
Kiloshi superfly magespawn and others06:48
superflymorning Kilos06:48
Kiloswhats a doodle06:48
Kilosas in the startrek doodle06:48
Kilosjust a pic?06:50
superflya doodle is a drawing you do when you're bored... I presume they mean the same thing?07:07
Kilosty superfly  so at least doodling still means the same thing07:15
superflyKilos: I don't know - I don't know what the star trek doodle is....07:16
superflyoh wait, are they talking about google's doodles?07:16
Kilosnor me but niece mailed me a pic and i wondered if that is what merryjay was talking about last night07:17
superflyyes, google has a star trek doodle07:18
Kilosi sent it to youre mail07:18
Kilosis that it07:18
Kilosspells out google07:20
Kiloshi queery 08:00
tumbleweedbugger, we missed https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam10:56
inetproIt’s Official: The Ubuntu LiveCD is Dead http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/09/its-official-the-ubuntu-livecd-is-dead11:23
tumbleweedyou get 800MB CDs11:42
tumbleweedbut it's also been "official" for a while11:42
tumbleweedwe decided to start raising the image sizes a few UDSs ago11:42
Kilosthats sad11:57
tumbleweedthe argument is fairly straight-forwarrd11:59
tumbleweedmost people install from flash drives11:59
tumbleweedand trying to keep a working desktop on 1 CD was getting close to impossible11:59
tumbleweedwe still have the tiny netinst CD (30MB)12:00
Kilosso tell about the 800m cds tumbleweed 12:00
inetprotumbleweed: I install from flash drive as well12:04
inetprotumbleweed: what's the reasoning behind limiting it to 800MB specifically? Why not a bit more?12:04
tumbleweedwe add 50MB each release12:04
Kilosinetpro, thats fine for geeks but methinks many prospective users will now go to other flavours12:04
Kilostumbleweed, take some of the office stuff out and make them installable later 12:05
tumbleweedhow about people without internet access?12:05
inetproKilos: no12:05
tumbleweeddebian has hit similar trouble. It currently hase XFCE on the first CD, because gnome won't fit any more12:06
inetprooffice should be absolutely standard software for everyone12:06
tumbleweed(even though, we geeks never use office software)12:06
tumbleweedapparently everyone eles does12:06
inetprotumbleweed: eh12:06
Kilosyes but as with winsucks office can come later12:06
tumbleweedinetpro: when was the last time you used an office suite? I can't remember the last time I did12:07
tumbleweedbut it was probably to read something someone had sent me12:07
inetprotumbleweed: I use spreadsheets a lot12:07
inetproand then I have started using Libreoffice draw more often lately12:07
inetprousing it for drawing network diagrams12:07
Kilosmake office a separate cd12:08
inetproKilos: no12:08
tumbleweedKilos: when was the last time you used a CD?12:08
tumbleweedmy laptop doesn't even have an optical drive12:08
Kiloseverytime i install12:08
* inetpro has no need for an optical drive either12:09
tumbleweedDVDs don't cost more than CDs12:09
Kilosonly have a cdrom12:09
tumbleweedand nobody has a CD drive that can't read DVDs12:09
Kiloscdroms cant rewad dvds12:09
tumbleweedright, but cdrom drives haven't been on the market for years12:09
inetprotumbleweed: I think there might be a few around still but I agree it's time to move on 12:10
Kilosdvd can read cd but not vice versa12:10
tumbleweedKilos: yes, but nobody has bought one in at laest 5 years12:10
tumbleweedand drives more than 5 years old are pretty unlikely to be working12:10
Kiloslol i did12:10
tumbleweedwhere did you find one?12:11
inetproI think it's time for DVD players to come with a USB port12:11
Kilospc shop12:11
tumbleweedinetpro: they usually do12:11
inetprotumbleweed: serious!?12:11
* inetpro didn't know that12:11
Kerberousb host or usb client port?12:11
inetprovideo shops should rent out usb flash drives :-)12:11
inetproor allow you to pay per download12:12
tumbleweedKilos: you sure it doesn't support DVDs too?12:12
Kilosyip tumbleweed ive tried12:13
* tumbleweed googles for cd-rom drive and just finds dvd drives12:13
Kilosyeah times move on12:13
Kilosmany old pcs will stay on win xp12:13
inetprohmm... did I tell about ABSA still using XP on their ATM machines?12:14
inetprothe other day I had this scary experience12:14
inetprowas trying to withdraw money when the machine suddenly just started hanging12:15
Kilosxp was a good os for windows12:15
inetproand while I was trying to phone the number suddenly the thing started rebooting12:15
inetproI was shocked to see XP booting up12:16
inetproluckily it kicked out my card12:16
inetproI turned around and went to seek for another machine12:16
kodezkilos: what do you mean by saying "many old pcs will stay on win xp"13:03
kodezhaven't you heard about ubuntu?13:03
Kilosthose that cant load 7 off a dvd or new ubuntu's13:03
kodezgreetings everyone13:03
Kilosits fine now still one can make a copy of a cd and offer it to someone who wants to leave winsucks13:04
kodezlubuntu is working much better than win xp, even though i respect xp in the win xp13:04
Kilosi havent tried lubuntu13:05
kodezdoes anyone know where i can buy cd+rw?13:05
Kilosare they not also gonna go dvd13:05
Kiloslook in chinese pc shops13:05
kodezkilos: i had installed lubuntu12.04 on my mother's old laptop and its working better than win xp13:06
tumbleweedlubuntu is currently at 686MB13:06
Kiloshi kodez 13:06
Kilosyeah but one has to download it tumbleweed 13:07
Kilosour cds come from canonical13:07
tumbleweedcanonical only distributes CDs of flavours they support13:08
tumbleweedDVDs now, I guess13:09
Kilosso i gotta invest in a dvdrom13:09
Kilosi kinda got used to unity13:09
tumbleweedget a flash drive13:10
kodezhi uncle Kilos13:10
Kiloskodez, where are you?13:10
Kilosand how do i get it for the flash tumbleweed 13:10
tumbleweeddownload it13:10
tumbleweed800MB costs R10 to download on DSL13:11
Kilosand older pcs cant boot from flash drives13:11
tumbleweedonly really old ones13:12
tumbleweedprobably ~R10013:13
tumbleweedless if you buy a big bundle13:13
Kilosif i had adsl i would have downloaded all the flavours already13:13
Kilosand played with 12.10 too13:13
kodezKilos: I eside in Mamelodi East, just next to Hans Strydom13:13
kodeznot far from MaxCity Complex13:14
Kilosone gets lots of the older pc goodies from chinese shops or even worth a try at indian shops13:17
Kiloswe even got a 80G ide drive from one in pta coupla years ago13:18
Kilosor last resort is second hand from shops that do pc upgrading13:19
inetprowho's going to Software Freedom Day next weekend?14:08
inetprooh and I mean Software Freedom Day at Wits in JHB14:09
* inetpro is thinking about taking the Gautrain14:10
Kilosinetpro, you got 5 mins?14:33
inetproKilos: in a minute or two14:35
superflyinetpro: does the Gautrain have a station in Cape Town?14:35
inetprosuperfly: would be nice14:38
inetproKilos: ok shoot14:38
Kilosi have 2 ubuntu pcs showing cable connected must i go with remote desktop to see the other one14:38
inetproKilos: hmm14:39
inetpronow this one could twist into many different topics14:40
inetproso lets' start at the basics14:40
Kilosoh my14:40
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Kilosif its gonna take lots of your time dont worry now14:41
Kilosis there a link i can read up on it14:41
inetproI guess you should just start by having both laptops configured on the ethernet interface with IP addresses and netmasks in the same range 14:41
inetproKilos: are they both ubuntu?14:41
Kilosya 12.04 and 11.0414:42
inetprook which one do you connect with to the interwebs?14:42
inetproI guess 12.04?14:42
Kilosbut modem can go to either one14:43
inetprodo you have an IP address assigned to the cable/ethernet interface?14:43
inetprowith network manager14:44
Kilosya i think so14:44
inetprocan you confirm14:44
inetprogo to cli14:44
inetproifconfig -a14:44
inetproor sudo ifconfig -a14:45
Kilosmust i pste it?14:45
inetpromay be a bit long14:46
Kiloslotsa info14:46
Kilosgo my channel14:46
inetprohmm... I be on ##kilos14:46
smileHi all :)16:01
smileWriting an e-mail in Afrikaans is not easy if it's a long one :p16:26
inetprosmile: hoekom?16:45
smileinetpro: Ek het 'n kennis in Suid-Afrika :p16:46
inetprowb not_found16:46
not_foundhi and thanks inetpro 16:46
superflyohi not_found16:49
not_foundhey superfly :)16:49
Kiloshi not_found you well?16:51
not_foundhey uncle Kilos ... all is well as always thanks... and over there in sunny SA?16:52
Kiloswe all ok ty neil16:54
Kilosstill cold though16:54
not_foundshould start warming up soon... we are loosing our heat and it must be going someplace :)16:55
Kilosit did then we had a bit of rain and big cold fronts16:56
Kilosnot down to freezing again but days of 17 and 1916:57
Kilosi like days of 3016:57
Kilos9 days to next meeting i think16:58
smilebye :)18:32
Kilosnight all. sleep tight18:45
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za

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