
smoserslangasek, around ?00:46
smoserso it seems like 2 issues. a.) network is already up, so i think ifup decides it doesn't need to bring the network up, and b.) mountall doesn't like me doing mounts for it.00:46
slangaseksmoser: how do you mean, "network is already up"?00:55
smoseriscsi root.00:55
smoserit came up in the initramfs00:55
slangaseksmoser: right; ifupdown doesn't consider that "up"00:55
slangasekto ifupdown, it's only up if ifup has been called00:56
smoseri'd have thought.00:56
slangasekwhich is not to say that the network already being up can't be causing problems for ifupdown00:56
slangasekor maybe iscsi even injects state?00:56
smoserinjects state?00:57
slangaseksmoser: yes, as in, perhaps the open-iscsi initramfs script scribbles something in /run to tell ifupdown to under no circumstances bounce the interface00:58
smoseri dont think so.00:58
smoserbut clearly it cannot bounce the interface.00:58
smoserbut i dont know what i thought was wrong. about mountallnot liking me01:00
slangaseksmoser: dunno... there's some noise about filesystems already mounted, but coincidentally these are all optional mounts01:02
slangaseksmoser: looks like mountall itself succeeds, it's just the network not happening01:03
smoserit was the "busy" stuff that i was confused by.01:03
smoseri'll look foranything iscsi might be doing to protect01:04
smoseror maybe ifupdown somehow just "knows"that it has non-local filesystems01:04
smoseralthough it appears to have tricked mountal01:05
slangaseksmoser: should I be seeing full upstart logging here?  there's nothing after 37.584470, at which point udev has not actually succeeded in starting and therefore ifupdown is not being triggered01:05
slangaseksmoser: upstart-udev-bridge is 'start on starting udev'; it never completes01:05
slangasekat least, not that's shown in this log01:07
smoserwell, it still hasnt then (looking at that log now)01:09
slangaseksmoser: what's 'status upstart-udev-bridge' show?01:10
smoserhm.. start/running01:11
slangasekso maybe the log output went somewhere else01:11
slangasek(in which case... we probably need to see that log output, wherever it is, to get the whole picture)01:11
smoseri have had thoughts that i was not getting all of output01:12
smoser /var/log/syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191875/ /var/log/kern.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191876/01:18
xnoxanything interesting in /var/log/upstart/* ?01:19
xnoxcause that's where it's going by default....01:20
smoser$ ls -l /var/log/upstart -d01:22
smoser ls: cannot access /var/log/upstart: No such file or directory01:22
slangaseksmoser: um?  where'd you put that directory then?  It's shipped by the upstart package01:40
smoserwell... i changed the timeout waiting for static-networking-up back to 120 seconds (i had put it to 10) in cloud-init-nonet.conf01:41
smoser http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191899/01:41
smoserwell, i didn't put that directory anywaere.01:41
smoserso this is definitely a bug. some cleaning out of images. in the build process kills that.01:41
smoserso i'll open a bug on that.01:41
smoseri changed that timeout back to 120 seconds01:42
smoserand http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191889/ is the result01:43
smoserits more obvious that there something is still blocking, waiting for that.01:43
smoserprobably for mounted / to finish01:43
slangaseksmoser: so http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191875/ shows a correct udev-based bring-up of the networking01:45
slangasekbut the timing is a bit odd01:46
* slangasek looks at the latest01:46
slangaseksmoser: hah; udevtrigger waits to find out if you're in a container01:47
slangaseksmoser: /etc/init/container-detect.conf has an explicit check for mounted MOUNTPOINT=/run instead of virtual-filesystems01:47
slangaseksmoser: try twiddling it to use virtual-filesystems instead01:47
slangaseksmoser: that seems like a change we can easily make in the distro - if it works01:48
smoserwell, it might be by design.01:48
smoserin that it can run earlier than virtual-filesystems (much earlier)01:48
smoseraltougho i guess nothing (as we see) is gonna guarantee that anyway.01:49
slangasekI mean, it is, but there's nothing in the design that requires the rest of mountall to wait for the container answer01:49
slangasekand changing the container-detect job is better than making your workaround job double-emit the mounted event01:49
smoserso.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1047707 is to cover /var/log/upstart in the images.01:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047707 in Ubuntu "/var/log/upstart deleted from cloud images" [High,Triaged]01:49
smoserwell i had my work around in place there.01:50
smoserand i think its required to get to the point.01:50
infinitysmoser: I assume that's a symptom of a larger "purging stuff willy-nilly" bug?01:50
infinitysmoser: Unless you were explicitly removing that one directory for some reason...01:50
smoseryeah, it is.01:50
slangaseksmoser: yes, and your workaround does NOT emit the 'mounted' event, it emits virtual-filesystems01:50
smoserno. its like rm -Rf /var/log/*01:50
infinitysmoser: Gah.01:50
slangasekwhich we should bring container-detect into alignment with01:50
smoserone thing that i'm running into01:50
smoserthe cloud-init-nonet job has 'output console'01:51
smoserbut its output is *not* getting to console01:51
smoserwhere console=/dev/ttyS0 (per that command line).01:51
smoseri had to explicitly | tee /dev/ttyS0 to get it to the console.01:51
smoseri'll try the change on container and boot01:52
smoserslangasek, that seems to fix the proble.02:08
* slangasek nods02:09
smoserwell, with the hack-emit-virtual-filesystems.02:09
slangasekit certainly should have been the last thing left that could be a problem :)02:09
smoserso i can get where i need to go now, i think.02:09
smoserso you want a bug against upstart for container-detect?02:10
slangaseksmoser: can you file a bug on upstart about container-detect and /run vs. virtual-filesystems?02:10
slangasekyes please :)02:10
smoseri'll open one, but i'd appreciate if you fill in some better debug and justfication.02:10
smoserso that some time from now when i'm trying to trace steps i'll have some info02:10
slangaseksmoser: ack02:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047712 in upstart (Ubuntu) "container-detect.conf should be 'start on virtual-filesystems'" [Undecided,New]02:14
smoserslangasek, what woudl you think about trying to make mountall happier by running my virtual-filesystems-emitter on 'starting mountall'02:16
smoser(in addition to cloud-init-nonet. it should just prep the system so mountall doesn't htink it should have to mount those filesystems)02:16
smoserslangasek, well. one more piece of my puzzle (i'm stillnot getting resolv.confworked out).02:53
smoserbut /etc/init/iscsi-network-interface.conf is a bit of info02:53
slangaseksmoser: 'start on starting mountall' should be fine for that, yeah03:13
slangaseksmoser: right, that's kinda what I was expecting to see from iscsi03:13
slangasekand it's skipping the ifupdown hooks, which is a problem03:14
slangasekthough from the comment, it seems that may have been deliberate03:14
smoserslangasek, yeah. i'm poking around.03:21
smoseri'm in initramfs now.03:22
smoserwas hoping i could get it to store off the dns server responses03:22
smoserfrom the dhcp request.03:22
smoserthey get printed. and "configure_networking" pretends that "Ip-Config tries to create this file and when it succeds" (/run/net-"${DEVICE}".conf)03:23
smoserbut it sure doesn't look like it does to me. i'm in an initramfs and dont see any such stuff getting created.03:23
smoserit loo like our initramfs is busted in that respect03:26
smoserit writes /tmp/net-eth0.conf03:26
smoserat least in precise03:26
slangasekso, where does ipconfig come from? busybox?03:27
slangaseksmoser: fixed in quantal; seems klibc-utils and initramfs-tools were out of sync on this in precise03:30
slangaseksmoser: sounds like that should be cherry-picked from klibc-utils03:30
smoserah. so the klibc-utils updated to /run03:30
slangasekklibc 2.0-2, in Debian03:30
smoseri'm opneing a bug for that.03:30
smosereasiest thing might be to just update to lok in 2 places03:31
slangasekno, just update klibc to use /run03:31
slangasekthat's the right place for it to be03:31
slangasekand nothing relies on the current behavior in precise03:31
smoserslangasek, are you sure this is "fix-released" ?03:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047722 in klibc (Ubuntu) "configure_networking net-DEVICE.conf in /run, but ipconfig writes in /tmp" [Undecided,New]03:35
slangaseksmoser: I've checked the source in quantal, it's definitely writing to /run onw03:36
smoserso i thin i shoudl be able to get that information from the dhcp response (dns info)03:38
smoserand store it somewhere03:38
smoserand then replay it to resolvconf03:38
slangasekin fact, so long as you're getting it written to /run, I believe the initramfs should be mount -omove'ing that for you03:40
smoseryeah, i wondered about that. so i dont have to store it even.03:42
slangasekyou do have to make sure you're not mounting something else over /run ;)03:42
smoseri think i'm gonna close this laptop now.03:42
smoseryou've been very helpful, slangasek03:42
slangasekhave a good evening03:42
smoserevening for 8 more minutes here03:43
smoserthen am03:43
slangaseklooking at the dictionaries-common code makes me very angry03:56
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malkaunscan someone point me to how i can create animated progressbars in gtk-3?07:31
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Davieyjtaylor: thanks for doing asterisk11:10
jtaylornp but it needs doing for precise11:11
jtaylorunfortunately it are ~8 CVEs and the simple diff are 10000 lines ...11:11
jtaylorI have no time for that and no idea how to test anything11:11
Davieyjtaylor: Well, if you are able to prepare an update.. I'm happy to test it?11:13
jtaylorthanks, I'll come back to you if an update gets prepared11:16
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penguin42doko: Which gcc package version were you using for bug 1019725 ?13:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019725 in gcc-4.6 (Ubuntu) "tiny STL code sample segfaults cc1plus" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101972513:51
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pcarrieris it just me, or is canonical trying to get rid of the gnome ecosystem and quantal a step toward more and more components in qt?15:07
ScottKAny particular examples in mind?15:22
alkisgI'm trying ubuntu-defaults-image, and it's working ok except that the generated .iso doesn't have the following files:15:34
alkisgautorun.inf boot dists install pics pool preseed README.diskdefines ubuntu wubi.exe15:34
alkisg...can I do something to include those as well?15:34
phaidrosis there any reason that 12.04 LTS comes without CONFIG_CIFS_ACL kernel setting ?!16:14
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penguin42jamespage: Thanks for fixing the iPXE19:15
jamespagepenguin42, np19:16
penguin42jamespage: What's your setup like; I'm running two kvm vm's one with tgt, and I've got two different clients; one disk less, and the other with disk - the diskless install doesn't seem to have setup the inittab properly yet (from last weeks iso)19:17
jamespagepenguin42, I run tgt on the KVM host alongside libvirt and I use diskless kvm vms with a scripted ipxe setup todo automated iscsi root installs for testing19:18
jamespagepenguin42, its a bit hacky but it works - https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/+junk/iscsi-testing19:19
penguin42jamespage: Have you had any problem with boot order issues on tgt? I seem to need to restart tgt after server boot for it to pick the disk up19:22
jamespagepenguin42, I'd not noticed anything like that - but my test cases don't normally persist between boots :-)19:23
jamespageI don't make the tgt configuration persistent19:23
jamespagepenguin42, BTW have you tried 12.04 against a quantal tgt target? I'm wondering whether I need to SRU that fix to 12.04 as well19:24
penguin42jamespage: No I haven't; I haven't got a 12.04 host to try19:24
penguin42(I guess I could go nuts and go nested kvm...)19:25
jamespagepenguin42, thats my prob as well19:25
jamespageI probably will try that; I have access to a cloud which supports it19:25
penguin42jamespage: I've done nested kvm before - it's surprisingly easy; other than getting the default netmask right, it just works if you stack 12.04's19:25
penguin42jamespage: I suspect the other thing the people running iscsi in the real world would want to do automatically in the installer is get multipath going19:30
jamespagepenguin42, I have lots of experience with multipath in fibre channel based SAN's - but zip with iscsi19:33
penguin42jamespage: I don't know much about it - my server setup does have two net interfaces and I've bound it to both 'portals' - and in the non-root version I've got I have it log in once on each interface and see both instances as separate discs in /proc/scsi/scsi so I assume multipath would sort it out into one device19:35
penguin42jamespage: I think like FC there is a lot of 'magic' knowledge of timeouts and stuff with particular vendors19:36
penguin42jamespage: The only other commonality is that multipath is renowned as a pain19:37
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penguin42jamespage: Bug 1047998 is my problem with the server install on iscsi root20:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047998 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "iscsi root: iscsi not started in initramfs" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104799820:42
penguin42jamespage: and bug 1048008 for tgt needing a restart21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048008 in tgt (Ubuntu) "tgt needs restart to find LUN" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104800821:03
pcarrierScottK: ubuntu-sso-client-qt, ubuntuone-control-panel-qt, apparently libaccounts21:06
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