
Sarvattml|transit: hope you took monday off too after that mess :P04:29
ml|transithey :p05:14
=== ml|transit is now known as mlankhorst
mlankhorstSarvatt: naw05:14
mlankhorstI'm stuck at schiphol international airport now for 2 hours05:14
mlankhorsttrains won't go05:14
mlankhorstso now I set up some basic wep to my phone05:14
mlankhorstwow.. those flash hacks actually made it into libvdpau?05:20
=== Amaranthus is now known as Amaranth
tjaaltonRAOF: btw, xstraces on the compiz hang bug. dunno if they're of any use though07:08
eruditehermitdoes ppa-purge work again with multiarch?08:19
eruditehermitthe answer seems to be no08:42
eruditehermitpainful hand downgrade in progress08:42
mlankhorstwell, watching my email box, it seems the last 2 weeks have been boring :P10:30
tjaaltonbarring some mesa regressions that made us go back to the old snapshot10:32
mlankhorstdid we get openchrome 0.3.1 in?10:33
mlankhorstah k10:35
mlankhorstsuppose I'll spin a new x-1.13 renamed stack then10:39
MCR1Hi everyone. :) I came here to complain :-D11:23
tjaaltonwho doesn't11:23
MCR1Are you aware of constant visual lockups on Quantal ?11:23
MCR1seems the recent mesa upgrade is responsible11:23
tjaaltonwe have the same mesa as a couple of weeks ago11:24
MCR1They are hardcore critical - the display completely locks mainly when doing larger file operations - those continue to work in the background at least, sound etc. all continues to run, but the display freezes except for the mousepointer11:24
MCR1Those happened first time after recent xorg upgrades11:24
tjaaltonwhat hw11:25
MCR1amd ati hd5750 on gallium driver11:25
MCR1but there are other reports with intel hw as well11:25
MCR1the lockups only happen when doing file operations like compiling or upgrading11:26
MCR1First I thought my SSD might die, but all file operations continue once the visuals locked up, also sounds continue to play like nothing happened11:28
tjaaltonapt-cache policy libgl1-mesa-dri11:29
MCR1The only way to get back to normal state is via reboot on a VT11:29
tjaaltonwhat does it say11:29
MCR1Installed: 9.0~git20120903.e1673d20.is.git20120821.c1114c61-0ubuntu111:29
tjaaltonand when did it work the last time?11:29
MCR1Some days ago (2 or 3), before the most recent xorg updates11:30
tjaaltonand before that?11:30
* xnox ++ high IO locks up compiz. Sometimes after IO is gone doing tty7 -> tty1 -> tty7 fixes the pointer lock up11:30
tjaaltonok, so it's fixed in current mesa master, but we can't put it in before i915 works11:31
xnoxwell mouse pointer, who knows if it's compiz or not.11:31
xnoxtjaalton: how can I run that?11:31
tjaaltonxnox: the newer snapshot?11:31
tjaaltonmight be available via launchpad11:32
tjaaltonunless the debs are removed already11:32
tjaaltonor build from the git repo11:32
xnoxi was hoping for something like xorg-edgers ppa11:32
MCR1It is really a nasty problem, because I almost never can get compiling of Compiz/Unity to finish without a complete visual lock-up :P11:34
MCR1First I thought my SSD is maybe dying, but then others confirmed the same thing happening to them...11:36
tjaaltoni heard you11:36
tjaaltontry searching from your /var/cache/apt/archives if you still have the old versions around...11:37
MCR1I guess not, because I am cleaning up often...11:37
* ricotz tries will try to push a new mesa snapshot to xedgers < Sarvatt 11:39
MCR1Thanx ricotz :)11:39
MCR1tjaalton, thanx also for the fast response 8-)11:54
* mlankhorst putting a renamed x1.13 back together in his personal ppa with armel11:58
mlankhorstRAOF: ping? would it be possible to SRU plymouth 0.8.4 for getting rid of arm libdrm dependency or should I just backport the relevant patches?12:26
ricotzxnox, MCR1, mesa should be published in a bit in edgers12:32
xnoxricotz: merci =)12:32
MCR1ricotz: yes, thx12:32
ricotzthis is a snapshot from the 9.0 branch so shouldnt be that cracky anymore12:33
* MCR1 already fears the process of removing it later once fglrx will work on Quantal ;)12:33
tjaaltonyou don't need to pull all of edgers..12:34
ricotzyes, just pull mesa and libdrm12:34
tjaaltonquantal has 2.4.39..12:34
MCR1tjaalton: oh, good tip - thx 8-)12:35
MCR1ricotz: thx12:35
ricotztjaalton, hmm, this might be enough, yeah12:35
MCR1ricotz: I just saw that xorg-edgers also has a fglrx-installer - Is this tested and working ?13:12
tjaaltonthere is no working version for 1.1313:13
MCR1yeah, thought so... thx13:13
mlankhorstmesa-lts-quantal requires llvm-3.1?14:03
tjaaltoncurrently at least, and it's expected to get bumped in newer releases too14:04
tjaaltonmaybe we could backport llvm there?14:05
tjaaltondon't know if 3.0/3.1 makes any difference14:05
mlankhorstno idea if it matters or not, I guess I'll manually downgrade it to 3.0 for now14:07
tjaaltonyou need to change the patch too14:07
tjaaltonthat hardcodes the version14:07
mlankhorstok :)14:07
tjaaltonor skip mesa, as it's broken on some hw14:08
tjaaltonfor now14:08
mlankhorstI'll just rename current mesa, then14:08
mlankhorstpoor mesa builder, still going at it16:15
brycehwelcome back mlankhorst 17:50
brycehtjaalton, btw looks like for the package status page I'm not going to be able to continue pulling in the package notes from wiki17:53
brycehtjaalton, they've added some new security for the wiki that makes it difficult to screen scrape it (at least, via perl).  I'll have to go back to the drawing board and come up with some new solution.  But that'll have to be next cycle; I'll probably just rewrite the whole thing into python.17:54
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mlankhorstbryceh: ty :)18:19
tjaaltonbryceh: ok, no worries18:59
tjaaltonit's great even without the notes :)19:00
tjaaltonhmm so hybrid pain with intel on quantal.. sounds like I need to dualboot my laptop, still keep precise around for the other bugs..19:00
tjaaltonand quite fun that the touchpad hotkey on the thinkpad kills the device, so that to enable it again you need to restart the server19:01
tjaaltonneed to figure out what's wrong there. tomorrow19:01
popeypip pip21:09
popeyi have an Acer Aspire Revo R3600 which is a 'nettop' with Atom CPU and nVidia ION GPU. I just did a clean install of 12.04 and get a desktop which goes black after a few seconds..21:10
popeyhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/125608/unity-3d-no-longer-works-after-installing-12-04 suggests it's a video driver issue and that i can roll back to nvidia-current 295-3321:10
popeybut it seems to no longer be in the x-swat/x-updates ppa..21:11
popeyis there some other solution? I actually want to run unity 2d on this, not 3d, it will be an xbmc frontend21:11
* popey tickles bjsnider :)21:12
bjsniderwell, the 295 blob is still on the server, but the download link is not explicitly shown anywhere21:13
Sarvattpopey: if its that bug you can use nvidia-current-updates instead of nvidia-current21:13
bjsniderassuming that's really the problem21:13
Sarvattthere's a 304.xx nvidia-current-updates in precise-proposed also that may fix it21:14
bjsnideri don't think i've got any quantal drivers in x-updates at this point21:16
* popey tries21:17
popeyok, this is getting 295.4921:17
Sarvattthats supposed to fix the bug in 294.4021:17
bjsnider295? that's old21:20
popeynope, still broken21:22
Sarvatt304.43 is in precise-proposed waiting to go into updates21:22
popeyclean install so this doesn't have proposed, I'll enable that21:22
Sarvatti386? might want to just grab the deb https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-updates/304.43-0ubuntu0.1/+build/3750320/+files/nvidia-current-updates_304.43-0ubuntu0.1_i386.deb21:24
popeythis is gonna suck for non-techy people21:24
bjsniderare you sure this is an nvidia issue?21:24
popeyunity and compiz are still running, and the way the screen breaks up is kinda odd21:26
popeyit's like someone is writing zeroes over the texture ram21:26
bjsniderwhat happens exactly?21:26
popeybits go black, first the panel line by line, quite quickly, then the launcher, then the desktop21:26
bjsniderthat's a new unity feature21:27
popeyfunny man :)21:27
bjsnidernot buying that one?21:27
popeyunity is still running, i can start apps, and then switch to tty0 and see the processes21:27
bjsnideranything helpful in .xsession-errors?21:29
popeyjust doing updates will see after I restart21:31
popeyman alive, Atom is slow for doing dkms kernel modules21:37
popeybah, still fails21:46
* popey uploads youtube video of it21:52
popeyhmm, compiz eating 100%21:53
brycehRAOF, when you get in, would you mind accepting mesa 8.0.4 to -proposed?  Bug #1019444.  I want to get on with doing the final round of piglit testing for it.22:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1019444 in mesa (Ubuntu Precise) "Update Precise to mesa 8.0.4 (bugfix micro-release)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101944422:03
RAOFbryceh: Most assuredly!23:17
LLStarksintel 2.20.7 has uxa prime and sna prime23:45

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