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smartboyhwWaiting for daily update No#10 then now:)12:30
popeys/daily/weekly/ ?12:31
smartboyhwpopey: s/daily/weekly/10 from jhodapp:)12:31
popeyhah! look what you made him do!12:37
smartboyhwOH NO...12:38
smartboyhwpopey: Anyway he is back:)12:41
jhodappsmartboyhw, need something?12:51
smartboyhwjhodapp: I wanna read the weekly update:12:53
jhodappsmartboyhw, I guess it's in high demand, eh? :)12:53
smartboyhwjhodapp: YES12:54
jhodappnew weekly update is out: http://www.doadjustyourset.com/2012/09/10/ubuntu-tv-weekly-update-10/13:10
tgm4883bobweaver, pong19:58
bobweaverwell hello there :)19:59
bobweaverI was wondering about 2 things if you have the time19:59
tgm4883yep, shoot19:59
bobweaver1 ) scope is not reading tv shows just wanted to let you know that20:00
bobweaver2)  this is more a mythtv thing but I can not get movies to get fan art20:00
tgm4883so for #1, it should be getting TV shows20:00
bobweaverI rm all torrevted ones and still nothing named them the way that they should be and still nothing20:00
bobweaverI am getting back all the info for the movies just no fanart20:01
bobweavermyth tv20:01
bobweaverlet me make sure that I have the latestest scope brb20:01
tgm4883for #2, are the fan art directories getting populated with image files?20:02
bobweaverNope just like 420:03
bobweaverout of 50 movies or something like that20:03
bobweaverdrop tables and scan again ?20:03
tgm4883no you shouldn't need to ever touch the DB20:03
bobweavergood to know20:04
tgm4883go into the metadata editing section and do a search for fanart20:04
tgm4883also take a look at /var/log/mythtv/metadatalookup.log20:04
* bobweaver plays skipping record .... 20:07
bobweaverthanks for helping me again tgm488320:07
tgm4883it says skipping record?20:07
tgm4883anything else?20:07
bobweaverit still is getting nothing20:07
bobweaverI am saying that I am a skipping record by saying "thanks for helping me tgm4883  "20:08
bobweaverOk I think that I have figured it out but could be wrong20:12
tgm4883ok what is it?20:12
bobweaveron the same box that is backend I open the frontend and noticed that all the spaces for where to store things are blank20:13
tgm4883no that's correct20:13
tgm4883but check mythtv-setup, as that is where those storage directories are set20:13
tgm4883step 6 I think20:13
bobweaveryeah there is only 2 thumbnails under ~/.mythtv20:13
bobweaverok will do20:13
tgm4883make sure a directory is setup for each, and that it's writable by the mythtv user20:14
bobweaveryeah they are all set up and right users groups and permissions20:18
bobweaverwhat is funny about it is this20:18
tgm4883and nothing in that log file?20:18
bobweaverI get all the metadata20:18
bobweaverlike what the movie is about the actors anything that is text20:18
bobweaverbut I just dont get fanart nor coverart nor thumbnails20:18
bobweaverlooking closer at log20:19
bobweaveranything to look for off the top of your head ?20:19
bobweaverOh I booked my flight today for UDS20:19
tgm4883pastebin the log file20:19
bobweaverwill do20:20
bobweavertaking a little bit to pastebinit20:21
tgm4883bobweaver, do /usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ttvdb.py -v20:23
tgm4883That looks right, what about     dpkg -l libmyth-python20:26
tgm4883bobweaver, ok, what if you do this20:28
tgm4883/usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Television/ttvdb.py -l en -M "The Unit"20:28
tgm4883ok, so try this20:32
tgm4883In the frontend, in the settings20:33
tgm4883there should be an entry for metadata20:34
tgm4883I don't have a frontend available right now to check :/20:34
bobweaverartwork and data ? there is a place to pick out API20:35
bobweaverwe can do this after you are out of work if you like20:36
bobweaveralso last thing20:36
tgm4883yea that is right20:36
tgm4883so go in there and cycle though them for television to get ttvdb.py (even if it's already selected)20:36
bobweaverare you or any of mythbuntu people going to hold tracks for the future of Mythtv ? at UDS ? I would go20:36
tgm4883we don't hold mythtv tracks20:37
tgm4883we have semi-private meetings at LTS UDS's20:37
tgm4883semi-private meaning, it's at the bar :)20:37
bobweavercool I would like to be there if I am cool enough :)20:38
bobweaverI can not change the API20:38
bobweaverwont let m20:38
bobweaverme *20:38
tgm4883hmm, ok, maybe going in was enough20:38
tgm4883I'd like you to try and get artwork again20:38
bobweaverI even try to reset the data and scan again20:40
bobweaversame thing getting text only back20:41
tgm4883can you paste that log again?20:41
bobweaverlet me cat out video dir20:41
tgm4883I want to see if the output changed20:41
bobweaverjust to let you know the 2 movies where "Bad Ass"  and "Being Flynn"20:43
bobweavermythmetadata.log   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197429/20:43
bobweavermy video dir that holds movies   http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197433/20:45
bobweaveralso dont know if this will help when you get back. But I have nothing called "The Unit" in my video's or anywhere on the computer for that matter20:54
tgm4883bobweaver, you don't?20:59
* tgm4883 wonders why it's searching for it then21:00
bobweaverNo Sir21:00
bobweaverI just did       sudo find / -name 'The Unit'       and got nothing back21:00
bobweaverI also ran21:01
bobweaversudo find / -name '[Tt]he [uU]nit'       and got nothing back21:01
tgm4883 "Bad Ass"  and "Being Flynn" are movies or tv shows?21:03
bobweaver moves21:03
bobweavertvdb works fine21:03
bobweavertmdb is the only one that is giving troubles21:04
bobweaverrunning sudo find / -name '*[Tt]he [Uu]nit*'21:04
bobweavernothing came back  :/21:06
bobweavergoing to ask in bash if that is right on the regex21:07
tgm4883nah don't worry about it21:07
tgm4883if it's recorded, it's not going to  have that in the filename anyway21:07
bobweaverOh there is one recording from Sunday in the lib21:08
bobweaverniners game (that was awesome ! )21:08
bobweavermeaning that I have not recored anything else  that "watch recording "   that is the only thing in there21:09
bobweaverwell I recored before But I have rm21:09
bobweaverBut nothing called 'the unit '21:10
tgm4883ok, so lets do21:10
tgm4883/usr/share/mythtv/metadata/Movie/tmdb.py -M "Bad Ass"21:10
tgm4883verify that returns XML21:10
bobweaveryah looks good21:12
bobweaverthat is the correct movie and <image>  link to it is also correct     -->    http://cf2.imgobject.com/t/p/original/ws0LVXY4NwhUDkzdVR27KTXulaI.jpg21:14
bobweavermaybe I should try to run jamu ?21:21
tgm4883bobweaver, nah, jamu is deprecated21:23
bobweaverthanks *21:24
tgm4883out of curiosity, anything in syslog?21:25
bobweaverI will take a look21:26
bobweaverjust apparmor talking about unity-scope-gbrowser21:28
tgm4883This is 0.25 or 0.26?21:30
bobweaverthat was weired I just tried  sudo apt-get install libmyth-0.25-0    and it is installing Oo21:33
bobweaverbut apt-cache policy mythtv      shows 0.25.221:34
* bobweaver shrugs 21:34
bobweavertgm4883,  I dont want to take up that much of your time I thank you a ton for all that you have done for me with this You Rock I will try some things and get back to you later thanks again21:35
tgm4883thanks bobweaver I've asked in #mythtv-users as well, but haven't received a response yet21:36
bobweaverthanks ! anything helps at this point I am going to install some new things and I know that I should not muck around with mysql but I am going to export and search file for 'The Unit '21:37
bobweaverwait I think I might have just gained some ground21:45
bobweavernope false alarm21:47
bobweaverGOT IT !!!!21:50
bobweaverso I have to do this  1) go to each movies and reset the meta data    2) Do not scan go right into the edit movies and then scan from in there and it is working21:51
bobweaverand then I can scan again to get text. not pretty but will work21:53
bobweaverErr but now it is not holding true too all the movies meaning that it is working but then resets :(21:56
tgm4883bobweaver, move all videos out of the videos storage group folder, scan for changes, move them back, scan for changes again21:57
tgm4883that should clear everything it knows about the videos21:57
bobweaverok will do21:57
bobweaverkeeps on crashing the exit code 133 or something like that But I think that it is starting to work22:02
bobweaverAllright tgm4883  I got great new's and I got bad news. good news sorted out mythtv (other frontend was not saving videos in right dir)  But I installed 0.26 of the scope and am still not getting back tv previews. Just to let you know also it is getting 500 error most likly my back end. But that is testing results . I am going to make into a deb and install that way to see how it goes : )thanks again23:46

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