
=== skreech_ is now known as Daskreech
shadeslayermorning :)06:32
bambeeapachelogger: hey, kde 4.9.106:50
bambeeis in testing06:50
bambeesince friday06:50
shadeslayercortexA9: hi08:04
cortexA9yesterday i tried the daily iso but i have some problem with xorg08:04
shadeslayerokay, if you are sure it's a problem with X, then #ubuntu-x is what you want08:05
cortexA9where is the daily iso of today ?08:07
cortexA9not released ?08:08
shadeslayercortexA9: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily/20120909/08:12
shadeslayerlast daily ISO08:12
jussiapachelogger: ping08:26
jussiapachelogger: what is the plan with kmix rewrite  - what new features are coming? 08:27
jussishadeslayer: how is ktp password dialogue coming along ?:08:27
shadeslayerjussi: haven't started because my notifications patches need a rewrite 08:28
shadeslayerwell ... not an entire rewrite08:28
shadeslayerd_ed abstracted some stuff into a class and I just need to use that instead08:28
shadeslayerI think I should be able to start next week08:30
shadeslayerwot : Depends: kdevelop (>= 4:4.0.1), kdevelop-php-l10n (= ${binary:Version}), kdevelop-php-docs-l10n, ${misc:Depends}, ${shlibs:Depends}08:32
shadeslayerSuggests: kdevelop-php-l10n08:32
shadeslayerkdevelop-php depends AND suggests kdevelop-php-l10n ?08:32
* shadeslayer follows debian and drops the depends08:33
shadeslayeroh wait, Riddell any reason why you made develop-php depend on kdevelop-php-l10n ?08:34
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm I guess not09:29
jussishadeslayer: could you give me the ktp ppa address again please ?09:30
apacheloggerjussi: what kmix rewrite?09:46
jussi[21:35:58] <apachelogger> we are going to redo kmix from ground up pretty much to fix that09:47
apacheloggerwhere did I leak that?09:48
jussiwhen we talked about the USB headset/master channel bug09:51
jussiin this channel, few days back09:51
jussiweds evening09:52
apacheloggerstop talking to me while I am drunk09:53
apacheloggerjussi: if anything features will go away09:53
jussiaww :(09:53
apacheloggeryofel: is that 4.9.1 on your dyndns up-to-date?09:53
apacheloggerI should note that I am unable to build it because the script always errors out after 5 minutes or so :/09:54
jussiapachelogger: I would like to have an indicator style thing :/09:56
apacheloggera plasmoid?09:57
jussilike what ubuntu has for sound in the "tray" area09:57
shadeslayerjussi: https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa09:59
shadeslayerRiddell: so ... remove depends?10:02
yofelapachelogger: I didn't do anything since then10:03
Riddellshadeslayer: and file a bug on language-selector to add kdevelop to /usr/share/language-selector/data/pkg_depends10:06
shadeslayerwill do10:06
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shadeslayerRiddell: I'm not sure I understand /usr/share/language-selector/data/pkg_depends10:45
Riddellshadeslayer: it's used by language selector and our kcm locale to work out what to install for a language10:46
shadeslayerahhh ok10:46
shadeslayergot it10:46
Riddellor it could just be added to the language packs directly10:46
shadeslayeridk alot about the language stuff so you'll have to tell me which one is better ;)10:47
cjwatsonapachelogger: is kdegraphics-strigi-analyzer in bzr ready to release?  I'm working on clearing http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/tiff.html10:53
cjwatsonbut I have no idea whether the new upstream release there is OK to upload10:53
Riddellcjwatson: it'll be uploaded with the rest of KDE SC 4.9.110:57
Riddellwhich should be soon so I think you can leave it and wait for us to upload it10:58
cjwatsonOK, sounds good to me, thanks10:59
cjwatsonthe rest of the tiff transition isn't desperately urgent really, I just want to get it out of the way10:59
shadeslayerRiddell: bug 1048584 filed11:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048584 in language-selector (Ubuntu) "kdevelop-php should pull kdevelop-php-l10n in pkg_depends" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104858411:00
Riddellshadeslayer: can you tag kubuntu and nominate for quantal so it appears on the radar11:00
shadeslayerRiddell: done11:01
apachelogger  Manually-specified variables were not used by the project:11:02
apachelogger    KDE4_USE_ALWAYS_FULL_RPATH11:02
apacheloggerthat probably should be looked into11:02
shadeslayersomeone might want to test KDevelop Beta https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental11:06
apacheloggeryofel: so it appears only pim-runtime has the only real blocker left11:06
shadeslayerwhat's the problem there?11:06
apacheloggerfile needs adding to .install11:09
shadeslayerI thought I added that11:10
shadeslayerif no one's looking at it, I'll look at it in another 40 minutes or so11:10
apacheloggerperhaps not uploaded or info is outdated11:12
txwikingerDoes quassel work in quantal?11:12
yofeltxwikinger: it does for me11:13
yofelapachelogger: I can regen it if you want, but I made sure that things are in sync when I left it11:13
apacheloggeryofel: please regen11:13
apacheloggerotherwise I think we are good for upload11:13
shadeslayerwhat's the url?11:14
txwikingerhmm.. For me it lost again the configs during upgrade.. this is annoying happing every time11:14
txwikingerAnd now I cannot get it connect to my remote core11:14
yofeltakes a bit11:14
txwikingerNetwork configuration - everything is greyed out11:14
shadeslayerapachelogger: why haven't you added  media-player-info  to kdelibs?11:15
apacheloggercause it needs investigation11:15
apacheloggeralso try to keep unrelated stuff out of release uploads11:15
shadeslayerwhat sort of investigation?11:15
apacheloggerwhat sort of relationship should be it be, should it even be on kdelibs, what are the implications of having it on kdelibs, what does it drag in...11:16
apacheloggerone does not simply add things to mordor11:16
shadeslayerjust seems to be a bunch of data files11:17
shadeslayerwill look at it tomorrrow11:17
yofelapachelogger: done11:18
txwikingerDo I have to upgrade the remote core again?11:18
apacheloggeryofel: thx11:18
txwikingerAh got it 11:21
apacheloggerwho wants to upload 4.9.1?12:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: just use my VPS12:23
apacheloggeryes sir12:24
shadeslayerjust clean up first :P12:25
apacheloggerlike it's not cleaned up :P12:25
shadeslayeryou just cleaned it up :P12:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you fix kdepim-runtime?12:26
apacheloggerno, I left it for dead :S12:26
apacheloggergod I love this12:30
apacheloggermy local branch is a clone, the one on your vps is a checkout12:31
apacheloggerincidentially enough I now need to commit & pushon the one and only commit on the other, and pull on the one and up on the other12:31
* apachelogger loves how bzr turned into a paradigm c-fck12:31
=== apachelogger changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Quantal bugs: http://goo.gl/ESmab | Status: http://goo.gl/ZGGJP | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | apachelogger: SRU plymouth logo & fix ipod support | UDS-R: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-uds
shadeslayerhow odd, find . -name "metadata.desktop~" -type f -print | xargs rm -f  ... doesn't delete any files that find returns12:47
shadeslayer-print doesn't matter :P12:48
apacheloggershadeslayer: try -print0 | xargs -0 rm -fv12:49
shadeslayeroh look, it worked12:49
debfxScottK: would you review gammaray in NEW? bug #104723913:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1047239 in Ubuntu "[FFe] Sync gammaray 1.2.1-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104723913:11
BluesKaj_Hey all13:23
smartboyhwHi BluesKaj_13:23
BluesKaj_hi smartboyhw13:23
ScottKdebfx: Not today.  Ping me again on Wednesday.13:24
cortexA9hello. Just me or daily iso have an X problem ?13:28
cortexA9ok ?13:40
RiddellcortexA9: I doubt any of us have tested the daily ISOs today13:42
cortexA9ok no prob13:43
Quintasan_Riddell: ping13:43
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Riddellbug 103328715:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1033287 in Kubuntu PPA "akonadi_kolabproxy_resource missing in 4.9" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103328715:18
Riddellsome kolab users getting grumpy that 4.9 backports don't support kolab15:18
apacheloggerwhy do they not?15:18
apacheloggeralso who feels brave enough to backport .1?15:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm on it15:19
shadeslayerjust need to script it using ubuntu-backportpackage15:19
Riddellit would mean backporting libkolab and libkolabxml and maybe other things too15:19
shadeslayeror backportpackage15:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: do we have a list of packages that constitute KDE SC?15:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: how did you sign all the packages on my VPS?15:22
shadeslayersome magical script?15:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: ssh ftpubuntu@ftpmaster.kde.org ls -1 /home/ftpubuntu/stable/4.9.1/src/ | sed 's/\(.*\)-4\.9\.1\.tar\.xz/\1/' |grep -v kde-l10n15:23
Riddellshadeslayer: if you're onto backports, what the state of quantal packages?15:23
apacheloggerlist of packages15:23
yofel_shadeslayer: note that for 4.9 you need kdesc-packages-quantal.txt IIRC15:24
shadeslayer<3 apachelogger15:24
yofel_or that... right ^^15:24
apacheloggeralso signing15:24
apacheloggerfor p in `ls *changes`; do echo "debsign -r lehost `pwd`/$p";  done;15:24
apacheloggerlehost being a ssh config host15:24
shadeslayerRiddell: they're building15:25
apacheloggeryofel_: I highly discourage the static lists approach btw15:25
apacheloggerstatic things are meant to fail really15:25
yofel_and I won't argue against that15:25
yofel_well, it's a matter of convenience. But as we need net access anyway you're right15:26
debfxthe assumption that upstream never forgets to prepare all tarballs is a bit flawed15:28
debfxalso we don't package everything15:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: clean out /home/apachelogger plz15:29
debfxthe kdesc-package-names script from my branch prints all tarball names and does the kdelibs -> kde4libs substitution15:29
shadeslayerout of memory15:32
* yofel_ makes his way home - bbl15:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm deleting /home/apachelogger/49115:39
apacheloggeru monster15:39
shadeslayerI'm running the backport script and need spaze15:39
shadeslayerwith sudo comes the great power of deleting  /home/apachelogger/49115:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: you did upload everything to lp right?15:42
apacheloggerif everything built, yes15:42
apacheloggerif not it's easy enough to reroll 15:43
QuintasanRiddell: Council has your email on Launchpad, are you llike, the final boss?15:47
* Quintasan has virtually no idea how to reach our dear Council15:48
RiddellI'm the guy at the end of the level you have to pass to save the princess. or more likely the person who registered the team15:48
Riddellthere's no secret way to contact, just e-mail kubuntu-devel15:48
Riddellif you don't feel comfortable doing that e-mail us all with personal addresses15:48
QuintasanRiddell: I'll just post to kubuntu-devel then15:51
tsimpsonyou can also use LP to contact the ~kubuntu-council team15:55
RiddellSteveRiley: is there feedback on the forum on beta 1?  or can you ask for some?15:56
shadeslayerafk for a bit while the script runs16:00
Riddellschedule yourself into a kubuntu meeting! http://www.doodle.com/ep9bqbapvfh4r9aw16:12
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - Friendly Computing | Quantal bugs: http://goo.gl/ESmab | Status: http://goo.gl/ZGGJP | Packaging TODO: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-ninjas | apachelogger: SRU plymouth logo & fix ipod support | UDS-R: http://notes.kde.org/kubuntu-uds | schedule yourself into a kubuntu meeting! http://www.doodle.com/ep9bqbapvfh4r9aw
QuintasanRiddell: I would have to organise the travel and accomodation by myself and then I would be reimbursed? Is the hotel the UDS takes place in acceptable?16:31
RiddellQuintasan: well this is all a bit unknown16:32
RiddellI'm wondering if I should register with a travel agent here and then you just book through them16:32
QuintasanThe reimbursment part or the hotel part?16:32
Riddellthe travel part16:32
Riddellthe UDS hotel would be the best option but afiestas says it's very expensive and he can see cheaper options16:33
QuintasanOh. Okay, I will send the email to the list then.16:33
* Quintasan includes the stuff from the UDS sponsorship form16:33
highvoltageeek, that reminds me I still need to take care of that16:33
Riddellhighvoltage: of which?16:34
highvoltageUDS stuff. flights, applying for visa, etc.16:34
Riddelland most important, is it a nice place to take some holiday in before or after16:37
QuintasanRiddell: I wonder how official my mail sounds :d16:54
RiddellQuintasan: what do you mean by mobile devices interface?  kubuntu active?16:54
QuintasanRiddell: yeah, like certain onscreen keyboards *cough*16:56
* Quintasan gets uncontrollable cough attack16:56
afiestasRiddell: well for double rooms isn't that expensive I guess16:57
shadeslayer<Riddell> and most important, is it a nice place to take some holiday in before or after < Can't stress how important that is :P17:18
shadeslayerapachelogger:  ssh ftpubuntu@ftpmaster.kde.org ls -1 /home/ftpubuntu/stable/4.9.1/src/ | sed 's/\(.*\)-4\.9\.1\.tar\.xz/\1/' |grep -v kde-l10n gives me too many things that need to be backported17:38
shadeslayersome of them are irrelevant17:38
shadeslayerlike oxygen-icons17:38
shadeslayeror maybe you just forgot to upload a newer o-i17:39
shadeslayeryus you did17:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm not backporting till you fix this stuff17:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197124/17:56
shadeslayeris the backport log17:56
shadeslayer( batshit crazy huge )17:57
pedahzurDoes anyone know when KDE 4.9.1 will be released in the Kubuntu Backport PPA?  I am hitting a nasty bug in 4.9.0 that's supposed to be fixed in 4.9.1.  Or, alternately, if someone could point me to build instructions, that would work too.18:00
yofel_Riddell: is the doodle local time or UTC?18:09
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yofelnvm, I should read my mails ^^18:10
Riddellyofel: UTC I'd say18:12
Riddellpedahzur: no set release time but soon18:12
yofeljust checked, if you didn't explicitely enable time zone support it's UTC18:12
pedahzurRiddell: Anything I can do to speed up the process? :) Today, instead of just crashing a lot, my Akonadi mail filter process is crashing pretty much every time I try to use it. :)18:13
yofelshadeslayer: does you backport script have support for the modifications that are needed for precise?18:13
Riddellpedahzur: dunno I'm afraid I've not been involved with it, maybe yofel can say when testers will be needed18:15
yofelmore like shadeslayer, as he seems to be doing backport stuff right now18:16
* micahg wishes he could highlight on words on a per channel basis :(18:17
yofelgot a highlight on backport? ^^18:17
micahgindeed :)18:18
shadeslayeryofel: nope, I just use backportpackage atm18:33
shadeslayerits just a for loop that runs backportpackage :P18:34
yofelfixing exactly the same things over and over again every point release is quite a waste of time though18:35
shadeslayer4.9.1 for quantal needs to be fixed a bit first before I go and do backports18:35
yofelesp. if it's something that sed could easily take care of18:35
yofeldidn't apachelogger fix quantal?18:35
shadeslayeraye, let's document it a bit properly this time 18:35
shadeslayeryofel: oxygen icons hasn't been updated to say the least18:36
shadeslayeras well as svgpart18:36
yofellooks updated to me18:36
yofelor are you backporting from archive? if yes - why?18:36
shadeslayerno 4.9.1 in archive, and yes, backporting from archive ... 18:38
* yofel used bzr last time he backported, and left finding the tar to bzr builddeb18:38
shadeslayerhm ....18:39
yofelwhich reminds me18:40
shadeslayerhere's the thing18:40
shadeslayersvgpart seems to be updated for bzr18:41
shadeslayerbut apachelogger didn't make a upload18:41
shadeslayerso it looks like he only uploaded half of 4.9.118:41
yofelto the archive yes, but you could just take the rest from ninjas18:42
CIA-58[reupload2] Philip Muškovac * 1 * (bump_ver.py kreupload.sh) add stuff18:42
shadeslayeryeah, will do that tomorrow18:43
shadeslayerI guess Harald's script failed or sth18:44
yofelshadeslayer: this is what I used to do the ppa rebuild, could probably be extended for this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~yofel/+junk/rebuildstuff/files18:44
* BluesKaj wonders what the hurry is to try 4.9.1 . doubt the changes will be very noticeable , and the risks probly outrank the rewards18:47
shadeslayeryofel: lets get 4.9.1 completely uploaded to quantal first18:48
shadeslayerthen we can work on backporting18:48
yofelsure, was just wondering where you got stuck18:48
pedahzurBluesKaj: This: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=304866 and this: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdepim/repository/revisions/aaaf11099e1538ceea1af37ebdded9017a4af5b0/diff/mailcommon/filter/filteractionrewriteheader.cpp Yeah, really...a one line change is behind my hurry to try 4.9.1. :)18:49
ubottuKDE bug 304866 in Mail Filter Agent "filter agent crashes when trying to filter messages" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]18:49
BluesKajshadeslayer, yofel , users are asking about it in #kubuntu and #kde and we have to advise them to wait 18:50
shadeslayerBluesKaj: the delay is that we don't want stuff to go sideways when people upgrade ;)18:50
yofelsure, but without a few more helping hands I fear they'll have to work18:50
kubotuyofel meant: "sure, but without a few more helping hands I fear they'll have to wait"18:51
shadeslayerso its better to stick it out for some more days than to rush out a half baked release18:51
BluesKajshadeslayer, right ..I'll keep giving the same advice18:51
shadeslayerthanks :)18:52
shadeslayeryofel: did okular searching get fixed ?18:54
shadeslayerI can't check because my system is broken18:55
shadeslayercan't trust anything on it, will reinstall precise this weekend18:55
yofelshadeslayer: works here19:02
* yofel still can't install plasma widgets though :/19:02
shadeslayerwhee, move to air conditioned room, power outage19:04
shadeslayerclassic bad luck Brian19:05
pedahzuryofel: shadeslayer: Anything I can do to help?  Is there a build procedure documented I could follow to build and install the new debs?19:07
shadeslayerpedahzur: the only ones who can help atm need to have upload access to upload half of the missing 4.9.1 sources19:08
pedahzurshadeslayer: Oh...19:09
shadeslayerinto quantal that is19:09
pedahzurshadeslayer: Gotcha. I'm on Precise.19:09
shadeslayeralthough, if you want to fix your bug, you can cherry pick that commit and roll your own packages for precise19:09
shadeslayerI.e. get raw patch, grab 4.9.0 packaging, apply patch, upload to PPA or use pbuilder to build your own debs19:10
pedahzurshadeslayer: OK.  Are there docs somewhere to get me started? I've not does this before. :)19:11
shadeslayerpedahzur: patching is fairly simple if the patch applies cleanly :)19:12
yofelshadeslayer: only about a dozen 4.9.1 packages didn't get uploaded, I'll finish it19:12
shadeslayerbut, I am in bed, would be better if someone else told you how to fix that :)19:13
shadeslayeryofel: 'only'19:13
pedahzurshadeslayer: Oh, I know that. I've applied patches...I was talking about pulling the packages. Do you mean just pulling the .deb source and building? Or is there something more involved?19:13
pedahzurshadeslayer: The patch I'm interested in is just one line. :)19:14
shadeslayerpedahzur: use dget to download the sources... sec19:14
yofelshadeslayer: that would be ~12%, which is 'only'...19:14
shadeslayerI humbly disagree :)19:15
shadeslayerits low, but its not that low ..19:16
shadeslayerpedahzur: dget -xu https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ppa/+archive/backports/+files/kdepim_4.9.0-0ubuntu2%7Eprecise1%7Eppa1.dsc19:17
pedahzurNice. Thanks.19:17
shadeslayerthen cd kdepim-4.9.0/debian/patches 19:18
shadeslayerdrop the patch in that folder, add the filename to debian/patches/series 19:18
shadeslayerand build using pbuilder which has the Kubuntu backports ppa enabled19:19
shadeslayeror upload to a ppa which depends on Kubuntu backports ppa19:19
yofeljust using dpkg-buildpackage should be sufficient in this case if no pbuilder is present19:19
yofelcould be a paint to install though with kdepim :/19:20
shadeslayerand you have the deps installed :)19:20
yofelmplayerthumbs needs FFE?19:21
pedahzuryofel, shadeslayer: Thanks.  I'll see what I can do.19:21
yofelgreat, o-i on the upload list...19:22
shadeslayeryofel: new source I do believe19:22
yofelI'll leave that to you19:23
shadeslayeryofel: skip that, will tackle it tomorrow19:23
* yofel makes a coffee while o-i is being processed19:23
shadeslayerskip some of them if you feel its too much and I will fix it up tomorrow19:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: just clone lp:~apachelogger/kubuntu-dev-tools/kbatch19:25
apacheloggerand use kbatch19:25
apacheloggerit contains a list of packages to work on19:25
* yofel has his own publishing script19:26
yofelI can't just run a script on everything anyway as I don't have upload rights for a few packages19:26
shadeslayereveryone has their tools :P19:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: k will look in another 7 hours19:29
* shadeslayer snoozes19:29
micahgyofel: at this point, kubuntu could added whatever they want to support to the supported seed19:30
yofelwe already did for a few things that we maintain in universe19:30
micahgyofel: ah, so the stuff you're missing now is in core?19:30
* yofel does wonder why he has no upload rights for perlkde19:31
* Mamarok will not be at UDS, not sponsored :(19:31
micahgyofel: perlkde isn't seeded19:32
yofelah, good point19:32
micahghrm, it's in supported19:33
* micahg wonders why seeded-in-ubuntu is lying19:33
yofelshadeslayer, apachelogger: everything except perlkde and mplayerthumbs should be up now19:35
debfxmicahg: it's not lying. the seeds are wrong, perlkde isn't a binary package19:38
micahgah, right :)19:38
debfxs/perlkde/libkdecore4-perl/ in the seeds should do the trick19:39
kubotudebfx meant: "micahg: it's not lying. the seeds are wrong, libkdecore4-perl isn't a binary package"19:39
micahgkubotu: nope19:39
debfxgrr, kubotu disable that feature already!!11119:39
debfxyofel: I'll upload those19:42
yofeldebfx: mplayerthumbs is a new source19:42
yofeland thanks19:42
debfxaha, then it needs a FFe19:43
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