
=== spm is now known as stevemci
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DNXhi guys. How can I start the u1 daemon in debug mode?06:41
mandelDNX, are you still here?08:02
mandelDNX, to start the daemon you just have to pass the parameter --debug to the command line08:03
DNXhi mandel08:05
mandelDNX, you do know how to start the daemon, right?08:05
DNXso "u1sdtool -s" starts the daemon08:05
mandelDNX, yes, but for debug mode you have to start it manually08:06
mandelDNX, u1sdtool uses dbus08:06
mandelDNX,  ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug is what you are looking for so that the logging is done id debug mode and also in stdout08:08
DNXI cant fins ubuntuone-syncdaemon, I have only ubuntuone-launch and ubuntuone-preferences in my /usr/bin/08:11
DNXI have Ubuntu 10.0408:12
ryeDNX: the ubuntuone-syncdaemon lives in /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client08:12
ryeDNX: also, you can set debug mode in config file08:12
ryeDNX: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/syncdaemon.conf08:12
DNXook, thanks08:12
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JamesTaitHappy Friday, folks! :-D08:17
DNXcan someone help me to undestand this message:08:24
DNX2012-09-07 10:19:30,832 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'INIT'  (queues IDLE  connection 'Not User Not Network')>; queues: metadata: 0; content: 0; hash: 0, fsm-cache: hit=1 miss=373) ----08:24
DNXand this:08:25
DNXubuntuone.SyncDaemon.StateManager - DEBUG - Transition INIT --[SYS_INIT_DONE]--> LOCAL_RESCAN (queues: IDLE; connection: Not User Not Network)08:25
DNX"""Not User Not Network""" ?08:26
ryeDNX: State INIT - initializing syncdaemon, queues IDLE - ther is nothing to do yet. connection 'not user not network" means that there is no user credentials yet and NetworkManager says that there is no network, so Syncdaemon will not try to connect08:26
DNXI see08:26
ryeDNX: Transition INIT -..->LOCAL RESCAN means the client will now start scanning local files.08:26
ryeThere are several states in which syncdaemon can be.08:27
ryeDNX: are you using networkmanager to configure network connections?08:27
DNXrye, yes08:27
ryeDNX: you will want to wait for syncdaemon to finish LOCAL_RESCAN and switch to READY state (in case it does not autoconnect to the server)08:28
ryeDNX: and if it does not reach this state in a minute then there may be an error during local rescan, which needs further investigation using the logs08:31
DNXok, now I have: ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.Main - NOTE - ---- MARK (state: <State: 'READY'  (queues WORKING_ON_BOTH  connection 'Not User With Network')>; queues: metadata...08:36
ryeDNX: great, now you will want to connect - u1sdtool --connect08:36
DNXok, is connected. I notived also this warning:08:40
DNX$ u1sdtool --connect -> usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/zope/__init__.py:3: UserWarning: Module twisted was already imported from /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/twisted/__init__.pyc, but /usr/local/lib/python2.6/dist-packages is being added to sys.path08:40
DNX  import pkg_resources08:40
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DNXrye, here is the log when I try to "mv" my folder inside the Ubuntu One dir: http://dpaste.com/797703/08:46
ryeDNX: that's 10.04, right?08:51
ryeDNX: what dir are you mobing into what and what happens when move is finished?08:54
ryeDNX: I see that notifications are coming from server-side, may I ask you to include the part before that, when the actual local move happens?08:55
DNXI try to move: $ mv /home/dnx/Ubuntu\ One/keepnote/programming/postgres\ wal\ files /home/dnx/Ubuntu\ One/keepnote/programming/linux/postgres/postgres\ wal\ files08:56
DNXafter this, the folder is in the original position08:57
DNXrye, before the "mv" command there is silence in the u1 daemon logs08:59
DNXI'll debug also my file system because I use nfs in this case09:00
DNXbut if I stop the u1 daemon I'm able to move this folder, so I don't think my nfs is the problem09:04
DNXrye, I'm able to reproduce this situation09:37
ryeDNX: hmmmmm. Unless inotify fails for some reason... But it is weird the folder gets renamed back, I don't see how U1 does that09:38
DNXrye, here is how I can reproduce this: http://dpaste.com/797717/09:39
j0nrMorning,... I bought some music from U1 music store about an hour ago. Usually it appears almost straight away in my U1 account, but today it hasn't :(09:46
ryeDNX: O_O09:48
ryej0nr: may I ask you to send me your SSO login in PM so that I could look it up?09:49
ryeDNX: may I ask you to send all the logs compressed to ubuntuone-support@canonical.com ?09:49
DNXrye, of course09:51
j0nrrye: When I say it appears straight away, I mean if I look in the Music tab on the website... I am not currently syncing to any machines09:52
ryej0nr: understood09:52
DNXrye, done! "Your request has been assigned a number of: Ubuntu One #22027."10:03
ryeDNX: uh-huh, looking at the logs10:22
ryej0nr: media files were rescanned10:25
DNXrye, I moved my Ubuntu One folder from my nfs to the ext4, changed the root_dir and restarted the daemon. Now ALL my files are .u1conflict :D10:25
DNXand the original filed dissapeared10:25
ryeDNX: because root dir path don't match with the info in metadata - U1 is confused about that10:30
ryeWARNING - Move                         share:''                                       node:'b128bd62-be1f-4452-8337-f8209061c684'   Move(new_name="u'c'", share_id="''", node_id="'b128bd62-be1f-4452-8337-f8209061c684'", new_parent_id="'5f94e429-aa87-4f92-96e1-0db28343205a'", old_parent_id="'cf9c2adb-b260-43d3-a36f-6d2ff015749a'") failure NO_PERMISSION10:31
ryeoh that's fun10:31
ryelooking that that actually means10:32
DNXrye, can I revert somehow these changes?10:34
DNXor I'll simply remove the ".u1conflict" from the files name10:35
ryeDNX: well, the latter is the right way, there's a script for that - http://people.canonical.com/~roman.yepishev/us/rename-u1conflict-files.sh10:46
ryealecu: have you ever seen Move() causing server-side NO_PERMISSION error?10:46
DNXrye, done! great tool! :)10:51
ryeDNX: so, I think that the best way to synchronize in this state is as follows - shut down Ubuntuone syncdaemon, move existing Ubuntu One folder away, delete all the metadata from ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon, start again, synchronize local storage with remote one. Then try to perform the sync, since currently the root volume information is broken (root_dir changed with existing metadata). This won't answer the question about the actual fail10:56
DNXthank rye, I solve it10:57
ryeping beuno, when music rescan is performed is the library cache invalidated?10:58
DNXrye, the "move" problem appears also under ext4 file system11:17
DNXin order to move the folder correctly you can move only "one level" at a time11:18
DNXso, in my case:11:19
DNX1: $ mv c/ a/11:19
DNX2: $ mv a/c/ a/b/11:19
DNXand everything remain ok11:20
ryeDNX: looking at how it works in 12.0411:27
DNXif you need some feedback from me under 12.04 I can provide it11:28
ryeDNX: you have just discovered a bug in Ubuntu One, reproduced in 12.04, same NO_PERMISSION error from server11:36
ryefacundobatista: verterok, see http://dpaste.com/797717/ - in 12.04 the folder does not get re-downloaded from the server but volumes diverge11:38
facundobatistarye, will take a look, also alecu ^11:43
Chipacanice one11:50
DNXrye, if it may be useful I can open a bug in launchpad11:51
ryeDNX: feel free to, you have all the info to reproduce the bug and this is a pretty major one (if you don't file one, I will get to that once I receive a reply from facundo)11:52
alecuweird bug, indeed.11:59
alecuDNX: please let me know the bug number if you open one. Thanks for finding this!12:00
ryealecu: i think we need to grep for NO_PERMISSION on the server side, i can't believe it is that rare12:02
DNXthis bug reported here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/u1sync/+bug/104731112:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1047311 in u1sync "Stange bahaviour on moving folders inside Ubuntu One directory" [Undecided,New]12:06
DNXthank you guys!12:06
ryeDNX: will move to ubuntuone-servers12:07
ralsinagood morning!12:28
ralsinahola alecu12:31
ralsinaalecu: how're things on unityville?12:32
alecuralsina: coming along. With a much clear picture now, and making progress. We'll have something to show next week.12:33
ralsinaalecu: based on what we have end of next week a decision will be made about whether we aim to ship or not12:34
alecuralsina: I trust our part will be shipable. Though I can't vouch for the screens that come before it :-)12:35
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beunorye, yes12:37
ralsinaalecu: haha12:37
ralsinaalecu: we kinda can't ship in isolation, but those have a lot more manpower behind them12:37
alecuralsina: right :-)12:38
alecuralsina: manpower and knowledge of the beast too!12:38
ryebeuno: WARNING: "yes" is not understood12:38
mandelalecu, ralsina, I do have concerns about the fact that there is not wireframe or design in case the password was wrong12:47
mandelalecu, and that we are not even considering atm12:47
mandelalso, I have working with GVariants in C to then cast the bloody char* to std::string.. what a waste of typing..12:47
ralsinamandel: ping john lea12:49
ralsinamandel: it should just flash a message and do nothing12:49
mandelralsina, or show a preview saying 'buh you don't know your password!' and let the guy try again12:50
ralsinamandel: same thing :-)12:50
ralsinaor we check in the background and enable the but button when the password is right12:51
ralsinain any case, ping design12:51
alecuralsina: if we check in the back, the buy button would be redundant! we can autobuy when the user has finished entering the password!12:52
ralsinaalecu: NO-CLICK-PURCHASES! To the batpatent office, robin!12:52
mandelalecu, we need to agree to the names of the actions so that I can place them correctly, I'm off to lunch and I'll ping you for mumble, ok?12:53
* alecu fills this week's quota of bad UX12:53
alecumandel: sure12:53
mandelok, I'm off to have lunch :)12:53
* mandel lunch12:53
alecumandel: go go go12:53
ralsina"This patent covers a device where, through no conscious action of the user, a purchase is initiated by a connection to the vendor's systems..." IT WRITES ITSELF12:55
alecu"This patent covers a device where, through no conscious action of the inventor, a new patent proposal is initiated by a connection to the patent office systems..."12:57
mandelalecu, ready when ever you are14:10
alecumandel: let's do it14:14
mandelalecu, ok, launching the thing14:14
mmcchi folks14:46
ralsinahi mmcc, dobey14:49
dobeyhi ralsina14:49
ralsinammcc: I +1d your branch from last night14:49
ralsinaand team: mumble in 10 minutes14:50
mmcchi ralsina, yeah saw that, thanks!14:50
dobeyi totally need to rearrange all my irc windows now14:57
dobeyralsina: mumble i guess?14:59
ralsinadobey: yes14:59
ralsinammcc, alecu, briancurtin, mumble15:00
briancurtinthisfred: ?15:01
thisfredoh mumble15:02
ralsinaalecu, thisfred: mumble15:02
thisfredon my way15:02
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mmccbrb, need to watch the kid for a few minutes15:33
mandelI need to go a few mins to walk the dog15:39
briancurtinmmcc and mandel could pair up - the dog could watch the kid15:39
briancurtinideal setup for a sprint15:39
mandelherb, the kid could ride the dog :)15:39
dobeywow, that tab complete was *way* off15:40
mmccMy daughter does try to ride our dogs. Might work better with mandel's dog though - ours are all < 20lb15:54
ralsinammcc: my son likes babysitting toddlers. I would not trust him though since he's only 5 ;-)16:05
mmccralsina: I'm sure he'd be just fine. He could dial 9-1-1 in a pinch, right?16:06
* mmcc has no idea what 5 year-olds are capable of :)16:06
ralsinammcc: feats of endurance and mayhem, mostly16:06
mmccthis needs another review: https://code.launchpad.net/~mikemc/ubuntuone-client/fix-signal-exceptions/+merge/123189 dobey maybe?16:14
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dobeyi have an appointment in ~1 hr, so i will have a bit longer lunch break today. off to lunch and appt now. bbiab16:15
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ralsinalunch for me too, bbiab16:26
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mandelEOD here, I'm off to enjoy the weekend, laters all!17:19
mmcc in-between waiting for signed .app builds, I have pyobjc building from source now.17:47
mmcchere's the kernel of a fix for our native directory choosing dialog problem: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191275/17:48
ralsinammcc: great!18:09
ralsinammcc: I expect that to perhaps interact bizarrely with the Qt event loop though18:10
ralsinammcc: but if we are lucky, we are lucky ;-)18:10
mmccralsina: it's possible. it's also possible to do something ludicrous like os.system("python -c 'appkitstuffhere'") , I guess18:11
ralsinammcc: yikes18:11
ralsinaI mean, at least use subprocess ;-)18:11
mmccwell, if you insist ;)18:13
briancurtinralsina: a py3 review whenever you have a chance: https://code.launchpad.net/~brian.curtin/ubuntuone-dev-tools/py3-getPage-replacement/+merge/12276818:14
ralsinabriancurtin: right away!18:15
ralsinammcc: if we are going to jumto into a pigsty, we should at least do it wearing shirts.18:16
mmccralsina: I'd do pants first, but you're the boss18:16
ralsinammcc: +1 on pants18:17
ralsinamakes the joke better too.18:17
alecubriancurtin: one needsfixing!18:18
briancurtinalecu: ah, hmm. looking into it now18:20
alecubriancurtin: I've set PYTHONPATH to the u1-dev branch, and PATH to the bin folder in the branch.18:22
alecubriancurtin: but I'm still not sure it's using the code from the branch *inside* the tests, since a pdb I put in the branch is not being triggered.18:23
briancurtinalecu: i just pushed a change that should fix what you were seeing (still might not actually function properly, but it wont get that type error from super)18:27
alecubriancurtin: can you try running it with ubuntu-sso and ubuntone-client and ubuntuone-control-panel before marking it up for review again?18:29
briancurtini guess, but unless it's the first issue to come up in client or CP then probably not. i know for SSO that devtools is the current blocker to it working. client and CP i have no idea18:31
alecubriancurtin: ok, sso is ok then.18:32
alecubriancurtin: I can take a look if anything breaks on client or cp.18:32
briancurtinalecu: actually i guess i can test all of those from python2, just not 318:33
alecubriancurtin: exactly: I'm mostly interested that we are not breaking devtools for u1-client and cp when running on python2.18:34
alecubriancurtin: anyway, I really ought to be working on the dash. Please let me know if you hit any problem when running the tests on cp or client, or when I can re-review.18:36
briancurtinalecu: cool, will do. thanks for looking!18:36
dobeyi am tempted to @skip this test in client that keeps failing on quantal18:39
dobeyit's happening even more now on tarmac18:39
alecudobey: what test is it?18:42
briancurtinalecu: do you also get this ImportError about qt4reactor, or did i do something else wrong?18:43
dobeyalecu: tests.syncdaemon.test_action_queue.TestZipQueue.test_zip_acquire_lock18:47
dobeyugh, and packaging just the 'library' bit of sso for py3 is going to be harder than i thought :(18:58
dobeydo we actually use the twisted webclient anywhere?19:05
alecudobey: we use the twisted in SD, to do some api webcalls19:06
alecudobey: do you have the error that test_zip_acquire_lock throws handy?19:06
alecubriancurtin: no, I don't get any qt4reactor error: probably a missing dependency on your end.19:07
alecubriancurtin: likely the python-qt4reactor package19:07
dobeyalecu: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1191417/19:08
briancurtinalecu: yeah i have that, and i can import it via a regular python interpreter. oh well19:08
dobeyalecu: and qt4reactor isn't ported/packaged for python319:08
alecubriancurtin: python 2 or 3?19:08
briancurtinalecu: 2. its probably something i setup before that i screwed up. i'll figure it out19:09
alecudobey: since it seems to be an error when shutting down the filesystemmonitor, I'm +1 to skipping it now, and fixing it soon.19:12
alecudobey: in any case it may be logged as an error when shutting down syncdaemon, but it should not affect its operation.19:13
alecudobey: it's been going on for at least a month now: bug #103181519:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1031815 in Ubuntu One Client "Intermitent tests failing on tarmac" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103181519:14
dobeyalecu: it's been going on since twisted 12 was put into quantal19:15
alecudobey: or since we did some of the filesystem notification refactors.19:15
dobeyalecu: i think it's more related to some change in twisted. it *never* happens on precise, or oneiric19:18
alecudobey: touché19:18
dobeyalecu, ralsina: https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/skip-zip/+merge/12335119:36
ralsinadobey: got it19:37
ralsinabriancurtin: +119:37
alecudobey: +119:42
ralsinadobey: global +119:42
briancurtinralsina: thanks19:43
ralsinaschool run and EOW for me, will be around a couple of hours tonight.19:53
ralsinahave a nice weekend people!19:53
briancurtinyou too19:53
briancurtinalecu: ah i had a u1trial installed that had /usr/bin/python3 as the shebang. i got SSO running with my devtools and there are some problems to fix - i'll start working on them19:59
alecugreat then.20:02
dobeyyay branches landing20:16
dobeyyay mmcc! you fixed the windows client test build in jenkins20:32
mmcco rly? was that the on_download_finished thing?20:33
mmcchey, so it was… well, hooray green balls20:35
dobeyjust the control panel / vs \\ thing now20:37
mmccand that's a trivial one20:37
mmccbtw dobey, did you see beuno's question in u1-internal about music store in rhythmbox?20:38
alecubriancurtin: facundobatista raised an interesting Unicode issue when running the u1-client tests, since his is the only ubuntu user in the team that has the locale set to spanish:20:39
dobeythere's a bug about that already20:40
alecubriancurtin: I thought you may want to be aware of that when we are doing the u1-client port to python3 next cycle.20:40
briancurtinyeah i'll need to be mindful of that20:40
facundobatistadobey, briancurtin, alecu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/101182220:41
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1011822 in Ubuntu One Client "Failing tests in tests.platform.credentials.test_linux" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:41
alecufacundobatista: thanks a bunch for bringing this up!20:41
dobeyit happens in other languages too; just not in english20:44
facundobatistadobey, it's because the project is being used gettext incorrectly20:45
facundobatistadobey, gnu text api instead of class based api20:45
facundobatistadobey, the main difference are "multilingual issues"20:45
facundobatistaalecu, briancurtin, dobey, I'm proposing a branch in a couple of minutes that fixes the test to overcome this issue20:46
dobeyfacundobatista: how does it fix the test?20:46
dobeyfacundobatista: the problem isn't gettext. it's that we're paassing the translated strings through dbus20:47
facundobatistadobey, gettext is the problem because is making the system to handle encoded messages20:47
facundobatistanot unicode20:47
facundobatistadobey, it's a way to recover a sane trunk at least until next cycle, as alecu confirmed me it won't be fixed soon20:50
facundobatista(the bug is from 3 months ago!)20:50
facundobatistaand trunk is "broken" for me20:50
dobeythe problem is that code is library code, and not a script; so doing gettext.install(DOMAIN, unicode=True) would be very bad there20:57
* dobey should just make 'make test' run the tests in en_US always20:58
dobeyfacundobatista: how were you planning to fix it in your branch?21:16
facundobatistadobey, decoding the gettext string in the test before compare21:18
dobeyfacundobatista: why not just decode the result of the dgettext() call in ubuntuone.platform.credentials?21:19
facundobatistadobey, because I'm forcing it to "utf8", and don't know how multiplatform it is21:19
facundobatistadobey, this way, I fix trunk at test level, and don't change production code21:19
dobeywe're forcing plenty of things to utf-8 all over the place21:20
facundobatistadobey, based on alecu's premises "this works right now in production and will be very revisited in Py3"21:20
facundobatistadobey, so, I'm recovering a functional trunk until we're in Py321:20
facundobatistadobey, briancurtin, alecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~facundo/ubuntuone-client/fix-1011822/+merge/12337021:21
dobeyi guess this would still be an issue in py3, if gettext returns bytes instead of str, there21:22
facundobatistadobey, most probably briancurtin will start using the class based api that returns unicode (as *every* text will be unicode)21:23
dobeyi don't think we can do that in this piece of code, actually21:23
dobeyhmm, maybe we can21:26
dobeyugh, calling gettext.translation() is fail :(21:32
dobeyit totally breaks if there is no .mo file for the language21:36
dobeyie, basically it always fails for en_US :(21:37
dobeyhrmm; and why did i put ubuntuone-installer.desktop in ubuntuone-client-data. it totally could have just gone straight into ubuntuone-control-panel; meh21:40
dobeyand on that note; i think it's about time to roll out of here21:48
dobeyhave a good weekend all21:48
mmccbye dobey.21:54
facundobatistadobey, chau! good weekend21:54
* mmcc takes a late lunch break21:54
* facundobatista fixes itself a fernet21:55
mmccextending lunch into evening, will just come back tonight to hack some more. have a great weekend, anyone still around23:11

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