
donimowith an old celeron 1.7ghz and 512 of ram, is it advisable to jump to 12.04?01:36
Gabe_WI am trying to change the touch area on my synaptic touch pad is that possible?02:00
Gabe_Wthis laptop has a touchpad the size of an ipad02:00
noskcajdonimo: for ubuntu yes, for xubuntu or lubuntu no02:04
noskcajdonimo: sorry the reverse of that02:05
donimothanks, i'll get 12.04 later.02:06
drcGabe_W: I have minimal knowledge of touchpad commands, but you might look at "man synaptics"02:08
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad02:09
* drc bets they have the same stuff (but didn't have the url :)02:09
pezmakerhello all03:36
pezmakerbare with me as I setup the background for my problem?03:37
pezmakerbear? bare?03:37
pezmakerroger. :)03:37
pezmakerwas running straight up ubuntu, got tired of the latest misery that is gnome, stumbled across xubuntu and installed xubuntu desktop03:38
pezmakerloving everything about it, except one thing that I can't seem to find a fix that works for...  many website fonts in chrome are unreadable03:38
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pezmakerfirefox is just fine.  Did not have this problem before switchover to xfce03:39
HeadlessZombiesorry, i wont be much help here. you can set what font and the size in chromium's prefrences, but i dont use it cuz chromium doesn't work on some of the sites i use03:40
HeadlessZombiefirefox has proven to be the best of the linux browsers for stability and compatibility03:41
pezmakerRoger that.  It's frustrating because it worked absolutely fine until the switchover, so it's got to be either a different package or a conflicting config setting between gnome and xfce, but nothing i've found in searches has worked.03:42
pezmakeralso, thanks for reading anyway :)03:42
HeadlessZombieif that doesnt work, remove it and re-install. but beyond that, im no help03:42
HeadlessZombiechromium seems to work a lil better under kubuntu, but that was just my personal experience with it. like i said i dont use chromium03:43
pezmakerHeadlessZombie: figured out the fonts problem.05:35
pezmakerjust thought i'd return to share with anyone who's paying attention, so you can help if this comes along for anyone else05:35
pezmakersummary of problem: chrome web fonts generally screwed up and no amount of dinking with antialias configs or chrome font settings fixed it, firefox worked fine, and chrome had worked fine in gnome05:36
pezmaker~/.fonts.conf needs to be added (or edited) with a small block that apparently xfce skips05:36
pezmakersolution here: http://kmansoft.com/2012/08/15/debian-xfce-google-chrome-ugly-fonts-all-of-a-sudden/05:37
pezmakerI had accidentally duplicated the header lines for the file and thus it didn't take, until I resolved that issue.05:37
pezmakeranyway, hope that can help someone, anyone, in the future.  Peace :)05:38
eubeycan someone help me install the nvidia graphics drivers on xubuntu? They're not showing up in the "Additional Drivers" dialog05:49
baizoneubey: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia05:52
baizonor http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=187274005:53
apm1baizon, ?05:55
baizonapm1: !05:55
apm1baizon, oh sorry ignore that i posted in the wrong channel :)05:56
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gmagnohello. I'm not sure if I already been here, I've been knocking on so many doors... but no success :( I'm trying to get the terminal make some speaker sounds with "tput bel", and have no idea why it doesn't do it. I've already loaded pcspkr module and now I can make speaker sound with "beep"12:24
gmagnobut still no sound with "tput bel"12:24
gmagnosince centerim5, the chat app I'm using relies on "tput bel" to throw sound notifications, I still have the problem12:25
gmagnoI'm using xubuntu 12.04 32bits12:25
gmagnoI've alread been in #xfce, #xterm, #linux, #ubuntu, #pulseaudio...12:26
gmagnoyo name it12:26
gmagnooh, and #centerim of course12:26
gmagnoecho -e '\a' also does nothing12:26
gmagno^G nothing as well12:27
gmagnoI'm becoming a bit desperate12:27
holsteingmagno: i might try sending an email to a server team... i tried for a few minutes to get a bell to sound in terminal a few years ago, and just gave up on it12:27
Unit193Basically, you're not going to be able to enable that bell, I tried at one point to get it, but only got as close to it would if I connected over VNC to the computer. (what?)12:28
gmagnoholstein, oh :-o that would be great. I'm glad I'm not the only one with this12:28
Unit193Things may have changed, though.12:28
gmagnobut is this a linux problem, an ubuntu problem, or a xfce problem?12:29
holsteingmagno: im not even sure its a problem12:30
gmagnoUnit193, let me ask, do you have now this issue? Does "tput bel" make any sound on your computer?12:33
Unit193I don't have this issue as I don't want the bell, found a much better way to do what I wanted.  Still no bell last I knew.12:34
SeikaoHello, I'm sorry for asking such a pathetic question, but do you have time to answer something for me while Xubuntu installs?13:01
SeikaoDo steam-purchased PC games work on Xubuntu?13:02
David-ASeikao: I don't use steam, but I hear many games works. Name some of your games maybe someone can answer.13:53
David-ASeikao: If it works in ubuntu it should also work in xubuntu, so if no answer here, ask in #ubuntu13:54
baizonwhats the problem?14:04
itaihi there, juts installed xubuntu, would like to add japanese input system , but it seems like all the methods i've googled involve downloading the entire support files, i dont need the menus in japanese ,just to be able to input it14:06
bazhang!ibus | itai14:08
ubottuitai: IBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus14:08
itaibazhang, thanks, i have ibus and it allowed me to add chinese  (cause im loacted in china, very smart of xubuntu) , but i looked through the settings and it doesnt allow me to add any other language14:11
itaithat it the "add" option in ibus>settings>input method is greyed out14:11
bazhangitai, thats odd, I can add about 5-6 languages here14:11
bazhangyou did the ibus setup, right?14:12
itaiyes ,你看? chinese works...14:12
itaibut cant add anything ,,,14:12
bazhangit then needs to be restarted once the language packs are installed and the system configured14:13
bazhanglanguage packs must be installed first14:13
itaiso how do i install the language packs?14:13
bazhangvia the package manager14:13
itaii searched for japanese thru the ubuntu software center , there was no input system14:14
bazhangor use the system administration language support to add them14:14
bazhangibus wont allow an add unless they are installed14:14
itaithe sys admin language support forces me to download the entire thing, menus ,firefox translation etc, im on a slow connection , it has been running for hours now,14:15
itaido you maybe know the package name and i can just apt-get it ?14:15
itaiit even downloads gnome packs for some reason...14:16
bazhangthe essential japanese fonts, etc?14:19
bazhangthere are numerous japanese systems available in the ibus selection14:19
itaijust the input system , i guess i would need some fonts ,14:20
bazhangsystem input methods that is14:20
itaianthy is what i usually use14:20
bazhang!find anthy14:20
ubottuFound: anthy, anthy-common, ibus-anthy, libanthy-dev, libanthy014:20
itaithat simple>14:20
bazhang!info ibus-anthy14:20
ubottuibus-anthy (source: ibus-anthy): anthy engine for IBus. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.6-2ubuntu1 (precise), package size 82 kB, installed size 632 kB14:20
itaiwill it work alongside chinese ?14:21
bazhang!info anthy14:21
ubottuanthy (source: anthy): input method for Japanese - backend, dictionary and utility. In component main, is optional. Version 9100h-9ubuntu1 (precise), package size 143 kB, installed size 412 kB14:21
bazhangof course14:21
bazhangso try anthy and ibus-anthy for starters14:21
itaithanks, you know, bazhang, i've been using ubuntu for many years and whenever there's a problem  you are always there on the irc, so thank you!14:22
bazhangwell, save the thanks til its fixed, but OK14:22
itaii'll try to apt-get anthy and see what happens, thank again , have a wonderful day (or night)14:24
bazhanghas been started! If you can not use IBus, please run System -> Administration -> Language Support and set the "Keyboard Input Method" to "ibus", then log out and back in again.14:24
bazhangthat was the ibus setup message14:24
bazhangerr ibus-setup14:25
bazhanglet me try to add some languages14:25
itaiworks for you14:31
itaiapt-get is downloading some packages , hope it works, as i was saying ,im on a very slow connectiuon14:32
bazhangthe language support prompted me to add some packages, then I chose ibus as the system input method, and it was ok14:32
bazhangabout 26mb here14:33
itaii think my mirrors are just too slow , i'll change them and see if it helps, anyway gotta go, thanks for everything14:34
daedaluzI wish to downgrade back to xfce 4.8 from 4.10 I took from ppa, how do I do it?15:07
martinphonehow do I copy a file to my etc directory where sudo privileges are needed?15:12
martinphonecan anyone help me with:15:20
martinphonesudo -u gnunet touch ~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf15:21
martinphone touch: cannot touch `/home/dexter/.gnunet/gnunet.conf': Permission denied15:21
daedaluzmartinphone: sudo -u touch ~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf15:21
daedaluzwhat's that gnunet doing there?15:22
martinphonedaedaluz, readme15:22
martinphonedaedaluz, is sudo -u gnunet mkdir ~/.gnunet/  also wrong? do I need to sudo -u mkdir ~/.gnunet/  ?15:24
martinphonesudo -u touch ~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf15:25
martinphonesudo: unknown user: touch15:25
daedaluzand leave that u out btw15:25
martinphonesudo: unable to initialize policy plugin15:25
daedaluzjust checked what it does15:25
daedaluz"sudo touch ~/.gnunet/gnunet.conf"15:25
daedaluzbut I don't get it, you are sudoing in your own $HOME15:26
martinphonedisregard all this15:26
martinphonedaedaluz, thats my noobness15:34
martinphonenot my home, but /compiled/gnunet/, but a dire in which sudo is not needed15:34
martinphonedaedaluz, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1194897/15:35
martinphoneall that in dir: home/compiled/gnunet/gnunet-0.9.315:35
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martinphonecan I use glade 3, it requires gtk315:56
martinphoneI need libxml 2.4.1. In the repo I find a libxml--2.6-2 but version number 2.3416:24
martinphoneis this the one I need?16:24
holsteinmartinphone: i would say try it, and if you need a different one, step it down16:26
martinphonedamned gnunet16:26
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Foxhound-ZI'm having trouble configuring my Wireless NIC18:03
Foxhound-ZI'm running Xubuntu 12.0418:03
Foxhound-ZPer the directions on this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180017818:03
Foxhound-ZI managed to install the RT5370 drivers18:03
Foxhound-ZBut I can't get the GUI front end for wireless tools to detect the wireless driver18:04
Foxhound-Zmoreover, I can't seem to establish a connection with my access point18:04
Foxhound-ZCan anyone lend me a hand?18:05
livingdaylightFoxhound-Z, wish I could. but that's over my head18:08
livingdaylightseems most people here are having a lazy sunday18:09
martinphonelazing on a sunday afternoon...18:18
martinphonehow do I become root from a terminal?18:18
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livingdaylightmartinphone, use sudo?18:25
livingdaylightor do sudo su18:25
livingdaylightsudo -s18:27
Foxhound-Zmartinphone, now, how about you help me with my mess ;-)18:50
martinphoneI DOUBT i CAN HELP ANYONE18:57
martinphonesorry for that18:57
grumbelStupid question: How to I read man pages from the GUI?19:26
grumbelthere must be something better then "man pulseaudio | xless"19:27
Unit193Like that?19:28
TheSheepgrumbel: install devhelp19:29
TheSheep!info devhelp19:29
ubottudevhelp (source: devhelp): GNOME developers help program. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 14 kB, installed size 119 kB19:29
Sysi!info yelp19:29
ubottuyelp (source: yelp): Help browser for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (precise), package size 49 kB, installed size 544 kB19:29
grumbelNeither yelp nor devhelp seem to support man pages19:30
TheSheepthat's weird, I'm sure devhelp did at some point19:30
grumbeldevhelp just gives me access to all the Gnome reference docu as far as I can tell19:31
calicoDoes anyone one if the broadcom wireless have been solved already in the current Ubuntu version? I tried hard to migrate to Ubuntu some months ago but the wireless problems were a deal breaker19:31
grumbelyelp seems to be completely useless, as that just looks like a poor mans webbrowser19:31
TheSheepgrumbel: it is a browser, but not for web pages, but for help pages19:33
TheSheepanyways, looks like that functionality was removed (or it didn't exist in the first place and I remember wrong), so I guess you could just stream your man page through man2html and to a web browser19:36
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n2diyI'm listening to the game on my am radio, can I pipe the audio through my sound card and out of my speakers?20:05
TheSheepn2diy: sure, go ahead20:05
n2diyTheSheep, how?20:06
TheSheepjust connect your radio to your computers audio in socket?20:06
TheSheepusually the red one20:06
n2diyTheSheep, and what do I play the audio with?20:07
TheSheepI don't understand20:07
HeadlessZombieplug the AM radio into the microphone port20:07
HeadlessZombiemake sure mic is turned up in the alsa mixer20:07
n2diyHeadlessZombie, ok thats done,  what app. do I use to play the audio?20:09
n2diyTheSheep,  what app. do I play the audio with?20:09
Sysin2diy: http://s8dragon.wordpress.com/2010/12/26/listen-to-microphone-over-the-speakers-using-pulseaudio/20:11
TheSheepn2diy: no need for an app20:11
n2diynot working20:15
grumbeln2diy: start pavucontrol20:16
n2diygrumbel, ok, playing with alsamixer now.20:16
grumbeln2diy: under "Input Devices" in pavucontrol, do you see any action?20:17
grumbelyou might also want to try gnome-alsamixer20:18
grumbelActually I think you might be able to do it completely without pulseaudio20:18
grumbelas soundcards should be able to handle that directly20:19
grumbelclick around in gnome-alsamixer on the Line and Mic settings20:19
grumbeland maybe the Capture settings20:20
grumbelSome of those should make mic output come out of the speakers20:20
grumbelif that doesn't help, but you do actually get mic input (can test that with Audacity)20:20
grumbelyou can abuse pulseaudio loopback module to redirect audio20:20
n2diyok, installed gnome-alsamixer, no luck with that either. Sounds work here. Can't play now, have to listen to the end of the game on the radio, thanks all! Go Eagles.20:28
CrisBeeGood evening! :)21:14
camefromwindowsdoes anyone have experience dual booting with windows?21:31
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:32
well_laid_lawnthe bot does ;)21:33
Mathiasi'm dualbooting :P21:33
camefromwindowswhat windows are you using?21:33
camefromwindowsassuming you're using windows...21:34
Mathiaswindows/wineeww yup21:34
camefromwindowsdoes the xubuntu partition tool (in the liveCD) play nice with win7? or should I make the partition in win7?21:35
Mathiasit plays nice with windows21:37
camefromwindowsok then... Do I have to create swap manually, or does it do that for me? b/c I heard I need that21:38
Mathiasdepends on what you choose :P21:39
camefromwindowsok then... I need to go burn an iso. Thanks for your help21:40
orangepnutmy internet dropped earlier, can anyone help me install a font?23:28
aicasnsomeone please recommend a good a/v muxer23:32
aicasnHandBrake is a good video encoder, but it's not intended to be a muxer, per-se23:32
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well_laid_lawnI like avidemux23:41
well_laid_lawn!info avidemux23:41
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu11 (precise), package size 760 kB, installed size 1953 kB23:41
aicasni'll check it out. thanks23:46

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