
=== kish_ is now known as kish
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=== insan is now known as enchan
c2taruncan anyone please help me with this error? http://imagebin.org/22784803:04
mavofvoupgrade the repositories03:21
c2tarunmavofvo: I tried running sudo apt-get update still getting same error04:05
c2tarunseems like mavofvo is unavailable. can anyone please help me?04:07
=== altecnologic is now known as Cristiano_Said
Cristiano_SaidHow I can entry in channel of Brazil?06:20
eelriver/join #Brazil06:21
Cristiano_SaidNot work06:23
Cristiano_Said/join #ubuntu-br06:25
=== pjoe is now known as pjoe_dj
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rethuswhere can i change the user-gourp settings in kubuntu07:08
rethuson systemsettings i open "user" but see noch group assign07:08
shadeslayerrethus: under system settings > user management07:14
shadeslayerit'll ask you for your password07:14
rethusshadeslayer: i see my usersettings... can change smtp emailadress, icon passwort...07:18
rethusbut no gorup07:18
shadeslayerthat's account details07:18
shadeslayerwrong kcm module07:18
shadeslayerscroll down07:18
shadeslayerLook under System Administration07:19
rethusgreat. i've found it07:20
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Guest58262how i can have easily search between my documents on kubuntu ?11:02
Guest58262is here anybody?11:02
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rs1рhi 2 all12:39
SIR_Tacoomega 2 you12:40
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BluesKaj_Hey all13:22
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lordievaderGood afternoon14:30
BluesKajhi lordievader14:34
dsanhi, anyone can tell me how to maka a pc invisibly in the network?14:42
dsanusing kubuntu 12.0414:43
lordievaderdsan: How do you mean that exactly?14:44
dsanlordievader: i don't wana see that pc when i brows the network with dolphin or windows14:45
lordievaderdsan: Get a firewall and block all the ports that dolphin or windows checks on.14:46
dsan@lordievader any recommendations for a firewall? n how am i supposed to know what ports windows checks on?!14:48
dsanlordievader: any recommendations for a firewall? n how am i supposed to know what ports windows checks on?!14:52
lordievaderdsan: Ufw is quite common in linux, if you need a gui for ufw, I recommend gufw. I don't know what ports windows checks on, but I'm sure Google does know.14:53
dsanthsnks very much14:54
lordievaderdsan: No problem.14:56
dsanhm my shell tells me ufw is already runing but not so does the gui frontend gufw? #confused14:58
lordievaderdsan: The gufw does not need to be running, it is just a gui to configure the firewall. Even if you close gufw your firewall will keep running.15:00
dsani know that :) problem is i can't configure anything because the gui says "status of firewall: off"15:02
dsanand bash gives me: "Job is already runing: ufw"15:03
lordievaderdsan: What does "sudo ufw status" say?15:04
dsanforget everything i said. i found the "unlock-button"15:04
dsani'm sorry15:04
lordievaderdsan: Hehe, no problem.15:04
cansedhi all15:05
cansedHow are you friends15:06
cansedHave who want to have sex for money (woman looking)15:06
tonberryE352well that was random15:07
pan1nxtonberryE352: what was random?15:08
tonberryE352[17:06] <cansed> Have who want to have sex for money (woman looking)15:08
pan1nxtonberryE352: ah, ok... was looking at ufw... nevermind15:09
=== Vito is now known as Vito_away
dsanhow do I chang the name of my pc in kubuntu?15:26
lordievaderdsan: Edit /etc/hostname.15:27
lordievaderdsan: And reboot after you've edited it.15:28
dsanthanks again man. I'm a lil new in kubuntu. in suse i just would use yast now15:29
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Guest95439neone here17:23
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anon1Hi. For some reason after 30 seconds of inactivity, my HDMI output (laptop to TV) gets cut off. Screensaver is completely off. Any idea how I can troubleshoot this?17:27
NeerajaI have Vostro 1710 with 250GB sata (AHCI Mode in Bios) Kubuntu 10.04 for past couple of years.18:08
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NeerajaI want to add OCZ SSD as second harddisk  and put 12.04.1 on it18:09
Neerajahow to check that my Hardware will support SSD.18:10
BluesKajNeeraja, sata supports ssd drives18:11
Neerajainquired with Dell  but they said that for 1710 only normal HDDs are available for upgrade18:11
Mflynnas long as you have achi TRIM commands are supported. 12.04.1 supports this.18:12
Neerajahow can i crosscheck that ?18:12
BluesKajfrom them perhaps , but you can always check around the net for examples of other brands that are being used on your pc18:13
Mflynnwe know ahci is supported, it is set in bios for your current drive, google "ubuntu +TRIM" to crosscheck TRIM support  for ubuntu. They want you to buy one from them.18:14
BluesKajssd brands that is18:14
NeerajaI did that I could not locate any 1710 SSD upgrade links on google18:15
BluesKajdon't use an upgrade in your search18:15
Neerajawell I will try again18:15
BluesKajjust ssd on your 171018:15
SIR_TacoNeeraja: http://www.newmodeus.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=21518:17
SIR_Tacoseems you need a cable adapter18:17
NeerajaYes, its a bit costly affair $70 OEM or  $30 aftermarket18:18
SIR_Tacoor a drive made for Dells with those connectors: http://www.crucial.com/store/mpartspecs.aspx?mtbpoid=044FA5C4A5CA730418:18
BluesKajnot compared to a ssd18:18
NeerajaBut to get good performance I am ready to spend18:19
NeerajaRecently I installed KU 12.04.1 on OCZ 120GB i3 machnine it boots in less than 15 secs18:20
BluesKajaddons to laptops are chancy performance wise18:20
NeerajaThat what makes me bit shaky.18:20
BluesKajto the desktop or the login18:21
Neerajafrom bios password to desktop appearance18:21
Neerajaits in autologin mode18:22
BluesKajnot many use a bios pw18:23
anon1Hi. For some reason after 30 seconds of inactivity, my HDMI output (laptop to TV) gets cut off. Screensaver is completely off. Any idea how I can troubleshoot this?18:24
Neerajai mean password asked through bios to access the M/C18:24
BluesKajok , mail lady is here ...BBIAB18:24
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=== ubuntu is now known as Guest16715
excognachi. am about to reinstall, is there a correct order for partitions? like root, swap, home?19:11
=== Vito_away is now known as Vito
ike__does anyone know if there is any interest in haveing muon discover hook into Ubuntu Software Center's third party/paid application sources/payment system? or is it intentionally designed to discourage the use of that system?19:48
ike__(interest meaning is it something they think would be useful in the future)19:49
SIR_Tacoike__: not sure, but here's the guy producing the latest incarnation of KpackageKit (which will replace Muon), could ask them: https://dantti.wordpress.com/2011/08/01/apper-kpackagekit-reworked-part-i/19:53
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DarthFrogAha!  So that's why I couldn't find kpackagekit.20:21
SIR_TacoDarthFrog: yea... I'm getting a little tired of changing package managers every year : P (change the program all you want, but there should be a hard-link and naming to something like "Kubuntu Software Center/Manager" or something, in my opinion anyway)20:23
ike__SIR_Taco, thanks for the information20:28
SIR_Tacoike__: You're welcome20:29
SIR_Tacono point developing for something that is to be depreciated :)20:29
ike__haha also another non-support question to anybody super informed. but does anybody know if the "Dragon Player 3" project has been abandoned, I've heard nothing since apachelogger's blog post about it20:33
ike__(over a year ago)20:33
apacheloggerike__: it's waiting for someone to make a UI concept20:35
ike__cool, thanks for all the infos peoples20:35
subcoolcan someone help me with making magnet links works? i keep finding guides for gnome.20:59
jpontesany jobs for Portuguese tranlation?21:03
AngelForgetkubuntu is very super22:10
excognachi. I am about reinstalling. Windows7 has 3 partitions, how to set up then 3 other for linux? (I need a root , a home and a swap)? Or shall I set any of these up as logical?22:11
AngelForgetno excognac22:11
excognacAngelForget: well, I'd be pretty happy to have separate home...22:13
OerHeksexcognac, make an extended partition, and ubuntu will make those 3 in that partition.22:14
excognacOerHeks: so I should just set up an extendend and then i can size the 3? thank you very much22:15
OerHeksyes, all you need to do is make 1 extended, kubuntu installer does the rest for you.22:15
excognacI'd be happy to make it myself sizewise22:15
AngelForgetvery well  excognac22:16
excognacthanks a lot AngelForget and Oerheks22:17
AngelForget thank you  excognac  for use linux kubuntu22:18
SIR_Tacono one ever thanked me for using Kubuntu : (22:20
SIR_Taco; )22:20
=== kubuntu is now known as excognac
excognachi again, sorry i forgot to ask shall i leave any free space before/after a new extended partition?22:38
excognac(setting up a dual-boot)22:39
excognacOerHeks: do I need free space before/after extended partition?22:43
SIR_Tacoexcognac: no, it's not required22:43
excognacSIR_Taco: thanks a lot22:43
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