
derekvoh newest changes arent on github yet i didnt have network00:05
derekvnow they are00:06
snap-lrick_h_: Bah humbug00:28
derekvwhats global jam00:39
derekvis it good on toast?00:39
derekv2 days, motherfucking dinasaurs on a spaceship00:43
snap-lGod Damn, kittens love trouble00:51
wolfgerEverybody even remotely related to naming graphics cards should be shot01:05
wolfgerfurthermore, software designers who say you need "Graphics card XXX or better" should be shot01:06
wolfgerI mean, how the f* am I supposed to know if an HD 6480G is "better"  than an X1800?01:08
wolfgerYes, of course, but the point is nobody should have to do that much work to know which graphics card they wish to purchase01:14
derekvmarketing.  its like entropy01:16
snap-lTHey could make it like APple01:18
snap-lYou need the new videocard01:19
Blazeixnice, i like it03:02
snap-lBlazeix: Thanks.04:00
derekvomg, it is12:07
derekvthankfully, i remembered to sleep before this one happened12:08
rick_h_always a good way to TGIF12:08
snap-lDamn, I took allergy medicine, so the sleeping was optional12:53
snap-lThe worst part about GTD is doing something that isn't on a list, and wishing you could get the little high from marking it as done.13:04
brouschSolution: LIST ALL THE THINGS13:04
rick_h_Solution: throw you hands in the air and rip up your GTD list13:05
brouschAnd my makefile grows some more. it now downloads and installs a patch to django after install13:05
snap-lrick_h_: This would probably have been the week to do it. :)13:05
snap-lI haven't done a weekly review in about a month because of this project13:05
snap-lAlso, automate all the things13:05
brouschI would've stabbed myself in the eye if not for the makefile on this project13:06
snap-lgot a nice little high (instead of continually grumbling) for making a small script that reads SQL files, runs them via MySQL, and exports it as CSV13:06
* rick_h_ loves to hear other people find cool things useful13:06
rick_h_brousch: how did your fabric/make meeting thing go?13:06
snap-lwhat was once a chore is now 2 seconds.13:06
brouschEvery time I fix something, another little thing crops up, and I need to rebuild the whole venv and downloads and solr to try out the fix13:06
brouschrick_h_: that's 2 weeks from now13:07
rick_h_brousch: oh, thought it was wed topic13:07
brouschNo, that's GRLUG13:07
rick_h_gotcha, my bad then13:08
brouschheh, now I've started prepending all of my commands with 'make'13:12
brousch'make git push origin master'13:12
rick_h_make push13:17
rick_h_just go ahead and shortcut it :P13:18
rick_h_must read for all burrito makers of the world http://goo.gl/NtAe813:23
jrwrenmake pushit real good13:25
snap-lmake ah pushit13:26
brouschI'm getting a geekon from this Makefile, and it's all thanks to rick_h_13:27
* rick_h_ runs and hides13:27
snap-lbrousch: It's the thought "Oh, I don't have time to automate this" and then realizing how much time you'll save running it13:28
snap-land then you want to automate everything13:28
snap-lwhich is why I have a smart alarm clock that I don't have to set every day.13:28
snap-land lights that turn on automatically13:28
jrwrenpretty soon you'll bring in autotools to generate that makefile for you :p13:30
snap-lautomation is a disease. Once you really catch it, you'll automate the whole damn thing13:30
snap-ljrwren: true dat13:30
snap-lI have a script to build the OMC episode automatically13:31
snap-land compose shownotes13:31
snap-lbecause I'm lazy13:31
snap-llaziness is the great programmer virtue13:31
snap-lThat's why we have computer do the work, and why we're not accountants.13:32
snap-ldata goes in, data comes out13:32
jrwrenwell, THAT Kind of lazy is. I've worked with the other kind of lazy.13:32
snap-ljrwren: That's sloth13:32
jrwrenthe "I don't read books" and 'I don't want to learn new things" kind of lazy.13:32
jrwrenah ha!13:32
rick_h_man, what a freaking great cool morning14:03
rick_h_COME ON FALL!!!!!14:03
rick_h_favorite time of year14:03
jrwrenwhy can't I pip install pyrex ?14:30
rick_h_wtf http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/Pyrex/hg/14:31
jrwreni dunno wtf.14:32
snap-lAutomate that shit14:32
snap-lNever quite seen a hg repo like that14:32
jrwrenoh, i can pip install pyrex.14:32
jrwreni'm a nub14:32
rick_h_yea, it's listed on pypi so I would think you could14:33
rick_h_but hell if I can get at their setup.py to see wtf it looks like with that 'access to source'14:33
jrwrenhrm... Pyrex.Distutils is hte issue then.14:33
rick_h_ah, maybe you're venv is distribute by default and pyrex hates it with custom distutils muck ups14:34
jrwrenmaybe, but it just says it can't find the module14:34
brouschSome old ones use a wonky installer14:34
jrwrenand Pyrex/Distutils is right there. I can see it.14:35
jrwrenoh shit wait... i think this makefile is invoke the wrong python14:35
rick_h_k, but is it in the python path, etc?14:35
rick_h_ah, that'll do it14:35
rick_h_https://github.com/mitechie/Bookie/blob/develop/Makefile#L3 see line 314:36
rick_h_love it because with the makefile I almost never have to activate the venv to work on things14:36
jrwrenwell, i got it to move on, so that is good.14:36
jrwrenyeah, if I were using a real make system I'd hack it up, but this is bsd make.14:37
derekvSo if I want to have a common ubuntu os image shared by some different machines14:45
derekv... basically I want to be able to put some boot time configuration overrides on a drive that will be mounted on /common14:46
derekvthe setup is this, two teams with two projects merged into one team with two projects.14:47
derekva new OS image, ubuntu will be copied to all the other machines from where it's set up now14:47
derekvboth the projects are in a seperate partition mounted on /common , which will also be copied around14:48
derekvbut getting both the projects to run on the same machine was a pain, we had the thought that in the future we might have two project drives, and boot a machine to one or the other14:49
snap-lAre they VMs, or something else?15:02
derekvno, bare metal, the image will be copied onto the target machines15:04
derekvi'm thinking pretty hard about this idea now if it even makes sense15:04
derekvthe mountpoint /common becomes a misleading name15:05
derekvsince thats where the customizations go15:05
snap-lderekv: Folks used to use Kickstart for that sort of thing. Not sure if they still do15:05
snap-l(not to be confused with kickstarter, which is where people throw money at you)15:05
derekvhow would you set up a lab, if you wanted all the machines to say boot os from a network drive, but have a local drive that has overrides like hostname etc15:06
snap-lThey wouldn't share the same OS drive, but they'd share the configuration15:06
snap-lderekv: LTSP15:06
derekvnot thin clients though15:07
snap-lThey don't have to be thin clients15:07
snap-lat least I don't think they need to be thin clients. :)15:08
jrwrenit sounds like you just want pxe boot + kickstart though.15:08
jrwrenthat handles the hostname override.15:08
derekvi'm starting to think i suggest we put the effort into making the apps more portably deployable instead15:09
jrwrenif the only overrides you want are things like hostname, ipaddress, and things that are part of standard ubuntu /etc packages, then you don't need /common15:09
jrwrenyou are reinventing the wheel.15:09
snap-ljrwren: ++15:09
jrwrendefinitely invest in app portability.15:09
jrwrenits easier than it seems IMO15:09
snap-land deployment as a package if possible15:09
snap-lnot a .deb, but a self-contained unit15:09
jrwrendecouple your app from a server.15:10
derekvi think they have all kinds of linuxes on their servers15:10
derekvrhel maybe15:10
snap-lOr likely Centos15:11
derekvi think we just deploy by copy of war15:11
snap-lthat seems to be pretty popular with datacenters.15:11
snap-lderekv: Java shop?15:11
derekvwar, huh, good god yall15:11
snap-lYeah, Java folks do stupid shit to deploy their code15:12
derekvfunny cause true15:12
snap-lthe .war is a neat concept, but you have to reboot the server to make it pick up the new code.15:12
snap-land Tomcat reboots like a fucking pig15:12
derekvthe process here isn't something i'd design, but its not bad15:12
snap-lyeah, it's not terrible, but it's sub-optimal15:12
jrwreni'd call it terrible.15:13
derekvsnap-l: we always have at least two nodes15:13
derekvso that is how thats handled, just reboot one at a time15:13
snap-ljrwren: You're used to better.15:13
derekvyea i changed my mind15:13
derekvwe don't want different images imo15:13
derekvwe want this to expose ways we can improve the app15:13
snap-lAlso, you work for Cengage?15:14
derekvon contract15:14
snap-lI know you have zero popwer in this, but tell them to stop supporting bullshit like SOPA15:14
snap-lLove their books, but can't abide a technology publisher acting like that.15:14
derekvsnap-l: i wish you hadn't said anything15:15
snap-lNow, go forth and impotently tell them that. ;)15:15
derekvi'm not sure what that'd accomplish15:15
snap-lderekv: I worked for ALU, which has a history of unleashing patent lawsuits15:15
snap-lsome mornings I had to hold my nose.15:15
derekvi'm a contract worker.15:16
snap-lyeah, I know15:17
snap-lpeople would ask me stuff about Ford / Chrysler when I worked there on contract15:17
snap-lJust say "let me direct you to someone who can help", or if you really don't care, say "I'll let someone know"15:17
snap-land then merrily go about your day.15:18
* snap-l waits for derekv to say "I'll let someone know". ;)15:19
derekvi'll just start wearing a guy fawlks mask15:19
derekvto work15:20
derekvcan we just talk about how i feel about java15:23
derekvi feel like its training wheels15:23
jrwrenits simple, find a new contract, leave this one, and tell them why.15:24
derekvuniversities : we teach students to ride with training wheels because thats what the industry uses, industry: we only hire people riding with training wheels because they are easy to find, java devs: i only ride with training wheels because thats who gets hired15:26
derekvcan we talk about click to focus?15:33
derekvi'm going to accelerate dev on androidbookie and get a release out sometime this month15:37
derekvthen start work on something new15:38
derekvthat I can monitize15:38
brouschmonetize the bookie!15:39
brouschfork the server, hard code your client15:39
derekvbookie enterprise15:40
brouschthen gittip rick_h_ $0.01/wk15:40
derekvor just put reasonable bounties on features that'd make it easier for me15:41
derekvwhere the f is workspace settings on this cinnamon thing15:42
derekvwonder how to form a business model around "I hack up a new filesystem"16:01
snap-lask the Andrew Filesystem folks16:07
snap-lFirst: start off as a research project, funded by the NSa16:08
snap-lnext: graduate, and start a company around your research16:08
rick_h_derekv: charge for the android app man.16:09
rick_h_derekv: $5 app in the market. I'll pay and link it up on the front page/welcome email and all that16:09
rick_h_@$##@ ran out of material for the flooring job, and it's a 2wk backorder16:10
rick_h_I just love home improvement projects16:10
snap-lrick_h_: Oh shit16:20
rick_h_yea, sucks. So bare stairs are kind of ugly16:21
snap-lIs the house going to be livable in the interim?16:22
rick_h_yea, just need to spend some time pulling staples from the stairs so the pets/boy don't hurt themselves16:23
rick_h_the rest is trim so we'll just setup and they'll have to finish that up later16:23
rick_h_http://elzr.com/blag/a-new-desk cool stuff, I really like the coffee table/book shelf16:24
snap-lDamn, I like that16:25
rick_h_http://www.david-pickett.com/36340/358302/portfolio/nook-coffee-table for the coffee table specific site16:26
rick_h_http://esr.ibiblio.org/?p=4559 interesting CC post16:37
brouschrick_h_ http://dvice.com/archives/2012/09/aquarium-bed-le.php17:11
rick_h_hah, the day that springs a leak...17:12
rick_h_650 gallons...man17:13
rick_h_I want 650 gallons in the wall between the living room/my bedroom17:13
brouschJust don't shake the bed too much17:15
rick_h_brousch: here you go https://github.com/hhatto/autopep817:39
greg-gsnap-l: dude, I love ting so far (my number transfered last night!)17:45
snap-lgreg-g: Awesome. Glad to hear it. :)17:46
snap-lOpen Metalcast is on at 3pm today on Metal Injection18:05
rick_h_go to google.com and enjoy18:05
snap-lNice. :)18:07
rick_h_http://gould.cx/ted/blog/Desktop_in_the_cloud is the django thing I worked on back in June18:10
brouschrick_h_ "This is tool, that automatic generated to pep8 checked code. "18:22
brouschThat inspires my confidence18:22
rick_h_not everyone is a native english speaker. I've learned to be a bit more forgiving of that stuff I guess18:23
brouschIt looks like he fixed it in the code itself though "A tool that automatically formats Python code to conform to the PEP 8 style18:23
rick_h_brousch: a MP in the making18:23
rick_h_sorry, merge proposal aka pull request18:24
greg-gheh, rick is talking Launchpad-speak now instead of github-speak :)18:24
* rick_h_ hangs his head in shame18:25
snap-lOMC is on the air19:14
rick_h_http://i.imgur.com/QCzXh.jpg cool19:45
jrwrendo you have to have an ubuntu sso to use that remote greeter feature?19:49
derekvrick_h_: i don't know the code is on github not sure if i want to charge for it19:49
derekvactually a model based on charging for skins has occured to me before19:49
rick_h_derekv: I say go for it. The code is there, but for the ease of simple app store stuff19:50
rick_h_just saying I'd happily sent $$ your way for making it easy and even if it's only coffee money it's all good imo19:51
rick_h_and people can build an apk/install themselves if they want19:52
rick_h_but it's your thing, and we've only got some 138 users all together and it's not like it's going to get 1M (or even 1K) downloads any time soon19:52
derekvYea I don't care that much.19:53
derekvwhether i get money for it or not19:53
derekvI mean to make a go at actually making money19:53
derekvif i get a few apps out, even if I only average 1k or so ... i might make a try for full time19:55
rick_h_very cool19:55
derekvi could survive on pretty low income, just not indefinatly19:56
derekvand there'd always be ood job work to help19:56
rick_h_right, try it and worth a shot19:56
rick_h_if you can pull it over big win, if not, well at least you learn/gain a lot of exp for that next position19:56
derekvdarn, left my kb at work20:52
derekvstupid dell keyboard20:52
derekvwost thing to type on20:52
derekvlaptop is much better20:52
brouschFuck that http://www.droid-life.com/2012/09/07/entirety-of-amazons-new-kindle-fire-lineup-is-ad-supported/21:48
rick_h_yea, I'm not really in the market, but I know when I bought the kindle white paper I grabbed it without offers.21:54
rick_h_I don't want ads on my devices21:54
derekvI'd like to find dead thing in my garage that smells22:16
derekvgoogle local is of no help22:16
derekvthat is just unpleseant22:36
derekvmy garage has this shed built off the back of it22:36
derekvhaic job22:36
derekvprobably whatever is dead is dead in there22:36
derekvits horrible, attraction for undesirable critters22:37
* derekv goes off to create a new mobile os22:59
* derekv kicks over his garage22:59
brouschKivy is high on my list of stuff to try23:00
derekvyea i think that shed has to come down23:18
derekvfunny, 2nd person to suggest that23:32
derekvFS 4x Winterforce winter tires, good tread 195/65 R1523:32
derekvif anyone knows anyone who could use them23:33
derekvwelp, thats the highest bid so far23:33
brouschHa! I will flip them on ebay for $1023:34
derekvi think i might wait for more bids23:35
rick_h_heh, one more reason no fire http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2012/09/kindle-fire-sets-microsofts-bing-as-default-search-engine/23:50

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