
bazhang<subcool> ubuntu - u really know how to FSU.04:35
bazhangguessing that does not mean FLorida State University04:36
bazhang<Adie_> I updated my distor, and I think ubuntu broke in half :|05:15
IdleOneDoesn't know how to open a terminal but managed to upgrade to dev release05:20
bazhang"this is a super easy issue. HALP!111"05:35
bazhang* vomit_bot (~yo@user-3c2h3qr.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #ubuntu06:18
ubottuIn ubottu, smartboyhw said: !forget downtime11:59
AlanBell@mark #ubuntu joesph joesph!~mIRC@ sending abusive or possibly confused PM to a user13:11
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:11
bazhangthe girlygirl-pimp etc user has been warned about that nick15:45
bazhangcurrently at girlygirl-15:46
bazhang<FindingGirlyGirl> GirlyGirl: long time no see ... may I discuss the stuff by pm16:13
bazhanghe claims that's not creepy/weird16:13
GirlyGirlThere is a weirdo with nick FindingGirlyGirl telling me by pm stuff like I promissed to have sex with him and how much he should pay16:19
GirlyGirlsame person in ot16:19
mneptokGirlyGirl: that is a Freenode, not #ubuntu, issue16:20
GirlyGirl16:16] <FindingGirlyGirl> How much would you charge for sex? you promissed last time16:21
mneptokGirlyGirl: report it in #freenode16:21
GirlyGirlhe said nonsense in ubuntu offtopic too. Ok I'll just ignore16:22
mneptoksomeone in -ot want to confirm that?16:23
bazhanghe just nicked to findingMyrrti16:24
Myrttiyup, same innuendo in pm to me too16:26
bazhangwonder why the bots did not ban on remove16:27
bazhangI gave him several warnings by PM to stop the inappropriate nicknames16:27
Myrttion which channel?16:27
bazhangand he just rejoined as findingmyrtti , now girlygirl-pimp16:28
MyrttiI swear to Deity16:32
Myrttiwho let the dogs out16:32
mneptokbazhang: do you think another person looked at the "girlygirl-pimp" name and decided to use it? or do you think GirlyGirl and Finding* are the same person? it's the latter for me.16:32
bazhangmneptok, the -pimp, -floosie , dickfor- etc are all the same one16:33
mneptok10:20 [Freenode] -!- FindingGirlyGirl [2ea5d00d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.]16:34
bazhang* [Dick-for-GirlyGi] (2ea5d00d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. - http://webchat.freenode.net16:34
mneptokoh, the GirlyGirl-pimp switched to GirlyGirl-16:34
mneptokmissed the trailing -16:34
bazhangmy apologies16:35
mneptokum. for ...16:35
bazhangnot having a bigger DASH16:35
mneptokmy lack of comprehension skills? thanks, i struggle to get by.16:35
bazhang<Sokel> qq is all I hear.17:16
bazhangany clue what that means?17:16
FlannelQQ is someone crying/whining (its two eyes with tears out the bottom)17:30
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (phonebook_ appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)22:17

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