
dr_willisHmm.. Noticed a little bug. in nautilus file manager, select a file and 'cut'   go to another location and select paste.. it works. but the paste menu item is actually 'greyed' out as if its not supposed to be selectable.00:17
trismdr_willis: bug 97349100:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 973491 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Precise) "nautilus popup menu highlighting using copy and paste incorrect (items displayed unactive when they are not)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/97349100:18
dr_willisHmm.. seems almost like the 6th menu item on the context menu is always greyed out.  then theres some  other items i seem to be noticeing this with also00:19
dr_willislike 'rename ....'00:19
dr_willistheres some 'organize by name..' item that seems totally out of place also.. ;)    - sure to be fixed soon i imagine.00:20
trismdr_willis: supposed to be fixed in gtk but I don't think it is in quantal yet00:21
dr_willisfile manager progress. :) 3 steps forward 2 back .... oh wait.. thats computer/gui/everything progress00:29
dr_willisNow to figure out why vlc cant seem to play these videos that mplayer can.00:30
dr_willisalso noticed somthing odd with ntfs-3g, it can aparently make files with names on a NTFS partiion that have characters in the names that windows does NOT like. :) when dual booted to windows, the videos wouldent even play, or let me rename, or move them.00:39
dr_willisseemed there was a : in the names in some cases, other times in think there was a , (i should of jotted down the names)00:40
DracoDanLRPCis 3.5.0-11 the latest kernel?01:54
trismDracoDanLRPC: -13 is the latest, with -14 in proposed01:54
DracoDanLRPCugh, so my fucking build still wont auto-update to the latest kernel01:54
DracoDanLRPCwhats the command again to fix the weirdo grub for ubuntu?01:55
IdleOnePlease mind the language01:55
DracoDanLRPCoh, I don't mind at all01:55
IdleOnewell, I do. Please don't swear in any Ubuntu channels01:55
DracoDanLRPCwell I swear....01:56
DracoDanLRPCthat was supposed to come across as having a particular southern draw, not just stating that "I do indeed swear"01:57
DracoDanLRPCdang I've turned into a lightweight, one captain and coke and I'm working on my Linux box, cussin in IRC, and talking to myself, it's just like the good ol days!01:58
* DracoDanLRPC points out that he said dang instead of damn01:58
DracoDanLRPCso.... I ran "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" and the result is kernel 3.5.0-11, could someone please help me?02:01
DaekdroomDracoDanLRPC, have you tried apt-get dist-upgrade instead?02:02
* DracoDanLRPC wants yum02:02
DracoDanLRPCone sec, coming back up....02:02
DracoDanLRPCwhat's the logical difference?02:03
DracoDanLRPCalso, thanks, that fixed it!02:04
Daekdroomdist-upgrade is able to remove/install new packages in order to solve dependency issues.02:04
DaekdroomA kernel upgrade is pulled in as a dependency change for a metapackage ('linux', I think, in this case)02:04
DracoDanLRPCstrange approach...02:10
DracoDanLRPCthanks again02:10
DaekdroomNot really a strange approach. It allows users to keep multiple kernel versions installed (in case an update breaks something)02:10
DracoDanLRPCyum install kernel-<version>-*02:11
DracoDanLRPCproblem? just choose the old kernel from grub02:11
DaekdroomBut that's exactly how it works in Ubuntu.02:11
DracoDanLRPCno problem? just remove the old kernel02:11
DracoDanLRPCoh, the command is the only thing I'm complaining about, it doesn't clearly descibe what is being done IMO02:12
DracoDanLRPCor maybe I'm just too set in my ways, lol02:12
DaekdroomAlso, update-manager offers to install the kernel update packages by default, so...02:13
DracoDanLRPCTHAT is the command I was trying to remember earlier!02:13
DaekdroomIt is available through the system menu at top right of your screen..02:14
DracoDanLRPCtop right?  that's all black02:14
Daekdroomor it used to be, idk02:14
DracoDanLRPCjust like the bootom right...02:14
Daekdroomdon't you see the "power cog" at top right?02:14
DracoDanLRPCor anywhere that there isn't text :-P02:14
DracoDanLRPCsorry, trying to be funny here, I don't use a GUI, it's a server02:15
DaekdroomWell, update-manager is a GUI, so it's for no use in a server.02:15
DracoDanLRPCthere was another CLI update utility though...02:16
DracoDanLRPCnot sure, apt-get works well enoguh knowing the dist-upgrade options.02:18
DracoDanLRPCmoving on, do you or anyone else have any experience with targetcli?02:18
DracoDanLRPCI was hoping the updates would fix the issue I'm having, but it doesnt...02:19
DracoDanLRPCthe instructions for this stuff sucks... bad02:24
emgood evening02:55
md_5Any ideas on window titles being too big? http://screencloud.net/v/7taz I reckon its fontconfig or something03:34
trismmd_5: maybe configure the window title font in myunity/gnome-tweak-tool?03:37
md_5o.O myuntity crashes on start now03:37
* md_5 installs gone tweak03:37
md_5trism according to this my window title font is cantarell bold or something03:39
md_5Changed it to Ubuntu 11pt and now it looks normal :D03:40
md_5thanks trijntje03:40
DaekdroomThe default is Ubuntu Bold03:40
md_5Daekdroom 11pt?03:40
md_5yeah that works too03:41
md_5How do dynamic workspaces work?03:41
jbichamd_5: dynamic workspaces is a GNOME Shell feature, it doesn't do anything in Unity03:42
wxlhey anyone here having trouble with add-apt-repository??03:52
md_5wxl no03:53
wilee-nileewxl, Have you tried another server by changing it in software sources?03:53
wxlmd_5: yeah i got some weird erorr when trying to do it with ppa:lubuntu-dev/lubuntu-daily03:54
wxlsomething about a module missing03:54
wxlif your'e specifying a particular ppa, doesn't it specify the server, wilee-nilee ?03:54
wilee-nileewxl, can you pasetbin the apt-get command and all the text?03:54
wxli knew you were going to ask that  :)03:55
wxlone sec03:55
wilee-nileewxl, Ah I see add repository, you are right but the paste bin should give us the info we need.03:56
wxlwilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1192019/03:58
wilee-nileewxl, looks correct what distro and release are you running?04:00
wxlthat looks correct? O_O never did that before. lubuntu 12.1004:00
wxllike it doesn't try to add the gpg for example04:01
wxlif i knew how to register it, i'd just do it and add to sources.list manually04:02
wxlbut sadly, there's a little magic to that script XD04:02
wilee-nileewxl, you can put the ppa in sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   the save the key in home and add it in software sources. Not sure of that error though I could post my /usr/bin/add-apt-repository file for you to compare.04:06
wxlwilee-nilee: there's no command line tool to register to the gpg key besides add-apt-repository, right? in any case, i'd love to see your version of the script04:08
wilee-nileewxl, you just save the key in home or you can and add it to the list is software sources, I'm sure there is a command I forget where they are all stored, it is just a a ppa though04:10
wxlworks for me, wilee-nilee. you got a pastebin for me? what version of python-software-properties do you have? that seems to be the package the script is in04:11
wilee-nileewxl, since you are see an error related to this file it might help to compare, maybe. http://paste.ubuntu.com/1192027/04:11
h00kwoah buddy. rsyslogd is going nuts.04:11
wilee-nileewxl, mine is just a stock precise04:12
h00kgave me a nice 2.3gb file, chewing up my CPU :(04:12
wxlwell that's no +1 XD04:12
wilee-nileethat is just my /usr/bin/add-apt-repository file04:13
IdleOneAdie_: from that screen shot you posted it looks like your graphics drivers are not installed05:24
Adie_ sure! It told me it was going to run in low display mode, or w/e05:24
Adie_in the middle of my update while I was still in 12.04, it broke like this05:25
Adie_and the restarted like this ^_^05:25
Adie_after the updates were complete05:25
IdleOneok. can you try alt-F2 and type gksudo jockey-gtk05:25
IdleOne*in the little box IF it appears05:26
Adie_alt+f2 doesn't do anything, nor does ctrl+shift+f105:26
Adie_perhaps because I can not leave focus from chrome?05:26
IdleOnenot shift05:26
Adie_that doens't do anything either05:26
IdleOneok, reboot and at the login screen click on the gear icon and select Unity 2D05:27
Adie_okay, I will give that a try ^_^05:27
IdleOnethat should give you a working desktop05:27
Adie_be back ^_^05:27
IdleOnethen you can come back to this channel and maybe someone can help sort out the drivers issue05:28
IdleOneGot a working desktop now?05:32
AdieI didn't have an option for unity 2d, but I am in on gnome classic05:32
Adieima try to install my drivers from AMD and see if that works =]05:35
ceborhi how can i upgrade to ubuntu 12.10 ? update-manager -d has no effect11:03
=== md_5 is now known as md_5|away
BluesKajHey All12:03
penguin42Hey BluesKaj12:04
BluesKajHi penguin4212:04
* MCR1 is removing Kernel 3.6-RC4 again, because it still breaks SSL completely12:08
* MCR1 now suddenly remembers why he already removed 3.6-RC1 from Quantal12:09
* MCR1 is back on 3.5 again and feeling better now12:13
* bekks uses 3.6 rc4 :P12:13
* ikonia notes down please stop using /me commands12:22
* jokerdino pokes the room.13:40
jokerdinoLO lost menu everywhere other than Unity.13:40
penguin42I can give that a go in a few minutes, just doing a few kernel bug reboots13:42
jokerdinogood luck :)13:42
penguin42when you say 'everywhere other than Unity' you mean it works under Unity but not under other stuff ?13:43
jokerdinoyes.. that13:43
jokerdinoprobably i phrased it wrong.13:43
penguin42what other stuff?13:43
jokerdinoit doesn't work in xfce, lxdm and gnome-shell13:43
jokerdinohaven't tested the rest of the zillion DE.13:44
penguin42ok, I run KDE so I'll give it a go in a reboot or two13:44
jokerdinocool thanks.13:45
* penguin42 waits for the latest packages to download13:49
* Daekdroom remembers he hasn't checked for updates yet today13:50
jokerdinobug #104465713:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1044657 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Quantal) "[regression] Missing LO menus when not run in Unity" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104465713:57
=== Laif` is now known as Laif
penguin42jokerdino: Yeh get that14:30
jokerdinopenguin42: you get the menu?14:31
penguin42jokerdino: No, I don't get the menu14:31
jokerdinogood. the bug report above ^^14:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Bluefoxicyheh can't log in from lightdm14:44
Bluefoxicyswitched to gdm, which works.14:45
penguin42Bluefoxicy: What do your lightdm logs say?14:45
jokerdinoi switched to gdm too, but not for the same reason14:45
Bluefoxicypenguin42:  nothing interesting14:46
Bluefoxicyit hangs is all14:46
penguin42Bluefoxicy: It might be time to admit lightdm just doesn't like you14:49
BluefoxicyGDM is cool, the current lightdm theme is cleaner looking though (you could do the same in gdm...) and it looks like it has more features (at least, it looks like I can use network manager from inside it, didn't spot that in gdm)14:51
jokerdinoBluefoxicy: you can connect to networks from unity-greeter14:54
jokerdinoand yeah, i seem to not dislike gdm for some reason14:55
=== Laif is now known as revisited
=== revisited is now known as Laif
Bluefoxicywhatever's going on in gnome shell needs to stop16:41
Bluefoxicywhen the screen locks it shows the time, and you have to click and drag it up to get to the log-in screen16:41
penguin42sounds like a tablet/phone style unlock16:47
penguin42because that is of course the only type of computers anyone uses any more16:47
MonkeyDustworking with chroot for the first time - want to try and install quantal in it - where and how do i find a mirror?17:23
penguin42MonkeyDust: http://mirrors.ubuntu.com/GB.txt for example17:23
jbichaBluefoxicy: you can also just press Esc to unlock17:26
jtaylorMonkeyDust: just do pbuilder-dist quantal amd64 create17:36
Bluefoxicyjbicha:  is this also how unity works?17:38
BluefoxicyI can't tell what part's from the display manager, the screen saver, and the windowing system17:39
jbichaBluefoxicy: no17:40
jbichajust moving the mouse is enough to quit the "screensaver" thing on Unity17:40
jbichathings are a bit tangled in GNOME Shell; Shell actually provides the login & lock screen (unless you run GDM in Fallback mode which looks like GDM 3.0)17:42
jbichain Unity things are a little more separated, unity-greeter is the frontend for lightdm which handles login, gnome-screensaver does the locking although unity-greeter may handle that in the future too17:43
Bluefoxicyok, why do I have gdm?17:43
Bluefoxicyit looks like it got installed when I upgraded to 12.1017:43
Daekdroomgdm is now a dependency for gnome shell17:43
BluefoxicyLightdm seems to just hang when I log into gnome-shell17:44
BluefoxicyI assume this is related?17:44
jbichacould you pastebin your .xsession-errors ?17:44
jbichalightdm should be able to log in to gnome-shell but maybe we're missing a dependency or something17:45
Bluefoxicy.xsession-errors goes back to last night apparently and this stuff happened this morning.17:47
Bluefoxicyanyway going to get a roof inspected17:48
dmattI updated to beta 1 with fglrx on, now X does not work, how do I get back to open driver from CLI?19:01
penguin42dmatt: You should be able to with jockey-text19:03
penguin42dmatt: Something like jockey-text -l to see what you have and maybe jockey-text -d name  to disable it ?19:03
alex_mayorgaTwitter is gone from "Settings" > "Online Accounts" =( What gives?19:05
dmattpenguin42: thanks, I'm just testing it in 12.04 and it says ERROR:root:Could not find any typelib for AppIndicator319:05
penguin42dmatt: Hmm don't know what that is19:05
dmattI'm on Kubuntu, maybe something is missing?19:06
alex_mayorgaNever mind, I went back to "All Settings" then back into "Online Accounts" and is there, strange19:07
penguin42dmatt: Hmm, I get that on kde as well - that needs reporting, however it still lists that kmod:fglrx is available19:08
dmattpenguin42: I was googling it too and it doesn't seem to be fatal error19:09
dmatthowever, no man pages so what should be the command exactlt? jockey-text -d fglrx19:10
penguin42dmatt: I'd expect jockey-text -l to list the installed drivers, e.g. kmod:fglrx and then jockey-text -d kmod:fglrx19:11
dmattmine says xorg:fglrx19:11
penguin42dmatt: Mine isn't installed and this is on quantal19:12
dmattanyway, I'm going to test it right now (reboot, as it is testing partition on the notebook I write from)19:13
dmattthank you very much for help penguin4219:13
dmattpenguin42: it worked19:44
dmattbut I could not reenable fglrx, even when i purged it19:45
penguin42dmatt: I don't run fglrx so I'm not sure of it's current state19:45
dmattsays something is held and the version provided is similar to 10.04 - maybe there is no new version available at the moment19:46
penguin42is there an fglrx-update version listed as well?19:46
dmattyes, thats what confuses me19:46
penguin42what happens if you try and install that?19:47
dmattactually, fact that any fglrx is in jockey confuses me, if there is no version bump19:47
penguin42dmatt: I suspect it'll land soon; the closed graphics drivers normally land fairly late in the cycle19:48
dmattI did not try that, but I would expect same error, it says something was held from previous version19:48
dmatti'm gonna google it bit and maybe file some bugs, thanks19:49
LLStarkscan i get some more confirmation for bug 104175620:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1041756 in pango1.0 (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center crashes when trying to change full name in User Accounts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104175620:11
LLStarksit also crashes gnome-shell and unity20:12
trismdidn't crash when run in gdb but pretty funny to watch20:18
trismhttp://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-control-center/commit/?id=41a79d6a35d18e9293fb6326cfac803d92b61f81 looks like it might be promising20:22
potofcoffeeHi. I upgraded my precise-amd64 install to quantal beta today. Everything went fine as far as the upgrade is concerned, but now I'm unable to log into unity because compiz segfaults. I first suspected my ati (fglrx) drivers, but I disabled them via jockey-text and still get a segfault. Any ideas?20:24
potofcoffeeHere's what I get in syslog:20:25
potofcoffeeSep  8 14:56:29 patmos gnome-session[2969]: WARNING: Application 'compiz.desktop' killed by signal 1120:25
potofcoffeeSep  8 14:56:29 patmos gnome-session[2969]: WARNING: App 'compiz.desktop' respawning too quickly20:25
potofcoffeeSep  8 14:56:29 patmos kernel: [  467.192116] compiz[4302]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fadd09b49c4 sp 00007fff2990b790 error 4 in libc-2.15.so[7fadd0915000+1b2000]20:25
txwikingerIs do-release-upgrade -d not working?21:05
trismLLStarks: yep, ^ patch fixes the bug21:07
=== md_5|away is now known as md_5
jbichatxwikinger: have you followed the instruction in the 2nd paragraph of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta121:47
macaHello, I'm in Ubuntu 12.10, using XFCE as desktop. My problem is the firewall configuration. I typed to INPUT chain to accept that protocols: lo, state established related, ssh, domain, http, https, and the rest for DROP action. I read the HowTo Configure Iptables from the documentation. When I tried to connect internet, don't connect, why? In the 12.10, have any change related to Iptables?21:52
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
macaIt seems that nobody know about Iptables...21:58
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
macaIn ubuntu 12.10, Are there any changes related Iptables???22:02
penguin42I'd not seen anything specific mentioned - what are you seeing?22:19
penguin42maca: It might be worth changing iptables to log dropped packets and see what's happening22:19
penguin42NEone: Hi22:19
NEoneNow if I install 12.10 Beta 1 on one physical harddisk (it's empty now) with the new full disk encryption option... Will it leave the second physical harddisk (it's NTFS and contains data for my Windows system) untouched? Or will that one be encrypted too?22:19
penguin42should be left22:20
penguin42NEone: the full disk encryption just changes the way the Linux stuff is installed (it builds a LUKS encrypted partitoion with LVM on top)22:21
NEoneok, will try that, then. And I plan to make 3 partitions: "/", "/home", "swap". There are options of making them primary partitions or creating just one extended partition and build the other partitions within that one as logical volumes. Which way of those is the best?22:23
NEoneIf I make a persistent install of 12.10 Beta 1 on my harddisk... Will I have to re-install next month? Or will I be able to upgrade to the final 12.10 release just with the apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade commands?22:30
penguin42upgrade should just work22:32
penguin42should just see updates coming in just like you do after an install22:33
NEoneGreat! Then it's worth to give the installation a try. Thanks a lot.22:33
penguin42NEone: As for partition options; you can use it use the default or you can do manual and specify it pretty much anyway you like; you might want to try the lvm setup - in that you only use one partition and linux splits it up22:33
NEoneGreat. Okay, I think my installation plan is ready now. ...This will probably gonna be a long night, LOL. See you. And thanks again for your help.22:35
penguin42hehe, good luck22:37
* penguin42 wonders why the Kubuntu webcam app is called Kamoso when it could have been kheese22:46
FernandoMiguelpenguin42: LOLOLOLOL22:48
penguin42owncloud looks pretty neat23:07
Debolazowncloud is pretty neat.23:16
DebolazThough the sync client has a very nasty bug on Ubuntu.23:16
penguin42is there a matching ubuntu bug for that as well?23:20
penguin42hehe one of my bugs is on on the known issues23:24
Debolazpenguin42: Not that I'm aware of.23:24
penguin42probably would be a good idea if there was23:25
DebolazI'm also not aware of any plans to integrate it with the ubuntu sync indicator planned for 12.1023:28
penguin42I wonder how it compares to something like the free versions of zimbra23:29
DebolazGiven that most of the hard work is done by the csync library, I was actually pondering implementing my own client for it for Ubuntu.23:30
DebolazI've had this idea of separating the sync client from the indicator, which in the current client is the same process.23:30
penguin42you'd think you'd be able to do a sync without the desktop say?23:32
DebolazYes, the sync client would work equally well on a server as on a desktop. You'd just install the extra indicator on the desktop.23:33
DebolazIts just a matter of finding time for it I guess. :)23:33
penguin42well not just servers - things like syncing back to your desktop while you add things while you're out23:33
DebolazCould you give an example?23:34
penguin42you leave your desktop switched on (or use wake-on-lan to wake it up?) and you add things to your cloud from your phone or a web browser and it all gets sync'd back to your desktop23:35
DebolazThen current sync client would do that now wouldn't it?23:35
* penguin42 isn't sure - but if it's on the indicator, wouldn't that only happen if you had the desktop on/logged in?23:36
DebolazYes; Though since it's a non-system process, the same would be the case with my idea too.23:37
penguin42well you could still ssh in to do that or you could cron it23:37
DebolazIts a good point I guess.23:39

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