
=== punked- is now known as pinky-
AlanBellmorning SpaceTravel_08:22
SpaceTravel_good morning Alan08:22
SpaceTravel_thanks for answering08:22
SpaceTravel_you have a few minutes to help me in a ubuntu 12.04 problem/08:23
AlanBellpossibly, depends what the problem is08:23
AlanBelland whether I decide to go have some breakfast08:23
SpaceTravel_i just tried to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a laptop and after it installed it worked extremly slow08:24
SpaceTravel_ok, go have breakfast and leave an answer when you can08:24
SpaceTravel_eat well !08:24
AlanBellhow slow?08:24
AlanBelland what are you comparing it to?08:24
directhexwhat specifically is very slow?08:27
SpaceTravel_after a fresh install this happends08:29
SpaceTravel_for the first minute after it starts up , works ok08:29
SpaceTravel_then runs progressively slow !08:29
AlanBellin terms of screen redraws, disk access, computation of things?08:31
SpaceTravel_yes !08:31
SpaceTravel_if i want to open firefox for example. takes a whole minute08:31
SpaceTravel_and laptop is a HP HDX 1808:31
directhexcan you fire up a terminal?08:32
directhexthen run "top"08:32
SpaceTravel_yes i could, but that would also open very late08:32
directhexit'll list running apps, in cpu-usage order08:32
SpaceTravel_thing is i now have a win version on it .....since 12.04 was not usable08:33
directhexso you can't be helped08:34
* AlanBell goes for breakfast o/08:34
SpaceTravel_but any ideas what might cause this lag ?08:35
directhexsome ideas, sure08:35
directhexe.g. runaway tracker process08:35
* popey has breakfast \o/08:39
Mezso, how many people @ Jam in London?09:05
Laney2 so far!09:11
Mezwho's that then ?09:11
davmor2Laney: join #ubuntu-jam then09:12
davmor2Laney: because we are Jammin', Jammin', Jammin', Jammin with Ubuntu today.....09:14
* czajkowski waves from UGJ London 09:15
MartijnVdSAnd tonight: Dinosaurs on a spaceship!09:15
MartijnVdS\o czajkowski09:16
davmor2czajkowski: prod, infact Laney prod czajkowski please :)09:18
AlanBellwill there be G+ hangout from jam central?09:19
LaneyAlanBell: aren't you coming?09:20
* Laney had a go on a boris bike09:20
Laneydavmor2: she went down to collect people09:20
MartijnVdSLaney: they're quite useful :)09:21
MartijnVdSI've used one too last time I was there09:21
AlanBellLaney: no, domestic stuff means I can't get away09:24
brobostigongood morning eveyrone.09:26
czajkowskiand we have more arriving09:37
* davmor2 waves at christel, czajkowski and Laney and london09:39
Mezignore above - me being an idiot09:40
takeontomthanks mez :)09:40
Laneyno christel09:40
czajkowskino christel and no AlanBell09:42
davmor2Laney: so who is there now09:47
MartijnVdSjust Laney09:47
davmor2AlanBell: you in London yet?09:47
MartijnVdSand his imagination09:47
davmor2czajkowski: If christel shows up give her a hug for the postcard from me please :)09:49
popeyczajkowski, you upgrading to 12.10?09:54
popeyif you fancy testing something bleeding edge, try adding the unity-team staging ppa and upgrade :)09:58
popeyand we have some tests you can run09:58
popeyif you apt-get source unity09:58
popeythen look in the unity folder for "manual tests" there's a bunch of text files describing some tests which should work09:58
czajkowskipopey: got details so we can do that10:01
czajkowskipopey: got the links to the ppa10:13
popeyczajkowski, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-team/staging10:15
popeyczajkowski, sudo apt-get update10:15
popeyczajkowski, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:15
popeyin the event it breaks:-10:15
popeysudo apt-get install ppa-purge10:15
popeysudo ppa-purge ppa:unity-team/staging10:16
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AlanBellpopey: I will give that a go later, just doing 700MB of updates to other stuffs10:17
popeyi think balloons has put some test cases on the qa tracker too10:18
AlanBellcool, I think I will try an eyes free install on hardware too10:19
davmor2AlanBell: you at London now?10:20
czajkowskiMez: how are things down with you10:20
AlanBelldavmor2: nope, I got stuck at home10:21
Mezczajkowski: In coventry?10:21
davmor2AlanBell: Shame on you10:21
davmor2czajkowski: Mez got sent to coventry I joined voluntarily :D10:22
Mezdavmor2: says a lot more about you than it does me10:23
czajkowskimaybe we can do a hangout later on10:23
czajkowskigord: we're discussing out disline for the alt key on hud10:23
Mezczajkowski: does that include how it triggers when you don't want it to ?10:23
AlanBellunity is lots faster after I upgraded10:24
AlanBelland I disabled the super-w zoom to window size key in enhanced zoom to get back the default unity binding for that10:24
Laneyzoom zoom10:25
czajkowskiMez: I rarely use it tbh10:25
popeyi use it when in gimp10:26
AlanBellhud still steals alt from virtualbox :(10:26
popeyway easier than using menus10:27
AlanBellI got the hang of setting up gimp in single window mode, that is really nice, I thought I was going to hate it but I don't10:28
* AlanBell adds the unity staging ppa10:32
* AlanBell loses all window decorations10:34
* AlanBell purges the ppa10:39
davmor2Laney: I hate you, now I have the Mazda advert in my head10:40
* AlanBell haz window decorations10:41
AlanBellpopey: how do I file a bug about that?10:41
* popey looks10:41
davmor2you can haz windowz decorationz10:42
popeyyou can file a bug from the command line10:42
popeyyou don't need a GUI10:42
popeyso I would get to the state of broken-ness and "ubuntu-bug compiz"10:43
AlanBellsure, but against ppa?10:43
davmor2you need to install w3m though10:43
popeyyou do not10:43
AlanBellit is a perfectly workable gui, just no decorations10:43
popeyok, so in tty0, export DISPLAY=:0.0  then ubuntu-bug compiz10:43
popeyit will capture that you're using bleeding edge compiz10:44
* AlanBell upgrades again10:44
AlanBelloooh E: Type ‘ain’ is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unity-team-staging-quantal.list10:44
davmor2popey: so how do you login to LP to report the bug without a browser then?10:44
AlanBellhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/1192457/ bad ppa purge, bad10:45
popeydavmor2, you have a browser10:45
popeyppa-purge comments out the ppa which is annoying when you come to re-add it10:46
czajkowskigood start: no package named `libjbig0' is installed, cannot configure10:46
czajkowskicould not install libjbig010:46
popeyczajkowski, when doing what?10:46
czajkowskino package named `libtiff5' is installed, cannot configure10:46
davmor2popey:  oh sorry terminal rather than tty10:46
czajkowskidoing the upgrade10:46
popeydavmor2, yes, i know, hence "export DISPLAY=:0.0"10:46
popeywhich will trigger firefox10:46
popeyczajkowski, how you doing the upgrade?10:46
czajkowskialt f2 update manager-d10:47
czajkowskiclicked on the upgade to 12.1010:47
davmor2popey: installing w3m is way easier though :D10:47
czajkowskiand there is a nice little gui10:47
popeyno, it isnt, ff will remember password etc10:47
bigcalmAhoy peeps :)10:47
davmor2popey: I remember my passwords too though  I have to type them in a million times a day  :D10:48
popeyok, I am not going to argue about this anymore davmor210:48
davmor2bigcalm: why you not at the GBJ in Coventry :D10:48
popeybug 102540810:48
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1025408 in jbigkit (Ubuntu) "package libjbig0 2.0-2ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: no package named `libjbig0' is installed, cannot configure" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102540810:48
bigcalmdavmor2: um, life10:48
bigcalmdavmor2: why are you on irc?10:48
davmor2GBJ in COVENTRY D'oh!!!!10:49
MezThe clue was in the previous message10:49
AlanBellThis is not an official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again.10:51
czajkowskimy side menu is gone10:51
czajkowskias are all my borders of applications10:52
czajkowskithis could be funny10:52
popey"side menu"?10:52
AlanBellczajkowski: alt-drag to move them about10:52
popeyAlanBell, bah! that's not supposed to happen10:52
AlanBellI have a launcher still, just no window borders, shadows, title bar10:52
AlanBellalt-middle click drag to resize things czajkowski10:53
czajkowskihow do you middle click on a trackpad10:54
MartijnVdSleft+right at the same time10:54
bigcalmHumm, where have all of my Bassnectar albums gone?10:55
MartijnVdSThe way of the dinosaur?10:56
AlanBellpopey: it seems to be allowing me to ubuntu-bug unity10:56
popeyexcellent, do that10:56
popeyczajkowski, you upgraded and have restarted?10:57
popeybut you had a problem with some packages not installed... sounds like your upgrade didn't finish10:58
AlanBellbug 104779010:58
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1047790 in Unity "no window decorations after upgrading to ppa:unity-team/staging" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104779010:58
popeyczajkowski, if you drop to a terminal or switch to tty0 you can "sudo dpkg --configure -a"10:58
popeyczajkowski, or "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to finish it off10:59
Laneyczajkowski's window manager went away10:59
AlanBellUpgradeStatus: Upgraded to quantal on 2012-06-21 (78 days ago)10:59
* AlanBell was brave :)10:59
davmor2czajkowski: before the upgrade did you ensure you had ubutnu-desktop installed?10:59
Laneywe're in tty1 now10:59
Laneytailing dpkg.log10:59
davmor2czajkowski: so who is down at the London Jam?11:00
AlanBellalt-tab now works reasonably well11:05
popeysomething else that needs testing is webapps11:06
AlanBellalt-doubletab is unpredictable still but I think that is just something to unlearn11:06
popeywhat's alt-doubletap?11:07
czajkowskinot used web apps11:07
AlanBelllast-but one window11:07
popeymake sure you have unity-webapps-service installed and try visiting (in chromium) news.bbc.co.uk, facebook, gmail (not apps for domains), flickr, last.fm...11:07
AlanBellI used to kind of use multiple tab touches to navigate the z-index of about half a dozen active windows11:07
popeyshould get an option to "integrate" with the desktop11:08
popeyalso test out online apps in system-settings11:08
popeyand the google docs lens :)11:08
AlanBellweb apps is working OK for me right now, is it working in firefox now?11:08
popeynot yet11:08
popeywell, it works but we had to get approval from mozilla i think11:09
popeyand they dragged their heels11:09
AlanBellok, so it works in chromium and I have icons now11:09
popeycheck the pips are accurate on the launcher11:09
popeyand make sure you dont have too many chromium icons when you restart webapps after locking to launcher11:09
AlanBelloh I do11:10
AlanBellbut I am not running the staging PPA now, does that have a webapps upgrade in it?11:10
AlanBellso what happens if mozilla say no? do we ship it as iceweasle?11:11
=== james is now known as Guest2102
Guest2102popey, can you just give those ppa's again. I'm at the global jam in london11:13
Laneypopey: smells11:13
AlanBellGuest2102: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:unity-team/staging11:13
Guest2102popey, thanks11:14
Laneywhat are people supposed to be testing in this ppa?11:21
Laney08/09 12:07:36 <popey> make sure you have unity-webapps-service installed and try visiting (in chromium) news.bbc.co.uk, facebook, gmail  (not apps for domains), flickr, last.fm...11:22
Laneyshouldn't unity have brought that in?11:22
Laneyapparently it did, soz11:23
xnoxnot facebook?11:24
xnoxnot sorry firefox?11:24
* xnox ENGLISH?! DO I SPEAK IT!11:24
penguin42xnox: Shh, IRC doesn't use baudot11:26
popeyxnox, firefox not worky worky yet11:26
popeyunless it has been added in the last 24 hours11:27
xnoxpopey: what about google chrome11:27
popeyxnox, no, chromium11:27
xnoxcause chromium from the archive crashes for me =/11:27
popeyLaney, also, manual testing .. if you "apt-get source unity" you'll find a manual testing folder with lots of tests in txt files11:27
takeontomczajkowski: you know about a problem not being able to upload attachments on launchpad?11:27
popeychrome is closed proprietary product which doesn't have our crack in it11:27
xnoxpopey: see the post from micahg asking for help maintaining chromium11:28
popeyi have not11:28
xnoxpopey: so the daily ppa for chromium (stable, beta, dev channels) is borked11:35
xnoxpopey: due to packaging problems with importing launchpad translations or something like that11:36
takeontomanyone else having trouble uploading attachments to launchpad?11:36
Guest2102popey, have added the ppa and installed unity-webapps-service (which was already there). I head to bbc and get no prompt to run the webapp11:40
davmor2popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/1047809 can you confirm this at all please11:42
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1047809 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "Clicking on an email number/folder in the indicator does make thunderbird the forground app" [Undecided,New]11:42
popeyGuest2102, news.bbc.co.uk should prompt you in chromium11:43
popeywonder if there's something else missing.. did you restart session?11:44
* popey pops out11:44
Guest2102popey, yup restarted and in chromium11:44
Guest2102popey, nothing happening11:44
Guest2102popey, anything i need to install from that ppa11:44
czajkowskitakeontom it is working fine11:45
=== Guest2102 is now known as james1
takeontomczajkowski, yeah was an odd permissions problem on my end11:46
takeontomczajkowski, odd thing was, trying to upload in firefox was resulting in nothing happening. like the upload button was totally dead11:47
takeontomczajkowski, figured launchpad was broken11:47
* popey returns12:03
popeyjames1, does facebook or twitter prompt you?12:04
popey(after you login)12:04
* popey goes to make party sandwiches12:04
Mez popey so, when do we seyour banana keyboard?12:05
popeydunno :)12:06
james1popey, twitter gives nothing, but i have just seen that although unity-webapps-service is installed, a lot of the other webapp things in the apt cache weren't.12:07
james1Do i need them all installed?12:07
popeyyeah, they should get pulled in12:14
davmor2popey: why is the gdocs not opening apps in gdocs.  Instead I get a uneditable web page :(12:19
Mezczajkowski: smallest picture of a jam session ever12:25
xnoxpopey: we can't run webapps yet =( we need to install more and more of webapps packages.....12:26
xnoxit's not simply dist-upgrade12:26
popeyxnox, apt-cache search webapps12:26
popeypastebin the result pls12:26
czajkowskiI'm back12:30
czajkowskiI got 5 new bugs12:30
czajkowski1 of which was a fix commited12:30
czajkowskianother one from 201112:30
davmor2czajkowski: only 5 you just aren't trying12:31
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 855123 in at-spi2-core (Ubuntu) "at-spi2-registryd crashed with signal 5 in g_type_create_instance()" [Medium,Triaged]12:31
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1047827 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in ccsStringToModifiers()" [Undecided,New]12:31
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 796661 in telepathy-indicator (Ubuntu) "telepathy-indicator crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [High,Confirmed]12:31
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1047829 in compiz (Ubuntu) "compiz crashed with SIGSEGV in ccsStringToModifiers()" [Undecided,New]12:32
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1047830 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "gwibber-service crashed with SIGSEGV in g_simple_async_result_complete()" [Undecided,New]12:32
popeyhah, i achieved 5-a-day yesterday by assigning a load of bugs to someone else :)12:54
davmor2popey: I did to12:55
popeydid you london chaps get webapps working?12:57
czajkowskinope james is gone for lunch12:57
popeylooks like "unity-webapps" is the one missing12:57
kvarleyIs it just me or is Unity more gorgeous than usual?12:58
czajkowskiI think he was installing stuff that was missing12:58
popey"unity-webapps" will pull in what you need12:58
popeyjust checked on my quantal desktop12:58
czajkowskipopey: does webaps working on 12.1012:58
popey"unity-webapps" install that and make sure you have restarted your session and use chromium12:59
popeyyou should be able to login to fb or twitter, and get a prompt at the top to "integrate" with the desktop12:59
popeyand then lock an icon to launcher for fb / twitter12:59
popeyand be able to alt-tab to fb12:59
davmor2popey: do you happen to have a usb headset knocking about?13:02
czajkowskihmm intersiting13:02
popeyi do davmor213:02
davmor2popey: play a track in RB, plug in your headset, audio settings set the audio to the headset. Unplug the headset reboot, plug in the headset and play a track note the audio settings still say speaker even though it is now playing from the headset :)13:04
popeyit doesn't switch when i first plug in13:06
popeygonna have to test more later, off out13:07
czajkowskipopey: so to get webapps installed on 12.10 is it a ppa I need to install ?13:07
penguin42wth do energy companies have such broken websites13:10
MartijnVdSbecause working websites cost moneys13:12
MartijnVdSand spending moneys is evil13:12
davmor2penguin42: cause real users aren't meant to use them13:12
AlanBellthey just have to be functional enough that price comparison websites can scrape them13:13
AlanBellthen they won't dare change them unless they break the linkage13:14
penguin42edf's won't take a reading, and scottish power's just won't respond at all13:14
* StevenR finds the British Gas website functional enough13:15
* penguin42 suspects they have a nasty habit of doing maintenance on their live systems13:29
czajkowskiMez: many folks at your UGJ13:38
davmor2czajkowski: 3 today, 4 yesterday13:42
davmor2popey: I got this but to record in the end https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-sound/+bug/1047473 you'll need to play the video in totem though FF doesn't like it13:53
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1047473 in indicator-sound (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox play button has an odd square around it." [Undecided,Confirmed]13:53
czajkowskibet add on in thunderbird ever.............bugmail 2.013:54
czajkowskiclick on a bug in your inbox13:54
czajkowskiand magic13:54
davmor2czajkowski: you bet on add-ons13:56
czajkowskiit's soo frickin handy13:56
czajkowskidavmor2: you down in coventry ?13:56
davmor2no I'm across in coventry13:57
davmor2and up from you :P13:57
czajkowskiwant to do a hangout13:58
davmor2set it up and we'll think about it :D13:59
czajkowskidavmor2: com on14:04
davmor2mez is just setting up a machine with the projector14:05
AlanBellaudio is a disaster14:08
AlanBellall I can hear is a stream of fecks14:08
davmor2no thats just czajkowski14:10
AlanBellyeah, every word that isn't feck is all broken up and incomprehensible14:10
AlanBellarguably that is still just czajkowski14:10
davmor2AlanBell: that's cause czajkowski shouts feck and whispers everything else14:11
AlanBellbut I think a microphone that isn't welded to the speakers might help somewhat14:11
AlanBellbuilt in microphones on laptops are not very good :(14:22
penguin42so google+ gives me a 'install plugin' from a non https page with a non https download to pull a .deb - that's a bit nasty14:23
Laneythis is painful14:24
Laney2012 eh14:24
AlanBellI thought canonical peeps use hangouts all the time14:26
* AlanBell downloads the daily live iso zsync thingie14:27
AlanBellwhich one is davmor2?14:28
davmor2AlanBell: I do on my precise machine at home14:28
davmor2AlanBell:  i'm waving14:28
AlanBellI see you waving14:28
davmor2AlanBell: how are the chickens?14:29
davmor2czajkowski: it goes with the job14:30
MezLaney: you're seriously having some cam problems there14:40
davmor2Mez: I don't know what you mean it's a great shot of czajkowski forehead14:41
MezIt might be useful to have the cam and the mic on the same machine... so we don't get focused to black when you talk.14:41
czajkowskiI've switched mine off as machine is getting hot14:48
BigRedSShould've got a macbook air...14:48
czajkowskihmm not sure I've gotten these webapps thingymebobby working14:50
LaneyMez: it's off14:52
=== jb26k is now known as frango
frangohi guys, i'm new here14:53
AlanBellhi frango14:53
frangoi cam with a question14:54
Laneyneeds moar aircon14:54
=== james is now known as Guest18757
=== Guest18757 is now known as james1
frangoi looked on canonicals website for ubuntu jobs but they're all kinda high level14:55
frangoi was wondering if anyone knew if there were any uk based low level jobs working with ubuntu?14:55
penguin42frango: Well, don't ever stop what's listed on a site stop you from submitting a CV14:55
frangoyeah i was looking for a proper place to send my cv14:56
frangobut i couldnt find anything14:56
frangolots of links to IRC though :P14:56
davmor2frango: you'd need to apply for something and then it is logged14:56
frangoso you think if i apply for any of those jobs they will just keep my CV for other positions?14:57
czajkowskiBigRedS: http://www.meetup.com/Openstack-London/events/77153502/14:57
czajkowskiLaney: http://www.meetup.com/Openstack-London/events/77153502/14:57
davmor2AlanBell: prod just checking your alive as you don't seem to of move for 10 minutes :D14:58
czajkowskijames1: ^^^ in case you're interested14:58
penguin42frango: Well there's never harm in applying to places - especially if you're honest; i.e. say what you were looking for14:59
frangothanks for the encouragement15:01
frangodoes anyone here work with ubuntu?15:02
czajkowskifrango: some work and many use it every day15:03
frangoi used it on my work pc when i wasnt meant to haha and i use it on almost all of my stuff15:05
davmor2czajkowski: have we lost london altogether now?15:06
davmor2HA HAAAA!15:07
frangolost london?15:15
frangoi hope not, i live there15:15
czajkowskijames__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accomplishments/Installing15:16
AlanBellyay, I have a USB with Ubuntu on it, and a computer and a keyboard and speakers15:29
* BigRedS *nearly* has a 12.10 install to test things in15:38
BigRedSyeah, only 83°C too!15:38
davmor2czajkowski: PROD!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:47
Mezdavmor2: do you see THIS?15:52
Mezczajkowski: apparently davmor2's server is ignoring you :)15:53
Mezmaybe you have to hilight him ?15:53
davmor2czajkowski: :P :P :P15:55
czajkowskidavmor2: HELLO!!15:55
davmor2czajkowski: Hello what time you guys knocking off?15:56
czajkowski5:30 I think15:59
davmor2czajkowski: you're a great organiser aren't you :D15:59
czajkowskifeck off15:59
AlanBellanyone got the daily live to actually run the installer at all?16:00
MezI got yesterdays to16:00
AlanBelllets try the beta1 image16:02
* AlanBell downloads16:02
xnoxDaily from today or yesterday?16:07
xnoxThe today one should be ok.....16:07
xnoxit it managed to build....16:07
AlanBellyeah, but ubiquity doesn't run16:07
AlanBellon hardware or virtualbox16:07
AlanBellthe installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again.16:09
AlanBellubiquity does run from the desktop, but I can't usefully test it from there16:11
davmor2Bye guys16:12
xnoxAlanBell: thanks.16:13
* AlanBell copies the beta1 to an sd card16:21
AlanBellbeta1 works, daily doesn't16:30
AlanBellwell, kind of works16:31
AlanBellubiquity runs, I can't press the install button16:31
AlanBelltried again and it worked, think I can get to the end of the installer without using the mouse16:43
AlanBellwill do a video later I think16:43
MartijnVdStoggling "click to focus" (focus follows mouse) doesn't stick17:23
MartijnVdSand it doesn't DO anything either17:23
MartijnVdSin 12.1017:24
AlanBelldoes mac os x do focus follows mouse?17:25
MartijnVdSbut it doesn't offer the option either17:27
MartijnVdSunity != macos17:27
AlanBellthen Ubuntu is designed not to support it :)17:27
MartijnVdSit worked. Now it doesn't17:27
MartijnVdSand I can't figure out where Unity/compiz settings are17:27
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1047929 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Toggling "Click to focus" in CCSM doesn't do anything, and the setting doesn't stick" [Undecided,New]17:28
* MartijnVdS pokes popey 17:33
AlanBellso, I need to record from webcam and audio, what do I use to do that?17:35
MartijnVdSgoogle hangout ;)17:35
MartijnVdSor just youtube -- it has a "Record me" feature17:36
AlanBellguvcview, thats what I wanted17:37
MartijnVdSbut still17:37
MartijnVdSwhere ARE unity/compiz settings?17:38
MartijnVdSthere seem to be some in gconf, but I heard that's Old and Deprecated17:38
AlanBellccsm unity plugin?17:38
MartijnVdSand dconf has a few, I heard that's just as deprecated17:38
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I want to know where ccsm stores its settings17:38
MartijnVdSwhere on disk (or in which tool)17:38
Laneyis there a reasonable meatspace place to buy a new PSU?17:40
MartijnVdSdconf uses gsettings which is where the settings really are.. and if you find the right spot in there (/org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences)17:40
MartijnVdSyou CAN set focus-follows-mouse17:41
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1042041 in compiz (Ubuntu) "1:0.9.8+bzr3319-0ubuntu1 regression: keeps setting gsettings keys to wrong values" [High,Confirmed]17:41
AlanBellLaney: PC world does them17:41
Laneyfor a reasonable price?17:41
AlanBellprobably not very reasonable17:42
AlanBellor totenham court road17:42
* Laney is on t'way back already17:42
Laneymaybe i'll just order it online17:48
Laneymissus has prime17:49
AlanBellmaybe I will re-do that recording when my kids stop screaming at each other17:54
AlanBellany time now they will stop screaming19:33
jacobwmake a point of recording them :)19:35
MartijnVdSThey weren't even quiet to watch DINOSAURS on a SPACESHIP!?19:35
Laneysomeone else said that on my twitter19:35
Laneydr who reference?19:35
MartijnVdSLaney: That's the name (and content ;)) of the new Who episode19:37
Laneyi see19:37
Laneyi'm disinterested, except for the pond19:38
MartijnVdSlots of ponds in this one19:42
christelyar, queen pond \o19:42
christelshe's mighty cute19:42
MartijnVdSThough I didn't mind the girl from last week either </spoiler-free-ish>19:44
christelyeah she's pretty cute for a dalek ;)19:45
MartijnVdSchristel: and from what I've heard, we're going to see more of her around Christmas :)19:47
christelindeed! wrapped in a ribbon :D19:47
christeli look forward to this19:47
MartijnVdS"Christmas of the Daleks", "CE-LE-BRATE! CE-LE-BRATE!!!"19:48
brobostigoni know that feeling from somewhere.19:49
penguin42MartijnVdS: Which of course they hold on October 31st?19:57
MartijnVdSpenguin42: yes, because that's Dec 2520:00
MartijnVdSeww.. "Music from a Dell"20:01
MartijnVdS*changes channel*20:01
mikehbbhey so i just installed ubuntu on my laptop but its slow slower then when i had windows 7 can someone help me ?20:20
penguin42mikehbb: It's a bit vague; the best thing is to try and find an example of something in particular that's slower20:22
mikehbbok so like on youtube i watch a vid and when i try to change to the next vid it gets stuck and it even takes more time ti turn on20:23
mikehbbwhen i lunch google chorme it takes sometime to load20:23
penguin42mikehbb: ok, do you know what type of graphics card you have?20:24
mikehbbi never had a problem with windows 7 but everybody told me ubuntu was way better and bla bla bla20:24
mikehbbnot rellay but with windows 7 i was not haveing a problem at all20:24
penguin42mikehbb: Sure; so one thing you can try is to check whether there are any 'additional drivers' that aren't installed that might be faster for some graphics cards - erm I can't remember where that option is, somewhere under teh settings20:25
mikehbband how do i check that ?20:26
popeypress the big button in the top left20:27
popeyand type "driver" in it20:27
popeyclick "Additional Drivers"20:27
mikehbbok it says something about a driver that is installed but not in use20:29
mikehbbthe driver is called modem something :(20:29
penguin42yeh forget that - modem is irrelevant20:29
mikehbbso then ?20:30
penguin42yeh, then it's a bit more tricky to figure out - 'sluggish' takes a lot more understanding of tools and stuff to figure out20:31
mikehbbso ????20:33
penguin42mikehbb: I can't really suggest much for 'sluggish' I'm afraid that are easy for you to try20:33
mikehbbsi am going to have to buy windows 7 that is about 320 dollers20:34
popeythats quite an extreme way to deal with the issue20:35
mikehbbso can someone help me then ?20:35
popeywhat spec is the machine?20:35
AlanBellwhat laptop is it?20:35
penguin42mikehbb: More details - cpu? Ram? model?20:36
popeypress the button in the top right and type "details"20:36
popeyclick the result20:36
popeyit will tell you the spec of the machine20:36
popeytop left :D20:36
* popey swaps his hands over20:37
* penguin42 is glad that's not just me20:37
MartijnVdSyours is an X220 right?20:37
popeyMartijnVdS, mine is, yes20:37
MartijnVdSooh, I can only select an X23020:38
popeyyeah, 220 is discontinued i think20:38
mikehbbits has 3 gigs of ram intel cpu 2400 @ 1.83 X220:39
gingpopey: does that details program run in the command line?20:39
popeyging, no, but you can get that data from the command line20:39
popeymikehbb, ok, so core i520:39
gingpopey: in a nice easy to read format like that?20:40
popeyging, no20:40
popeyging, see /proc/cpuinfo and /proc/meminfo20:40
popeymikehbb, is it a stock Ubuntu install? and what version of Ubuntu is it?20:41
mikehbbi just download last night and i alreay update it20:41
mikehbbhere something its says that it doesnt know what kind of viedo card i have20:42
popeywhat hp model of laptop is it?20:43
popeyinteresting, hp website suggests it has a core 2 duo..?20:45
mikehbbyes sir20:45
popeyah, so not a core i520:45
mikehbbnope sorry20:46
mikehbbmy bad20:47
popeyyeah, not susprised it's a bit slow20:47
mikehbbbut with windows 7 the newest version it was running great20:49
mikehbband its more then slow it even frezzes sometimes20:49
AlanBellshould be OK on that laptop, but not dramatically quick20:51
mikehbblike right before i got in this chat, i was watching a youtube vid full screen then when i pressed escaped it just froze20:51
AlanBellok, but it did play a video full screen?20:52
mikehbbyes it did20:52
mikehbbbut when i exit full screen it froze20:52
AlanBellflash can be a bit crashy, that isn't a performance problem20:52
mikehbband with windows 7 that nevered happend :(20:53
AlanBelladobe have basically deprecated flash now20:53
ali1234core 2 duo is slow now?20:53
popeyit's a 6 year old laptop20:54
penguin42popey: But if he's saying win7 does it OK then there is no reason for Ubuntu to be slower than it20:54
* hamitron even replaced his c2d over a year ago20:55
AlanBellno reason to be faster either, generally performance is similar as it is doing similar stuff20:55
mikehbbnope core 2 duo is not all at all this is my laptop in my desktop i have a Phenom II X6 1100T 'Black Edition' (3.3GHz, 125W, 3MB total dedicated L2 cache, 6MB L3 cache, 4000MHz HyperTransport™ bus, socket AM3) and its 16 ram and it has windows 7 and i would still use my laptop so that i can use it anywhere i want i didnt see the big changes20:55
penguin42you're running on my c2d - it mostly just runs irc and a bit of web browsing though; and I run MATE on it - which is fine on the hardware20:56
AlanBellmikehbb: lets get some numbers, try http://www.webkit.org/perf/sunspider-0.9.1/sunspider-0.9.1/driver.html20:58
mikehbbi know people that have a pentium 4 and have 256 of ram and there useing ubuntu and they say its great so20:58
ali1234they must be using an old version20:59
popeythey may be using an older leaner version20:59
ali1234like really old - 200620:59
MartijnVdStx bitrate: 300.0 MBit/s MCS 15 40Mhz short GI20:59
MartijnVdSwoo, 5GHz20:59
mikehbbso your saying that ubuntu is getting bigger in ram and spec to use?21:00
penguin42mikehbb: Yes it's getting a bit chubbier in it's older age21:00
AlanBellsure, it takes advantage of newer processors and graphics cards21:00
popeymin spec these days is 1GB RAM21:00
ali1234"takes advantage"21:00
penguin42mikehbb: Two things, if you're running an old machine try lubuntu or xubuntu - they use lower end desgktop environments, or try MINT (that's mostly Ubuntu with a different cover on)21:00
hamitronI love the way you put it AlanBell21:00
mikehbbi have 3 gigs of ram21:01
czajkowskiLaney: lovely reply on the thread!21:01
hamitronas software gets more "clever", it tends to need more resources sadly21:02
GaryLittlemorecan anyone tell me what network this irc is on?21:02
penguin42GaryLittlemore: freenode21:02
AlanBellGaryLittlemore: freenode21:02
Laneyczajkowski: it came to me on the train21:02
GaryLittlemoreokay thanks all21:02
czajkowskiLaney: sums ot up very well21:02
ali1234czajkowski: any news on PPAs and CoC?21:03
mikehbbFor upgrading]  While the minimum memory requirement for 32bit is 384 MB, a minimum of 512 MB is needed21:03
mikehbbthat is what the page on ubuntu says it needs21:04
mikehbbso wtf21:04
ali1234did yo install 32 bit?21:04
n1md4hello.  I've recently upgraded my mythtv box, and now lightdm has switch to autologin and only as a guest session.  Any ideas?21:04
hamitronhave you tried running any other software on the minimum spec? it really is the bare minimum :/21:04
czajkowskiali1234: it's all good21:05
mikehbbi got the resulats for that page someone said to try21:05
mikehbb============================================ RESULTS (means and 95% confidence intervals) -------------------------------------------- Total:                  442.0ms +/- 2.2% --------------------------------------------21:05
AlanBellwow, that is quite some URL it gives you21:06
ali1234it's not going to be a CPU issue21:06
AlanBellok, so 442 in total, great21:06
ali1234it's going to be some hardware problem21:06
czajkowskimikehbb: oi short URL or pastbin!21:06
ali1234either graphics or audio21:06
czajkowskiali1234: in the beginning you were either forced to accept the PPA terms of use,21:07
AlanBell591.2ms for me, but I am encoding a video at the same time21:07
czajkowskior sign the Ubuntu CoC to create a PPA.21:07
ali1234first thing i would try is unity 2d if it still exists21:07
czajkowskiA long time ago (at least 3 years), we removed that21:07
czajkowskirestriction that was making the PPA creation more complex than it needed21:07
czajkowskito be21:07
ali1234czajkowski: i tried to create a PPA a couple of months ago and the only option was to sign the CoC21:07
AlanBellso your laptop is faster than mine on that benchmark21:07
czajkowskiali1234: I checked it wwith the devs21:08
czajkowskiit's fine21:08
czajkowskias I think you agree to the way of a PPA21:08
czajkowskiI've not set one up21:08
ali1234i did see that bug about it being fixed from like 201021:08
AlanBelljust trying to find some actual comparatives to quantify any sluggishness21:08
ali1234but i think that was just technically making it possible. i'm certain that the PPA creation system forced you to sign the CoC up to say, three months ago. (when was the app contest?)21:08
ali1234and there was a discussion on the ML about dropping the CoC requirement in feb 2012, long after the bug was "fixed"21:09
ali1234but the discussion was just a RFC and there was no decision made on it21:09
mikehbbyou see <allanbell> its not my computer its ubuntu so then how can i fix it ?21:09
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 673015 in Launchpad itself "Code of Conduct requirement for PPA upload rights is unnecessary" [Low,Fix released]21:10
czajkowskiali1234: it's saturday I'm not working :)21:10
ali1234the bug was "fix released" nov 201021:10
ali1234well, ok, which mailing list should i direct this to?21:11
czajkowskiI raised it on lp-dev during the week and it was replied to21:11
AlanBellmikehbb: well if you are playing full screen flash videos it probably isn't a graphics problem21:11
czajkowskiali1234: https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-dev21:12
mikehbbso then but its not only that if i click like on firefox it takes some time to open up21:12
AlanBellhow long?21:12
mikehbblike 15 or 10 sec21:12
AlanBellthat doesn't sound too bad21:12
AlanBelltakes about 4 seconds for me but I have an SSD rather than hard disk21:13
mikehbbok it my desktop it doesnt even take half a sec21:14
czajkowskiali1234: https://lists.launchpad.net/launchpad-dev/msg08934.html  is the thread21:14
ali1234no, that's the one i just linked to from feb21:14
mikehbband when i had windows 7 onmy laptop the oen i am hving the problem right now it would take like 2 sec21:15
czajkowskiali1234: that's the discussion......21:15
ali1234yeah. the end result of the discussion, afaict, is that the requirement stays at the request of mark shuttleworth21:15
czajkowskiali1234: have you read the last comment on the thread...which was sent a few days ago. please see that comment.21:16
ali1234ok, found it21:17
mikehbbso i guess no one can help me ?21:18
ali1234czajkowski: ok, so the reply made to you is blatantly wrong. i will follow up on this, thanks.21:18
popeymikehbb, I'd be interested to see what the machine is doing when you're doing some things..21:20
popeyrunning something like "top" in a terminal21:20
popeyor "vmstat 5" for a while21:20
MartijnVdSiotop as well21:20
popeysee where it's bottlenecked21:20
mikehbband what is that ?21:20
popeytop is like system monitor in windows21:20
popeyshows the processes in order of cpu utilisation21:20
popeyalso shows memory usage, swap etc21:20
MartijnVdS"iotop" shows which processes are using how much I/O bandwidth21:21
popeymaybe open a terminal and just run top, then press "q" to quit and copy and paste it into a pastebin, and give us the link21:21
MartijnVdSvmstats shows details about memory usage, every 5 seconds (that's what the 5 is for)21:21
popey(rather than paste the whole thing here)21:21
mikehbbso in english how do u do that ?21:22
popeydo which bit?21:22
popeyhang on, I'll make a quick youtube video for you...21:23
mikehbbyou must be haveing fun looking at someone stupid that doesnt know how to use ubuntu21:23
popeynot at all21:23
ali1234hmm this old problem21:30
ali1234how to reply to a mailing list post from before you subscribed?21:30
Laneycan you get the mbox?21:30
Laneyor get someone who has it to bounce it to you21:30
ali1234i don't know; it's on launchpad21:30
popeyyeah, launchpad sucks for mailing lists :(21:31
popeydrat, audio didnt record21:31
mikehbbwhat happend to the vid ?21:33
popeymikehbb, the audio didn't record..21:33
popeyok, so what you do is this:-21:34
popey1. press CTRL+ALT+T to open a terminal21:34
popey2. in the terminal type "top" then press enter21:34
popey3. Wait for a bit, then do whatever it is that is slow/sluggish.21:34
popey4. Watch the window running top and see what is at the top of the list of the bottom section21:35
popey5. optionally pause the top display with CTRL+S, (resume it with CTRL+Q) and copy/paste the contents of the window into http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and give us the url to look at21:35
popeyoptionally also open a terminal and run "vmstat 5"  and leave it running for a few minutes, and do something that feels slow/sluggish and do the same with that window - copy the entire contents to paste.ubuntu.com21:36
ali1234does anyone here have a launchpad account and not in any teams and not signed the CoC?21:37
ali1234and can you make a PPA?21:38
popeylemme see if i recall the password :D21:38
ali1234i swear blind that i tried to make one for the app showdown and it didn't work21:38
ali1234the only thing that changed on my account since then is i joined a couple of teams21:39
ali1234so i may have inherited PPA permission from one of those21:39
popeya damnit, can't remember the email address for an account21:40
ali1234the only one that isn't an open team is trublr21:40
popeyczajkowski, are you able to find out the email addy for a user?21:40
popeyand pm it to me21:40
popeyhmm, this sounds more dodgy than it is :)21:40
ali1234what's the launchpad test server called again?21:41
popeyand staging i think21:41
ali1234ohyeah, edge. but it's synced. and staging is down21:42
Laneythat does sound dodgy21:42
popeywoohoo, found it in my email21:42
Laneyif someone has hidden their email address ...21:42
popeyLaney, but it's me21:42
popeyanyway, doesn't matter, found it21:42
Laneyi have an account like that actually21:43
popeyok, so this is mine ali1234 https://launchpad.net/~elvis-presley21:44
popeynot in any groups, not signed the coc21:44
Laneyi have to tick this "I have read and accepted the PPA Terms of Use."21:45
popeyi just made a PPA, had to tick the box21:45
ali1234ok. so that's new21:45
ali1234i'm sure it wasn't possible like that 3 months ago21:45
brobostigonnos da everyone, sleep well.21:45
MartijnVdS\o brobostigon21:45
brobostigono/ MartijnVdS21:46
mikehbbThere the link21:46
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: not waiting for the national anthem? :)21:46
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yes.21:46
ali1234mikehbb: doesn't look like the PCU is overloaded21:46
ali1234er, CPU21:46
ali1234as i suspected21:46
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i prefferred rule britannia,21:46
czajkowski22:45 < Laney> i have to tick this "I have read and accepted the PPA Terms of  Use."21:47
czajkowski EXACTLY21:47
czajkowskiali1234: look francis who replied to my follow up in the PM of the LP team so he does tend to know what he's talking about21:47
ali1234ok. so 3 months ago, that tick box didn't exist21:47
ali1234and trying to create a PPA took you to an error message "you have not signed the CoC"21:48
brobostigonrule britannia, is definatly our unofficial, or my national anthem.21:48
mikehbbHA i know its not my cpu or ram its ubuntu i been trying to tell u :(21:48
popeymikehbb, I'm not saying it is your cpu or ram21:49
popeyI'm trying to help identify which process is eating the cpu/ram21:49
MartijnVdSiotop might help21:49
MartijnVdSif something is writing gigabytes to disk (or reading..) it will slow down the machine21:50
ali1234the cpu and ram is not being eaten tho :)21:50
MartijnVdSthat happens :)21:50
ali1234doesn't look like pulseaudio problems either21:50
ali1234so main candidate is flaky graphics21:50
MartijnVdSATI prop driver?21:50
ali1234perhaps you're running nouveau on a nvidia laptop chipset21:50
ali1234that's a pretty good way to destroy performance21:50
brobostigonin good design, I/O shouldnt affect cpu or ram directly.21:50
brobostigoni think21:51
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: in theory, you're right :)21:51
brobostigonMartijnVdS: :)21:51
ali1234"if only linux was a good design"21:51
mikehbbnope its intel21:51
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: however, in theory, theory and practice are identical21:51
hamitronand when was x86 a good design?21:51
brobostigonMartijnVdS: very true,21:51
MartijnVdSmikehbb: anything specific that's slow?21:51
MartijnVdSmikehbb: specific web sites, plugins, etc.?21:51
Laneywhyever is bbc hd showing a split screen of the proms?21:52
MartijnVdSLaney: 3D21:52
MartijnVdSLaney: that's how 3D looks on non-3d screens21:52
Laneyget it awf my telly21:52
brobostigonnos da, sleep well all.21:52
mikehbbwhen i turn it on21:52
mikehbbwhen i click on fire fox o some icon its slow21:53
mikehbbnothing kompred to windows 721:53
MartijnVdSmikehbb: "some icon in firefox"?21:53
MartijnVdSWhich one, specifically21:53
mikehbbno when i lunch firefox21:53
MartijnVdSand how slow is slow21:53
mikehbbbut i use google chorme21:53
MartijnVdSis it "a bit slower", or "unbearable, takes 5 seconds to respond to a click"21:53
mikehbbit takes 5 sec to respond!21:54
hamitronbetter than 10 at least21:54
MartijnVdSmikehbb: just to start? and is it fast after it's started?21:56
mikehbbno when i try to close it21:58
mikehbbit does the same thing21:58
MartijnVdSI don't recognise the symptoms..21:58
MartijnVdSbut maybe I'm not understanding your explanations correctly :)21:58
ali1234mikehbb: in your log firefox is not running21:59
=== punked- is now known as pinky-
mikehbbok look let me make it more easy22:03
mikehbbif i watch a vid on youtube on full screen when i try to close it lags and its doesnt close til after 10 sec22:03
MartijnVdShow do you close it? Press ESC on the keyboard?22:04
popeynot a lot we can do about flash :(22:04
ali1234fullscreen flash is broken on linux22:04
mikehbbtss i guess ill have to buy windows 7 agian22:07
mikehbbthanks anyway22:07
hamitrondoesn't youtube use html5?22:10
popeyit can22:10
mikehbbgot say ubuntu sucks never gonna use it agian or tell anyone to use it22:11
popeygreat, thanks22:11
* StevenR wonders if there's an automated testing framework out there that could be used to do WAN fault diagnosis22:13
stgraberStevenR: http://netalyzr.icsi.berkeley.edu/ might help22:14
StevenR(I don't mean something like nagios - We need something that can be triggered manually to isolate the source of a problem and provide advice to our service desk on what to do next)22:14
stgraberthat one is a java app talking to a server in berkeley doing a variety of tests to detect buffering, window sizes, firewalling, proxying, ... kind of issues22:15
czajkowskipopey: you did an amount of help22:18
StevenRI'm looking for something that can effectively follow a flowchart of diagnostic steps "can I ping the router? No? Can I login to the switch stack and telnet onto the router from there? Yes? Can I ping out from the router? No? Ask the site contact to power cycle the NTE. "22:20
StevenRIt feels like there should be a software testing framework or something that I can write the tests and flow for... and be done. :)22:20
popeyyeah, I've considered similar22:21
penguin42StevenR: Have you looked at something like nagios?22:21
penguin42StevenR: You should be able to set it up with a chain of all the things to test and I think you can have kind of a depends relationship between them22:22
stgraberpenguin42: well, StevenR said he didn't want something like nagios, so I guess he considered it :)22:23
penguin42oh, didn't spot that22:24
czajkowskipopey: you on 12.1022:24
popeyczajkowski, I have a 12.10 machine here, yes22:24
StevenRpenguin42: I want to run the tests on demand (or rather, I want the servicedesk to do this, so I don't have to) ... running them all the time would place too much load on site routers22:24
czajkowskipopey: can you look at your power indicator when its plugged in, what does the icon look like?22:24
penguin42StevenR: I wonder if something like nagios can just do an on-demand?22:24
popeyczajkowski, its a desktop22:25
czajkowskii just want to se if yours shows that it's charging when it's plugged in22:25
czajkowskimine doesnt22:25
czajkowskiI suspect a regression again22:26
czajkowskijust has the battery symbol22:26
StevenRpenguin42: it depends... it would need to be able to report things back to the user to say "ask the site contact to do this"22:27
penguin42StevenR: Oh I see what you mean - you want kind of a flowchart following thing?22:27
popeyczajkowski, i can't make the icon appear on my desktop...22:28
popeyczajkowski, oh, i have a netbook too, one mo22:28
StevenRpenguin42: basically, every time we're alerted to a WAN fault, I end up getting dragged into diagnostics to tell the servicedesk what to do next22:28
penguin42StevenR: Yeh22:28
penguin42StevenR: How about just a webpage with a set of interconnected links ?22:29
StevenRpenguin42: and it's boring, and very disrupting, particularly when half the time it's "their generator's being moved again"22:29
StevenRpenguin42: so yeah, I want something to follow a flowchart, and then give the servicedesk some instructions on what to do next22:30
penguin42StevenR: I'd say just a web page with links on it and markers so that you click one and it moves to the next part of the flowchart22:31
penguin42although you want them to record each and every thing they've said/decision they've made22:31
popeyczajkowski, i have a charging icon22:31
StevenRpenguin42: that's the point - I don't want them to make any decisions22:31
czajkowskipopey: feck22:31
popeywhat does yours look like?22:32
stgraberczajkowski: I also see a "battery full" icon even though I'm plugged in and it's charging22:32
penguin42StevenR: Well you're going to ask things like 'Is ____ on' and when they finally call you and they get all the way through the script you're going to want a summary of everything they answered as they went through including the 'not sure - we think so because ....'22:32
czajkowskistgraber: ah  I see it's full also, but usually you used to see a lightening rod through it to note it was charging22:32
stgraberczajkowski: I believe on 12.04 I'd have the same icon but with a power symbol on top of it to indicate that it's plugged22:32
czajkowskiI don't as of the upgrade this morning22:32
popeyi blame jbicha :022:33
stgraberright, so we're seeing the same change22:33
popeyi dont see the issue, but i have 301MB of updates to do22:33
StevenRpenguin42: not quite. Basically, using a combination of ping and telnet (which I can automate with expect), I can diagnose things right down to "this NTE has crashed. power cycle it"22:33
popeylots of libgnome stuff22:33
StevenRor whatever22:33
stgraberI only moved to 12.10 last weekend so I never saw it look right on 12.1022:33
czajkowskipopey: stgraber 22:45 < Laney> i have to tick this "I have read and accepted the PPA Terms of  Use."22:34
czajkowskipopey: stgraber http://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/244564289355137024/photo/122:34
penguin42StevenR: Well there is dejagnu that's the testing framework used on a lot of GNU tools - it's not very pretty though22:34
StevenRpenguin42: I don't want the SD(servicedesk) to actually ping stuff or telnet onto routers and switches. The tool needs to do that and then advise them of what to do.22:34
stgraberczajkowski: yep, same here22:35
czajkowskifiling bug now22:35
czajkowskionce I figure out which indicator to put it agains22:35
penguin42StevenR: I'd still look at Nagios - I'm fairly sure you could trigger it once to generate a summary22:36
czajkowskidoing it now22:36
penguin42StevenR: Or use some of it's scripts to do most of the leg work22:36
czajkowskiLaney: that makes 7 :D22:36
Laneygotta love that karma22:37
czajkowskiLaney: you have no idea how many times a week I get asked why peoples karma hasn't increased straight away22:38
czajkowskipeople watch it like hawks22:38
txwikingerDid anybody notice that the Ubuntu-uk planet does not update the feed anymore?22:39
Laneyapparently not22:39
Laneybroken by the bacon22:40
txwikingerYeah.. he always breaks stuff, isn't he?22:40
czajkowskistgraber: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/+bug/104804122:41
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 1048041 in indicator-power (Ubuntu) "Power icon doesn't show it is charging when it's plugged in" [Undecided,New]22:41
AlanBelltxwikinger: ah yes, someone spotted that the other day, popey did you see the uk planet is broken22:41
* popey checks22:41
czajkowskihow does he break it ?22:42
* AlanBell uploads a video of the installer22:42
czajkowskistgraber: please do be confirming!22:42
txwikingerczajkowski: Jono uses jedi forces to break things ;-)22:42
MartijnVdSjust regular Jono forces ;)22:43
StevenRpenguin42: thanks, given me a few ideas :)22:43
popeyok, planet bot is dying22:43
czajkowskiright I am all tested out22:43
czajkowskiturning in22:43
czajkowskinn folks22:43
StevenRstgraber: that icsi tool is cool. Not quite what I'm looking for, but close :) ... certainly its output presentation is decent :) thanks22:44
AlanBellthat is odd22:54
AlanBellthat feed works in a planet here22:57
AlanBellit only has stuff from 2009 in it, maybe remove andrew price from the planet.ini, see if that fixes it22:58
popeytxwikinger, yours barfs too22:59
popeyas does zrmt22:59
popeyi dont think its that feed22:59
popeyah, hang on22:59
popeyits deadlocking23:00
popeyubuntuuk@www:~/planet-2.0$ ps aux | grep planet | wc -l23:00
AlanBelloh, it can't access the cache because previous instances have it open or something23:01
popeykilled them all23:01
popeystill barfs23:01
AlanBellnuke it from orbit, it is the only way to be sure23:02
* popey bins caches23:02
AlanBellis there some kind of process or daemon for bsddb?23:03
popeydeleting the caches did it23:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Opening Ubuntu Up To the World - http://www.jonobacon.org/2012/09/06/opening-ubuntu-up-to-the-world/23:05
ubuntuuk-planet[Liam Proven] On trying out operating systems in virtual machines - http://liam-on-linux.livejournal.com/29975.html23:05
ubuntuuk-planet[Ralph Janke] No Upgrades from Precise Pangolin to Quantal Quetzal? - http://drupal7.txwikinger.me.uk/no-upgrades-precise-pangolin-quantal-quetzal%3F23:05
AlanBellheh, I think it is fixed :)23:05
txwikingercool popey23:11
matttpinky-: howzit?23:56
pinky-hi, I'm on the night-shift and about to watch a 2 hour recording of today F1 quailifys23:56
pinky-so all good - how's you?23:57
matttso so i guess23:57
matttwhere do you work?23:57
pinky-good good23:57
pinky-top secret ;)23:57
penguin42he justs wants to know so he can also spend his night shift watching F123:58
pinky-I ended up working in a gas station23:58
pinky-Frank Zappa23:58
matttis that scary?23:58

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