
=== Logan_ is now known as Fluffer
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dholbachgood morning06:57
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AnAntHow can I find out whether the reverse-deps of a library package need the static library or not ?07:20
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tumbleweedpackages shouldn't be linking to other things in the archive statically07:22
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AnAnttumbleweed: that's what I thought, but I got asked this question on LP #104815208:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1048152 in fribidi (Ubuntu) "Sync fribidi 0.19.4-1 (main) from Debian experimental (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104815208:14
tumbleweedlintian knows how to detect some libraries linked statically, I doubt this one, though08:17
tumbleweeda simple starting point could be packages that B-D on libfribidi-dev but don't produce any binaries depending on libfribidi008:18
tumbleweedbut that doesn't help with indirect B-Ds08:18
Laneyseems like an unnecessary change given we are post-FF08:18
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AnAntok, in quantal+1 then ?08:42
Laneyif the new upstream is worthwhile then you could still bring that in08:43
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AnAntLaney: well, it is an  update to Unicode 6.1.009:11
AnAntLaney: the previous version was for Unicode 5.1.009:11
LaneyAnAnt: Sounds reasonable, if you want to get it in09:26
Laneyjust take the Debian package and revert the dropping of the static lib09:26
Laneythen propose it for sponsorship09:26
AnAntLaney: static lib was dropped by upstream09:34
xnoxAnAnt: I don't get static libs, there are little reasons for anyone to use, and even less for a distro to ship.09:50
xnoxeven in the initramfs we have shared libraries.09:50
=== Guest8229 is now known as Zic
=== dholbach changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Quantal: Archive open | Want to get involved with the MOTU? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Sponsor queue: http://bit.ly/fz6AyQ | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs | http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/NBS | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs | Small tasks: http://goo.gl/bSual
=== Phantomas1 is now known as Phantomas
effiejayxhey dholbach,  I think I found the reason why the package would not build correct. changes in binary files, when doind bzr bd -- -S -sa. the -S stands for source only, are binaries allowed at all?12:33
xnoxeffiejayx: depends on the package format12:35
RainCTeffiejayx: Hey. Dunno really what you're talking about, but -S is to generate (.diff.gz/.debian.tar.gz)+orig.tar.gz vs .deb, which is completely unrelated to having binary files in debian/ or in the diff12:35
xnoxeffiejayx: in 3.0 (quilt) format you can specify included-binaries if you need to.12:35
xnoxeffiejayx: that will allow "patching" binaries. the ones that you list.12:36
xnoxeffiejayx: if you use 1.0 format than you cannot patch "binaries"12:36
cjwatsonthat said: "changes in binary files" messages that you weren't expecting often actually mean that your clean target is broken.12:37
cjwatsonthat's why these are errors that you have to go to some lengths to resolve, rather than dpkg-source silently sorting it out for you.12:38
cjwatsonbecause if it just silently sorted this out, we'd end up with lots of source packages that include binary junk that's part of the build process and should have been cleaned up.12:38
effiejayxRainCT, it is quilt 3, but once i do bzr import-upstream I guess new images for the application raise the errorhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1195944/12:54
effiejayxxnox, yes it is quilt 3, now if you check the warnings on new binaries, (mostly images) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1195944/12:55
RainCTeffiejayx: I'm not familiar with bzr-buildpackage, but I guess you may need to bump the version number in changelog or something12:56
effiejayxbefore when I did it with debuild -S -sa it would not stat the same12:56
effiejayxRainCT, I think I did that already, let me double check12:57
effiejayxRainCT, yep it used to be 1.6.9 now it is 1.7.6~a112:58
RainCTeffiejayx: Did you merge the new upstream changes after running import-upstream?13:00
RainCTAnyway, I guess other people here will be able to better help you out13:01
xnoxeffiejayx: clear your build-area/*.tar* and ../*.tar.*13:01
xnoxeffiejayx: make sure the tarball you want to build against is the one you had imported into the packaging branch13:01
effiejayxRainCT, thanks, I think I didn't13:01
effiejayxxnox, ok13:01
xnoxeffiejayx: looks like something somewhere doesn't match13:01
xnoxeffiejayx: unpack the "expected" tarball and do $ diff -r -U 4 unpacked-tarball/ bzr-branch/13:02
xnoxto make sure bzr stored the "right" binaries.13:02
effiejayxxnox, I think I did not merge the changes13:06
effiejayxi did bzr import-upstream but there13:07
xnoxeffiejayx: you want $ bzr merge-upstream13:07
xnoximport only imports the tarball and tree into a 1.1.1 dot revision13:08
effiejayxxnox, that did it13:12
effiejayxI was missing the merge-upstream bit.13:13
effiejayxxnox, RainCT  thanks owe you a $self.precious_beverage13:23
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effiejayxxnox, now I get a checksum mismatch after doing bzr builddeb14:51
xnoxeffiejayx: clean your ../build-area/* & ../*.tar.gz14:52
xnoxeffiejayx: and you should have started with a clean branch ( the one that never saw import-upstream )14:53
xnoxas the pristine-tarball checksum got stored now.14:53
effiejayxxnox, so i do not need to do import-upstream when doing a package update?14:57
xnoxeffiejayx: no, just merge-upstream14:58
xnoxeffiejayx: import-upstream was introduced after merge-upstream & pristine-tarball. Such that "old" branches could hook their history up with pristine-tarball deltas. In that case you do need import-upstream cause you really really do not want to merge.14:59
xnoxeffiejayx: another case of import-upstream is when you base your packaging on $upstream-bzr or $upstream-bzr-import branch14:59
cjwatsonBut basically if you don't know why you need import-upstream, you don't.14:59
effiejayxthanks for the patience guys15:01
exodusThanks xnox and cjwatson15:09
exodusThat was useful for me too15:09
exodusI'm learning about UDD15:09
Laneyglib2.0_2.33.12-4.dsc exists in .; copying to chroot15:34
LaneyE: E: Failed to copy './glib2.0_2.33.12.orig.tar.xz' to '/«CHROOT»/«BUILDDIR»': No such file or directory15:34
Laneywhatever is this15:34
* Laney failed15:36
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radu_hi everyone17:55
radu_I have a question. I've submitted recently a patch to one of the Ubuntu packages, but the approver mentioned that the package does not build - that it needs a proper debian/patches patch18:04
radu_he already fixed this, but I'd like to know what's the proper way to deal with this.18:05
radu_Using bzr builddeb -- -S -us -uc, I get the error: dpkg-source: error: aborting due to unexpected upstream changes; dpkg-source: info: you can integrate the local changes with dpkg-source --commit18:06
radu_and I can build it using : bzr builddeb -- -S -us -uc --source-option=--auto-commit without getting any errors18:07
micahgright, but for a distro patch, it needs to go in debian/patches for a 3.0 (quilt) package18:08
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radu_um, ok, I kind of got that...but what does this mean? I just create a patch and put it in the debian/patches directory?18:09
micahgyeah, bzr diff -p1 with your changes uncommitted should give you a proper patch18:13
tumbleweedmicahg: neat trick. I didn't know one could do --prefix 1 :)18:15
micahgyeah, otherwise it would break as a debian/patches patch unless you're using manual patching logic or dpatch18:16
tumbleweedI've always done --prefix old/:new/18:16
micahgFWIW, I just discovered it myself :)18:16
tumbleweedand it's even there in the help18:16
tumbleweedthere I was thinking it was an easter egg :P18:17
ScottKYou can also bzr diff -c [revno] for stuff that's been committed.18:18
micahgright, but if someone's going for a merge proposal into the archive, having it committed isn't correct here18:20
radu_hm, so what is the correct way if you are preparing a merge proposal?18:21
micahgradu_: committing a debian/patches patch18:23
radu_a, ok :)18:23
MohamedAlaa98hello MOTUs :)18:35
MohamedAlaa98anybody here :/18:37
MohamedAlaa98hello daniel3141518:38
MohamedAlaa98I'm planing to join ubuntu motu18:38
daniel31415i am only here because i did one bugfix in my whole life :P18:38
MohamedAlaa98I don't know from where I should start18:40
MohamedAlaa98I've read the ubuntu packaging guide18:40
daniel31415and - how is it?18:41
MohamedAlaa98nice :)18:42
MohamedAlaa98but Can you please give me simple operation I can do?18:42
=== GiggAz is now known as Petaz
daniel31415i am a total noob here18:42
MohamedAlaa98ohh like me :(18:43
Petazwhats this channeol all about?18:43
MohamedAlaa98About ubuntu MOTU18:43
radu_MohamedAlaa98: there are a number of tasks listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/BugFixingInitiative18:44
Petazwhats a MOTU?18:44
ubottumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU18:44
MohamedAlaa98radu_: thanks18:45
MohamedAlaa98radu_: is the bug fixing part of motu's work?18:48
MohamedAlaa98*is bug fixing18:50
radu_I don't know, I'm new around here myself.  I suppose only if it's related to packaging the software (build errors, etc). Most of the bug fixing is done upstream, i assume.18:51
MohamedAlaa98:/ ok radu_ thank you :)18:51
micahgnot especially, MOTUs will integrate fixes from other places, but it's more about packaging fixes that specific bug fixes18:52
MohamedAlaa98micahg: from which point should I start to become a motu?18:55
micahgMohamedAlaa98: start fixing stuff?18:56
MohamedAlaa98micahg: yes18:56
MohamedAlaa98anyway I'll search for simple bugs to fix it19:00
MohamedAlaa98and Excuse me for my bad english :)19:01
micahgMohamedAlaa98: http://harvest.ubuntu.com/19:01
MohamedAlaa98oh, thank you :)19:02
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