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linociscohi everyone02:46
linociscois there any site where we can dowload tar ball file for all ubuntu packages rather than packages.ubuntu.com which only give us .deb file.?02:47
patdk-laphmm, packages.ubuntu.com02:48
patdk-lappersonally, I perfer to just use, apt-get source02:49
lifelesslinocisco: yes, archive.ubuntu.com02:49
lifelesslinocisco: has everything.02:49
tonyyarussolinocisco: Look over in the right sidebar - it has the original tarball, dsc, and diff.02:50
tonyyarussobut apt-get source is certainly more convenient.02:51
linociscotonyyarusso, lifeless, patdk-lap , Dear all, thanks for your input. As I have internet at work only on windows machine as office standard, I would like to take all necessary ubuntu packages and copy to flash drive and install on my home ubuntu test server which has no internet02:52
tonyyarussolinocisco: Have you seen the apt-on-cd project?02:53
linociscotonyyarusso, yes. to do so, I need on ubuntu machine at least.  But I have only windows machine at work. No other OS is allowed here.02:54
tonyyarussolinocisco: Trying to manually download dependencies would be a giant pain.  I'd suggest firing up a virtual machine in VBox or something with Ubuntu to run that.02:54
tonyyarussoAlso, get a better job.02:55
linociscotonyyarusso, ok. another thing is that we use NOvell GRoupwise at worik. That is only compatiable with windows's Novell Remote Groupwise. I tried with ubuntu. but in vain02:56
tonyyarussoHow are the '90s, btw?  :P02:57
tonyyarussoEvolution has a groupwise connector, supposedly02:58
linociscohttp://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/6793/54727 is cool?03:02
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Kentoshey guys, question quick, i've set up some raid arrays, and was wondering if i have one hardware raid and another configured through software raid, do I partition the boot array as an autconfig, flagged for boot, and then for the second array (which i intend to set up through software on ubuntu) configure it normally but select a sub-root mount directory?05:03
Kentossub-root might not be discribing it properly, but mounting it say, in the /usr directory would be a viable option if its not the boot partitions05:04
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Assiderr whats a suggested virtualization environment on ubuntu-server?05:31
lifelesskvm, or openstack.05:31
lifelessdepending on the scale you need05:31
Assid2-5 vm's05:32
Assidi used to mostly use openvz .. but thats not really "officially supported"05:33
Assidhowever, it used to be the best of the lot for me05:33
Assidlifeless: can you help me get started on this?05:37
Assidwhat kernel etc do i need to kvm05:37
lifelessany Ubuntu kernel05:37
Assid3.2.0-30-generic  would do ?05:38
Assidthere really should be a ncurses based app to manage the vms05:39
lifelessAssid: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM05:39
Assidyeah im reding this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Installation#Installation_of_KVM05:40
Assidlifeless: need some help in the networking section..i already have a bond setup.. now its asking me to bridge05:43
Assidso do o i bridge my bond ?05:44
lifelessdepends on what you're doing, but if you need to connect the VM network to the outside world, a bridge is the usual answer.05:48
Assidthe server itself has a bond setup..05:49
Assidso i created a new bridge. and i setup the bond to be part of the bridge05:50
Assidokay that seems to work.. the server is reaacable05:52
Assidwhats virbr0 ?05:52
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Assiderr can someone help me with this.. im getting  error: internal error cannot load AppArmor profile 'libvirt-c2c3f180-8795-e662-5a16-40db34c4bcd2' when i try and start a kvm instance06:27
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koolhead17hello all07:59
mp_good morning08:28
koolhead17all this while i though mp_ is a bot08:33
uvirtbotNew bug: #1047400 in python-urllib3 (main) "[MIR] python-urllib3" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104740008:37
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uvirtbotNew bug: #1040165 in juju/0.5 "'mysql' charm exposes mysql-root password" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104016508:51
balboahaah. Why isn't my content filter for postfix executing09:03
linociscohow to disable screen saver or sleep mode  on server ?09:30
jamespagejdstrand, is there a specific reason why we only have iptables 1.4.12 in quantal?  The changelog entries look a bit screwy and I wanted to check whether I was missing something10:14
linociscohow to install Keryx on ubuntu server?10:18
linociscoI tried apt-get install keryx, not ok10:18
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orogorconsidering than system-config-lvm is broken , is there any gui left for managing lvm ?11:16
xnoxorogor: gnome disk utility11:17
xnoxorogor: palim (precise and older) something or gnome-disks (quantal)11:17
xnoxorogor: plus command line for lvm is easy: pvs, vgs, lvs for Physical Volume, Volume Group, Logical Volume Status11:18
xnoxand then you really need lvcreate & lvremove to add/remove logical volumes.11:18
orogorrunning 12.4 here11:20
orogorrnunning dist upgrade11:21
orogorxnox, can t  create lvm with it it seems11:26
orogorohhh maybe i can11:26
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vanmiki'm trying to make sendmail work with this manual: http://jonsview.com/how-to-setup-email-services-on-ubuntu-using-postfix-tlssasl-and-dovecot .The problem is when i do 'telnet localhost 25' and then 'ehlo localhost' the only line i get is "250 ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES". Any ideas how to fix that?12:03
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zulgood morning12:51
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hallynpmatulis: hi, could you take a look at serverguide merge request https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/serverguide/serverguide-dns-varlibbind13:11
hallyn(about the start lxc updates)13:11
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pmatulishallyn: alright13:23
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hallynpmatulis: thanks13:26
ninjixI'm working on a little kvm script for running precise cloud images on my laptop and am looking for a way to manage DNS registration with the dnsmasq daemon I have listening on the kvm virtual bridge13:26
raubninjix: So what is biting you?13:27
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ninjixraub: looking for some doc on how to tell dnsmasq to assign DHCP to the kvm and register the dns13:28
ninjixgoogling isn't turning up good answers so far this morning, figured I ask in channel13:29
raubTo the KVM or to the vm you built in kvm?13:29
raubIf the latter, there is a way to dump the config for the vm using virsh13:30
ninjixlaptop <---> kvmnet br0 <---> i-kvm0, i-kvm1, i-kvm(n)13:30
ninjixI want the kvm to be able to find each other by dns dynamically13:31
raubHow many kvm hosts (not vms) do you have then?13:31
ninjixjust my laptop13:31
raubonce you create the vm, you can get the mac addresses using virsh13:32
ninjixI'm setting this up for clean environment testing and don't always have access to our private openstack13:33
raubthen feed that to dnsmasq, with the vm name13:33
raubFor each vm13:33
ninjixah... assign it all ahead of time13:33
raubThat said, if you do not care about the ip given for each vm, just have them configured to send their hostname to dnsmasq13:34
raubI think that is the default for ubuntu13:34
raubi.e. nothing to do13:34
jcastroSpamapS, CFP for SCALE is open, I take it you'd like to redo?13:35
jcastroSpamapS, I don't want to submit the same talk as last year, so I figure we can just chat about it whenever13:36
ninjixraub: that was my first inclination but the cloud-image registers itself as "ubuntu" before cloud-init takes configures it13:36
raubninjix: in that case, I would get the macs and assign ips for each vm13:36
ninjixraub: yeah, that way seems like the least complicated13:37
raubAsa bonus you can number them in a sane way ;)13:37
ninjixthanks for bouncing the idea around with me13:37
raubninjix: Me? I am just here to spread lies ;)13:38
raubFYI, there are little scripts out there to generate macs for you vm13:39
raubI like that since I can make them all have the same first half13:39
raubso I can quickly figure out they are my, say, cloud vms13:39
ninjixyup, I use those already13:40
Davieyroaksoax: hey, do we still run maas-import-iso's on precise, weekly?13:41
roaksoaxDaviey: yes13:41
ninjixeveryone seems to go pre-assign networking (amazon, openstack, MAAS, orchestra...)13:41
Davieyroaksoax: thanks13:41
ninjixmust be a good reason13:41
raubMakes life easier13:41
raubincluding when you have to do monitoring13:41
raubOr crap like puppet13:43
rauband, I would imagine, juju13:43
ninjixme likes juju13:44
zulhallyn: i think we might need this: http://libvirt.org/git/?p=libvirt.git;a=commit;h=a4fd740561aaf4c48b5fefd6b7a39d9963d1147a13:52
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SpamapSjcastro: yeah I was thinking we might get a little more creative with the submission this time14:17
zulDaviey: websockify packaged and novnc do you want me to do a FFE and you can review them?14:18
Davieyzul: ok14:29
hallynzul: i'm not sure.  will it even properly detect 'mount -t cgroup cgroup /cgroup'?  i think it might still require the cgroups to be separately mounted under it14:34
zulhallyn: yeah after second thought i dont think we need it14:34
hallynzul: ok, so there's no specific open bug you thought it should address?14:36
zulhallyn: nope ignore my ramblings in this case :)14:36
zulhallyn: the rantings of a madman14:37
* koolhead17 pokes zul and hides14:40
hallynzul: everyone turns a little mad as release approaches :)14:46
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zulDaviey: for websockify https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1048679 and novnc https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/novnc/+bug/1048676 (websockify is sitting in binary new (just uploaded))14:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1048679 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] FFE for websockify" [Undecided,New]14:52
zulhallyn: um...does this look weird to you? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1196779/14:55
Davieyzul: otp14:57
zulDaviey:  ack14:57
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hallynzul: looking (graphics all effed up, including fonts...)15:11
hallynzul: yeah that's messed up15:11
hallynzul: what are the perms on the parent dir?15:12
zulhallyn: rwxr-xr-x15:12
hallynzul: hm, no, it's normal15:13
hallynzul: only root user can write, and you can't read that file15:13
hallyn(you read devices.list)15:14
zulhallyn: but if i do something like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/1196803/15:14
hallynzul: that's the wrong way to do it15:16
zulhallyn: whats the right way?15:16
hallynyour doing sudo echo' and then piping that into the file (as you)15:16
hallynecho wahtever | sudo tee thefile15:16
hallynecho 'b *:* rwx' | sudo tee devices.allow15:17
hallynzul: jinkeys, could tee be parsing your input?15:20
hallynno, wrks here for me15:20
zulson of a bitch15:20
hallyndo you have tee aliased?15:21
hallynzul: oh, i see15:22
zulno alias15:22
hallynthe 'invalid argument' is returned by the file write :)15:22
hallynzul: 'b' is bad.  try 'a'15:22
zulhallyn: whats the difference between b and a?15:23
hallyna is all.  b in my mind meant 'both', but it means nothing, hence -EINVAL :)15:24
zulhallyn: so is https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/virt/disk/api.py#L160 still valid?15:26
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hallynzul: hm.  maybe b is supposed to be valid...15:45
hallynzul: oh b is block15:50
zulright thats what i thought15:50
hallynzul: does 'b *:* rwm' work for you?  x was wrong15:51
zulhallyn: yeah15:51
hallynzul: sorry :)15:55
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LavvyHello guys am a newbei here i have some questions pls16:11
LavvyPlease doesnt ubuntu cloud have a dashboard, non linux experts can use .16:12
LavvySomething like in rackspace16:13
LavvyI tested it on amazon today16:16
LavvyPlease anyone to help?16:17
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hggdhsmoser, roaksoax: I am testing the upstream fix for bug 967815 in the QA lab; I will -- being successful -- propose a merge for Precise, and I will also check Quantal for applicability16:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 967815 in cobbler "/var/lib/tftpboot directory permissions destroyed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/96781516:19
smoserhggdh, oh. good. thats nice.16:20
hggdhsmoser: if you are interested, the change is at https://code.launchpad.net/~hggdh2/ubuntu/precise/cobbler/lp-96781516:21
LavvyHow can i see ubutu public cloud dashboard? Just like in rackspace16:23
smoserthe package is horizon, Lavvy16:23
LavvyOk, do i install it sepratly16:25
smoseri'm not sure i know what you mean. i dont think its really separable from openstack.16:25
smoserit requires admin access, which you dont have if you're just a client.16:25
smoserat least i wouldhave thought it did16:25
smoserbut i have limited knowledge here.16:26
LavvyOk thanks smoser16:27
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LavvyCan ami image be used with the current ubuntu/openstack version16:29
LavvyIn private cloud16:30
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zulhallyn: ping17:07
koolhead17Lavvy, kindly check/refer the doc  before asking here17:11
hallynzul: .17:15
zulhallyn: nm...figured it out :)17:19
hallynzul: ok17:22
hallynterrific :)17:23
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wuhaa11Hi everyone17:34
wuhaa11anyone know how to combine bandwidth from multiple snmpd servers into one graph in mrtg?17:34
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icebourganybody here an expert with lvm / raid settings in an ubuntu pre-seed file? Having issues allocating space the way I would like it17:52
hallynstgraber: i think the python-lxc api should uppecase states passed into c.wait()17:55
stgraberhallyn: that sounds like a good idea indeed17:56
hallynstgraber: is there a trick to getting 'c.start()' to not crash due to console errors?17:58
hallyni though it daemonized by default?17:59
stgraberit should17:59
zulsmoser/hallyn: lxc-attach isnt going to work17:59
hallynstgraber: I'm getting http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197133/ (implying, i think, it's trying to hook up /dev/console?)18:01
stgraberhallyn: I'm not overriding start() in python, it's just calling start() from the API so in theory you should get the same result when running it from C...18:02
hallynstgraber: it works with 'lxc-start -n C2", but i haven't tried with the C api18:02
hallynhm.  very curious18:03
hallyni just didn't want ot lie in my little example in the server guide :)18:03
uvirtbotNew bug: #1048668 in quantum "OVS Agent Packaging Issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104866818:06
xnoxicebourg: i am listening?!18:06
stgraberhallyn: are you running an up to date quantal system or something weirder than that?18:07
stgraberhallyn: I just tried starting a container here and it seems to be working fine18:08
stgraberhallyn: https://github.com/lxc/lxc/pull/218:10
stgraberhallyn: try processing it with the command line to avoid the merge commit (git pull git://github.com/stgraber/lxc.git && git push)18:10
smoserstgraber, does it seem reasonable to you that /etc/init/iscsi-network-interface.conf (http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197158/) needs to call /etc/network/if-up.d/000resolvconf ?18:14
stgrabersmoser: no, that seems a bit wrong18:16
stgrabersmoser: whatever configures the network interface, in this case, I'm assuming initramfs-tools, should be creating the matching entry in /run/resolvconf/interface/18:17
stgrabersmoser: you may want to look at how we're doing this in casper (with a similar networked root kind of case)18:17
smoserstgraber, if i did create that in the initramfs, would resolvconf in the real root dtrt ?18:18
smoserie, would it handle already existing data there?18:18
stgrabersmoser: I believe it does, at least I can't remember having to do any extra hack when doing a similar thing in casper18:19
smoserthis would be generic change in initramfs-tools18:19
stgrabersmoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197168/ is the code we have in casper18:20
smoseras openiscsi just uses 'configure_networking' from initramfs /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions18:20
smoserwhere did that come from ?18:21
smoseryour paste18:21
rtdosone more question (2 parts): does ubuntu server come with sdl / opengl installed ? if not how do i install the sdl / opengl libraries ? namely the development libraries ?18:21
stgrabersmoser: casper, scripts/casper-bottom/23networking18:21
stgrabersmoser: I don't believe configure_networking actually configures /etc/resolv.conf18:21
smoserright. it does not.18:21
stgrabersmoser: that's why we have the extra code in casper to deal with that18:21
smoserwell, i'd suggest that *that* code was wrong.18:22
smoseryou should have made initramfs configure_networking pre-populate /run/resolvconf/interface18:22
stgraberwell, there are cases where you may not want configure_networking to touch the disk18:22
smoser(at least thats what your'e telling me)18:22
smoser /run not disk18:22
stgraberright, s/disk/anything but the kernel interfaces/ :)18:22
stgraberfor example in LTSP we have ipconfig run but we don't want it to configure the DNS as we'll then spawn udhcp which will do it18:23
smoserthat seems liek not the right solutoin to me18:23
smoserto expect every single user of 'configure_networking' to have to implement resolvconf support18:23
stgraberadding an extra configure_resolving would work18:23
stgraberand then have people call that one if they want18:23
smoserstill seems wrong18:23
smoserwhat is the case where you do not want resolvconf to work?18:24
stgraberI can't think of a case where you don't want resolvconf to work, but there are cases where you don't want ipconfig to configure resolvocnf18:24
stgraberbasically any case where you'll then spawn a real dhcp client18:24
stgraberthese clients could try and figure out what interface file ipconfig modified and remove it, but that's also a bit wrong18:25
smoserstbut actaully...18:26
smoseri think you've convinced me that i need this code in the rootfs18:26
smoseras i cannot / should not assume that /root/etc/resolv.conf is editable18:26
smoserbut obvioyusly need to write it if there is no resolvconf18:27
stgraberI'm not sure I'm seeing why this would be better to have on the rootfs than in the initramfs as both have access to the ipconfig output and /run18:29
smoserbecause in the initramfs i cannot write to /etc/resolv.conf18:29
smoserpost initramfs / becomes mounted RW so i can18:30
smoser(note, that post initramfs, you do have access to the ipconfig output in /run)18:30
stgraberhmm, right, I guess in the other cases we had the initramfs mount / read/write already so it wasn't a problem that / would be ro18:30
hallynstgraber: oh, actually feh, maybe i have a test lxc from a friday test.18:31
stgrabersmoser: not sure if you already did it, but might be worth checking that you don't have any remaining reference to /tmp/net-* as quantal's initramfs now moved it to /run/ (I already fixed a bunch of these)18:32
stgraberhallyn: I really need to setup automated builds from the staging tree (without any debian/local overrides) so we can easily test that stuff :)18:32
smoserstgraber, i stumbled on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/klibc/+bug/104772218:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1047722 in klibc "configure_networking net-DEVICE.conf in /run, but ipconfig writes in /tmp" [Medium,Confirmed]18:33
smoserin precise this is busted.18:33
hallynstgraber: (pushed github.com/stgraber/lxc master to lxc/lxc staging)18:34
hallynstgraber: hm, maybe we can combine UTAH with juju for that18:34
hallyni need to get lxc-test running under UTAH - hopefully this week.  so should all be easy as pie :)18:34
stgraberhallyn: well, automated builds I can get LP to do with a build recipe. I already have them running for the SF tree. Just need to change them to point to github and cleanup the packaging18:35
stgraberbut yeah, tests should then be triggered with utah18:35
hallynstgraber: care to do a quick review of the updates from lp:serverguide .. https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/serverguide/serverguide-q-lxc ?18:35
hallynstgraber: and provisioned with juju :)18:35
stgraberhallyn: can you take a minute to look at the two last patches from Dwight Engen? they are for config_cb and some extra APPARMOR ifdef18:35
stgraberso not things I'm confident in reviewing and commiting myself :)18:36
hallynstgraber: can you push them to a temp branch on github?  (i deleted the emails)18:36
stgraberhallyn: sure18:36
LinuxAdminhi guys18:37
smoserhm.. i had dealt with writable /etc/resolv.conf once before at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/isc-dhcp/+bug/857524 and it seems that might have regressed.18:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 857524 in isc-dhcp "dhclient-script will not work with read-only /etc" [Undecided,Fix released]18:37
LinuxAdminI've recently installed ubuntu server 12.04 and configured automatic security updates18:38
stgraberhallyn: https://github.com/stgraber/lxc/tree/for-review18:38
stgraberhallyn: if they look good, just pull them directly to staging18:38
LinuxAdminafter updates were installed I could no more start the server, it starts in grub rescue console18:39
hallynstgraber: will do, thx18:39
LinuxAdminI'm trying to reinstall grub but I'm getting no luck18:39
LinuxAdminis this a bug?18:39
LinuxAdminis it normal that updates affect grub?18:40
smosermdeslaur, ping18:40
mdeslaursmoser: yes?18:40
hallynfirst one certainly looks good18:40
smoseri'm looking at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/isc-dhcp/quantal/revision/5618:41
LinuxAdminI reinstalled the server and restarted it before I made any upgrades and I could restart18:42
smoserand not understanding how you did not regress http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/quantal/isc-dhcp/quantal/revision/3618:42
LinuxAdminafter the updates get installed, I cannot boot any more18:42
smoseris there some reason now that we do not have to wait for /etc/resolv.conf to be writable ?18:43
LinuxAdminso, for sure the problem is created after kernel updates18:43
smosermdeslaur, ^18:43
mdeslaursmoser: one sec, I'm trying to figure out why the auto-importer turned by 2-line package change into that gigantic merge18:44
smoseryeah, that was annoying :)18:44
LinuxAdminI'm tempted to not configure automatic security updates but I think it's not the way to deal with that, because I will not update important security problems18:45
LinuxAdminhave someone experienced this?18:45
mdeslaursmoser: looks like stgraber 's merge to 4.2.4 regressed that: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/quantal/+source/isc-dhcp/4.2.4-1ubuntu118:50
mdeslaurstgraber: was that an oversight, or was there a reason?18:50
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hallynstgraber: after cleaning up my pkgs c.start() works fine :)  sorry.  i guess this was actually while we were playing iwth the reaper18:53
rtdosok lost sudo capability, am getting weird messages when i try to use sudo. how can i fix this without logging in as root?18:54
hallyncommits should be pushed (with my ack) to lxc/lxc #staging18:55
stgrabermdeslaur: ? was there anything related to iscsi in there?18:57
smosermdeslaur, so why did you get blamed for it?18:57
mdeslaursmoser: because UDD doesn't actually work :)18:57
mdeslaursmoser: the auto-importer failed to import a bunch of uploads18:58
mdeslaurstgraber: isc-dhcp used to wait for /etc/resolv.conf to be writable, it was an ubuntu-specific delta, and that got dropped when you merged to 4.2.4...could you take a look?18:59
smoserhm.. i'm missing something.19:00
stgrabermdeslaur: ok, so completely unrelated to smoser's problem (dhclient doesn't run in his case)19:00
smoserwell, its not completely unrelated.19:01
mdeslaurstgraber: I'm just responding to his ping about that missing delta, I didn't read scrollback19:03
smoserstgraber, it would seem that you regressed the non-resolvconf case19:03
smoserbut i admit that i may be missing something here.19:03
smoser/sbin/dhclient-script used to wait to make sure /etc/resolv.conf was writable before calling scripts in /etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d19:04
stgrabersmoser, mdeslaur: ok, putting on my list of stuff to look at19:04
smoseri only got here because i was trying to think of how to update this in the iscsi root case.19:05
smoserand clearly you need to wiait for rw root.19:05
smoserthis is really a mess.19:06
smoserwait. no, its not so bad.19:06
smoserbut i do think its regressed now.19:06
stgraberyeah, seems likely that it regressed when merging the ton of changes done on Debian's side. I'd have to look at it and figure out if just re-introducing it is enough.19:09
stgraberkeeping in mind that we shouldn't wait when using resolvconf as otherwise we may well end up waiting indefinitely19:09
stgraberanyway, I have other isc-dhcp stuff to do this week, so I just added this one to the list19:09
rtdosok lost sudo capability, am getting weird messages when i try to use sudo. how can i fix this without logging in as root?19:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #1047398 in samba (main) "remote printing using samba cups fails for pdf files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104739819:13
rtdosi get this error message when using sudo: http://pastebin.com/tqT1ysPF19:22
sazawalAny help for configuring gmail account in thunderbird?19:23
patdk-wksazawal, login to google mail, click setup email for thunderbird?19:25
sazawalpatdk-lap, I have done whatever was given in google and mozilla pages. Still couldnt get it working :(19:26
sazawalpatdk-lap, it is showing Unable to connect to IMAP server. You may have exceeded the maximum number of connections to this server19:27
rtdosi get this error message when using sudo: http://pastebin.com/tqT1ysPF19:28
=== KristianDK is now known as zz_KristianDK
=== zz_KristianDK is now known as KristianDK
guntbertrtdos: does http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo help?19:41
=== arrrghhhAWAY is now known as arrrghhh
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
uvirtbotNew bug: #1048787 in openldap (main) "slapd gives assertions for valid configuration" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104878720:16
=== cpg is now known as cpg|away
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
leojrfsdo anyone here run ubuntu server in a flash drive?21:18
LavvyHello we need a good ubuntu expert that can help us out (on a commercial basis), please you could you pm me.21:26
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== KristianDK is now known as zz_KristianDK
=== cpg|away is now known as cpg
=== cmagina-lunch is now known as cmagina

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