
=== radar497 is now known as radar_
drupinhey smartboyhw12:04
drupinhows you12:04
drupini seen your blog12:05
smartboyhwOH did you????12:05
drupinyour age is 1412:05
smartboyhwYes mate12:05
smartboyhwAny problems???/12:05
drupinhow u manage this at so young age12:05
drupinso many projects12:05
smartboyhwdrupin: I have power LOL12:06
drupinplz give me some power slao12:07
drupinso i can make some apps12:07
smartboyhwHAHAHA No i can't12:07
drupinthis is opensource12:16
drupinyou need to encourage new kids12:16
smartboyhwNo it isn't:)12:16
drupinso they can bring more apps12:16
smartboyhwIt's closed source since it is nuclear12:16
drupinubuntu is closed12:17
drupinno issues12:17
drupinubuntu is closed?12:17
smartboyhwI mean the power is cloed:)12:17
smartboyhwUbuntu is of course open source12:18
drupinopensource itself means you have to distribute the power12:18
radar_nuclear lol12:18
drupinin the form of code and strategies12:18
drupini want to work on some or the other project12:19
drupinwhoever will work with me i will make apps for them12:19
drupinmeans teach me12:19
smartboyhwradar_: Yes of course12:19
drupini am learning go language now12:20
radar_smartboyhw: I'm just kiddin :)12:20
radar_u can work on whatever drupin12:21
drupinbut i need guidance radar_12:21
radar_learning is behind every corner12:22
drupinthe kick start is imp12:22
radar_true. i'm a nut on nix systems, bein around to learn too since i grown in a ms world12:23
radar_what kind of prj are you interested in ?12:23
smartboyhwOh hi cbx3313:30
cbx33Howz it going?13:32
cbx33Guitarix is awesome13:33
cbx33Found a really awesome heavy distortion13:34
cbx33Makes even my electroacoustic sound great13:34
cbx33Hey all16:44
cbx33hey all21:44

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