
JSTae76Seony, 2012.09.08 5,647,500.00\00:01
JSTae76으음.. 우분투 Freenode IRC 채널을 위한 안드로이드 애플리케이션 개발을 시도해봐야겠어요.. 안드로이드 개발은 아예 첨이고 하나도 모르니깐.. 온라인에 올라와있는 강의등을 좀 참조해야겠네요..00:05
JSTae76제가 개발하고 싶은 애플리케이션은 Freenode IRC 채널 중 우분투 관련 채널 목록을 나타내고 해당 채널로 접속하고 Ubuntu IRC LOGs (Freenode)에서 당일 로그를 불러오면 되겠네요..00:06
JSTae76일단은 시도해봐야겠어요.. (Google Chrome)00:08
archpowerhey JSTae7601:22
JSTae76archpower, why?01:22
archpowerwhy what?01:22
JSTae76archpower, what happend?01:22
JSTae76#ubuntu인지 #ubuntu-ko 인지 정체성혼란..ㅋㅋ01:23
archpowerspeak english?01:23
JSTae76archpower, I can speak Korean very well, English not well01:24
JSTae76I'm Korean :-)01:24
archpowerWhat kind of work do you do?01:30
Seony휴... 출근..01:37
JSTae76archpower, Windows Programming (C/C++/MFC (NOT GOOD)) / Linux Programming (Console) / Android Programming / Server Managment / Join some opensource project (mailing)01:37
JSTae76Seony,  파이팅!01:38
JSTae76내일 SK Broadband IDC Center를 방문해야하는데 기찬;01:39
archpowerI'm an engineer.01:40
archpowerI restore old cars and build custom vehicles.01:41
JSTae76archpower Where are you from?01:41
archpowerCalifornia, USA.01:42
JSTae76archpower, Ah..01:42
JSTae76archpower, you can't speak Korean?01:42
JSTae76(ㅏㅏ..뭔가요.. 아치파워님에 대해서 알고계신분 없으신가요..)01:43
archpowersorry, not a word.01:43
Seonyhow did you join this chan then?01:43
archpowerI found it on the list of channels.01:44
archpowerare you in seoul?01:44
JSTae76archpower, OK.. I think just joke which your says?01:44
JSTae76말이 맞나..01:44
JSTae76archpower, I'm in Ulsan, South Korea01:44
SeonyHonolulu HI01:44
JSTae76archpower, I think you are Korean01:45
JSTae76I'm not good at English01:46
archpowerI'm not.01:46
JSTae76I was thinking you joke me.01:46
archpowerI'm serious.01:47
JSTae76Hmm.. but no problem01:48
JSTae76I can speak English little01:48
archpowerYou seem to get by well01:48
archpowerIts very good.01:48
archpowerI just finished fixing this bike today01:51
JSTae76Nice :-)01:52
JSTae76archpower, I was want to talk with someone in English so, this happend good for me (You can understand what I say?)01:54
Seonysorry I'm having a meeting01:55
JSTae76Seony, Oh..01:55
JSTae76Seony, 잘갓다오세요?01:55
archpowerHere is the latest car project: http://postimage.org/gallery/12fax27w/01:57
JSTae76archpower, Cool01:57
archpowerscroll down, more images will load.01:58
archpowerIts a super rare BOSS engine and the car is a customized 1969 Ford Mustang.01:58
archpowereverything is made from scratch01:58
JSTae76오늘 A# 갑니다ㅎ (I will go to A# today)01:59
archpowergo where?02:00
JSTae76AShop (Apple Shop)02:01
JSTae76There is MacBook Air, Pro, Mini, iMac ..etc02:01
archpowerenjoy yourself02:02
JSTae76Thanks :-)02:02
JSTae76I want buy iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook Pro..iPad, iPhone........kkk02:17
cai_archpower: heh where in CA?02:37
razGon_web허거거... 영어 난무...ㅠㅠ02:57
razGon_webOMG... English Tsunami!02:57
JSTae76razGon_web, 오랜만입니다 :-) (Long time no see :-)02:58
JSTae76모바일로 잠시.. (Mobile..wait)02:58
razGon_webJSTae76: LOL이후로 오랜만.ㅎㅎㅎ( Long time no see after LOL)02:59
JSTae76안녕하세요 (Hello)03:09
razGon_webJSTae76: re-Hi...03:14
JSTae76RazGon_web, 네넵ㅎㅎ (Yea)03:20
JSTae76일찍 끝나셨나요?03:28
razGon_web오늘은 저도 곧퇴근입니다. ㅋ03:32
Seony윈도우8 설치 때문에, MS-오피스 2010 라이센스를 옮겨야하는데 이게 그냥은 안옮겨지나보네요..06:05
Seony왜이리 불편하게 만들었지..06:05
JSTae76Apple 제품을 사라는 이유, Mac OS X가 좋다는 이유 리눅스와 아주 흡사하다는 이유를 몸소 느꼈습니다ㅋㅋ07:22
JSTae76재부팅 (REBOOT)08:41
JSTae76am0c, 안녕하세요 (HELLO)09:09
am0c안녕하세요 >__<09:09
JSTae76archpower, What are you doing now?09:09
JSTae76am0c, 안녕하세요ㅎ (HELLO)10:02
am0cJSTae76: 머하세영10:04
JSTae76am0c, 맥프레 광고 음악 청츀ㅋ10:04
JSTae76청취보단 감상ㅋㅋ10:05
am0c푹 빠져드셨..ㅠㅠ10:05
am0c푹 빠져버리셨..10:05
JSTae76KIDSTREET - Song10:08
JSTae76Archpower, I hope meet you often10:09
JSTae76오늘 에이샵가서 애플 제품봤는데..와10:16
JSTae76운동 갓다오겟습니다 (I go exercise)10:18
JSTae76운동 끝ㅎ (Exercise END)12:53
JSTae76인터넷 상태가 안 좋나..13:20
JSTae76arch-power, Welcome13:41
=== arch-power is now known as archpower
JSTae76archpower, Welcome13:42
archpowerthank you13:42
JSTae76When I say Korean, I will translate to English in () for you.. I hope this work is good for you13:43
JSTae76You can understand What I say?13:44
archpowerThank you13:44
archpowerIt will be great.13:44
JSTae76Apple 제품은 정말 퍼포먼스 쥑이더군요.. 얼마나 멋지던지ㅠㅠ (Apple's products are very nice in performence)13:47
JSTae76빨리 사고싶네요ㅠㅠ (I want buy that quickly)13:48
JSTae76archpower, Are you have any Apple's products?13:48
archpowerI dont use apple products14:01
JSTae76네트워크 상태가 불안정하네요 (Network signal is weak)14:01
JSTae76archpower, I see14:01
razGon_Xch누구 계세요?14:06
JSTae76저요 (Me)14:07
razGon_XchJSTae76, 혹시 갤럭시3쓰고 있는 지요?14:07
JSTae76아뇨ㅎ 갑자기 왜요?14:07
razGon_Xch지금 뽐뿌 사이트에서 게릴라성으로 핸폰이 갤스3가 17만원 옵티머스 LTE2가 3만원에 팔리고 있어요14:08
JSTae76오늘 갤럭시 S3를 사용은 해봤어요 ㅣㅎ14:09
razGon_Xch3만원짜리 옵티이2를 사렵니다. ㅎㅎ14:12
razGon_Xch그게 더 쌀듯.ㅎ14:12
archpowerSHi razGon_UNT114:14
archpowerI mean, Hi14:16
razGon_Xcharchpower, hi^^14:17
archpowerHow are you14:18
razGon_Xchoh excuse me!. I'm busy to choice of the brand new handphone....14:26
JSTae76razGon_Xch, 사시게요? (Buy?)14:27
razGon_Xchok I decided to buy new one!14:28
razGon_XchWhat a cheap smart phone!14:28
razGon_Xchthey are just 30000 won!14:28
razGon_XchGalaxy S3 is 170000 won!14:28
JSTae7630000 won almost 30$14:29
JSTae761000 won almost 1$14:29
razGon_Xchnono! currency is a little high. so 1$=1200 Kw14:29
JSTae76razGon_Xch, 애플 제품 진짜 직이던데요 (Apple's products are very nice)14:30
JSTae76Ah..You're right14:30
razGon_Xchbut it's expensive...14:30
razGon_Xchno Expensive but reasonable?14:31
JSTae76가성비가 별로라고요?14:31
razGon_Xch아니 비싸다고요.14:32
razGon_Xch하지만, 합리적이라고 말하시는 분들도 있어서...14:32
razGon_Xchno-> not14:32
JSTae76요즘 Markers님을 뵙은적이 없네요ㅠ (I can't meet 'Markers' lately)14:33
JSTae76휴강했다지만ㅠㅠ ( Vacation is over, but)14:34
autowiz03옵티이 쓰고 있어요14:48
autowiz03저건 자동 번역인건가... 음음...14:48
JSTae76저요? (Me?)14:49
razGon_Xch그냥 같이 쓰는 거 아니였어요?14:49
razGon_Xch자가 번역같은데.ㅎ14:49
JSTae76archpower님이 외국인이라서 편하게 있으라고 직접 번역하는.. (archpower is foreginer..so I traslate for him)14:50
JSTae76Apple MBP VS Apple iMac14:54
JSTae76왠지 힘든 결정이네요ㅠㅠ14:54
razGon_Xch그냥 삼성거 사요. 울트라북.14:56
JSTae76세미나, HackFair 같은 IT 행사에 참가하려면 노트북이 필요한데 솔직히 고등학생되면 그런데 참가할 시간은 있으려니하고.. 그렇다고 지르자니 넘 비싸고ㅠㅠ14:56
razGon_Xch노트북이라면 괜찮을듯..ㅋ14:56
JSTae76Mac OS X에 반했습니다ㅋㅋ14:57
JSTae76iMac은 가성비 진짜 괜찮아요.. MBP에 비하면14:57
razGon_Xch근데 제가 예견하건데 애플은 10여년 내로 짜부러 들겁니다.14:57
JSTae76오늘 에이샵 갔다가 딜라샵갔는데 삼성 노트북은 눈에 들어오지도 않더군요 ..14:57
JSTae76archpower, Welcome14:57
razGon_Xcharchpower, re-hi14:58
JSTae76razGon_web, 왜요? (Why)14:58
JSTae76오타오타 (Typing miss)14:58
JSTae76web > Xch14:58
archpowerHello again.14:58
razGon_Xch1. 촉나라에 제갈공명이 요절함.14:58
archpowerMy connection died.14:58
razGon_Xch아.. 삼국지를 빗대서 이야기 한겁니다.14:59
archpowerJSTae76 the word for "typing miss" is "typo"14:59
JSTae76그냥 직접적으로 말해주셨으면ㅠㅠ14:59
JSTae76archpower, Oh..Really? Thanks14:59
archpowerSo, what car is most common in korea?15:00
razGon_XchJobs is powerful leader. Bcuz He died, APPLE will be collapsed.15:00
archpowerI dont see Apple collapsing soon.15:00
JSTae76archpower, What is gaming account?15:00
archpoweriphone 5 is coming out next week I think15:00
autowiz0324인용 텐트 혼자 한시간 반 걸렸다는 기사가 있네요15:00
archpowerthey should rebounce because of it.15:00
JSTae76archpower, Hyundai, KIA, Samsung REANUT Crs15:00
archpowerSamsung makes cars!?15:00
razGon_XchAPPLE's source of power is creative energy. but there is not CORE.15:01
archpowerrazGon_UNT1 lets wait for iphone 5 before we role out their creative energy as insufficient.15:01
archpowerpersonally I use android.15:02
archpowersamasung galaxy 315:02
razGon_Xcharchpower, that's right. but. I'm feeling15:02
JSTae76개발 (터미널에 틀어박힐..), 인터넷 서핑이 저의 주 작업인데 5400 rpm은 느릴까요? (I use terminal for dev and internet surfing is my main work.. 5400 rpm hdd is slow for their work?)15:03
razGon_XchI'll use the Optimus LTE2 in LG mobile15:03
razGon_Xch상관없지 않아요?15:03
razGon_XchSSD를 달아요.15:03
razGon_Xchmost popular car is made by Hyundai-KIA motors group.15:04
archpowerI think Apple is greater than Steve Jobs.15:05
JSTae76HDD (720GB 5400 RPM) VS DISPLAY (1680*1050, More pixels) 같은 가격 (Same price) 당신의 선택은? (How about your choice?)15:05
razGon_XchKIA was merged to Hyundai motors.15:05
archpowerI know.15:05
archpowerTheres a big aftermarket in Korea as well right?15:06
archpowerpeople modify their cars with aftermarket products.15:06
razGon_Xchyes, but In past Hx. APPLE without Jobs was terrible...15:06
autowiz03JSTae76 : 선택은 필요성에 따라서 달라지는거지요15:06
archpowerNo company is dependent on one person.15:07
razGon_Xch나는 디스플레이에 걸겠소.15:07
JSTae76archpower, Big aftermarket? Maybe no15:07
razGon_Xchyes, but Jobs is great person.15:07
JSTae76autowiz03, 흠.. 고민되네요15:07
JSTae76I think jobs is not good person.. His cretive idea is very good.15:08
JSTae76but his personality ..hmm not good15:08
JSTae76JUST MY IDEA :-)15:09
archpowerI am personally not very impressed with Steve Jobs.15:09
razGon_Xchyes. that's right.15:09
razGon_XchI think so.15:09
autowiz03하드가 가 용량이 부족하거나 , 동시 access 속도 가 필요한경우라면 하드15:09
archpowerHe was a marketing person.15:09
archpowerNot a developer.15:09
JSTae76autowiz03, 흠.15:09
razGon_XchWARZ did15:10
autowiz03화면이 좁아서 불편하다 하는경우 모니터 , 다순히 선택이라는건 저로서는 의미 없다고 봄... 필요한게 아니라면 그냥 저금하고 나중에 필요한게 생기면 사면됨15:10
JSTae76돈을 벌만한 방법이 없을까요ㅠㅠ15:10
JSTae76단시간내에 돈을 벌기란..ㅠ역시15:10
razGon_XchJSTae76, 주식하시면 되지만, 자네에게는 프로그램이나 어플개발을 맞기겠네.15:10
razGon_Xch주식은 고위험 고소득.15:10
JSTae76razGon_Xch, 앱은 하나도 모르는..15:11
razGon_Xch지금부터 해보삼.15:11
razGon_Xch어짜피 망해도 지금나이에 굶어죽지 않으니. 공부하세요.15:11
JSTae76맘만같으면 돈을 좀 벌어서 맥프로 구매할때 보태고 싶지만ㅠㅠ15:12
autowiz03호텔쪽 서버 관리자가 수입이 좋다는말이있었는데, 큰 호텔이라서 그랬던건가...15:12
JSTae7613인치 쿼드코어기 있다면 아 조으려만..15:12
archpowerHave you ever seen the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley" ?15:12
razGon_Xch사양에 대한 욕심은 그만.15:12
archpowerIt tells the story of Apple and Microsoft in the early 70s-90s.15:12
JSTae76archpowrr, I know that movie.. but, not see15:12
razGon_XchOh I saw the movie.15:12
razGon_XchIt's impressive historical movie15:12
JSTae76ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ욕심이 많아서 탈입니다15:13
archpowerBasically, apple and microsoft are thiefs15:13
archpowerthey didnt come up with any technology by themselves, it was all stolen from different companies.15:13
archpowerxerox invented the mouse15:13
archpowerxerox invented the GUI.15:13
razGon_Xchand gui15:13
archpowerall handed to apple.15:13
autowiz03컴퓨터 관련 영화는 정말 많이 봤는데 이영화는 처음보는거군요15:13
archpowerand then stolen by microsoft.15:13
razGon_Xch보시면 감동받습니다.15:13
archpowernow apple is suing samsung for stealing their ideas.15:14
archpowerbut apple stole it first.15:14
razGon_Xch제가 컴을 처음으로 알던 때의 말로만 듣던 그사람들의 기록을 볼수 잇죠.15:14
JSTae76먹을것 탐색 시작 (Starting explorer some for eat)15:14
JSTae76I'm in kitchen15:14
razGon_Xch애플은 어떻게 시작했나.15:15
razGon_Xch마이크로 소프트의 시작.15:15
razGon_XchMS was also stolen. DOS^^;15:15
JSTae76When I 7years old.. I was install Windows 3.115:16
archpowerapple stole touchscreen from sony15:16
JSTae76...I want to install Windows95..but he was give Windows 3.115:16
JSTae76That need DOS..15:16
razGon_XchI am starting with IQ1000 [MSX1]^^15:17
JSTae76archpower, What time is it there?15:17
razGon_Xcharchpower, Where are U from?15:18
JSTae76He from California, USA15:18
archpowerLos Angeles area.15:18
JSTae76OH..Here 12:18 AM15:18
razGon_Xchoh nice place/15:18
archpoweryeah but here its 8:18am SATURDAY15:19
archpowerthere its probably sunday already.15:19
JSTae76We are Sunday..h..haha15:19
razGon_XchI'll go the Battle field in LOL!15:19
razGon_Xch있다가 봐요.15:19
JSTae76:-O < THIS? KKK15:20
archpowerI'm working on a new motor.15:20
JSTae76archpower, razGon play game now15:20
JSTae76archpower, oh..nicr15:20
archpowerTake care razGon_UNT115:20
autowiz03하루에 몇캔이나 마셔요?15:22
JSTae762cans :-(15:23
JSTae76애휴..적당히 마셔야 되는데15:26
JSTae76archpower, BURN IN TENSE IS REDBULL's Korea version (Made by Cokacola)15:27
JSTae76Korea's Redbull is not good..15:28
autowiz03맛은 코카콜라에서 나온 번인텐스가 뭐랄까 익숙한 맛이랄까...15:28
JSTae76some problems in Korea food policy.. many diffrents..15:28
autowiz03지지난주에 evergy V , burn in tense , hot 6  아주 종류별로 다 먹었어요15:28
JSTae76핫식스보단 번인15:28
JSTae76레드불은 캔이 부들부들..ㄹㄹ15:29
autowiz03레드불은 맛이 많이 안좋아서15:29
autowiz03다시 먹기 힘들듯15:29
JSTae76괜찮던데요..전ㅎ (Redbull taste goodl15:30
JSTae76심심 (Bored)15:35
autowiz03지금 슈스케4 e4 보고있음둥15:36
JSTae76듀얼코어 VS 쿼드코어..15:36
JSTae7613인치에 쿼드코어만 넣어줬다면..15:36
JSTae76쿼드코어 욕심을 버릴까요?15:36
autowiz03욕심낼만한 차이가 있긴 합니다. 듀얼코어랑 쿼드 코어를 보면15:37
autowiz03근데 노트북으로 어떤 작업을 할껀지를 먼저 생각해봐야겠지요15:38
JSTae76고등학교가면 세미나나 핵페어 같은 행사는 꿈도 못 꾸겟죠?15:38
autowiz03저도 가능하면 적당한 가격의 노트북을 쓰는걸 추천합니다.15:38
autowiz03저는 고등학교3학년 때 일본얘랑 팬팔한다고 며칠씩 일본어책만 봤던적도 있습니다.15:39
JSTae76하드한거라곤 안드빌드밖에 없는듯해요..15:39
autowiz03서울 부산으로도 많이 돌아다녔고... 고등학교 시간은 알차게만 보내면 된다고 생각합니다.15:39
JSTae76실례지만 어디 사세요?15:39
autowiz03거창하게 준비해서 세미나 나가는거 말고는 다 될거 같은...15:39
autowiz03대학교까지는 경북에 있었고 지금은 서울 취직했네요15:40
JSTae76오그러시군요..전 울산15:40
autowiz03서울쪽 세미나 가고 싶으신건가요?15:40
JSTae76어차피 거의 글로 모여있어서..15:41
autowiz03고 1 ,2 까지는 한달에 한번 정도는 별 문제 없을거 같긴 합니다.15:43
autowiz03집안이나 학교 문제가 더 크겠지요.15:43
JSTae76고등학교 3학년때야 뭐..어쩔수없죠15:44
JSTae76근데 iMac이 MBP의 같은 가격에 비해 디스플레이나 스펙이 많이 좋아서 순간 고민했네요..15:45
JSTae76일단은 뭐 천천히 고민해봐야겠습니다15:45
autowiz03열심히하는것도 좋은데 너무 조바심 내면 안된다는걸 30넘어서야 배우게 되더군요...15:45
JSTae76아직은 학생이라 하고싶은게 많아요15:46
Seony음... 윈도우8은 바뀐게 많아서 적응하기가 쉽지않겠꾼요...21:15
archpowerHows it going Seony?21:37
SeonyNot bad. :)21:38
SeonyHappy saturday~21:38
archpowerYou're in HI?21:38
archpowerdo you speak the language?21:38
Seonyi came to here, 5 or 6 years ago21:38
archpowerfrom korea?21:38
Seonyyes, sortof.21:38
archpoweri meant korean, can you speak it?21:39
Seonyhaha, yea. i'm native korean.21:39
archpowerthats bitching21:39
archpowerbeen to mainland america?21:39
SeonyI went to vegas last month ;)21:40
Seonyit was my first trip in the u.s haha21:40
archpowervegas is great, im in LA area so i get to visit vegas couple of times a year21:40
archpowerhawaii is pretty epic21:41
Seonyit takes 6-7 hours, right?21:41
archpowerwhat made you move to HI21:41
archpowerits like 280 mile21:42
archpowerfrom downtown LA21:42
Seonymy aunt has been living in hawaii for 15 years. so i decided to come to hawaii, but she's not helpful actually. lol21:42
archpowerlike 4 hours 30 minutes21:42
archpowerthats cool, theres a lot of korean people in hawaii isnt there?21:43
Seonyhawaii is my first experience to live in abroad country, but i love here. so many ASIAN people live here.21:44
archpowerits like halfway between asia and america, literally.21:44
archpowerwhat kind of work do you do over there?21:44
Seonyi don't why, many haole guys are weird.21:45
Seonycurrently i'm a student.21:45
Seonythis is my last semester.21:45
archpowerstudying what?21:45
Seonymajor is computer science21:45
Seonybut, my job in korea was a banker, lol21:45
Seonydid invetsting money, taxation, deposit, real estate...21:46
archpowerare you going bank to banking?21:46
Seonyi'm not sure.21:46
archpoweris it like a family business?21:46
Seonyno, totally different.21:47
archpowerthats cool.21:47
archpowerI run a hot rod and restoration shop21:47
Seonywow, so you're not a programmer?21:48
archpowernope, I have a degree in engineering though21:48
archpowerso I know some programming.21:48
archpowerbut I've been building and customizing cars since I was a little baby so thats what I do best.21:49
Seonywow, i see. this channel is related computer, linux, and programming. so all people in here are very insterested in computer stuff.21:49
archpowerThat makes sense.21:50
Seonysorry, i gotta have a lunch now.21:51
Seonysee you later.21:51
archpowerAlright, catch you later.21:51
Seonyand, it's 7 am in korea. i don't think guys here woke up. :)21:52
archpowerprobably workigg.21:52
Seonyhaha, yea, probably, on sunday.21:52
Seonyanyway, see you later.21:52
archpoweri thought they work on sundays in korea, later21:53

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