
pandorassomeone still awake?00:33
pandorasim here, running archlinux, and download ubuntustudio64, becaus that stuff with the archlinux-rt is realy messed up00:34
pandorasget a new SSD drive, had partitioned, and made a ext4 filesystem, so i want install the iso on to it, without any livesystem00:34
pandorasis that possible?00:34
pandorasmount the iso, copy some files.. ect?00:35
pandorashm,... should ask tomorrow again, time to sleep00:48
len-dtpandoras, yes you can install to a USB stick or other memory that looks like a drive.03:28
smartboyhwYo len-dt03:28
len-dtor you can make a startup "DVD" on the memory stick and try the ISO live.03:28
len-dthello smartboyhw03:29
pandorassomeone here?12:21
smartboyhwHi pandoras12:21
pandorasjeah :D12:21
pandorasi want to try install ubuntustuido direct from my running Archlinux to my new SSD12:21
smartboyhwAh huh12:21
holsteinpandoras: its a live CD.. download and enjoy!12:22
pandoraswithout livesystem or cd/stick  its that possible?12:22
holsteinpandoras: its all open, so everything is "possible".. what are you trying to do?12:22
pandorasinstall direct to disk12:23
holsteinyou should be able to use unetbootin to create a bootable drive out of anything.. as len-dt suggested earlier12:23
holsteinpandoras: if you want to "install" direct to disc, then i would just use a DVD or USB stick and install12:23
pandorashm... may the easist way12:24
pandorasmy idea was to get a way without reboot the machine, anyway, have a lot of memory sticks12:25
holsteinpandoras: it would be challenging to have a partition running a live image, and install to another partition on the same drive12:25
holsteinim sure, as i said earlier, since its all open.. anything is possible12:25
holsteini typically take the path of least resistance12:25
pandorasi chose the easy way, to lazy for that :D12:26
holsteini would expect to reboot after installing a new operating system12:26
* pandoras prepare usb-stick12:28
cbx33anyone here used linux sampler?12:41
SirFunkCan I add the ubuntu studio sources to a regular ubuntu system or will it cause things to break?16:37
holsteinSirFunk: there actually are no "sources"16:37
holsteinthe packages are in the main repos16:37
holsteinSirFunk: you can open a package manager such as synaptic and search "ubuntustudio" and read about our metapackages16:38
SirFunkoh... they are hmm..16:38
SirFunkshould there be a ffado package in ubuntu then?16:38
holsteinSirFunk: you can also just install what you need from our packages and not use the metapackages16:38
SirFunkoh! helps if i spell it correctly :-P16:38
holsteinSirFunk: JACK comes able to use the ffado driver by default16:39
holsteinthe "firewire" driver is the new one16:39
holsteinSirFunk: you can install JACK and have access to JACK using the ffado driver16:39
holsteinSirFunk: things should not break, but failure is always an option16:40
holsteini would just grab our iso, try it live, and learn what you need to use your firewire device16:40
holsteini do not casually use my firewire device for all or any of my system audio... i use it only for capturing audio in the studio with JACK running16:41
holsteincapturing to and montitoring from ardour16:42
SirFunkbah i'm running xfce i think i need dbus16:45
SirFunkI just want to see if jack/ffado will see my card16:46
len-dtSirFunk, Do you have a 4G USB stick? Put the ubuntustudio ISO on that and boot the live session. If it works there then your card is supported16:50
len-dtThen you can see what you need to load on your current system16:51
SirFunkyeah.. i shall try that later16:54
SirFunkgotta run out now16:54
jeanHi there, I have a question about firewire : On my computer, I have just installed a pci firewire card. It seems to be recognized by the system ("lspci |grep Fire" says there is a card and "dmesg |grep fire" says it created a device fw0). But Kino doesn't recognize the firewire. So I did the floowing fix : sudo ln /dev/fw0 /dev/raw1394 and as I launch kino as root there no more the raw1394...17:05
jean...error message. But it doesn't recognize my dv camcorder saying : No AV/C compliant camera connected or not switched on. Any idea ?17:05
ailojean: I only know about firewire audio devices. Could be a permission problem.17:37
ailojean: But I don't think adding the raw1394 link will solve it17:39
ailoThere's a new firewire stack, since about 2 years ago (introduced with Ubuntu 10.1017:40
ailojean: Are you in the video group?17:42
ailoYou can use the command groups to find out17:43
ailoIf not, try that. You need to relogin in order for that to come into effect17:43
ailojean: An example of permission rules https://ieee1394.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Juju_Migration#Permissions_and_ownership_for_.2Fdev.2Ffw.2A17:45
ailoOne for audio devices is found at /lib/udev/rules.d/60-ffado.rules17:46
ailojean: But, if you tried launching as root, that should have worked of course17:51
ailojean: So, did you check whether your device is compatible?17:52
jeanalio : thanx, but wait... i have to get my daughter asleep...18:08
ailojean: I'm afraid I can't be of much more help to you, but the page I linked you to has some info on the firewire stack for Linux. Also, I would just try to google on your device + Linux18:19
ailoMy understanding is that by belonging to video group, any supported firewire device with udev rules will work out of the box18:22
ailoAnd most devices should already have rules18:23
jeanailo : do you think a new fresh install could correct this ? because my other pc with a internal firewire card works out of the box. And this one which was already installed don't...19:27
ailojean: Is it the same OS and version?19:49
ailoSome firewire chips aren't reliable, but I have no idea about what that means in practice. I've only ever tried to use a chip that I know is reliable19:50
jeanalio : ok ! I'll keep on trying a few hours and may be I'll try to buy another pci card... thanx19:52
ailojean: Try a live image. that should be the fastest way19:55
jeanailo : good idea !19:57
in_i am on xubuntu and i want to use a midi usb keyboard, but dont really know where to start21:05
in_i installed qtractor but it does not seem to receive any midi, any tips? thnx21:06
in_btw, the setup workx in windows21:06
in_buzz :)21:07
ailoin_: I suppose you are familiar with jack?21:11
in_but i can familiarize if its needed :)21:11
ailoin_: It's a sound system for "pro" audio applications such as qtractor21:12
ailoThe server starts automatically when you start qtractor21:12
ailoNow, midi there's two kinds of midi. Jack, and alsa21:12
ailoYou'll be dealing with asla21:13
ailoIn qtractor, there's a button called "connections"21:13
in_red one21:14
ailoUnder audio, you'll see your audio device, and any program that supports jack21:14
ailoAll jack programs can interconnect21:14
ailoUnder midi, you should be able to see your midi device, and qtractor21:14
in_i see mi usb midi under midi tab21:14
ailoin_: The same guy who wrote qtractor also wrote a nifty tool called qjackctl. I'd recommend you install that too21:15
in_it is installed21:15
in_it instaled automaticaly from software center21:15
ailoYou can use that to start jack manually21:15
ailoAnd save settings, etc21:16
in_but how to get midi working ?21:16
ailoin_: Well. You connect your device with qtractor21:17
in_connect is grayed21:17
ailoYou need to select the devices you want to connect21:17
ailoFrom -> To21:17
in_i figured it out21:18
in_big smile on my face21:18
in_now ill test it21:18
ailoYou won't get good performance at low latencies. To get that working easily, I recommend you install Ubuntu Studio, which uses XFCE as base21:19
ailoAll is set up for realtime audio21:19
ailoAll you need to do is to familiarize yourself with the applications21:19
ailoYou can test it with the live image first21:20
in_ahh, i am not heading for production21:21
ailoWell, if you want to play an instrument live, and not have big latencies or chopped up audio, you need to set things up for realtime audio21:22
ailoJust saying21:22
in_i am playing with xubuntu and checking to see how soon i will be able to completly replace the crappy xp21:22
in_of corse i need around 10ms latency21:23
in_otherwise it'll be useless21:23
ailoThen you'll need to set up realtime audio21:23
ailoYou can do it manually, but as I said, it's just simpler if you install Ubuntu Studio. Same desktop as Xubuntu21:23
ailoPrety much21:23
in_what does that involve ?21:23
in_i am on alsa now right ?21:24
in_how much latency should i now get with audiophile 192 ?21:24
ailoin_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro/120421:24
ailoWith the proper setup, you should be able to get well under 10ms. Maybe even 2ms21:25
in_i mean right now, without tuning21:25
in_sry for not being familiar with alsa/jack stuff yet21:26
ailoWith no setting up, jack can't use realtime operation, so it doesn't have priority21:26
ailoAnd you get lousy operation21:27
in_it asked me something about real time at insall time21:27
in_i chosed yes21:27
ailoin_: On Debian, that would be enough. On Ubuntu, you need to also add yourself to audio group21:27
ailoin a terminal: sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER21:28
ailoin_: In order to get the most of your system, you also need to install linux-lowlatency21:28
in_i did it from gui21:28
ailoOn Debian, the user is already member of audio group21:28
ailoin_: To install linux-lowlatency, in a terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-lowlatency21:29
ailoAlso, make sure you boot into it, when rebooting21:29
ailoIt won't appear in the top of the list, since it's not been updated for a while21:29
in_boot into it ? is install like a different system or .. ? i am not familiar with that21:30
ailoin_: Linux is the core of the operationg system. The kernel21:30
in_linux-lowlatency is another kernel ?21:30
in_k, clear now21:31
ailoYou can have multiple kernels installed on the same os21:31
in_yup, i got now21:31
ailoThat's all anyway21:31
ailoUse qjackctl to set your latency lower21:31
ailo64 frames/period should do it21:31
in_i  sill dont have notes in qtrator21:31
ailoin_: You could ask someone at #opensourcemusicians about that21:32
ailoI don't much dabble with qtractor myself21:32
in_but didnt tested enough21:32
in_i am not asking now, i just need to play a little bit with it first21:33
in_30 mins ago i read about it the first time :)21:33
ailoWell, I think you have enough info to solve things out :)21:33
ailoin_: When rebooting, if you don't see a boot menu with kernels, use the shift key while booting21:34
in_yup, i'll only ask more if i'll stuck at anything21:34
in_thnx alot for your help21:34
in_what do you use ?21:35
in_as sequencer ?21:35
ailoI sometimes use both qtractor and ardour, but very little. I mostly use puredata21:35
in_puredata ?21:35
in_is that a sequencer ?21:36
ailoYea, not a sequencer. It's live audio programming21:36
in_or you program21:36
ailoOr, audio/video programming. It's a graphical language21:36
in_hmm, that deep21:36
ailoVery nice for things like creating your own custom effects, etc21:36
in_*thats deep21:37
in_i know what you are talking21:37
ailoIt can receive and control any type of signal. midi, audio, video21:37
in_is it done in the pc ?21:37
in_or dedicated hardware ?21:37
ailoAny hardware will do, if PD supports it. audio through jack/alsa/pulseaudio21:38
ailoI'm not sure about video, but alsa-midi is supported21:38
ailoVideo is supported of course21:38
ailoBut, exactly how, I don't really know21:38
ailoKeyboard, mouse, com port21:39
ailoThere's also custom HW, like arduino21:39
in_i made an audio plugin once21:39
in_for kx driver21:39
in_it was somehow dsp programing at base21:39
in_i really like area21:40
in_but complex mathematics somehow scare me :D21:41
ailoFirst time I heard of it21:41
in_of corse, it not mainstream21:41
ailopd (puredata) isn't very complex. You can very quickly do fun things with midi21:41
in_wanna hear its history short ? its quite interesting21:41
ailoI just looked it up21:41
ailoLooks not updated21:42
in_kx is an free driver developed buy a guy for boards based on 10k chip from creative/emu21:42
in_my plugin21:43
in_on the win98 era someone hacked the emu driver to work with sblive21:43
in_emu board was ~800 usd, sblive ~10021:44
in_they had alsomst the same hardware21:44
in_but the driver was vxd, and xp used wdm drivers, so if you switched to xp emu driver would not work anymore21:45
in_the driver had hardware real time reverbs/delay etc...21:45
in_and nobody hacked the wdm driver21:46
ailoWell, I don't think you should have any trouble ditching XP for linux. I haven't been on anything else for years.21:46
in_so this gui made his own driver and plugin platform21:46
in_the power was in the power of the dsp in this boards21:47
in_right now i miss sketchup21:48
ailoHopefully all those applications will soon be web based, and there will be no need to get an OS just to run one app21:50
in_about pd programming, i really like trance arpegios and i am at the point of comprehending them21:51
in_i bet more on open source/public domain, than on web based21:52
in_the problem as i see it is in the posibility of an owner to direct the developement to profit then to usefullness, so web based cannot change this if it is noto also open source21:53
in_did you do any arps with this pd thing ? how you do it? what are the tools?21:54
in_btw, i also made a vst, but with synthedit, so no programing involved :), and it's about midi21:55
ailoin_: Companies will always look to make profit, as long as it makes a profit. If making open source code makes a profit, that is what they will do. With web apps, they can reach the client directly, and those that want to pay for it, can, no matter on which OS21:57
ailoGames I would think will become more and more web based21:58
ailoin_: Trance Arpeggio? isn't that just an arpeggio for trance music?22:00
in_trance is very much about music programing, it sound like music but is alot of programing22:01
ailoYou can practically do anything on PD, just that some things take a bit longer on PD, compared to other languages22:01
in_and the more creative it sound, the more programing was involved :)22:01
ailoSome things, a lot faster22:01
ailopd is perfect for non programmers22:03
ailoStill requires a bit of effort to get into22:03
in_i see is hase conection with max22:03
in_wasnt max similar with synthedit ?22:04
in_*it has, i have a strange keyboard, sry22:04
ailoMiller Puckette was the author of the original Max, but stepped away once it became a business22:05
ailoSo, he started puredata22:05
in_interesting :)22:07
ailoin_: If you're interested in audio programming, there are lot's of other languages, supercollider, csound, chuck..22:08
ailoAnd for graphics, there's processing22:08
in_i dont like graphics22:09
in_what is lost with lowlatency kernel ? why is it not default ?22:11
ailoin_: It's almost a copy of the generic kernel, but requires a bit more resources22:12
ailoSo, battery time should be shorter22:12
ailoI haven't seen any data on that yet. We will do some testing on that too22:12
in_ahh, i see, not so resource friendly22:12
ailoExactly how much remains to be seen22:13
in_ahh, that should not be a problem, altough a more flexible swithing would be nice, like low latency being only active when you launch the audio app, and not being needed to boot a special kernel22:14
in_btw, recording midi worked, without installing anything, this is amazing in linux :)22:15
in_i mean ubuntu22:15
ailoIt's nice not having to install any drivers22:16
ailoSome few devices might require extra firmware though.22:16
ailoBut they are usually available in the repo22:16
in_i also admin about 9 pcs at my mom bussiness, and i customized an xubuntu live exactly as i need it, i'am really impressed, and i mean it22:16
in_i also included restricted-firmware in it, it rocks22:17
in_now i need to get live midi playing work :)22:20
ailoin_: Try hexter22:22
ailoJust make sure to start jack first22:23
ailoIf you don't find it in the software center, do: sudo apt-get install hexter22:23
ailoAnd use qjackctl to connect22:23
in_i am in qtractor22:24
in_isnt jack already started ?22:24
in_with live i ment real time, i dont want to use it outside qtractor22:25
in_i need to find an instrument i think, there seem to be none in qtractor22:25
ailoin_: Hexter is an instrument22:30
ailoYou can also load instruments in qjackctl, if you installed them22:30
ailoNever did that myself22:30
ailoFormats are dssi and lv222:30
in_do you recomend any synth ?22:33
ailoin_: Nope. I recommend #opensourcemusicians though. It's a nice channel with a bit more traffic than this one22:35
in_i already joined that, i just didnt asked the question yet :)22:36
ailoin_: Er, I meant load instruments into qtractor, not qjackctl22:43
ailoMany DAW's support instrument loading22:43

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