=== radar497 is now known as radar_ [12:04] hey smartboyhw [12:04] hows you [12:05] Fine [12:05] i seen your blog [12:05] OH did you???? [12:05] your age is 14 [12:05] Yes mate [12:05] Any problems???/ [12:05] how u manage this at so young age [12:05] so many projects [12:06] drupin: I have power LOL [12:07] plz give me some power slao [12:07] also* [12:07] so i can make some apps [12:07] HAHAHA No i can't [12:16] this is opensource [12:16] you need to encourage new kids [12:16] No it isn't:) [12:16] so they can bring more apps [12:16] It's closed source since it is nuclear [12:17] ubuntu is closed [12:17] no issues [12:17] ubuntu is closed? [12:17] I mean the power is cloed:) [12:18] Ubuntu is of course open source [12:18] opensource itself means you have to distribute the power [12:18] nuclear lol [12:18] in the form of code and strategies [12:19] i want to work on some or the other project [12:19] whoever will work with me i will make apps for them [12:19] means teach me [12:19] radar_: Yes of course [12:20] i am learning go language now [12:20] Brb [12:20] smartboyhw: I'm just kiddin :) [12:21] u can work on whatever drupin [12:21] but i need guidance radar_ [12:22] learning is behind every corner [12:22] yes [12:22] the kick start is imp [12:23] true. i'm a nut on nix systems, bein around to learn too since i grown in a ms world [12:23] what kind of prj are you interested in ? [13:30] Oh hi cbx33 [13:31] Hey [13:32] Howz it going? [13:33] Good [13:33] Guitarix is awesome [13:34] Found a really awesome heavy distortion [13:34] Good [13:34] !? [13:34] Makes even my electroacoustic sound great [16:44] Hey all [21:44] hey all