
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
debfxScottK: I've uploaded a new kde-l10n-da version as it FTBFS11:43
BluesKajHey folks13:15
smartboyhwYo BluesKaj13:15
BluesKajyoyo smartboyhw :)13:19
ScottKdebfx: I'll have a look.13:23
ScottKdebfx: Accepted.13:37
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ScottKUp on 4.8.5 from proposed and it all seems good.15:46
ScottKJontheEchidna: We're several releases behind on apt-listchanges, so having a look at it would be good even if it's just to update to Sid/Wheezy.17:18
* JontheEchidna nods17:18
yofelapachelogger: what's the rationale behind a version like ~quantal0~ppa3~1 ?18:49
txwikingerIs everybody jamming?20:16
JontheEchidnataking a youtube break :P20:17
* yofel tries to finish shadeslayer's package work20:19
yofelfell asleep on the couch yesterday -.-20:19
yofellong week20:19
* txwikinger hosting the Waterloo Global Jam20:19
* txwikinger woke up 4am this morning.. long day20:20
* yofel wonders how kdepimlibs built in the PPA with "4.9.0" in the lib install files20:40
yofelsomething went seriously wrong with the 4.9.1 uploads20:41
yofelkdelibs5-dev (>= 4:4.9.0a) would explain how it built20:41
yofeldo we have a general location for the automation scripts or are we still using the repos owned by debfx ?20:43
yofelapachelogger: ^20:43
yofelapachelogger: can you please move your TODO out of the topic? At least put it on the packaging pad if nowhere else20:54
txwikingerIs do-release-upgrade -d not working yet?21:03
yofeltxwikinger: check what your upgrade policy is set to, it seems like update-manager auto-set that to LTS for everyone in precise21:04
yofelthen -d won't do anything until 14.0421:05
yofelapachelogger: actually, wouldn't it make sense to use .so.4.*[.abiX] wildcards in install files? the abi version is 4 anyway, not 4.921:12
txwikingerHmm.. maybe it is my proxy setting that is not valid here :-)21:18
yofelchecked your upgrade policy?21:19
txwikingercan I do that commandline somewhere?21:21
yofelmake sure Prompt= is not set to LTS, but Normal21:21
txwikingerthanks yofel.. that did it21:23
txwikingerthat is certainly a stupid default21:24
apacheloggeryofel: rationale: not having crafted magic to translate series name to version21:29
apacheloggeryofel: automation: kubuntu-dev-tools21:29
apacheloggeryofel: todo: no21:29
yofelwhy not?21:29
apacheloggeryofel: abi: yes/no21:29
apacheloggercause the point is that I don't forget about it :P21:30
yofeluh... 21:30
yofelas for kubuntu-dev-tools: do you mean 'put it there' ? because I don't see the stuff there21:31
apacheloggerput proper stuff there21:31
yofelthen I'll fix the kde-sc-dev replacement handling and move things over21:31
apacheloggerthe present main script is not proper21:31
yofeldidn't take a too long look at it yet, all I noticed is that it's buggy21:32
apacheloggervery buggy21:32
apacheloggerif you feel like it, throw it in, but I'll be redoing half of it :P21:32
apacheloggerwhich reminds me that we should have  metting21:33
apacheloggermeeting even21:33
yofelI just don't want us to end up modifying the same file in different places and having to merge stuff again later21:33
yofelfor now I'll just try to patch the worst things and somehow get a proper 4.9.1 build21:34
apacheloggerthat already happened, didn't it21:34
apacheloggeri.e. kgetsource does half the stuff initial-upload does21:34
yofeldunno, ask debfx about that21:34
yofelwe should probably stick to 1 language when writing scripts21:34
yofelkgetsource is ruby21:35
apacheloggeryofel: I do recommend you write a quick script for 4.9.121:35
apacheloggerto get proper we only need bzr co && get  source && build source21:35
apacheloggeryofel: no we shouldn't21:35
apacheloggeryofel: what we should have is a whole bunch of scripts in whatever language makes sense and glue them together using le bash magic21:36
yofelfine with me21:36
apacheloggerthe keyword really is modularity, by keeping multiple scripts for multiple tasks they can easily be glued together differently, used manually etc. etc.21:38
apacheloggeralso it allows multi-threading on process style modularity... i.e. if the host script is bash we can easily fork 5 times to run e.g. kgetsource 5 times at the same time21:39
apacheloggerwhich in turn makes concurrency a no-brainer21:40
yofelgood point21:40
apacheloggeron a related note: dinosaurs on a spaceship! :O21:40
yofelthat would be the proof that intelligent life exists outside earth + someone thought of the ark before Noah21:42
yofelbtw. what was the 'no' part about the ABI? There's not really a point in being stricter about it than dpkg21:44
yofelexcept if you want to catch upstream brain failures using that...21:45
apacheloggerexactly that being the point21:45
apacheloggerin fact strictly speaking them adding symbols and only bumping the last digit would already count as such21:46
JontheEchidnaAny Qt D-Bus ninjas around that can tell me why this works: http://paste.kde.org/546074/ and this fails? http://paste.kde.org/546062/21:46
apacheloggerfor that kind of thing you'd usually bump the middel digit21:46
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: dinosaurs!!@#@!#%21:46
yofelstrictly speaking, keeping 4 and breaking the ABI would already be a failure, but we have our symbol files for that21:47
yofelso not sure what 4.9 adds to that21:47
apacheloggerthey did not break the ABI21:47
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: downloading now !@#E$!#@21:47
apacheloggerbasically it goes like ... YOUREMOVECRAP.YOUADDCRAP.YOUFEELFUNNY21:48
yofeluh yeah... in theory21:48
apacheloggerso I believe only wildcarding the last digit is the most resaonble way of doing it21:48
yofelI'm not sure why some folks understand that (libkdcraw is at .so.21) and some not21:49
apacheloggersome simply don't care :P21:49
apachelogger"uh this is a library only we use, yeah we install it publicly and also install it's headers, but really, no one would ever use it..."21:50
yofelnow where did I hear that last...21:50
yofeloh yeah, nepomuk21:50
* apachelogger ponders showering JontheEchidna in spoilers :P21:51
apacheloggeror is it with21:51
apacheloggermy my21:51
apacheloggerI had too much coke21:51
yofelwhich reminds me that I need to package that nepomukwidgets thingy to unbreak neon21:51
apacheloggeroh noes21:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: wb21:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what's not working about the dbus magic?21:52
apacheloggerdo you get the signal?21:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: finished slot for my async never gets called21:52
JontheEchidnabut calling waitForFinished to force it to be synchronous gets the error reply I want21:53
apacheloggerwhy the code looks alright21:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: d->dbus is an interface I suppose?21:54
jtechidnableh, my connection is crap21:55
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
apacheloggervery nice :P21:56
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yes, it's a dbus interface21:56
apacheloggeryou sure the connect() is correct?21:56
apacheloggerI fail to parse signals that long ^^21:56
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: yeah, Qt Creator tab completed it for me, plus it's the same as in the Qt docs21:56
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JontheEchidnaplus there's no runtime error saying "no such signal"21:57
* apachelogger looks at documentation21:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: what type is the transaction?22:00
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: it doesn't get deleted before the finished signal gets emitted, does it?22:00
apacheloggerthat would explain why it does not work ;)22:00
apachelogger<apachelogger> JontheEchidna: it doesn't get deleted before the finished signal gets emitted, does it?22:00
apachelogger<apachelogger> that would explain why it does not work ;)22:00
jtechidnaI don't think it would, the slot's the only place where it could be deleted22:01
apacheloggerI am talking about the Transaction object22:01
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
apacheloggernot the watcher22:01
JontheEchidnaoh, actually...22:01
JontheEchidnanow that you mention it22:01
* apachelogger saves the day22:02
apacheloggeralso dinosaurs22:02
JontheEchidnastill downloading :(22:02
JontheEchidnain fact that may be what's causing my IRC issues22:02
apacheloggerthe doctor munches all the bandwith22:02
DaskreechJontheEchidna: I don't know if I should be woried but Muon hasn't worked for like amonth22:08
* yofel has no issues with muon in quantal22:09
yofelwhat fails?22:09
CIA-58[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepimlibs] Philip Muškovac * 189 * debian/ (30 files) * update install files * add new symbols to libakonadi-kde4.symbols22:27
JontheEchidnaSo I had brought an old router from home to uni.22:28
JontheEchidnaBut I forgot that it was the one that couldn't hold an IRC connection when you were running a torrent22:29
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: thanks. I moved the dbus watcher to TransactionPrivate, which stays on the stack as long as there is a Transaction object with a QSharedPointer to it22:29
JontheEchidna*stays on the heap22:30
JontheEchidnanow... dinosaurs!22:30
yofelmeh, apachelogger putting invalid mail addresses in changelog ^^22:30
apacheloggerthat happens22:31
* apachelogger used like 5 shells to get things moving faster than the script would allow :P22:31
JontheEchidnaQSharedPointer is awesome22:31
JontheEchidnaautomatic garbage collection for your private class, so you don't have to throw pointers to instances of your public class around :D22:32
yofeleverytime I hear garbage collection I think of java... and shudder22:33
* apachelogger failed to compute that line about public classes22:34
JontheEchidnaSo, transactions are generated by the worker daemon and live on a D-Bus path until the daemon deletes them22:36
JontheEchidnathe client transaction class uses a dbus adapter to keep its copy of the transaction's data up-to-date on the client side22:36
JontheEchidnawhen a transaction on d-bus goes away, LibQApt will let it's client-side transaction instances go out of scope22:37
JontheEchidnaand if an application using libqapt still has client-side transaction instances pointing to the TransactionPrivate data, the TransactionPrivate data will stay until the application lets it's Transaction object go out of scope22:37
apacheloggerso you have multiple transaction objects using the same private data object?22:39
JontheEchidnayep, their only data member is a QSharedPointer<TransactionPrivate>22:42
JontheEchidnathe backend can keep a copy to do with what it likes, and the app using the backend can keep its own copy for displaying the data to the user22:42
JontheEchidnawhen the daemon deregisters the transaction object on D-Bus, the backend will remove its instance from its list22:43
JontheEchidnaand when the application is done showing data from its transaction instance and it goes out of scope, the TransactionPrivate is deleted22:43
apacheloggercommon approach22:44
apacheloggersuffice to say I prefer not having a performance penalty :P22:44
apacheloggerthough I see the usefulness ;)22:44
apacheloggeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/546128/22:46
apacheloggerisn't it beautiful22:46
JontheEchidnaI just didn't want to give users of the library to delete stuff under my nose :P22:46
JontheEchidnaand I'm sure fetching data over the D-Bus is the bottleneck. There shouldn't be more than a dozen transactions active at a time in the worker anyways22:47
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: nice :D22:47
CIA-58[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdelibs] Philip Muškovac * 431 * debian/ (37 files) * Change sonames from 4.9.0/5.9.0 to 4.9.*/5.9.* * Update kdelibs5-dev.install fix uploader email23:25
JontheEchidnaI really liked that episode of Doctor Who23:34
apacheloggerit had dinosaurs23:49
* apachelogger recreeates initial-upload in bash23:50
apacheloggerwhy that was irritatingly simple -.-23:52
* apachelogger waves fist at stupid xargs for having features all implemented23:52
yofelinital-upload does seem to have a few extra features though23:52
apacheloggerit even works(tm)23:52
apacheloggerwhat a drag23:53
apacheloggerno fun for apachelogger :(23:53
yofelthat is if they work23:53
apacheloggeryofel: like?23:53
yofelchecking if there's a point in uploading a package (0-diff)23:53
yofelalso, build-dep bumping needs implementing, although I've that half-done here23:53
yofel*I'm half done with that here23:54
apacheloggerwhy that's just additional magic23:54
apacheloggeralso isn't diff checking like expensive?23:54
yofelless expensive than forcing more updates to users - also less that can break23:54
yofelit's freakin's expensive indeed though23:55
apacheloggerwell I just wonder23:55
apacheloggerhow often does that happen?23:55
apacheloggerpast ppa1 you only do selective uploads anyway23:55
apacheloggernow I get it23:55
yofelwith the number of packages we have here, I believe over a dozen per point release23:55
apacheloggerdiffing 4.9.1 vs 4.9.023:56
apacheloggerthat is indeed slightly expensive, so I'd not put that in initial upload TBH23:57
apacheloggermore like archive-upload23:57
yofelthat won't help with the PPA stuff though - if we care23:57
apacheloggerI am not sure we should care23:57
apacheloggerI mean, if you opt for a PPA you probably have a not-too-crappy intartubes access23:58
yofelas long as it's at least in archive-upload I would be fine with it23:58
apacheloggerstuff like that is why I think we should have a meeting :P23:58
apacheloggeralso it would be itneresting how many false negatives a 0-diff check yields23:58
apacheloggerbecause at least with the large meta sources there were at least cmakelists changes that change a version or a whitespace23:59

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