
DavieyOVS should always be the default plugin20:01
Davieyit can be used everywhere.20:01
zuladam_g: it should be in a better state in the ci testing20:12
adam_gzul: no, its broken20:12
zuladam_g: and im ok with ovs as the default20:13
zuladam_g: borken as in how?20:13
adam_gzul: what ive fixed so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191538/20:16
zuladam_g: cool just wondering20:17
zuladam_g: im going to be uploading rest of the snapshots tonight20:20
adam_gzul: okay, ill hopefully have this working better out of the box by then20:20
zuladam_g: coolio20:20
adam_gDaviey: https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ubuntu/quantal/openvswitch/lp1044318/+merge/12335020:20
Davieyadam_g: perfect upload20:23
Davieyadam_g: do you need sponsoring ?20:23
adam_gDaviey: i believe i do20:28
adam_gzul: is quantum-plugin-dhcp-agent supposed to have a corresponding quantum-plugin-dhcp package? i see a .insatll for it, but its not in d/control20:28
zuladam_g:  its suppose to20:29
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TheLordOfTimeanyone noticed an issue with umount, and unmounting kerberos/nfs shares?22:18
TheLordOfTimei've got an issue where umount doesn't recognize that a folder contains a mounted share, so i can't shut down completely because it can't unmount...22:19
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