
Amaranthmininessie: You'd have to manually write the .desktop file and put it in the right place00:06
AmaranthOh, and get the icon and put it in the right place00:06
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NEoneHi! I'm on 12.10 Beta 1 and I want to add the "medibuntu" packetsource. But they latest version they offer is "precise". Will that work, or should I wait?00:37
DebolazHmm, I'm trying 12.10 again, I'm not seeing a sync indicator anywhere on the top bar, is that how it's supposed to be?00:40
DebolazFor Ubuntu One I mean.00:41
NEoneHi! I'm on 12.10 Beta 1 and I want to add the "medibuntu" packetsource. But the latest version they offer is "precise" (12.04). Will that work, or should I wait?00:44
DaekdroomNEone, you should wait00:48
crfhi. I'm back with another question. I installed gnome shell, and I have a session going right now. But the screen is locked. I can press ESC to get a prompt for the password, and I can enter my password. But nothing happens when I press Enter or hit the button.01:04
jbichacrf: you might need to reboot01:12
crfI'll try that, thanks. May be back ...01:13
NEoneIn keyboard shortcuts, I added a custom shortcut. How do I bind keypress-combinations (particularly I want to add "Ctrl+Alt+Delete") to it?01:14
DaekdroomIs anyone else having issue with Online Accounts losing access to Google accounts every reboot?01:24
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jbichaI guess I could just tell meta-gnome3 to stop depending on desktop-base...02:48
forbidden404Hey, there, I installed Ubuntu 12.10 today but I can't open it with normal graphics, I think it's a problem with Xorg (actually I know there is a problem with Xorg), but I can't solve it, can you guys help me? This is my logs > http://paste.ubuntu.com/1195838/03:01
forbidden404Or modesetting03:01
trismforbidden404: I took a quick look but didn't notice any bugs with a similar crash, your best bet is probably to use: ubuntu-bug xorg; and include the crash from your pastebin03:03
forbidden404trism, thank you, I will do it03:05
forbidden404trism, I can't send a report, an alert says Xorg is not an official package, so I will have to report it manually in Launchpad, right?03:07
IdleOnenot X03:09
trismforbidden404: what is: apt-cache policy xorg-server; ?03:10
trismforbidden404: if you have xorg from some ppa that may explain your crashing03:10
forbidden404trism, I did a fresh install today, didn't add any ppa yet http://i.imgur.com/KKCBn.png03:11
trismforbidden404: I would still like to know: apt-cache policy xorg-server xorg;03:12
forbidden404trism, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1195927/03:13
forbidden404xorg-server wasn't found03:14
trismyeah my mistake sorry, it is xserver-xorg-core03:14
trismthe source package is xorg-server oops03:14
DaekdroomIs your system up-to-date?03:15
trismforbidden404: strange you have the latest xorg package manually installed, are you up to date? sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; ?03:16
forbidden404Daekdroom, yes, my system is up-to-date. trism, I will do it again, but I don't get any update anyway03:16
forbidden404do you want the entire output? With the update source list and stuff03:17
forbidden404Calculating upgrade... Done03:17
forbidden4040 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.03:17
trismforbidden404: that's an old xserver-xorg-core package, we are on 2:1.13.0-0ubuntu103:17
forbidden404this is strange03:17
trismforbidden404: maybe you have a bad mirror03:17
forbidden404trism: I will try to change the mirrors, this is my source.list now http://paste.ubuntu.com/1195935/03:18
forbidden404trism and Daekdroom, thank you both, I guess this was my problem, now I got 221MB of update03:20
trismforbidden404: hope it fixes your issue03:20
forbidden404trism: I will finish this update and then reboot, I'll be back soon :)03:21
forbidden404I'm back and didn't work, sadly03:42
trismforbidden404: that's unfortunate, probably best to try: ubuntu-bug xorg; once more03:43
forbidden404trism: now I can send the report... Anyway, it's not a big deal, I can wait, thank you for the help03:45
adieHello friend!04:00
cowsquadhow can I upgrade to quetzal?04:01
adieI have a fresh install of 12.10, and I FINALLY got around to installing the drivers for my radeon 6970, but it seems to break my window manager04:01
adieI also don't seem to have any alternate options to boot into for 2d04:01
adiecowsquad: update-manager -d perhaps?04:02
trismcowsquad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuantalQuetzal/TechnicalOverview/Beta1#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_12.04_LTS04:02
cowsquadadie Do i have to input that command on terminal?04:02
cowsquadtrism, I have tried that but for some weird reasons Update Manager wont show up an update04:03
trismcowsquad: software-properties-gtk; Updates tab, all For any new version04:03
adieshould I have an option for ubuntu/unity 2D?04:04
trismcowsquad: LTS default to only allow upgrades from LTS -> LTS, you need to switch it to normal updates04:04
trismadie: unity-2d was removed from the archive a couple weeks ago04:04
adieI don't know what to do then >< It seems installing my gpu driver breaks unity04:05
cowsquadtrism I have tickle that option on Update Manager, settings, Updated: Notify me of a new Ubuntu version, but I still dont get any upgrade prompt04:06
trismcowsquad: you also need: update-manager -d; as adie described04:07
trismcowsquad: since quantal isn't released yet04:07
cowsquadthank you I was missing an spade between manager and the (-d). I got it04:08
cowsquadtrism, How is quetzal working for you?04:09
trismcowsquad: not bad but there are still bugs04:09
cowsquadare those bugs very bad or not too bad? :)04:10
adieapparently idk how to exis irsi04:10
trism /quit04:10
trismcowsquad: most aren't bad, though my personal favorite is one pointed out here yesterday, where giant fonts consume your desktop04:11
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cowsquadtrism, is there any way to downgrade if I dont like it?04:13
trismcowsquad: no, you'll need to reinstall04:14
cowsquadmmm not too bad, I have done that couple times04:15
Adiedef broken ><04:15
ewrwerwerI can show ya how I live in a lil bit I wanna unbutton your pants just a lil bit Take 'em off and pull 'em down just a lil bit Get to kissin' and touchin' a lil bit Get to lickin' and fucking a lil bit04:30
rainchickhi everyone, quick question: Banshee is not working well on my 12.10 install. I'm a moderate power-user and I'd like to help fix it, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that. Can someone point me to a resource to help me submit something to be helpful?04:35
wilee-nileerainchick, I this what is happening?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/103539104:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1035391 in banshee (Ubuntu) "banshee crashes in Ubuntu 12.10 when importing many albums concurrently" [Undecided,Incomplete]04:42
rainchickwilee-nilee, partly. It also crashes when editing track information04:42
rainchickAnd doing, well, almost anything that involves writing to the filesystem.04:43
wilee-nileeI'm not really familiar with the app, just thought I would look on the web. I wish there was more info there, is it purgable and then reinstall.04:44
rainchickI've done that, it doesn't help04:45
rainchickoh well, since there's a bug filed, I'll just be patient and wait until it's fixed, and use rhythmbox in the mean time :)04:46
williamherrywhen will ubuntu 12.10 release?05:11
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vega-how do i disable the feature that pops up the "Type your command" launcher whilst pressing Alt key ? I have alt-fX assigned to switch desktops and now they somehow conflict06:12
eruditehermithey, I tried doing update-manager -d from my 12.04 but it doesn't show the upgrade08:01
eruditehermitanybody know why?08:01
adiehello friends!08:02
adiehave people been having issues with proprietary radeon drivers, or is it just me?08:09
mvoeruditehermit: you probably need to adjust /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades08:09
eruditehermitmvo, spot on08:10
eruditehermitI feel like this happened at 10.04 as well08:10
mvoits a bit confusing :/08:15
ochosiquick question, does ubuntu use lightdm to lock the screen/session in quantal?09:54
jokerdinoochosi: not yet09:54
ochosijokerdino: oh, what does it use then?09:55
jokerdinoochosi: yes09:55
ochosijokerdino: ok, i assume you don't know the exact status of screen-locking in lightdm? (i just tried to lock the session via dbus and all it does is respawn lightdm on tty9)09:56
jokerdinoochosi: i don't know the full story but lightdm is not being used to lock the screen.09:56
ochosijokerdino: ok, thanks!09:57
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Guest51528help me for video card AMD  >>>>aticonfig: No supported adapters detected ...11:17
ActionParsnipGuest51528: if you run:  sudo lshw -C display    do you see an intel gpu and an intel gpu?11:18
Guest51528ActionParsnip,  product: RV730XT [Radeon HD 4670]11:19
ActionParsnipGuest51528: no itel thing?11:21
Guest51528saphire tech\11:22
ActionParsnipGuest51528: did you install the ati driver?11:23
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:23
apgj ubuntu11:24
Guest51528ActionParsnip,  manual lastet amd 12.8 64 bit11:26
ActionParsnipGuest51528: try with the packaged version11:27
Guest51528ActionParsnip,  SAPPHIRE HD 4670 1GB DDR2 AGP OEM11:29
sindilelaunching myunity in 12.10 beta1 causes an error type mismatch: wanted integer, got null instead mlauncher.?.011:49
ActionParsnipsindile: are there bugs reported?11:50
jokerdinosindile: a bug report was already reported regarding this IIRC11:50
jokerdinosindile: bug 98686711:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 986867 in myunity (Ubuntu) "crash on start : unexpected error" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/98686711:50
utopsHi,hows Software-Center?12:08
ActionParsnipnot used it in ages12:09
ironhalikutops: it got faster and more usefull12:11
ironhalikbut still apt-get/apt-cache is better ;>12:11
ActionParsnipprefer apt-fast personally12:12
utopsIt won't works on ubuntu-desktop set,but no problem with gnome-desktop set. it spit me this: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)12:14
utopsmaybe it's because polish language pack,could be?12:14
ActionParsniputops: try:  gksudo software-center12:16
utopsActionParsnip, same output as before.12:19
MrChrisDruifActionParsnip; apt-fast ?12:23
ActionParsnipMrChrisDruif: yes its a scrit to use axel with apt-get12:28
ActionParsnipMrChrisDruif: install axel then run:   sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apt-fast/stable; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install apt-fast12:28
MrChrisDruifI guessed as much ^_^12:29
ActionParsnipMrChrisDruif: install axel first, makes life easier12:29
ActionParsnipthe postinst script isn't great :(12:29
MrChrisDruifGhehe, so you didn't help those guys out be correcting their postinst script?12:30
ActionParsnipi've tried to do stuff like that and it dodn't go too well12:33
ActionParsnipMrChrisDruif: its like torrents for apt-get, multiple sources12:33
MrChrisDruifYup: http://linuxers.org/article/axel-console-based-download-accelerator-linux12:34
utopsVlc->open->mp3= Big hd grinding and change theme in unity,kind of magic i don't like :)12:34
ActionParsniputops: tried renaming ~/.config/vlc12:34
BluesKaj_Hey all13:23
MrChrisDruifAloha BluesKaj_13:30
BluesKaj_Hey MrChrisDruif13:31
MrChrisDruifHow's it going BluesKaj_ ?13:31
BluesKaj_ok , MrChrisDruif , and you ?13:31
MrChrisDruifDecent, got the funeral of my grandfather Wednesday.13:33
MrChrisDruifAloha cortexA913:33
cortexA9just me or daily iso have Xorg problems ?13:33
MrChrisDruifBut I'm cleaning my house atm, so I might be slow to respond.13:34
ActionParsnipcortexA9: not had an isue with xorg. Are you fully updated?13:35
cortexA9ActionParsnip: the installation work. But doesn't enter in kde after reboot.13:38
ActionParsnipcortexA9: do you get teh login screen o?13:39
ActionParsnipcortexA9: what video chip do you use?13:41
cortexA9ActionParsnip: radeon13:41
ActionParsnipcortexA9: which one, radeon ranges from rage3d cards all thee way to saphire XGb cards etc....13:43
cortexA9hd 6770m13:43
ActionParsnipcortexA9: did you install the proprietary driver?13:44
cortexA9I choose install third party software13:44
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto13:44
cortexA9I think automatically install it13:45
ActionParsnipthere is a oommand to make an xorg.conf13:45
cortexA9ActionParsnip: i tried startx and there are some xorg errors.13:47
cortexA9maybe xorg version. Don't know.13:48
ActionParsnipcortexA9: then use the web, see what they mean13:50
cortexA9ok thanks.13:51
asdupojhi, something weird is going on here - spyder and ninja-ide both hang the system15:02
h00kinteresting tcp/kernel issue I'm having, filling up kern.log :(15:35
h00kForced me to boot an older kernel.15:35
h00kI'll take some time today to report it.15:35
ZzBuntuWeeee. All aboard the bug machine. Anyways. So I started upgrade earlier today, ran into this dpkg issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/1015616 then once i got past that i got an error with libattr1, tried removing then reinstalling via dpkg but getting back an error...  package libattr1:amd64 1:2.4.46-8ubuntu1 cannot be configured because libattr1:i386 is at a different version (1:2.4.46-5ubuntu1)16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1015567 in dpkg (Ubuntu Quantal) "duplicate for #1015616 upgrade failed: mixed non-coinstallable and coinstallable package instances present" [High,Triaged]16:07
ZzBuntugoing to try finding a copy of libattr1:amd64 1:2.4.46-5ubuntu1 to install.16:08
ActionParsnip /quit16:13
ZzBuntufixed it. dpkg --force-depends -r libattr1:i386 and then installed the newest package of libattr that came from 12.10 repo16:21
NEoneHi. "myunity" is throwing an error when trying to start it. It says "wanted an integer, got null instead". Found that bug in the bucktracking website too. Any solution in sight, or any known workaround to be able to start "myunity"?16:48
trismNEone: Deleted in quantal-release 4 hours ago (Reason: does not work for current unity any more (gsettings), hol...), probably not worth worrying about it at the moment unless you want to port it to gsettings16:52
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NEoneThanks. I'll just uninstall myunity then. Recommend another tool for tweaking unity look-and-feel?16:53
trismNEone: would guess a ccsm + gnome-tweak-tool combination16:54
ZzBuntuI need a copy of /lib/libbz2.so.1.0.4 upgrade broke it >.> and now i cant install anything with apt. anyone feel like dropboxing me it?16:54
ZzBuntuor with dpkg16:55
ZzBuntuor really even extract files >.<16:55
ZzBuntui think i have another system i can get a copy from ugh16:57
jtaylorthe packge is gzip compressed16:57
jtaylorso you can download it from launchpad and extract it16:57
ZzBuntuI know. And the package libbz2 is required to extract it.16:57
ZzBuntufun times right?16:57
jtaylorI mean download libbz216:57
ZzBuntuAh ok i think i follow you16:58
ZzBuntuthat might work16:58
ZzBuntuthis copy16:59
ZzBuntuor not.. hm17:00
jtaylorthat is the source tarball17:00
ZzBuntuYea, realized xD17:00
NEoneI installed gnome-shell on 12.10, it asked if default shall be "lightdm" or "gdk". Had no idea what that means, and chose "lightdm". (Was that the right choice?). Now when I login to "gnome (classic)" shell and change settings in the gnome-tweak-tool (like for example "show computer" and "show home folder" on desktop), this affects the Unity desktop too.17:01
NEoneIs that how it's intended to work?17:02
ZzBuntujtaylor: Got it! thanks17:03
ZzBuntuthis is the most painful upgrade ive ever done >.>17:14
jbichaNEone: yes, those settings are supposed to affect Unity too; if you don't pick GDM, screen locking won't really work in GNOME Shell17:26
NEonejbicha: Thanks. I don't understand the difference of GDM and lightdm. If I chose the wrong now, can I change it somewhere? And would that render the Unity desktop unusable?17:39
jbichaNEone: you can run sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm to rechoose; it doesn't really affect Unity, at least not for 12.1017:41
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Euph0ria-XXhello all.  I've been giving the btrfs fs a try and I've encountered my first errors with the filesystem.  I'm not sure how to repair the filesystem though.  Has anyone had any luck with that18:45
bjsniderEuph0ria-XX, there is no fsck tool for btrfs, unless something has recently changed18:45
Euph0ria-XXI thought the btrfs had a repair tool since Alpha 1, Kernel 3.4.   I've just never ran into any errors until now that we're up to alpha 3.18:47
johnjohn101is there a problem with pidgin not being added to the mail icon?19:41
micahgprobably hasn't been ported to the new messaging indicator API19:42
johnjohn101do i need to enter a bug?19:42
johnjohn101i see a bug for it19:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1040259 in pidgin-libnotify (Ubuntu Quantal) "FFE: libmessaging-menu transitions for quantal" [High,Triaged]19:44
johnjohn10112.10 is a nice nice release19:44
johnjohn101will be, I mean19:45
NEoneTrying to install wine emulator and dotnet-mono-framework20:00
NEoneThere's wine, wine 1.4, qt4wine, wine-config... OMG, so many packets! ...Which ones should I choose?20:01
jtaylorwine-1.4 and mono20:05
jtayloror wine should be fine too, links to 1.420:06
NEoneGreat. And doing so through synaptic, choosing packets "wine" and "mono" then? Or searching the Software Center and install it there?20:07
jtayloryour choice20:12
jtaylorI prefer apt-get, its faster :)20:12
NEoneThere are Windows programs for .net 2.0, 3.5, and 4.0. Will mono support all of them, or is some plugin/addon needed?20:13
jtaylormono is not wine, it runs cli stuff natively20:14
jtaylorif the stuff requires windows libraries it won't run20:15
jtaylorsome base stuff is ported, like winforms, but it doesn't work very well20:16
jtaylorand is unmaintained20:16
Logan_Is anyone getting an X segfault with the latest updates in VBox?20:22
NEonejtaylor: Thanks a lot. Gonna try.20:22
jtaylorgna some thundderbird related update totally screws my apparmor profile ._.20:39
MrChrisDruifYeah, isn't wine a metapackage?20:55
MrChrisDruif!info wine20:56
ubottuwine (source: wine1.4): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-0ubuntu6 (quantal), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB20:56
MrChrisDruifLike I said ^_^20:56
jtaylorit depends on wine-1.420:57
jtaylorin quantal20:57
DaekdroomIt's a metapackage that installs the correct wine package.20:57
DaekdroomIt'll probably be changed to depend on wine1.5 when Ubuntu starts shipping it instead.20:58
DracoDanI'm having trouble with a package (targetcli) in Ubuntu 12.10, and the package doesn't seem to be the latest version.  I'm trying to understand how the git repo works and how to see if the version included is the latest, would someone mind helping me?22:54
DracoDanfor example, the versions here - http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/t/targetcli/ are out of date22:55
DracoDanI tried to build from scratch but it complains that I dont have python 2.622:56
trismDracoDan: latest release I see tagged in the upstream git is 2.0rc1 which is what we have23:28

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