
andrejzI have a question about a string in translations of ubuntu manual second edition14:10
andrejzI cannot find the string "Glossary" (Chapter title) in the .po file14:10
CarstenGHi at all16:00
CrazyLemonhey CarstenG16:05
CrazyLemondo you have any idea about "<andrejz> I cannot find the string "Glossary" (Chapter title) in the .po file" ?16:05
CarstenGRead your emails :-)16:05
CarstenGI have answered some minutes before16:06
CrazyLemoni didnt get any Glossary related emails :)16:06
CarstenGTo the mailing list16:06
CarstenGAh, yes, you are not yet subscribed to the manual team ;-)16:07
CrazyLemonnope :p16:07
CarstenGno problem16:07
CrazyLemonand yea..i see it in the archives16:08
CarstenGI hope it helps16:08
CarstenGI pushed already the fix to the quantal branch16:08
CrazyLemonof course it helps! :)16:08
CarstenGfine :-)16:09
* CrazyLemon subscribed to the UM team :>16:09
CarstenGright done ;-)16:11
godbykCarstenG: I'll fill you in on some of the additional translation-related stuff in another email a bit later.  (I have to get some other work done first.)17:12
godbykBut the glossaries package uses a different translation system for managing the translations of the Glossary keywords (and a few others).17:12
godbykIt's not a standard babel keyword because there's no built-in convention for generating glossaries in LaTeX.17:13
godbykAlso, since we're using XeLaTeX, we use polyglossia instead of babel.17:13
godbykSame thing, in effect, but polyglossia groks Unicode and OpenType.17:13

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