
Kilosmorning all05:02
Kilosyo jrgns 05:04
Kiloshey magespawn you here already?05:05
Kilosnuvolari, ping05:28
* Squirm yawns05:49
Kilosyo Squirm good news05:49
Kilosmate rocks on 12.0405:52
Kilosjust like maverick but different colour05:53
Kiloshi Tonberry 06:03
Kerberohi Tonberry 06:04
Kerberoo ja en goeie more oom kilos06:06
Kilosdag Kerbero ek smile06:06
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:36
Kilosmorning superfly 06:36
superflymorning Kilos06:41
superflyand maiatoday, jrgns, Tonberry, Kerbero, Squirm06:42
superflyhave I left anybody out? :-P06:43
Kilosnope, well done06:43
jrgnshey superfly06:43
Kiloshi nlsthzn aquarat 06:58
aquaratyou really are always here06:58
nlsthznSalutations uncle Kilos ... drats... spell checking not working at present it seems >.<06:59
Kilosyou at work nlsthzn ?06:59
nlsthznno uncle Kilos ... going night shift tonight07:00
nlsthznat work no more internets basicallt07:00
nlsthznwe are on lockdown as the system is over run by virusssesssesssss.07:00
Kilosaw that sucks07:01
superflyhi aquarat, nlsthzn07:01
Kilostell them to go linux07:01
nlsthznbetter... now I can actually work07:01
aquaratherro superfly 07:01
nlsthzno/ superfly 07:01
* nlsthzn trying out smuxi07:01
nlsthznnow to get spell checking working 07:01
superflynlsthzn: that's like the Gnome version of Quassel?07:01
Kilosnlsthzn, mate works kiff on 12.0407:01
nlsthznKilos: nice... but it is a doomed project07:02
nlsthznsuperfly: nope more like irrciii07:02
nlsthznor what ever it is called07:02
Kilosoh no nlsthzn why you say that?07:02
superflynlsthzn: ircii07:02
nlsthznKilos: the work mint is doing with cinnimon they will bring gnome 2 type functionality using gtk307:03
nlsthzngtk 2 is ded07:03
superflynlsthzn: er, no, irssi07:03
nlsthznsuperfly: that is the one... apparently... not sure cause I never used it07:03
superflyKilos: I agree with nlsthzn, Gnome2/GTK2 is dead07:03
Kilosaw maybe they will grow with it07:04
superflynlsthzn: I used it a little... all it is is an IRC client with a proxy plugin. You don't get to read your scrollback, whereas Quassel you do07:04
Kilos GTK 2 but they are thinking of porting to GTK 3.07:04
Kilosthats in the comments07:04
nlsthznsuperfly: ah ok... I haven't gotten into a point that I can scroll yet... will see in a few comments :p07:05
nlsthznKilos: well all the power to them :)07:05
superflynlsthzn: when you reconnect is what I mean07:05
Kilosyeah i hope so i like it07:05
nlsthznah ok...07:05
superflyI can scroll back to 3 weeks ago here if I want to07:05
* nlsthzn still likes xchat for my usage07:05
superflyohi sflr! long time no smell07:06
sflrmorning all!07:06
Kiloshi sflr welcome back07:06
nlsthznbtw uncle Kilos ... your post makes Unity sound like a decease :(07:06
sflrHi Kilos, superfly!07:06
nlsthzno/ sflr 07:06
Kilosaw sorry nlsthzn 07:06
sflrhalo nlsthzn07:06
superflysflr: you know, we were going to organise a CBD Ubuntu half-hour, and then I think babies being born got in the way....07:07
nlsthznspeeell chekin not a worksing07:07
Kiloslotsa peeps been moaning and going to other flavours07:07
Kilosall good there sflr ?07:07
sflrsuperfly: yes of course, at the coffee shop. I am also available now. Got sidetracked with work and travels.07:07
sflryes Kilos, all good! :) and you?07:08
Kilosyes ty sflr we missed you07:08
superflysflr: I'll put some feelers out on the mailing list07:09
sflrawww... thanks guys :) told you I be back! #TerminatorVoice07:09
sflrthat's great superfly. should we meet up still this month then?07:10
superflysflr: well, that's what we'll find out07:10
superflyI'm thinking possibly in about 2-3 weeks time07:10
sflrok superfly. beginning of October then probably. There is a public holiday towards end of the month.07:11
sflrWhat is the seating capacity there? How many people can attend?07:11
superflyYeah, that's also my mom's birthday :-)07:12
superflywell, there are a couple of tables that each take 2 people, but we could probably shift them together07:12
superflyand there are some couches in there too07:13
superflyhey not_found, what happened there?07:13
not_foundmuch better :) Xchat FTW and all that07:14
superflyheh. I don't really like X-Chat. Never really did...07:14
sflrthanks superfly. We should make  a booking then?07:14
* not_found <3 it :p07:14
Kilosaw come on superfly its nearly same as quassel07:14
not_foundKilos, at the end of the day... users should just use what works for them IMO... which ever DE, even which OS...07:15
superflyI don't think that's necessary, but I'll pop around at lunchtime sometime this week, and see what their lunchtime traffic is like07:15
superflysflr: ^^07:15
superfly-_- helps if I update the right site07:16
Kilosi have only used ubuntu since i came to linux and enjoy it just the unity trip was a bit slow and needed more thinking nl07:16
Kilosnot_found, 07:17
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:17
Kilosat least this should work for 5 years now07:17
not_foundis mate in an official ubuntu PPA?07:18
sflrok superfly that would be great!07:18
superflynot_found: Official for MATE or official for Ubuntu? :-P07:18
not_foundI mean if it is an external PPA there is no guarentees for support for 5 years right07:18
Vince-0Hi, Kilos07:19
Kilosim happy its now in my synaptic with all its other packages07:19
superflynot_found: by definition, PPA's are external to Ubuntu07:19
Kilosoh i see what you mean07:19
superflynot_found: and there is no support for them from Canonical07:19
not_foundah ok... sorry... but what I mean it isn't in the repo's or is it?07:19
not_foundthe "official" ones07:19
* not_found knows what he means but doesn't know how to say it07:20
superflyoh right07:20
tumbleweedit's not in the repositories, no07:20
not_foundthanks tumbleweed ... 07:20
tumbleweednot even everything in the archive gets support from canonical. They only support a subset of the archive07:21
superflytumbleweed: only main and restricted, hey?07:21
not_foundso what happens if something falls outside this in 4 years? Upgrade or live with possible security hole?07:22
tumbleweedit's more complex than that07:22
tumbleweednot_found: yes07:22
tumbleweedsuperfly: we're talking of getting rid of the main/universe divide07:23
superflytumbleweed: oh, OK07:23
tumbleweedcanonical supports some packages in universe, and not everything in main07:23
tumbleweedthere's a script somewhere that tells you what they support07:23
tumbleweedthat said, the community supports everything else07:24
tumbleweednot_found: there's a difference between "not supported" as in no support from canonical, and "not supported" meaning you're doing something potentilaly dangerous07:25
tumbleweedsome PPAs and external repositories aren't very well maintained, and will cause you trouble07:26
not_foundtumbleweed, true... but Canonical gives the "support for 5 years" sticker on the site... and if community doesn't pitch in this might not be true 07:26
tumbleweedno, the 5 years support is real07:26
tumbleweedand the community supports everything else07:27
tumbleweedbut we also describe things as "not supported" when we mean "you've done something crazy, we can't help you with that"07:27
not_foundk :)07:28
not_foundthanks for the info tumbleweed 07:28
* not_found is finding the LoCo Council a tough crowed to contact...07:29
Kilostumbleweed, join the mate guys and help them keep up07:29
not_foundlol @ Kilos 07:29
tumbleweednot_found: why do you have to deal with the loco council?07:29
not_foundsome politics over here in the UAE...07:29
not_foundpower struggle of sorts :/07:30
tumbleweedKilos: it's not really something that interests me :)07:30
not_found*tea time*07:30
Kiloswell i hope they get enough dev guys to help them07:31
tumbleweednot_found: laura is usually on IRC07:31
not_foundshe scares us07:31
* tumbleweed doesn't really know the others07:31
Kilosmaybe even Lee will keep using ubuntu then07:31
Kilosmate is a nice alternative for those that arent happy with unity07:32
Kilosand one can still stay on ubuntu07:33
maiatodayhi Kilos, superfly and everybody else07:34
not_foundo/ Maaz 07:34
not_foundo/ maiatoday 07:35
maiatoday:) hi not_found07:35
Kilosi go sort sheep07:36
not_foundKilos, give 'em hell07:38
not_foundlaura sorted me out, thanks tumbleweed 07:38
Kilosyo inetpro cremora08:47
Kiloshi Banlam bakuman 08:47
bakumanhi kilos09:02
Kilosforget the oom man09:04
inetprogoeie more 00M Kilos09:08
inetprooh and good morning to everyone else09:09
inetproand wb to sflr09:10
Kilosjou beurt is jou beurt09:13
Kiloshi drussell hows things 09:13
drussellKilos: hey! good thanks, though xchat just crashed on me, so that's not so good :o)09:14
Kilosaw thats strange09:14
Kilosxchat never gives trouble. kinda like quassel but better09:15
drussellKilos: lol, indeed, nearly the first crash ever!09:16
sflrhey inetpro! :)09:16
Kiloshad a strange thing happen here. 10.04 upgrade to 12.04 from the cd09:16
Kilosnormally need an alternate cd09:16
Kiloshmm nother war starting on our lists09:24
* sflr ping10:01
sflr!Kilos :)10:01
sflrwhat war is starting?10:02
Kilospepps fighting other peeps about netiquete10:02
Kilospeeps not peps10:03
sflryes, I saw that. didn't seem as a war though :)10:10
Kiloslol its just the start normally10:11
Kilosmaybe this time everyone is to busy to add their opinions10:11
superflyMaaz: tumbleweed++ [ levelheaded response ]10:53
* tumbleweed tried to avert a flamewar10:58
tumbleweed(one I'd already taken part in)10:58
Kiloswell said tumbleweed 11:00
Kilosi remember all the top/bottom posting issues11:00
tumbleweedIMO bottom posting is worse than top posting11:00
tumbleweedhaving to scroll to read a message is just stupid11:00
Kilosyeah thats true11:01
tumbleweedquoting the bits you are replying to - that works well11:01
Kilosyeah inline11:02
Kiloshi morgs 11:04
Kilosmethinks tumbles averted a war11:05
Kilosyay i made someone happy11:13
magespawngood day all11:25
Kilosyo magespawn 11:25
superflytumbleweed: agreed11:26
magespawnhey Kilos11:27
magespawnsuperfly o/11:27
inetpromorgs: wb11:28
superflyyo magespawn11:28
superflyand inetpro11:29
inetprohi superfly11:32
morgshi hi11:39
Kilosaw toods maia12:01
KilosDigiGram, youre quiet12:01
magespawnlater all gotta work12:04
Kilostoods magespawn 12:05
Kiloswb maiatoday 12:11
inetproMaaz: coffee on12:15
* Maaz starts grinding coffee12:15
KilosMaaz, coffee please12:16
MaazKilos: Righto12:16
* inetpro feels like immersing his self in a big pot of coffee 12:17
MaazCoffee's ready for inetpro and Kilos!12:19
inetproMaaz: dankie12:20
MaazGroot plesier inetpro my vriend12:20
KilosMaaz, thanks man12:24
MaazKilos It gives me great pleasure to serve a bunch of geeks :-)12:24
* DigiGram forgot he's logged in13:12
Kilosha ha ha\13:13
DigiGramhave been so busy today!13:13
Kilosbusy is good13:13
=== DigiGram is now known as Digi||Gram
Kiloslol @ the monkey15:20
Kilosold weenie15:20
* nuvolari mumbles something about Navdeep and not being a newbie15:34
Kiloslo nuvolari 15:35
nuvolarihe's been multiposting for over a year now15:35
nuvolarijust in casy anyone was wondering15:35
nuvolarimajor lag :-/15:35
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 15:35
Kilosals goed daar seun?15:36
nuvolarinee oom :-/ sit nog by die werk15:37
nuvolariiets in production gebreek wat ek moet fix15:37
nuvolarien die internet is gebreek15:37
nuvolaridit vat vir ewig om iets te doen15:37
Kiloslol @ nuvolari 15:54
Kilosyo Cantide 16:31
Cantidehiya Kilos '-'16:32
Cantidepaid for my ticket today16:32
Cantidefeeling poor now haha16:32
Kilosticket to where?16:32
Cantideto Korea?16:33
Cantidei was forced to take 3 weeks' leave in November16:33
Cantideso i figured I may as well spend it nicely :)16:33
Kilosyou gotta pass first or stay at home16:34
Kiloshow is canstudy doing?16:34
* Squirm yawns16:34
Cantidecanstudy is off sick16:35
Squirmgood evening16:35
Cantidehe will return in October :p16:35
Kiloshi Squirm 16:35
Cantidehey Squirm :) just woke up? 'o'16:35
SquirmCantide: no, need sleep16:35
Cantidemy last exam is 2 days before i fly haha :D16:35
Cantideoh .-.16:35
Cantidestill recovering from that lan? :o16:35
Squirmyeah, I woke up at 3pm yesterday all refreshed. Thus I was only tired enough to fall asleep at 2am16:36
Squirmand I was up at 6 this morning16:36
Squirmso hopefully after tonight I'll be back to my normal tired self16:37
Cantidegood luck getting the routine back :p16:38
* Squirm shrugs16:43
Kiloswb Meesterarend 16:55
Kilosi go eat16:59
nuvolarilekker eet oom Kilos 17:05
Meesterarendtnx Kilos17:14
MeesterarendI've reinstalled my system 17:14
Meesterarendand are just finnishing up17:14
Meesterarendthought to check in while i'm working17:15
Kiloswhat system Meesterarend ?17:21
Kilosdankie nuvolari dit was lekker17:21
Meesterarendhome system17:21
Kilosmy se kerrie17:21
Kiloswith ubuntu Meesterarend ?17:21
MeesterarendI had a mouse and keybord problem17:21
Kilosyou been gone so long i forget17:21
Kilosyo smile 17:22
Kilosusb mouse and keyboard Meesterarend ?17:24
Kilosdid you try moving them to other ports17:25
Meesterarendand It seems my system was still on 32 bit17:25
Kilosusb things do funny things at times17:26
Meesterarendeven other kb and mouse17:26
Meesterarendwell it have been reported as an bug17:26
Meesterarendit's now fixed again anyway17:26
Kilosis this on a desktop or lappy17:27
Kilospity you aint got ps2 spares17:27
Meesterarendwell ps2 i have either kb17:28
Meesterarendor mouse17:28
Meesterarendits one port17:28
Meesterarendi chose kb17:28
Kiloswow not a purple and green one17:28
Meesterarendone port two colors17:29
Kiloswhere you got that pc17:29
Kilosor china17:29
Meesterarendthey are starting to replace most ps2 ports with usb17:29
Kilosso many things are being phased out17:30
Cantidei've seen boards here with just one port 2 colours before17:30
Cantideps2 needs to go :)17:30
Cantidewould rather have more usb17:30
Meesterarendat least that'll be one less driver to load on a system :D17:31
Meesterarendand more space for the gooddies that count17:31
Meesterarendatleast 20 usb 3 prot would be nice17:32
Meesterarendprot = ports17:32
Cantidei use about 517:32
Cantideso 6 to 8 would be ideal for me '-'17:32
Meesterarendwell... I did exceed 8 once17:32
Meesterarendplease don't ask17:33
Kilosget them bridge things17:33
Kilosi gotta think sometimes17:34
Meesterarendwell that are also not ideal, when all i have are still on usb117:34
Kiloslol yeah17:35
Kilosdid you try run fsck17:35
Kilosnormally fixes my stuff17:35
Meesterarendactually that also did not fix the problem17:35
Kilossudo touch /forcefsck17:35
Kilosand the 17:36
Kilosrecovery thing on grub menu17:36
Meesterarendi actually had my fstab file setup to check each time17:36
Meesterarendwell there it worked17:36
Meesterarendit's only after hitting the gui that things got ...17:37
Kilosoh well alls well that ends well hey?17:37
Meesterarendmessed up17:37
Kilosyou on uncapped ?17:37
superflyinetpro: KDE Telepathy is MUCH better in KDE 4.9 (er... which version is the latest again?)17:37
Meesterarendi wish17:38
superflyohi Meesterarend, long time no see17:38
Meesterarendhay supperfly17:38
Kiloseish so do you rsync your archives17:38
Meesterarendyes i can be very bussy at times17:38
superflymmm, supperfly, am I that yummy?17:38
Kilosdownloading from scratch is expensive17:38
MeesterarendI have apt proxy on my netbook17:39
Kiloshe doesnt use tab complete17:39
Meesterarenddownlowded about 300mb max17:39
MeesterarendI do not that much sorry superfly17:40
Kilosmake a partition you can save archives to then its only the update you need to get17:40
superflyhaha, just teasing, Meesterarend17:40
MeesterarendI used to know all the trick once17:41
Meesterarendthen i got married :D17:41
KilosMeesterarend, what service provider you using?17:42
Kilostry 8ta they got a good special17:43
Meesterarendstill need to w8 for contract to expire17:44
Kilos2g + 1g night surfer for R14917:44
Meesterarendthen maybe cellc 17:44
Kilos8ta is best17:44
Kilosmany are changing over17:44
Meesterarendi'm planning to leave the contracts 17:44
Meesterarendand go prepaid17:45
Kilosask nuvolari 17:45
Meesterarendif i have a stable income after this year I'll see about 8ta thoug17:45
Meesterarendcellc are best for where i'm at atm though17:46
Kilosjust remember you have to fone them first then they activate the sim for 3g while you on the fone17:47
Meesterarendlowest latency17:47
Meesterarendand 8ta are only gprs17:47
Kilosyou gotta fone them17:47
Meesterarendwell vodacom are on about 200ms17:47
Kilossims arent activared till you fone17:47
Meesterarendcellc are at least half that17:48
Kiloshow do you check that17:48
Meesterarendping google17:48
Meesterarendor even speedtest.net17:48
Kerbero:~$ ping6 ipv6.google.com17:49
KerberoPING ipv6.google.com(2c0f:fb50:4001:800::1014) 56 data bytes17:49
Kerbero64 bytes from 2c0f:fb50:4001:800::1014: icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=368 ms17:49
Meesterarendgot better speed on cellc with the same modem17:49
Meesterarendsound about right kerbero17:50
Kilosconnect: Network is unreachable17:50
Meesterarendadsl of course have the best times17:50
Kilosyou ping from cli?17:50
KilosKerbero, ?17:51
Kerberobaie min mense het ipv6 support17:52
Kerberoek moes daai hack om te werk, en daarom is dit so besonders17:52
* nuvolari het nie ipv6 nie :-/17:54
Meesterarendvodacom is stadig vandag17:54
Meesterarendwaardevol vir Jesus117:54
Meesterarendek try weer17:54
MeesterarendPING google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.17:55
Meesterarend64 bytes from cpt01s01-in-f4.1e100.net ( icmp_req=1 ttl=49 time=549 ms17:55
Meesterarenddaar is die ping17:55
Meesterarenddeur my netwerk na my netboo17:55
Meesterarendna my foon deur wifi17:55
Meesterarenden dan na vodacom17:56
nuvolariPING ipv4.l.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.17:56
nuvolari64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=58 time=149 ms17:56
Kilosek kannie dit doen nie17:57
Kiloswat tik  jy in nuvolari 17:57
nuvolariping ipv4.google.com17:57
nuvolaridit oom Kilos  ^^17:57
Kilos64 bytes from lhr14s21-in-f18.1e100.net ( icmp_req=36 ttl=56 time=286 ms17:59
Meesterarenddaai ping time is oorie hele net17:59
Meesterarendvan 239 to 94817:59
Meesterarenden dan eers vir 40817:59
Kiloswel my 8ta werk baie beter as voda hier18:00
Squirmoh screw it18:00
Kiloswhat now Squirm 18:00
* Squirm install Ubuntu 12.04.1 tonight18:00
Meesterarendi'm still on 12.04 i think18:01
Meesterarendbut my systems are up to date18:01
SquirmI haven't used Ubuntu in over a year18:02
Squirmwell, haven't had it installed18:02
Meesterarendso probably18:02
* Squirm waits for bootable flash drive18:02
Squirmdd takes a while :/18:02
nuvolari:-/ I'm addicted to dark chocolate18:05
Meesterarendon that toppic18:06
Squirmnuvolari: I second that18:06
nuvolarioh hi naand Meesterarend :)18:06
Meesterarendi left my addictions after not eating for a month18:06
Meesterarendnuvolari: hi18:07
nuvolarijoh, eetstaking Meesterarend ?18:07
Meesterarendnee vas18:07
nuvolariwater-vas of waai een?18:07
Kiloshmm nuvolari 18:07
Meesterarendja slegs water18:07
Meesterarenden nagmaal18:07
Kilosjy gaan nou nou soos n bal lyk18:07
Meesterarendelke sondag by die kerk18:07
nuvolariSquirm: spar has a 5-99 special on Nestle slabs :P18:07
Meesterarendnoggals nie18:08
Meesterarendbaie gewig verloor18:08
Meesterarendmaar ek voel nou goed18:08
* nuvolari sukkel met sulke vasberadenheid18:08
nuvolaritjoklits is darm maar lekker 18:09
Meesterarendwel dit hang af hoekom mens dit doen18:09
Meesterarenddit was nogal maklik18:09
Meesterarendmaar aan die einde is ek huis toe gestuur om te rus18:09
Meesterarendwant toe is my energie op18:09
Kilossjoe, water vir n maand18:10
Meesterarenddan is die water nog droog ook :(18:10
nuvolari'n mens piepie permanent18:10
Meesterarendek het gejuig as ek die dag 750ml in kry18:10
Kilossonder vleis sal ek dooi18:11
Meesterarendwel my tanne pyn as ek te veel van daai goed eet18:11
Meesterarendso dit was nogals lekker om nie tandpyn te kry nie :D18:13
Meesterarendek is baie lief vir my steak maar ai18:15
Kilosnuvolari, 18:16
Kilosjy het gemis18:16
Kilosek wil nie vloek nie18:17
magespawnevening all18:17
Kiloshey magespawn 18:17
magespawnis good, is  good, is good. and you?18:17
Meesterarendhey magespawn18:18
Kilosgood ty since i forked off18:18
magespawnhey Meesterarend 18:18
KilosMaaz, announce Monthly meeting in 7 days time guys18:19
MaazAnnouncement from Kilos! Monthly meeting in 7 days time guys18:19
Meesterarendbrb 18:19
smileDidn't I give you, all that I've got too?18:19
Cantidehey smile '-'18:20
smileKilos: http://www.lyrics007.com/Sade%20Lyrics/No%20Ordinary%20Love%20Lyrics.html :)18:20
smilehi Cantide :D18:20
smiledon't mind :)18:20
smileIt's a really beautiful song18:21
smileI recognise it in my own life :| weird.18:21
magespawnspecially considering sade is more for an older generation18:21
smileLol. I like it. :p18:22
magespawnnormally of course18:22
* smile listens now to Rhythm is a dancer (SNAP)18:22
Kilossmile, listen to I will always love you by celine deon18:22
smileI know that song, Kilos. Like it too :p18:23
smilemaybe you mean celine dion :)18:23
Kilosher too yeah18:23
smileKilos: I don't like Celine Dion, but I like her music18:23
Kilosnuvolari, jy nog hier18:23
smileis jy hier? :o18:24
Kilostoo busy chasing chocolates18:24
Kilosare you here18:24
Kilosstill here18:24
Kilosnog hier18:24
Cantidewhat are you chasing them with? tequila? '-'18:25
* Squirm takes a deeeeeeeeeeeeep breath18:26
* Squirm writes partitioning changes to disk18:26
* smile is curious if Squirm's disk will survive18:27
Squirmso am I18:27
Squirmthis install better ask me if I want to install only base system...18:28
smilebye everyone :)18:28
Squirmnight night18:28
Kilosnight smile 18:29
Kilossleep tight18:29
smilethanks, Squirm & Kilos :) you both, also :p18:29
* Squirm waits impatiently18:29
Kiloslol patience Squirm 18:30
Kiloswhat size stick do you need to make a usb installer thingie18:32
Squirmenough for the image to fit on to18:32
Kilosso 2g should work?18:32
SquirmI had a 700mb image on a 8Gb flash drive18:32
Squirmso yes18:32
Kilosyay ty bakuman 18:32
bakumanif g == GB18:32
magespawncheck this http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=pqzUpeAPqZw&desktop_uri=%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DpqzUpeAPqZw&gl=ZA HawkiesZA18:33
magespawnfrom g+18:33
SquirmAR Drone flight?18:34
Squirmyeah, I buffered it, forgot about it, now I've formatted and still haven't watched it18:34
inetprosuperfly: KDE SC 4.9.1 was released on September 4th, 201218:36
inetprobut I'm still running on 4.8.4 with Kubuntu 12.04.118:37
inetprocan't remember what the SC stands for though18:37
Meesterarendyou could try a ppa inetpro18:39
inetproMeesterarend: nah, I'll wait for it18:39
MeesterarendI would be too impatient18:40
MeesterarendI like stable put close to the cutting edge thingie18:41
Meesterarendput = but18:42
inetproI don't have a compelling reason to upgrade18:42
Meesterarendso i'm running my home systems on 3.5 kernel18:42
inetproBTW I was playing around with Google Hangouts over the weekend and must say I'm very impressed18:43
inetproface to face video conferencing is very cool18:44
inetproand it even works from mobile to PC now, something that I could not do some time ago18:44
Meesterarendi used skype for that before18:44
inetproor PC to mobile18:44
inetprono need for skype with this18:45
Meesterarendonline then?18:45
inetproyou can even do screen sharing18:45
inetproa very cool feature 18:45
inetprobut I would love to compare skype and G+ hangouts in a bit more detail18:46
Meesterarendwhat's the data usage for something like this?18:47
inetprothat's exactly what I would like to compare18:47
Meesterarendi know skype are about 100mb for about 20 minutes of video 2 way18:48
inetproat least 500 mbps with full video on boths sides on g+18:48
inetprobut I guess it also depends on other factors, like movement, etc18:48
magespawnis there video quality adjustments you can make?18:49
Meesterarendi'll skip on that for now18:49
Kilosthats for uncapped peeps18:49
inetprotwo choices, either Fast connection or Slow connection18:49
inetproslow connection reduces it by about 50%18:49
inetproand if you disable video on both sides it goes down to about 128kbps IIRC18:50
inetprobut once again it depends on whether you're chatty or not18:50
Meesterarendthat's good for voice chat18:51
inetproit varies as you chat18:52
inetproand drops almost completely, though I didn't test this specifically, if you keep quiet18:53
Kilosinetpro, is that per second18:53
inetproKilos: kbps = kilobits per second18:53
Kilos10 secs per meg18:53
Kilosoh bits18:53
inetproKilos: yep18:53
Squirmso on a 384 line, you're kind of stuck18:53
inetprobut still cheaper than making a voice call on your mobile phone18:54
Squirm10s per meg18:54
Squirmthat's 10000 per gig18:55
inetprowas chatting to a friend in NZ who's paying less than 1c per MB these days18:55
SquirmMaaz: 10000/60/6018:55
MaazSquirm: 2.7777777777818:55
Meesterarendespecially if you have same data on your phone it can be very cheap18:55
Squirm2.7hours at what, R50?18:55
magespawnnot bad18:55
magespawnif you uncapped then you can really score18:56
inetpromagespawn: true18:56
Squirmbut that's pc-pc18:56
magespawnease of use inetpro?18:56
inetpromagespawn: extremely easy18:56
magespawnor pcmto wifi device18:56
magespawnpc to18:56
Squirmthat could work18:57
SquirmI want to look at some voip solutions18:57
inetprothe only catch is the first call18:57
Meesterarendone day when i'm big and rich and oh wait... wrong dream18:57
inetproonce the plugin is installed it really is very simple18:58
Squirmlol Meesterarend 18:58
Squirminetpro: first call?18:58
inetproSquirm: if you introduce someone who has never used it18:59
magespawnlike Astrix, Squirm ?18:59
Squirmmagespawn: in the end, yes18:59
Squirmbut instead of going out on a landline, setup external voip services18:59
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight18:59
magespawn3cx i think is astrix based18:59
magespawnnight Kilos19:00
Meesterarendnight Kilos19:00
Squirmare you kidding me!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!19:00
inetproI even had a chat from my ubuntu with someone else walking around with his iPad19:00
Squirmso I'm isntall Ubuntu 12.0419:00
Squirmno where does it ask me what packages I wanted to install19:00
Squirmit just did it19:00
Squirmand now, at 80%, it's asking me to insert a disk19:01
Squirman install, from an alternate iso, is asking for another cd19:01
inetprowas kind of cool to see the inside of his house and his family19:01
inetproSquirm: huh?19:03
Squirminetpro: I decided to install Ubuntu, do a base install. but I downloaded the alternate cd, thinking it would prompt me as to what packages I would like to install19:04
Squirmbut alas, after partitioning, it went along and just started to install, no prompts, nada19:04
Squirmnow, at 80%, it's asking me to inset a cd19:04
inetprono, there's no choosing of packages19:04
inetprohmm... asking for a disk?19:05
inetprothat is strange19:05
inetproSquirm: what did you download?19:05
SquirmI'm sure I downloaded Ubuntu alternate...19:06
* Squirm changes console in the installer19:06
Squirma 692.3M iso, ubuntu-12.04.1-alternate-i386.iso19:07
Squirmfrom a torrent file I got off the Ubuntu website19:07
Squirmhmm, time to download the minimal installer and try again19:09
magespawnnever had any of my installations ask me for a disk, wierd19:10
Squirmwell, either way. I was hoping for it to prompt me to install selected packages19:11
Squirmnow I have to wait 40min for a 30Mb file to download :/19:11
Squirmand when was the last time the ubuntu.mirror.ac.za was updated?19:12
Squirmhighest I see is 11.1019:13
magespawnunder ubuntu-release?19:15
Meesterarendthat happend to me some few releases ago19:15
Meesterarendbut not recently though19:15
Meesterarendusually a faulty write19:16
magespawnhow is this http://ubuntu.mirror.ac.za/ubuntu-release/12.04.1/19:17
Meesterarendas for being asked about what to intall i think just the server edition does that19:17
Squirmare you sure?19:17
SquirmI know the mini does that though too19:17
Meesterarendnot very i usually use only the gui install19:18
Meesterarendit seems faster some how19:18
Squirmthing is, I don't want to install the standard gui19:19
MeesterarendI gathered that 19:20
SquirmI'm difficult, I know19:20
inetproSquirm: I'm not aware of a mini install 19:20
Squirmeither way, I have to go somewhere now. I have a half installed OS19:20
Meesterarendsomething like JEOS19:21
Squirminetpro: I'm downloading it now. though it seems it's 12.04 not 12.04.1, but that's ok19:21
inetprovery interesting19:21
* inetpro checks it out at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:22
Meesterarendif you have a sandisk flash stick you might be able to resize the cdrom partition on it, and write an image to that19:22
magespawnSquirm: did you have a look at that link i sent?19:22
Meesterarendmuch more reliable that the flashstick install19:22
Meesterarendthat = than19:22
SquirmI did magespawn, thanks.19:23
SquirmI'm also downloading the server iso19:23
Squirm2 hours till it's completed. I'll be sleeping by that time :P19:23
Meesterarendwell i usualy leave it running and atend to it the next time i get to it :P19:25
magespawnis there a way to download an entire youtube channel?19:26
magespawnlike hak519:26
Cantidenight guys '-'19:26
magespawngood night Cantide 19:26
Meesterarendalways magespawn19:27
Meesterarendtry wget for a hack19:27
SquirmMeesterarend: I usually would, but I don't have a usable desktop :P19:27
queerydoes anyone know the link to tumbleweed's post on how to set up 'n repo for a release party?19:27
Meesterarendor maybe something similar19:28
tumbleweedMaaz: google release party mirror tumbleweed19:28
Maaztumbleweed: "Release Party Ubuntu Mirror | Tumbleweed Rants" http://tumbleweed.org.za/2010/10/09/release-party-ubuntu-mirror :: "Tumbleweed Rants | Stefano's World" http://tumbleweed.org.za/ :: "ubuntu | Tumbleweed Rants" http://tumbleweed.org.za/tags/ubuntu :: "Recent posts | Tumbleweed Rants" http://tumbleweed.org.za/tracker :: "Portal:Tumbleweed - openSUSE" http://en.opensuse.org/Portal:Tumbleweed :: "The Satellite ยป Past Shows" http://19:28
tumbleweedqueery: ^19:28
Meesterarendsound like fun Squirm19:28
queeryhi thanx tumbleweed 19:28
magespawnlol tumbleweed 19:29
magespawnmight take awhile they have a few videos19:29
queeryI didn't know the keywords19:29
Meesterarendthat is one clever bot19:29
SquirmHD videos don't play on my netbook :/19:30
queeryMaaz, botsnack19:30
MaazYay, at last someone thinks about me as well19:30
Meesterarendreincode it Squirm :) it might take a while though19:31
Squirma while?19:31
MeesterarendI would not try it on a netbook19:31
superflytumbleweed: you said beta was released the other day, or is due to be released soon?19:32
tumbleweedsuperfly: released last thursday19:32
Meesterarendwell i work on 60 min+ dvd quality and that take my desktop about 30 minutes19:33
superflyah, OK\19:33
* superfly thinks it's his turn to upgrade19:33
tumbleweedliving on the edge? :)19:33
Meesterarendnah ubuntu releases aren't living on the edge19:34
Meesterarendfor that you need to go fedora19:34
Meesterarendi think19:34
tumbleweedyeah, rawhide is fairly edgy19:35
MeesterarendI do not understand that people install fedora on a production system and expect it to work19:36
Meesterarendi've tested it long ago and did not even like it19:37
magespawni thought it was okay tried 5 and then jumped to 13 i think19:43
MeesterarendI had to jump through to many hoops trying to get my sound working19:44
Meesterarendubuntu worked better though19:44
Meesterarendfedora are marked as a beta product for redhat an centos19:45
MeesterarendMandriva was great19:45
Meesterarendand suse isn't  bad either19:46
Meesterarendjust not my cup of tea19:46
magespawnstrangely enough it was the community that decided me, and the company behind ubuntu, and the amount of online documentation.19:49
magespawnoverall usefulness19:49
MeesterarendI started when i had to get a terminal system up and running19:50
magespawndespite what happens or appears to happen on the lists19:50
Meesterarenddid not work first time on windows19:50
Meesterarendgot ubuntu19:50
Meesterarend64bit did not work19:51
Meesterarendbut i came closer to cracking it19:51
Meesterarendthan a proffessor working with it every day19:51
Meesterarendi tried windows again19:52
Meesterarendand the system worked...seeing the hamer i hid in my toolbox19:52
Meesterarendbut I realy was hooked on ubuntu by that time19:53
magespawni still work with both19:53
MeesterarendStrange how first experiances can do something like that hey19:54
magespawnjust watching neo fight seriph20:03
magespawnlater all battery is dying20:03
Meesterarendgota work too20:03
superflytumbleweed: always :-P20:06
Squirmgetting there20:59
inetprosomething telling me that 8ta is having DNS issues21:05
Kerberothe world is21:05
inetproKerbero: ahh21:05
* inetpro didn't realise the impact21:05
Kerberoeverybody that uses godaddy's dns servers are having problems21:06
inetprothanks Kerbero21:07
Squirmthat's me too21:09
SquirmI can still ping my site htough21:09
inetprolooks like GoDaddy has hit instant fame21:11
Squirmyeah baby21:13
Squirmnow just a mission installing everything21:26
Squirmthankfully I still have most of my configs for apps21:26
* inetpro wonders what servers godaddy are using for DNS 21:33
superflyinetpro: Windows21:33
inetprosuperfly: are you serious!?21:33
inetprosuperfly: where did you get that?21:34
superflyinetpro: read it long time ago... there was an "uproar" because a whole bunch of domains (parked ones, I think) that previously said they were on Linux hosts were now on Windows hosts, and it was apparently because GoDaddy moved to Windows21:35
superflyI don't like GoDaddy's business practices, so I stay far away from them, but yeah... lots of people use them for DNS21:37
Squirmmakes sense. I have a domain with them. use a different DNS service though21:39
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
superflySquirm: you mean you control your own nameservers?21:46
superflyor rather, your domain is on nameservers not at GoDaddy21:46
Squirmso I registered my .net domain through godaddy, but the NS is hosted elsewhere21:47
superflyright. I use Gandi.net for registering, and I also have separate nameservers21:49
superflythough I know Gandi uses Linux nameservers21:49
SquirmI'm with...21:51
Squirmhave a reseller account with them21:52
Squirmsuperfly: on a new system, what's the easiest way to get sound working?21:54
superflySquirm: uh, sound has pretty much always worked for me21:54
superflyI used to uninstall PulseAudio, since it is a solution to a problem that doesn't exist, but these days the other apps expect pulseaudio :-(21:55
Squirmbut from scratch? it works with a normal install21:55
inetproSquirm: check with alsamixer21:55
superflySquirm: I use Kubuntu, everything always just works21:55
inetpromaybe something is just muted21:55
superflynight peeps21:56
Squirminetpro: yeah, I'm downloading it now21:56
SquirmCannot open mixer: No such device or address21:56
inetprogood luck21:57
* inetpro goes sleeping21:57
inetprogood night21:57
SquirmCannot open shared library /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/alsa-lib/libasound_module_ctl_pulse.so21:57
Squirmcannot open mixer: No such device or address21:57

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