
micahgif queuebot pops up a note about packagekit being removed from desktop-extra, I did that since it's in core00:00
* micahg is gone now until Sat night US time00:01
xnoxwere cron jobs re-enabled? or is ubuntu daily-live simply failing to build?00:11
slangasekit was failing to build00:13
xnoxslangasek: hmmm... And don't see the logs at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/ubuntu/quantal/00:14
xnoxI guess I am not special enough to find out about it00:14
slangasekxnox: my guess is the nature of the failure happened so early that it left no log00:16
xnox=) and Laney had faith that CDs will build after the flood gates open =)00:20
infinityxnox: If the livefs fails, there'll be no cd build log.00:22
infinityxnox: You want livefs-build-logs00:22
infinityWhere you'll find failures such as:00:23
infinity mcp-account-manager-uoa : Depends: signon-plugin-password but it is not installable00:23
xnoxinfinity: found it. Thanks.00:24
xnoxinfinity: cd/livefs build logs are more friendly to navigate than iso tracker to find out what has / hasn't been build.00:25
* infinity thinks that it might be time to EOW after another batch of kernel SRUs have been dealt with.00:27
infinityOr I could promote quantal's kernel and do a d-i tonight, I suppose.00:28
xnoxme and ubiquity are EOW, after the upload I just did.00:28
xnoxinfinity: thanks for kernels00:41
slangasekxnox: well, the CD failure was specifically because of packages being hit-and-miss copied from quantal-proposed into quantal; the floodgates themselves didn't seem to impact building01:08
slangasekoh, there's the uoa thing too01:09
adam_gare packages with new biniares currently being held in queue for approval?01:12
infinityadam_g: They always are.01:22
adam_gshouldnt have stepped away. was going to see about NACK'ing that quantum01:36
infinityadam_g: Oh?01:42
infinityadam_g: Why for?01:42
adam_ginfinity: someone uploaded it prematurely. the new binaries in that upload are probably wrong and will be replaced with other, new binaries when its updated correctly. :|01:47
infinityAhh.  Was a bit difficult to divine that when reviewing it.01:48
infinityAnyhow, no big deal, upload the new version with corrections, and the old binaries will go NBS and get removed.01:48
infinityNot world-ending.01:48
adam_ggood to know. not world ending, but definitely week ending.  thanks, have a good one.01:50
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Laneywhat is http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/bigfile ?12:14
* ScottK suspects it's an mvo test file.13:37
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knomehuh? xubuntu alternate images seem to be around again.21:33
knome^ release team, what's up with that? i thought they were dropped, twice21:33
stgraberknome: according to crontab, it's only building for precise21:36
stgraberand the last published one for quantal was 4 days ago21:37
knomestgraber, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds (quantal daily) has testsuites for alternate, and the download links work21:38
knomestgraber, actually, the image is from 0902, but those testsuites still shouldn't show up21:38
knomeLaney, ta21:39
Laneywonder why the 04 one didn't get poster to the tracker though21:41
Laneyoh, would have gone to beta21:41
knomemmh :)21:41
stgraberLaney: probably because it was during beta1 so the milestone was disabled and nusakan was pointing to beta21:41

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