
* czajkowski waves from UGJ London 09:15
AlanBello/ czajkowski09:15
AlanBellI couldn't make it in the end09:15
czajkowskiah ok09:16
czajkowskisame for christel also09:16
czajkowskithis was my fear and reason I wanted names before hand09:16
czajkowskioh well09:16
AlanBellyeah, it was always going to be hard for me to get away as I have been in London all week doing paralympic stuff09:17
czajkowskiwell 6 of us in London13:12
jokerdinodaker: thanks. read the entire G+ comments thread14:39
czajkowskihttps://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/f62d22a92ed855624be306e8ab1c83e570c5eda5?authuser=0&hl=en-GB london jam if anyone wants to try and join14:40
* jokerdino reluctantly clicks the link.14:40
jokerdinono plugin in here.14:41
jcastrobkerensa: ping18:38
jcastroso, as a companion to an A1918:39
jcastrofor like, more floody-type indoor light18:39
jcastrofor like, say recessed kitchen lights that are more spread out18:39
bkerensajcastro: hmm?19:41
bkerensaSo they have directional LED's19:41
* bkerensa is in the Spotify bus19:41
jcastroright, so I figure A19s replace the normal lights19:41
jcastroand the ___ replaces the spotlight ones?19:41
jcastrofill in the blank. :)19:41
bkerensajcastro: PAR16 PAR20? depends on size of you need19:43
bkerensaMR16 maybe?19:43
jcastroso that's not a model # that's like a size or something19:45
jcastroso that would be written on the old bulb right?19:45
bkerensamhall119:  you around?22:11
bkerensajcastro: you around man?22:15
mhall119bkerensa: let's go into #ubuntu-unity22:24
czajkowskithose running 12.0422:41
czajkowskican you look at your power indicator22:41
czajkowskiis it plugged in22:41
czajkowskiif so22:41
czajkowskidoes the icon look like it is charging22:41
czajkowskiif not https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/+bug/104804122:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048041 in indicator-power "Power icon doesn't show it is charging when it's plugged in" [Undecided,New]22:41
cjohnstondaker: ask bkerensa for an idea22:52
dakerbkerensa: i'll be doing a demo for 12.04 (SFD), any suggestions ?22:53
bkerensadaker: what kind of audience? End Users or Developers?22:53
dakerbkerensa: it's just 10min22:54
bkerensadaker: I would do a Prezi presentation then showing gaming, music, office apps all in action22:55
bkerensaand talk about how contributos contributed to each area22:56
dakerbkerensa: i need a name,  Getting started with Ubuntu 12.04 ?22:57
philballewmention how people can help at the end for a bit if possible.22:58
dakerphilballew: sure22:58
czajkowskino not prezi23:00
czajkowskimakes people feel sea sick watching it23:00
czajkowskiall jumpy and motion sickness23:00
dakerczajkowski: can you explain ?23:01
mhall119daker: prezi stuff tends to spin and swirl23:02
mhall119makes the audience feel like they're on a roller coaster23:02
AlanBellyeah, only use prezi for audiences that are not into substance abuse23:06
dakerok i need to determine what features i will cover, and i still need a title23:09
mhall119AlanBell: I can imagine a very effective prezi titled "Why it's bad to come to presentations drunk or stoned"23:12
czajkowskidaker: what mhall119 and AlanBell said23:17
czajkowskiit is awful to sit through a presentation using prezi23:17
bkerensaanti-prezi people =/23:39
bkerensaPrezi loves Ubuntu23:39
bkerensadaker: "12.04 Desktop Applications the Fundamentals"23:40
bkerensaadd lolcats and you will get a standing applause23:40
bkerensadaker:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ax5k7Vi-IBQ23:42
dakeri will watch it23:42

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