
sil2100didrocks: hi!07:47
sil2100didrocks: me and Mirv we've been looking into the keybinding migrations just now, and there is a small problem that we noticed07:48
sil2100didrocks: in the current state of things it seems we can't really use gsettings-data-convert for the keybindings, because it fails converting some (or even all?) keybindings07:50
sil2100didrocks: I just looked at this today, so I didn't really follow the discussion, but it seems g-d-c can07:50
sil2100Enter pressed to soon07:50
sil2100What I wanted to say:07:51
sil2100...but it seems g-d-c can't do the conversion from type 's' to 'as'07:51
sil2100didrocks: it seems in gconf, during the conversions, the keybindings are normal strings, where the schema expects arrays of strings07:52
sil2100didrocks: not sure what we could do here - the two options I currently see are either patching g-d-c to do the conversion from 's'->'as', or just dropping g-d-c in favor of a python/bash script doing the conversions manually for keybindings07:53
sil2100didrocks: since modification of existing schemas would be more trouble07:53
didrockssil2100: it's not new, Mirv noticed that mid-day on Friday07:57
didrockssil2100: any news from upstream as I asked?07:57
didrockspatchin g-d-c will do it for me07:57
didrockssil2100: btw, as told on Friday, I'm quite unimpressed that the script was outpting some warning when you tested the migration in august and that noone noticed it07:58
sil2100didrocks: what warnings? You mean the 's' -> 'as' conversion ones?07:59
sil2100didrocks: I think those keybinding conversions were added a bit later, when I was just testing the packages - during my migration testing, keybindings were just broken and not converted at all08:03
sil2100At least not those08:03
sil2100But yeah, fail08:03
didrockswell, when adding them anyway, it should have been checked :))08:09
sil2100I know :( I checked the wrong thing - since I just checked the non-unity keybindings = fail08:11
MCR1duflu: Hi :) I am not sure if it is a good solution to present plug-ins to the user he will never get to work, that is why I proposed to disable them...08:14
MCR1duflu: showmouse is also broken btw08:14
MCR1duflu: and loginout is just working for KDE users, although this does not get explained to the user anywhere - it is just confusing08:15
MCR1duflu: we should at least make it depend on KDEcompat in CCSM, so that the user is warned when enabling it...08:16
dufluMCR1: It's a bug so should be discussed in a bug and be fixed, rather than disabling the code08:16
dufluI looked at the loginout code. It's not dependent on KDE, even if it does only work on KDE08:16
MCR1I have filed bug reports about that also, btw - you just don't seem to get my reports08:17
dufluMCR1: OK, please mention the bug numbers in proposals etc, or mark my bug as a dupe of yours08:17
MCR1duflu: I think every KDE user will enable KDEcompat first, so it would be logical to warn in CCSM and also to present the info that it is currently KDE only08:18
dufluMCR1: No, string changes should be permanent. And saying it only works on KDE is definitely not permanent08:19
MCR1It is frustrating for the user if he turns on plug-ins -> no warning -> no functionality at all...08:19
MCR1duflu: Do you know that showmouse is also broken ?08:20
dufluMCR1: No. Got a bug?08:20
MCR1bug 104826708:21
ubot5Launchpad bug 1048267 in Compiz "[regression][GLES]: showmouse plugin does not work anymore at all" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/104826708:21
dufluMCR1: I can't explain it but Launchpad had deleted all my direct bug subscriptions08:25
* MCR1 had a problem with gmx detecting launchpad as spam and had them in the spam folder08:26
dufluMCR1: No, within Launchpad it had deleted subscriptions I created on a couple of months ago08:28
tsdgeosguys, any easy bug for a newbie to start off? ted told me to have a look at http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-q-tracking-bug-tasks.html bug all the compiz/unity bugs i find there seem to be a bit too difficult for someone like me that is just entering the unity/compiz land08:57
duflutsdgeos: Maybe look through these lists:09:01
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mhr3bilal, ping ping ping10:11
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Mirvcompiz packaging brewing at lp:~timo-jyrinki/compiz/ubuntu.098213:06
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Mirvpackaging otherwise quite near complete, but have to continue on the associated gsettings-data-convert patch testing tomorrow13:55
sil2100Mirv: for now let's maybe just distro-patch it for ubuntu13:59
Mirvsil2100: yes, that's what I was thinking, although also posting it to gnome bugzilla13:59
KircleIs there anyway to add blurring to the unity launcher?14:28
tsdgeosso i created https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/compiz/do_not_change_viewport_on_resize/+merge/123564 which fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/776435 for me14:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 776435 in compiz (Ubuntu) "Window maximizes on the wrong workspace" [Medium,Triaged]14:46
tsdgeosseems at least i didn't break the tests :D14:48
MCR1tsdgeos: Cool thing - a new contributor :)14:50
tsdgeosMCR1: well, just until my squad gets assigned somewhere else14:50
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