
PaoloRotoloGood morning!05:37
coolbhavigood morning PaoloRotolo05:42
PaoloRotoloHi coolbhavi05:46
coolbhavihow is it going  PaoloRotolo?05:46
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi: fine, thanks :)05:48
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi: you :)?06:00
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, doing good busy in schengen visa procedures to attend this UDS.06:03
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi: oh, do you have a session for this UDS?06:07
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, yes participating in dat arb and motu related sessions06:08
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi: good!06:08
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, are you also coming?06:17
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi: yes, via Internet :D I'm too young to travel alone...06:21
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, haha :) how old are you?06:22
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi: I'm 14 :/06:22
PaoloRotoloand Italian06:23
coolbhaviPaoloRotolo, great! you swept me off my feet now :) m 2506:23
PaoloRotolocoolbhavi: "cool" :D06:24
dholbachgood morning06:57
coolbhavigood morning dholbach06:58
dholbachhi coolbhavi06:58
coolbhavigood morning dpm07:03
dpmhey coolbhavi, good morning :)07:08
coolbhavidpm, m almost done with +3 uploads now which are in the voting status07:09
dpmcoolbhavi, wow!07:09
dpmnice work07:09
coolbhaviexcept ppasc which m waiting for a developers response for the query I had07:11
coolbhavibefore publishing07:11
PaoloRotoloGood morning dpm :)07:12
dpmcoolbhavi, that's pretty awesome, that makes more than 30 contest apps published07:14
dpmmorning PaoloRotolo ;)07:14
coolbhavidpm :)07:15
* coolbhavi goes for a nap08:44
coolbhavisee you all!08:44
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
PaoloRotoloHi all!16:03
PaoloRotoloHello highvoltage !16:04
wendar+1 from me on OrthCal, I reviewed packaging and tested it17:21
wendar(I'm at the office, so don't have good access to my ubuntu email)17:21
stgraberwendar: I'm surprised you didn't notice that debian/copyright for OrthCal contained some -NC- CC licences, making it non-redistributable22:36
wendarstgraber: it did? I carefully scanned through the public domain part, since it was odd22:36
wendarstgraber: (though fine in the end)22:37
wendarstgraber: I guess I made the classic CC handwaving error22:37
wendarstgraber: the "oh yeah, CC, I know that's fine..." even though not all of them are fine22:38
stgraberstgraber@shell01:~/arb/orthcal$ grep ^License debian/copyright22:38
stgraberLicense: GPL-3+22:38
stgraberLicense: CC-BY-SA-2.5 (content from orthodoxwiki.org)22:38
stgraberLicense: Public Domain (content from saint.gr)22:38
stgraberLicense: CC-BY-NC-3.022:38
stgraberLicense: CC-BY-NC-SA-2.022:38
stgraberthe 3 first ones are fine, the last 2 aren't22:38
wendarstgraber: yup, you're totally right of course, and I should have caught it22:38
wendarstgraber: my apologies for rushing22:39
stgrabernp, good thing that we have 3 reviewers ;)22:40
wendarstgraber: yup, it seems to be the perfect number22:40
wendar(some sort of statistical probability of error checking there)22:40
wendarI guess licensecheck would have caught that?22:41
stgrabernope, it didn't as these are media files and so don't contain any embeded licensing data22:41
stgraberor at least, nothing that licensecheck is looking for22:41
wendarok, we may need some customization in tools then22:42
stgraberyeah, for media we should have something scanning the EXIF tags though I doubt most media actually have the licensing in there22:43
wendar(seems like the kind of thing automated checkers are perfect for, completely duplicatable tasks)22:43
wendareven beyond verifying that the license matches the data, a generic license filter "we only accept X licenses"22:44
wendaror at least a noisy request for manual action if any license isn't in the list22:44
stgraberyep, checking that debian/copyright only contains distributable licenses would be good22:45
stgraberthen we just need to make sure people actually cover the media files in there22:45
ajmitchstgraber: thanks for catching that23:23

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