
brobostigongood morning eveyrone.09:26
Espreonbrobostigon: Good afternoon.16:12
brobostigongood afternoon Espreon16:13
EspreonAnd how are we today?16:14
brobostigonEspreon: not bad, could be better, and you?16:18
EspreonI think everything's fine.16:19
Espreon... today.16:19
EspreonAll I know is that I got at least twelve hours of sleep.16:19
EspreonYeah, I only got two or so hours of sleep yesterday.16:21
brobostigoni got about 4 last night.16:21
EspreonWhy only four?16:22
brobostigoni just havent been sleeping properly. in this hot weather. and also because it makes my eczema uncomfortable.16:23
EspreonInvest in a fan.16:25
Espreon... a good fan.16:25
brobostigoni have several.16:25
EspreonOh well.16:27
EspreonAnything new?16:27
brobostigonyes, i am just very sensitive to heat,16:27
brobostigonEspreon: well, i unlocked the bootloader in my nexus 7 this afternoon, added custom recovery and rooted it.16:28
iantobrobostigon: Oooh, you've got a Nexus 7? 2nd person I know to have one now (I don't btw :p )17:16
brobostigonianto: :)17:16
Espreonbrobostigon: Really now? Kewl.17:32
EspreonKinda reminds me when I put Rockbox on my fifth gen iPod.17:32
EspreonWas it fifth gen? Hmm...17:32
EspreonAll I know it was one of the first ones that could play videos.17:32
brobostigonEspreon: this afternoon, yes, three comaands, one file, all done,17:50
Espreonhttps://www.transifex.com/ ... Ha ha17:50
Espreon... how embarrasing.17:50
Espreon... they misspelled "Czech".17:51
brobostigonnos da everyone, sleep well.21:42

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