
netritiousmeeting? I should've reminded myself to send the reminder00:30
netritiouswrst: you should have sent me a reminder to remind myself to remind the loco the meeting is tonight at 7:30/8:30pm cst/est00:32
* netritious smacks self with fish00:33
netritiousanyways, how's everybody?00:33
wrstnetritious: good, hey question on the meeting what would you think about doing that in the daytime seems like more activity then00:37
netritiouswrst: i guess we could have a meeting anytime. nothing says we can't meet during daylight hours00:48
wrstnetritious: i'm just thinking things are more active then just a thought not even a suggestion :)00:49
netritiousnot to many seem to care about it. i think that would change if it became interesting, like it is in the daytime.00:51
wrstnetritious: agreed most of us at night are trying to do or get other things done and seems like we can all goof off at work :)00:53
netritioushaha true wrst00:53
cyberangergoof off at work? never!02:21
cyberangercould have sworn I sent an email out02:23
* cyberanger checks02:23
cyberangerD'Oh, I did, but to the mailing list owner address (which comes back to me) not the list itself02:24
cyberangerD'Oh, I did, but to the mailing list owner address (which comes back to me) not the list itself02:33
Unit193So, any of you going for the RasPi 2?03:07
cyberangernot quickly03:40
wrstUnit193: i hope to get one11:35
* wrst loves sending irc messages days apart from the original question11:35
xTEMPLARxwrst:  lol13:27
wrstxTEMPLARx: I have quantal on my laptop now13:48
xTEMPLARxthis BETA be good13:49
* xTEMPLARx listens to the crickets13:49
wrstyes beta13:52
Svpernova09the raspberry rev2 doesn't appear to have changed the one fundamental design flaw in the entire board.14:04
Svpernova09cables EVERYWHERE14:04
Svpernova09I'd welcome a slightly larger board just to get all the ports on 1 side.14:05
Svpernova09or even 2 sides...14:05
Svpernova09Mounting holes would be nice, but with no other changes (although the audio codec may be nice) I'm not worried that my rev1s are going to be outdated anytime soon.14:07
Svpernova09And 3d Printed cases are so easy to come by, mounting holes aren't an issue for me.14:07
wrstSvpernova09: kinda what i was thinking i'm looking forward to getting one either way14:20
Svpernova09I've got two of them running atm. 1 is running Raspbmc in the bedroom so the wife can stream video from the media PC.14:27
Svpernova09the 2nd is running a LAMP stack for my own poking and proding.14:28
xTEMPLARxyou use a raspberry device to /poke your facebook contacts?14:37
Svpernova09oh no, I'm just doing some testing with load and max connections and such14:38
wrstcool Svpernova0914:53
Svpernova09At one point i had it running motion, the webcam app.14:53
Svpernova09It would peg the CPU when something moved in the camera's field of vision though.14:54
* xTEMPx looks around15:07
wrstxTEMPLAR1: wb15:45
=== xTEMPLAR1 is now known as xTEMPx
xTEMPxyou cant have too many xtemplarxs15:52
wrstthat is debatable15:53
wrstwe need to ask mrs xTEMPx :)15:54
xTEMPxhey now whos side are you on?15:54
wrstha ha15:54
* xTEMPx likes this ipad app15:55
xTEMPxfor ssh15:55
wrstxTEMPx: if you had android you could irc just like your desktop :P15:56
wrstit is nice to be able to SSH from mobile15:56
xTEMPxandroid = meh to me15:56
xTEMPxbut im not desiring to spawn a debate =]15:57
wrstICS/Jellybean is pretty nice15:57
wrstand not a billion dollars!15:57
wrstand my wife has broken her ipaf screen twice!  cost as much to repair it as a nexus7 tablet cost new15:58
xTEMPLARxI've had my ipad2 since it was released15:58
xTEMPLARxno issues thus far15:58
xTEMPLARxput it in a nice case15:58
xTEMPLARxand i've taken care of it15:58
wrstI hate debating xTEMPLARx.l ;)15:58
xTEMPLARxstill, the screen is tough15:58
xTEMPLARxso I'm amazed she's broken one twice15:59
wrstI'm on my phone so spelling is bad15:59
xTEMPLARxi wont hold it against ya15:59
wrstipads are nice15:59
xTEMPLARxwb average_guy16:06
average_guythanks mate,  everything good your way?16:07
xTEMPLARxso far so good.  hopefully the same on your end :D16:07
average_guyah yes,  things are lovely here.  Doing some much need upgrades on several computers16:08
xTEMPLARxvery nice.  good luck :D16:09
Svpernova09just spent 10 minutes banging away at php on why it couldn't find an updated package.16:20
Svpernova09Then I remember.16:21
Svpernova09I should probably upgrade.16:21
xTEMPLARxprolly so16:21
Svpernova09mysql-server really should be a dependency for phpmyadmin.16:56
=== xTEMPLAR1 is now known as xTEMPx
xTEMPxare we there yet?17:03
Svpernova095 more minutes.17:03
cyberangerthink we're here, maybe we're over there, idk, I can't keep track anymore17:11
xTEMPxim just glad to be wherever i am17:17
xTEMPLARxwho says I can't kill a channel?20:56
xTEMPLARxpost a picture and nobody says a word for 3 1/2 hours20:56
cyberangerxTEMPLARx: that wasn't you, that was static discharge21:10
xTEMPLARxah so21:10

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