
ochosiknome: about the icon themes: if we had known this earlier, we could've pumped up elementary-xfce so much that we don't need gnome at all (in fact i'm not sure we need it really, would be worth some testing)07:10
knomeochosi, well, we can still do it...07:41
knomeochosi, but yeah, i suppose we should have looked at it before07:42
elfyhi noskcaj :) 08:12
elfyto be frank I only ever use the wiki testcases we were told to use - which are a whole lot different than the testcases on the tracker thing08:18
smartboyhwelfy: Have you ever heard of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/TestCaseAdmins ? That's the team who writes the testcases in QA Tracker:)08:21
elfyof course I have - but I don't take much notice 08:23
smartboyhwOH yeah!08:24
smartboyhwYou use the wiki ones:)08:24
Unit193I actually just use wget -qO- domain.tld/xtest |sh   to tell me what to do. :)08:25
Unit193!pm | smartboyhw 08:26
ubottusmartboyhw: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.08:26
smartboyhwUnit193: I think that question can be talked in #ubuntu-beginners-team ;) GO there:)08:26
smartboyhwSorry btw08:27
Unit193I have no question, so...08:27
smartboyhwMy question08:27
smartboyhwI wanna ask you sth08:27
ochosiknome: ok, so we should ask ppl with vboxes to uninstall the gnome-icon-theme and see what happens :p (i destroyed mine with the ubiquity testing and can't reinstall before the weekend09:01
Unit193Meh, I'll do it after updates.09:14
Unit193Anyone else getting the gnome-keyring thing again?09:15
Unit193By standers: evince* gnome-icon-theme* humanity-icon-theme* network-manager-gnome* simple-scan* system-config-printer-gnome*09:16
mr_pouityeah, you can't get rid of gnome-icon-theme (only gnome-icon-theme-full if it's installed, but I don't think it is by default)09:17
Unit193It isn't.09:19
ochosiwth, why can everyone just mess with the bugtracker09:43
ochosisomeone just unlinked bug #1010487 from bug #744283 without explanation/comment09:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1010487 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu - black windows" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101048709:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 744283 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Steps "Preparing to install" and "Erase disk" are unreadable with high-contrast theme enabled" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74428309:44
noskcaji have to agree with them as they are different09:46
noskcajjust they have the same solution it seems09:46
Unit193ochosi: Someone moved a bug I was following from the correct location, to a defunct project that wasn't right, very annoying.09:51
ochosiyeah, there should be some restrictions at least09:52
ochosias in: you have to add a comment if you unlink a bug09:52
smartboyhwAnyway I marked it again...09:54
smartboyhwIt IS clearly a duplicate as I said yesterday09:55
ochosiwell it doesn't make much sense to go back and forth between marking it as duplicate and unmarking it09:55
ochosii'd just wait, the bug should be resolved soon anyway09:56
* ochosi keeps fingers crossed09:56
smartboyhwEr alright.09:56
* smartboyhw keeps fingers crossed too09:56
knomepleia2, we need to have lunch/dinner with stgraber at UDS10:38
mips1911i ran a update this morning and my network no longer works10:49
mips1911I can't use network manager either as everything is greyed out?10:50
pnarcisotodays update also broke software center10:50
mips1911you got the same issue?10:50
mips1911only interface I have listed in ifconfig if lo10:51
mips1911anyway I can rollback?10:51
pnarcisoI have cable internet, and I wasn't affected10:54
pnarcisosoftware-center 5.3.11, can you see if it's also installed in your system, and see if it starts?10:55
mips1911ubuntu software center starts here10:57
pnarcisois it version 5.3.1110:58
mips1911no, 5.3.1011:00
pnarcisoit's 5.3.11 that's crashing11:01
pnarcisoprevious version worked11:01
pnarcisobut that update will land sooner or later11:02
mips1911Thing is I can't do anything without network access. So I need to get this fixed somehow11:06
pnarcisotime for reinstall :)11:06
mips1911no can do11:07
mips1911I can't see my ethernet interface anymore11:07
mips1911there must be a way to get it back11:08
pnarcisodo you have network-manager-gnome installed11:12
pnarcisoalso, run nm-applet in the terminal and see what it do11:15
mips1911guys I really need some help with this network issue, can no longer see my eth interface11:37
ochosimips1911: i guess #xubuntu would be the right channel for support11:40
mips1911for 12.10?11:40
ochosimips1911: no, for that you could go to #ubuntu+112:06
mips1911ochosi: figured it out, somehow my eth interface got renamed to "p17p1" ???12:15
=== mips1911_ is now known as mips1911
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drc7 sept daily (64) on a USB stick boots through the new xubuntu splash screen does display (makes me thing of kubuntu with the rings towards the bottom) a "pixelated" black and white diagonal (to left to bottom right) screen and stops.  A <quick> look at the MLs and the ubuntu beta (which has similiar problems for me) release notes show nothing.17:29
drcI'm assuming it's a problem with the video drivers?  BTW I have a 256MB nVidia GeForce 8400M GS17:30
drcIs this one of reason that xubuntu decided not to release as a beta?17:32
drcopps..sorry, just realized this is -devel :(  I'll gladly move this to the main channel.17:33
mips1911how hard is it to remaster the netinstall image to include extra packages from a current install?17:36
noskcajif anyone can help improve this tesstcase for the iso tracker can they please edit/fix it20:05
noskcajafter any changes send a changelog to doak.jackson@gmail.com20:08
pleia2noskcaj: the /Short and /Long tests?20:08
pleia2I'm actually not sure where we are with moving them20:09
pleia2is that a version of the /Short or /Long?20:09
noskcajthat is the draft for changes to the iso trackers version of the testcase20:09
pleia2right, I am trying to figure out which testcase :)20:10
noskcaji'm merging parts of the /short and /long testcases of the wiki20:10
noskcajcan someone run the xubuntu daily and64 because it seems to have a login loop but it might just be my VM20:41
pleia2I am not having that problem20:42
pleia2did both VM and hardware installs, 64 and 32-bit20:42
noskcajwas your VM qemu20:44
pleia2no, virtualbox20:45
noskcajthen qemu is to blame20:48
pleia2wow, my menu on my hardware system is some kind of asian language20:49
pleia2it wasn't online when I did the install20:49
pleia2ah, I see what I did20:56
noskcajpleia2: did you choose manual login?20:58
pleia2it was manual login, I didn't log in with default english ;)20:58
pleia2did you do auto login?20:58
noskcajmanual, in english21:01
noskcaji'm seeing if virtual box makes it work for me21:02
noskcajthe auto-login in virtualbox works fine, does that meen its a bug in qemu?21:41
Sysicould be21:47
Sysinoskcaj: try removing ~/.ICEauthority21:47
noskcaji dont have that folder21:48
SysiI think it's single file, can still be missing though21:52
noskcajyes it was, i have now deleted it21:59

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