
veebersHi all, I'm having an issue with the latest quantal installer (Desktop, amd64) on the 3 machines I've tried it on it gives me this error:01:30
veebers 'The installer encountered an unrecoverable error . . .'01:30
veebersThere is nothing obvious in the syslog, who would I talk to that might be able to shed some light on this?01:30
thumperveebers: so... no help then?02:35
veebersthumper: none as of yet02:35
hyperairdid gvfs change its dbus method signature or somethign?03:37
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didrocksgood morning05:24
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pittibonjour didrocks! comment e'tait ton weekend?05:27
pittierr, était; compose key, wake up!05:27
didrocksguten morgen pitti! Bon week-end ici, reposant! Et toi?05:29
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pittididrocks: ici aussi; I had a kind of flashback on my cold, so again some light fever, so I spent Saturday with mostly reading and some extra sleep05:30
robrudidrocks, I am just heading to bed for the night. sorry I didn't do that review that you asked, it took me longer than anticipated to get my little netbook set up with precise. it's ready to go though so I promise first thing tomorrow morning (~8hrs from now) I will do that review.05:31
pittibut felt much better yesterday, so we went to a mineral trade show (nous achetons quatre nouvelles piéces), and went for some mini-golf and table tennis05:31
didrockspitti: urgh, at least, happy that you feel better yesterday and still could enjoy a little bit your week-end :)05:33
didrockshey robru05:33
didrocksrobru: ok, no worry, do you think you will have a look tomorrow?05:33
didrocksrobru: but first, good night of sleep :)05:34
robrudidrocks, yeah, first thing tomorrow. I literally just spent the last 5 hours downloading precise and installing updates. my internet was really slow today.05:34
robrug'night ;-)05:34
didrockshave a good night :)05:34
pittididrocks: do you know whether 'myunity' is still relevant and being developed?06:35
didrockspitti: I don't see any commit since march, let me see what they use to change the configuration keys06:44
didrocksargh, they are using gconf06:44
didrockspitti: so, no, still using manual gconf shell, no gsettings06:45
didrocksnot relevant anymore I think, why?06:45
pittiit's the only package which still holds gambas2 in the archive (which is obsolet)06:46
pittididrocks: so, I'll remove it06:46
pitti$ remove-package -m 'does not work for current unity any more (gsettings), holds obsolete gambas2 in the archive' myunity06:47
pittididrocks: ^ sounds ok?06:47
didrockspitti: sounds good to me06:47
didrocksthey also committed in the vcs some binary files (the myunity one)06:47
ricotzgood morning06:48
pittihey ricotz, guten Morgen06:49
ricotzpitti, hi06:49
ricotzi noticed unity-lens-applications still uses libgnome-menu instead of libgnome-menu-3-006:49
didrockshey ricotz06:50
ricotzdidrocks, hi06:50
didrocksricotz: let me have a look06:50
didrocksricotz: will need some refactoring for it I guess06:53
didrockslet me check if it's feasable, thanks for the notice!06:53
ricotzdidrocks, porting it would drop this library06:53
ricotzdidrocks, yw06:53
didrocksricotz: yeah, I know, checked the rdepends ;)06:53
robrudidrocks, actually I can't sleep so I did that review. looks all good ;-)07:34
didrocksrobru: excellent! but you should have watch tv/serie :-)07:36
didrocksrobru: so, all looking good? I can push to -proposed?07:36
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pittimeh, the broken type-ahead search and "enter" in unity is really annoying07:37
robrudidrocks, well, I installed it and it ran well. I couldn't reproduce that bug so it looks fixed to me. I'm worried that maybe my review wasn't very thorough. is there anything specific you want me to test? any specific action or command?07:37
didrockspitti: it doesn't do it for everyone (and not for me it seems), do you have specifics?07:40
didrockspitti: you are the second one to mention it07:40
robrudidrocks, I skimmed the diff and didn't see any version bumps (95% of the 30,000 lines was just documentation changes...), and I also used pbuilder to confirm no version bumps in build-deps at least.07:41
didrocksrobru: I'll review the code itself, thanks for checking and testing the program :)07:41
didrocksexcellent, perfect!07:41
pittididrocks: I type ahead a program name ("scan"), get the correct match (simple-scan), press enter, and it opens archive-manager with some postgresql tar.gz I opened last week07:41
robrudidrocks, yeah, no obvious problems to me.07:41
robruyou're welcome ;-)07:41
didrocksrobru: now take a shower/relax/get sleep! ;)07:41
robrudidrocks, haha, ok, goodnight again ;-)07:41
pittididrocks: it seems to pick a random result from the "previous files" matches07:41
pittinot the top left one07:41
pittididrocks: and that postgresql.tar.gz isn't even in the displayed matches07:42
didrockspitti: I'll ping mhr3 once he's around07:42
didrockspitti: only on the dash home?07:42
pittiI just tried it again, now it opens rhythmbox07:42
pittididrocks: yes07:42
didrocksok, so it pick the files instead of applications result07:42
pittinow it plays Queen's "the miracle"07:42
didrocksexactly the same case xclaesse described me last friday07:42
pittiI haven't listened to that in ages07:42
didrockspitti: you wanted that without knowing it! :)07:43
pittididrocks: and not even matches that apply to the search apparently07:43
didrocksdefintively can't reproduce that, I think mhr3 will need to debug that with you07:43
pittiI'd be happy to07:43
xclaesseah cool, I'm not the only one :D07:46
pittidrives me nuts :)07:46
pittimvo: guten Morgen!07:50
pittimvo: https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/software-properties/dep8/+merge/121378 LGTM now, do you want to upload yourself?07:50
mvopitti: sure, will do, thanks!07:50
pittihey Laney, how are you/08:03
Laneywent to the London office this weekend for global jam, was fun08:03
pittiLaney: quite okay; had a rather quiet weekend, still fighting the leftovers from my cold; but we had marvellous summer weather, so went for some mini-golf, table tennis, and enjoying the sun08:07
Laneyah, nice, we had a lot of sun too08:11
didrocksmhr3: hey hey!08:16
mhr3didrocks, hola08:16
didrocksmhr3: I have to both you for 2 reasons this morning :)08:16
czajkowskijibel: is it you I should poke over the power icon ?08:16
mhr3didrocks, /me waves hand "no you dont"08:17
didrocksmhr3: your jedi power are weaks apparently :)08:17
pittihey mhr3, how are you?08:17
didrocksmhr3: first thing: bug #104850308:17
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048503 in unity-lens-applications "Transition to libgnome-menu-3-0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104850308:17
* pitti moves that "s" a little to the left08:17
didrocksmhr3: the API changed a lot :/08:17
didrocksso I guess too late for quantal08:17
jibelczajkowski, you can alway poke me, not sure I'd be of any help though :)08:17
czajkowskijibel: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-power/+bug/104804108:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048041 in indicator-power "Power icon doesn't show it is charging when it's plugged in" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:18
czajkowskiLaney: Avi also lost his window management during the upgrade, I don't feel as special any more :)08:18
mhr3uh oh, pitti pinging dash08:18
pittimhr3: it seems pressing enter on the dash is now a Roulette game? :-)08:19
jibelnot me. I'm just a tester. anyone else to help czajkowski ?08:19
czajkowskiah ok08:19
czajkowskiwas sure I heard a J to be poked oh well.08:19
czajkowskiLaney: at least he knew to go to tty1 to continue so all was not lost08:19
Laneyupstream probably hang out in #ubuntu-unity08:19
Laneyczajkowski: which bug is that?08:20
Laneybug #08:20
* Laney will rls-q-incoming it08:20
didrocksmhr3: did you see my question?08:20
didrocksmhr3: or really ignoring me now? ;-)08:21
czajkowskiLaney: never reported the having to go to tty1 to continue the upgrade as loss of window management as not sure how or what to report it against08:21
Laneyprobably compiz08:21
czajkowskiah logged all of them08:21
didrockspitti: come on! I started to go fishing for mhr3 with an easy one first, don't jump to the second one :)08:21
pittididrocks: I didn't! I was only saying hi :)08:22
didrockspitti: see, we lost him now, we have to change our bait ;)08:25
mhr3sorry guys, we're dismantling the office here :)08:28
mhr3pitti, so yea, it is you guys didn't apply me patch08:29
mhr3didrocks, so what's up with gnome-menu?08:29
pittimhr3: office> err, what? underneath your feet and workstation? :-)08:29
mhr3you want to get rid of it and apps lens is using it?08:29
mhr3pitti, /me in london ;)08:30
didrocksmhr3: would be cool to transition to gnome-menu3 at some point, unity-lens-application is the latest thing retaining libgnome-menu2 on the default install08:30
mhr3didrocks, i actually think we might be able to use gio itself, in the past it was missing some apis, but they should be there by now08:30
didrocksmhr3: ok, well, 13.04 materials I guess08:31
mhr3didrocks, your call :)08:31
didrocksmhr3: I think you have better to do08:31
didrockslike… fixing pitti's and xclaesse's issues :)08:31
didrockswhich are the same (can't reproduce there though)08:31
pittimhr3 | pitti, so yea, it is you guys didn't apply me patch08:32
didrocks(I hope you liked the transition!)08:32
pittiseems there might already be a solution?08:32
mhr3pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/104158308:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1041583 in unity "[regression] Dash - Hitting enter after opening Lens or searching no longer opens first item" [High,Fix committed]08:32
pittimhr3: cheers!08:32
didrocksok, was committed during my holidays :)08:33
didrockspitti: xclaesse: I'm backporting it08:33
mhr3didrocks, it even got linked to the ffe branch, so i thought it's cherrypicked, but apparently it isn't08:33
didrocksmhr3: hum, ffe branch?08:34
* didrocks wasn't here, remember…08:34
mhr3didrocks, Related branches: lp:~sil2100/unity/ubuntu_ffe108:34
didrocksmhr3: hum, this branch is merged08:35
didrocksmhr3: but your commit in unity is post-release?08:36
* didrocks looks08:36
mhr3didrocks, it was in between sil making tarball and the release08:36
didrocksargh, and as there is no tag on the mainline08:37
didrockssil2100: do you have any input here? ^08:37
didrocksI don't know how they could have released that, without tag on mainline…08:37
didrocksso confusing08:37
didrocksmhr3: I confirm the branch merge successfully in the packaging08:38
didrocksso it wasn't bundled in…08:38
didrocksmhr3: as it seems you are more aware on what happens than popey's team, do you know of any other post/pre-release fixes?08:38
didrocksmhr3: so that I can check if there are in or not08:38
mhr3didrocks, there were a few of them, duflu was tagging them as fix released, and then reverting to fix committed08:42
mhr3not all are that critical though08:42
didrocksso only this one to really backport for now?08:42
mhr3no other issues come to mind atm08:43
didrocksmhr3: trusting you, thanks! :)08:43
mhr3didrocks, you shouldn't here, really :P08:43
mhr3it's not like i'm running the Q version :)08:43
didrocksmhr3: well, if things go bad, I'll ask for the people dismantling the office to break the ground you are on :)08:44
mhr3uh oh :)08:45
sil2100didrocks: yes, that's a mess as well :( Since the tag was supposed to get merger into trunk from the release-quantal branch, but then Mirv wanted to quickly fix the tagging and just tagged the last commit from the tarball08:50
sil2100So, in the end, the release branch wasn't really merged in, since then there was a conflict in tags08:51
didrocksok, I'm testing this branch with the fix08:52
didrocksbut I don't get the issue personnaly08:52
psivaahello, we are getting the crash https://pastebin.canonical.com/74102/ often during our p2q desktop upgrade tests, could some one tell me if there already a bug for it so that i could attach the crash log/ or if there isn't i could report a new bug08:54
didrockspsivaa: the heap doesn't help a lot, can you let apport reporting the crash?08:58
didrocksso that it will get retraced and so on08:58
psivaadidrocks,  ok, i could try that, but this is an automated test so not sure how we'll be able to do that08:59
didrockspsivaa: after the upgrade, you should have a /var/crash/*colord*crash08:59
didrocksreport this one with ubuntu-bug -c <file>09:00
psivaadidrocks, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Quantal/view/Upgrade%20Testing%20Dashboard/job/quantal-upgrade-precise-desktop/139/ARCH=i386,LTS=non-lts,PROFILE=desktop,label=upgrade-test/ is the jenkins job for that09:00
psivaadidrocks, ill try that, thanks09:01
dpmhi pitti, good morning. I just noticed that banshee appears untranslated in quantal. Looking at the langpack export tarball from the full langpack we shipped recently, the .po file is there. But it seems to disappear from the generated source packages langpack-o-matic generates. Banshee is using the 'enable universe translations' feature, which seems to be working for LP imports and exports.09:03
dpmDo you know if there is anywhere in langpack-o-matic where universe .po files are discarded or blocked?09:04
pittidpm: hm, not off-hand, let me look09:07
pittihm, no, it reads universe package lists, too09:08
pittidpm: perhaps it's not in the domain map that LP exports?09:08
pittiWARNING: unknown translation domain: banshee09:08
pitti(from the log file)09:09
dpmpitti, I'm not familiar with the domain map. Do you know off the top of your head which file from the export is?09:09
pittiso it's missing in domain_map.txt in the LP tarball09:09
pittithat maps package names to domains09:09
dpmpitti, bummer, so this would require a change in LP09:10
pittihang on, I'll see whether we can hack around it09:10
dpmpitti, excellent, thanks. If it proves to be difficult to hack around it, I think we've got more chances to get this fixed if we disable Banshee translations in LP and ship them in the package.09:11
pittiwe need it mostly to determine whether a domain should go into -gtk, -kde, or the normal ones09:11
pittidpm: we have a classify-overrides for packages; we could add a similar one for domains, but that's just playing catch-up when we'll get more of those packages; so it needs to be fixed in LP eventually09:12
pittidpm: but I'm fine with adding a hack for banshee so that we don't need to revert this again09:13
dpmpitti, sounds good to me. If we need to add more, then we should look into fixing it in LP. I think if it's doable to do the override for banshee, I'd suggest that, as we already talked to upstream about enabling translations in LP and they were fine with it. I'd rather keep it like that if possible, than telling them that it actually doesn't work09:15
didrockspitti: I don't see any regression with the patch backported, do you want to gibe it a run (amd64)?09:15
pittididrocks: sure, I'd love to09:15
didrockspitti: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/unity/09:16
pittidpm: done, see "bzr diff" on macquarie in langpack-o-matic/09:17
dpmcool, thanks pitti!09:17
dpmpitti, filed bug 1048556 about it09:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048556 in launchpad "Language pack translations export needs to add universe packages to domain map" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104855609:26
pittidpm: thanks, subscribed and added a coment09:28
didrocksdpm: tell me once you got a chance to test it09:31
pittimhr3, didrocks: il fonctionne trés bien, merci beaucoup!09:32
didrockspitti: super! je le pousse dans la distro :-)09:32
didrocksxclaesse: FYI ^09:32
didrocksthanks mhr3 :)09:33
xclaessedidrocks, I'm back on gnome-shell /o\09:33
didrocksxclaesse: come on! with all the good things you told the other day on unity? :)09:33
xclaessea bug count as a "good thing" ?09:34
dupondjexclaesse: try locking your screen with lightdm as wm :p09:34
dpmdidrocks, that will probably be in the next full language pack export. New delta language pack builds are scheduled for Wednesday and Friday (https://dev.launchpad.net/Translations/LanguagePackSchedule), but new templates are only exported in full language packs. We should probably do a full langpack soon, as I approved a bunch of new templates recently09:34
xclaessedupondje, I've switched to gdm since I've heard gnome-shell needs it09:35
didrocksdpm: I think you wanted to talk to pitti :) (otherwise, I don't konw what you mean by "that")09:35
pittidpm: ack, thanks09:36
dpmdidrocks, ah, then I think you pinged the wrong person ;) ^^09:36
pittiyeah, I think dpm wanted to ping xclaesse and me09:36
dpmand me too, as I wanted to also ping Martin :)09:36
didrocksdpm: oh right, d is so close to p09:36
didrockshem :)09:37
didrocksdpitti? ;)09:37
pitti... on any weird French keyboard layout near you, presumably!09:37
didrocksyou meant, "amazing", not "weird" I guess, let me fix that for you :)09:38
pittij'aime apprende français, mais pas le clavier français -- c'est mauvais!09:42
Laneycan we silence the warnings from glib's trigger now?10:42
LaneyI don't see that any of them are going to be fixed from nwo to release10:43
pittiis that FFE material? I thought it was just fixing an internal string?10:44
LaneyI mean the schema warnings10:45
pittiyes, me too10:45
LaneyI hadn't anticipated it needing FFe10:45
pittibut anyway, no objection (and I think that's fine for Debian experimental as well)10:49
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
xnoxAny plans to upgrade gnome-settings-daemon?11:06
* xnox should check latest version first, one sed.11:06
* xnox should check latest version first, one sec11:06
xnoxLaney: ok, the atk-bridge warning is comming from it, because in gtk3.5 it's a shared lib.11:07
xnoxLaney: Can we cherry-pick a patch to fix that up?11:07
Laneysure, do you have one in mind?11:08
xnoxhmm... let me look.11:08
Laneyyou might be able to try gsd from ricotz's ppa11:08
chrisccoulsonpitti, remember our conversation in orlando about supporting firefox on the LTS, wrt new dependencies added by upstream?11:11
chrisccoulsoni just saw this: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/mozilla.dev.platform/djN02O03APc11:11
chrisccoulsonbumping the minimum python version to 2.7 ;)11:11
chrisccoulson(which doesn't exist in 10.04)11:11
xnoxLaney: hmm...11:13
MCR1ricotz: AFAIR you are the xorg expert - Are you aware of constant visual lockups on Quantal ?11:17
MCR1ricotz: Hi, btw. :)11:18
MCR1didrocks: Do you know about this ^^11:18
Laney#ubuntu-x is the X channel ;-)11:19
ricotzMCR1, hi, i am not a xorg expert ;)11:19
ricotzyeah, what Laney said11:19
didrocksMCR1: you should try #ubuntu-x as Laney told you :)11:19
MCR1okidoki, thx11:19
didrocksMCR1: and not that I know of (for those lockups) ;)11:19
MCR1didrocks: They are hardcore critical - the display completely locks mainly when doing larger file operations - those continue to work in the background at least, sound etc. all continues to run, but the display freezes except for the mousepointer11:21
ricotzdidrocks, btw, i hope the mesa revert can be reverted again ;)11:21
didrocksricotz: not until the fix is in :)11:21
MCR1didrocks: all you can do is reboot via VT11:21
didrocksMCR1: please, discuss that with RAOF and bryceh, and keep me in touch11:21
ricotzdidrocks, so the problem is properly reported and known to upstream?11:21
ricotzdidrocks, irc, some netbooks failing?11:22
didrocksricotz: tjaalton is working on it to see what commit broke it first11:22
ricotzdidrocks, ok, thanks11:22
didrocksyw :)11:22
pittichrisccoulson: uh, firefox needs python?11:43
pittichrisccoulson: so we'll need to get that into lucid-updates?11:44
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, only for building though. the build system has a lot of python now11:44
MCR1didrocks: I've reported it now (the visual lockup).11:45
didrocksMCR1: thanks! :)11:45
MCR1didrocks: Another question: How can I get in touch with the kernel team ?11:45
didrocksMCR1: #ubuntu-kernel should be the more straightforward way11:45
MCR1ok, thx - Kernel 3.6 breaks SSL completely (tried 3.6-RC1 and RC4)11:46
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittiis that just me, or is "online accounts" bothering other people about re-logging into Google twice a day?12:36
larsupitti, twice? It's asking me ever 2h or so :-/12:37
pittior that12:37
larsudoes it open a browser tab for you too?12:37
pittiyes, some 512:38
larsuyeah, it seems to open one for every failed attempt until you log in again12:38
larsuI recently switched to two-factor auth - maybe that's it?12:39
pittino, when I go to online accounts and re-login, I just need to click "ok", not enter any creds12:40
pittithat works fine12:40
dpmpitti, I was just going to ask the same about online accounts opening tabs. For me it opens a http://gwibber.com/0/auth.html#access_token=... tab, which loads a blank page, so there's not much that I can do.It wouldn't bother me much if it didn't happen that frequently and especially if it didn't steal the focus. Does anyone knows a workaround? I'll disable the online accounts for now13:15
dpmactually, it's not a blank page, it says "Authorization complete."13:16
dobeypitti: hey, does distutils-extra auto.setup() support multiple po directories?13:16
pittidobey: no, not right now13:17
pittiand that sounds a bit complex to automatically figure out?13:17
dobeywell, i haven't looked at the code yet, so i don't know how it currently determines what to use for the GETTEXT_DOMAIN13:18
dobeybut probably not that hard to do if the code is already reasonably smart13:19
dobeyi was just wondering because if it did support it, then it'd be easier than merging 2 sets of po files into one set13:19
pittidobey: you can specify it as an option of the build_i18n command class; if not given, it defaults to the project name13:20
didrocksjdstrand: hey, are you around?13:26
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
davidcalledednick, hey, I don't know if you have noticed, but I've added some precise info on what triggers : https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/103943714:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 1039437 in unity "[previews] Previews text is blank or black, when some characters are present" [Undecided,New]14:08
didrocksMCR1: you are using unity staging, right?14:09
MCR1didrocks: yep14:09
dednickdavidcalle: thanks. I'll take a look at it when i get a chance.14:09
didrocksMCR1: your freezes started today?14:09
davidcalledednick, np14:10
MCR1nope, yesterday or the day before (not 100% sure)14:10
MCR1but it started with the latest xorg and mesa updates14:10
didrocksMCR1: the 2912-09-07? :)14:10
didrocksI wonder if it's not unity which is guilty14:10
MCR12912 ?14:11
didrocksMCR1: can you try to revert that one: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity/trunk/revision/267314:11
didrocksrev 267314:11
didrockssame ;) 2912 isn't that far away :-)14:11
didrocksso revert rev 2673 in trunk14:11
didrocksand tell me if it's any better14:11
MCR1didrocks: Sorry I have already updated mesa and libdrm, so I won't be able to tell if it was r2673...14:12
didrocksMCR1: well, you can revert unity and rebuild it, right?14:13
didrockspretty sure it's the cause, and not mesa, nor libdrm14:13
MCR1didrocks: If I do nothing then and still will experience lock-ups we will know that it is not mesa's and libdrm's fault...14:14
didrocksI don't get you14:15
didrockssome other people reported that the a11y on by default in unity is the cause14:15
didrocksI want to confirm that it's what you are experiencing14:15
didrockshence, if you can try to revert this revision, build unity and try with it, it would be helpful :)14:15
didrocks(as you contributed quite a lot to unity, I assume you know how to build it :))14:16
MCR1didrocks: I have already updated mesa and libdrm, so if I will still experience the lockups we will know that something else is causing them14:16
didrocksMCR1: like unity :)14:16
MCR1Sure, but since a few days I have trouble with some new Compiz dependency when compiling Unity and my script fails14:16
didrocksMCR1: please, keep me posted!14:17
MCR1didrocks: I will reboot and ofc keep you informed - brb14:17
MCR1didrocks: and if the lockups are still reproducable I will revert 2673 and try that...14:18
MCR1didrocks: One big thing that stops me from contributing larger fixes which need testing is that I have not found an ideal workflow to replace the running versions of Compiz/Unity with my compiled ones...14:28
didrocksMCR1: yeah, I know, there is no good way to not screw your install, please make the unity team aware about that14:29
MCR1didrocks: Seems you were right again - just experienced another lockup with the new mesa libdrm installed...14:32
MCR1didrocks: So it is probably Unity (like you suspected)14:32
MCR1didrocks: I can verify this by for example disabling unityshell in ccsm and then starting my build scripts again...14:33
MCR1didrocks: If they fail again it is not Unity's fault14:33
didrocksMCR1: yeah, or just switch to another session like classic GNOME…14:33
MCR1if then else is quite easy14:33
didrocksheh ;)14:33
MCR1good idea14:33
MCR1once you disable Unity Compiz speeds up massively14:35
MCR1didrocks: Just had another lockup with unityshell disabled via CCSM14:38
MCR1so it is not Unity either14:38
didrocksok, worthed a try14:38
MCR1but grmpf14:38
didrocksMCR1: thanks for the testing, wait for bryce_h and raof now I guess14:38
MCR1np, yw14:38
jcastrohey didrocks14:54
jcastrocan gsettings keys be language specific?14:55
jcastroso like, if it's english, turn on the AU scope?14:55
didrocksjcastro: not really, apart if we make a package per distro and have the langpack dep on it14:55
jcastrojust wondering14:55
didrocksjcastro: but it seems worse than having the gsettings key to override the automatic detection14:55
jcastrobut you probably already had thought of that14:55
didrocksyeah, I would say:14:56
didrocks- automatic language detection for askubuntu.com14:56
didrocks- and a gsettings key to "force" showing it14:56
dobeyoh great14:56
dobeyfirefox stopped pretending i was in AU, and instead decided that now my spelling should be en_CA14:57
dobeyat least it's geographically closer, i guess14:57
didrocksdobey: congratulation for moving :-)14:57
dokopitti, cyphermox, who can I pester about telepathy-glib requiring a valac version not yet in quantal?15:01
cyphermoxthat's going to be fun :)15:02
Laneyno, that's not true15:02
Laneyhe just should have BDed on valac-0.1815:02
Laneydoko: change that, then it should work15:03
micahgcan libpeas and zeitgeist-datahub switch to vala 0.16 or 0.18 so 0.14 can drop out of main?15:06
didrocksmicahg: libpeas -> needs testing, zg-datahub: mhr3?15:07
didrocksmicahg: if you can perform the test for those, you are welcomed15:07
didrocksdoko: telepathy-glib trunk requires 0.17.6, isn't it?15:08
didrocksso yeah, build-dep on valac-0.18, I ensured and checked that with upstream before they did the change in trunk15:08
didrocksso nobody to pester :)15:08
dokodidrocks, well, the buildds do think otherwise ...15:08
Laneyno they don't15:09
Laneyit build-deps on vala (>= 0.18)15:09
Laneyvalac*, which is not the same as valac-0.1815:09
dokohttp://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ shows a dep-wait15:09
didrocksisntead of valac-0.1815:09
didrocksLaney: doko: I'm handling it15:09
didrockspackaging error simply15:09
didrocksdoko: vala is versionned in its binary name15:09
dokodidrocks, hmm, too late, already uploaded after Laney's hint15:09
didrocks(package binary name)15:09
didrocksah perfect then :)15:10
Laneythere's a 'default' real package valac15:10
Laneybut 0.18 doesn't provide it yet15:10
didrocksyeah, which is 0.1615:10
didrocksLaney: not even sure we can switch to 0.18 this cycle as "valac" TBH, seems as usual, the new vala brings some changes, and not sure we can rebuild everything valac rdepends15:11
didrocksI mean we can, but we have better to do IMHO :)15:11
Laneyno I wasn't expecting to do so15:11
didrocksyeah, let's stay on the safe side15:11
Laney0.14 still provides the unversioned one though; should drop that15:11
didrocksright, can do it if you want15:12
Laneywill do15:12
didrocksperfect, thanks Laney :)15:12
Laneypretty sure it would cause problems if 0.14 had to be uploaded for some reason15:12
didrocksLaney: you meant "wouldn't"?15:12
didrocksafter the fact15:12
didrocksit will override 0.1615:13
didrocksthanks for spotting btw :)15:13
micahgno, it would just fail to upload due to a higher binary version being in the archive15:13
Laneythat's a problem in my opinion :P15:13
micahgyes, it is :)15:13
didrocksyeah, it's a pb :)15:13
didrocksmicahg: btw, what about chromium update in precise?15:14
didrocksmicahg: I saw a lot of users on forums complaining about the outdated version15:14
micahgdidrocks: I think I found a regression15:14
micahg20 is in the security proposed PPA, but it looks broke15:14
didrockseven at the time of chromium 19? (it's still on 18, right?)15:14
mhr3didrocks, datahub trunk is using 0.16 iirc15:16
mhr3might be working without any changes even, i dont remember15:17
mhr3if not, then a single patch will be needed15:17
didrocksok, thanks mhr3, we'll do next upload with the switch I guess :)15:18
mhr3didrocks, good luck, we have the vala+makefile-distropatch for datahub :)15:19
didrocksmhr3: I like challenges ;)15:20
didrocksbut when I'll have time for it15:20
mhr3didrocks, plus john wants changes to that patch15:21
didrocksso you want to make my life hard? anyway, let's see if I have time for this… ;)15:21
didrocksmhr3: which changes btw?15:22
mhr3didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ayatana-design/+bug/104525715:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 1045257 in ayatana-design "Dash - Pre-populate app usage history in zeitgeist, so that when the Dash home is opened for the first time after a fresh install, all apps that are not pinned to Launcher and displayed under the 'Applications' category header." [Medium,Fix committed]15:22
micahgdidrocks: meh, can't reproduce, I'm copying it to proposed now15:22
micahg*chromium 20 that is15:22
didrockssweet :)15:22
Laneyis this going to break webapps ;-)15:23
micahgidk, it's precise and webapps isn't in the archive ;)15:23
dokodidrocks, hmm, think, still wants the unversioned valac package. maybe just change the order of the alternatives?15:30
micahgyeah, that's the OR bug in launchpad-buildd15:31
Laneyyeah just get rid of the alternative15:32
micahgbug 59491615:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 594916 in launchpad-buildd "buildd does not install alternate dependency for versioned ORed build-dependencies" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59491615:32
didrocksdoko: yeah, it's looking weird. I would go for removing the alternative as well15:32
didrocksbut build-dep valac-0.18 on 0.17.6 please15:33
didrocksmicahg: nice catch!15:33
* micahg should just buy infinity some cookies at UDS and get it fixed15:34
didrockscookies are enough for infinity? He's cheap :)15:34
jbichamterry: I'm curious what ubuntuone recommends deja-dup really needs, deja-dup is part of ubuntu-gnome-desktop but we're not including the u1 qt control panel15:35
* Laney giggles at the optimistic comment about using a new, normal sbuild15:35
mterryjbicha, so the deal there is that deja-dup detects if U1 is installed, and if it is, will default to it.  If it is installed, it uses several bits of it (asks it how much free space is there) and has duplicity use its python bindings for logging in and uploading/downloading.15:37
mterryjbicha, the (I think 3?) Recommends it currently has are sufficient and necessary for its U1 support15:37
mterryjbicha, if any of them aren't installed, it won't offer the option in the UI (unless you've explicitly told it to use U1 I believe)15:38
mterryjbicha, what was your question?15:39
jbichamterry: because we include deja-dup, we get all of deja-dup's recommends too; but since we aren't installing the normal U1 control panel, the U1 dependencies may not be needed15:46
micahgmterry: I think that qualifies as suggests + add to desktop seed, there doesn't seem to be anything unusual about not having U115:46
mterryjbicha, we is the GNOME remix team?  Well, do you want U1 support at all?15:46
mterrymicahg, tend to agree15:47
jbichamaybe U1 should depend on those bits that deja-dup wants then?15:47
mterryjbicha, sorry, yes to first or both questions?15:47
jbichasorry, yes to first, not really for second15:47
mterryjbicha, OK, but you might want another default.  Like Amazon S3 support?  I believe otherwise it just defaults ~/deja-dup.  Neither S3 or ~/deja-dup are terribly user friendly defaults.  That's one reason I was so excited to add U1 support, because it is a cloud DD's target audience can use15:49
mterryjbicha, if you want to enable S3 by default, you'd just have to add that Suggests from deja-dup to your seed15:49
micahgmterry: would installing those options on demand be possible (maybe not this cycle as it's late), I forget what that tool is called15:49
mterrymicahg, sure...  it's possible...  But I think mpt or someone requested that we don't do that, as it clutters the menu with possible-but-disabled options15:51
mterrymicahg, that's what the Add-Ons section in Software Center is for15:51
micahgwell, addons != built-in but disabled functionality15:52
micahgmterry: but in that light, you could create a U1 dep meta package with enhances: deja-dup15:52
jbichamterry: ok, ubuntu-gnome-desktop can depend on python-cloudfiles like Fedora does15:52
mptmicahg, installing things on demand = sessioninstaller?15:52
mterryjbicha, yeah, S3 by default is (IMO) better than ~/deja-dup by default15:53
micahgmpt: yeah, that's the one :)15:53
jbichaI have to admit I haven't really used deja-dup much, but besides U1, it can also do local or SSH or that other cloud stuff15:53
mterryjbicha, right.  It supports U1, S3, and rackspace as clouds.  Plus anything GNOME can connect to15:54
mterry(and has special support for removable drives)15:54
mterryjbicha, OK, so anyway, sounds like we agree.  GNOME remix adds python-cloudfiles, I drop the recommends to suggests and add them to the desktop seed15:55
jbichamterry: that would be great, thanks!15:55
jbichaUbuntu GNOME's bumping up against the 800MB line so I'm verifying what we want and need15:56
micahgjbicha: Ubuntu GNOME isn't required to stay at 800MB15:57
jbichamicahg: right but it's a nice size for now15:57
mterryjbicha, is there a way for your seed to ignore a recommends like U1 for deja-dup?  I'm thinking about it, and let's say you're in some Xubuntu or something.  And you install Deja Dup.  I'd still like U1 to be the default in such cases16:10
micahgxubuntu doesn't ship U1 since it uses Qt16:11
jbichamterry: I don't think the seeds & metapackages allow for blacklists like that :(16:12
micahgmterry: I think a metapackage like deja-dup-ubuntuone with the deps + enhances is the best option for that short of using sessioninstaller16:13
mterrymicahg, fair, it's not by default.16:13
mterrymicahg, but U1 is really the best cloud offering for consumers, which DD targets.16:13
mterrymicahg, I understand that GNOME remix wants to ship DD by default and use a default I don't personally recommend, but I'd like the rest of Ubuntu (the project)'s users to get the best default16:14
jbichamterry: not for Fedora users ;)16:14
mterryjbicha, right, and they have to slum it with S3 by default.  But Fedora can run U1 on the client if they really wanted to16:14
mterryjbicha, that's neither here nor there though16:14
mterryThis is about what Ubuntu's packaging defaults to16:15
mterrymicahg, I also agree little baby metapackages like deja-dup-backend-u1 or deja-dup-backend-s3 would be nice.  But never got around to it.  That's just syntactic sugar here though, and wouldn't help with seeding blacklisting16:16
jbichaU1 is great but personally I don't like its UI, no other flavor ships U1 either16:16
mterryjbicha, again, that's fine.  But I'm considering the case of the many flavors (all others really) that don't ship deja-dup16:17
micahgmterry: it would help to drop it to a suggests, looking at the UI, what if you kept all the options in the backup location drop down, but offered to install the needed packages with sessioninstaller when selected (I guess you still need a sane default though which U1 does seem to be the best option for)16:17
mterryjbicha, when a user installs deja-dup in such a case, I don't see what's wrong with pulling in U1 client support?16:17
mterrymicahg, so that's just an end run around having U1 in the install image?  I'd rather things just work when the user selects them16:18
micahgmterry: edubuntu and ubuntu are the only flavors shipping U116:18
mterrymicahg, sure.  And Ubuntu is the only flavor shipping deja-dup16:18
jbichaU1 won't just work until it is configured any way16:18
mterryjbicha, yeah, deja-dup points the user at that.  If they try to back up, a dialog comes up and starts the U1 config process16:19
jbichaso you could say that the current recommends are insufficient since they don't actually make sure the U1 Qt control panel gets installed16:19
mterryjbicha, they do16:19
micahgmterry: well, I don't see a problem with it being on the Ubuntu image, but for anyone else wanting to use deja-dup, it doesn't force them to install U1 where it might not be desired, but I see your point about a sane default which U1 seems to be the best option, so idk here16:20
mterryjbicha, I guess I'm saying is that U1-by-default is the best match with DD's mission statement.  So I'd like to not compromise that for all other users in ubuntu land16:20
mterrymicahg, but I'm saying, in all other flavors, if they are already choosing to download and install deja-dup, it doesn't seem so bad to install U1 support packages along with it.  Recommends pull in stuff all the time when opting in to a packageinstalling16:21
mterrymicahg, and just because U1 doesn't come by default in a flavor doesn't mean users of that flavor would actively dislike it being installed or available to use if a package can use it16:22
mterry(in the context of manually installing a 3rd party package)16:22
micahgmterry: sure, that's fine, originally I thought it didn't meet the criteria of needed in all but unusual circumstances (which is what Recommends is), but it does seem to in this case16:23
mterrymicahg, well, "needed" is a strong word.  But "strongly desired by mterry"  :)16:23
mterryAnd best meets https://live.gnome.org/DejaDup/Mission16:24
micahgThe Recommends field should list packages that would be found together with this one in all but unusual installations.16:24
mterrymicahg, upstream (me) wants U1-by-default in all but unusual situations.  And in any standalone context (like, if deja-dup wasn't shipped by default), that would be sufficient.  Now, flavor owners and upstream are conflicting about what they view as unusual16:26
micahgmterry: right, as I said, I agree with you at this point that U1 is the best by default option16:26
mterrymicahg, sorry I didn't mean to sound like I was beating a dead horse.  Just interested in this situation we've found.  I wish seeds allowed blacklisting in such cases.  I'm not sure how to best let everyone get what they want16:27
micahgwell, if ubuntu-gnome-desktop conflicts with those recommends, they won't be installed (and never could be though)16:28
mterryWait... Don't the meta packages have blacklist support?  I know seeds don't, but I thought the metas did16:28
mterryhm, no i guess ot16:29
jbichamterry: ubuntu-gnome could just not recommend deja-dup too ;)16:29
mterryjbicha, that's another possibility.  It's not a GNOME project16:29
mterryjbicha, I'd love it to be in more hands, but wouldn't be upset if you didn't include it.  Though I wish inclusion merits didn't depend on the technical detail of blacklist support16:30
micahgif xubuntu wasn't so short on space, I'd suggest adding deja-dup16:31
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Guest37586
mterrymicahg, jbicha: I suppose in this case, where upstream has a strongly-favored-default-if-distributor-doesn't-care-more, what I should do is what micahg suggested (show it in drop down and install if necessary) but to assuage concerns about menu bloat, just do it for the preferred option.  That would let Ubuntu and GNOME spins work as they want, and let other flavors work well in the user-downloads-it case16:35
mterryand designers would be happy to16:36
mterryBut it's too late for this cycle for that16:36
mterryBut that doesn't give us great guidance for this cycle16:37
mterryI guess I'd weigh the number of people that get DD via GNOME remix installs vs the number of people that manually install it and see which is larger.  Not sure how to do that though16:38
jbichaI think I'm fine with waiting until next cycle for a fix16:40
mterry:)  fine16:41
jbichasince we're not using official infrastructure, I can always add a line to my build script to remove recommended packages if I really didn't want them16:41
mterryjbicha, (meaning no DD in GNOME remix?)16:41
mterryjbicha, oh really?  interesting16:42
* didrocks waves good evening16:52
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
tedgkenvandine, Is there a way to get Gwibber to always show the images by default?17:35
tedgkenvandine, It's okay, I have enough bandwidth :-)17:36
kenvandineit isn't about that17:40
kenvandineit makes scrolling suck much more17:40
tedgAh, hmm.17:41
mterrytedg, was it jdstrand that originally mentioned the issues with remote login by default?17:43
mterryjdstrand, I recall "the security team" saying that remote login should be disabled by default in Ubuntu installs.  Was that from you or do you know who did say that?17:49
tedgmterry, We give him 5 more minutes, if he doesn't respond it goes in ;-)18:05
mterrytedg, who else would have been involved?18:06
mterrydbarth, do you know who on the security team told us to disable remote login by default?18:06
tedgmterry, I thought it was mdeslaur, but apparently I was wrong.18:06
mdeslaurmterry, tedg: jdstrand isn't available today18:07
mdeslaurtedg: no, I only discussed NM with you18:07
tedgmdeslaur, I'm just used to you saying no to me ;-)18:07
mdeslaurwhat's the impact of turning this on? does it need extra packages to be installed for it to actually turn something on?18:07
tedgmdeslaur, It's more "another way to use guest accounts"18:08
mdeslaurtedg: that's because you tend to only ask when you know deep down it will be no :)18:08
tedgmdeslaur, http://gould.cx/ted/blog/Desktop_in_the_cloud18:08
mdeslaurtedg: so once you enable that, what provides the list of extra stuff in the greeter?18:10
mterrymdeslaur, those packages are already on the image.  It's remote-login-service and libpam-freerdp and friends18:11
chrisccoulsonbug 969777 highlights the absolute ridiculousness of the auto-confirm feature in launchpad :/18:11
ubot2Launchpad bug 969777 in firefox "Crashed while checking pictures on yahoo groups" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96977718:11
chrisccoulsonpeople are clearly clicking "affects me too" on any bug report, without even reading the descriptions :(18:12
mdeslaurmterry: whoa...those packages are _installed_ by default on the desktop?18:13
mdeslaurmterry, tedg: I'm going to have to defer to jdstrand on this, I believe his understanding of the packages when doing the MIR was that the packages were opt-in.18:14
tedgmdeslaur, So if it is enabled, and there is networking, then they'll see a box in the list of users that is "remote login"18:14
mterrymdeslaur, yes, but not used unless a gsettings key is on.  They've gone through MIR and security checks by jdstrand18:14
mdeslaurmterry: and this is the gsettings that tedg has proposed to turn on by default?18:14
mterrymdeslaur, yes.  Right now the feature is opt-in.  I recall hearing that someone from security requested it be opt-in, but we're trying to find out who18:15
mterryBecause from a feature perspective, it would be neat if it was opt-out18:15
mdeslaurmterry: sure, but we need to make sure this won't be used maliciously first18:17
mterrymdeslaur, sure...  you mean above and beyond the MIR security checks?18:17
mdeslaurthe MIR security checks weren't done with having this on by default in mind18:17
mdeslaurie: we were assuming people who turn it on would be using computers as terminals18:18
tedgSeems like there is no way to use it maliciously more than having a guest account feature at all.18:18
mdeslaurtedg: if that's the case, then it won't be a big deal...but I want to get input from jdstrand as he actually did the review of them18:18
tedgYou could, with a guest account, just run xfreerdp full screen.18:19
tedgmdeslaur, Makes sense.  I'll put him on review for the merge request.18:19
mdeslaurtedg: thanks18:19
* tedg said that, but can't seem to make LP do it...18:22
mdeslaurtedg: file a bug, and assign jdstrand to it, and subscribe ubuntu-security please if you can't flag him on the review18:25
tedgmdeslaur, I got it, I for some reason had to resubmit it.18:25
tedgNo clue why.18:25
mdeslaurtedg: cool18:26
thumperbryceh: morning21:29
thumperbryceh: re bug 1043562, shall I try editing the xorg.conf?21:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1043562 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[gm45] GPU lockup EIR: 0x00000010 PGTBL_ER: 0x00000001 IPEHR: 0x60020100" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104356221:30
thumperbryceh: what is UXA and SNA?21:30
thumperbryceh: this is for my now-testing laptop, so happy to break it (ish)21:30
LLStarksthumper, sna is the new acceleration21:54
LLStarksridiculously fast on older hardware21:54
thumperhmm... perhaps I'll try it on the old laptop21:55
brycehthumper, should be something like this:21:57
brycehcat /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-sna.conf21:57
brycehSection "Device"21:57
bryceh# Identifier not significant21:57
bryceh    Identifier "Integrated intel graphics"21:57
bryceh    Driver "intel"21:57
bryceh    Option "AccelMethod" "SNA"21:57
thumperbryceh: I don't have an /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d directory, should I?22:12
thumperbryceh: also I don't seem to have an xorg.conf22:12
brycehyeah normally you don't need either so no stubs are put in22:15
brycehyou can create the dir and stick in the snippet in a new file.  Or construct your own xorg.conf.  There's a skeleton in the ubuntu-x wiki pages.22:15
jdstrandmterry: it was mdeslaur who recommended the remote desktop login be disabled by default22:19
mdeslaurjdstrand: me?22:20
jdstrandI thought so. am I misremembering? I thought you and tedg talked about it and this is what you landed on. I happen to agree (and think you asked me about it at the time)22:20
mdeslaurjdstrand: that was for the NM applet22:21
jdstrandoh, so I am misremembering22:21
mdeslaurjdstrand: I don't remember discussing the remote desktop login. I'm not sure what the impact of turning it on is, and figured you would know better since you did the MIR review22:21
jdstrandmterry: ok, it wasn't mdeslaur. I don't think there was an official recommendation from the team, but it seems it is rather specialized and not something to have enabled by default22:22
jdstrandmdeslaur: well, it is in main and supported. I think now it is in the realm of what makes the most sense22:22
mdeslaurjdstrand: so it's limited like a guest account? ie: it can't be used to subvert local login or anything?22:23
jdstrandmdeslaur: now, granted, at the time I reviewed it things barely worked and there was nothing to authenticate to, but there are different backends available. one is 'uccs' (the landscape bit), and if you setup your account to allow remote login, then you can login with that. it doesn't change your password or anything22:25
jdstrandthen there is a citrix one and a freerdp one-- I didn't have servers to test those. I think we need tedg here22:26
mdeslaurjdstrand: oh hrm, I didn't know you could set up your account to log in using that...how does that work with encrypted home and stuff?22:26
mdeslaurI thought it was dynamic guest account only22:26
jdstrandit won't work with encrypted home. maybe it is only for a guest account-- like I said, I had basically only code to look at22:27
jdstrandno big picture or documentation22:27
mdeslaurok, well, let's let them turn it on then, and then poke holes into it afterwards I guess22:29
mdeslaurIt's hard to evaluate the security of something based on code repos alone :P22:30
jdstrandwe could wait on tedtooo22:33
thumperbryceh: so just creating that file will be enough?22:36
thumperbryceh: ok, have that snippet in the file, just updating and I'll reboot, and let you know if it fixes the hang22:40
brycehthumper, you can verify by grepping your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for SNA22:44
thumperah FFS22:45
thumperpython-compizconfig fails to install22:46
thumperand is blocking any dist-upgrade22:46
thumpersub-process dpkg returned error code 122:46
thumperand apport is telling me MaxReports is reached already22:46

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