
jelmerahola czajkowski14:58
czajkowskijelmer: ello greetings from bluefin where we're having a global jam14:59
jelmerczajkowski: bluefin?15:00
Laneythe london office15:02
jelmerah, nice15:04
* jelmer hasn't been to the new office yet15:04
czajkowskibar it's very warm yeah15:04
czajkowskiit's about 26 in london today15:04
jelmersame here..15:05
* jelmer is at the local hackerspace watching a talk15:05
czajkowskioh what on15:05
jelmerevading some of the security measures in Ubuntu's sshd :)15:06
czajkowskitried to get these webaps working15:07
czajkowskibutno luck15:07
czajkowskiand now some unity testing15:07
jelmerwhat are you jamming on?15:07
czajkowskiupgraded and filing bugs15:13
czajkowskigwibber and compiz keep crashing15:13
czajkowskixnox qote of the day:  I fix things after I break things,15:37
czajkowskireason for Laney to not remove him :)15:37
jamczajkowski: very warm? it was 44 today in Dubai... 26 would be a cold snap :)18:07
czajkowskijam: true indeed, but in the office at the weekend the air con is off18:14
czajkowskistill we had some fun :)18:14

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