
pleia2we got a pizza sponsor for tomorrow :D!00:56
pleia2geofft of MokaFive.com is hooking us up00:57
pleia2thanks for putting us in touch paulproteus :)00:57
paulproteuspleia2: (-:03:47
greg-goh man, pizza, don't tempt me so!05:16
pleia2"there, I fixed it" http://sf.streetsblog.org/2012/09/06/eyes-on-the-street-muni-trains-get-straps-to-prevent-gap-crossings/05:16
darthrobotTitle: [Eyes on the Street: Muni Trains Get Straps to Prevent Gap Crossings | Streetsblog San Francisco]05:16
pleia2I loled05:16
pleia2greg-g: you should come, there will be pizza05:16
paulproteusI'm excited that there will be pizza!07:04
paulproteuspleia2: Yeah, glad I could connect you two. In general, (1) I don't like it when volunteers for free software stuff have out-of-pocket expenses, since that's a road to burnout and other sadness, and (2) I treat getting corporate sponsors like it's my job.07:04
paulproteus'Cause it kind of really is!07:04
bkerensaroad to burnout and other sadness07:05
bkerensa^ the truth07:05
bkerensapleia2: there must be lots of sponsorship opps in California07:05
pleia2paulproteus: I've found that people are largely generous when they realize a volunteer is paying, over the years my out of pocket expenses have been quite limited16:09
pleia2but sponsors are better :)16:11
philballewosx should be able to read a ext# drive through sftp right?18:07
akkAn extX drive mounted on a Linux machine, and osx is talking to the linux machine via sftp?18:08
philballewyeah akk . macbook pro, and a ubuntu server (converted ppc mac mini)18:10
akkSure, if some other machine is serving the file, the macbook has no way of knowing what filesystem it was on.18:11
akkAll it sees is the sftp protocol.18:11
philballewshoot, thats right...18:11
philballewgotta make sure my roomate can read the drive to.18:12
philballewfor some reason he has yet to give in to linux :)18:12
akkMac people are funny that way.18:13
philballewI like osx for the fact its unix in some way. Thats about it.18:13
akkYeah, it's better than windows. :)18:14
pleia2gah, my place is a mess18:15
pleia2tomorrow I shall clean up, put all this ubuntu stuff away!18:16
philballewpleia2, if you fly me up there, i'll clean it for you.18:16
pleia2it's just messy, too much stuff, not enough space :)18:16
akkd recently got a new mac with lion (or is it mountain lion?) and was struggling with things like the hardwired delay for animation when you switch desktops.18:16
akkI said "Hmm, maybe if you poke around in the binary you could find where the delay is set and binary-patch it to be shorter"18:17
akkand he said "Yeah, somebody already did that ... and if you pay $15 you can buy the program ... Macs!"18:17
philballewpleia2, you should rent the apartment next to you, and tear down the wall. Just find the support beams, and set up a brace. I could get that done in 3 days tops18:18
pleia2they certainly do have a very for-pay culture :)18:18
akkYep, and not a sharing culture.18:18
philballewsharing is caring18:18
pleia2philballew: sure, while I'm at it I'll get a second job, one that pays much more than my first job, so I can pay for a second condo in downtown SF ;)18:18
pleia2packing up to head out to the global jam \o/18:19
philballewI hear there is places you can buy a house for those two months rent combined!18:19
* philballew runs and hides18:20
pleia2true story18:20
pleia2hey geofft_ :)18:20
pleia2ok, laptops, all isos and paperwork, stickers, quetzal...18:21
philballewI have a friend living in Boise. houses are like 80 - 150 thousand. ever find a thing like that in CA.18:21
philballewNot even in Bakersfield18:21
akkI hear Boise is pretty.18:21
pleia2going back to PA we look at houses we considered mansions there that go for around $750k18:21
pleia2we won't be able to find a very big place for that much here18:22
pleia2let alone a yard18:22
philballewMy uncle has a house he rents in sf. been there since the 80's and rent control has him at a few hundred a month.18:22
pleia2ah yes, that rent control is nice for renters :)18:23
pleia2we own our place, and we wouldn't be able to pay all the mortgage if we rented it out18:23
geofft_pleia2: Hi18:23
philballewjust think pleia2 you out there with your lawnmower mowing it. you can shape your hedges into ubuntu logos or something to!18:23
pleia2I had a yard at my house in PA, gardens are too much work :)18:24
akkBut she'd have to let it grow out twice a year so she could change the animal. :)18:24
pleia2haha, yeah18:24
philballewhah! A garden is a very economical way to eat.18:24
* akk loves having a garden, but doesn't really want a lawn big enough to mow into shapes18:24
pleia2I had groundhogs that would eat veggies, and the groundhogs had cute babies and so I let them18:25
philballewin auburn i had an acre to mow once a week. It gets old.18:25
akkI don't think the garden has saved me any eating money. But it's fun to be able to have lunch now and then from something I picked from the backyard.18:25
pleia2(I am not a very good gardener :))18:25
philballewGroundhog day is a good day in my life18:25
akkpleia2: We're the same way -- let the animals win (at least vertebrates, I'm not so kind to snails).18:26
akkThough I am getting a little annoyed with the birds eating holes in all my apples from my baby apple tree.18:26
pleia2oh gosh, I need to get going18:26
pleia2I'll check in from the jam and take lots of pictures :)18:26
akkHave fun, pleia2!18:26
* akk tries to focus and catch up on the latest 25 long messages on the app developer process18:28
philballewthough ubuntu doesnt officially support ppc, the community made one should still work fine probably.18:29
akkThe roommate's mac is ppc? I'd be hesitant to run linux (and certainly not ubuntu) on something that old.18:35
pleia25 people here already :)19:04
akk\o/ par-tay!19:05
philballewwell its a mac mini. Gonna set up a simple file server.20:20
philballewpleia2, dont have to much fun!20:20
grantbowten total people now. pizza is on the way I think :-) Thank you pleia2 and moka5.com20:47
grantbowand wikimedia20:48
pleia2pizza is here!21:01
akkI wish I could figure out the rule for when IRC clients auto-reconnect after resuming from suspend. They do at home, they don't here.21:16
* wiretapped is at a planning meeting for an eastbay cryptoparty22:36
wiretappedsee http://www.cryptoparty.org/22:37
darthrobot[R: www.cryptoparty.org] Title: [CryptoParty]22:37
iheartubuntubeen a while, how is everyone doing?23:08
pleia2hi there iheartubuntu23:08
iheartubuntuhiya lyz23:09
iheartubuntutyping with one hand :)23:11
pleia2how's your finger?23:14
iheartubuntuits throbbing23:19
iheartubuntuchanging my own bandages since i switched docs to closer one23:19
iheartubuntureally like the chat in thunderbird23:20
iheartubuntuworks nice23:20
* pleia2 nods23:21
pleia2I didn't know thunderbird had chat23:21
iheartubuntuthe recently updated stable release included it finally23:22
pleia2ah :)23:22
iheartubuntuhow are you? going anywhere exciting before end of year?23:23
pleia2good, wrapping up an ubuntu global jam event here in sf23:24
iheartubuntuohh are you at it right now?23:24
iheartubuntuso thunderbird now offers chat for twitter, facebook, google, irc, and xmpp23:25
iheartubuntuhope to get a regular ubuntu hour going in claremont after my finger heals.23:26
philballewcould be a while23:26
iheartubuntugaskin and bermudes are doing great with the pasadena one23:27
iheartubuntui hope not too long!23:27
iheartubuntualthough it doesnt look pretty at all23:27
philballewI saw!23:27
philballewhope the "pics or it didnt happen" comment was not to harsh :)23:29
iheartubuntuit forced me to post something :) but not too graphic23:29
iheartubuntui have to keep my hand up all the time now23:29
iheartubuntunow my chatty neighbor across the street thinks im always waving at him23:30
iheartubuntu*good grief*23:32
iheartubuntui have a new photo of my thumb which is quite graphic, and it wasnt even the one that was cut off23:37
iheartubuntui can make it my google+ wallpaper scene23:38
philballewnever cut myself on a table saw, but had many kick backs23:39
philballewi had a dado blade kick something back in hs that hit me in in croch. Hurt worse then anything in my life.23:39
bkerensaMapquest brought a stack of money!23:41
bkerensathey are giving it away in a hour23:41
bkerensaits actually four stacks of cash :)23:41
philballewI have a dollar. Thats like a big stack of pennies.23:42
philballewbkerensa, your gonna give me the money when you get it right?23:44
iheartubuntuif its the new pennies its probably worth less than a dollar23:44
philballewI mean, you gotta share the money, like you share the code.23:44
iheartubuntuopen source money23:45
philballewbkerensa, share the money, it's the floss way!!23:45
philballewwe need to open source the fed!23:45
philballewthat would then open source money23:45
iheartubuntuwife back home. so tempted to try grannies homemade vodka23:46
bkerensaiheartubuntu: http://i.imgur.com/2u5U9.jpg23:46
darthrobotContent type: [image/jpeg] Size: [162612]23:46
bkerensaphilballew:  ^23:46
iheartubuntuis that a webcam too?23:46
iheartubuntuthe stack of money has its own channel?23:46
philballewbkerensa, sorry, I only use bitcoins.23:46
iheartubuntui no like bitcoin anymore23:48
philballewhow so?23:48
iheartubuntuit crashed a while back23:48
philballewThat is true23:48
iheartubuntusome hacking thing or something. i forget23:48
iheartubuntui want something tangible23:49
philballewless influence of the government that way23:50
iheartubuntuso ubuntu is moving away from the liveCD23:56
iheartubuntuim guessing there will be an official liveDVD now?23:56
philballewiirc it will be23:59

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