
phillwballoons: can you access https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gZwZLrdmzNiFzR6ho6oSEEdhwmZ5lsc-YCGz0patXYw/edit ? I still cannot.00:58
balloonsphillw, I can01:08
balloonsI'm off to bed01:08
balloonsbefore you! haha01:08
phillwballoons: can you copy it over to paste.ubuntu.com for me - I'll have a look at it tomorrow01:09
balloonsyes of course01:09
balloonsphillw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1191868/01:09
phillwI' also heading for bed (just past 2am here)01:10
balloonsgood night phillw01:10
phillwtc, I'll just have a quick read whilst i'm watching a programme on the telly :)01:11
phillwahh, it needs formatting... a job for tomorrow!01:11
smartboyhwphillw: PING01:23
phillwsmartboyhw: hiyas, I'm shortly off to bed :)01:24
smartboyhwphillw: Have you done Jackson's new testcase for Xubuntu>01:24
phillwsmartboyhw: Nicholas has just copied it over to pastebin for me, i will format it up tomorrow (It's currently done to the old old style).01:25
smartboyhwWhy can't you edit the file?01:25
smartboyhwThere's a new version https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gZwZLrdmzNiFzR6ho6oSEEdhwmZ5lsc-YCGz0patXYw/edit01:26
phillwprobably my cache still queueing up. As long as I have it I can format it up.01:26
phillwdid you ever convert your test case to the new format.01:31
smartboyhwNo, don't have time...01:32
phillwas you will see from the L-wiki-doc email thread, Our boss wants them to edit up the test cases and add 3 new ones.01:32
smartboyhwUbuntu Studio documentations killed me:)01:32
phillwsmartboyhw: then make the time.01:32
smartboyhwWhich 3? I can't find01:33
phillwthe key word was 'add' :)01:34
smartboyhwI searched Gmail already01:35
smartboyhwCan't find01:35
smartboyhwphillw: Come on:)\01:37
phillwsmartboyhw: http://pastebin.com/h8RtqTXk01:38
smartboyhwAh these01:38
smartboyhwOh alright01:38
smartboyhwphillw: I don't understand however: What do you mean by the "old old" format???01:39
phillwtoo many old's :)01:39
smartboyhwThen what is the new one? LOL phillw01:39
smartboyhwYes that is the one I'm trying to format:)01:40
phillwTest case has additional formating and is now "Do 'X'", Expect 'Y'Y"01:40
smartboyhwTell me if http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/testcases/1300/edit is correct01:41
smartboyhwTestcase ID 130001:41
smartboyhwIf yes I will follow it:)01:41
phillwsmartboyhw: looks okay. don't forget to add the bit at the bottom :)01:45
phillwI'm off to bed, catch everyone later today!01:45
smartboyhwBye phillw01:46
smartboyhwphillw: Have you gone to bed?02:09
smartboyhwI mean now02:09
smartboyhwI have formatted the testcase already02:09
phillwno, I'm just chilling02:09
smartboyhwLook at http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/22747/testcases/1431/results02:09
smartboyhwand see if I did anything wrong:)02:09
phillwlooks good, but the original author missed a step between 27 & 2802:11
smartboyhwphillw: Which step?02:11
phillwhi sagaci, smartboyhw has formatted up the test case http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/22747/testcases/1431/results02:12
phillwHow to launch the terminal :)02:12
smartboyhwOH damn it:)02:12
sagaciah right02:12
phillwThis is the pain of test cases.... every click must be documented so a person who has never used the system before can follow it.02:13
phillwI think of what I assume to be 5 steps, and then explain to my Mum... There ends up being 20 steps!02:13
smartboyhwOK edited02:14
smartboyhwphillw: Check if it is correct, since I'm using Ubuntu Studio I think it is02:15
phillwsmartboyhw: what do click on to close it down?02:16
phillwstep 4002:16
smartboyhwWell it is the authors fault, but I will edit it:(02:17
phillwsmartboyhw: he is a new author, it takes time to get up to speed.02:17
smartboyhwOH yeah02:17
phillwI could say... well, you should have spotted the ommissions :P02:18
phillwsmartboyhw: for your next task, go convert your wiki page for that test you wrote into a fully compliant test case :D02:20
smartboyhwOK edited the testcase02:20
phillwyou will quickly realise it is a tough job to write a test case. (I'm dreading doing the file manager one for pcmanfm)02:20
phillwsagaci: can you see the edits that have been made?02:21
phillwit was a couple of extra steps that need putting in and that we are guilty of forgetting.02:23
phillw*we are all*02:23
phillwsmartboyhw: please post up your wiki based test case that needs converting so that sagaci can see the work that must be done on some test cases.02:24
smartboyhwphillw: What do you mean?02:24
phillwthe one I was going to run through with you a few weeks back.02:25
phillwthat transition is going to be a really good example for new comers who are used to wiki writing getting used to test case writing.02:26
phillwI'm also more familiar with wiki writing, so I'm still learning :)02:28
phillwhmm, I've had a spammer on my forum area >:o02:31
phillwhmm, long time since my archive area was attacked.... :/ http://forum.phillw.net/index.php02:36
phillwback, user banned and posts removed.02:41
sagaciphillw: the gnome-buntu remix won't be added to the tracker until it become a recognised flavour, right?02:45
phillwsagaci: that's not a call I can make. But from my time with lubuntu before it got accepted I'd say not. There are many community respins and it would be simply too great a workload on  those who look after the tracker.02:47
sagacinot that it matters to me that much anyhow, I only test vanilla ubuntu02:49
phillwIf that team need an iso hosting area, then SII are committed to supporting other teams http://thesii.org/iso/02:50
phillwit is a decent beast and has good speed and plenty of bandwidth allowance (10 Tb/month)02:51
noskcajphillw: is the testcase ready for publishing?03:01
phillwnoskcaj: I'll check with Nicholas later, as far as I'm concerned it is good to go :)03:02
phillwsmartboyhw: did the formatting and then the edits needed for the couple of missing steps :)03:18
phillwAnd, I'm deffo off to bed! I'll leave you all with a giggle... http://www.damnyouautocorrect.com/15927/10-more-awkward-autocorrects-with-parents/03:18
phillwwonderful :D03:18
noskcaji've emailed everyone on the mailing list a draft for the xubuntu manual partitioning testcase, can someone plz upload it to the site06:07
smartboyhwOh OK wait, I did the whole disk one already06:12
smartboyhwnoskcaj: I already uploaded the whole disk draft that you written06:14
smartboyhwBut gimme some time to do the manual one:)06:14
noskcajok, it has some layout problems because libre office messed something up06:15
smartboyhwnoskcaj: Where IS the draft?06:18
smartboyhwThere is no link in there06:18
noskcajits an attachment06:19
noskcajthis time06:19
smartboyhwNo attachment06:19
smartboyhwAt all06:19
noskcajone sec06:19
noskcajsomething wierd happened06:19
noskcaji'll try and get it to you06:20
noskcajsmartboyhw: its up now as an attachment06:22
smartboyhwSent it to me:_)06:22
noskcajits to the ubuntu mailing list in an email with no subject06:24
smartboyhwOK. The QA one?06:24
smartboyhwI can't receive it06:43
smartboyhwnoskcaj: Please resend:)06:45
noskcajsmartboyhw: https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B57km_mHQf74WV8wVS0tOVEwVmc06:51
noskcajits above 4kb so was blocked06:52
smartboyhwOh alright:)(06:52
smartboyhwChanging now, wait a moment noskcaj, I think will be finished 1 hour later06:55
Guest70424my harddrive is fried but i was able to bring up ubuntu by putting it on an external hard drive... now i would like to put everything on that external onto a 16 gb thumb drive... any suggestions? is this possible?06:57
smartboyhwnoskcaj: I added it already07:02
Guest70424my harddrive is fried but i was able to bring up ubuntu by putting it on an external hard drive... now i would like to put everything on that external onto a 16 gb thumb drive... any suggestions? is this possible?07:03
smartboyhwplease be patient07:04
smartboyhw!support | Guest7042407:04
ubot5Guest70424: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com07:04
smartboyhwThough it IS possible07:04
Guest70424i didny know that someone saw my post... my bad07:05
smartboyhwnoskcaj, please check the link I've given you:)07:05
smartboyhwnoskcaj: Now let us see will balloons let you in the Ubuntu Testcase Admins Team:)07:07
ubot5The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com07:07
smartboyhwType /join #ubuntu07:07
Guest70424okay appreciate it07:08
noskcajsmartboyhw: thanks, should i do one for the auto-resize?07:18
smartboyhwnoskcaj: Well if best yes but I do wonder: Have you talked to the guys in #xubuntu-devel ?07:18
noskcajnot really, why?07:18
smartboyhwnoskcaj: I think you would want to have a talk with them, if not they will kill both you and me07:19
smartboyhwFor editing the testcases07:19
smartboyhwAlso tell them you have written it07:19
smartboyhwSo they can know:)07:20
noskcaji will07:20
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
pleia2at our QA jam in San Francisco now :)20:28
pleia2some people are finding typos in some test cases, where to report? (I just told them to join here and mention it)20:28
paulproteusHi pleia2!20:32
paulproteusnskaggs's http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/testcases/1418/info script has a typo in it, and I wasn't sure where to report it.20:33
pleia2balloons ^^20:34
paulproteusOh, that's why the video said, "Hi, I'm balloons"20:34
pleia2yep :)20:34
paulproteusThe page says: "Click 'New' button form toolbar". It should say: "Click 'New' button from the toolbar". Sed script that would fix that: s/form toolbar/from the toolbar/20:49
noskcajin todays daily build ubuntu amd64 the slideshow dosn't auto-scroll after you manually move the slides, is this a bug20:51
paulproteusnoskcaj: That is almost definitely a bug.20:55
noskcajthen i shall get reporting20:55
pleia2knome: see paulproteus' comment21:00
pleia2(knome has fixing superpowers :))21:00
knomelet me boot my desktop machine and i'll fix it21:00
paulproteusOoh, lovely21:02
knomepaulproteus, pleia2: updated21:07
pleia2thanks :)21:07
knomeif you have other similar issues, just ping me21:07
paulproteusSounds great, thanks!21:08
scientes Type in “The quick brown foxes jump over the lazy dog”21:15
scientesin gedit21:15
scientesit should be "fox"21:15
pleia2scientes: which page?21:16
scientesand "jumps"21:16
pleia2^^ knome21:16
knomeunless there are several foxes that jump? :)21:16
geofft_is there a fix for the Ubiquity installer crash?21:17
geofft_or an LP bug or something?21:17
paulproteuspleia2: Am curious what the bug number for the black-on-black text issue is; when you find it, let me know!21:27
paulproteusThumbs up21:28
paulproteushttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/219/builds/22864/testcases/1431/results/ # Report filed21:38
paulproteusWe'll see if it's fixed tomorrow!21:38
knomenoskcaj, you around?21:48
* geofft_ waves to price-livecd21:49
price-livecdHi all21:50
price-livecdI have a bug in a test script on packages.qa -- are there people here who can address that?21:50
price-livecdspecifically, evince/evn-005 at http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/235/builds/22727/testcases/1417/results21:51
price-livecdcalls for Evince to display "a sidebar with page thumbnails"21:51
pleia2knome: ^^21:51
price-livecdin fact, in my testing it showed a sidebar with an index of sections and subsections21:51
knomeprice-livecd, what should it say?21:51
price-livecdperhaps "with either page thumbnails or an index"21:51
knomeprice-livecd, reload, should be fixed21:53
price-livecdgreat -- actually I would leave out the mention of sections and subsections21:53
price-livecdthat's what it was in this document21:54
price-livecdwhich was a LaTeX article21:54
knomeah, right21:54
price-livecdit might be different in a document which came from some other source21:54
price-livecdalso in the empathy test script at http://packages.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/235/builds/22726/testcases/1415/results21:56
price-livecdit says "Select 'Edit - Accounts' from menu"21:56
price-livecdthere is no Edit -> Accounts21:57
price-livecdit's Empathy -> Accounts21:57
price-livecdand the wizard that results has a different name21:57
price-livecdthe whole description of the wizard isn't what I see21:57
price-livecdinstead of "'Messaging and VOIP Accounts Assistant' wizard appears, 'Welcome to Empathy' step is displayed"21:58
price-livecdI get an 'Online Accounts' window, and there is no mention of Empathy in it21:58
price-livecdand the next step doesn't match either21:58
price-livecdI could report this, but I suspect the developers/maintainers don't see it as a bug -- just a change from the last release (or whenever the test script was written)21:59
knomerefresh - does it match now?22:00
price-livecdno, there's no "Yes, I'll enter my account details now"22:00
price-livecdor "What kind of chat account do you have?" combobox22:01
knomeok, in that case22:01
knomecan you write how it should appear, and add it to paste.ubuntu.com or so22:01
knomeand i'll update it with correct information22:01
price-livecdknome: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1193540/22:06
knomeprice-livecd, thanks, i'll update in a min22:06
noskcajknome: yeah22:08
knomeprice-livecd, so are the steps from "check contact list" ok?22:08
price-livecdoh, I missed those -- looking22:09
price-livecdthe instructions said to cancel at the end, so I did22:09
price-livecdI'll change that22:10
knomehey noskcaj22:11
noskcajhey knome22:11
knomecan you check the backlog in #xubuntu?22:11
knomefrom 21:40UTC22:11
noskcaji havent joined #xubuntu only #xubuntu-devel22:11
knomeof course devel, and 22:40 UTC too22:12
knomeso ~30mins ago22:12
noskcajwhat am i looking for?22:12
knomewell, i can repaste too22:12
knomeit's a few lines22:13
knomea se22:13
knome00:41  knome: was somebody working on the testcases?22:13
knome00:42  knome: i see that we now have specific "entire disk" testcases for xubuntu22:13
knome00:42  knome: i thought the idea was to keep the maintaining effort as small as possible, and this looks like we're just making it bigger22:13
knome00:42  knome: is there really so big differences? i thought it was just the distro name and that22:13
price-livecdknome: they're good -- 'No thanks' should be changed to 'Allow access'22:14
noskcaji would like to spend most of my time maintaining the testcases so i dont mind the amount of work22:14
silverarrowi like to spend more time on my bicycle22:15
noskcajsilverarrow: piont being22:16
silverarrownot so much point really22:16
silverarrowi am trouble shooting for gnome mplayer and gecko22:17
silverarrowhoping I might provide some info to the key guys building the packages22:17
silverarrowor something like that22:17
silverarrowit is sooo close to working22:17
knomenoskcaj, well, still, if it's just the Ubuntu/Xubuntu difference, i believe it's unnecessary work22:18
knomenoskcaj, we'll also lose the benefit of always being "up-to-date" with the ubuntu tests22:18
knomenoskcaj, or, at least we will lag behind until somebody happens to be around and updates that22:19
noskcajtheir are extra things like integrating bits of the xubuntu short testcase that most xubuntu tester use22:19
noskcajand how will we lose the up-to-date thing22:20
knomenoskcaj, i just created the short testcase as it's own testcase, so no need to integrate that to the installation tests22:20
knomewhen somebody updates the ubuntu testcase, we will need to update the xubuntu testcase too. if you aren't around exactly at the moment the update happens, there will be lag22:21
knomeand since those updates aren't announced anywhere, that'd mean you would need to monitor the testcases every day at all times22:21
knomeand i just think that's a waste of everybody's time, including yours :)22:21
knomeso if the differences are just ubuntu/xubuntu wording, i'd rather use the "ubuntu" testcases22:21
noskcaji shall give up, just keep the short testcase in22:22
knomeif there are bigger differences that can be justified/rationalized, then it's ok to create xubuntu-specific stuff22:22
knomeok, will you revert to the ubuntu testcases or shall i?22:22
knomethe short testcase is called "post-installation tests (xubuntu)"22:22
knomeif you are wondering where it is :)22:23
noskcajonly one or two things that arn't just rewords and can you fix it as i'm not an admin22:23
noskcaji know22:23
knomewhat are those things?22:23
knome01:23  noskcaj: only one or two things that arn't just rewords and can you fix it as i'm not an admin22:23
knomewhat are you referring to with those few things?22:23
noskcajthe launcher at the bottom, the app search and the abiword thing22:24
noskcajplus changeing ubuntu.com to xubuntu.org22:24
knomeright, but those are in the post-installation tests, right?22:24
noskcajso take them down please and are there any testcases that need updating22:25
knomehmm, not really22:25
knomei need to add the old "long" test22:25
knomeif you want to help with that, it's welcome22:26
noskcaji cant because i'm not an admin22:26
knomei meant with creating the markup22:26
knomewe currently have the wikimarkup, and that should be converted to html for the testcase22:26
noskcajthe live testcase still specifies ext3 instead of ext4 is there a reaser for that?22:27
noskcaji could try22:27
knomei don't know about that22:27
knomeok, i'll set up a pad, just a sec22:27
knomenoskcaj, http://typewith.me/p/x-qa-desktoptest22:28
knomenoskcaj, i'm using an alternative markup method, which is much easier22:28
knomenoskcaj, inside <dl>, <dt> describes what you should do and <dd> what should happen22:29
knomenoskcaj, the long test is decribed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Testing/Long22:29
noskcaji shall start working on that then22:29
knomenoskcaj, we probably will need to change some of the wording (shorter is better, as long as it is understandable)22:29
knomenoskcaj, thanks for the help :)22:39
knomenoskcaj, thanks again :)23:10
knomenow i need to go to bed23:10
knomesee you!23:10

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