
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
babyface_failed to install quantal desktop iso(build:20120909) with a popup window showing: the installer encountered an unrecoverable error. A desktop session will now be run so that you may investigate the problem or try installing again06:21
babyface_and I filed a bug : 104847706:21
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Davieycjwatson: Did you see server sqaushfs's failed today?  Are you working on that as part of the kernel bundling fixes?08:12
Daviey(Mornin' btw)08:12
DavieyIt looks related.08:12
psivaaDaviey, Im not sure if this is what you are already referring to, but the report.html for quantal server has some entries08:19
Davieypsivaa: no, that is a c-m issue i believe08:25
cjwatsonDaviey: only just started so I haven't seen it, but yes of course I'll clean up my own breakage :)08:26
psivaac-m issue?08:26
cjwatsonThough report.html is irrelevant when the live filesystems failed to build before that stage08:27
Davieycjwatson: muchas gracias08:28
psivaacjwatson, understand, thanks08:28
cjwatsonpsivaa: looking at it though, this is one of the cases where non-empty report.html won't render the entire image unusable, just the MaaS bits08:31
psivaacjwatson, yes i noticed that our other server tests passed without any issues08:32
cjwatsonDaviey: livecd-rootfs 2.85 should fix it08:36
cjwatsonbabyface_: will look08:47
Laneythere were bugs over the weekend about ubiquity not launching08:47
Laneyxnox might remember numbers (we were at the global jam)08:48
Laneyin only-ubiquity mode; IIRC it was fine from the live session08:48
cjwatsonmaybe, but nothing relevant fixed in bzr so I might as well debug it08:48
xnoxlooking at it now, the only relevant bits are in /var/log/installer/dm08:48
xnoxGDBus gives many warnings08:49
xnoxand then there is Backtrace from X =/08:49
xnoxcould be changes on the -desktop =/08:49
babyface_no quantal alternate isos today?   the automated tests on quantal alternate isos was started due to there is change in :http://cdimage.ubuntu.com//daily/current/SHA256SUMS, but I didn't find any iso, why?08:54
xnoxcjwatson: Laney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/104854108:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048541 in ubiquity "[Master] Installation failed: The installer encountered an unrecoverable error" [High,Confirmed]08:55
xnoxcjwatson: Laney: X errors https://launchpadlibrarian.net/115365735/UbiquityDm.txt08:55
xnoxbabyface_: didn't we drop alternate CDs ?!08:56
Laneyerm, "yes"08:56
cjwatsonI was about to say that, but we haven't actually done so yet AFAICS08:57
babyface_xnox, yes, I know this,  so we wont have the alternate iso from today ?08:57
cjwatsonBut you might as well stop testing Ubuntu alternate images permanently08:57
cjwatsonThey aren't targeted for release08:57
LaneyI thought we fixed cron08:57
babyface_cjwatson,  ack. thanks.08:57
* Laney looks08:57
Laneyyeah that was xubuntu08:58
cjwatsonbabyface_: There are images on the master system so it must be a mirroring problem of some kind *shrug*08:58
cjwatsonI've poked it in case it helps08:59
cjwatsonI suspect cdimage.u.c must be out of space08:59
babyface_cjwatson, ok,  when  will we drop alternate iso?  is it good time to stop testing them from today?09:01
cjwatsonbabyface_: I don't know exactly when we'll drop them but there's no reason you need to wait for that.  Please stop testing them today.09:02
babyface_cjwatson,  ack. thanks.09:02
cjwatsonWe certainly aren't going to put effort into fixing any bugs you find so there's no point :-)09:02
babyface_cjwatson, ;)09:02
cjwatsonbabyface_: I've sorted out the (probably) out-of-space problem on cdimage.ubuntu.com too09:25
babyface_cjwatson, ah, yes, there are alternate isos again.  btw, I stopped all the automated test on alternate isos just now.09:28
Davieycjwatson: I noticed that server images at least, are not being garbaged09:31
cjwatsonOh yes, I turned off purge-old-images around beta09:32
Davieyis that still required ?09:32
* cjwatson reverts that09:32
cjwatsonI'll just let it autopurge next time rather than doing anything manually09:33
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dobeydo we need an FFe to drop a package out of the archive? or to drop binary packages?14:24
tumbleweedyou need an FFe to do anything risky14:25
tumbleweeddropping leaf binary packages (with good cause) should be fine14:25
dobeyi want to do this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-installer/+bug/104866914:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 1048669 in ubuntuone-control-panel/trunk "Drop ubuntuone-installer package" [High,In progress]14:27
tumbleweedthat seems FFe-worthy. Add some diffs to the bug and you'll get some review14:29
* Laney remembers angst around the introduction of that14:29
tumbleweedyeah (also post FF, IIRC :P )14:29
dobeyit was a necessary evil at the time14:30
xnoxis ubuntu-one stuff the only bit that uses Qt on the Ubuntu Desktop CD, now that unity-2d is gone?14:30
xnoxor does e.g. landscape client does as well?14:31
xnoxis landscape-client included or is it installer again?14:31
xnoxwhat is the status on porting ubuntu-one to python2?14:31
cjwatsonyou can ask germinate this kind of question ...14:32
xnoxyes =)14:32
xnoxcjwatson: how do I use germinate?14:32
micahgumm, won't the ubuntuone client still be there which needs Qt14:32
dobeypartial porting for Q. dirspec is ported; and a bunch of work has been done on ubuntu-sso-client14:33
dobeymicahg: yes it needs Qt14:33
cjwatsonin this case grep for desktop seed and bend your brain around the tree display14:33
cjwatsonbut briefly: appmenu-qt, checkbox-qt, software-center -> oneconf -> python-dbus -> python-qt4-dbus, possibly others 'cos I got bored14:34
xnoxso unity-2d "transitional" packages reverse depend on libqtcore4.... seems odd.14:34
cjwatsononly indirectly, by way of including support for global menu bars for Qt applications14:35
cjwatsonI don't see that unity-2d is at all related directly14:35
cjwatsonit just shows up because it depends on unity which recommends indicator-appmenu which recommends appmenu-qt14:36
xnoxhmm maybe my brain bending skills are not mature enough yet ;-)14:36
xnoxright. ok. so we do need qt.14:36
dobeyyes we need qt14:36
xnoxand do we have landscape-full-client on cd now?14:36
dobeyi don't think so, but it doesn't use qt does it14:37
xnoxstill would be nice to have. Well, I would want it.14:37
dobeyand i don't think it's ported to python3 yet either because it possibly uses twisted?14:38
dobeyanyway, i guess i'll have to FFe :-/14:38
xnoxgood luck & have fun :-/14:41
jbichathat new ubuntut online accounts stuff requires Qt too14:44
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bjfinfinity, linux-lts-backport-natty 2.6.38-15.66~lucid1 (bug 1036914)  and  linux-lts-backport-oneiric 3.0.0-25.41~lucid1 (bug 1036577) are all ready for -updates16:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1036914 in linux-lts-backport-natty "linux-lts-backport-natty: 2.6.38-15.66~lucid1 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103691416:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 1036577 in linux-lts-backport-oneiric "linux-lts-backport-oneiric: 3.0.0-25.41~lucid1 -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103657716:15
infinitybjf: Shiny, thanks.16:18
bjfinfinity: oh no, thank _you_16:18
micahginfinity: can you release my chromium into precise-proposed please?16:25
infinitymicahg: Done.16:27
micahginfinity: thanks16:28
=== Ursinha` is now known as Ursinha
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psivaaserver report.html contains quite a number of entries just in case it has not been noticed16:55
cjwatsonpsivaa: it's a reporting bug17:00
cjwatsonwell, hm17:00
cjwatsonno, image build bug17:02
psivaacjwatson, ok, can i assume the issue will be looked at?17:05
cjwatsonI think I've fixed it - respinning to see17:06
psivaaok thanks17:06
cjwatsonwhich probably means the server test I was in the middle of is pointless:)17:07
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cjwatsonpsivaa: looks better now (when it finishes mirroring) - not empty but these problems at least don't look like image build bugs17:29
psivaacjwatson, thanks, will see how the tests go17:30
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plarscjwatson: the issue psivaa reported earlier seems to have become worse with the 20120910.2 build18:38
infinitybjf: ^-- I already copied those an hour or so ago.18:42
bjfinfinity: my bad. checked the SRU page, checked the ppa, didn't see anything from queuebot here so ... i'll look harder next time18:43
infinitybjf: Yeah, queuebot doesn't have much to say when I copy kernels, since they don't hit the queue. :P18:44
infinitybjf: But I did update the tracking bugs appropriately, at least.18:44
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skaet_slangasek, infinity, cjwatson - have updated the crontab to remove ubuntu alternate from the daily builds.21:11
skaet_(cdimage commit rev 1498)21:13

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