
GridCubeim getting this error: W: Fallo al obtener http://ubuntuarchive.xfree.com.ar/ubuntu/pool/universe/g/geany/geany-common_0.21.dfsg-1ubuntu4_all.deb00:00
GridCube  403  Forbidden00:00
GridCubei've changed my sources to other server and im try to update now00:01
GridCubeoh well, that seems to have fixed it00:05
Unit193For what it's worth, I get a 403 on that page, may want to contact that repo.00:08
v1adimirhas anyone built newer Java, than openjdk-7-jre 7~u3-2.1.1~pre1-1ubuntu3? (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/topics/security/alert-cve-2012-4681-1835715.html)01:42
ubottuMultiple vulnerabilities in the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) component in Oracle Java SE 7 Update 6 and earlier allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code via a crafted applet that bypasses SecurityManager restrictions by (1) using com.sun.beans.finder.ClassFinder.findClass and leveraging an exception with the forName method to access restricted classes from arbitrary p... (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2012-4681)01:42
v1adimiris this a good solution, maybe? http://askubuntu.com/questions/163737/how-do-i-create-deb-package-for-oracle-jdk01:44
v1adimirnvm, ok found this: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html01:48
xubuntu301Hi, so i have an issue and not sure how to fix it, basically, was asked to fix a freinds netbook, whatever reaosn os wouldnt boot, i got xubuntu 12.04 on a flash drive and installed via it. Now the xubuntu wont boot without the flash drive02:12
v1adimircan you wipe the xubuntu installation?.. just get 12.04.1 and reinstall ;)02:15
well_laid_lawnxubuntu301: did you install grub on the flash drive?02:15
v1adimir^ or that xD02:15
xubuntu301dont think so, didnt know to, i used a program for putting it on there, hold on while i grab the name02:15
xubuntu301ok vlad, ill try that, thanks02:16
v1adimirsudo grub-install /dev/sda 'That command will install GRUB to the MBR of the first hard drive, which should make it bootable.'02:16
v1adimirxubuntu301: further down in the thread, there's also the boot-repair02:17
xubuntu301yeah trying to find out the drive sda name02:17
v1adimirmay be easier?..02:18
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xubuntu301thanks very much v1adimir , first link fixed it, thanks :)02:30
xubuntu301i used to have ubuntu on this comp and did fine with it, but at the time, amd video cards + directx + ubuntu = no likey XD02:31
v1adimir12.04 is the first version that 'worked' for me as well :s02:31
xubuntu30110.04, but havent tryed it since a diff driver for video card came out, nor the 12.0402:32
xubuntu301again, thanks, have fun :)02:32
xubuntu316how to disable auto login05:12
morgancan someone please help me figure out how to mount 2 ntfs hdd that were in raid 1 on windows 7 D:07:02
well_laid_lawnmorgan: see if this helps - http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=189&t=90313&p=519759#p51952007:18
morganmmmm nope, i don't see a UUID for the drives07:20
morganarg this is so confusing seriously about to go back to windows :(07:22
well_laid_lawnmorgan: did you try in a terminal   sudo blkid   ?07:24
well_laid_lawnthat'll help find the UUID07:24
morganyes all I see is /dev/sdb: TYPE="isw_raid_member" and /dev/sdc: TYPE="isw_raid_member" for the 2 drives in question07:24
morganoh there is also /dev/mapper/isw_defgabgbdi_Volume0p1: LABEL="Local Disk" UUID="20E419BFE41997DC" TYPE="ntfs"07:25
morganbut i have no idea what that is07:25
well_laid_lawn /dev/mapper is from the raid setup so that'll be the UUID to use afaik07:28
well_laid_lawnI don't use raid here or anywhere07:28
morganhmmm ok here goes07:32
morganit worked, partially07:44
morgani think07:44
well_laid_lawnwhat part failed?07:44
morganit only mounted a single partition07:44
morganthere is another partition missing i think somewhere lol07:44
well_laid_lawnthe raid device should have two partitions in it?07:45
morganUUID=20E419BFE41997DC /mount/downloads/ ntfs rw 0 007:46
morgandoes that look right for the fstub?07:46
morganoh btw, the missing partition is a hidden truecrypt volume07:49
morganbut it still doesnt show up in trucrypt07:49
well_laid_lawnI know nothing about truecrypt07:54
morganmmm ok me neither apparently lol07:58
well_laid_lawnsee if the arch wiki can give a clue - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/TrueCrypt#Mount_volumes_via_fstab08:02
well_laid_lawnmorgan:  check the size of the raid mount to see if all of it is in fact there08:06
morganyeah the 1 partition that I can see is all there08:08
morganit was 300~ gb of the 2tb drives08:08
morganthe rest is the hidden drive that I can't seem to find08:08
=== Xubuntu is now known as Guest14501
Guest14501I have problem with xfce. When i minimized browser it not minimized into panel. What item i should add to panel or what ?08:14
Guest14501I have problem with xfce. When i minimized browser it not minimized into panel. What item i should add to panel or what ?08:14
Unit193No need to repeat, and do you have "Window Buttons"?08:15
Guest14501Program not apear in panel when minimized08:18
morgando you have a top toolbar still ?08:18
morgan'panel 1'08:18
morganright click and go to panel > panel pref08:19
morganthen under items you need to add 'window buttons' if its not there08:19
Guest14501oh, thats good, thank you very much ;)08:20
morgan16 mb/s download08:35
morganonly reason i'm choosing linux over windows 7 lol08:36
morganthe networking and core OS files are just so much better than windows lol08:36
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Guest88820I copy mouse cursor theme to /usr/share/icons and choose to use it in mouse theme settings. I see that curson but when i turn it on windows buttons it bact to "default".09:19
jolahow can I move all files of directory foo/* into . recursively?09:46
Marzatawith -r09:47
tails2jola, mv foo/* .09:55
tails2jols, (move operations aren't ever 'non-recursive' as such; when you move a directory, everything in it is moved implicitly; on a single filesystem it's internally nothing like a copy operation.)09:56
jolatails2, yes, I thought so, but it doesn't work with git mv foo/* .09:57
jolatails2, fatal: source directory is empty, source=src/bin, destination=bin  (foo would be src here)09:58
tails2jola, sorry, I'm unsure as to how git handles move operations, or what happens if you use standard mv within a git repo.10:00
CrisBeeI love xubuntu! :D Switched from Ubuntu which I got rid off because stupid Unity Desktop. Had the feeling they removed more features than they added. So uncomfortable.10:47
apm1xubuntu is acting strange in the additional driver recommendation and installation :/10:53
apm1i am running xubuntu on a nvidia 320m machine and an AMD apu machine haveing the raedon 6310 integrated on the chip with a 1.6ghz processor10:56
apm1^well screw that noise10:58
apm1since i think this is a gui-xfce problem with xubuntu :)10:58
PopeJobxubuntu doesnt recognize the canon EOS 550D camera via USB (to browse images on that device)11:28
PopeJobwindows on the same computer finds the camera, and ubuntu on a nother laptop finds the camera, too11:28
PopeJobhow can I make xubuntu notice the plugged-in camera?11:29
apm1^ you are talking about how it's not mounting it as a storage medium ?11:30
apm1go to settings manager in the application menu on the top left of your screen11:32
apm1click on removable derives and media11:33
apm1see the camera tab ?11:33
PopeJobI am not at home atm, but I know what you mean :p11:34
PopeJobplease go on11:34
apm1download "shotwell " it's a software package using "sudo apt-get install shotwell" now check import photos when connected and type shotwell in the command box under the check box11:36
apm1^import photos when connected is a check box11:36
PopeJoballright, thx. will try that :)11:37
apm1^shotwell is not necesarry but it is one hell of a photo managment app , even better than apple's iphoto :p11:38
apm1xubuntu is screwing up with additional driver stuff recently :(11:42
apm1see now i have to reboot for installing shotwell :p11:42
apm1this is ridiculous :d11:42
apm1huh how come whenever i use "apt " i have to reboot but when i use synaptic , nothing happens , something is broken in xubuntu these days :(11:44
apm1anyone from the dev team here ?11:45
apm1^well nobody is on #xubuntu-dev11:45
apm1mips1911, did you notice something strange with 12.04.1 ? :p11:47
mips1911like? since an update/upgrade this morning my netwok no longer works11:48
apm1mips1911, the biggest issue i am facing is the incompatibility of additional drivers applet and the real packages being installed from it :p11:50
apm1^on my AMD/ati laptop i installed the proprietary drivers(post release) last night , i left it to download the drivers and install them using the additional drivers applet and when i came back after about a few hours the installation was not succesful according to the applet it had an error message11:53
apm1error-"failed to install , check log." something along the lines11:54
MrBushidowhere can i find a shortcut to choose/configure screensaver settings?11:55
MrBushidoxscreensaver loads on startup, but i cant find the config app11:56
apm1but when i noticed the catalyst control center in my application menu i got confused and searched for "fglrx" with synaptic , and to my utter suprise the damn driver was installed perfectly with the catalyst control center11:56
apm1MrBushido, 2 things11:56
apm11. try settings manager11:56
MrBushidoahar, it's under the settings manager11:57
apm1MrBushido, does it have a screensaver icon ?11:57
MrBushidoi keep forgetting thats a link, not some kind of title lol11:57
MrBushidothanks <311:57
apm1MrBushido, huh so you have chosen our code of conduct as a nick ? :p11:58
apm1MrBushido, i didn't expect a samurai to laugh that proves it you are not one :p11:59
MrBushidoi'm not11:59
MrBushidoi just have bad parents11:59
MrBushidocruel even12:00
MrBushidowho would name their child bushido!?12:00
apm1MrBushido, huh how old are you ?12:00
MrBushido10780 days old12:01
apm1MrBushido, trolling me ?12:01
apm1MrBushido, you messed with the wrong man then :d12:02
apm1MrBushido, you do sound like a bot :d12:03
apm1MrBushido, let's take it on offtopic ?12:04
MrBushidoi would, but i have things to do <312:04
MrBushidothanks again for the help12:04
apm1MrBushido, ok my pleasure12:05
* apm1 believes if no other nvidia and ati card owners are responding then it is only him who is having problems :p12:07
faLUCE hi. Is it possible to install (k/l/x)ubuntu on a zelig pad 700 ?12:22
baizondont think yet12:24
baizonandroid would be recommended12:24
baizonbut you can try :)12:25
faLUCEbaizon: I know that android is recommended, but before buying it I want some feedback12:25
mips1911_you would have to download ARM version of ubuntu though12:25
RouennaisTout le monde s'en cogne mais je suis en train d'installer XU sur une clef USB !12:27
Rouennaisen fait, tout le monde zone ici sans rien foutre !12:28
Rouennais-> définition du zonage en meme temps...12:28
ubottuNous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.12:29
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!12:29
Rouennaisexcellent !12:29
RouennaisI said that i'm installing X-Ubuntu on an USB key, and that everybody is sleeping on his keyboard !12:30
gmagnohello, I'm using Xubuntu 12.04 32bits. I have no idea why "tput bel" does not sound... I already installed pcspkr kernel so that I could make sounds with speaker ("beep" command is working)12:31
gmagnowhat should I do?12:31
apm1mips1911_, mercy for merci' , witty :D12:31
Rouennaisno I D ! Sorry !12:31
gmagnoI'm using centerim for chat, but I'm not hearing any notification sound. Since centerim uses "tput bel" to do that, I'm almost sure that would solve the problem12:31
gmagnothe fact is calling "tput bel" does no sound12:32
gmagnoif I call "tput flash" it does what it should do however12:32
gmagnois this a terminal configuration?12:32
mips1911_apm1 at least somebody got it lol12:33
apm1mips1911_, what rendering speed do you get on your gpu ?12:34
mips1911_apm1, how would i test to compare?12:35
apm1on amd/ati there is a utility called glxgear i don't know about nvidia12:36
mips1911_thats a xorg mesa utility and can be used with all gpus12:37
mips1911_glxgears gives me the same framerate as my monitor, is there another switch/test to run with it12:38
mips1911_apm1 if I disbale sync to vblank on my gpu I get about 15800 FPS12:42
gmagnono ideas? :-/12:43
apm1mips1911_, how do you disable sync to vblanc ?12:48
mips1911_apm1, first how many FPS do you get?12:48
apm1459 max :( on fglrx12:49
mips1911_apm1, then you don;t have vblank on. if vblank was on you would get 60fps as it's synced to the refresh rate of your monitor and that is usually less than 12012:50
mips1911_apml, what gpu is that?12:50
apm1mips1911_, raedon 6310 on an AMD apu e35012:50
mips1911_which drivers are you using?12:51
apm1fglrx post release12:51
=== mips1911_ is now known as mips1911
apm1fglrx post release drivers12:52
apm115800 fps , what do you do with that CAD ? :D12:54
mips1911apml, I have no idea then sorry. Have you tried the opensource driver?  See someone over here got 714fps. Maybe ask in the ati forums?12:55
mips1911apm1, my gpu is actually old and slow, battles with new games. glxgears is also not a proper benchmarking tool. Try the phoronix suite for benchmarking12:56
apm1mips1911, but your gpu is an nvidia right and is a discrete processor12:58
mips1911apm1, yes12:58
apm1but mine is an on cpu die gpu and is amd12:59
apm1gotta go ttyl :D13:00
xubuntu951My son has loaded Xubuntu onto my EEE netbook, successfully.Trying to establish an Internet connection I clicked on the words  (something like)"wireless internet" whihc is on a drop down box on the panel across the top of the screen. The word s just disappeared and seem to have disabled any wireless connection. How do I get it back?13:05
mips1911click on it again and see what options you get13:07
xubuntu951It has disappeared - the only options that now appear are "VPN" and "enable networks"13:08
gmagnoxubuntu951, by "disappeared" you mean grayed out?13:09
xubuntu951yes - it is just possible to see some (very) greyed out words - but they are not 'live'13:10
gmagnoxubuntu951, I used to experience that. I think the updates solved it13:10
xubuntu951but the updates need an internet connection - catch2213:10
GridCubexubuntu951, thats a pretty anoying bug that happens a lot, you have to log off and log back in13:11
gmagnoxubuntu951, restart computer13:11
GridCubeif reloggin doesnt work do what gmagno says and reboot, theres pretty much no other easy option13:11
mips1911what happens if you try and edit connections?13:11
xubuntu951yes, I rebooted, still no "internet option on this drop down@ it works wired but can't get my wireless address13:11
gmagnoxubuntu951, can you directly connect your computer to router by cable?13:12
gmagnoI think you should do that13:12
xubuntu951ok, then what?13:12
gmagnoconnect the to net by cable, do the updates13:13
mips1911beer time, bbl ;)13:13
xubuntu951thanks very much everybody, I have to go to work now, I'll try via the cable connection, install updates and see what. Cheers bye13:13
GridCubexubuntu951, thats a pretty anoying bug that happens a lot, you have to log off and log back in?13:14
GridCube no13:14
GridCubexubuntu951, does you netbook has a fn key that enables wireless by hardware13:14
GridCubethat was the question13:14
xubuntu951yes, I have wired connection, will try to load updates that way and see if problem is solved, thanks a lot13:15
xubuntu438when I use the image viewer on xubuntu and that I want to zoom, I need to press CTRL, what can I do ?16:03
recon_laphmm, that is odd, wont zoom past 100% using keyboard16:06
xubuntu438Actually I would like to zoom just using the mouse, without the need to push CTRL16:07
mewtdo desktop launchers work in xubuntu?16:07
recon_lapxubuntu438:  seems the shortcut key dont work as expected, you could use the + icon on the toolbar on the left16:07
recon_lapmewt: they work for me? why do you ask?16:09
mewtim getting [Desktop: command not found16:09
xubuntu438generally I use the scroll button to zoom in & out in other image viewers but with ristretto, scrolling switch the picture instead, which is quite unusual16:10
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mewtmight it have been something i uninstalled when i got rid of unity?16:11
recon_lapmewt: well, would think your command is wrong. is the command in the systems path? have you included the the full path of the command16:11
recon_lapxubuntu438: you can always install one of the other viewers and use that as default viewer instead16:12
mewthttp://pastebin.com/VQtWN7qu full code for the launcher16:12
xubuntu438yeah, sure, I'll do that, thanks16:12
recon_lapmewt: do you have a JVM installed ?16:13
mewtthe script works, the launcher doesnt16:13
mewti wouldnt run it this way normally but im making it pretty and easy for my brother's desktop16:14
mewtso the first line, [Desktop Entry], is causing some sort of problem16:16
recon_lapmewt: try running the .jar  file instead of the .sh16:16
mewtwhich also works fine16:16
mewtjust not from the launcher16:17
mewti only made the script because i thought the launcher couldnt run the jar directly for some reason, but it's the same error either way16:17
recon_lapmewt: works fine for me running the jar ?16:22
recon_lapmewt: only diff is i dont have the path set16:23
recon_lapmewt: sort of makes sense as the JVM would be somewhere else16:24
recon_lapmewt: never mind, I put the path in and it works16:25
mewt~$ '/home/shako/Desktop/gedit.desktop'16:26
mewt/home/shako/Desktop/gedit.desktop: line 2: [Desktop: command not found16:26
mewt^ no idea what this is then?16:26
recon_lapmewt: gedit?16:28
mewtjust an example16:29
recon_lapmewt: I assume it just part of a path, same on my system so I don't think it's relevant16:30
mewtit's weird because it works from the toolbar launcher16:30
knomemewt, you can't run .desktop files like scripts16:30
mewtbut on the desktop it gives thiw error16:30
mewtoh really16:31
mewti have to run them as bin commands or something?16:31
recon_lapmewt: sure it does, gedit.desktop is not executable16:31
recon_lapmewt: even if it exists16:31
mewtlets see here then16:31
recon_lapmewt: it's a file that contains info that the desktop uses, making it executable not going to help16:33
mewtthats what i was doing16:33
mewtbut otherwise i get a permission denied16:33
recon_lapmewt: maybe try double click on the icon :)16:35
mewtnah :|16:36
mewtnothing happens16:36
mewti guess i arrive at the root of the problem16:37
mewti tried to get a launcher to work that wasnt working and broke it more16:37
recon_lapmewt: check the "run in terminal" checkbox in the launcher and try again16:37
mewtterminal pops up then disappears16:38
recon_lapmewt: suggest you delete the launcher and create a new one.16:41
mewtthis is launcher #200016:41
recon_lapmewt: and you can start minecraft from the command line?16:41
mewtfull path yeah16:42
mewtto the jar or script16:42
mewtheres the script code: java -Xmx1024M -Xms512M -cp minecraft.jar net.minecraft.LauncherFrame16:43
mewtthe jar is in the same directory so i didnt need to use a full path16:43
recon_lapwhats java -version give16:45
mewtshould be 616:45
recon_lapmewt: well, i'm wondering if you got openjava or oracle java16:46
recon_lapmewt: well, I got open, so there is a possibility16:47
mewtthe exact same launcher? man16:47
mewti wonder what im doing16:47
recon_lapmewt: are you open to installing openJVM16:48
mewtnot really :( i dont see how it could be the root of it anyway, seeing as java seems to be running fine16:49
recon_lapmewt: when i use you command line java line it open but graphics are corrupt16:49
mewtoh graphics are fine here16:50
recon_lapmewt: have you tried using the command line in the launcher rather that just the file name?16:51
mewti have16:53
recon_lapwell, I pretty sure it's because you dont have openJVM installed, but you've left already17:00
n2diyjust setup a laptop with Xu 10.04, and I'm trying to hook up to a wireless network. Plugged in the Avaya (orinoco silver?) card, it lights up, and iwconfig shows it, but no internet access. I added the cards MAC address to the router's allow list, but still no connection?17:25
recon_lapn2diy: is you network encrypted ?17:27
recon_lapand why install 10.04?17:28
n2diyrecon_lap, not sure? hom could I check?17:28
n2diy12.04 sucks.17:28
recon_lapn2diy: well, you can check the setting on the router or on a different computer that can connect17:29
n2diyrecon_lap, this computer is wired to the router and I'm in the admin pages, the laptop is next to me.17:30
recon_lapn2diy: you'll have to check the router then17:30
recon_lapn2diy: look to see if wireless encryption is set up, be stuff like WPA WEP ect17:31
recon_lapn2diy: you ever connect using wireless before?17:32
n2diyrecon_lap, ok, I just stumbled on the routers bssid, which I wasn't able to find earlier, let me enter that in the network settings on the laptop and see what happens?17:32
recon_lapn2diy: why dont you use network manager?17:34
n2diyrecon_lap, wasn't aware of it, is it installed?17:35
n2diyrecon_lap, think I found it, entering the wpa password now.17:37
mips1911how hard is it to remaster the netinstall image to include extra packages from a current install?17:37
n2diyrecon_lap, cennection is cooking, thanks.17:39
recon_lapn2diy: no problem , glad it was easy17:39
drc7 sept daily (64) on a USB stick boots through the new xubuntu splash screen does display (makes me thing of kubuntu with the rings towards the bottom) a "pixelated" black and white diagonal (to left to bottom right) screen and stops.  A <quick> look at the MLs and the ubuntu beta (which has similiar problems for me) release notes show nothing.17:40
drcI'm assuming it's a problem with the video drivers?  BTW I have a 256MB nVidia GeForce 8400M GS.17:40
mips1911try installing nvidia-current & nvidia-settings from the repos or the X-swat PPA17:41
drcsorry, I wasn't clear...this is booting a Live USB.17:43
recon_lapdrc: you could try boot to command line and install from there onto the usb. might be wrong about that17:45
drcrecon_lap: And what would that do that a normal boot would not?17:48
recon_lapdrc: give you access to the property graphic drivers at boot I would assume.17:49
recon_lapdrc: but I'm not sure as this is not a problem I've faced, was only a suggestion17:50
drcwell, it's worth a shot :)17:50
hjbehlinghi does anyone know if there's a way to change the datetime panel plugin (datetime-7) via the xfconf-query  tool?17:56
martinphone cp /usr/share/doc/shorewall/default-config/interfaces /etc/shorewall/ vi /etc/shorewall/interfaces gives me: ----> cp: target `/etc/shorewall/interfaces' is not a directory <----- correct, it is a file, what am I writting wrong?18:01
Unit193What happens if you ls -l /etc/shorewall/  ?18:01
martinphonea, root18:05
martinphone-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  334 Sep  7 00:18 interfaces18:06
martinphone-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  512 Dec 13  2011 Makefile18:06
martinphone-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4336 Dec 26  2011 shorewall.conf18:06
martinphonebut even with sudo I get the same message18:06
n2diywell my laptop is attempting to make the wireless connection, I can see the networks ssid, and I'm prompted for a password, but the WPA shared key isn't working?18:07
recon_lapn2diy: you sure you got the right password?18:13
recon_lapn2diy: and the right network ?18:14
Mike2012hello, anyone here?18:17
n2diyrecon_lap, yes, this box is connected to wireless router, showing me the shared key, and the router's ssid. The router is ten upstairs in the living room.18:18
recon_lapn2diy: that does not make sense, you mean you are in the routers config settings looking at the wpa config?18:20
Mike2012my battery meter isnt working properly... anyone have any ideas about what to do?18:21
n2diyrecon_lap, yes, this box is logged into the router's admin page, the laptop is sitting next to me.18:21
recon_lapn2diy: check that the wireless card your using can do wpa18:22
n2diyrecon_lap, ok.18:23
n2diyrecon_lap, the label on the card only lists WEP.18:24
recon_lapn2diy: must be old, you can change the encryption on the router to WEP, it's crap encryption.18:26
n2diyrecon_lap, roger that, I just disabled encryption in the router, and I'm restarting the laptop.18:30
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n2diyrecon_lap, the router is wide open, and I still can't connect, going to try a different card.18:47
n2diyrecon_lap, neither card works, maybe I have a signal level problem?18:58
DreskIs there a way to access the network monitor applet from another Window Manager, for example OpenBox?  I realize it's a bit contradictory to the X part of Xubuntu, but 'tis a question I have regardless20:42
=== Hazey is now known as Konigsberg7
pcroqueDresk: look at Lubuntu (which uses openbox). I believe it uses the same network monitor applet in its panel.21:17
Unit193Lubuntu uses LXDE on top of openbox, and it uses nm-applet.21:17
DreskSo that nm-applet has been re-written for Lubuntu?21:18
pcroqueI'm not sure it needs to be rewritten. I think it's just the same package installed in Xubuntu and Lubuntu. Then the icon shows up in the system tray.21:21
Unit193What panel are you using?21:22
sajanHey guys, server admin here new to linux on the desktop.  Moved over a year ago to Ubuntu and love it.  Want to try a different desktop manager but am wondering what the support for each is like?  Is xfce well supported, developed, and will it last?  Thanks.22:02
pleia2Xfce is actively developed (latest major release was in May), the rest of your questions are somewhat subjective and you probably want to give it a try for yourself22:03
pleia2you can ask questions on irc, mailing lists, forums...22:04
sajanWell, basically...I'm liking xfce, but don't want to move to it on all my computers/laptops if it's going to die soon or if there is any uncertainty.  Looks like xfce is here to stay though from what I'm seeing.22:06
pleia2no, the project is very active22:07
pleia2you should be fine :)22:07
sajanCool.  Thanks.22:07
Sysiconservative xfce has gained interest after ubuntu going for unity and gnome doing radical UI change22:09
Unit193Should we bother to say Linus uses it? :P22:09
sajanYeah, I don't like Unity.22:11
sajanHowever I really want to use Ubuntu because of it's backing from Canonical.22:12
sajanWhich brought me to Xubuntu, ;).22:12
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xnoxanybody awake? =)23:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:56

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