
=== NeuhNeuh is now known as Aristide
eafigghello everyone=)00:06
eafigghoping someone can help me to get my wifi dongle working in ubuntu 12.0400:06
eafiggits a wg111t00:06
fluzioseafigg: would be fun if everyone in here decided to say hello back ^^00:07
eafiggfluzios, yea really00:08
eafiggfluzios, can ya offer any help in my situation?00:09
hydester_anybody know how to use /etc/hosts.allow for tomcat?  i prefer to do it at the os level00:09
fluzioseafigg: googling and reading about it, not so much info specificly for 12.04; and i got no driver install experience00:10
fluzioseafigg: maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/WG111T00:11
bhast2well did a reinstall of Ubuntu to fix my video stuff00:11
bhast2Can't believe I had to do that to fix Nivida stuff00:12
bekorng ready to reinstall  ubuntu 12.04 unless someone can tell me how to get media players to start working again banshee ,rythmbox movieplayer.nothing works00:12
Box-AngrySpam98Anybody know a place that i can advertise my channel? (##powdabomb2)00:12
keruna i am trying to run pianobar. at login i get error: newtwork00:13
keruna                error: TLS read faild. I have googled but not come up with00:13
keruna                much. just wondered if any of that means anything to someone.00:13
keruna                thx00:13
FloodBot1keruna: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
subcoolcan someone kinda assist me with mounting a NFS? im not familiar enough with the basic commands..00:13
keruna i am trying to run pianobar. at login i get error: newtwork00:13
keruna                error: TLS read faild. I have googled but not come up with00:13
keruna                much. just wondered if any of that means anything to someone.00:13
keruna                thx00:13
FloodBot1keruna: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
ClientAlivetrying to set up aliases in .bash_aliases but it not working. Can someone please help?00:13
ClientAliveI've seen the tutorials online and everything looks to be right but still not working.00:14
fluziosClientAlive: have you restarted the shell?00:14
ClientAliveI restarted the whole computer, is that sufficient?00:14
ClientAliveit tells me command not found00:14
fluzios3 times i hope?00:14
Box-AngrySpam98Anybody know a place that i can advertise my channel? (##powdabomb2)00:14
UbuntuBookProI started with a ~900 gig partition for Ubuntu. I've downloaded around 5 gigs, which Nautilus reports, but Nautilus also says I have only 700 gigs remaining. What's going on? [Ubuntu 12.04 on MacBookPro.]00:15
papashouhello what are you trying to dO?00:15
ClientAlive3 times?00:15
demonsporkClientAlive: 3 time was a joke00:15
fluziosClientAlive: can you pastebin .bash_aliases, .bashrc and maybe .bash_profile00:15
ClientAliveIt says this: http://pastebin.com/h71kphvu00:16
ClientAlivesure I can - one moment00:16
ClientAliveplease remind me how to run the pastebinit command - is it...   <command> | pastebinit  ?00:17
fluziosClientAlive: or just check that you have this in your .bashrc http://pastebin.com/6qWx4VFk00:18
fluziosand yes00:18
fluzioscat .bashrc | pastebinit00:18
subcoolhow do i test to see if my NFS Host is properly setup?00:18
ClientAlive.bashrc here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1195736/   and .bash_aliases here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/1195737/00:19
fluzios" instead of '00:20
fluziosfirst line last char00:20
ClientAliveI know one of my aliases has double quotes and that's wrong - I was testing00:20
ClientAlivebut it is update='sudo apt-get update' that I try to run on the command line and get command not found00:21
jribClientAlive: you need to actually use the "alias" command00:21
jribClientAlive: (like all the examples in your ~/.bashrc)00:21
ClientAliveohhh!!! I remember now! thank you thank you00:21
tpricecan i use lvm on an install that was not instlled with lvm?00:22
ClientAlivehow stupid of me - i've done this successfully before just forgot00:22
Ironhello, I have a new problem: Whenever i try to turn ubuntu off, it hangs on the shutting down screen. I have to force it to turn off.00:22
zephyrwhats the default network tool when you finish the server installer?00:23
ClientAlivenow how do you restart the shell without restarting the whole computer??  /etc/init.d/<something>  ??00:23
fluziosClientAlive: start a new window?00:24
demonsporkClientAlive: close the terminal window that you have open00:24
demonsporkand open a new one00:24
ClientAliveoh. right one00:24
fluziosClientAlive: also, when changing aliases you can just run: source .bash_aliases00:24
ClientAliveright on00:24
papashouHello is there activity ?00:25
ClientAliveone last question. I saw someone wrote that if you put the aliases file in /etc/ and you name it something like bash.aliases.local it will then work for root and user. Does that sound right? How do you make it work for both root and user?00:25
ClientAliveyeah, because my aliases work ok as user but not if I log in as root (I sometimes work as root if I have a lot to do that requires admin privs).00:28
subcoolhow do i test to see if my NFS Host is properly setup?00:30
ClientAliveAnyone on how to make aliases work for both root and user with just one aliases file??00:31
papashouI am always logged into root, whenever I log into my boxens00:32
papashouI do have about 80 boxens for work.  It is glorious.00:32
fluziosClientAlive: http://7enn.com/2011/02/20/how-to-make-your-bash-aliases-available-as-a-root-in-ubuntu/00:32
ash_Elow, what up anybody Online?00:33
papashouWe're all online.  Whether we're here or not is debatable.00:33
ClientAliveoh. cool, thx00:33
papashouClientAlive: what exactly are you trying to achieve?  You can always edit the /etc/profile script- that gets loaded by all userlogins00:33
papashouOr at least, usually does- on RHEL00:33
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blackshirtwhat you need jamster00:35
ClientAliveomg that's so simple!  I occasionally log in as root to do the stuff I need to (when I have lots to do that needs admin priveledges) I want to use the same alias names to execute the same command but so it makes no difference if I log in as root or as user. So they work either way.00:35
=== Logan_ is now known as Fluffer
=== Fluffer is now known as k
jamsterI have an external usd hard drive 500 gb how do I resize it for booting up from it? preceeding space or the other one in gparted00:36
spartanhi guys00:37
jamsterI have the other space for the iso file of my hard drive ddrescue00:37
blackshirtyou mean install on it jamster?00:37
spartanI was hoping someone could help me install cinnamon00:37
jamsterno not an install00:37
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blackshirtHi spartan00:37
blackshirtSpartan, are you using mint?00:37
jamstera cloned back up of ubuntu from ddrescue blackshirt00:38
Guest3924I've install cinnamon before, however, I'm running the powerpc version of kubuntu00:38
ClientAlivefluzios: wouldn't it make more sense to switch the order of what's in those file (at the link you gave me)? To put what it say for /root/.bashrc into ~/.bashrc and put your .bash_aliases in /root  ??00:38
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ClientAlivethen you caould have any user be able to access them?00:38
standarshySorry for those name changes00:39
blackshirtjamster, sorry for my stupidity... I think You can do it00:39
fluziosClientAlive: other users probably shouldn't have access to root's files00:40
ClientAliveoh, yeah. That makes sense. Just seemd like an odd way to set it up (what's at the link). I also thought about putting it /etc/.bash_aliases  then mod /root/.bashrc and ~/.bashrc accordingly. I suppose I may need to consider perms or other security measures if I did that though?00:41
AristideGOod night o/00:44
standarshyHi yall, can anyone here help me install cinnamon on powerpc?00:45
fluziosClientAlive: putting it in /etc/bash.bash_aliases would probably be fine (i would recommend the bash prefix instead of just .bash_aliases)00:45
ClientAlivefluzios: ok. I think I should remove all perms from work too though. What do you think?00:47
ClientAliveI meant "world"00:47
ClientAlivemake it to be -rw-r-----00:48
subcoolHelp with NFS Please...00:50
subcooli've edited the /etc/exports file00:51
subcoolbut when i try to start the server, i get erros00:51
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:51
fluziosClientAlive: that's fine, and having read for all users shouldn't be a problem unless you put passwords or such in there00:52
subcooljob-working-directory: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory00:52
intoubuntuAnyone have an app idea they would like to see created for Ubuntu?00:52
papashousubcool:  what errors? -- make sure the directories exist.00:52
papashoudo an ls -lad on the directory you've specified in /etc/exports00:53
subcoolpapashou, the directory exists00:53
papashouthen ensure that the service has perm to read every directory above it.00:53
papashouin fact, it needs +x to it.00:53
subcoolpapashou, uh ...00:54
subcooldrwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Sep  8 00:13 .00:54
papashouthat dir is?00:54
KinksHi. Does anyone know if there is a way to invert screen colors in Ubuntu 12.04?00:54
subcoolIm just sharing mounted External HDD"s - they are apart of the Media directory00:54
KinksI tried to activate the compiz effect but it seems not to work with Unity00:54
intoubuntuAny interest in staring an open source Python application in Python?00:55
papashoulets say you have /some/path/media00:55
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papashouhem some mesgs didn't' go thru00:56
papashoulets say you have /some/path/media - you need to make sure /some and /some/path also have +x permission to the NFS service user (probably root)00:56
Kinksjust found a way. Let me share: "xcalib -invert -alter"00:57
subcoolpapashou, well, i had /media/HDD set for NFS- but then realized all my HDD's are in the Media directory, so i just removed the HDD part and left it so my entire "/media" directory is shared.. now my server is running.00:58
MerisHigh time for bed, thanks for the nice atmosphere...00:58
subcoolhow do i change the folders beneath /media to +x00:58
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=== redhat is now known as CaptainKnots
ClientAlivefluzio: I must not be doing this right. I'm having a bit of trouble recognizing the pattern at the link you shared and applying it to what I was experimenting with.01:00
papashouare your external drives loading up as the currently logged in user?  e.g.  "subcool:subcool" ?01:00
subcoolpapashou, got me01:01
papashouopen a term and type "ls -la /media"01:01
subcoolyea, they r.01:01
papashouquite honestly i can't envision it right now because i'm on Mac OSX- i'm currently rebuilding my Ubuntu machine.01:01
papashoudoes it have +x on the third set of bits ?01:02
subcoolim trying to build a OSx86 device..01:02
subcoolpapashou, no01:02
papashouthen that is why.01:03
pepperjackyou want to recursively change everything under /media to be executable?  that seems a little drastic01:03
subcoolbut at the same time- now that there arent any errors on the server side, i still cant add them to the client.01:03
papashouno, the NFS server won't complain at all.  it just won't see it.01:03
subcoolit was complaining at first01:04
subcoolthats now i got the error01:04
ash_UBUNTU is Updating01:04
papashouyou can edit the /etc/fstab file to mount it with a certain umask01:04
papashouso we can read/write it on NFS.01:05
papashouor if you just want read permission01:05
subcooli was reading about the fstab01:05
subcoolright now im using the mount option-01:06
papashouso if you plug it in- it will automatically mount it, usually, thanks to udev01:06
subcoolbut- it when i run the command, nothing happens.01:06
papashouunless you're using an old ubuntu or not a ubuntu flavor01:06
fluziosClientAlive: maybe easier to just copy the files, and update both manualy01:06
subcoolpapashou, well, with the hell ive been getting from ubuntu- i might move on pretty soon.01:07
subcoolbut, not JUSt yet..01:07
papashouyou need to do umount; then mount -o umask=022 /device /path (for example)01:07
subcoolive been doing... as per the 5 guides ive been boucning off of01:08
papashouyes you may call ubuntu hell, but as far as Linux goes, it's very automatic, and does more for its user than most other flavors.01:08
papashouas root? or sudo?01:08
subcoolsudo mount /home/subcool/NetworkDrives/Storage01:08
NogalHey there, I've got a quick question... How do I set up a network bridge-like setup for a setup like this: <client> LAN <laptop> WLAN <router>   ... which retains internet access on the laptop as well as the client computer?01:08
subcoolpapashou, yea, thats why i came to them to begin with. but now they are acting like mandriva..01:08
ClientAlivefluzios: yes and no. My intention is to sync these file between two computer once I have it set up on the one. I was hoping to centrally locat the aliases file then sync it and both of the .bashrc files.01:08
papashousubcool: you need to mount it properly on the server side01:09
ClientAliveI just don't get how to modify the function do they call it a function in bash?) that's in the .bashrc files.01:09
papashousudo mount….etc is the client side and you'er fine there01:09
subcool it just stalls01:09
papashouon HOST what is the content of /etc/exports01:10
GrivvelHeya! I'm having a problem with 12.04 on my Acer Aspire Revo. The audio-in (microphone) device doesn't show up in any of the GUI device managers and doesn't seem to work. I've tried searching google, but haven't been able to find any solutions. Does anyone know where to go from here?01:10
jeepi love nfs its one of the greatout *nixest things ab01:10
subcoolpapashou, /media *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check)01:10
papashouOK,  on a device below /media01:10
papashouon that same host- what is the permission?01:11
subcoolls -la /media01:12
subcool drwx------ 11 subcool subcool  4096 Aug 23 01:18 Storage01:12
Dark-Magician-GiCould someone help me with something? My desktop as 2 drives. On one drive, I have a fresh copy of windows xp. I would like to install ubuntu on the other drive but can't seem to get it to work. I created a partition on the blank drive for ubuntu and selected the 'ext 4' filesystem (it was default). It keeps asking me to set a root when I click install though. I selected '/boot' from the list01:12
Dark-Magician-Giand it still says I need to select one.01:12
papashouso do "sudo chmod +x /media/Storage01:12
fluziosClientAlive: The bashrc just checks if a alias file exists, then "load" it01:12
papashousorry.. chmod ugo+x Storage01:12
papashouthen a service nfsd restart (or /etc/init.d/nfsd restart)01:13
ash_is there any way to remove that bar on the left? and put it into default mode? i am on ubuntu 12.0401:13
subcoolpapashou, i already ran the previous command, how do i fix it01:13
papashoubeen in RHEL mode lately so .. one of those should ork01:13
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: so your question is what is root ?01:13
Dark-Magician-GiBy the way, I checked the installation guide but it doesn't mention the step(s) I'm having trouble with.01:13
papashouugo+x ?01:13
ClientAlivefluzios: ok, then I had the .bashrc right the first time but got a permission denied for some reason01:13
=== Guest4612 is now known as sa`tan
Dark-Magician-GiWell, I guess I'm not sure what I should choose for filesystem and root during the installation process at the partition manager screen.01:14
Dark-Magician-GiOn my Windows xp installation it says the filesystem is ntfs.01:14
subcoolpapashou, no- i ran chmod +x before u corrected urself.01:14
NogalHey there, I've got a quick question... How do I set up a network bridge-like setup for a setup like this: <client> LAN <laptop> WLAN <router>   ... which retains internet access on the laptop as well as the client computer?01:14
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: you need at minimum two partititons on /dev/sdb one large one for / and another greater than amount of ram you have for swap01:14
papashouyou need ugo+x (or at least a chmod 0755)01:15
fluziosClientAlive: probably owner/group mismatch, +r for all users should help01:15
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: /dev/sda will be your windows01:15
subcoolpapashou, i did ugo+x - nothing changed..01:15
ash_To enable root on Ubuntu sudo passwd root  :) put password and to login as root type = su (Put password)01:15
papashouthen restart nfsd ?01:15
ClientAlivefluzios: right now the perms on /etc/.bash_aliases is "-rw-r-----"01:16
subcoolpapashou, yea01:16
lescehey guys , I have a very strange problem , I can't get gnome terminal to start with zsh ... anyone else encounter this ?01:16
papashouservice iptables status ?01:16
Dark-Magician-GiYeah, that is my Windows. So, for /dev/sdb, I should create two partitions: The first for '/' and the second for 'swap'? I have 1gb ram so anything more than that will be okay for swap?01:16
ClientAliveoh! but the owner and group are root for some reason. Do they have to be owned by my user name?01:16
jriblesce: nope01:17
jriblesce: (how are you trying)01:17
fluziosClientAlive: group should be some group that you are in01:17
subcoolpapashou, was that to me? - iptables unrecognized command01:17
ash_did somebody try Macbuntu ?01:17
lescemy defaul shell is zsh and I've added in gnome-terminal's preferences /bin/zsh as custom commands01:17
fluziosClientAlive: or just -rw-r--r--01:17
jrib!ot | ash_01:17
ubottuash_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:17
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: make your swap 1.5 gig or so  and how big is the rest of the space ?01:17
Dark-Magician-Gi230-240 gig iirc.01:18
jriblesce: what happens when you revert the gnome-terminal settings to default?01:18
papashouyes, sub cool;  `service iptables status`01:18
lescejrib, same thing01:18
ash_i wanted to know did somebody try MACUBUNTU or blackubuntu?01:18
subcoolpapashou, unrecognized command01:18
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: make a /home partition of 180 gig and / partition the rest01:18
ClientAlivefluzio: got it man. Thank you. (I did do a chown user:user /etc/.bash_aliases   though)01:19
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: keeping /home seperate partition will allow you to keep files and such easily01:19
lescejrib, the weired part is the process appears to be zsh if I ps aux it .. but the prompt is exactly as the bash prompt01:19
lesceit works if I run zsh manualy01:19
Dark-Magician-GiThose are the only 3 roots I need to worry about then?01:20
lescethe prompt changes to my zsh prompt01:20
jriblesce: what exactly happens when you start gnome-terminal?01:20
jeepDark-Magician-Gi:  only root /01:20
papashou_subcool: you've got nfs-server installed right?01:21
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: there are many ways to do partitions for different goals however the one i just gave you will be fine for a desktop user01:21
GrivvelDoes anyone know why I might be missing an audio-in device that's actually there? Is there any way to see where it's being lost?01:21
Dark-Magician-GiWhat should I choose for filesystem? For my xp installation it says the filesystem is ntfs but that isn't an option in the filesystem meny.01:21
lescejrib, it shows the bash prompt01:21
=== jsjgruber___ is now known as jsjgruber-droid
ClientAliveyup! Works like a champ for both root and user   :)01:21
subcoolpapashou, yea01:21
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: use ext401:22
papashou_how about; /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server status01:22
Dark-Magician-GiThanks. I'm going to go give it a try.01:22
lescejrib, I'll make a pastebin01:22
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: make sure you dont partition/format /dev/sda you wil lose windows01:22
Dark-Magician-GiYeah, I know. :p01:22
jriblesce: how did you change your default shell?01:22
papashou_or `service nfs-kernel-server status`01:22
subcoolpapashou, nfsd running01:22
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: when you get to the grub install make sure to put it on /dev/sda01:22
Dark-Magician-GiWhat's grub install?01:23
=== papashou_ is now known as papashou
lescejrib, chsh01:23
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: grub is the boot loader putting it on /dev/sda will allow you to pick windows or linux when you boot01:23
lescejrex, echo $SHELL -> /bin/zsh01:23
lescejrib, echo $SHELL -> /bin/zsh01:23
papashouOK and   you're able to ping the NFS server from the client trying to mount it?01:23
jriblesce: what you just pastebinned doesn't show an instance of bash running...01:24
jeepDark-Magician-Gi: its one of the next future steps of the installer01:24
subcoolpapashou, pings are rejected, but- im ssh'ed in01:24
lescejrib, that's weired about it01:24
Dark-Magician-GiOkay, I'm going to go give it a try now.01:24
subcoolpapashou, good point- whats the port?01:24
lescejrib, the prompt is exactly like the bash prompt01:24
jriblesce: well... check if it's zsh with your bash prompt01:24
lescejrib, you can see the promp changes when I run zsh01:25
papashouhfs ports i recall are 111 and 204901:25
placekHow safe is GTK orphan?01:25
lescejrib, so there shouldn't be any problem with loading the oh_my_zsh theme01:25
subcoolpapashou, let me see if opening them up helps01:25
jriblesce: I don't care about the theme at the moment.  I care about whether you are running zsh or not01:25
subcoolpapashou, that may have worked :)01:26
papashouya?  ports issue?01:26
subcooli just ran the mount command, and it went right back to prompt01:26
subcoolrunning df -h now on clent01:26
papashouok so do a 'df -h'01:26
papashoushould show remote client, etc01:27
subcoolu rock!!!01:27
skrootim running a pptp server on my ubuntu box. how do i login from windows, what username format?01:27
subcooltotally forgot about my firewall01:27
lescejrib, yes it's running01:27
lescelesce@lesce-desktop:~% ps aux | grep zsh01:27
papashoualways the last thing we check- it gets me everytime01:27
lescelesce     3979  0.0  0.1  47492  5208 pts/1    Ss   04:20   0:00 zsh01:27
subcoolrunning nfs should be a lot fast than ftp and anything else right? but- it will only be visable via linux?01:27
lescejrib, then why isn't it loading my zshrc file01:27
jriblesce: are you running it as a login shell?01:28
GTRsdkWhat's the name of the app that makes it easy to connect to network printers?01:28
lescejrib, yes01:28
=== sunilthaha is now known as SunilThaha
subcoolugh- i have access to the drive, but nothign inside of it.. lol01:28
papashouit'll be visible to any client able to mount NFS01:28
papashouyeah that's probably permission at that point01:29
subcoolbut did that cog something fix that?01:29
papashouneed +x on every directory leading up to it01:29
jriblesce: why?  .zshrc won't get executed for login shells unless you call it from ~/.zprofile (or similar)01:29
subcoolwhat do u mean leading up to it?01:29
papashoumeans if /directoryA/directoryB/directoryC is the one you want to share01:30
papashouand directoryC has ugo+x but directoryB and directoryA does not, it will not work01:30
subcoolthats annoying- these folders are huge-01:30
papashoudirectoryA/B/C all need to have the "+x" (execute) permission set for O (or the user/group in question)01:30
subcoolthey are my archives01:30
GTRsdkiirc, you had to go to something like "Printing" to get to that program... anyone know the name of it?01:30
jrib!who | subcool, papashou (and please go easy on your enter key)01:31
ubottusubcool, papashou (and please go easy on your enter key): As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:31
lescejrib, it's the same thing even if I uncheck running as a login shell01:32
joejackmy wireless is not locking in, but it was and all of a sudden it can't01:32
papashoujrib: is it that much of an issue?01:32
jribpapashou: in a channel with so many users, it's very helpful, yes01:32
subcoolpapashou,  sudo chmod ugo+x /media/StorageX2/ doesnt do anything.01:32
papashoujrib: if so, I will just take it to private chat- then no one can benefit.01:32
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jriblesce: then I'd suggest you clear your zsh-related ~/.z* files and start with something simple to troubleshoot01:34
Eddie11Anyone know how to enable sound card? I have a audigy sound card with Ubuntu 10.04 OS arecord -l sees card as well as aplay -l?01:34
ClientAliveanyone here familiar wtih using unison? I'm trying to figure out how to make it sync just a file alone (not a whole directory). When I go to create a profile in it for that (using the gui) it doesn't look like I can do that.01:34
jribClientAlive: I just create the profiles by hand (have you read the documentation?)01:34
ClientAlivecan if follow symlinks if I make a directory and just link to to those file in that directory?01:34
joejackanyone want to help me troubleshoot my wireless/01:34
subcoolpapashou, since i need EVERYTHIGN in /media accessable, should i just do chmod +x *.*01:34
papashoua  "chmod +x" only makes owner executable01:35
ClientAlivejrib: not entirely. (I really struggle to do so much reading - I'm a hands on guy)  :(01:35
papashouNFSD may need Other (world) executable01:35
jribClientAlive: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/unison/download/releases/stable/unison-manual.html#pathspec I guess is what you want to read01:35
papashousubcool: see your chat01:35
Eddie11Anyone know how to enable sound card? I have a audigy sound card with Ubuntu 10.04 OS arecord -l sees card as well as aplay -l?01:35
lescejrib, thanks a lot :) , found the problem it seams it wouldn't load my custom theme , changed the theme and it works fine . thanks again for your time01:36
jriblesce: no problem01:36
bkc_Eddie11: hw:device=101:36
ClientAlivelike, for instance, I'd like to create a profile that syncs my aliases but that involves 3 files total on the machine. I wish I could have one profile that syncs those 3 files all in one profile.01:36
ash_Had spmebpdy ever try to install security tool  on ubuntu? such as backtrack tool ?01:36
Eddie11bkc_, ?01:36
jribash_: I'm sure many have01:37
jribClientAlive: you can01:37
bkc_Eddie11: you need to add a few lines to .asoundrc... w8 a sec and I'll upload mine...01:37
ClientAlivejfib: oh yeah, I have that page open - just hard for me to understand anything by the time I read all of it (this is a problem for me and is why come asking people around for help to just do it).01:38
jribClientAlive: You can just have a bunch of "path = /some/path" lines01:38
bkc_Eddie11: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Advanced_Linux_Sound_Architecture#Set_the_default_sound_card <-- It's for arch, but the same applies for linux01:38
ash_i give a try :) soon01:38
ash_and give feedback01:38
bkc_Eddie11: any linux-dist using alsa*01:38
ClientAlivejrib: sounds like I need to look at how to create these profiles by hand then.01:39
Eddie11bkc_, Yeah I though it might be alsa pulse problem but i'll check that01:39
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jribClientAlive: start with one of the "sample profiles" in the documentation, understand each line, then add and subtract to it01:40
bkc_ooh... you have pulse installed? then you should use pulseaudios setup...01:40
ClientAlivethat sounds like a good approach for me. thx01:40
bkc_Eddie11: nvm that last comment, pulse uses alsa as backend..01:41
bhast2blah anyone know a good site that does reviews on programs for linux01:41
bkc_bhast2: google?01:42
bhast2did that01:42
bkc_then you did it wrong :)01:42
bkc_there is no "one site to rule them all"... some sites review some programs, other review other programs...01:42
TeamRocket1233cbhast2: Dediomedo?01:43
bhast2I will check that out01:43
bhast2for this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/01:44
TeamRocket1233cbhast2: I mean Dedoimedo reviews everything computer-related.01:44
TeamRocket1233cbhast2: Linux, Windows, BSD, don't matter.01:44
=== brendan2 is now known as NicolasCage
bhast2yeah I will check that out looks nice01:44
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TeamRocket1233chttp://www.dedoimedo.com/ if you're interested.01:46
Ironhello, did i get any replies to my problem, with the computer that freezes on shutdown?01:47
NicolasCageHi, my screen flickers for a second and everything becomes slow.01:48
Eddie11Anyone know how to enable sound card? I have a audigy sound card with Ubuntu 10.04 OS arecord -l sees card as well as aplay -l?01:48
Bizmanhi everyone01:49
Bizmanhi funkyb01:50
funkybis it possible to do a real iinstall ubuntu to a usb stick (v3, 32GB), i.e. not a LIVE USB + persistance?  Also, does doing so risk screwing up the bootloader of the machine you use to do this?01:50
funkybhi Bizman01:50
Bizmanthis is my first time01:50
Bizmanusing this01:50
xanguafunkyb: just select to install in the usb stick01:51
Eddie11Anyone know how to enable sound card? I have a audigy sound card with Ubuntu 10.04 OS arecord -l sees card as well as aplay -l?01:51
wilee-nileefunkyb, Yes it is possible and safe if you use the something else option and make sure the grub bootloader is pointed at the usb's mbr.01:52
funkybWill doing so screw up the boot loader of the desktop (Win 7 machine) that i use for this process?  The whole purpose is to have a 'portable' usb ubuntu, with large persistance, that is not a ramdisc.01:52
IronHow do I stop ubuntu from freezing when i shut down?01:52
funkybok, wilee-nilee, I will (nervously) give it a shot01:52
wilee-nileefunkyb, persistance is a termed used with a ISO Load as well.01:52
NicolasCageis it a good idea to use an external hard drive for a linux long-term linux (kubuntu) installation?01:52
jeepfunkyb: pay attetntion which drive is what01:53
jeepNicolasCage: for storage or the whole os ?01:53
funkybjeep, agreed, although i'm not sure I'll be 100% clear on what I'm looking for, and where to find it.  I vaguely recall an "advanced" button in the partitioner that allows grub options.01:53
funkybbeen a few...01:53
NicolasCageI have no internal hdd now, its an old IDE connection and cant buy any in the shops. jeep: for my main OS.01:53
wilee-nileeNicolasCage, It will run slower the transfer of the data unless it is a usb3 will be slower then an internal, even a usb3 I believe is slightly slower.01:54
NicolasCageHmm, well I know what you mean wilee-nilee, I am running this installation off a USB disk now, but I want  a more permanent solution. It s quite slow as it is alright. usb 2.001:55
IronNicolasCage, in my opinion. It is NOT a bad idea. Just keep in mind that it will technically be a bit slower than sata 2 or 3 internal decent hdd.01:55
jeepNicolasCage: it will work .. just be slow01:55
wilee-nileefunkyb, The advanced option is called something else at the where to put ubuntu gui, this is a manul install, ask questions if needed once you get there.01:55
Irontry it out, if it's not too slow for you, then all is good.01:55
Ironwhy does my computer freeze on the shutting down screen01:56
NicolasCagealso, these external drives in the shop. even if it says windows only, still could I not just use it for a linux install?01:56
IronYes, you will reformat and repartition the drives to what linux likes (ext 4, root, home etc whatever you need).01:57
IronI mean, Repartition and reformat.01:57
NicolasCageokay Iron thanks. I just dont want to waste 150 euro on this, and find out it's not  along term solution. this 16gb usb is getting old. 67% used now, rofl.01:58
IronIt might be a good idea to do the following: Have a partition formatted to NTFS, that way, you can copy data to the driver using windows and still access it with linux. Keep in mind the NTFS partition will only be usd to store stuff between windows and linux, all other linux data and user stuff should be on ext4 or ext3 partitions.01:58
IronYou could consider getting a 64GB usb instead.01:58
Ironor an external ssd.01:59
NicolasCageBut a magnetic disk drive is better isn't it, for long term?01:59
NicolasCageI've heard these USB drives start to go into RAW mode, reformatting themselves.01:59
wilee-nileesolid state and disc drives now have the same lifetimes01:59
IronIf you are talking about drives dying, SSDs that have an os that supports TRIM, will last long enough until your next upgrade.02:00
Ironi.e. 10 years is about average02:00
linusall drives fail eventaully it is guaranteed02:00
NicolasCage10 years for a usb stick @ iron?02:00
Ironwell, the 1000 rewrites is only complete rewrites of that section, they tend to cheat a little.02:00
GraemeLionMost USB sticks will likely last less02:00
IronJust don't do a full format on an SSD, or you will literally cook it.02:00
Ironeither way, you should get at least 2 years (if less, warranty) on a good quality USB.02:01
NicolasCagelol. what? I have formatted it many times.02:01
Ironquick format or full format?02:01
NicolasCagequick I think02:01
Ironyeah quick is fine02:01
NicolasCageI'm not sure.02:01
Ironit's the default02:01
bazhangIron, NicolasCage take the hardware talk to ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic please02:01
Ironalright, I'll talk in offtopic02:02
Ironanyway, simply put: Provided you get a good enough quality, it will last long enough. That's the last I'll say02:03
failingkidanyone code in perl02:03
blackshirtnot yet02:04
bazhangfailingkid, try the perl channel02:04
failingkidyeah but everyone seems to be idle there atm02:04
failingkidofc i can wait02:04
LibertyTraderIs it easy to install 3.4 kernel on ubuntu 12.04?02:16
TreaverHello, quick question : On Ubuntu One Music can I stream music that I want to stream, like any song? Can I save those songs in cache to listen later?02:16
LibertyTraderI have ivy bridge graphics so the kernel is important02:16
tucemiuxhow do I tell how much memory I have using the command line?02:17
blackshirttucemiux, free -m02:18
bazhangTreaver, asked in #ubuntuone yet?02:18
rsvpwhy on earth is awk symlinked to 1996 mawk ??? This is horrible.02:19
tucemiuxblackshirt, Mem:          3961 , that's 4 gigs?!? UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:19
jribrsvp: sudo update-alternatives --config awk02:20
blackshirttucemiux, maybe better you can post full output02:20
i7ctucemiux: mem in the total column tells your phyiscal ram02:20
tucemiuxi7c, i never checked but i always though my 8 gigs of ram would show up in ubuntu o.O02:21
rsvpjrib, one should install the "gawk" package first ! For the sake, of just a mere 200 KB of additional code .02:22
i7ctucemiux: are you on 64bit ubuntu?02:22
tucemiuxi7c,  UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:22
blackshirtthat was 64 bit linux02:23
wujiedeepin linux .made in china ,http://imagebin.org/22784502:23
i7ctucemiux: mhm weird. i have 6GB and works perfectly02:23
tucemiuxi7c, im going to have to shut down and see what the BIOS sees, good night!02:24
blackshirtgood morning02:24
i7ctucemiux: night, good luck02:24
rsvpmawk is terrible -- if one discovers that extended regex is not supported -- it simply fails.02:25
anubis_what would you guys recommend for a light weight linux distro?  i've tried crunchband and puppy linux but those are too lightweight (if that makes any sense) lol02:27
blackshirtanubis, debian02:27
IdleOneanubis_: Please don't take polls in this channel. Try Lubuntu02:28
somsipanubis_: minimal ubuntu, then add what you need02:28
utopsanubis,Slackware ;)02:28
anubis_oh sorry...didnt know that was a poll.  but ok, thanksf for the input02:28
anubis_ill give them a shot!02:28
rkingHi guys. I used to use Debian a good bit, but now I'm trying to help a buddy upgrade his Ubuntu install on a chroot in Android.  We found http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/precise/main/binary-armhf/ , and his /etc/apt/sources.list currently says: deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic main universe — what should we change it to?02:30
bazhang!eolupgrades | rking02:31
ubotturking: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades02:31
Nateman254is someone on?02:32
jeepNateman254: yes02:32
Nateman254ok, so i'm trying to get the ubuntu linux setup on my usb, but i need help02:33
jeepNateman254: sorry you used your one question for the day already02:33
bazhang!behelpful | jeep02:33
ubottujeep: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.02:33
kbrosnanNateman254: set up a bootable usb drive to install ubuntu?02:33
AnusienWhen I fullscreen mplayer or vlc, the display gets jerky (although the audio plays fine), but it's fine windowed. This seems to be a problem on all -vo modes for a variety of different video types. I'm using the radeon open source drivers. CPU and RAM are both fine.02:33
Nateman254ok, not funny... I really need help!02:34
jeepNateman254: to install to usb or use a usb stick to do install to computer ?02:34
jeepbazhang: im always helpful!02:34
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bazhangjeep, this is NOT the jokes channel.02:35
Nateman254no, download to usb stick so i can transfer to another computer02:35
Guest55458How can I use an external monitor connected via display port on my laptop. The "Displays" application is not detecting it.02:35
rkingbazhang: Hrm. This page seems to get up to the point of 9.10, but then stops there, not describing to get from there to 12.0402:36
jeepNateman254: like you want the usb stick to run a install ? or your trying to mirror an install on multiple computers02:36
Nateman254??? i'm trying to download the install to my usb so that i may install it to another computer... walking the usb over to it02:37
jeepNateman254: i suggest using a program called unetbootin02:37
IdleOne!usb | Nateman25402:38
ubottuNateman254: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent02:38
IdleOneNateman254: you want to follow that first link in the info ubottu just gave02:38
forbidden404Hey, there, I installed Ubuntu 12.10 today but I can't open it with normal graphics, I think it's a problem with Xorg (actually I know there is a problem with Xorg), but I can't solve it, can you guys help me? This is my logs > http://paste.ubuntu.com/1195838/02:38
Nateman254kk ty will do02:39
forbidden404I'm on Ubuntu 12.10 right now using nomodeset, but that's all, I can't enter in any other way02:40
adiewould I have any issue moving my ubuntu install between different computers?02:44
adieI am wondering if I could boot up my disk in a virtual machine without messing up configuration stuff02:44
weiyangcan i use dmsetup to setup the multipath device?02:47
cardboardHello #ubuntu Any one know how I would consolidate lines in my IPtables script? right now it looks like this http://pastebin.com/uUsJdgFW    I figure that quite a few lines are not needed and that I could take out the entire center chunk if I just knew how... Any ideas?02:47
weiyangcardboard, what's the problem?02:50
weiyangcardboard, iptables -I wanout -s -j ACCEPT this means what?02:50
cardboardyeh it tells iptables not to count that ip in the filter02:51
cardboardit says dont enforce rules on this ip02:51
cardboardI was wondering if some how I could say something like - 192.168.1.x02:51
cardboardSo I would be doing it in one line of commands rather then 1 line for each command02:52
randomDudelike irc?02:52
weiyangcardboard, -I wanout, I didn't see this chain02:54
forbidden404Is there any ATI driver for Quantal 3.5?02:55
bazhangforbidden404, #ubuntu+1 for 12.10 support and discussion02:56
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nateman254ok, so i need some more help...02:58
nateman254i have the iso, but what now?02:58
drupini installed have installed ubuntustudio on pendrive with help of pendrivelinux.com installer02:59
drupinbut i cannot install apps in it02:59
MonkeyDustnateman254  put the iso on a cd or stick, boot from that cd or stick02:59
forbidden404bazhang, thank you, I didn't know it03:00
nateman254how??? it's too big. it's 700k kb03:01
MonkeyDustnateman254  http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/03:02
MonkeyDustread and learn03:03
=== Guest77894 is now known as bawf
bawfIs system monitor the only way to show the process list. Is there anyway to get a more readable list that shows only the stuff u would see in Alt +Tab?03:07
MonkeyDustbawf  try ps -e03:07
bawfI'm think about adding a tab to gnome-system-monitor. One that would show "active" processes in a readable manner (Title names)03:08
bawfI don't wanna waste my time if it's done somewhere03:09
MonkeyDustbawf  you can submit the idea in !brainstorm03:09
bawfI found that the idea was submitted a far back as 2008, but a mod closed the thread. There's no info there03:10
bawfDidn't there use to be a "Windows" tab?03:10
Exodeusin what?03:11
bawfI think system monitor03:11
Exodeusnot that i can recall... there is a process tab tho03:12
bawfwith messy cryptic processes that the user shouldnt be greeted with03:13
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Exodeusvery true.... i wouldnt go messing around with it if you dont somewhat know whats up03:15
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bawfDoes anyone remember a "windows" dialog? It may have been when trying to logout with apps running03:17
bawfI forgot, is there a GUI app hardware profiler that gives info like lspci does?03:23
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crimsonmanebawf: "system profiler"03:27
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bawfWhy isn't that installed by default?03:28
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jerlynnice days03:31
crimsonmanebawf: it is, on other distros like Linux Mint XFCE03:31
bawfSo much for "Linux for Human beings"03:31
ClientAlivejrib: you still here?03:32
jerlync u guys03:35
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ClientAliveAnyone here familiar with unison? I'm reading the manual, testing stuff and looking into it's files but sonething doesn't make sense.03:35
ClientAliveI thought that it stored it's profiles in the file ~/.unison/default.prf  I created a test profile, verified that it works, then did a less ~/.unison/defult.prf and that file is still empty. What gives?03:36
ClientAliveahh. I see it now...   :)03:39
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leonardo_estoy pro. ubuntu03:47
TJ-!es | leonardo_03:47
ubottuleonardo_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.03:47
daemongplWhat is a good source to learn the run levels? I want to know what happens when I press the power button.. Bios > Grub > runlevels to xwindows... Anyone know a good source that lays this out for me or is this something that takes years of user experience to learn?03:51
phix The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>03:52
theguywhat kind of chat room is this03:52
phixtheguy: The one where users ask questions, then they wait, and they get an answer :)03:53
theguyso this is a chat room about linux03:53
TJ-daemongpl: The runlevels concept comes from Unix. You can find it's history by searching for the SYS V init (the /etc/rcX.d/ directories implement it)03:53
phixso any ideas ---^03:54
bawfdaemongpl: There are some good articles that cover the kernel boot process, if thats what u r looking for, google "linux kernel boot"03:54
smwtheguy, about ubuntu specifically03:54
phixtheguy: about ubuntu linux in particular03:54
xangua!gpgerr | phix the full error message would be more useful03:54
ubottuphix the full error message would be more useful: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »03:54
theguyi see well there is a question ive been wondering for some time now03:54
xanguabut if it's only the ubuntu repository just use the keys the bot mentions phix03:55
theguydo real woman actually log on to free online chats that you would find from letts say google and the likes?03:55
xangua!ot | theguy03:55
ubottutheguy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:55
phixW: GPG error: http://au.archive.ubuntu.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>03:55
phixW: GPG error: http://archive.canonical.com precise Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>03:55
TJ-daemongpl: But it's pretty simple: BIOS > HDD1(sector 0) > bootloader > kernel+initial-ramdisk > kernel > /init (process). What 'init' does depends on the distribution. On Ubuntu that's the "upstart" package. On Fedora/Red Hat it's "systemd"03:55
cowsquadwhat desktop manager are you guys using with ubuntu 12.04?03:56
theguyok hows come when i disable my wifi switch on my keyboard after running rfkill no sucess03:56
phixxangua: Is thatuuseful now?03:56
xanguaphix: did you read what the bot said¿03:56
xanguacowsquad: Ubuntu uses gnome with unity shell as default03:56
TJ-daemongpl: Most modern distros now are moving away from the SYSV init because they are implementing parallel init systems to improve boot times and take advantage of modern multi-core systems03:57
cowsquadxangua, yeah. Are you using any other one?03:57
theguyanyone know why rfkill wont work?03:57
xanguacowsquad: do you have a support questions¿ polls are offtopic for #ubuntu03:58
cowsquadah okay. thank you man03:58
cowsquadxangua How can I upgrade to quantun quetzal?03:59
xangua!12.10 | cowsquad03:59
ubottucowsquad: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+103:59
TJ-Someone remind me how to type accented characters! Alt-Gr+something > accent > key ?03:59
theguydoes anyone know about the rfkill command04:00
aeon-ltdtheguy: man does04:01
theguyi hope its not the MAN04:01
theguylol get it04:01
dannywhats the default chat app for the latest ubuntu?04:06
smwdanny, empathy04:07
dannycool -thanks04:07
dehow can I find out my computers ip address04:11
ClientAliveusing scp is confusin. The material I'm finding online is not clear what's meant by "computer you're on" (or similar) and I don't get it.04:12
MonkeyDustClientAlive  scp is cp over ssh, so from your loal pc to a remote pc04:13
Dark-Magician-GiHow do I save changes to /etc/default/grub?04:14
neelpulseHere's my problem. I once set proxy in my chromium browser and applied it system wide. Since then I could not get it removed. Whenever I wanted to install something I would always do: sudo -s, export "http_proxy=", export "https_proxy=", apt-get update and then install it. But then next time I would have to do it all over again. How can I achieve permanent effect04:14
PoundXIsudo gedit /etc/default/grub04:15
MonkeyDustor sudo -e04:15
ClientAlivewell I'm "on" a particular pysical machine (that's the one with the file I want to copy to the "other" machine. In a sense I'm also "on" that machine too (via ssh). What do I have to type to copy the file from this machine to that one?04:15
Dark-Magician-GiI don't understand. I'm in the '/etc/default/grub' file now. It doesn't list save as an option. It does list exit though.04:16
MonkeyDustClientAlive  scp file user@remote ip-address04:16
ClientAliveI've tried several variations and get that the file doesn't exist "cannot stat..." but it does and it's spelled right too.04:16
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed (nomodeset fixes it but then compiz is unworkable)04:16
MonkeyDustClientAlive  scp file user@remote ip-address:/home/user04:17
ClientAliveohh. Well that must be an old tute or something. They have a colon in there.04:17
bawfDark-Magician-Gi: U need to edit it with sudo to save04:17
Dark-Magician-GiI've already edited it. I changed 'GRUB_DEFAULT=0' to 'GRUB_DEFAULT=4'04:17
nerdbromancerDark-Magician-Gi: you also need to update-grub as root04:18
Dark-Magician-GiYeah, that I read. I'm not sure how to save the change first though.04:18
nerdbromancerlike after you have done the changes and saved them04:18
nerdbromancerDark-Magician-Gi: it should let you if you are root04:18
Dark-Magician-GiHm, I'll take another look at it.04:19
bawfHe prob edited from nautilus04:19
daemongplmaybe sudo nano /etc/default/grub if you cant figure gedit out....04:19
lotuspsychje!info xserver-xorg-driver-ati > lotuspsychje04:19
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bawfu can do gedit like that. Or sudo nautilu should work04:19
blackshirtfor gui based, use gksudo /etc/default/grub04:19
blackshirtDon't using sudo04:20
blackshirtBawf, don't suggest them04:20
ClientAlivethanks MonkeyDust. That worked (was needing to go the other direction albeit, but was easy enough to reverse the order and get it).    :)04:21
TJ-That'd be "gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub"04:21
MonkeyDustbawf  don't suggest that to someone who doesnt know what he's doing04:21
neelpulsewhat is the default value of http_proxy and https_proxy in etc/environment file?04:21
blackshirtUse gksudo/gksu instead for gui based access04:21
lotuspsychjehowto fix this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55678204:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556782 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [High,Triaged]04:21
Dark-Magician-GiI used 'suno nano /etc/default/grub' to access it.04:22
bawfwhat's the downside of using sudo for GUI? Security risk?04:22
TJ-Dark-Magician-Gi: That's good from a terminal.04:22
Dark-Magician-GiI clicked exit then save. Now it says Uncomment to disable graphical terminal/file name to write04:22
Dark-Magician-GiI have no idea what to do here.04:23
nerdbromancerDark-Magician-Gi: and suDO not suNo if thats what you were typing04:23
bawfctrl s04:23
crimsonmanebawf: yes04:23
Dark-Magician-GiYeah, sudo. That was a typo. Sorry.04:23
Dark-Magician-GiOptions are: gethelp, cancel, dos format, mac format, append, prepend, backup file04:23
blackshirtbawf, sudo and gksudo setup different environment for gui access...04:23
nerdbromancerDark-Magician-Gi: its all good, thats super strange though04:24
Dark-Magician-GiThat is after I clicked exit>save04:24
nerdbromancerDark-Magician-Gi: nm, with nano you just exit and save04:24
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blackshirtFor some time, you maybe gets wrong permission on files, when setup it with sudo04:24
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nerdbromancerDark-Magician-Gi: you go to quit "and then its like  'you want to save' and you say 'yes, save it to grub'"04:25
TJ-Dark-Magician-Gi: In nano, after you've made a change you press Ctrl+X to exit, and confirm the file-name to save04:25
Dark-Magician-Ginerdbromancer: I didn't get that.04:25
Dark-Magician-GiHow do I confirm the file name. I guess it's 'append'?04:25
Dark-Magician-GiIt's the only command I can think of it being.04:25
TJ-Dark-Magician-Gi: It asks you "Save modified buffer..."   you press Y for Yes04:26
nerdbromancerDark-Magician-Gi: what tj said04:26
lotuspsychjehowto update or fix xserver-xorg-driver-ati?04:26
TJ-Dark-Magician-Gi:  then it offers you the filename and you press Return to accept the current filename04:26
blackshirtlotuspsychje, just install the newer version04:27
Dark-Magician-GiI got it.04:28
lotuspsychjeblackshirt:from where04:28
blackshirtlotuspsychje, what release are you using now?04:28
Dark-Magician-GiIt saved so now i have to run that one command. Do I type 'sudo nano update-grub' in terminal?04:28
lotuspsychjeblackshirt: precise 64bit 12.04.104:29
nerdbromancerDark-Magician: no nano04:29
daemongplblackshirt: how often does that file permission problem happen? sudo elevates the command and UID\GID stay the same when editing right or does it edit\create the file with different permissions when using sudo???\04:29
nerdbromancerjust "sudo update-grub"04:29
blackshirtthat the newest release i think.. But you can wait for the next release04:29
bawfnano is a terminal text editing program04:29
rainchickHey everyone, I'm having an issue with Ubuntu 12.10 and Banshee. Is there a better channel for me to ask in?04:29
j2bv16rainchick: what problem?04:30
lotuspsychjeblackshirt:yes i clean installed it but still the bug remains04:30
rainchickj2bv16, well, Banshee crashes so often it's unusable and doesn't provide any indication as to why, it just dies. Usually when I make changes to my library or do something that involves writing to the drive.04:30
blackshirtdaemongpl, gksudo works on gui (contain display environment) and setup them properly...04:31
rainchickRhytymbox works fine.04:31
nerdbromancerlotupsycheje: was it a problem on older releases?04:31
j2bv16rainchick: Ubuntu 12.10 is having a big problem with QT04:31
TJ-rainchick: Quantal support is in #ubuntu+104:32
blackshirtDaemongpl, and sudo works for text command line mode and not sometime not correctly setup related for gui environment04:32
lotuspsychjenerdbromander:im trying to fix a square mouse pointer every cold boot like this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55678204:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556782 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [High,Triaged]04:32
rainchickj2bv16, I see... is there any way I can make my experience more useful for the developers so I can help fix?  And I'll head to #ubuntu+1 too. :)04:32
Dark-Magician-GiAlright. It worked. Thanks.04:32
j2bv16rainchick: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=qt&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch=&field.has_no_package=&orderby=-heat&start=004:33
j2bv16We have to wait for a update04:33
j2bv16(sorry for the long link)04:33
blackshirtfor e.g was .ICEAuthority fikes on your home maybe become owned by root04:33
rainchickj2bv16, ok, thanks. :) I'll be patient then. :)04:33
Dark-Magician-GiI do have another question. I have a dell resource cd which I use to install graphics, audio, etc. drivers  when I reinstall Windows. Do I use the dell resource cd for Ubuntu too?04:34
blackshirti don't think so..that was made for windows04:34
daemongplblackshirt: ahh, so gksudo will run the gui and elevate where needed and sudo will run entire application elevated?04:34
Dark-Magician-GiAlrght, that's what I thought but I wanted to make sure.04:34
blackshirtyou shouldd't need them04:35
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blackshirtdaemon, that was tool used for same purposes, get root access, but have different characteristic internally..you can use both of them, but accessing root for gui based using sudo, thats contains some probabilistic trouble04:37
nerdbromanceruggh im having this (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-volumed/+bug/990562) problem with xfce but i really don;t wanna go to gnome/unity04:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 990562 in xfce4-volumed (Ubuntu) "Laptop FN Sound Keys don't update mixer volume" [Undecided,Confirmed]04:37
nerdbromancerlike i really just want gnome2/compiz but its not 2008 any more :(04:39
phixxangua: yeah, but now what?04:41
xanguaphix: did you follow the instructions¿04:42
phixxangua: same error message04:43
phixxangua: sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com 40976EAF437D05B504:43
crimsonmanenerdbromancer: you would like Linux Mint MATE and install compiz.04:43
phixgpg: requesting key 437D05B5 from hkp server keyserver.ubuntu.com04:44
phixgpg: key 437D05B5: "Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>" not changed04:44
phixsudo apt-get update still returns the key warning message04:44
phixxangua: now what?04:44
ClientAliveI have a permission issue trying to use scp. The file I'm trying to copy requires root privs. Is there a way to run the command for it to work?04:44
lotuspsychje!mint | crimsonmane04:44
ubottucrimsonmane: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:44
ClientAlivefile is on the physical computer I'm typing on and trying to copy to another computer04:44
clipclickquick opinion poll: What do you like best as my email: steven@steven-dale.com || hello@steven-dale.com || contact@steven-dale.com || me@steven-dale.com   - Thanks!04:45
crimsonmanei'm aware it's not a supported derivative. but he said he'd like gnome2 with compiz, and if ubuntu doesn't offer a solution for that, then i've given the best response.04:45
nerdbromancercrimsonmane: mate has been super buggy for me, i have used it in ubuntu and mate04:45
crimsonmaneclipclick: why not "stephen@dale.com"04:45
xanguaphix: (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) as the bot says04:46
lotuspsychjecrimsonmane:the best response is to solve ubuntu problems, not suggesting another Os here04:46
clipclickdale.com is registered04:46
phixxangua: ok so the repo I am using is being stupid?04:46
clipclicki'd prefer the .com :)04:47
crimsonmanelotuspsychje: for the record, you're supposed to make the best decision for the customer/shareholders, not yourself. that's how i think, that's how i approach problems, and that's how i solve them with 100% satisfaction guaranteed.04:47
lotuspsychjeclipclick:stop that, this is an ubuntu support channel04:47
ClientAlivestill - and I've tried a couple variations04:47
ClientAliveis this going to also be a problem trying to use unison with those files?04:48
nerdbromancerlotuspsychje: I have used it with ubuntu through the ppa. In fact I don't really like mint because of its lack of a debian installer04:48
phixcrimsonmane: lotuspsychje has a point, this is a ubuntu support channel, if you want something more general goto general computer support channel04:48
phixI actually don't know any ones off the top of my head, but if you do find a good one let me know, I would be interested in offering some support04:49
crimsonmanemint has a debian installer, nerdbromancer04:49
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:52
crimsonmanenobody is looking for help with mint04:53
jagginessyada i came in late04:53
crimsonmanei think you're defending your turf against an imaginary enemy04:53
ClientAliveanyone on using ssh/ scp command?04:54
nerdbromancercrimsonmane: from what i've seen it has a debian edition with debian repos not the installer. also what i am really just upset that my sound fn keys dont work with xfce in 12.0404:54
jagginessClientAlive, sftp is better04:54
lotuspsychje!ssh | ClientAlive04:54
ubottuClientAlive: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:54
lotuspsychjeClientAlive:read up the url mate, alot of usefull info before you start transfering or cp files04:54
jagginessthat ubottu is outta date, it should say the sftp command04:55
crimsonmanenerdbromancer: you're not very informed about mint then. i'll join you in #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like to chat about it. i think we're making the ops nervous here.04:55
jagginesscrimsonmane, seems like you you love to repeat it over and over to him :)04:56
ClientAlivelotuspsychje: I need to copy a file from the machine I'm on that is owned by root (specifically, my /root/.bashrc) to the other machine. Everything I try gets me "permission denied"04:56
crimsonmanejagginess: i'm doing it half because you ops are so uptight about it.04:56
ClientAliveI just need to get something done04:56
lotuspsychjeClientAlive:do you use sudo?04:56
jagginesscrimsonmane, i'm no op, but i see you don't tend to be efficient, (you confusing me man :)04:57
crimsonmaneyou came in late... i'll forgive you for not keeping up04:57
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:58
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ClientAliveI've tried sudo scp... I've tried scp sudo, I've tried logging onto that other machine then doing su and loggin in as root before the scp command (with and without sudo). I'm getting tired of screwing with it.04:59
crimsonmaneClientAlive: in a terminal "sudo <name of your file manager"04:59
crimsonmaneClientAlive: also try rebooting once. i had a similar problem a couple weeks ago.04:59
subcoolquestion. Im tired of fixing everything on ubuntu. I keep hearing/seeing "/home" being used as a great backup- Im about to start to push that myself. QUESTION- can i setup a fstab or something to mount my external or mapped devices? IN /HOME04:59
subcoolClientAlive, i love scp - make sure u dont have a firewall up04:59
daemongplClientAlive: just do ftp put and get commands05:00
subcoolClientAlive, scp -r /home/USER/Downloads/Torrents/OSx86/  USER@
subcoolClientAlive, you have to run it from the "host" -05:01
lotuspsychjehowto fix a corrupt square mouse pointer every cold boot on precise 12.04.1 clean installed05:03
crimsonmanelotuspsychje: from synaptic, i would locate the mouse and mark for reinstallation.05:04
lotuspsychjecrimsonmane:i dont think its a mouse problem,cause 'nomodeset' add to grub fixes this05:04
subcoolClientAlive, let me know if it worked- i dont get the man of SCP - so i found that formula and have saved it so i can use it when i need. It works for me great- but ONLY if i use that formula. every time i try to read the man and make it work- i f' it up.05:05
crimsonmanenomodeset has more to do graphically overall than anything specifically with the mouse05:05
jaequerywhat is the most important linux security technology, choose one: selinux, grsecurity, cis benchmark, or bastille?05:06
lotuspsychjecrimsonmane: i think its related to this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/55678205:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 556782 in linux (Ubuntu) "[rs690m] Graphics corruption with ati x1200" [High,Triaged]05:06
jagginessjaequery, i say none of them ;005:08
jagginessjaequery, a very good firewall is what matters most to me05:08
apgis there anybody got any message in halting ubuntu "mount:/ is busy"05:08
jagginess, and reverse proxies etc..05:08
jaequerywhats a very good firewall?05:09
lotuspsychje!firewall | jaequery05:10
ubottujaequery: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.05:10
jaequeryyou mean the one w/ IDS and IDPS?05:10
williamherrywhen will ubuntu 12.10 release?05:10
jaequeryor did you just mean to say firewall rules ala iptables05:10
lotuspsychje!12.10 | williamherry05:10
ubottuwilliamherry: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+105:10
williamherrylotuspsychje, thanks05:11
williamherryjoin #ubuntu+105:11
lotuspsychje!info snort | jaequery05:11
ubottujaequery: snort (source: snort): flexible Network Intrusion Detection System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.2-3ubuntu1 (precise), package size 680 kB, installed size 1752 kB05:11
jaequeryi feel like im in #cs101 class ...05:14
lotuspsychje!security > lotuspsychje05:15
ubottulotuspsychje, please see my private message05:15
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lotuspsychjejaequery:you asked for security right05:15
lotuspsychje!security | jaequery05:15
ubottujaequery: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server05:15
jaequeryi thought we'd been discussing about grsecurity, security access controls, rbac, by now ...05:16
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jaequeryit seems #ubuntu isn't up to par, compared to other channels05:17
lotuspsychjejaequery:this is an ubuntu support channel, more then a security talk05:18
jaequeryi c, my bad05:18
lotuspsychjejaequery:but you can aks ubuntu security packages problems right05:18
jaequerygot it, i'll take not of this.05:19
lotuspsychjejaequery:or try #ubuntu-offtopic to discuss all sorts05:19
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ph1rmw4r3 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY good2go05:23
Assidisnt here openvz for ubuntu ? on 12.04 ?05:23
lotuspsychje!es | gordaa05:24
ubottugordaa: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:24
eth1pavanhello may i know how to change the distribution name CentOS release 6.2 (Final) to xyz release (Final)05:29
eth1pavanin the login window.05:29
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lotuspsychjeeth1pavan:this is an ubuntu support channel mate05:30
Assidwhats a suggested virtualization environment ?05:30
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox | Assid05:30
ubottuAssid: virtualbox (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - base binaries. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.12-dfsg-2ubuntu0.1 (precise), package size 15439 kB, installed size 45859 kB05:30
Assidhmm.. vbox05:31
eth1pavan<lotuspsychje> ok if i had to change the ubuntu distribution and logo in the login screen, how do i go about it.05:35
Assidlotuspsychje: im trying out kvm05:36
lotuspsychjeeth1pavan:if you mean to change the default Os you need to edit in grub, logo can be changed with ubuntu tweak05:36
kyanHi.. I just upgraded to Ubuntu 12.04 (from 10.10) and itś really confusing -- I have a bunch of questions. 1. How do I set the icon theme? 2. How do I get the old Dvorak International layout back (it seems to have been removed)? 3. How do I install KDE programs in Synaptic -- it says theyŕe all broken? 4. How do I fix the ugly font rasterization?05:38
kyanIḿ sure some more will come to mind .. :P05:38
lotuspsychje!unity | kyan05:38
ubottukyan: Unity is the default UI since Ubuntu 11.04.  Unity is a shell for GNOME. see http://unity.ubuntu.com. For a GNOME 2-like experience, see !notunity05:38
jagginesskyan, i'd google :)05:38
jagginesskyan, here..05:38
lotuspsychjekyan:synaptic has been removed by default, you can still install05:39
kyanlotuspsychje: Iǘe read quite a bit about Unity. None of my qusetions are related to Unity (Iḿ quite happy with Unity, itś really what I upgraded for)05:39
kyanlotuspsychje: I installed Synaptic from Ubuntu Software Centre since I couldn figure out how to use the Software Centre easily.05:39
kyanlotuspsychje: Synaptic says that I have over 100 broken packages when I read my markings from my old system.05:40
lotuspsychjekyan:its recommended to clean install precise 12.04.105:40
bawfIs there a way to batch install fonts?05:40
lotuspsychjebawf: you can try apt-cache search fonts then install?05:41
kyanlotuspsychje: I installed from the CD image downloaded via Bittorrent. I formatted the partition for it freshly, but I used the old swap space.05:41
lotuspsychjekyan:ah so it isnt an upgrade really05:41
jagginesskyan, swapon -s<enter> see if there's one being used.. if not add it to /etc/fstab05:41
kyanjagginess: I don really need swap (Iǘe got 3GiB ram)05:42
kyanjagginess; And yes it is using swap.05:42
jagginesskyan, maybe you don't, but in the past i would get a stall if i didnt use one.05:42
kyanjagginess: Ok, thanks. It seems to be working though05:43
kyanjagginess: The four questions I listed first are currently the most pressing though.05:43
kyanjagginess: Also, why does X chat no longer have a scroll bar?05:43
kyanor any scroll bars for that matter?05:44
jagginessdunno, you'll have to toy around with it.. it all depends on what you like.. unfortunately i don't use  unity..05:44
jagginessor maybe fortunately :) heeheh05:44
kyanWell it looks like therś no option under settings for scroll bars.05:44
jagginessdunno, you'll have to toy around with it..05:45
jagginessi think very few people in here actually like unity..05:45
kyanjagginess: I like Unity. the menu bar search and global menu thing seem easy.05:45
jagginessi think unity is good for newcomers and touchscreens..05:45
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jagginessbut i'm having problems accepting to switching to it anytime soon05:45
kyanjagginess: Well Iǘe got 7 years experience with Linux, and Iḿ using a non-touchscreen normal laptop. I guess itś just a matter of taste05:46
jagginessthere are better apps that do search and menu search, (there are a few very good ones)05:46
kyanjagginess: Well I don really understand the desktop lenses thing (I like Strigi/Nepomuk/Soprano for desktop search), but I like the menu search still.05:47
jagginesskyan, well if the gfx effects don't stall on you.. then that's good.. but you should know it's the ideal gfx driver isn't always ideal/optimized for the average user..05:47
* jagginess hopes valve's gfx coding efforts will change X drivers for the good05:47
lotuspsychjeguys lets stick to ubuntu support problems05:47
kyanjagginess: Well the graphics seem to be working fine. Iǘe been trying to figure out where the compiz files are but I don think that will be too hard.05:48
lotuspsychjelike/unlike talk to #ubuntu-offtopic05:48
kyanlotuspsychje: Ok, thanks05:48
kyansorry for the noise05:48
jagginessit's not offtopic..05:48
kyanjagginess: in a support channel it is XD05:48
jagginesshe's actually using unity, and i'm buzzing i don't use it.. so if anyone uses it, maybe they can shed some light on what he wants to od..05:49
kyanjagginess: Well, itś not Unity thatś giving me problems. Itś the package management05:49
kyanjagginess: Both Synaptic and Aptitude aren resolving dependencies correctly..05:50
jagginessuse the update-manager gui app in the menu.. update the indexes with it (it'll update sources.list)05:50
lotuspsychjekyan:you could try ubuntu-tweak to sort many things out05:51
jagginess(i mean it's able to update sources.list if you choose more repos, but it also updates the local indexes of avail packages)05:51
jagginesskyan, also be careful from outdated and dangerous ppa's.. be very decisive with ppa's.05:52
kyanjagginess: Updated lists; still not working05:52
kyanjagginess: I imported my ppas from the old install. I then read the saved markings, installed the software, then disabled the ppas.05:53
kyanjagginess: All I have enabled now is the main section05:53
jagginesskyan, you said you updated? it doesn't hurt to add the previous ubuntu repos you had before, in case you use an application whose libraries are obsoleted05:53
kyanjagginess: ok 1 min05:53
kyanlotuspsychje: How do I do that? I have Ubuntu Tweak installed05:54
xj98jeepIm trying to set up a software RAID on 12.04, have gotten evreything set up and now I'm trying to make the .conf file, but whenever I try to do it in terminal I get a bash: permission denied message even with root privileges how can I make the .conf file?05:54
jagginesskyan, btw-- apt-cache policy <packagename> , shows extra info from which repository05:54
jagginesskyan, you using nothing wild, like-- you really are using ubuntu and not mixing it with debian repos i hope05:54
L1I have mounted /mnt/ec2 with fuse sshfs, however I get permission denied for nearly everything. How do I run sudo as the remote user? E.g. I want to do me@mylocalpc:$ sudo mkdir /mnt/ec2/var/www/mysite05:55
lotuspsychjekyan:there's a system cleaner on board, that might do magic05:55
kyanjagginess: Iĺl pastebin my sources.list.. 1 sec05:55
vkasi cannot dial ppp using my HSUPA modem on 2G network; http://paste.ubuntu.com/1196079/05:55
kyanlotuspsychje: ok, thanks. Magic sounds good :D05:55
kyanjagginess, http://pastebin.com/abYdG9nG05:57
kyanjagginess: Still no luck. I pastebinned my sources.list: http://pastebin.com/abYdG9nG05:59
kyanha! I found the scroll bar in Xchat!05:59
jagginesskyan, looks a bit dangerous to use maverick ppa's on 12.04 (you should check each ppa and see)06:00
kyanjagginess: oh maybe. Well most of the PPAs are disabled anyway. I just used them to install stuff, then disabled them06:00
jagginesskyan, as i said, apt-cache policy shows the repo..06:00
RocketSciencei tried to do sudo -i and i got the error -bash: export: '=": not a valid identifier and then the same error with '/root/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin'06:01
RocketSciencemy bashrc file is normal... I deleted my edits and its still giving me the error06:01
jagginessRocketScience, that's more bash related06:02
jagginessRocketScience, /root/bin ?06:02
kyanjagginess: apt-cache policy output: http://pastebin.com/K0XwUnrF06:03
RocketSciencethats the error it gave me. No clue why its doing itt now06:03
jagginesskyan, ahem06:03
jagginesskyan, the package that is problematic, you can do-> apt-cache policy <packagename> to show which repository it's coming from06:03
kyanjagginess: ohhh, I get it. Thanks.06:05
kyanjagginess: Itś coming from the official precise-updates06:05
jagginessRocketScience, there's #bash(i'm there)06:05
jagginesskyan, what package/libs say are missing?06:06
vega-how do i disable the feature that pops up the "Type your command" launcher whilst pressing Alt key ? I have alt-fX assigned to switch desktops and now they somehow conflict06:06
jagginesskyan, is it a versioning# ?06:06
jagginessvega-, maybe that's an accessibility thing that's on.. sometimes the metakeys are used for this..06:07
kyanjagginess: http://pastebin.com/Q21gJukj06:07
vega-jagginess: is there a setting for those somewhere? can't find in system settings..06:08
jagginesskyan, apt-cache show dolphin would show the dependencies..06:08
thrasher194how much longer do i have to wait for 12.10?06:08
jagginessvega-, must be there.. system/settings accessibility should be there somewhere06:08
thrasher194need to get sum blank dvds..06:08
lotuspsychje!12.10 | thrasher19406:08
ubottuthrasher194: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+106:08
vkasmy HSUPA modem 2g connection failing : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119608606:09
kyanjagginess: It doesn look like it has any errors in apt-cache show dolphin06:09
jagginessvega-, accessibility means people with physical problems -- (not implying you are, but there may be something set to on), there's also system/setting keyboard (shortcuts is 2nd tab)06:09
someprimetimeon my server i run some websites. i'd like to set up anything@anyofmydomains.com to forward to my single gmail email... what do i have to do to enable that?06:09
jagginesssomeprimetime, not easy :/06:09
thrasher194cool!!! got a blank 160GB waiting.. :)06:10
jagginesssomeprimetime, providing you're not relying on setting up an "mta".. i'm sure there's quick tools that can do it..06:10
vega-jagginess: yes i know, i have browsed the keyboard shortcuts already, nothing with just "Alt" ..06:10
jagginesssomeprimetime, but i have no idea have reliable these are..06:10
someprimetimeah alright thanks anyway jagginess06:11
hateballsomeprimetime: what you want to google for (if thats any help) would be "postfix catch-all" (assuming you use postfix)06:11
someprimetimeok yes!06:11
someprimetimethat'll help06:11
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FloodBot1someprimetime: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:11
jagginesssomeprimetime, often a gui mail app can do it ..06:11
jagginesssomeprimetime, maybe a plugin of somesort.. but i think you want this automated right?06:11
someprimetimejagginess: correct06:11
someprimetimejust if anyone somehow ends up emailing iasdhjfiasdh@mydomain.com i'll get it06:11
vkasmy HSUPA modem 2g connection failing : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119608606:12
jagginesssomeprimetime, it'll take a cronjob, and maybe a sendmail.. but sendmail can be notorious (there's different implementations of it, but the simplest i think is from postfix)06:12
jagginess(but then this may mean tinkering around how to use postfix)06:12
jagginesssomeprimetime, apt-cache search mail|grep -i forward06:12
someprimetimejagginess: yeah i've been running into issues with sendmail and actually am using sendgrid to relay all messages generated by my app now so this whole thing is kinda hairy06:13
jagginesssomeprimetime, relay?06:13
jagginesssomeprimetime, thought you meant you're using an msa..06:13
someprimetimejagginess: well it's actually a totally separate thing but it made me think about forwarding email to my account06:14
someprimetimeso it prompted me to find a solution on how to do it06:14
someprimetimei just wanted to figure out all email type stuff tonight tbhg06:14
malinenshi! where do I get source for find tool?06:14
jagginesssomeprimetime, well you cant be an mta, but you can mimic an msa i think with postfix's sendmail (and i use exim myself-- using it's sendmail like to behave like an msa when i need to)06:15
vkasmy HSUPA modem 2g connection failing; syslog : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119608606:15
someprimetimebasically i started an email list and there are a bunch of emails that are listed as part of the domain (e.g. feedback@mydomain.com) and it asks people to reply to help@mydomain.com if they are having issues so i'm like damn now i need to receive all of those...06:15
someprimetimeok well at least i know what i search for06:15
someprimetimei'll keep mucking around with it06:15
jagginesssomeprimetime, you'll need your own mta.. this means you'll need your registered mx servers somewhere on the net06:16
kyanjagginess: I fixed it! The trick wasn disabling the ppas, it was enabling them all!06:16
someprimetimeoh wow.06:16
kyanjagginess: talk about counterintuitive.. XD06:17
kyangood enough though.. Itś Alive!!06:17
jagginesskyan, i dont think dolphin was the problematic package, but a library from a ppa more recent ..06:17
kyanoh maybe. IDK then06:17
kyanitś working now anyway :P06:17
jagginesskyan, you should of found out which package was causing it :)06:17
kyanjagginess: oh well XD06:18
kyanSo next, how do I get the old key board layout back??06:18
jagginesskyan, um.. be careful you can break stuff with ppas :)06:18
kyanjagginess: yeah Iḿ really good at breaking stuff06:18
Assidhi.. i am trying to start a kvm instance.. and im getting the following error "error: internal error cannot load AppArmor profile 'libvirt-c2c3f180-8795-e662-5a16-40db34c4bcd2'"06:18
Assidcan someone help me with this06:18
vkasplease help, my HSUPA modem 2g connection failing; syslog : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119608606:18
kyanjagginess: d*mn, itś not working after all06:19
hatmanHello, using Xubuntu and I have a laptop with built-in sound controller (I think), it's from Intel but it isn't seen as output device anymore, even though I can see it in the list of physically installed soundcards06:23
hatmanIt worked yesterday, when I installed Xubuntu!06:24
hatmanHow do I make it work again?06:24
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vkasplease help, my HSUPA modem 2g connection failing; syslog : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119608606:24
Guest69344im using ubuntu 12.0.4  and my issue is that my skype is disappearing when im loggin in to it.06:25
Guest69344anyone have an idea about this06:26
hateballGuest69344: Disappearing how? An icon that's gone, or the whole app uninstalled, etc?06:26
SwedeMikeGuest69344: is the skype icon still there in the toolbar, if it is, right-click it and select "activate"06:27
Guest69344not uninstalling.06:27
Guest69344there is still the icon06:27
Guest69344but it forcly logged me out06:27
Guest69344i can take it and loggin again06:27
SwedeMike!enter | Guest6934406:28
ubottuGuest69344: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:28
Guest69344but the problem is happening only when im logged im06:28
Assiderr can someone help me with this.. im getting  error: internal error cannot load AppArmor profile 'libvirt-c2c3f180-8795-e662-5a16-40db34c4bcd2' when i try and start a kvm instance06:28
hatmanok, I'm out of time, gotta go. Bye06:28
vkasplease help, my HSUPA modem 2g connection failing; from syslog : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119608606:30
LorSamPau_whey guys, i'm trying to turn off automatic disk check in ubuntu after turning off the power... changing 1 to 0 in fstab - didn't help06:30
jamsterI have an external 500gb hard drive formatted in ext3 and I want to resize it for ubuntu install does it need to be proceeding or following free space so when I boot from it from my netbook it reconizes it or does it not matter?06:31
kyanis there a way to run a command without a terminal (à la the run command window in maverick?)06:31
LorSamPau_wkyan, alt+f206:32
SwedeMikejamster: the installer will most likely offer to resize the existing partition, so you can let it do it while installing.06:32
kyanLorSamPau_w: cool, thanks!06:33
jamsterwell SwedeMike I am not exactly installing it the normal way06:33
jamsterso which would be best?06:33
jamsterit is from ddrescue SwedeMike06:33
Robert123I upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 and now my system tray is missing and ubuntu is restarting to fix that, but that does not help. How do i get my system tray back?06:35
SwedeMikejamster: ubuntu should be able to boot from anywhere on a 500 gig drive, so if you need to resize it it's going to be a lot easier to shrink the existing partition.06:35
jamsterokay if it works both ways does choosing one over the other effect speed? SwedeMike06:37
SwedeMikejamster: It shouldn't really.06:38
pushhello trying to update /etc/hosts in a shell script \/ia sudo . but it wont work.06:38
jamsterhow about ddrescue two partitions do I have to make two separate partitions or will it go in the target partition without it being separate?06:39
jamsterthe drive I am cloning has two partitions06:39
Robert123hello, can anyone help me to get my system tray back? Panels are completely missing.06:51
KartagisI get multiple results when I do apt-cache show firefox. how do I specify which one to install?06:53
fidelRobert123: what desktop are you running in the first place?06:53
fidelRobert123: are they still gonna after reboot - so ir the issue reproduceable?06:54
fidelor in short06:54
fidel!details > Robert12306:54
ubottuRobert123, please see my private message06:54
Robert123fidel: i upgraded fom 10.04 with gnome to 12.04. Now everytime i reboot the system starts without panels, recognizes the problem and tells me to reboot06:56
fidelRobert123: again - and what desktop-environment are you selecting in the boot-manager?06:57
fidelor 'login session'06:57
Robert123fidel: i used standard settings, what should i try? (problem i used the support button and ubuntu started firefx for me, so that i am using the system now)06:59
yellabs-r2what programs can i use to make perfect professional dvd's ? the top 3 ?07:00
jerlynon Linux?07:00
zrutyAnybody clever with dovecot? I keep getting "Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf line 37: Expecting '=' " when I try to start the service. And there is a '='07:01
Robert123fidel: thank you for trying to help! I'll reboot and check the desktop settings.07:01
Kartagiszruty: #dovecot,07:02
Kartagiszruty: #dovecot07:02
jerlyngot no ideal, there's one studio for windows, I run it by wine07:02
yellabs-r2zruty , something in your config file i guess07:03
zrutyKartagis: ok, ok...07:03
zrutyyellabs-r2: Yes07:04
zen_monkeywhat happends to bug reports when generated while offline? are they saved for later sending?07:04
jerlynyellabs, try Ulead VideoStudio plus wine07:04
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yellabs-r2zruty , did you edit dovecot.conf ?07:06
yellabs-r2what programs can i use to make perfect professional dvd's ? the top 3 ?07:06
zrutyyellabs-r2: Yes.07:06
jerlynUlead VideoStudio07:07
zrutyyellabs-r2: I do not get the error because ther IS a =07:07
yellabs-r2made a backup of the origenal file ?07:07
zrutyyellabs-r2: Yes, but I need it to work with the ports as I spicify07:07
pbasehi i want to test pidgin's audio call feature. can anyone be the other side for me?07:08
yellabs-r2zruty , pastebin dovecot conf?07:12
The_BROSSince yesterday in my Pidgin group orphans was created and all ICQ contacts doubled there07:13
AscavasaionI have an old laptop with Intel Core Duo 1.83GHz, 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD.  Will it comfortably run Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome classic desktop?07:16
yellabs-r2Ascavasaion , yes07:17
auronandaceAscavasaion: if you mean gnome fallback then yes07:19
djabbourHi all. I installed 3rd party graphics drivers, and X11 is working just fine. However, during system startup, I now cannot see any messages or boot screen. Is there any way to disable high-res graphics during boot and just get it to do the textusal boot messages thing?07:22
Ascavasaionyellabs-r2: Thank you,07:23
Ascavasaionauronandace: Thank you.07:23
yellabs-r2bye all07:24
AscavasaionShould I download 12.04.1 or 12.04?  It is a new installation, getting a new hard disk for my laptop and swapping that hard disks out.07:27
MacDhuibh12.04 will take longer for updates07:28
auronandaceAscavasaion: may aswell get 12.04.1, unless you already have a 12.04 cd07:28
crizisdoesn't matter, you get all the .1 updates anyway from update manager after installation :p07:28
Ascavasaionauronandace: Thank you :)07:28
Ascavasaionauronandace: ftp://ftp.is.co.za/ubuntu-releases/12.04.1/ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso for my Intel Core Duo 1.83GHz then?07:29
Eaglemanreplacement for webmin07:30
The_BROSsomething strange is going on with my pidgin buddy list, new07:30
The_BROSfolders keep getting made titled "orphans" and random people are in it07:30
MacDhuibhAscavasaion, yeah.07:30
AscavasaionMacDhuibh: Thank you07:30
KartagisI get multiple results when I do apt-cache show firefox. how do I specify which one to install?07:31
auronandaceAscavasaion: if your core duo is 64bit07:31
auronandace!ebox | Eagleman07:32
ubottuEagleman: zentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).07:32
Ascavasaionauronandace: It is, thank you again.07:33
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ottoshmidthi, where is the file that lists /etc/init.d/ daemons to be launched at startup?07:37
EaglemanI am lookinf for a backup packet which can backup on windows/linux/sql/mysql07:37
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auronandace!upstart | ottoshmidt07:38
ubottuottoshmidt: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/07:38
Spectacle_KI'm running Ubuntu 12.04 and desktops no longer show up in the login screen. Only default desktops do. How do I fix this?07:39
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Spectacle_KAt least acknowledge my question?07:43
EaglemanI am looking for a backup packet which can backup on windows/linux/sql/mysql07:46
BlueWolfHi I tryed to add this add-on to firefox ( http://www.informationweek.com/software/reviews/image-gallery-top-12-firefox-add-ons/224800005 ) But it's telling me "Not available for your platform" How do I get it to work?07:48
auronandaceBlueWolf: must be windows specific07:49
raven some problems with virtual desktop environment via tightvncserver - heavy rights problems with encrypted home-folder - help please07:51
BlueWolfauronandace: How could I get it working then?07:54
auronandaceBlueWolf: if it is designed for windows you don't07:54
BlueWolfauronandace: Is there no linux version?07:55
auronandaceBlueWolf: contact the addon maker, ask why he doesn't support linux07:55
BlueWolfauronandace: Sorry for asking, Thanks for the help.07:55
raven some problems with virtual desktop environment via tightvncserver - heavy rights problems with encrypted home-folder - help please07:57
grzeslawemm.. I mean language in gnome..08:02
GeekAdminHi. I have two monitors and extending the display. Is there an application or anything I can download to get more control over the options for having multiple monitors? There are all kinds of issues I'd like to correct and hoping there is something I can use to tweek it. 12.0408:02
auronandaceGeekAdmin: its entirely dependant on your graphics card08:03
GeekAdminauronandace:  oh ok08:04
GeekAdminauronandace:  darn08:04
GeekAdminauronandace:  I already installed the "additional drivers" for my graphics card08:04
auronandaceGeekAdmin: and your card is...08:05
MacDhuibhGeekAdmin, if you're on Unity, there should be some program in "system settings" that can let you change where the launcher is and sticky edges.08:05
GeekAdminMacDhuibh:  Darn I dont use Unity. I use gnome or xfce08:06
CQhello, I have thunderbird going to 100% CPU on IMAP folder switch, but nothing shows when running top, any ideas?08:06
MacDhuibhSorry =O08:07
GeekAdminYou guys actually use Unity? I thought Unity was only for newbs or people with netbooks. Am I wrong?08:07
MacDhuibhEh, I use 2d =P08:07
auronandaceGeekAdmin: yes, anyone can use unity if they wish08:08
MacDhuibhCan't remember why i switched from xfce08:08
GeekAdminTo each their own. I'm not trying to put anyone down for using Unity or anything. I just didnt think it was very popular08:09
GeekAdminpopular amount experienced Linux users that is08:09
MacDhuibhThere's actually a gentoo overlay for it.08:09
bazhanglets get back on topic GeekAdmin08:09
GeekAdmink sorry08:09
raven some problems with virtual desktop environment via tightvncserver - heavy rights problems with encrypted home-folder - help please08:12
susundbe1graven: you need to describe your question little more precise so if somebody knows about the issue can help. Like write what you want to do and what is the problem08:17
ravensusundbe1g randomly skype and xchat crashes at the same time with kind of message "e/a-error" does not seem a hardware problem so i think its a rights problem with the encrypted home folder. i am running some other apps via sux on a user withou encrypted home and there it seems to run well. in addidion to that kdenlive shows the hardware tuner only via root and sudo nethogs shows the vnc-traffic as unknown pid and unknown device08:19
susundbe1gi am just guessing but i would say that xchat does not crash '08:21
ravensusundbe1g and now i have no rights to write via nano into my home08:21
susundbe1grandomly' if there is major problem with file permissions, since i would guess it reads all stuff on startup08:21
ravenanything is messed up with the rights08:21
hoyangtoo many console-kit-daemon thread, how to remove this program? or, what is this program doing?08:22
susundbe1graven: well yeah that sounds like real problem, what does ls -lah $HOME say? you can change ownership of a directory with chown -R my-user: target_directory08:22
ActionParsnipraven: are you the owner of the entire $HOME dir?08:23
hoyangprogram location is /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon08:23
ravensusundbe1g obviously its the right user08:24
ravenActionParsnip it seems that i am the owner yes08:24
xnixan_Hi, i forgot what was the name of the tool previous to software center, what was it?08:25
ActionParsnipraven: you can check with:   sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME08:25
ActionParsnipxnixan_: synaptic maybe08:25
xnixan_ActionParsnip, yep :)08:25
ravenok the command succeeded08:27
ravenhow to verify?08:27
ActionParsnipraven: try do what you were doing before....08:27
susundbe1graven: try to nano the file that editing failed earlier?08:27
ravenActionParsnip susundbe1g no change08:29
ActionParsnipraven: nano seems to have an issue with running with sudo, it changes the ownership of ~/.nano_history to roor:$USER   which only means that when you run it you get a warning08:29
ravenyes i deleted it but it does not work08:29
Kentosyou deleted what?08:30
raventhe .nano_hist08:30
ravenbecause that appeared as root in ls -la08:31
susundbe1gmhh, after 'sudo chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME' that should not be the case08:32
ravenand xtightvnc seems to run as the right user too08:32
ActionParsnipraven: are you VNCing, then running a terminal on the desktop?08:35
ravenyes but i could do external too08:35
ActionParsnipraven: why not just install openssh-server then connect via SSH, you don't need the full desktop to do CLI stuff. It wil also be faster and use drastically fewer resources08:36
ravenActionParsnip i do already but i need to run some graphical apps on the machine too08:37
ActionParsnipraven: you can run GUI apps via SSH too, they will be running on the server bu appear on the client system, much like citrix :)08:38
ActionParsnipraven: or do the CLI stuff via ssh and then run the gui stuff via vnc08:39
ravenActionParsnip nooo the apps need to run when i am not connected too08:39
ActionParsnipraven: ahh i see08:40
ravenanything i could try next?08:42
KartagisI get multiple results when I do apt-cache show firefox. how do I specify which one to install?08:46
hateballKartagis: the package "firefox" will suffice08:47
hateballthat is, apt-get install firefox08:47
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Kartagishateball: I did that, and it says 16 was installed, but when I restart ff, it is still 1408:48
middleton88hey guys ive been trying to get my evo lte unbricked for awhile now is there anyone here thsat can help me out08:48
ActionParsnipraven: what apps are you running?08:49
hateballKartagis: umm... are you using a PPA or something? 16 is not in the official repo. apt-get update && apt-get upgrade should put you on 1508:49
ActionParsnipmiddleton88: i'd try in #ubuntu-offtopic08:49
middleton88ohh really something wasnt working i couldnt see anyones text and i couldnt send anything08:50
middleton88ActionParsnip i messaged u in the private message area08:53
middleton88hey guys so i installed ubuntu and ran the commands to get my evo unbricked and it said that evrything seemed to be fine after eating 11 out of 11 bamboos i also tried to get out of the q-dload mode but i cant get there from the suggested cd desktop i had to do it from cd downloads anyone have any suggestions08:56
pungi_manmy "ctrl" button is not working on VirtualBox .. can anyone help me ?08:56
middleton88please help been trying to get my evo back for a week now08:56
eman_ubuntu 12.04 32bit, ID 148f:2870 Ralink Technology, Corp. RT2870 Wireless Adapte, randomley looses internett connection? help08:57
ActionParsnippungi_man: does it work in the host?08:57
ActionParsnippungi_man: i'd ask in #vbox too :)08:57
ozettepungi_man, right ctrl button?08:57
joobieis Ubuntu planning to fix GPT support for the installer?08:57
pungi_manozette, yes08:57
ActionParsnipeman_: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc08:57
joobieit was such a PITA to set it up ..08:58
ActionParsnipeman_: can you pastebin the output of:  lsmod    please08:59
ozettepungi_man, you want to use the ctrl button to escape out of your machine?08:59
eman_ActionParsnip, how to do that whit out getting blocked for spam?09:00
pungi_manno i am installing ArchLinux and I want to kill the nano process, ozette09:00
ActionParsnipeman_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; lsmod | pastebinit09:00
ActionParsnippungi_man: ctrl+x will exit nano, use the other ctrl if necessary09:01
ozettepungi_man, oh I see the ctrl button is probably captured by virtual box09:01
pungi_manozette, I typed nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist       then made some changes and now I want to close it!09:01
pungi_manActionParsnip, I tried ... its not working!09:01
joobieis the ubuntu installer meant to support GPT out of the box?09:01
joobiebecause i found it such a PITA to setup09:01
ActionParsnippungi_man: maybe its a known issue with arch + virtualbox09:01
ozettepungi_man, left ctrl + x should ask for a save changes09:02
ozettepungi_man, oof ..09:02
pungi_manozette, I tried left and right ctrl ... its not working09:02
ActionParsnippungi_man: I'd ask in #vbox and #archlinux09:03
pungi_manActionParsnip, wait i will try!09:03
joobieecho echooo echoooo09:04
ActionParsnipeman_: as long as you use a pastebin site (like http://pastie.org or similar) it's fine. The command I gave is just a way to get the paste made via CLI09:04
ActionParsnipeman_: you need to manually copy and paste the URL in here09:04
ozettepungi_man, that's silly but, good luck :-)09:04
eman_ActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1196299/09:04
joobieee cc hh oo09:05
ActionParsnipeman_: try:   echo "blacklist rt2800usb" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf > /dev/null       and reboot. If you get no wireless at all, simply remove the last line from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf and reboot again09:07
ActionParsnipeman_: source https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/46032309:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 460323 in linux (Ubuntu) "[need 2.6.34] Karmic RC tries to load rt2870sta AND rt2800usb. Results in no WiFi" [Undecided,Fix released]09:07
eman_ActionParsnip,  thanks will try that :)09:08
tacirusHello folks, I`v got a strange issue with Compiz. Just as I press the shortcut keys to activate "toggle filter" effect, my windows get stuck. Does anybody know what the trouble is?09:09
lewiswhy the windows installer is limited as far as allocating hard drive space for ubuntu goes09:09
lewisim limited to 30gb even though i have 1tera09:10
ActionParsniplewis: how much free space do you have though09:11
lewisits a new system, ActionParsnip, more than enough 1.29tb09:12
ActionParsniplewis: If you resize the NTFS in Windows7, you can instal Ubuntu to its own partition. Easier to work with by far09:13
ActionParsniplewis: any particular reson to want to use wubi?09:13
=== Moonlightning is now known as Blackl|Sleep
MonkeyDustwubi :(09:13
lewisActionParsnip: i dont have blank cds :)09:13
ActionParsniplewis: got a 1Gb USB stick or SD card?09:14
lewisActionParsnip: but the end result is the same, isnt it09:14
ActionParsniplewis: no09:14
lewisActionParsnip: nope. i just have an external hd09:14
lewisActionParsnip, how come the end result is diff09:14
ActionParsniplewis: wubi installs to a file on your NTFS, a rel install uses it's own partition and wil not be affected by fragmentation in WIndows09:14
MagnusBSGot a problem with my wireless, only getting 1mbit of 12mbit, dont know why (fresh on ubuntu).09:14
ActionParsniplewis: wubi loop mounts the disk file, then boots it rather than using a true partition09:15
lewisok i see09:15
ActionParsnipMagnusBS: can you pastebin the output of:  sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a; sudo rfkill list09:15
ActionParsnipMagnusBS: also, do you dual boot?09:15
lewisActionParsnip: is it possible to install it using an external hd09:15
ActionParsniplewis: sure, you'll just need a small partition on it to put the ISO on using unetbootin and it will boot09:16
lewissounds complicated09:16
ActionParsniplewis: you can resize NTFS in Windows7 easily09:17
MagnusBS  *-network                       description: Ethernet interface        product: 82579V Gigabit Network Connection        vendor: Intel Corporation        physical id: 19        bus info: pci@0000:00:19.0        logical name: eth0        version: 04        serial: c8:60:00:e2:26:c1        capacity: 1Gbit/s        width: 32 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm msi bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp 10bt 10bt-fd 10009:18
MagnusBSautonegotiation        configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=e1000e driverversion=1.5.1-k firmware=0.13-4 latency=0 link=no multicast=yes port=twisted pair        resources: irq:56 memory:f7400000-f741ffff memory:f7439000-f7439fff ioport:f040(size=32)   *-network        description: Wireless interface        product: AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter        vendor: Atheros Communications Inc.        physical id: 0    09:18
ActionParsnipMagnusBS: use a pastebin, as I said. Thanks09:18
FloodBot1MagnusBS: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:18
ActionParsnipMagnusBS: indeed09:18
lewisActionParsnip: I dont want to lose my file09:21
ActionParsniplewis: the backups you have made will prevent data loss09:21
MagnusBSI dont use dual boot, currently only running on Ubuntu09:22
ActionParsnipMagnusBS: echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf > /dev/null09:22
ActionParsnipMagnusBS: source: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174632609:22
lewisActionParsnip: what backups?09:23
MagnusBSPut this line in terminal: echo "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/ath9k.conf > /dev/null09:23
ActionParsniplewis: if your data is important, you will have made a backup in case of catastrophe09:23
ActionParsnipMagnusBS: yes, its a single command. Reboot to test09:23
fidellewis: the backups everyone SHOULD do in case he feels his files are somehow worth something ;)09:23
joobiedoes ubuntu handle GPT installs09:24
joobieYES or NO09:24
ActionParsnipjoobie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#BIOS.2BAC8-GPT_Notes09:24
ActionParsnipjoobie: source: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=ubuntu+handle+GPT+installs   too hard?09:24
joobieso why doesnt the grub install handle this09:25
ActionParsnipjoobie: ask in #grub09:25
gordonjcpjoobie: why would it?09:25
joobieits not really a grub issue09:25
joobiethe partitoin could be created by ubuntu09:26
* ActionParsnip doesn't even know what gpt is, but managed to find some information....weird that09:26
gordonjcpjoobie: if your OS disk is larger than 4TB, you're doing something wrong09:26
joobiegordonjcp, why?09:27
joobie.. given you can buy a 4TB 3.5" disk, i think you are living in the past09:28
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: we have a company using doubletake to a 5Tb SAN, works well :)09:28
Iron|2You know, I remember ubuntu causing me eyestrain, it isn't causing me eyestrain in this version (12.04). What was changed to ubuntu that resulted in this?09:28
fidelIron|2: i doubt we can answer what might have caused eestrain for YOU in the past ;)09:28
fidelreverse logic09:29
Iron|2it was specifically ubuntu, I think 11.10?09:29
ActionParsnipIron|2: later drivers, later xorg version maybe09:29
crizisjust.. lulz09:29
fidelcould be everything and nothing09:29
Iron|2specifically ubuntu though, as soon as I looked at it, instant headache, now it's fine... so weird.09:29
brainiarc7Who has ever compiled mesa on Ubuntu from scratch and succeeded?09:31
billci would like to connect  a belkin home base control center09:32
Iron|2billc, is it a driver issue or a configuration issue?09:32
joobiewats a belkin control center do?09:32
gordonjcpjoobie: I have a couple of 4TB disks; I'm not so stupid as to try to boot off them09:33
billcit makes lan printers appear wireless, think it is driver09:33
krababbeljoobie: even windows doesn't really support it, backup is screwed09:33
ActionParsnipbillc: can you ping the device's IP?09:33
Iron|2did you set it up properly on the network? has it worked before?09:34
billcit works in windows 709:34
ActionParsnipbillc: doesn't answer the question?09:35
joobiekrababbel, windows is shit09:35
billccan't get to it in ubuntu09:35
joobiekrababbel, centos / rhel supports it09:35
joobiegordonjcp, i can boot off mine..09:36
ActionParsnipbillc: can you ping the device from Ubuntu?09:36
joobiejust had to plug the holes with ubuntu installer09:36
joobiein order to do so09:36
billcgive me the inst please09:36
joobiebut given 2TB+ disks are common these days, it shouldnt be so hard for ubuntu to install on this config09:36
fidelbillc: could you at least try to use full sentences?09:36
fidelit might help us understand YOU ;)09:37
ActionParsnipbillc: I am asking you a question, if you don't reply to people's questions with the details requested we cannot help you09:37
adektoi cant get my wireles logitech k360 to work on ubuntu09:37
billcsorru the instruction to ping the belkin control center09:37
ActionParsnipbillc: yes, can you ping it's IP?09:37
fidelbillc: open a terminal & enter: ping DE.VI.CE.IP09:38
krababbelping it09:38
ActionParsnipfidel: you do know s/he'll probably just run that exact command ;)09:38
fidelActionParsnip: hehe09:38
ActionParsnipbillc: you need to find out the device's IP and try and ping it, does it respond?09:38
fidelbillc: where you replace DE.VI.CE.Ip with the IP-number configured for that specific device09:38
billchow do i find the ip address09:39
fidelthis command will tell us if you can reach it via your network using simple icmp-echo-requests09:39
ActionParsnipbillc: you can check your routers IP list, or consult your windows install. The printer port will tell you in the printer properties09:40
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MagnusBSWell, the command to fix my internet speed did not work out. So I posted an new topic on ubuntu forums under networking & wireless in hope that someone out there can help me. I also have another problem10:00
T|ASKHi, does anyone know a source with game modding tools for Linux. Especially Steam's Source engine related decompiling tools?10:01
MagnusBSIm running ubuntu on 120gb SSD disk, I have 3 other HDD in my pc. I can only connect two of the HDD, when I connect my third HDD ubuntu wont load, stuck on the purple screen in the boot proccess.10:02
gordonjcpT|ASK: not yet, but they do use Linux internally10:02
gordonjcpT|ASK: wait until Steam and Source are released for Linux, Real Soon Now...10:02
gdane1does spp bluetooth keyboard work with ubuntu?10:02
T|ASKgordonjcp: ok, so there is no decomiling tool right now? Because I wanted to mod something before they come out with Steam for Linux10:03
gdane1i have hp foundable one and it connects vie bluetooth adapter, but i cant type by this keyboard10:03
gdane1this isnt hid keyboard10:03
dr_willisMagnusBS:  hit  esc. or use tect mode to look at any errormessages10:04
T|ASKgordonjcp: As I see it, I would also need the Steam SDK for Linux... ok, that's what breaks my quetion10:04
MagnusBShit esc when its stuck on the purple screen?10:04
dr_willis! text10:04
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:04
MagnusBSok, ill try10:05
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rigowhat command is used to backup (and restore) the whole / root filesystem?10:10
MonkeyDustrigo  you can use rsync --progress from to10:11
dr_willis! backup10:11
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:11
rigogosh thanks :)10:11
dr_willisits all about the details.. where storing the backup. how often. how to restore... and more10:12
ActionParsniprigo: its a bit more than a single command10:13
rigoonly "one-time" manual backup, i just dont want to begin from 0 if i ruin something. so if i do something what works fine, i do a backup and delete the previous bakcup. if something goes shitty i restore the last good version. :)10:14
MagnusBSIm now in the grub menu, what should i look for here?10:14
troulouliou_devHi i installed lxde  + lxdm on an old laptop runnin under ubuntu ; when the computer boots , i have a black screen . I have to pus the standby button then resume to have access to lxdm10:14
MagnusBSConnected to to mirc at my laptop10:14
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: why install lxdm when you already had lightdm10:15
muh2000does ubuntu have an installer that works from CLI?10:16
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, softer , prefer that one and remove lots of dependencies too to prevent massive permanent upgrade10:16
muh2000because the gui installer sucks hard and doesnt install squat.10:16
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, any idea to my problem ?10:16
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode10:16
gdane1does ubuntu work with spp bluetooth devices?10:16
ActionParsnipmuh2000: the default instaleer installs a lot of apps, the mini ISO hardly installs anything10:16
ActionParsnipgdane1: I believe so10:17
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: did you have lightdm installed before?10:17
gdane1hmm may be u know right manual?10:17
muh2000ActionParsnip: i asked for a way to install from cli since the gui installer does not work. i did not ask for different flavours...10:17
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, yes10:17
MagnusBSIn the grub menu i dont have the option to start it with text-only mode10:17
ActionParsnipmuh2000: its not a different flavour at all, its an installer that installs kernel, boot loader and some package tools10:18
ActionParsnipmuh2000: no DE, WM, DM etc, just CLI, less than server10:18
dr_willisMagnusBS:  read what the bot is saying.. you ADD the 'text' option to the end of a line10:18
ActionParsnipmuh2000: you can then install what you wish and build the OS up10:18
muh2000ActionParsnip: yeah but i have ONE ubuntu install image. i have no other ways of installing right now... and all i need is a way to install it.10:18
ActionParsniptroulouliou_dev: could try uninstaling lightdm if you aren't going to use it10:19
dr_willisquiet splash    becomes  -  'quiet splash text' or just 'text'10:19
troulouliou_devActionParsnip, done10:19
muh2000ActionParsnip: please start reading what i wrote... i didnt look for a minimum install. just an alternative for the failing gui installer10:19
muh2000is that SOOO hard to understand?10:19
ActionParsnipmuh2000: use the alternate installer then, it installs in text mode but gives a desktop OS10:19
muh2000ActionParsnip: no access to the alternate installer.10:20
ActionParsnipmuh2000: did you update ubiquity in the liveCD OS before running it?10:20
muh2000ActionParsnip: no?10:20
muh2000why would i do that?10:20
ActionParsnipmuh2000:  so it's the latest version before you run it, obviously10:21
muh2000ActionParsnip: well duh but shouldnt any version be sufficient? i figure since they released the livecd of the LTS ....10:21
ActionParsnipmuh2000: there may be updates which fix issues, its worth doing10:22
muh2000ActionParsnip: well it complains about having not enough space.... well no wonder when it is running in ram...10:23
rocket_hamsterhello i did apt-get update and now I cant install libsdl1.2-dev http://pastebin.com/xHckdBgG any ideas please? (lastest ubuntu)10:24
ActionParsnipmuh2000: when you downloaded the ISO, did you MD5 test it before you used it?10:25
epzil0nhey guys, just a quick question i'm about to install ubuntu and i got 4GB ram and in the past i have always installed a 2GB swap partition if i had 1GB but do i need it when i got 4?10:25
bonzoHi, I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 and now I can't login with 1 user. Log files aren't helping.10:25
muh2000ActionParsnip: yes10:25
epzil0nand if i need/should have one is it enough with 2GB?10:26
bonzocan anyone tell me where to find why it isn't logging in?10:26
jribbonzo: you should say what happens when you try10:26
bonzoI insert the password, the screen goes black and then i'm back at the login screen10:26
jribepzil0n: you should have a swap at least qual to the size of your ram if you want to suspend to disk10:26
MoHi, on Live-CD isn't there a sshd server? Is the only way by installing openssh-server?10:27
epzil0njrib: ah ok, so 4GB it is :P10:27
jribbonzo: check ~/.xsession-errors (for the user in question) and /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:27
MonkeyDustMo  you have to install it10:27
jribMo: not installed by default; yes10:27
epzil0njrib: thx :)10:27
MoMonkeyDust: Where does the live cd install stuff? If there some unionfs?10:27
MonkeyDustMo  in /usr/bin/10:28
MonkeyDustMo  but when you switch off, it's gone10:28
MoMonkeyDust: So ramdisk? Because fetching all updates would fill my ram then?10:28
MonkeyDustMo  updates will be gone, when you switch off to pc10:29
MoAnyway my old 9.10 live cd cannot get apt-get update anymore, no sources found. I'll look for a newer live cd, if there are still maintained for ppc.10:29
MonkeyDustMo  start from the beginning, what do you want to do10:29
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: Katmic is EOL10:31
MoI need to repartition my Gentoo-PPC, and the ubuntu live cd was always better stuffed than the gentoo-ppc universal disk. But now I need to ssh into the live cd and I've seen there is no sshd, apt-get install doesn't work. I'll look for a newer one than old 9.1010:31
alpreDoes Ubuntu still use Grub1?10:32
ActionParsnipalpre: not anymore by default, it can be used but its not advised10:32
alpreActionParsnip: thanks10:32
dr_willisan old  unsupported release has the repos moved to some 'archive' server. thats why apt-get is failing - the sources.list is out of date10:32
ActionParsnipmo: you will need a newer release and you can install openssh-server to get ssh access10:33
MoNice, I'll go for quantal-desktop-powerpc.iso      thanks..10:33
muh2000is there an updated version of the liveCD?10:33
apgI do not think so10:33
ActionParsnipmo: its prerelease and may have issues, if you want stable then go for precise.10:33
ActionParsnipmuh2000: you could try the daily ISO, if one exists10:34
apgUbuntu iso is getting bigger in capacity10:34
bonzojrib: nothing get added to xsession when retrying10:35
Iron|2Hey, I need some help: I have libreoffice3 writer installed(nothing else of libreoffice3). I minimised 3 word windows... they refuse to reopen.10:35
jribbonzo: not xsession, "~/.xsession-errors"10:36
crizisIron_Chef, try hitting super-w to show all windows10:36
bonzojrib: yes sorry that's what i meant10:36
Iron|2lol, chef.... is super the "windows key?"10:36
jribbonzo: can you login with a fresh new user?10:36
apgiron: Yes10:36
Iron|2it worked, but the problem itself is still there10:37
Iron|2so this is only a workaround, is there any way to fix it? Is it a known issue?10:37
bonzojrib: There were 2 users, the second one is the one i'm using now and i can login correctly10:37
MoActionParsnip: You mean http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/precise/daily-live/current/ is the current stable?10:37
apgIs there anybody here from Indonesia?10:38
EaglemanHow do you type more than 3 Hypervisor?10:38
jribbonzo: pastebin ~/.xsession-errors and /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:38
EaglemanHypervisors or Hypervisor's?10:38
jribEagleman: ##english10:38
crizisIron|2, unity i assume? just tried opening 2 docs, minimizing them, works fine. clicking dock icon once brings latest one on top, clicking it again brings both 2 windows on screen10:39
Iron|2yes, I am using unity, clicking it does nothing10:40
Iron|2rightclicking presents a menu with 3 options: blank(I mean, there's a space that's blank and highlights), lock, quit.10:40
Iron|2quit does nothing10:40
Iron|2blank obviously des nothing10:40
drecutehello all10:41
Iron|2there is no "all" person here that you speak of10:41
drecutePlease where can i find apxs2?10:41
crizisIron|2, did you install writer on _this session_?10:41
dr_willis!find apxs2210:41
ubottuPackage/file apxs22 does not exist in precise10:41
drecutehello everyone10:41
dr_willis!find apxs10:42
ubottuFile apxs found in apache2-doc, apache2-prefork-dev, apache2-threaded-dev, autoconf-archive10:42
crizisIron|2, i've noticed dock sometimes handless apps buggily until you logout10:42
Iron|2crizis, I think I did install it on this session (you mean no logoffs or restarts right?)10:42
dr_williswhats 'apxs'10:42
Iron|2ok, I will log out and in brb10:42
drecutedr_willis: I'm using apache prefork and I have apache2-prefork-dev installed10:42
drecutedr_willis: by what I've read, apxs should be in any of the 2 places10:43
bonzojrib: Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/Lz60ZLnW xsession-errors http://pastebin.com/Ch6fBtwu10:43
drecutedr_willis:  as mentioned here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142564610:44
drecutedr_willis:  apxs is an apache extension tool10:44
dr_willisi dont use apachre. so no idea on that.  bot mentioned it in several packages10:44
Iron|2it appears to be working, thanks.10:45
dr_willisthe apache  -dev packages ;)10:45
opiengAnyone know which version of ubuntu does not require hardware with "pae"?10:47
Iron|2what is pae?10:47
apgphysical address extention?10:48
* Iron|2 doesn't know what that is, me cannot help.10:48
apgkernel version for 32 bit processor to access more RAM as in 64 bit processor?10:49
m3powhey guys !10:49
Iron|2oh, I know what that is10:49
m3powi have a problem after installing ubuntu10:49
Iron|2a 32 bit version of ubuntu I would guess10:49
gordonjcpopieng: 64-bit10:49
m3pow12.04 64 bit on a laptop10:49
m3powsistem starts good after that it becomes hidiously slow10:50
m3powany thoughts ?10:50
Iron|2I don't think the 32 bit version of ubuntu would require pae, it is an optional extension as far as I know.10:50
gordonjcpm3pow: lots of disk access?10:50
Iron|2maybe you have a virus.10:50
m3powvirus on a fresh installed OS ?10:50
gordonjcpIron|2: it would if you want more than 4GB10:50
m3poweverything formated10:50
gordonjcpit's not a virus10:50
Iron|2but it wouldn't "require it" though would it?10:50
gordonjcpviruses don't exist on Linux10:50
m3powgordonjcp i did noticed a lot of CPU load10:51
m3pow60 ~ 80 without doing anything10:51
Iron|2what cpu do you have m3pow?10:51
=== irdx is now known as irdxafk
m3powC2D P8400 @ 2.2610:51
gordonjcpm3pow: what does top say?10:51
m3powlaptop is a HDX 18 , HP10:51
m3powi could not use it at all10:52
Iron|2hmm, my guess would be overheating forcing the cpu to underclock itself.10:52
m3powon win , for a while now10:52
Iron|2that guess is based on experience.10:52
Iron|2are you currently on windows now?10:52
apgself throttling?10:52
Iron|2grab realtemp, for windows10:52
m3powyou wanna know the CPU temp ?10:52
Iron|2what are the temperatures, and apg, yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I've experienced it before.10:53
Iron|2I do10:53
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: there are viruses, just very few :)10:53
gordonjcpActionParsnip: there are no practical ones10:54
apgyou can install psensor for ubuntu in par with realtemp10:54
m3powi got a 52degree centigrade tem10:54
ActionParsnipgordonjcp: oh absolutely but they are around. There is a Java one which affects linux nowadays10:54
ActionParsnipm3pow: do you use a hybrid video card (Intal and nvidia for example)10:55
jribbonzo: probably the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/583525 . There's some comment there about it possibly being related to xfs (do you have that installed?).  If not, then I would suggest renaming most of your config files and slowly naming them back to narrow down the culprit10:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 583525 in gnome-session (Ubuntu) "gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0." [Medium,Expired]10:55
Iron|2apg, i just installed psensor... it only seems to show cpu usage.10:55
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m3powActionParsnip i have a nvidia 9600m dedicated GPU10:56
ActionParsnipm3pow: no intel GPU as well?10:56
ActionParsnipm3pow: which nvidia driver are you using?10:56
Iron|2is it trying to update?10:56
m3powremember i am on win now ...grrr10:56
ActionParsnipm3pow: what does nvidia-setings say the version is?10:56
m3powbecause i could not make the damn thing run propertly10:57
apgiron|2: install lm_sensors first10:57
m3powi got the latest from nvidia website mate ..when i tried to install the linux driver10:57
ActionParsnipm3pow: there are packages for the drivers, you don't need the nvidia site at all10:57
apgiron|2: then, when lm_sensors installed, try this command: sudo sensors-detect. Then, re-open psensor10:58
m3powthat i did not know as i am relatively new to this10:58
bonzojrib: xfs is not installed. Which config files should i rename? I already tried Xorg.conf .10:58
jribbonzo: the ones in your ~10:59
m3powActionParsnip where can i get these packages ?10:59
apgMy Ubuntu nowadays takes more time to enter unity, hdd acces indicator-light is active for a longer time11:00
m3powyou have the latest one ?11:00
ActionParsnipm3pow: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-update; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install nvidia-current11:00
m3powthank you !11:01
Iron|2didn't work11:01
ActionParsnipapg: have you tested your RAM?11:01
Iron|2oh well.11:01
apgbut it seems that it is not a case when I'm entering Kde11:02
ActionParsnipapg: what is the output of: lsb_release -sc11:03
apgActionParsnip: or other xfce and lxde11:03
apgactionparsnip: precise11:04
nicklasHi All. I'm running amazon ec2 with Ubuntu 12.04 server. When ssh'ing to the machine I cannot use tab to autocomplete and up to see previous commands. Whats wrong?11:04
Iron|2apg, how many cores does your laptop have?11:04
apg2 cores, 4 threads11:05
Iron|2nicklas, did you try the history command?11:05
Iron|2your ubuntu may simply be trying to patch itself11:05
apgcore i5 2410m11:05
nicklashistory: not found11:05
dr_willisnicklas:  you may not be using bash, or the bash scripts are not enabling completion11:05
Iron|2did you select automatic updates?11:05
dr_willisecho $SHELL11:05
nicklasJust used quick start so no idea.11:05
apgiron|2:  yes11:05
ActionParsnipapg: maybe its a compiz thing, if yuo log in to the Unity2D session, is it ok?11:06
Iron|2hmm, I would try turning nyour laptop on and leaving it for a bit11:06
nicklasecho $SHELL: /bin/sh11:06
dr_willisthere ya go... use bash..11:06
nicklasThanks alot11:06
apgactionparsnip: the same thing with ubuntu 2d11:06
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ActionParsnip!away > md_5|away11:06
ubottumd_5|away, please see my private message11:06
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md_5|awayStill annoys me how people do that11:07
Iron|2actually, isn't 2540m got that funky intel hd graphics? you know, the one that HATES unity?11:07
ActionParsnipapg: so its not a WM issue, if you make a new user and log in as that is it ok? Log in twice to the session so that the blank configs can be created11:07
md_5|awayI go away twice a day..11:07
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: then don't change nick11:07
md_5|awaySome people join / part 5 times a day11:07
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: I leave and go a lot, you don't have to change nick, just leave11:08
md_5|awayActionParsnip the difference being?11:08
apgiron|2: I have a dedicated nvidia card11:08
md_5|awayA nick change is the same as a join part11:08
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: yes, joining and parting is fine, but no need to chjange nick, thats all11:08
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: if you want to idle, just idle11:08
md_5|away.... how is joining / parting better than nick changing?11:08
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: ive been dipping in and out11:08
billci have tried to find an ip address for my belkin home base control center even in widows ipconfig /all to no avail11:08
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: because the user can't control that11:08
Iron|2apg, the second and third gen core series of cpus are capable of running in either integrated or dedicated. Go into your nvidia control panel, find the setting that says graphics processor or something along those lines11:09
Iron|2force it to use your "high performance" nvidia processor11:09
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: but reducing excessive and unecessary text helps the channel11:09
ActionParsnipmd_5|away: its channel policy too, hence the factoid11:09
Iron|2also, 540m?11:09
apgiron|2: yes, that's right11:10
apgactionparnship: I have another user and it is also affected11:11
Iron|2apg, nothing significant about my asking, I just find it entertaining to correctly guess other people's hardware11:11
Iron|2you didn't choose that 540m over a 630m though did you?11:11
apgthe 630m had not been released yet at the time11:12
apgas far as I am aware11:13
Iron|2alright, no probs... btw, the 630m is a renamed 540m (I have one).11:14
apgorogor, hi11:14
orogorconsidering than system-config-lvm is broken , is there any gui left for managing lvm ?11:14
orogorapart evms11:14
opiengIron|2 sorry for the late response, I tried the i386 desktop version and it says requires "pae" is this suprising?11:15
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Iron|2INCREDIBLY, did you try a 1686? also, if your cpu is 64 bit capable, you should try a 64 bit version of ubuntu (the only cpu I know that isn't 64 bit capable is celerons).11:16
Iron|2pentiums, cores, xeons etc are all 64 bit capable11:17
opiengIron|2 lol I have a celeron11:17
Iron|2well there's your problem11:17
Iron|2try the 1686 version11:17
ActionParsnipapg: pentium 3 isnt 64bit :)11:17
LorSamPau_wand 2 and 111:18
Iron|2let's just ignore everything before and including pentium 411:18
opiengIron|2 where can I find the 1686 version?11:18
opiengI can't seem to find it?11:19
dr_willislubuntu and xubuntu vome with the non-pae kernel by default also11:19
ActionParsnipIron|2: Core Duo 1.2GHz CPU   is 32bit dual core11:19
Iron|2hmm, I'm not sure. lemme have a look11:19
apgI'm using precise 64bit version11:19
ActionParsnipIron|2: it is, I own one11:20
Iron|2well there's an acception to every rule I guess11:20
Iron|2I mean exception11:20
Iron|2no rule is accepted completely11:20
ActionParsnipIron|2: so not all....most11:21
ActionParsnipIron|2: http://ark.intel.com/m/products/27240/Intel-Core-Duo-Processor-U2500-(2M-Cache-1_20-GHz-533-MHz-FSB)  ;)11:21
Iron|2I can't find it either. Weird11:22
opiengThere doesn't seem to to be a 1686 version here? http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads11:24
ActionParsnipopieng: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04.1-alternate-i386.iso   like that?11:24
ActionParsnipopieng: MD5 = b4512076d85a1056f8a35f91702d81f911:25
Iron|2try downloading the netinstaller x86.11:26
Iron|2at the very least, it won't take a long time to find out it doesn't work11:26
opiengwill give them a try, thanks11:28
EaglemanThe following packages have been kept back:11:29
Eagleman  linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server11:29
EaglemanHow do i install those?11:29
dr_willissudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:30
geirhaEagleman: update-manager11:30
bikehey. i get a "not authorized" when i try to reboot lubuntu, any clues?11:30
Eaglemanupdate manager?11:31
Eaglemansudo apt-get dist-upgrade worked11:31
dinamicex1Hi! I'm using gnome classic and I can't see my open windows on the bottom panel. What should I add to the panel? I also didn't saw the 4 rectangles for workspaces but I added them with add to panel.11:31
Eaglemanwhat are those packages?11:31
geirhaEagleman: the kernel, the very core of Ubuntu.11:31
Iron|2dr willis, isn't that likely to uh, break stuff?11:31
dr_willis!info linux-server11:31
ubottulinux-server (source: linux-meta): Complete Linux kernel on Server Equipment.. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 31 kB11:31
Iron|2I know I did that on an ubuntu once, it upgraded to an unstable version and was uh, unstable.11:32
Eaglemanlets hope my pc will reboot11:32
dr_williskernel related support packages it seems11:32
Eaglemani dont want to troubleshoot for 5 hours aigan11:32
dr_willissudo apt-get dist-upgrade   does not upgrade to the next release11:32
Iron|2are you trying to set up a server?11:32
geirhaEagleman: The previous kernel will still be installed; you can select it from the grub menu if the new one gives you issues11:32
gordonjcpIron|2: that's not what "unstable" means11:32
Eaglemanwell if i do reboot?11:32
dr_willisoften kernel packages and a few otheres get 'held'11:33
Eaglemanwill it be succesfull?11:33
gordonjcpIron|2: if you are running say Debian Unstable it shouldn't crash11:33
Iron|2it didn't crash. It was just really ... weird11:33
Eaglemanwell i am rebooting11:33
Eaglemangod bless me...11:33
gordonjcpIron|2: "Unstable" means that the nature of packages may change at any moment, so don't get used to having the quirks of version 1.0.34.tuesday.lunchtime.6.4.alpha111:33
apgamen, :)11:33
Eaglemanwell i can still login11:34
Eaglemananother thing11:35
Eaglemanwhen i start puty and recieve this:  login as:11:35
Eaglemanand type in my username i have to wait about 10 seconds to let it show the next thing11:35
EaglemanHow could that happen?11:35
geirhaEagleman: slow connection..?11:36
Eaglemaneverything else works fine11:36
Eaglemanits just the first login11:36
Iron|2type free -m11:36
Eaglemanwhat is that?11:36
geirhaEagleman: Specify the username before clicking connect. E.g. username@hostname instead of just hostname11:36
Iron|2it will say how much ram you have free11:36
Eagleman  total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:37
EaglemanMem:          7898       1100       6797          0         55        33211:37
Iron|2is that on your remove server or on your desktop?11:37
Eaglemanon my server11:37
Iron|2yeah, seems fine, it could be what geirha said, your username not being entered properly slowing things down.11:37
geirhait's the next line that shows how much free space you have though11:37
Eaglemani run windows so it would be hard to get some output out of that11:37
drecuteIs there a public doc for how to compile php5 for ubuntu server 12.04?11:37
geirhaerr, I mean free mem11:37
Eagleman-/+ buffers/cache:        712       718511:37
fidelhi - i am testing the first time to setup an apt-mirror - basically for testing & interla usage in my localnet. right now i am using apt-mirror - but somehow i remember there are other tools to use as well - insteed of apt-mirror. any references from your experiences?11:38
geirhaEagleman: right, so about 7G free11:38
EaglemanSo what is this?11:38
Eagleman             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached11:38
EaglemanMem:          7898       1100       6797          0         55        33211:38
drecuteIs there a public doc for how to compile php5 for ubuntu server 12.04?11:39
geirhaEagleman: it's output from the free command ...11:39
Eaglemani mean what does it say used 110011:40
Eaglemanand the next line 71211:40
geirhaEagleman: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ should explain it11:40
Eaglemanand how can i find out of the swap memory is ever used?11:40
fideldrecute: most likely part of the official docs isnt it?11:41
MonkeyDustdrecute  there's also #ubuntu-server11:41
EaglemanSo why is the first login on puty so slow?11:41
fideldrecute: apart from that - why arent you using just precompiled packages? in need for a specific version11:41
Eaglemani have got 7hb of free ram11:41
yopspanjersYou can use the system monitor11:42
geirhaEagleman: Possibly it loads a bunch of libraries from disk the first time11:42
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Eaglemanand how can i speed it up?11:42
drecutefidel: I don't have any problems with that11:42
Iron|2Eagleman, if you log out, then in again, is it still slow?11:43
drecutefidel:  if you say I can just do --with-apxs=/path with the existing installation, then that will be fine11:43
bikehrmf, the latest 3.2.0-30-x64 has ahteros 9k problems11:43
Eaglemanwhat do you mean with log out log in11:43
Eaglemanclose puty?11:43
Iron|2also, the reason it says used 7gb, is it means it's caching data to the ram, but if that ram needs to be used for an actual program to run, it is free to be used by an actual program11:44
Iron|2linux does that to make itself go faster11:44
bikesometimes i have to rmmod modprobe it11:44
Iron|2and yes, if you close putty and re launch it and connect again, is it still slow?11:44
Eaglemanyes it is still slow11:44
Eaglemani duplicated it11:44
ubottuIf you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ | A short primer on Linux memory management can be found here: http://sourcefrog.net/weblog/software/linux-kernel/free-mem.html11:44
drecutefidel: with the existing precompiled packages, can I just do ./configure --with-apxs=/path?11:45
Iron|2I can't help you further than that.11:45
tyoneehow can i anonimize myself out of certain logs?11:46
drecuteand php will be recompiled only with that single module?11:46
EaglemanAnd is it safe to remove the swap partition?11:46
Eaglemani dont have the idea that it is being used11:46
Eaglemannot sure how to test it11:46
Iron|2it is safe, not recommended11:46
Eaglemanits eating 8gb of my 60 gb space11:46
Eaglemanwhile it is not in use11:46
Iron|2swap will enable you to sleep/hibernate11:47
Iron|2if you remove the swap, hibernate won't work11:47
Eaglemani never sleep or hibernate on my server11:47
Eaglemanno purpose at all11:47
ActionParsnipEagleman: 8Gb for an install of Ubuntu is pretty typical, you can remove old kernels to free space as well as use Bleachbit to clear temp stuffs11:48
Eaglemanwell why let 8GB of space go to waste when it is never used11:48
Eaglemanwell i think it is not used11:48
evilbuttsmy external drive isn't showing up in ubuntu but when i use the disk manager it says it's mounted11:48
EaglemanWhat else is it being used for?11:48
evilbuttsim pretty new to ubuntu what can i do11:48
ActionParsnipEagleman: then you can delete the swap partition and resize the others into the unallocated space11:49
EaglemanWhat else is it being used for?11:49
fideldrecute: i dont know - never needed that option11:49
Eaglemanis it like a page file for windows11:49
drecutefidel:  I mean is it possible I can just recompile again only with the new module instead of recompiling again with every dependency11:49
ActionParsnipEagleman: yes, same functionality11:49
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!11:49
dhanasekaran!checkinstall | dhana11:50
ubottudhana: please see above11:50
EaglemanOk how do i remove it11:50
Eaglemani am using LVM11:50
fideldrecute: sounds more like a #php question to me - considered asking in #php as well?11:50
ActionParsnipEagleman: ive not use lvm myself, maybe others can advise11:50
drecutefidel:  except I get an invite11:50
EaglemanHow do i remove the swap or resize the swap partition on ubuntu 12.04 server LVM11:51
dhanasekaranHi Guys automated way build package  .deb and .rpm from source code any tool available please guide me guys..11:51
princesjeeuj mats k zit naast je11:52
ActionParsnipdhanasekaran: read the checkinstall factoid above11:52
princesjewies hier online?11:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:52
fidel!nl > princesje11:53
ubottuprincesje, please see my private message11:53
fidellets hope that was dutch11:53
EaglemanHow do i remove the swap or resize the swap partition on ubuntu 12.04 server LVM11:53
dhanasekaranHi guys any landscape alternative is there.. for debian based machine.11:54
ActionParsnip!info landscape11:55
ubottuPackage landscape does not exist in precise11:55
ActionParsnip!find landscape11:55
ubottuFound: texpower, landscape-client, landscape-client-ui, landscape-client-ui-install, landscape-common11:55
ActionParsnip!info landscape-client11:55
ubottulandscape-client (source: landscape-client): The Landscape administration system client. In component main, is optional. Version 12.05-0ubuntu0.12.04 (precise), package size 17 kB, installed size 119 kB11:55
ActionParsnipdhanasekaran: is it that?11:55
ActionParsnipdhanasekaran: debian also isn't supported here, ask in #debian11:56
dhanasekaranActionParsnip, It's a commercial tool, i want open source tool, landscape server alternative tool11:57
MonkeyDustdhanasekaran  landscape IS the alternative11:57
helpme22hail !11:58
ActionParsnipdhanasekaran: its still supported in #debian not here, this is ubuntu support11:58
dhanasekaranMonkeyDust, it's commercial product, i want open source free tool11:59
fideldhanasekaran: yep you told us that already ;)11:59
helpme22hail ! my friend11:59
fidel!en > helpme2212:00
ubottuhelpme22, please see my private message12:00
dhanasekaranActionParsnip, i support only Ubuntu, am running running ubuntu, i told debian based machines.12:00
ActionParsnipdhanasekaran: can you give the output of:   lsb_release -sc   please12:00
Piciluuk, MaxMuts: This is a support channel, please thake the nonsense to PM or elsehwere.12:00
dhanasekaranActionParsnip, precise12:00
dhanasekaranActionParsnip, why?..12:01
ActionParsnipdhanasekaran: just checking :)12:01
luukaight people from the hole world12:01
dhanasekaranActionParsnip, 12..04.112:01
dhanasekaranActionParsnip, cool, any same type tool available for ubuntu12:02
MonkeyDustdhanasekaran  maybe Zimbra is what you want12:02
FloodBot1luuk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:02
dhanasekaranMonkeyDust, i thing Zimbra is a mail server12:03
fidel!enter > luuk12:03
ubottuluuk, please see my private message12:03
fidelMaxMuts: calm down and see what Pici told you already12:03
helpme22why my ubuntu memory usage keeps growing after a day or two of usage ?12:04
fidelhelpme22: this might have several reasons - one might be a buggy app - but we cant tell you that out of the box12:05
helpme22how about you tell me how to disable the memory cache thing ?12:05
fidelhelpme22: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ might be interesting as well ;)12:05
Iron|2helpme22: you don't want to disable memory cache, it won't hinder performance, only increase it.12:05
Picidhanasekaran: There are a bunch of things that provide similar services to Landscape, but nothing that I'm aware of that is all integrated together.  Things like puppet or nagios.12:05
dhanasekaranPici, I want push packages server to client , puppet for configuration system, nagios for monitoring system12:07
dhanasekaranAny tools available from packages from server to client12:07
helpme22Iron|2:  if you buy me RAM i won't12:07
helpme22shippong on you too12:07
dr_willisput az swap file on the cloud. ;)12:09
drecutewhere's php source stored on ubuntu server 12.04?12:09
drecutewhere's php5 source stored on ubuntu server 12.04?12:09
jribdrecute: why?12:09
dr_willisyou mean the php5 source code you compile to get php5?12:10
drecutejrib: i want to recompile php5 using the source on ubuntu already12:10
jrib!source | drecute12:11
ubottudrecute: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html12:11
jribdrecute: but I'm still not sure why you would want to do that12:11
Picidhanasekaran: I can't remember the name of the thing that does that, sorry. I haven't had my caffiene yet today though ;)12:11
drecutemeaning I want to run ./configure from that source dir12:11
jribPici: chef?  (I have no idea what the question is and also just woke-up)12:12
dr_willisdrecute:  and your end goal is ?12:12
drecutejrib: to recompile with apxs12:12
jribdrecute: right... but what's the point?12:12
dr_willisso the question is 'how to enable apxs on php5'12:13
drecutejrib: to recompile with apxs12:13
drecutedr_willis:  yes12:13
jribdrecute: from a quick read of the rules file, it seems to already be build with apxs12:15
drecutejrib: can you show me that file?12:16
jribdrecute: apt-get source php5, then read debian/rules in the php5* directory12:16
LaykeI'm reinstalling Ubuntu from my 2TB disk, to my SSD. Any tips for making this go smoothly? dpkg --get-selections > packages.txt... to backup packages. But is there anything else I should think of?12:16
LaykeLike configs? I'm not too sure about making sure my configs are kept safe.12:16
Iron|2backup your /home folder12:16
Iron|2I don't know how, but that's the first thing to do12:16
baizondeja-dup can backup your home folder12:17
Iron|2and it looks like it's installed already.12:18
ActionParsnipLayke: configs are stored in hidden folders in $HOME alongside your userdata. You can see them with:  ls -a $HOME12:18
geirhaLayke: Install them side by side, copy the stuff you need from the old install as you go12:18
Iron|2Here's a question, can I put my home folder from a partition on my HDD, onto a flash drive and then put another copy of ubuntu onto my flash drive and have both ubuntus share the same /home folder? I don't want details simple yes or no, and also general indication of difficulty.12:18
ActionParsnipIron|2: sure, just add configs to mount the partition as /home in both12:19
Laykegeirha, The bootloader is on my SSD. The 2TB disk that I mistakenly originally installed Ubuntu onto.. will that still be accessible if I wipe the bootloader on the SSD. (I'm 100% sure that it should be right?)12:19
Iron|2okay, I wil llearn about that later, because as you probably guessed: I intend to do this.12:19
geirhaLayke: Yes, you'll be able to boot both systems, because the new install will detect the old and add an entry for that as well12:19
LaykeOkay. Well, I shouldn't really need to back anything up then I think.12:20
geirhaLayke: But more importantly, you can mount the partitions from the old install on /mnt or similar, and copy out whatever you need12:20
Iron|2What music players in the ubuntu repository can I use that are less resource intensive than rhythmbox?12:20
Iron|2I would like as little cpu and ram usage as possible.12:20
LaykeI don't intent on touching the 2TB drive for anything.12:21
esmirlinhey guys where can i ask about the coming ubuntu gnome remix 12.10¿12:21
geirhaLayke: It's always a good idea to do backups though12:21
Iron|2Layke, backing up your /home drive with deja dup should be all you need to use then.12:21
Iron|2without doing anything too complex12:21
LaykeThinking through, I'm not all to sure what I need to backup to be honest. My git repositories are all that's important mostly. I'll backup /home anyway12:21
OerHeksIron|2, Quodlibetis a light musicplayer. i am sure there are more.12:22
Iron|2also, why is synaptic package manager not installed by default?12:23
Iron|2is there some horrible bug in it?12:23
sstaIron|2: because it was deemed too "unfriendly" for newbies12:23
dr_willisdisk space limitations12:23
dr_willis700mb iso size..12:23
mevvis_and dvd image?12:23
Iron|2but I'm a newbie12:23
dr_willishad to make room for moar wallpaper12:24
dr_willisdvd release has more languages is all i belive12:24
Orpheonmy laptop's ubuntu is behaving strangely12:24
OerHeksIron|2, if you are a newbie, howecom you know such details?12:24
Orpheonon boot, lightdm cannot start12:24
Iron|2actually, I agree, it was unfriendly when I first tried... at least it isn't horribly broken12:24
OrpheonUsing the backup console to manually "startx" works12:24
dr_willis12.10 will be on dvd. but i dont think it will be a full 4gb12:24
LaykeCool. Deja backup looks pretty cool. Just so I understand, it stores it against my Ubuntu One account? So it's all cloud based?12:24
Iron|2I'm not a newbie, I'm a beginner now. I have upgraded.12:24
Iron|2Layke, you can sore it somewhere else if you want.12:25
Orpheonlightdm log says that lightdm-greeter cannot be executed: Permission denied12:26
Orpheoncan anyone help me?12:26
Iron|2did you try, punching it in the face?12:27
OrpheonIron|2: I tried pretty much everything including that12:27
Iron|2darn, well I got nothing else12:27
Orpheonsticks don't help either12:27
Orpheonno-one have an idea?12:27
gordonjcpOrpheon: sounds like a damaged installation12:28
Orpheongordonjcp: the installation was fine before12:28
Orpheonand I don't remember upgrading12:28
Orpheonwhat could have happened is that I fumbled around with compiz12:28
dr_willissudo service lightdm start         works or not?12:28
Orpheondr_willis: does the same thing as normal boot12:29
Orpheonaka show a black screen saying Pulseaudio has been started12:29
dr_willisuser settings should not be affecting lightdm12:29
Orpheonsomething about sanet being started12:29
OrpheonI checked the file that it could not exeute because permissions12:30
dr_willisthis is messages on the lightdm  screen at boot?12:30
Orpheondr_willis: yes12:30
OrpheonI can't really take a screenshot, sorry12:30
Orpheondo you want the exact lines?12:30
dr_williscou;ld try a purge/reinstall of lightdm. or try gdm as a test12:31
Orpheonproblem is I don't have internet12:31
Orpheonis there any downloadable package I could use?12:32
dr_willisno idea. i always am networked12:32
Orpheonlucky you12:32
mevvis_just startx12:32
dr_willisso this pc is totaly stand alone and is nevet on the internet?12:33
Orpheonnot for a while12:33
Orpheontrying to download lightdm deb package on phone right now12:33
dr_willisjust have it do a startx as the right user at boot time. ;)12:33
Orpheonthat has a few problems12:34
dr_willisi would also fsck the partitions to verify them12:34
Orpheon1) there's a certain key that disables wifi which can't be pressed during startx12:34
Orpheon2) Unity2d is the activated12:35
Orpheon3) My parents will need to use this laptop in some time, and they aren't the type to love typing commands12:35
CalinouIron|2, it is installed by default in xubuntu though12:35
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Calinouas a music browser, try gmusicbrowser, it is the default xubuntu music player12:36
dr_willisbut  you said it dident have internet... or you mean you can ONLY have internet  from the gui login first12:36
Orpheondr_willis: found a lightdm deb package12:36
Orpheondownloading now12:36
OrpheonI'll tell you in a moment the results12:36
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ryan_Hii all12:39
ubuntusrCan anyone tell me if I should be worried about this error when I do "apt-get install unison": WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated! ?12:39
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ryan_how do we install nfs world on ubuntu?12:40
ActionParsnipubuntusr: can you use a pastebin and give the output of:   sudo apt-get update12:40
dr_willisnfs world?12:40
ryan_Yess nfs world12:40
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.12:40
helpme22he means the world unauthentic12:40
ryan_ty im checking it ! :D12:40
helpme22ubuntusr:  it's like saying unoffical source12:41
dr_willisno idea how 'world' figures into nfs....12:41
helpme22not guaranteed to be c lean from manuplation12:41
ActionParsniphelpme22: probably just added a PPA without the GPG key :)12:41
helpme22dr_willis:  thank you for being stupid12:41
helpme22go save your country.. smart kid12:41
helpme22they need somebody like you12:41
dr_willishelpme22:  any time.12:41
ActionParsnipubuntusr: what is output after: Reading package lists... Done   ?12:41
KnoWonHey -- anyone want to try something seriously hilarious/exciting? -- THIS IS *NOT* BOTSPAM -- ... PM me for details!12:41
ubuntusr@ActioParsnip: there's no output after that12:42
ActionParsnipubuntusr: ok, can you run:  sudo apt-get upgrade     does it upgrade without a warning or error?12:42
killer_is there a tool that i can use to make iso file by using 2 different folders...(like i wanna make iso  which contains 2 of the folders in my current directory)12:42
Iron|2if it's not botspam, then just say it here.12:42
Iron|2or if it's not other scam, just say it here12:43
dr_willisif its off topic.. please dont..12:43
KnoWonIron|2: not spam/scam but i don't necessarily want it public :P Heh12:43
Iron|2I'll pass12:43
EaglemanHow do i remove the swap or resize the swap partition on ubuntu 12.04 server LVM12:43
ubuntusr@ActionParsnip: will sudo apt-get upgrade try to upgrade me to a new Ubuntu?  I'm nervous about breaking things if I do that.12:43
Iron|2Eagleman, try gparted which is a partition manager, look up a tutorial on how to use it, but it's pretty easy.12:44
dr_willisupgrade = upgrades current packages. not the release12:44
Iron|2although I still wouldn't recommend it12:44
Eaglemani cant right now12:44
Iron|2then you will have to wait.12:44
Eaglemancant i use another tool?12:44
Eaglemanin puty12:44
ubuntusrah, ok12:44
Iron|2you can use gparted12:44
dr_willisEagleman:  cfdisk, fdisk, perhaps others12:44
Iron|2the command line version12:44
Eaglemani am on a cli12:44
Iron|2oh, right12:45
Iron|2the g stands for gnome right?12:45
dr_willis'parted' is the cli of gparted12:45
Eaglemani've formatted a partition before for my other disk12:45
dr_willisi always do disk operations like that from a live cd12:45
Iron|2he's doing it to a remote server12:45
dr_willisone way to make it A NON SERVER. ;)12:46
dr_willisdoing what exactly?12:47
Iron|2general positive comment about ubuntu 12.04: you can drag windows around in workspace switcher now, hooray! :)12:47
Eaglemani dont want a gui xD12:47
Iron|2then uninstall it12:48
Iron|2sudo apt-get remove xorg12:48
Iron|2sudo apt-get remove unity12:48
* dr_willis consides the console a text based gui12:48
Eaglemani dont even have it12:48
Eaglemani am running cli12:48
ubuntusrI realized I sent the wrong output for sudo apt-get update.12:48
ubuntusrHere is what I get:12:48
ubuntusrSorry about that.12:48
Iron|2oh yeah, you have to rever to a real terminal, which feeds in paper instructions, one character at a time.12:48
ubuntusrapt-get upgrade says12:49
ubuntusr0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.12:49
Eaglemanrm /12:49
c-realdo you know how to restart unity just like we could with gnome (ctrl+alt+bksp) ??12:49
ActionParsnipubuntusr: karmic is EOL, no support and no updates12:49
dr_willisIron|2:  been there done that.. and greenbar printing terminals12:49
ubuntusroh, ok, so i should install a new distro?12:49
Iron|2or would dr willis consider that gui still, do we have to use a thought controlled interface?12:49
ActionParsnipubuntusr: just a newer release and you'll be fine12:50
ubuntusrOk, thank you!12:50
ActionParsnipubuntusr: 12.04 is the latest stable as well as being LTS12:50
EaglemanIsnt there a easy way to resize the swap partition lol12:52
Eaglemanor to remove it12:52
MiteshShahI'm come to very strange problem as a root user i'm run the crontab -e to add cron jobs like (* * * * * date &> /dev/pts/2) but its never execute12:53
MiteshShahi'm check weather my cron service is running or not biut its already running12:54
MiteshShahAny idea?12:54
ActionParsnipMiteshShah: so every minute of every day you want the command to run?12:55
MiteshShahActionParsnip, no but for testing i'm run this command and its never execute :(12:56
ActionParsnipMiteshShah: have you tried restarting the cron service?12:56
dr_willisEagleman:  if it was on a normal partition it would be easy12:57
dr_willisEagleman:  you neeed more swap?12:57
Eaglemanwell lvm should be easy to resize right?12:57
Eaglemani dont want any swap12:57
dr_willisi never use lvm.12:57
Eaglemanits eating 8gb of my disk and its only 6gb big12:58
ActionParsnipthats like the windows 1949 edition joke pic12:58
MiteshShahActionParsnip, service cron restart (Already done)12:59
dr_williswith lvm you should be able to delete the partiton.  and edit fstab to not activate it12:59
Eaglemanso how do i delete the partition?12:59
MiteshShahActionParsnip, before asking help i'm try everything that i know but i'm now unble to solve this problem my self so i'm asked here13:00
Eagleman./dev/mapper/eagleman-swap_1 none                swap    sw                      0       013:00
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:00
dr_willislvm on a 60gb hd seems.. overkill13:01
b3efdr_willis, agreed13:01
EaglemanWhat is the use for lvm then?13:01
b3efEagleman, it can work like Drive Extender on Windows13:01
Eaglemanwhat you did is assign 60gb to / without lvm?13:01
X3MBoyI need to configure a ubuntu server to be a log server...13:01
b3efWith LVM you can take 2x 1TB drives and a make a 2TB storage on /storage or whatever13:01
dr_willisi dont use lvm at all. even on my 3tb drives13:01
b3efme either13:01
dr_willisjust dont need to merge my disks that way13:02
Eaglemanand if i want to run raid 6 with 3gb disks?13:02
b3efi was going to use Greyhole but I ended up keeping them all seperate13:02
b3efdr_willis, exactly13:02
b3efEagleman, why RAID at all? It's not as good as it sounds13:02
Eaglemanso what is good13:02
dr_willis128gb ssd = / here,  got swap and video storage on a hdd13:02
b3efEagleman, everything has their own ideal place. In my personal scenario, I use rsync and write scripts to meet my needs.13:03
Eaglemanits better than loosing all your stuff when 1 disks fails13:03
dr_willisEagleman:  we need details of your setup and needs13:03
* dr_willis makes backups13:03
b3efEagleman, yes, it is. But there may be better solutions.13:03
EaglemanI also make backups13:03
b3efI make backups as well, although a bit differently13:03
Eaglemanjust some tar script13:03
b3efI have 2 disks in the host, and I use rsync to create copies of my important files on both disks13:03
dr_willisredundant stack or external usb hds13:03
Eaglemanexternal disk13:03
Eaglemanb3ef that would be the same as raid 013:04
b3efEagleman, except it's a copy of the entire disk13:04
Eaglemanraid 1*13:04
b3efI only replicate folders I want to13:04
b3efSo, in detail...13:04
b3ef/ is my root, obviously, a 500GB disk13:04
b3ef/files is my storage, a 640GB disk13:05
b3efand /backups is a 1TB disk13:05
ActionParsnipdr_willis: got /tmp and /var on the platter based drive too :)13:05
llaskinhi i have a lot of "firefox <defunct>" processes listed in a ps listing...is there a way to get rid of these?13:05
llaskinI'm talking 100's of instances13:05
ActionParsnipllaskin: kill the parent process13:05
b3efi replicate from /files to / and /backups depending on the file and how important it is13:05
dr_willishow  cute and tiny..13:05
llaskinhow to figure out parent process?13:05
llaskini tried sudo killall firefox13:05
ActionParsnipllaskin: what is the output of: ps -ef | grep -i fire | head -n 113:05
Eaglemanbasicly i want to use plex13:06
Eaglemanso i will have a lot of movies/series on my disks13:06
dr_willis128gb / here on ssd for / and /home/willis   all else on a bigger hd13:06
llaskinuser    302 23641  0 Sep09 ?        00:00:18 [firefox] <defunct>13:06
dr_willisEagleman:  with just a 60gb hd?13:06
Eaglemani've got / for my 60gb ssd13:06
Iron|2how did you afford all those movies?13:06
Eaglemanand /media/usbbackupdisk 500gb for backups13:07
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ActionParsnipllaskin: kill -9 2364113:07
Eaglemanand /media/hdd1 1tb for movies13:07
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EaglemanIron|2 downloading for free13:07
ActionParsnipllaskin: 3rd colomn is the parent ID, ill the parent and the children die off13:07
dr_willisi have 3 seperate 3tb usb3 hds for my videos.   i mount them to vids1, vids2 and vids313:07
dr_williswife, kids, and mine   seperated out13:07
Eaglemanso lvm could be usefull when using plex?13:08
Eaglemanif i got more than 3tb of movies and stuff13:08
dr_willisEagleman:  easier to just sort the movies out into seperate hds13:08
ActionParsnipllaskin: ill == kill13:08
Iron|2can ubuntu support 3 monitors?13:08
chk~/help join13:08
dr_willisIron|2:  yes13:08
Iron|2I wonder what the workspace switcher looks like under 3 monitors13:09
Eaglemannot sure how plex scans so i might even need lvm13:09
MagnusBSOkey, I cant find any way to debug my problem with internet speed. Here are my problem with some terminal cmd's that can help.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205581113:09
dr_willisEagleman:  it definatly CANhandle different sources to scan13:09
ActionParsnipIron|2: http://design.canonical.com/2011/12/improving-the-multi-monitor-experience-in-ubuntu/   sure, why not :)13:09
dr_willisEagleman:  same as xbmc and boxee does13:09
dr_willisi use all 313:09
Eaglemani am not familier with xmbc and boxee13:10
dr_willisplex is a varient of xbmc13:10
dr_willisthere are simpiler dlna/upnp servers in the repos also13:10
dr_willisminidlna took me 3 min to setup ;)13:10
Iron|2that's crazy.13:11
ActionParsnipor use samba13:11
ChoHagIs there a sensible way (I have a build environment based around pbuilder & reprepro set up) to build kernel modules which will be used on a wide number of servers (which don't have a compiler)?13:11
dr_williscellphone has upnp player.. so minidlna works well13:11
zelluzhello guys, I have a very, very weird issue. Picture of it here: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/544003/Pb%20Linux%20desktop.png13:11
zelluzanyone got any hints, tips or tricks to solve it?13:12
ActionParsnipzelluz: are you using Mate?13:12
dr_willismy boxee box and xbmc machines can see the upnp servers also13:12
EaglemanIt is able to scan multiple folders13:12
zelluzActionParsnip: I havent heard about it, so I dont think so13:13
gordonjcpzelluz: I'm sorry, I have no idea to fix it, but it's a really good problem ;-)13:13
ActionParsnipzelluz: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc   please13:13
dr_willisEagleman: plex/xbmc/boxee can share from hundreds of folders/drives/sources13:13
EaglemanBut it will get unorganized when i've got 3.5tb ot series and only a 3tb of disk i will have to seperate my data and it will be hard ti fond13:13
Eaglemanto find13:13
zelluzActionParsnip: its fully updated 12.04 if thats the question13:13
dr_willisEagleman:  plex sorts the shows.. thats its main feature13:13
Eaglemani know13:14
cigan_ mysql -u root -p: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)13:14
Eaglemanbut mannualy searching thins on the disks13:14
dr_willisyou got 3tb of a singlre show? what show may that be..13:14
ActionParsnipzelluz: hmm and can you pastebin the output of:   pe -ef | grep -i panel13:14
Eaglemanno multiple13:14
zelluzActionParsnip: it happened after I used nvidia-settings to activate second(external) screen13:14
cigan_getting that error but the server is running13:14
Eaglemanits IF i dont have that right now13:14
MagnusBSAtheros AR9485 Wireless Adapter, only  getting 1mb/s out of 12mb/s. Anyone that have other suggestions?13:14
dr_willisyou are worriwd about a non issue13:14
Eaglemanmaybe yes13:15
dr_willisi have dozens of series across diffenrent hds. ples sortds it all out13:15
ActionParsnipzelluz: can you please pastebin the output of the command I gave. Thanks13:15
Eaglemani like to think about the future13:15
zelluzActionParsnip: it will take some minutes Im afraid, its a friends laptop, he will be over shortly with the machine!13:16
dr_willisfuture = i plug in a new usb hd.. and fill it up.. plex scans it.. wife never notices any differance13:16
Shadow`i added an IP to allow SSH from a foreign IP into iptables, it is listed when i do --list... but it times out when i connect to it from the allowed IP13:16
Eaglemanmaybe ur right13:16
Eaglemani just have to sort out how i will do the backups13:17
Eagleman2 times the same file should be enough?13:17
dr_willisadd a file server, plex sees the smaba shares.. scans.. and adds shows to the list...13:17
Eaglemanlike in data and movies13:17
Iron|2hey, are there any good C++ or C# or programming in general irc channels around?13:17
zelluzActionParsnip: I even tried reset the xorg.conf file with the xorg.conf.bak file aswell, no luck!(This was yesterday). I would gladly search on google after the issue, but the issue is so perplex that Im out of words! :P13:17
llaskinIron|2:  have you checked #c++ or #c?13:18
EaglemanI already have a 3tb harddisk but it is filled with around 1.5tb of data13:18
Iron|2why would I do that?13:18
dr_willisjust 1? ;)13:18
Shadow`nothing? :/13:18
Eaglemanit was very hard to get when i bought it13:18
Eaglemanand since i didnt needed more13:19
dr_willisif i get a new 3tb. o copy over stuff to it. replaceing the smaller hd.. then i keep the sm aller hd offline as a backup copy13:19
dr_willisso i have seberal 1tb hds about 80% full with specific shows13:19
Eagleman3tb external?13:19
dr_willisEagleman:  ive been upgrading to usb3   3tbs lately13:20
dr_willisout of usb3 ports now. ;(13:20
Eaglemani''ve also got 1 usb3 3tb13:20
ActionParsnipEagleman: sure, you can get usb nas...13:20
ActionParsnipwell, raid array via usb technically13:20
dr_willisi have several nas's that can do usb2 shareing over samba.13:20
dr_willisno raids ;)13:21
Eaglemannever heard of a usb nas13:21
Eaglemanseems nice13:21
dr_willisgot a 500gb  hd that can share by itself from battery to my tablets on the road13:21
Shadow`so noone has any clue why my iptables isnt working properly?13:22
dr_williswhen working with usb you realize how slow usb2 can be.13:22
Shadow`yeah cause years ago many harddrives broke the usb 2 limits13:22
dr_willis1tb usb  backing up to a faster hd.. can take some time13:22
BluesKaj_Hey all13:23
hatmanMy audio fails13:24
Shadow`as usual superb linux support! god why isnt it the year of linux already? /s13:24
rigohi. i know that i always ask. sorry for that. but now i share my experiences: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=14019813:25
dr_willisits allready the year of linux.. its so common people dont notice it13:25
ActionParsniphatman: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh13:25
hatmanI installed Xubuntu yesterday, while and after installing my sound worked, but today the sound card isn't recognised of ALSA I think13:25
hatmanit is a laptop, thus a integrated Intel sound chipste13:25
hatmanActionParsnip: sure13:25
ActionParsnipShadow`: its always been the year of linux...you were just blinded by windows :)13:25
Iron|2still waiting on steam for linux13:26
Shadow`so much humor, some should be comedians13:27
SennepGot 1ssd disk and 3hdd disks, but i can only use two of the hdd disks at once. Any reason for that, can't ubuntu run more than 3 disks?13:27
gordonjcpShadow`: I'm waiting for the year of Windows on the desktop13:27
gordonjcpShadow`: Windows 8 looks like it might be getting close13:27
Kartagisgordonjcp: that is unlikely to come13:27
Shadow`see, so much humor ;)13:27
Calinouhow can I reduce screen brightness (actual backlight, NOT using nvidia x server settings) on xubuntu 12.04.1? there doesn't seem to be any menu. I tried to use xbacklight but it doesn't work, saying there is no backlight13:28
CalinouI use a laptop13:28
zelluzActionParsnip: that command (pe -ef | grep -i  panel) did not work!13:28
hatmanActionParsnip: http://temporary.paste.to/MTEyNTc2NQ==13:28
ActionParsnipCalinou: what model laptop?13:28
EaglemanSo to get rid of LVM i just have to reinstall my ubuntu machine?13:28
CalinouActionParsnip, HP pavillon dv713:28
Calinoufrom 200913:28
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode13:29
hatmanActionParsnip: This makes no sense! My audio worked fine yesterday13:29
ActionParsniphatman: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-audio-dev/ppa; sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils; killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*     wait 10 seconds and reboot13:29
Iron|2I just eat grub, no need to press escape or shift13:29
hatmanActionParsnip: ack13:30
chenmiaohey, how to make libreoffice auto fill id column(primary key) from previous number after i delete two rows13:31
ActionParsnipCalinou: Fn + F8 not increase brightness?13:31
ActionParsniphatman: what?13:31
gordonjcpShadow`: did you have a support question?13:31
hatmanI'm doing it13:31
Calinouwell I'm not on that particular computer right now; my concern is about _saving_ the brightness13:31
Shadow`ye few times, few days already too13:31
Calinouwhen I used ubuntu 11.10, I had to reset brightness at every reboot. very annoying :(13:31
CalinouI'll try later though (I want to decrease brightness, not increase it)13:31
Iron|2chenmiao, I don't think this is the libreoffice help channel13:31
ActionParsniphatman: why the ack?13:31
Shadow`but im currently thinking of burning down ubuntu and migrating this POS linux to debian at least13:31
ActionParsnipIron|2: its in the repos so is supported here :)13:32
hatmanActionParsnip: lol dunno I thought I would say "ok"13:32
Iron|2oh okay, cool.13:32
hatmanbut anyhow, the installation (or whatever happened) is done, will reboot13:32
zelluzActionParsnip: I reckon you meant ps instead of pe. Output of that is gnome-panel and its running as the user13:32
Iron|2BOO ROOT BOOK13:32
Shadow`im sick of stuff randomly breaking for no apparent reason, no change, no input or whatever freaking reason13:32
ActionParsnipzelluz: yes, sorry, typo13:32
zelluzActionParsnip: its only one process aswell13:32
ActionParsnipzelluz: ah, that's freaky13:33
dr_willisold factoids13:33
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »13:33
PiciAnd may not work with new things.13:33
ActionParsnipzelluz: maybe:   gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel; killall gnome-panel13:34
gordonjcpShadow`: switch distro if you like; all distros are exactly the same13:34
gordonjcpShadow`: Linux is just Linux13:34
Shadow`no they are not13:34
ActionParsnipPici: worth a punt :)13:34
ActionParsnipPici: thanks btw13:34
PiciActionParsnip: anytime13:34
ActionParsnipShadow`: did you try the different releases, like xubuntu, kubuntu etc?13:35
zelluzActionParsnip: Pici: tested the command13:35
Shadow`ye i constantly resetup production servers, just for fun13:35
zelluzActionParsnip: Pici: no dice! issue is still the same13:35
hatmanActionParsnip: Didn't work!13:35
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gordonjcpShadow`: did you actually have a support question, or did you just come here to whine?13:37
zelluzActionParsnip: Pici: If I just take the killall gnome-panel command. The duplicate stuff goes away. though, the panels are obviously gone :P13:37
Shadow`i added an IP to allow SSH from a foreign IP into iptables, it is listed when i do --list... but it times out when i connect to it from the allowed IP13:37
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hatmanwhy this makes no sense, what makes my audio not work today, I believe I didn't change any sound settings yesterday except for some MIDI stuff like Timidity13:37
ActionParsniphatman: zelluz they should rerun and make only one13:38
econdudeawesomehowdy all. Any idea how to get openbox to use two screens (I'm building up from ubunutu minimal)13:38
xevworkCan someone give me a link to a .deb file that's not in any Ubuntu repositories?13:38
xevworkIt doesn't matter what it is, really.13:38
hatmanActionParsnip: What?13:38
econdudeawesomexevwork: try dropbox.com?13:38
ActionParsniphatman: the killing of pulseaudio then deleting the ~/.pulse* folders will give default settings. If you run:  alsamixer   are all levels cranked and unmuted?13:38
xevworkecondudeawesome: Perfect - thanks!13:39
hatmanlet me check that13:39
zelluzActionParsnip: Pici: getting closer! If I try to start gnome-panel after killing the process as the user. I get the duplicate stuff. If I try it as root, its ok!13:39
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Shadow`ok, so, nothing. i've used the exact same way to add ports to be allowed from specific IP's. however, on one of the servers... it stopped applying new iptables changes for no apparent reason13:40
econdudeawesome Anyone know how to get openbox working with dual screens if building up from ubuntu minimal?13:40
ActionParsnipzelluz: well you will be using root's blank profile with default settings, so yes it will be ok13:40
Shadow`been going through manpages, google help and been asking here the last couple of days (not counting weekend) and no support/help anywhere, whatso-freaking-ever13:41
hashpuppywhat's the ubuntu equivalence of this command:  chkconfig --list ntpd13:41
ActionParsnipShadow`: try swapping it for ufw and you can use gufw as a gui.13:41
fidelany experience where apt-mirror logs to?13:41
ActionParsnipShadow`: or you can use ufw as is, without GUI. It works both ways....13:42
econdudeawesomehashpuppy: maybe chkconfig > <filename> is what you're looking for?13:42
fidelsomehow it looks like my apt-mirror cmd is just idling - at least if i check the disk usage - while i see on the other hand that it has created some folder struxtures in /var/spool/apt-mirror/...13:42
ActionParsnipShadow`: and yes, really13:42
gordonjcpShadow`: if you disable iptables entirely, can you connect?13:42
hashpuppyecondudeawesome: it doesn't look like it even has chkconfig13:43
gordonjcpShadow`: break it down, see if you can identify where your connection is being blocked13:43
econdudeawesomehashpuppy: http://linuxcommand.org/man_pages/chkconfig8.html13:43
hashpuppysudo: chkconfig: command not found13:43
Piciecondudeawesome: chkconfig does not exist on Ubuntu.13:43
Shadow`usually iptables would be in /etc/init.d/iptables, but not on ubuntu?13:43
econdudeawesomePici, hashpuppy well there you go. My ubuntu knowledge is still growing ;-)13:44
econdudeawesomewhat alternatives are there to twinview?13:44
ActionParsnipShadow`: if you use nmap to scan the server you can see what is open and not....13:44
Shadow`its open, its working from another IP adres which was added to iptables like 2 years ago13:45
gordonjcpShadow`: see when you added a second IP address13:45
gordonjcpare you *sure* it's the right one?13:45
hatmanActionParsnip: How do I stop pulse and how do I delete its folder by command?13:45
Shadow`iptables even resolved it to the correct hostname13:45
Picihashpuppy: it would be something like: initctl list | grep ntpd13:45
karamel4eHello, any help with gddrescue?13:46
meethow do i change the position of the notifications of chat un 12.04?13:46
ActionParsniphatman: killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.pulse*    run it as one command13:46
Shadow`uwf disable13:46
Shadow`still no13:46
jpdsShadow`: Ubuntu uses 'ufw' (frontend to iptables) for iptables management.13:46
hashpuppyPici: that just tells me what services are running, as opposed to what runlevels they are configured to run at on start13:46
jpdsShadow`: Otherwise, use tcpdump to see what's talking to what.13:47
Shadow`its a public production webserver13:47
hatmanActionParsnip: What should I do next? Audio seems disabled13:47
EaglemanSo to get rid of LVM i just have to reinstall my ubuntu machine?13:47
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Shadow`thats one big f'ing list13:47
Shadow`5243 packets captured13:47
jpdsShadow`: So? Use the filters to limit down the dump to the port you're having issues with.13:47
hashpuppyis sysv-rc-conf recommended?13:48
Shadow`ye i grep 22 and it sees my current connection from our old IP address13:48
jpdshashpuppy: cd /etc/init; grep runlevel *13:48
jpdshashpuppy: To see what starts on which runlevel.13:48
hashpuppyjpds: thanks!13:49
meethow do i change the position of the notifications of chat un 12.04?13:49
karamel4eHello, any help with gddrescue?13:49
hatmankaramel4e: what's your question?13:50
ActionParsniphatman: pulseaudio will restart and make the file and folder again13:50
hatmanmaybe I can help13:50
hatmanActionParsnip: So system reboot?13:50
hashpuppyjpds: if /etc/init.d/something has # Default-Start: 2 3 4 5.  Will this go into effect on reboot?13:50
econdudeawesomeAnyone have experience setting up xinerama?13:50
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:51
jpdshashpuppy: Upstart runs things in /etc/init.d/ last.13:51
fidelecondudeawesome: try to describe your problem in detail - might help more then asking if anyone.... ;)13:51
jpdshashpuppy: As in, after all the stuff in /etc/init/13:51
econdudeawesomefidel: my problem is sufficiently detailed for where I am at.13:51
hashpuppygotcha.  thanks :)13:51
karamel4e@hatman  Well, I am trying to copy a partition which is 40gb, gddrescue has been running for 5 days till now and copied only 200mb. Is this normal?13:51
meethow do i change the position of desktop notifications  in 12.04?13:51
jpdsmeet: You can't.13:51
fidelecondudeawesome: well then wait for the answer ;)13:52
econdudeawesomefidel: I would like help figuring out how to set up multiple monitors on a fresh ubuntu minimal install with openbox13:52
meetjpds earlier it was at the bottom in 11.10 after i upgraded it went up and i cant even look at the messages properly13:52
meetjpds, any other soln?13:52
jpdsmeet: As far as I know, they could never be moved.13:53
Shadow`oh god, its 9.1013:53
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  what video card?13:53
fidelecondudeawesome: and i was just trying to point out that showing a problem in detailed works better then just asking for some general help in topic A13:53
hatmankaramel4e: Lol. Seriously? From what? A computer from 1995? Or are you trying to copy through a parallel port? So... to where are you copying?13:53
econdudeawesomedr_willis: how do I check?13:53
jpdsShadow`: Nice.13:53
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  lspci to see card info13:53
meetjpds: i wonder why the moved it up13:53
hatmankaramel4e: Are you duplicating it to same drive?13:53
EaglemanSo to get rid of LVM i just have to reinstall my ubuntu machine?13:53
Shadow`ye unfortunally its a production server, so i need to find a moment to do a release upgrade >.>13:53
jpdsEagleman: Why would you want to get rid of LVM?13:54
karamel4e<hatman> the cpu of the laptop is core 2 duo with 2.1gh13:54
dr_willisEagleman:  or just dont use it on newer hds you install and keep it on /13:54
econdudeawesomedr_willis: http://pastebin.com/TNttw90T is the output13:54
wNEagleman: if you want to move off of LVM on your root drive, i would suggest a reinstallation. anything else will be a huge pain in the ass.13:54
Eaglemanwell i want to reinstall anyway13:54
Eaglemanno need for it13:55
Eaglemandr_willis convinced me13:55
hatmankaramel4e: Even if you have some hightech NASA computer over there, it is still weird why you let your computer on for 5 days13:55
hatmankaramel4e: I mean for 200mb13:55
zelluzActionParsnip: I removed .config .gnome2 .gconf .cache .local from user home folder and now its only two duplicates! (It was originally duplicated 5 times)13:55
zelluzActionParsnip: is it safe to remove .nvidia-settings-rc from user home folder?13:56
hatmankaramel4e: tip, if you wan't to mention my name, type the first couple 'o letters of my name, then press TAB and you will automatically ping me13:56
hatmanBut I have to go, I recommend using some other method13:57
karamel4ehatman: thanks, about that13:57
hatmanBRB system reboot13:57
karamel4ethank you again, bye13:57
ActionParsnipzelluz: sure13:58
karamel4eAny help with gddresque, please?13:58
ActionParsnipzelluz: you can delete .nvidia.... no problem13:58
econdudeawesomedr_willis: I believe it's intel then? I didnt realize they were a chip card maker, as opposed to nvivia/ati13:58
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  intel is the #3 video chip company  would be my guess.13:59
OriginJMHey guys, I'm in need of some help, anyone around?14:00
dr_willisfrom a # shipped they  are up there with the other 2 also id think14:00
ActionParsnipOriginJM: just ask dude14:00
hatmanBad news ActionParsnip, still not working14:00
karamel4eAny help with gddresque, please?14:00
hatmankaramel4e, just once again14:01
hatmankaramel4e, to where are you copying14:01
ActionParsnipkaramel4e: in what way...try some details....14:01
OriginJMBrand new to Ubuntu, I installed the 32bit OS without knowing, is there anyway I can switch to the 64bit easily or do I have to uninstall everything and do it again?14:01
dr_williskaramel4e: ddrescue /dev/sda1  sda1.image logfile    ;)  if i remember14:01
ActionParsnipOriginJM: you will need to reinstall14:01
econdudeawesomedr_willis: fair enough, wish I knew more about the market ;-). What do I do from here, having an intel card?14:02
karamel4ehatman:  something bad is happening to my hdd. I am trying to rescue some files.14:02
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  the normal gnome  monitors/display tools should let you configure things14:02
hatmanOriginJM: copy personal files to safe partition, leave all partitions intact and reinstall ubuntu to same partitions (format first)14:02
hatmanOriginJM: that is what I've learnt14:02
econdudeawesomedr_willis: I'm installing up from ubuntu minimal, trying to avoid using Gnome.14:02
OriginJMGotcha, do you think upgrading to 64bit is worth the time?14:02
karamel4ehatman: copying from one hdd to another, both of them are connected vie usb14:02
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dr_willisecondudeawesome:  no idea then. i dont configure xorg.conf by hand anymore14:03
ActionParsnipOriginJM: depends what you use your OS for and how much RAM you have etc14:03
OriginJMI got an ASUS that has an i7 and 10GB of RAM14:03
OriginJMso i imagine yes14:03
rigocan you suggest me?14:03
dr_willistheres to many handy tools to limit yourself to non using gnome stuff ;)14:03
econdudeawesomedr_willis: possible to configure via the gnome tools then be rid of them?14:03
rigo...a pci-e dvb-S card?14:04
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  you need a proper xorg.conf i imagine14:04
econdudeawesomefair enough14:04
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  why so gnome-phobic14:04
ActionParsnipOriginJM: 32bit + PAE can access 64Gb RAM14:04
ActionParsnipOriginJM: but each process will only see 3.2Gb RAM14:04
hatmankaramel4e: I'm PM'ing you14:05
OriginJMso should I just roll with 32bit for now?14:05
ActionParsnipOriginJM: so if yoyu only chat and web browse you will be ok with 32bit otherwise go 64bit14:05
karamel4ehatman: me too14:05
econdudeawesomedr_willis: well, mainly want to squeeze as much juice out of this laptop as I can. Do a ton of development work, don't know Gnome3 or Unity, when I need GUI openbox has worked fine. Noticed before my recent wipe that Gnome utilities were running even when the session wasn't called (nor was gdm insalled)14:05
OriginJMWell, I've never used Ubuntu but I'm also a software engineer, though it sounds like I'm clueless. I think I'll just do 64bit then, I appreciate your help buddy. Thank you.14:06
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, but with 32 bit, would most of his 10g of RAM be unavailable?14:06
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  if the desktop is not running.. its not using power14:06
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  some services may be.. but theres text mode if you want.14:07
econdudeawesomebut when I'd log into openbox Gnome would still rear its head. So I'm seeing if I can make Gnome-less work for me14:07
dr_williswhat gnome stuff exactly was running...14:07
ActionParsnipToph2: all, max ram for 32bit PAE is 64Gb14:08
dr_willisand i doubt if any battery drain was much compared to say the led screen..14:08
sasihi all14:09
econdudeawesomedr_willis: my worry isn't the battery drain (battery sucks anyway, just leave it plugged in). I had over 3/4 of my 4 GB of RAM used in mainly keeping Gnome services running14:09
econdudeawesomedr_willis: dont remember which services exactly14:09
dr_willisunity/gnome also has cpu throtteling features that could save battery14:09
sasican any1 plz help, how to enable remote desktop service in ubuntu using command line14:09
dr_willisi think you are worrying about nothing.14:09
OriginJMAlso, another thing, this a bit more of a problem. Right now I'm not at home and my wireless connection is excellent, but at home it is constantly spiking and disconnecting. So a lot of connections work great except my home connection, is there a reason to this?14:09
econdudeawesomedr_willis: fair enough. But at present, I have two things left to successfully setup--dual monitors and wireless card. Then I'll have the system right as I like it14:10
dr_willissasi:   share the current desktop? or would a hidden desktop work?   vncserver is for the latter hidden desktop14:10
ActionParsnipOriginJM: check channels in use in the area, too many SSIDs on the same channel will cause issues14:10
greg8347 /dns assassin14:10
ActionParsnipOriginJM: if you see lots of channel 11s (common) try switching to channel 114:10
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, i've been under the impression that 32 bit system could only address about 5Gb of RAM14:11
sasidr_willis: share the current desktop14:11
dr_willisecondudeawesome:  you could boot a live ubuntu cd. configure things, check the xorg.conf and copy it over..... ;)14:11
Toph24 rather14:11
ActionParsnipToph2: without PAE the max is 3.2Gb14:11
OriginJMHow do I check channels? And thanks again.14:11
econdudeawesomedr_willis: hah! :D Fair enough. The config for the file doesn't look too bad, but if I can't get it to work I might just do that14:11
dr_willissasi:  not sure thsts easially done.  is someone at the other pc wanting to watch? ;)14:12
Toph2ActionParsnip,,, ok,, I'll have to check what PAE is14:12
sasidr_willis: no.. just to be know...14:12
Iron|2hey, I'm not good enough with ubuntu yet. Can I install a new ubuntu to my flash drive for now, and then at a later date, delete the home from one, move the home from my hdd to my flash drive, and use that for both ubuntus? Or should I set this up when i install to flash drive?14:13
sasidr_willis: i know how to enable it through GUI.. want to know if there is any option to enable it through CLI14:13
Iron|2does ubuntu come with an ssh client pre installed?14:15
econdudeawesomeIron|2: yes14:15
Iron|2how do i access it?14:16
econdudeawesomeIron|2: open a terminal, type ssh <server>14:16
* Iron|2 goes to the train station14:16
econdudeawesomeIron|2: perhaps try ctrl+alt+t14:16
eneskurayeeei updated my kernel to 3.5.314:16
econdudeawesomeIron|2: or press the Win key and type terminal14:17
eneskuraywho can14:17
ActionParsnipIron|2: yes, openssh-client14:17
eneskurayhelp me14:17
ActionParsnipeneskuray: what is the issue?14:17
eneskurayi can connect wifi network14:18
Iron|2i pinged a server, ping got a little excited, pinged it uh... lots of time14:18
Iron|2how do i stop it14:18
eneskurayi cant see any wifi14:18
ActionParsnipeneskuray: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc14:18
ActionParsnipIron|2: CTRL+C14:18
eneskuraythere isnt wlan0 device14:18
econdudeawesomeIron|2: Ctrl+c14:18
Iron|2at least i know the ping is good14:18
ActionParsnipIron|2: if you use:  ping -c 4 host    it will ping 4 times like windows, and stop14:19
laykeIs there anything I can easily do to show taskbar in Unity?14:19
iateadonuthi - new to ubuntu; on mandriva/fluxbox for desktop and adminster a few debian servers.14:19
laykeFor task switching at the bottom14:19
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ActionParsniplayke: windows key.14:19
Iron|2good to know actionparsnip14:19
iateadonuti'm working to dual/triple boot several linux distro's14:19
Iron|2I really should have some sort of stickynote app to keep track of these commands14:19
ActionParsnipIron|2: I like to add an alias to make it default :)14:19
econdudeawesomeIron|2: I've done the same. I had a script that, to check connectivity, pinged www.google.com. I wondered the day after why my script hadn't finished. Pinged many many times14:19
iateadonutusing the same home directory of course.14:19
ActionParsnipeneskuray: what is the output of:  lsb_release -sc14:19
Iron|2iatedonut, is this your first time with linux?14:19
Guest86076ActionParsnip, I find that I like to see the running tasks always open. If that makes sense. So I can quickly see whats running.14:19
iateadonutand the same /var/www partition, and var/lib/mysql partition14:19
belugsHello guys... How the best way to recover undelete files / format files?14:19
eneskurayActionParsnip there isnt wlan0 device14:20
iateadonutthe default window manager on LTS is gnome?14:20
ActionParsnipGuest86076: if you enable the scale plugin, you can activate it and see all the windows for running apps14:20
ActionParsnipiateadonut: the WM is compiz14:20
iateadonuti kind of like it and am thinking of trading fluxbox for it.14:20
ActionParsnipbelugs: use your backups14:20
ActionParsnipeneskuray: can you run:  cat /etc/lsb-release     what is output please?14:21
iateadonutbut wondering how i can keep my old debian and mandriva loading to fluxbox and have a choice of what to load up in ubuntu if i'm using the same home partition for all three.14:21
belugsActionParsnip: I don't have backup... I read about foremost, but I don't know if it's the best way14:21
iateadonutah yes, compiz.14:21
iateadonutwhat fun.14:21
hatmanActionParsnip: My sound still doesn't work, still not recognised. Help plz?14:21
ActionParsnipbelugs: why is there no backup?14:21
iateadonutit looks great and is pretty fast.14:21
ActionParsniphatman: my sound troubleshooting ability is low, maybe others can advise14:21
lyscerI am trying to copy a mysql database directory from a drive I mounted to the current machines /var/lib/mysql directory but it isn't show up when I do "Show databases" in mysql… how do I get it to show up?14:21
ActionParsnipeneskuray: cool14:22
ActionParsnip!info linux-image-generic14:22
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (precise), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB14:22
ActionParsnipeneskuray: if you are using kernel 3.5.3 then you are using an unofficial kernel we cannot support here14:22
belugsActionParsnip: because it's a recently files14:22
iateadonutlycer, what is the userid of your mysql user? what is the owner of the drive you mounted?14:22
eneskuraycan you come channel alfa2014:22
lyscerI am running everything as root14:23
Guest86076Cheers ActionParsnip Will attempt that.14:23
lysceriateadonut, let me try chowning to mysql14:23
ActionParsnipbelugs: i see14:23
hatmanActionParsnip: Thanks14:24
FloodBot1eneskuray: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:24
ActionParsnipbelugs: you will need a partittion mounted writable to spit the data to and then run the command on the unmounted partition, it will restore a lot of data as well as the file/s you want14:24
Iron|2and my final question of the day: how do I uninstall (remove) ubuntu server and then install lubuntu minimal in one command?14:24
iateadonutlyscer, hold on.14:24
iateadonutlet me get you a few commands.14:24
dmartinhello all, to track down a bug I'm looking for a way to download a version of ubuntu oneiric 11.04 (server preferably) but I cannot find my way on the ubuntu website, can anyone help me?14:25
k1l_Iron|2: just install the lubuntu-desktop meta package?14:25
ActionParsnipIron|2: if you have server install then just install lubuntu-minimal and it will install what you need14:25
belugsActionParsnip: which command? foremost?14:25
Iron|2but i wish to remove the server components as well14:25
ActionParsnipbelugs: yes, i suggest you use the ubuntu live CD to do it in14:25
iateadonutchanging from 74 to 77 (userid)14:25
iateadonutfind / -user 74 -exec chown 77 {} \;14:25
ActionParsnipIron|2: just uninstall the services you don't want14:25
iateadonutthat'd be system wide, because of the / after find14:26
Iron|2ok, so do it separately?14:26
belugsActionParsnip: all right.. thank ActionParsnip ...14:26
Iron|2alright, thanks for the info, cya.14:26
iateadonutso you might want to restrict to /var/lib/mysql14:26
econdudeawesomedmartin: ftp://ftp.utexas.edu/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/14:26
lysceriateadonut, what does that command do?14:26
dmartinthank econdudeawesome :)14:26
iateadonutfinds all files with the user id of 74 and changes them to 7714:26
iateadonutyou'll have to do whatever you do with your pertinent user id's14:27
iateadonutand also, you might change it to find /var/lib/mysql14:27
iateadonutinstead of find /14:27
belugsActionParsnip: Why do you suggest liveCD ?, I read that I need just it "sudo foremost -v -T -t doc -i /dev/sda6 -o /media/disk/Recover"14:27
layke_Sorry ActionParsnip, what was the name of that plugin?14:27
lysceriateadonut, it doesn't look like it did anything14:28
layke_(Can't check history, just overwrote my /home directory)14:28
layke_So xchat has cleared what you last said :)14:28
iateadonutoh, guess i'm wrong. sorry14:28
lysceriateadonut, thanks anyways14:28
lyscergood effort ;)14:28
iateadonutwhat is the first line that  ls -n /var/www/mysql gives you?14:28
iateadonutbelugs, usually foremost works on a dd image14:29
ActionParsnipbelugs: because the partition you are working on needs to be unmounted14:29
iateadonutdoes it work directly on a partition?14:29
iateadonutpuppy linux is a good live cd to have handy for stuff like that.14:29
iateadonutlyscer, give me the output of "id mysql"14:30
lysceriateadonut, uid=106(mysql) gid=113(mysql) groups=113(mysql)14:30
iateadonutand the first line that  "ls -n /var/www/mysql" gives you14:30
belugsActionParsnip: Ok, Now I understood...  thanks a lot14:30
lysceriatadonut, total 2869214:31
lysceriateadonut, total 2869214:31
iateadonuti mean the first file14:31
belugsiateadonut: thanks for information14:31
lysceriateadonut, -rw-r--r-- 1   0   0        0 Sep 10 14:10 debian-5.5.flag14:31
mitsaladilas: hi14:32
iateadonutdoes foremost work on a dd image or directly on a partition? - sorry - it also works directly on an unmounted partition -  i was wrong.14:32
lysceriateadonut, the next one has a user list of 106 11314:32
mitsaarcane_: hi14:33
hatmandoes ANYONE here know how to set up audio here in Xubuntu?14:33
lyscernot sure if it matters but I have a symbolic link pointing to my new data files..14:33
iateadonuthow about the directory that matches the name of the database you are trying to show with "show databases"14:33
belugsiateadonut: is it a question ? about foremost.. or affirmation?14:33
mitshi how to enable remote desktop in linux14:34
lysceriateadonut, lrwxrwxrwx 1 106 113       30 Sep 10 14:18 db1 -> /mnt/var/lib/mysql/db114:34
ActionParsnipiateadonut: i believe so. If you use dd_rescue you can use foremost on the image i believe14:34
centrelinkmits, same as windows14:34
iateadonuthmmm... not sure about symbolic links.14:35
mitscentrelink:i need the command for that.14:35
iateadonuthow about "ls -n /mnt/var/lib/mysql/db1" ?14:35
lysceriateadonut, I am copying it over to see if it makes a difference, then I will restart mysql and try again14:35
mitscentrelink: you gone?14:36
iateadonutlyscer, can you try that "ls -n /mnt/var/lib/mysql/db1" - i'm really curious now14:37
hatmanagain, does anyone have a knowledge on how to get ubuntu set my soundcard as output device?14:38
ActionParsnipmits: what are you connecting to achieve? There may be a more graceful solution14:38
lysceriateadonut, it didn't go through to those files. they have a 102 10314:39
mitsActionParsnip: i'm a system engineer in a company14:39
MonkeyDustmits  and what do you want to do?14:40
hyliansay guys, if i wanted to use firefox quickly while I was in tty0, (control alt f1), how would I do that without going back to tty7? i know there is a way to direct firefox to a specific display, is this a duable  thing?14:40
mitsActionParsnip: i need to install 1 software in one linux machine. now the user went home14:40
lysceriateadonut, looks like copying them into the /var/lib/mysql shows them when I do "Show databases" so it was the symlink screwing me14:40
lysceriateadonut, thanks for the help/troubleshooting14:40
iateadonutgood luck14:41
mitsActionParsnip: so i'm trying to enable the remote desktop through CLI, as i can access the remote machine using putty14:41
ActionParsnipmits: if you install openssh-server on the system you can SSH in and use apt-get to install the packages you want...14:42
mitsMonkeyDust: just want to know the command to enable the remote desktop14:42
MonkeyDustmits  what you can do, but maybe there's a more elegant way: start's the user's pc from a live usb stick, download and install the .deb for openssh-server, then you can login using ssh14:43
mitsActionParsnip: that i know... i just want to view the desktop so that i can do it through gui14:43
mitsActionParsnip: i'm not that familiar with linux commands14:44
ActionParsnipmits: if its not enabled now, you will need to physically attend the system14:44
mitsMonkeyDust: i can ssh the machine.. but i need to view the desktop.14:44
hyliancan you run a x program like firefox via tty0? I want quick in and out access, without going back to tty7...??14:44
ActionParsnipmits: sudo apt-get install packagename14:44
ActionParsniphylian: ssh -X username@server14:45
mitsActionParsnip: ok.. so there is no command to enable remote desktop? :(14:45
ActionParsniphylian: use that to connect, then you can run X apps and it will attach to the client system (assuming you have a running X)14:45
ActionParsnipmits: not without knowing where the VNC stuff is14:45
hylianActionParsnip: i don't get it, I'm not running a server. I just want to launch firefox in control alt f1, which i thought was tty0?14:46
ActionParsnip!vnc | mits14:46
ubottumits: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:46
mitsActionParsnip: i googled and found out one command ... "gconftool-2"14:46
ActionParsnipmits: Newer releases don't use gconftool-2 now14:46
mitsActionParsnip: bt its not working for me...14:46
mitsActionParsnip: ok...14:46
mitsActionParsnip: thanks a lot...14:47
ActionParsniphylian: if you connect with the -X option, you can run gui apps and it will act like citrix does14:47
mitsubottu: i cant go the machine physically now to enable the remote desktop...14:48
ubottumits: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:48
ActionParsnipmits: you will need to attend the ssytem. I would put openssh-server on all systems so you can install apps and such remotely14:48
mitsubottu: ok thanks bye14:48
ubottumits: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:48
mitsActionParsnip: bye.. thanks for the help14:48
hylianActionParsnip: ok, i think i get it. first off i am not using tty0. I am using "virtual terminal 1", so that was my fault. so i want to ssh tunnel into my own machine, directing it to x. but what goes in username@server? my username @ my machine name?14:50
meisth0thwhen will gimp 2.8 be available on ubuntu?14:51
cfhowlettmeisth0th: prob not until 12.1014:51
p1l0tif running tar from the cli just seems frozen (no action just blinking cursor) is that usually a bad .tgz or something else? Tried -t and -x same nothing happens. I can ctrl-c out of it. Is there an error log for tar? Or is it in syslog maybe?14:52
oratedHello! Even after installing lubuntu-desktop package on a Ubuntu 12.04 installation, I don't see Lubuntu option during login. Is there any other package required to be installed other than lubuntu-desktop? Secondly, after completing modprobe operations on kernel module, is there any thing to do so that I don't have to repeat that step on every system boot?14:52
delinquentmeMy 10.04 ubuntu just corrected a command I issued to it ... and in return it told me to run " service mysql start "   .. when that is a removed command O_o;;;;;;;; ?     apparently this "service" command has been replaced with " upstart " ??14:53
p1l0tUbuntu server 12.04 LTS14:53
hatmancome on people seriously can you please help me how to get my soundcard settings back?14:53
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cfhowlettorated: you won't get a lubuntu option, you will have the option to boot an LXDE session.  Ubuntu is still your primary OS14:54
selfownerhi all!14:54
selfowneri am new here and to linux (ubuntu) as well14:54
oratedcfhowlett: Yes, I don't even see LXDE. I can only see Ubuntu, Ubunut2d, Openbox and GNOME/Openbox14:55
p1l0tI'm trying to extract fpdf17.tgz I used to have it installed but I reverted to server because the Unity got to be too much for this old machine. Worked fine before so I doubt its the file but can't seem to extract it from the CLI using tar14:55
p1l0tfrom fpdf.org14:55
hylianorated: I am assuming you are running 12.04? did you click on the little "ball" next to the place where you enter your password on the ldm login screen?14:56
cfhowlettorated: I can only assume that the lubuntu-desktop didn't install properly...14:56
selfownerso far have tried ubuntu just on virtualbox, but now i want to install it on my laptop, dualboot with win7, so ubuntu + win7 + a shared data partition. anyone have done that?14:56
ActionParsnipp1l0t: why not install Xubuntu or Lubuntu then? You don't HAVE to use Unity/Gnome...14:56
ActionParsnipp1l0t: i suggest you install unp. It makes extracting stuff easy as you can use one command for all archives :)14:57
oratedhylian: Yes, Ubuntu 12.04. Yes, I did click on that small ball.. only having gone through option I said Ubuntu, Ubuntu2D, Openbox,GNOME/Openbox in my previous reply14:57
* ActionParsnip thinks unp should be default installed14:57
p1l0tActionParsnip: This computer only really needs to be a server anyway just trying to keep it efficent, been authorized by the company for a new build that will have a desktop. I'll check out unp thanks14:58
oratedchalcedony: Umm.. sudo apt-get install --reinstall lubuntu-desktop installs that single package ... am I missing something?14:58
ActionParsnipp1l0t: makes sense, yeah unp is awesmoe14:58
hatmancome on... anyone... please some help? there is seriously no solution I can find... I don't want to reinstall xubuntu because that won't help anyway... can anyone please help?14:58
ActionParsnipp1l0t: also install openssh-server for remote tweaking and file access :)14:58
hylianorated: if you type sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop in your terminal, what does it say? (control alt t usually brings up the terminal)14:58
Bucko0909hi, im trying to install wubi, got through the installation process rebooted laptop and tried to boot ubuntu but all i get is a something about ntfs prefix not set for a split second then a black screen, sometimes i get the ubuntu loading screen followed by a little jingle then stuck on a black screen, can anyone shed some light? im new to linux14:59
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hylianActionParsnip: i don't think ssh is the way to go for me. I don't want to bring up the whole desktop, i simply want to run one x app while still in virtual terminal 1.14:59
oratedhylian: lubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.14:59
hylianorated: have you rebooted at all?14:59
oratedYes, three times before asking here15:00
p1l0tActionParsnip: Oh yeah already have openssh, just added denyhost too because of brute force attempts already. Going to make it RSA soon but other issues to deal with first.15:00
hylianorated: how did you install lubuntu-desktop, did you log out of unity or some other desktop environment, and then install it via the virtual terminal? (control alt-f1?)15:00
cfhowlettBucko0909: wubi is for TESTING ubuntu - not a long-term installation solution.  So sayeth wubi developers.  Consider virtualbox or dual booting is the best advice I can offer.15:00
oratedhylian: Is there a command line approach to check if they are installed or not? Not by checking state using aptitude show or something?15:01
Bucko0909i am testing lol , im a dj by proffesion and looking at diffrent laptop setups at the min, intrested in trying mixxx on ubuntu as windows is just greedy on resources15:01
oratedhylian: I installed lubuntu-desktop this way - Logged out of Unity in tty7. Moved to tty1 using Ctrl+Alt+F1.. <sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop> then <sudo apt-get shutdown now -r>15:02
WHAT_DOWNso this is a silly question, but i have a file called "-". how do i read its contents? cat - or nano - don't work.15:02
gordonjcpWHAT_DOWN: cat -- -15:02
hylianorated: there might be. I would personally start by apt-get removing lubuntu-desktop, and then apt-get install lxde. if you can get that way if it is a package problem of some sort, you would know it is in the core of lxde. There is probably a better way to do this, but this is how I would do it.15:02
ubottuBucko909: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org15:02
CQhello, if I get an enclosure like this one http://www.icydock.com/goods.php?id=123 can I attach it to a standard SATA port on the MB (with eSATA connectors at the expansion slot to bring it outside) and then see teh 4 disks inside as separate devices, or how does JBOD work?15:03
Bucko0909cfhowlett: thanks will check it out :)15:03
hyliancan I run a x app from virtual terminal 1? (or how can i?) I think the way i aked my question earlier was not clear.15:03
orated Secondly, after completing modprobe operations on kernel module, is there any thing to do so that I don't have to repeat that step on every system boot?15:04
jactaOooeh - i fucked up some things - it wont auto mount usb drives and such anymore - and manually its also b0rked - does anyone have a clue what to try?15:04
ubottujacta:: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:04
dr_willishylian:  and have it appear on the x server?15:04
hyliandr_willis: yeah, I am trying NOT to go back to control alt f7. I am trying to check something quick, and get back to terminal. switching virtual terminals is rather slow...15:05
karamel4eHello, any help with rescuing data from a probably failing hdd?15:05
delinquentmeOk ... for " upstart " ... $ upstart should run it  ... if I've got it installed right?15:06
hyliandr_willis: i am also trying to just run the one app, and not switch back to the whole gui, because I would like to use the whole screen..15:06
jactacfhowlett, thanks for all that helpfull help, great15:07
hylianjacta: what happens when you manually mount it?15:07
econdudeawesomedr_willis: Figured it out. Use xrandr commands at openbox autostart to get everything configured properly15:07
jactahylian, nothing at all :/15:07
dr_willishylian:  somthing like the following may do it 'xhost + localhost' 'export DISPlAY=localhost:0' then 'theappname'   may work15:07
hylianjacta: so what you are saying is you cant mount it?15:07
hyliandr_willis: thanks, I will try that!15:08
jactahylian, yep, or atleast not automaticly - tried manually too without luck - also tried all usb ports15:08
jactaand sdcard slot too15:08
hylianoops, pressed the wrong button15:09
skaIs there a channel for ufw chatter?15:09
hyliandr willis, can you send that to me again, i accidentally closed my irssi sesssion..??15:10
karamel4eHello, any help with rescuing data from a probably failing hdd?15:10
p1l0tActionParsnip: unp found all the files :) but said failed to detect file type I used 'unp -u fpdf17.tgz /tmp' Does this allow you to specify a folder or do I need to mv it there first? Or use proper syntax?15:10
ActionParsnipp1l0t: waaaay easier than messing with tar switches etc15:10
hyliandr_willis: can you send me that again, i accidentally closed my irssi client...??15:10
ActionParsnipp1l0t: not sure, check the man page, I always just extract to the location it is in15:11
p1l0tActionParsnip: The man page is only 37 lines but I will just mv and unzip its simple and it works I'm happy enough15:11
ActionParsnipp1l0t: yeah its one of the first things I install :)15:12
skaDo I need to use "sudo ufw" if working as root?15:12
ActionParsnipska: if you are root, you don't need sudo15:13
hyliandr_willis: sorry I goofed up, and thanks. I'm going to see if i can find that command again on the web. i went to launch leafpad, and killed my irssi via terminator :(15:13
oratedhylian: "somthing like the following may do it 'xhost + localhost' 'export DISPlAY=localhost:0' then 'theappname'   may work" - dr_willis15:13
hylianorated: thank you!15:13
delinquentmeSo... How does one find out about the grand changes being made in ubuntu ... say like this switch from "services" to " upstart" for managing things like databases ...?   THe issue comes into play when all of the existing documentation is wrong.  Even the manpage for myqsl on ubuntu doesnt work.15:13
p1l0tActionParsnip: Is there a place to vote for default packages or is it up to Linus?15:14
sstap1l0t: Linus doesn't have anything to do with it15:14
hash_Im trying to install LMMS its telling me i need wine 1.2, if i try to install it under synaptic it selects wine 1.2 and wine 1.2 gecko and it wants to uninstall wine and wine 1.3 will i have any problem removing them15:14
karamel4eHello, any help with rescuing data from a probably failing hdd?15:14
ActionParsnipp1l0t: you can vote for things at brainstorm.ubuntu.com but I don't think it does much. Linux just maintains the kernel and other packages, I don't think he inputs to the defaut package choice in ubuntu15:15
oratedkaramel4e: ddrescue?15:15
p1l0tActionParsnip: ssta: I guess its up to Cannocial?15:16
karamel4eorated: I tried with ddrescue, it is copying for 5 days and now I have not more than 1gb, the partition is around 40gb.15:16
unlessCould someone help me figure why Thunderbird insists in telling my gmail account password is wrong?15:16
ActionParsnipp1l0t: indeed15:16
karamel4eorated: I mean it is really slow...15:16
ActionParsnipunless: does email flow ok?15:16
hylianjacta: sorry, I had a bit of typing to do, have you gotten any more help on the usb thing?15:17
sstap1l0t: yeah...there's a release team, who I guess have a say.  I dunno how much is "policy" and how much is "politics" though15:17
jactahylian, not at all, also sd card wont work :o15:17
p1l0tssta: yes15:17
sstap1l0t: I'd *like* to think that all decisions were made for technical reasons, but I doubt that very much :)15:17
unlessActionParsnip, what do you mean?15:17
ActionParsnipunless: does email come down ok? can you send email ok?15:18
unlessActionParsnip, when I try to check my email it says I got the wrong password.15:18
p1l0tssta: in a perfect world15:18
hylianjacta: what desktop environment do you use? Unity? Gnome? XFCE or LXDE? (Unity is the one that automatically comes with ubnutu 12.04)15:18
jactahylian, xubuntu though :)15:18
unlessActionParsnip, actually its a imap account and it is not able to connect to server, both.15:18
jactathink I played in pysdm somehow, but its all b0rked :\15:19
ActionParsnipp1l0t: if you want to install only what you want, install minimal ubuntu and you can build up, so the package choices will be irrelevant :)15:19
sstap1l0t: well, the world is faqr from perfect...I think Linux in general (and Ubuntu in particular) come closer to it than most in the release management aspects15:19
skaDoes "ufw allow 80/tcp" write anything to a configuration file?15:20
sstap1l0t: I tend to install default and then change it to how I want it (unity and friends go...xrdp comes in...if I could find a way to remove dnsmasq cleanly that would go too...)15:20
hylianjacta: in other words, you are using xfce. me too. xubuntu is just a bunch of packages that make xfce prettier, and gives it some nice functionality. some very nice extras.15:20
karamel4eHello, any help with rescuing data from a probably failing hdd?15:20
jactahylian, yep - correct :)15:20
ActionParsnipkaramel4e: try dd_rescure15:21
p1l0tActionParsnip: next time for sure15:21
ActionParsnipkaramel4e: your backups will be far easier and more consistant data15:21
hylianjacta: well first off i can assure you it's not lxde. lxde works great. (i just realized I said xfce before.) my brain doesnt work all that well. I am gonna do some diggin on this.15:21
p1l0tssta: I have been trying to figure out how to opensource life in general..15:22
sstap1l0t: if you work it out, let me know15:22
jactahylian, its xfce im on15:22
unlessActionParsnip, man, I didn't have my imap at google set. Thank you anyways.15:22
p1l0tssta: WILCO15:23
ActionParsnipunless: ahhh, glad you got the gold :)15:23
karamel4eActionParsnip: my backups are already gone, as the other hdd failed previously :915:23
ActionParsnipkaramel4e: oh boy15:23
ActionParsnipkaramel4e: try foremost on the unmounted partition, you will need a large partition mounted writable to spit the data to15:23
sstakaramel4e: ouch.  I've been there long time ago...I feel your pain.  Get as much as you can off as soon as you can and hope you don't lose too much15:23
utopsGallium 0.4 on AMD RV730 - This don't recognize my monitor i need manualy add desired rez via xrandr It feels sloppy. Who got CRT monitor on DVI and can paste me xorg.conf?15:23
hylianjacta: I see.15:24
karamel4eActionParsnip: I wil use foremost, but first I wanted to make an image of the drive with ddrescue and I am still not able to do it15:24
hylianjacta: what format is the usb stick?15:25
jactahylian, but just tried again, noting popups - nothing mounts15:25
karamel4essta: not the first time15:25
jactahylian, tried fat, fat32, ntfs15:25
=== zz_scottas is now known as scottas
jactaits all worked nice earlier :p15:25
skaWhere does ufw store its user-created rules?15:25
hylianjacta: fat32 should have been a sure thing. this is not a usb issue. can you boot to a ubuntu live cd, and then see if you have usb capability? then we would know if it's an after installation issue, or an ubuntu issue.15:26
fredddiiiiiiDoes anyone know a repository for Ubuntu with Empathy themes?15:26
jactahylian, it have been worked for long time, then I did something in some "cant-remember-apps" :\15:27
ActionParsnipkaramel4e: you can use ddrescue to make an image then use foremost on that (if memory serves)15:27
fredddiiiiiiDoes Web Upd8 have an IRC channel?15:27
karamel4eActionParsnip: I tried with ddrescue, it is copying for 5 days and now I have not more than 1gb, the partition is around 40gb.15:27
codemonkeyany one know of a port of zork for linux15:28
codemonkeylooking for a repo source15:28
gordonjcpcodemonkey: if you've got the Z-machine files, try frotz15:29
karamel4eActionParsnip: is 'ddrescure' you are reffering to different from dd_rescue. I installed gddrescue and using this one15:29
gordonjcpcodemonkey: incidentally, stick "play zork on linux" into google; the first two hits are relevant15:29
zertshi I have ubuntu 11.10 gnome 2.32.1, should I update to gnome 3 ?15:30
mike_sunzerts: this is your call15:30
Calinouusing xubuntu 12.04.1 -- why does my screen set itself to 50hz (using proprietary nvidia driver), while my laptop screen suppots 60hz? forcing it in nvidia x server settings does not work15:30
Calinouzerts, there is no gnome 2 in 11.1015:30
codemonkeygordonjcp: cant hit google from here... text only, and navigating via lynx is a pain...15:31
zertsCalinou yup I have this15:31
Calinouyou are not on 11.10 then; 11.04 or prior15:31
ActionParsnipkaramel4e: yeah meant dd_rescue15:32
fredddiiiiiiDoes anyone know a repository for Ubuntu with Empathy themes?15:32
hylianjacta: what do you get when you use this command: sudo lshw -businfo?15:32
zertsI update from 11.04 to 11.1015:32
=== sins- is now known as sins
karamel4eActionParsnip: so something is not right as I would have to wait for months to copy it15:33
jactahylian, http://pastebin.com/E3pr7f1B15:33
zertsgnome-version its 2.32.115:33
Calinouthen you have gnome 3.15:33
Calinouor your upgrade didn't work somehow15:33
hylianjacta: it sees a flash memory card, is that what you are trying to mount?15:35
jactahylian, really, nothing is trying to be mounted atm :\15:35
MeXTuXDoes anybody know if there is package to install C++/Connector from MySQL? I need it but I prefer to install it from a deb package. The one provided by http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/connector/cpp/ is a tar file. Tnx in advance15:36
hylianjacta: but is it in the sd slot?15:37
jactano :/15:37
ActionParsnipMeXTuX: is there a PPA for it?15:38
hylianjacta: can you plug one of the devices in and re-run sudo lshw -businfo?15:38
karamel4eHello, any help with rescuing data from a probably failing hdd?15:38
zertsCalinou  http://postimage.org/image/4ik2tjot1/15:38
auronandacekaramel4e: can't you mount it and copy what you need?15:39
jactahylian, http://pastebin.com/sJar4GUV15:39
kubancany idea why movies in youtube are playing extremly fast?15:39
zertsIts gnome 3 faster that gnome 2.6 ?15:39
ActionParsnipzerts: depends on config15:40
karamel4eauronandace: unfortunately, no. windows can not handle it, ubuntu is mounting it for 10-15 min, after that I can see the folders but I can not copy15:40
ActionParsnipkubanc: can you give the output of:  lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|gnash|swf|spark'      Thanks. Please use a pastebin like http://pastie.org15:40
zertsActionParsnip what version of genome do you have ?15:41
ActionParsnipzerts: gnome, not genome15:41
zertsgnome sorry15:41
duckgodIs anyone else experiencing frequent computer freeze ups on ubunutu 12.10 beta?15:42
ActionParsnipzerts: I use Precise so I have GTK 3.4.215:42
jactahylian, have to go home, brb - 20 mins :\15:42
hylianjacta: i think i stumbled onto something. the website at the end of this message has a post by a person names Joaquin that I think might solve your issue. Here is the website: http://tips4linux.com/usb-devices-not-mounting-in-lucid-heres-a-fix/15:42
jactaill look- thanks <315:42
hylianbye jacta15:42
neooenHi guys! I use German version of ubuntu. Does anyone know how to turn off the auto-correction? I can't type double s. Ubuntu corrects it always to ß.15:43
hylianzerts: I use the human genome myself. ;)15:43
zertslol hylian15:44
hylianneooen: in what application?15:44
zertsso someone use gnome 2.6 or gnome 315:45
aLeSDhi all15:45
hylianzerts: i was using gnome 3 for a while.15:45
dellIs anyone using Scilab for calculating?15:45
hylianaLeSD: hello15:45
OerHekszerts gnome2 is dead.15:45
aLeSDis it possible to put the log of /var/log/kern.log in the background in unity desktop ?15:45
kubancActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/1196870/15:45
dellToday, I use ubuntu 120415:46
zertsOerHeks but its nice and fast15:46
h00kzerts: gnome2 is no longer supported by the gnome team15:46
hylianzerts: gnome 3 has a classical mode that works almost exactly like gnome 2 did. that15:46
aLeSDI use ubuntu 5.0415:46
dellI find this tool,Scilab15:46
xanguazerts: gnome1 was also nice and fast :P15:46
duckgodEvery 30 minutes or so my computer freezes up. I can move the mouse pointer but nothing else happens. Any ideas what could be breaking that would cause this?15:46
hylianaLeSD: 5.04? that's from 2005!15:46
aLeSDdell, use python + numpy + scipy15:46
aLeSDhylian, just kidding15:46
duckgodI am testing ubuntu 12.10 beta 115:46
neooenIt is doing it all over the system, Browser, File Manager, just everywhere15:47
zertsHo well xangua15:47
OerHeksduckgod, support QQ 12.10 in #ubuntu+115:47
aLeSDyou guys rules but may I put a console in the background of everything with tail -f /var/log/kern.log ?15:47
duckgodYeah everywhere.  No matter applications.15:47
zertsIn this case I will update to gnome 315:48
duckgodOk I will try and report to QQ. Just hoping to get a hunch for them to start with.15:48
karamel4eHello, any help with rescuing data from a probably failing hdd?15:49
zertsthx for the help15:49
neooen@hylian just testing don't know how to send a message to you15:49
ChardotHi o/ Does anyone here run Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?15:50
auronandace!mac | Chardot15:50
ubottuChardot: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages15:50
hylianneooen: ubuntu does not have a system wide autocorrect. it took me a while to dig that up, that's why i was gone.15:51
Chardotauronandace: Thanks! :D15:51
hylianneooen: for instance, if you use a simple program like Leafpad, there will be no autocorrect.15:52
hylianhylian: could it be in your keyboard settings?15:52
hylianLOL, i just sent myself a massage... i yiy iy15:52
DanielPorter /msg NickServ identify DspMnp3115:53
hylianneooen: could it be perhaps your keyboard settings?15:53
test123DanielPorter: !15:53
=== test123 is now known as jacklk
hylianDanielPorter: /msg nickserv identify username password, don't put the password here!15:53
daneнужна помощь15:53
bazhang!ru | dane15:53
ubottudane: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:53
BluesKajDanielPorter, do that command in the server textbox15:54
jacklkDanielPorter: Please type "/msg NickServ SETPASS <new password>" once logged in.15:54
neooenhylian: OK but than maybe not system wide, but definitely in applications as above. The some here with Xchat. See ss ss ss ss ss no double s possible15:54
DanielPorterI see what I did working on it LOL15:55
aLeSDhow could I remove mysql service from start on boot ?15:56
hylianneooen: i see double ss's in that text. I am using the english us keyboard layout. I think i see what's happening here now though, I am going to do some quick digging, I will be right back. :)15:56
jacklkI just jizzed in my pants...15:56
BluesKajjacklk, are we supposed to care :)15:57
jacklkThis is uncomfterble.15:57
hylianneooen: are you trying to make a §?15:58
neooenhylian: Yeh, I see it to and it is funny because wwnn I typing it I can see only the German ss, also called in German "scharfes s"15:58
=== mimor_ is now known as mimor
karamel4egddrescue had copied 1gb from a 40g partition for 5 days. Possible reason or solution for probably failing hdd to rescue the data?15:59
GunClivehi. why does my gnome 3 look like gnome 2? i installed ubuntu 12.04, then installed gnome-core, then selected gnome in lightdm. thanks.15:59
calicoAm I safe resizing my partitions, deleting the Win7 partition, etc?15:59
dane_нудна помощь16:00
dr_williskaramel4e:  took me about a month to recover 1tb befor.16:00
dane_есть кто16:00
bazhang!ru | dane_16:00
ubottudane_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:00
neooenhylian: sorry for the mistakes. I just suffer from keyboard dyslexia lol16:00
karamel4edr_willis: so it is normal?16:00
dr_williskaramel4e:  all sort of tricks/gimmicks to try to get the hd going.. none ive ever seen actually work16:00
hylianneooen: hmm, in xchat it could be the auto replace function. the problem here is, you may get this on other apps. but I would try for now to turn off auto replace in xchat, and see if that gets you anywhere, if it does, it's not your keyboard layout. if it does not, that's the direction i would be leaning to.16:01
zeitgeisthi chan16:01
dr_williskaramel4e:  its trying over and over.. it has settings to try just a few times. and move on.. check its docs.16:01
hylianneooen: mee too! :)16:01
karamel4edr_willis: this hdd still seems to work, it is mounts, that's why I am trying16:01
hyliandr_willis: thanks for helping me earlier.16:01
kubancActionParsnip, the problems is virtualBox16:01
dr_willishylian:  i aim to please... even if i cant remember the problem. ;)16:02
karamel4edr_willis: I checked the docs, but no approximate data for this is provided so I was wandering if I should leave it copying16:02
dr_williskaramel4e:  you did use a logfile?16:02
karamel4edr_willis: yes16:02
hylianneooen: you can find the auto replace option in settings, i believe. I personally don't use xchat, but I will fire it up and look around too,16:03
dr_williskaramel4e:  then you can stop and start it again later, with differewnt options and so forth16:03
calicokaramel4e: riskovano li e da ---- Am I safe resizing my partitions, deleting the Win7 partition, etc?16:03
alpi_bel /msg NickServ identify 25610016:03
* calico slaps alpi_bel 16:03
karamel4edr_willis:  ddrescue is reporting about 1000 errors up until now, I couldn't find what kind of errors are these16:04
dr_willisalpi_bel:  oops....16:04
neooenhylian: OK I'll try it, and let you know if something has changed16:04
karamel4edr_willis: I did stopped it and resumed16:04
karamel4ecalico: kakvo?16:04
dr_williskaramel4e:  file verify errors i imagine16:04
ZzBuntuwhich channel is used to discuss beta testing?16:04
dr_williskaramel4e:  do a fast ddrewcue perhaps. then see if you recover what you need..16:04
calicokaramel4e: da si iztriq partitiona s windowsa i da si resizna diska16:05
bazhangZzBuntu, #ubuntu+116:05
ZzBuntubazhang: thanks16:05
karamel4edr_willis: I will check this 'fast' rescue and try16:06
karamel4edr_willis: thanks16:07
* hylian needs a break, goodbye all!16:07
electric_mousei got a problem....  using setterm to set the terminal color does not work for at all.  If I do 'setterm -term xterm-color -fore blue | od' I just get '0000000' back16:08
neooenhylian: there is no aouto-correction in XChat, just spell chack. I tuned it off but no effect.16:08
karamel4edr_willis: in the gddrescue docs nowhere I can find 'fast' option16:09
GunClivehi. why does my gnome 3 look like gnome 2? i installed ubuntu 12.04, then installed gnome-core, then selected gnome in lightdm. thanks.16:10
trismGunClive: the package you were probably looking for is gnome-shell16:11
zeitgeisthey, does anyone have any idea wy wget wouldn't work (no output at all) in the %pre section of a kickstart file ?16:11
ActionParsnipzeitgeist: do you use a proxy for web access?16:11
trismGunClive: oh nm, gnome-shell is a dep of it16:11
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zeitgeistActionParnsip : no, and I wget files on my local network16:12
GunClivetrism, thanks anyway16:12
trismGunClive: then you probably don't have graphics support for it, and it is falling back to gnome-panel16:12
GunClivetrism, ok. thanks16:13
hatmandoes anyone know how I can fix my sound in Xubuntu?16:13
hatmanit is been recognised, but isnt set as hardware output16:14
hatmanit is unavailable16:14
hatmanhow do I fix it?16:14
GunClivein gnome3 how can i save a session?16:14
dr_williskaramel4e:  use the options to make it faster.... ignore errors. retry ince. and  so on. the homepage has examples16:14
hatmanlol karamel are you still there? how is the copying?16:15
hatmandid it work?16:15
karamel4ehatman: I am here. I have stopped it for now.16:17
karamel4ehatman: I am trying to figure out what would be the best to be done.16:17
hatmankaramel4e: ok16:18
keepbroHi everyone16:18
andrealto98which ubutnu version do you have?16:18
hatmankaramel4e: what brand is the hdd?16:18
karamel4edr_willis: looking at it right now16:18
keepbroCan someone help a new user with a noob problem?16:18
joeverhi guys. i'm running 12.04, fonts are blury and fuzzy. can someone please help me?16:18
hatmankeepbro: hi, go aahead16:18
karamel4ehatman: give me a sec16:18
keepbroMy mousepointer has become the amazing disappearing and reappearing mouse pointer16:18
numarul7I want to inform you all that CoreI7 Nehalem is not compatible with Linux/Ubuntu16:19
hatmankeepbro: that sounds fun, doesn't it?16:19
MonkeyDustnumarul7  there's a page where you can report it16:19
keepbroits all the rage here16:19
hatmankeepbro: try restarting the system16:19
keepbrorage being the operative word16:19
keepbrowell sometimes its there - then sometimes its not16:19
hatmankeepbro: but without saving the session16:19
MonkeyDust!hardware > numarul716:19
ubottunumarul7, please see my private message16:19
ztanei have fuse-encrypted home directory; is there anything in special slowing down stat system calls, like not caching dir names, that has changed recently?16:20
keepbrohow do you mean?16:20
dr_williskaramel4e:   last drive i tried to rescue started working. ( the ddrescue load freed it up?)  so i backed it up... then it died again a week later ;)16:20
Calinoujoever, try adjusting font smoothing settings16:20
hatmankeepbro: just restart16:20
kingnebexcan any 1 help me....my laptop keeps on freezing  specialy wen im on line16:21
hatmankeepbro: when you go to Log off, it says if you want to safe session if I'm right?16:21
hatmankeepbro: you have to turn that off16:21
joeverCalinou, i've tried that16:21
keepbroit just says cancel shutdown logout16:22
keepbrono save session16:22
hatmankeepbro: go to your settings under energy, and see if you can find the option that says "automatically save session on logout" (yeah sorry my ubuntu is dutch, don't know the exact translation)16:22
hatmankeepbro: afterwards just restart the system16:23
karamel4ehatman: seagate momentus16:23
hatmankaramel4e: I told you it was a seagate!16:23
hatmanI also had a seagate which had problems16:23
keepbrook ill try that - thank you16:23
karamel4ehatman: probably, the other one that failed was also seagate16:24
andrealto98can you see what i'm writing?16:24
andrealto98oh, thanks you16:25
hatmanSeagates are very well known for their... super-bad hddś16:25
hatmanI believe16:25
andrealto98i'm italian, you?16:25
numarul7MonkeyDust i read it and see that is only bug report for app16:25
karamel4ehatman: I know that 'now' the hard way..16:25
bazhang!ot | andrealto9816:25
ubottuandrealto98: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:25
andrealto98ok, sorry16:25
* BluesKaj knocks on wood ..my WD160G is 7 yrs old and still working fine , even this seagate is ok for a 4 yr old drive16:26
BluesKajall running kubuntu16:27
ubottuPlease do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:27
karamel4ehatman: But I really don't know if it's failing as first I checked it with the Ashampoo program in Windows and it said that the hdd is ok..16:27
numarul7people that have Samsung hardrive made in 2010 must know that their hdd will crash soon16:27
numarul7they have defects16:27
hatmanNah, all my hdd 's are WD. I have had one iomega and one Seagate that both got ruined16:28
hatmanMy old WD's are still doing fine16:28
hatmanI'm doing some heavy math now, I'll come back later16:28
numarul7Samsung hdd division got bought by WD in 201016:28
numarul7cause hardware failure all the time16:28
bazhangnumarul7, `lets get back on topic16:28
karamel4ehatman: I really don't know what to buy next, but that's another topic16:29
karamel4ehatman: good luck with math :)16:29
becom33how do I know to which usb the dongle is connected to ?16:29
dr_willisthis is why this channel is strong on  having backups..16:29
becom33in /dev there are couple of usbs16:30
numarul7i want to report that DELL N5010 (Aluminium edition) Nehalem I7 is not supported by Ubuntu :) give 95`C  message and kill the PC , Windows 7 works perfect16:30
Myrttinumarul7: reporting it here will do no difference16:30
neooenhylian: I changed the system language to english. Everything is fine now. But I would like to know how to turn off auto replacing anyway, Didn't find such function anywhere in ubuntu settings.16:30
Myrttinumarul7: also even if you find a suitable place for reporting your issues, that's not detailed enough.16:31
karamel4edrecute: you are right about backups, but I ran out of hdds :)16:32
becom33anyone ?16:32
Praximan, get a weekend off, and all of a sudden my chrome just quits working16:32
dellaLeSD:python? I have no idea about this soft16:32
dellnumarul7:try redhat16:33
OerHeksbecom33, plug it out, doe lsusb, and plug it in, lsusb again16:33
dellgo to sleep16:33
neooenHi! Does enybody know how to turn off/on the auto-correction, resp. auto replacing function in ubuntu?16:34
becom33OerHeks, Bus 002 Device 009: ID 12d1:1436 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd16:34
becom33so how I do know its USB0 or USB1 Or USB2 ?16:34
OerHeksbecom33, what do you want, there is no such thing as usb016:37
becom33OerHeks, Im trying to use gammu to send sms trough the dongal but its asking to which port its connnted to16:37
becom33connected to *16:37
daemongplbecom33: lsusb16:38
zeitgeisthey, does anyone know why wget wouldn't work (i.e. zero output) when used through a script in the %pre section of a kickstart file ?16:40
OerHeksbecom33, hwinfo, see >> http://z0manifest.blogspot.nl/2009/03/wammu-and-finding-usb-ports.html16:40
ActionParsnipzeitgeist: do you use a proxy for web access (missed your reply earlier).16:41
afloaterI installed 12.04. When I connect to a dhcp server, it changes my nameserver in resolv.conf to localhost ( Anyone know why?16:42
ActionParsnipzeitgeist: try: wget downloadfile -O/dev/null |& sed -u -n 's/[0-9]*%/&/p'16:42
zeitgeistActionParsnip : No, and I wget files on my LAN. Actually, even when I use wget with no arguments, I don't even have the help message (thans for answering)16:42
ActionParsnipzeitgeist: source: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/sed-processing-wget-progress-bar-841905/16:43
ActionParsnipzeitgeist: I try16:43
eleazarhey guys, i have a really stupid question, how do i get this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/quantal/sabnzbdplus to show up in ubuntu software center?16:46
ActionParsnip!info sabnzbdplus16:47
ubottusabnzbdplus (source: sabnzbdplus): web-based binary newsgrabber with nzb support. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.6.15-1 (precise), package size 848 kB, installed size 2616 kB16:47
nateman254can someone help me?16:47
ActionParsnipeleazar: sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus16:47
ActionParsnipeleazar: make sure you have the multiverse repo enabled16:48
eleazarthat's actually how i got it to instal, but it keeps installing 0.6.15, but that link shows 0.7.3 being available :\16:48
zeitgeistActionParsnip: I'm setting up a new ks file with your code, but I don't think it's just an output problem : if I wget a file then list the content of my working dir, the file is not there16:49
nateman254i need to get linux on a windows 98 computer, but it won't read the disk when i set it to start up from it first...16:49
eleazarActionParsnip, is there something i need to enable to download the latest version? (i have multiverse enabled in preferences for ubuntu software center)16:50
bazhangeleazar, thats from 12.1016:50
bazhangeleazar, dont mix version repos16:50
bazhangnateman254, what make and model of computer exactly16:51
NEoneHi. While most windows can be resized by picking the corner of the window with the mose and drag it, the "system settings" window cannot be dragged/resized. Is it just me, or can anybody confirm this behaviour?16:51
ActionParsnipeleazar: I may have a ppa16:51
nateman254hp pavillion16:51
ActionParsnipeleazar: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jcfp/ppa; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sabnzbdplus16:52
ActionParsnipeleazar: source: https://launchpad.net/~jcfp/+archive/ppa16:52
eleazarActionParsnip, woot! thanks! :)16:53
FunnyLookinHatSo - let's say I added the xorg-edgers PPA and installed a bunch of updates... is there a way to reverse that process without a clean install?16:54
ActionParsnipeleazar: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas    lets you search the PPAs16:54
nateman254it's an hp pavillion16:54
bazhangFunnyLookinHat, ppa-purge16:54
bazhang!ppa-purge | FunnyLookinHat16:54
ubottuFunnyLookinHat: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html16:54
FunnyLookinHatbazhang, Great thanks16:54
eleazarActionParsnip, wow perfect, thanks again. i was just about to ask how you found that :D16:55
eleazari think this is the fastest I've found help on IRC in about 10 years lol16:55
wilee-nileeNEone, some windows have a fixed size16:56
ActionParsnipeleazar: that page lets you search for all packages :)16:56
zeitgeistActionParsnip: tested, still no wget ouput16:56
ActionParsnipeleazar: duckduckgo has a a bang for it to:  !ppa    makes life easy16:56
nateman254but what i'm trying to do is get the disk ready for it and then install it on there so i can use it... but for some reason, when i try to get it to read it, it stays on a black screen and doesn't load.16:56
ActionParsnipnateman254: what video chip do you use?16:56
nateman254idk... it's not my computer, it's my grandmothers...16:57
ActionParsnipnateman254: try the boot option:  nomodeset16:57
eleazarActionParsnip, duckduckgo? not sure what you mean16:58
nateman254how do i get there? i have to move the screen back and forth from both computers16:58
ActionParsnipeleazar: its an internet search engine16:58
eleazaroh nice, i'll have to check that out16:59
eleazaris ubuntu 12.10 the next version coming out? and that's what this version of sabnzbd was technically compiled for?16:59
ActionParsnipeleazar: look at the version number and think ;)16:59
ActionParsnipeleazar: think about what year it is :)17:00
ActionParsnip!info sabnzbd quantal17:00
ubottuPackage sabnzbd does not exist in quantal17:00
eleazarohh, it's year.month?17:00
ActionParsnip!info sabnzbdplus quantal17:00
ubottusabnzbdplus (source: sabnzbdplus): web-based binary newsgrabber with nzb support. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.7.3-1 (quantal), package size 1043 kB, installed size 3383 kB17:00
ActionParsnipeleazar: exactly ;D17:00
eleazari had no idea :x I'm running ubuntu for the first time in about 4years17:00
ActionParsnipeleazar: as logical as it gets17:01
ActionParsnip!nomodeset | nateman25417:01
ubottunateman254: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:01
eleazaryes, that's great, knowing at a glance when it was released17:01
ActionParsnipeleazar: and when it is EOL17:01
eleazarah yeah that too17:01
eleazarso now that i added that ppa, does that mean it's searchable in ubuntu software center?17:02
eleazar(only the packages for that ppa obviously)17:02
ActionParsnipeleazar: yes, all package apps will search the PPA as well as the official repos17:02
eleazarthanks again!17:03
ActionParsnipeleazar: np17:03
someprimetimewhat's the best mail delivery agent: Dovecot or Courier?17:04
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someprimetimeor is there one that's installed by default usually?17:04
ActionParsnipsomeprimetime: there is no single best17:04
b3efis a 5400rpm hdd too slow to stream movies from?17:04
ActionParsnipb3ef: shouldn't be an issue17:05
b3efok, cool17:05
b3efwanted to double check before moving storage around17:05
eleazarActionParsnip, I'm back with one more question :x i added this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~rgibert/+archive/media but when i sudo apt-get install sickbeard, it says it's not found. am i using the wrong name? (i used this command to install the ppa: sudo add-apt-repository ppa::rgibert/media; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install sickbeard17:06
eleazari think i might see the problem17:07
ChogyDangedit sucks now.  Any recommendations for a text / code editor?  Something not tied to the terminal17:07
raidoJust an FYI. I was having problems getting update-manager and APT to see the new releases here at the office. We use and apt-cacher proxy here and it turns out, for some reason not yet known, apt-cacher will prevent an install from seeing new releases. Easy fix to disable the proxy on the client... do the upgrade and then reenable the proxy.17:07
eleazarActionParsnip, nevermind, it was an extra : in the command17:07
ActionParsnipChogyDan: leafpad :)17:09
ChogyDanActionParsnip: thanks, Ill give it a go17:09
ActionParsnipChogyDan: some text editor from Mac got portd to Ubuntu if you wanna try that17:09
ActionParsnipChogyDan: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/textmate2-goes-open-source-could-come-to-linux17:10
ChogyDanActionParsnip: cool17:10
the[reason]hello how can i learn installed tcl tk version17:10
ActionParsnipthe[reason]: dpkg -l | grep tcl17:11
the[reason]and tk framework?17:11
ActionParsnipthe[reason]: just grep for different things17:11
the[reason]oh i see17:11
ChogyDanActionParsnip: are you sure you didn't mis-read the headline?  it says "could" come to linux17:11
the[reason]ActionParsnip, does tk tcl come with default17:12
the[reason]in ubuntu17:12
ActionParsnipthe[reason]: not sure to be honet17:12
the[reason]ok thnx17:12
ActionParsnipChogyDan: "Mac text editor .Text Mate. is going open-source"17:12
zeitgeistAnyone knows about using wget through the %pre section of a kickstart file ?17:12
minasI connected my TV to my laptop. the display is mirrored from my laptop to the tv. however, the resolution on tv that is displayed is 1280x720, but its native resolution is 1366x768 (as the laptop). there's no option for 1366x768 for the TV resolution. what can I do? (I'm using the ati proprietary driver - 12.04)17:13
ChogyDanActionParsnip: ok ok, I was just asking for real recommendations, nm17:13
smwzeitgeist, kickstart is redhat family17:13
ActionParsnipChogyDan: http://www.addictivetips.com/ubuntu-linux-tips/15-ubuntu-text-editors-grab-your-favorite/17:14
zeitgeistzeitgeist: Does't Ubuntu's implementation have differences ?17:15
zeitgeistsmw: I mean :smw17:15
smwzeitgeist, ubuntu uses the debian installer which uses "preseed" files17:16
zeitgeistsmw, what about https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/amd64/automatic-install.html ?17:17
afloater I installed 12.04. When I connect to a dhcp server, it changes my nameserver in resolv.conf to localhost ( Anyone know why?17:18
frafracurrently i have win7 but i wish to have ubuntu also. I have a clean/empty usb stick. on the homepage, am I supposed to download the iso file "ubuntu-12.04.1-desktop-amd64.so" to my usb stick. and then in boot meny choose usb stick then follow instruction ? is that the way to go ?17:19
smwzeitgeist, I recommend https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/installation-guide/amd64/appendix-preseed.html17:19
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ActionParsnipafloater: try:  echo "nameserver" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/tail > /dev/null17:19
smwzeitgeist, I have no idea why it recommends kickstart :-\17:19
karamel4eddrescue is copying files with 30B/s. Any possible reason?17:20
f0reign3rfrafra I'd recommend using Unetbootin to setup your usb stick17:20
ChogyDanActionParsnip: fwiw, I think Im going with sublime 2.  Not free software, but I know someone who uses it17:20
apgHello, is it allowed here to chat about less formal topic?17:20
DJones!ot | apg17:21
ubottuapg: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:21
ikoniaapg: no, it's ubuntu support discussion17:21
auronandaceapg: no, this is just support17:21
bazhangapg, in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss17:21
apgokay, got it :)17:21
rtdoshey all, just read an article on Wired that "claims" OSX killed the Linux Desktop, what do you guys think? have you seen the article?17:22
NEoneafloater: If you want to make a dual-boot installation, I recommend making a copy (an image) of your windows partitions before starting. The "clonezille" bootable CD as imaging software and a big USB harddrive as target might serve good for this.17:22
ChogyDanrtdos: read the few lines posted above yours17:22
bazhangrtdos, thats offtopic here17:22
frafraf0reign3r okey, thank you I'll google "Unetbootin" to see what it is17:22
bazhangfrafra, unetbootin.sourceforge.net17:22
zeitgeistsmw: Actually kickstart work as far as automating the install process, the only problem I have is using wget in the pre-install script. Do you mean Ubuntu's kickstart implementation is not to be considered stable ? I woulnd't mind using preseeding but my whole install thing is due tomorrow...17:23
ActionParsnipChogyDan: try it, see how it goes17:23
ActionParsnipChogyDan: I use leafpad and nano17:24
smwzeitgeist, I did not even know ubuntu had a kickstart implementation17:24
frafrabazhang thank you17:24
smwzeitgeist, no need to scrap your current one. Ignore me :-)17:24
eleazarI'm back with another noob question :\ i installed sickbeard using a ppa, it installed fine, but when i type the application name in dash home, the app doesn't come up. is there any way to make dash home refresh currently installed applications?17:24
zeitgeistsmw, you scared me there ! Thanks for answering anyway :)17:25
ActionParsnipeleazar: try running it from terminal, the output may give clues17:25
smweleazar, I have never install SB from packages, are you sure it is not running from init.d?17:25
smweleazar, it is a service with a web interface17:25
eleazarsmw, well i assumed it wasn't running b/c i thought on first run it would open firefox to the web interface, is that rong?17:26
smweleazar, most likely wrong, yes17:26
smweleazar, do ps -ef | grep -i sick17:26
eleazarsmw,  27218 25776  0 13:26 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto -i sick17:27
smweleazar, in that case it is not running17:27
eleazarah ok17:27
eleazarhow do i run manually from terminal?17:27
smweleazar, I have no idea how the people who made the packages set it up17:27
smweleazar, if they did it right, there is a file in /etc/default/ named sickbeard17:28
smweleazar, is there?17:28
eleazari'll check17:28
atrussmw: isn't /usr/share/applications/sickbeard.desktop more likely to be useful?17:29
eleazarsm no there isn't :(17:29
smwatrus, does that exist?17:29
smweleazar, see atrus's post17:30
atrusi expect that's what the dash search for17:30
atrusand what would cause it to show up in the list of applications, where i'm guessing it's missing for eleazar17:30
rtdosam using ubuntu server 12.04  - how do i create a cron script to automatically shut off the system at midnight (have the bios starting the system every morning at 7AM) ...???17:30
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ikoniartdos: sudo shutdown -h now run that script at midnight every day17:31
smwatrus, the issue is I don't know these packages... I installed it manually as a service on startup17:31
ActionParsniprtdos: sudo crontab -e17:31
romy420hi, is there a way to 'undelete' files/folders that were deleted with rm -rf?17:31
eleazaratrus, smw i think you're right, it's looking in /usr/share/applications/ for dash home apps17:32
ikoniaromy420: not really17:32
eleazarhow do i add sickbeard to that? :\17:32
atruseleazar: what is it you're trying to do exactly?17:32
f0reign3rromy420: perhaps using ddrescue, but i've never tried it17:32
ikoniathat won't work17:32
smweleazar, try running sickbeard -D17:32
smweleazar, (or whatever the cmd is called)17:32
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romy420too bas ... ty17:33
ActionParsniprtdos: add the line:   0 0 * * * shutdown -h now17:33
ikoniause a full path to shutdown17:33
Mysterytrainif I copy /home to another partition will it also copy the filesystems I have mounted in it? In other words should I umount stuff before copying?17:33
ikoniacron has no shell envkiornment17:33
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smweleazar, I need to go. Good luck :-)17:34
rtdosOK so it should be "crontab -e" then "0 0 * * * /bin/shutdown -h now" ?17:34
afloaterActionParsnip: I dont understand why connecting to different network changes nameserver to localhost17:34
p1l0tis 00 a fail in crontab?17:34
afloateris there a local dns service that ubuntu uses now17:34
ikoniartdos: sudo17:34
ikoniartdos: also make sure you have "NOPASSWD" setup for sudo17:34
hfic00 is a negative in cron17:34
wadI've got an ebook file. What's a good reader for these? Searching in the software center didn't turn up much.17:34
atrusafloater: sort of.17:34
bazhangwad what format17:34
ActionParsniprtdos: the sudo crontab -e     will cron as root (needed for shutdown), the next bit I gave was to be added to the file. When you exit the editor the cron will be added17:35
afloaterId like to disable it17:35
ActionParsniprtdos: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron17:35
afloaterit responds way to slowly17:35
afloaterplus its not ideal when you have intranet dns17:35
wad> file 18.epub -----------> 18.epub: EPUB ebook data17:35
ChogyDanafloater: try dig hostname to test it out17:35
bazhangwad, fbreader iirc or okular17:35
wadok, thanks17:35
ActionParsnipafloater: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-dnsmasq-in-ubuntu-12-04precise.html17:36
atrusafloater: it's just a proxy to whatever dns server you've configured, so it's unlikely to cause any timing problems.17:36
wadbazhang, looks good, thanks!17:36
afloaterit does not seem to be working at all17:36
afloaternot sure why17:36
atrusafloater: just make sure you've listed the right server in your network configuration (eg, run nm-connection-editor, and edit the config there)17:36
atrusyou don't typically edit /etc/resolv.conf by hand any more. there's a number of reasons why doing it with dnsmasq is better, mostly related to vpns, but getting it all done one way is a plus too.17:37
eleazarsorry, was afk for a minute :\17:37
afloaterActionParsnip: thank you17:37
atrusafloater: my guess is that you configured it manually, and the fact that those manual changes don't happen any more is the source of your problem.17:38
atrusafloater: ActionParsnip's link is likely not a good long-term solution.17:39
afloaternot configured manually at all17:39
afloaterits NM17:39
zeitgeistI'm still looking for a kickstart / installation environment hero to help me understand why wget won't even give me an error message when use in a pre-install script17:40
afloatereverytime I reconnect to another dhcp server it changes resolv.conf's namerserver to localhost17:40
atrusafloater: that's supposed to happen.17:40
afloaterId like to just pull w/e namerservers are local17:40
somanI have a disc with windows image. Why can't I see its contents in Ubuntu 12.04 after putting it in CDROM? I'm looking at /cdrom17:40
rochakcan anyone suggest me how to set default permision in folder in Ubuntu?17:40
wadsoman, check in /media17:41
batteronizerHi, need a little help. I have a USB modem and for some reason not able to connect to it through the usual Edit Connections->Mobile broadband17:41
batteronizerso I connected through wvdial17:41
rochakikonia: hello. umask do i need that?17:41
ikoniarochak: yes17:41
rochakikonia: i read about g+s . what does it do?17:42
somanwad: I have floppy0 and apt folders in media17:42
ikoniathey are chmod options17:42
atrusafloater: n-m puts whatever nameserver it thinks it should use in /var/run/nm-dns-dnsmasq.conf, which your dnsmasq will use. if there are servers there you don't expect to use, then the config in NM is probably set up to use the dns server provided by dhcp.17:42
ikoniagor setuid on group17:42
wadsoman, Can you see the drive from: cat /proc/partitions17:42
Jordan_Usoman: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" and "mount".17:42
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rochakikonia: oh, Ok let me try with umask then17:44
wadsoman, what do you mean "windows image"? Do you mean it's a Windows install disk of some sort? CDs use the ISO 9660 format, which linux reads quite nicely...17:44
somanwad: windows install disk17:44
somanJordan_U: http://paste.kde.org/546794/29907913/17:45
pushchanged /etc/sudoers still unable to update /etc/hosts file with sudo17:45
wadsoman, ah, maybe there is some MicroSoft trickery going on then. I don't see the drive... can you see a different CD when you insert it?17:46
ActionParsnippush: can you give the line you added please?17:46
somanwad: I'll check it now... just a min17:46
ikoniapush: why have you changed /etc/sudoers17:46
batteronizerbut the network status still shows up as disconnected17:46
Jordan_Usoman: I don't see any CDROM listed by blkid, but I expect to. Is the CDROM drive connected properly and powered up?17:47
batteronizerand applications like software center and empathy aren't able to see the connection either17:47
push# User privilege specification17:48
ikoniapush: why have you changed /etc/sudoers17:48
rtdos@ikonia - how do i setup the "NOPASSWD" option for sudo again?17:48
pushroot    ALL=(ALL) ALL17:48
pushjaya    ALL=(ALL) ALL17:48
wadJordan_U, yeah, checking another more "normal" CD should give us this info. :)17:48
batteronizerso, even though i'm connected, i'm unable to use those applications17:48
somanJordan_U: yes17:48
somanSorry people17:48
ActionParsniprtdos: its not a good idea, it removes a LOT of security in your OS17:48
wadrtdos, also, it needs to be the last line in the file.17:48
somanAfter re-inserting the disc all works now17:48
pushikonia: was unable to update hosts file with sudo so tried  changing sudoers17:49
wadWe fixed it!!17:49
ikoniapush: the default sudo rules will allow you to update /etc/hosts17:49
eleazaratrus, i installed sickbeard via a ppa, but it's not showing up in dash home, and i can't figure out how to run it from the command line (I'm a linux noob :( )17:49
somanOne more Q: is it etc/hosts file has same meaning as Windows hosts file?17:49
Sokelpush: Exactly what ikonia said. You basically are now putting conflicts in the sudoers file. Remove it, now.17:49
ActionParsnippush: doesn't the line need starting with a percent sign?17:49
ikoniapush: how are you editing the sudoers file17:49
batteronizersoman: yes17:50
somanbatteronizer: thanks17:50
ActionParsnippush: for the groupname17:50
atruseleazar: if it's not in the dash home, i'd call that a bug in the package. you may be able to work around that, eg, by running dpkg -L <package name> to see if there's a file in /usr/bin that should be executed17:50
manisabriI changed the usb port of my web cam and its not working any more , any ideas? I don't remember which port it was and I have 30 of them !!17:50
smthi, i recently changed my hardware and now lm-sensors doesnt find any sensors (apart from hdd and gpu) i already ran sensors-detect... the new motherboard is an asus M5A78L-M LE17:50
somanJordan_U: is cdrom should be a visible by those commands you gave me? Maybe I should mount it?17:50
push@ActionParsnip: # User privilege specification17:51
pushroot    ALL=(ALL) ALL17:51
pushjaya    ALL=(ALL) ALL17:51
ikoniapush: please stop posting that17:51
Sokelpush: You're being dumb. Remove your name from the sudoers file.17:51
atruseleazar: or see if it has something in /usr/share/doc/<package name> that would explain some first-steps.17:51
ikoniastart answering the questions actually asked17:51
ikoniapush: 1.) what was the command you used to edit sudo17:51
ikoniapush: 2.) what is the command you are using to try to edit /etc/hosts17:51
rochakikonia: gtg17:51
eleazaratrus, ah ok, i'll check those, thanks17:51
wadsoman, actually, you have it backwards. The windows hosts file has the same meaning as the UNIX one. :)17:52
atruseleazar: it could be the sort of program that just runs on startup in the background, and you access it via your web-browser on http://localhost:<some port> or something17:52
eleazaratrus, assuming this was a normal package that installed correctly, how would i normally launch it from terminal?17:53
ActionParsnipeleazar: have you read any man pages, websites or did you just thrown in the package and start guessing how it is used?17:54
afloateratrus: Id rather disable the dnsmasq stuff17:54
afloaterdont see the benefit17:54
bobweavergo go speed  racer   afloater  ?17:55
eleazarActionParsnip, i have been using sickbeard on windows for a year or so, so i know how sickbeard works, i just don't know linux :\ so i have no read any man pages :(17:55
atrusafloater: the simplest benefit is probably just that your system is configured the way ubuntu expects, so it'll be easier to get support later.17:55
manisabriubuntu 11.10 64 , changed webcam usb port , not working any more , any ideas?17:55
ActionParsnipeleazar: think you may want to find out how it runs on linux then, its clearly different17:55
bobweavereleazar,  sickbread works on Ubuntu  http://www.ainer.org/sick-beard-install-setup-configuration-guide-for-ubuntu-linux-mint17:56
eleazarbobweaver, thanks! i'll check that out too17:57
pushoh i lost the link17:57
bobweavereleazar,  there is also mythtv and Ubuntu tv that is comming soon (Ubutnu tv ) there is also other things xbmc ect17:57
bobweavergnome dvb ect17:58
eleazarwow nice17:59
bobweavereleazar,  I am a huge fan of myth-tv   But help and work on Ubuntu tv everyday it will be great maybe in Ubuntu 13.10  or Ubuntu 13.04 we will all know soon18:00
theadminCan anyone help me get magnet: links working? None of the torrent clients I tried work (I tried Deluge, uTorrent, Vuze...). Preferably in Deluge.18:00
theadminOh, the browser is Firefox.18:00
pushSorry i had lost the link.18:00
pushcouldnt change hosts file with sudo. So updated sudoers to18:00
push# User privilege specification18:00
pushroot    ALL=(ALL) ALL18:00
pushjaya    ALL=(ALL) ALL18:00
FloodBot1push: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:00
rtdosOK, thanks.18:00
pushStill unable to update hosts file18:00
ActionParsniptheadmin: works in transmission last I tried (if I remember correctly)18:00
Lunar_Lamppush: log out and back in again.18:00
auronandacepush: stop it18:00
ikoniapush: if you post that again - you will be removed from the hcannel18:00
ikoniapush: answer the questions18:00
ikoniapush: 1.) what was the command you used to edit sudo18:00
ikoniapush: 2.) what is the command you are using to try to edit /etc/hosts18:00
rtdosone more question (2 parts): does ubuntu server come with sdl / opengl installed? if not how do i install the sdl / opengl libraries?18:01
theadminActionParsnip: Ok... Transmission isn't a client I want to use (I have reasons -- some trackers I use don't allow it)18:01
bobweaverDulge I thought you just go to file->open and paste in the magent18:01
theadminbobweaver: Yeah, but I want to simply click the link in the browser, you know?18:01
ActionParsniptheadmin: ive used transgui and it accepts magnet links and they get sent to my server18:01
pushvisudo from #18:01
UbuntuBookProHey guys. I get terrible battery life on my Macbook Pro, what can I do about that?18:02
bobweavertheadmin,  Yeah I know and feel the pain also sometimes18:02
ActionParsnip!mac | UbuntuBookPro18:02
ubottuUbuntuBookPro: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages18:02
skaCan I deinstall a set of packages via dpkg --set-selections list.txt, where list.txt has the packages listed with "deinstall" after the package name?18:02
ActionParsnipubottu: may have some tips / settings18:02
ubottuActionParsnip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:02
bobweaverwhat is kubutu torrent client ? try that . theadmin18:02
theadminska: Probably. But why no thave a list of packages and pass it on to apt-get remove? (sudo apt-get remove $(cat something))18:02
theadminbobweaver: Meh... Ok, thanks, I'll figure it out myself.18:03
bobweaverska,  what ?  dpkg-query -l | grep <name of package>   ??18:03
theadminska: If you're modifying the dpkg state you might want to run "sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade" after  modifying the states.18:04
ckaebossHey all. Is there any tool I can use to securely erase a file? I want at least 22 swipes.18:04
theadminckaeboss: Linux comes with "shred", try that. "man shred" for a manual.18:04
bobweaversrm  ckaeboss  ?18:04
rswi have a small question involving virtualbox this pci passtrough setup i installed some old gfx for the host and my gamin card i put in other pcix slot but ubuntu is not detecting it18:04
ckaebosstheadmin thanks18:04
bobweaver!info srm18:04
ubottuPackage srm does not exist in precise18:04
bobweaver!info secure-delete18:05
ubottusecure-delete (source: secure-delete): tools to wipe files, free disk space, swap and memory. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1-5 (precise), package size 65 kB, installed size 188 kB18:05
ActionParsnipcheez0r: why 22, you only need 118:05
rswor is a seperate gfx not needed for that ?18:05
pushikonia: sudo cat $new >> /etc/hosts18:05
rtdos one more question (2 parts): does ubuntu server come with sdl / opengl installed? if not how do i install the sdl / opengl libraries?18:05
seliteHello. I know the stack limit is defined by the OS, but how do I check how much stack I have and is there a way to modify it?18:05
theadminpush: Well that won't work18:05
seliteI am aware of the portability issues that may arise due that.18:05
ActionParsnippush: sudo doesn't traverse the redirection18:05
crypticmofihi all18:06
pushoh. So way out?18:06
theadminpush: >> is a shell thing, your bash isn't running as root so >> isn't working. Use this instead: cat new | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts18:06
crypticmofihow can i get rid of the ubuntu 12 launcher stuff looking thing18:06
crypticmofii think its bogging down my system18:06
theadminpush: Remove "-a" if you'd use > rather than >> normally18:06
ActionParsnippush: echo $new | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts18:06
kopobaany one how know japanes language pm me plizz i need help in translation18:06
ubottu日本語の場合は /join #ubuntu-jp または /join #kubuntu-jp を入力して下さい。18:06
theadminkopoba, ActionParsnip: Translations aren't something discussed or supported on any Ubuntu channels, except maybe #ubuntu-offtopic...18:07
ckaebosstheadmin: I see that they say one option is -n or --iterations=N. Can I just use --iterations=50 if I want to swipe over it 50 times?18:07
theadminckaeboss: Correct18:07
crypticmofiany ideas ?18:07
ckaebosstheadmin: thanks18:07
skatheadmin: yea, I have a big list of packages I want to remove and this seems like the fasted way to try it. I'm fuzzy on the details after a long time.18:07
crypticmofior what i the launcher stuff in ubuntu 12 so i can google it ?18:07
theadmin!notunity | crypticmofi18:07
ubottucrypticmofi: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic18:07
pushtheadmin : thank you . i was fixing wrong thing18:07
kopobatheadmin #ubuntu-offtopic ?18:07
theadminkopoba: Yeah, it's a channel for about anything18:08
kopobatheadmin thanks18:08
fobodoes anyone know how can i collect information of a usb 3g modem18:08
auronandacefobo: lsusb18:08
bobweaverlsusb fobo18:08
theadminpush: Hint: use "sudo -i" to get a root shell and then you can run commands as you normally would. It's not really safe though (you may erase something you don't want to, for instance)18:09
fobothanks :)18:09
ActionParsnipfobo: lsusb   is a good start18:09
skatheadmin: at least that is how I used to do it. but i forgot the dselect-upgrade part18:09
crypticmofitheadmin so just isntall gnome-panel ?18:09
theadmincrypticmofi: Yeah, pretty much18:09
foboi'll send information to the usb modeswitch developer :)18:09
crypticmofitheadmin then reboot or logout ?18:10
theadmincrypticmofi: Log out, click the gear-looking thingy, choose "GNOME Fallback" (or "GNOME Classic") out of the list18:11
rswnobody knows why ubuntu does not detect my other gfx card :(18:11
dr_williswhat other card18:11
pushtheadmin: thanx. I was working on a script . Only beacaus of this line I was not able to avail it to normal users. should I revert changes in sudoers ?18:12
bobweaverrsw please PASTEBIN  the output os      lspci -nn | grep VGA18:12
theadminpush: Probably. They won't really hurt but they do nothing long as you are in the "admin" group18:12
Jordan_Upush: Yes.18:12
foboi think lsusb seems didn't get enough. what if i should supply denser information?18:13
xevworkI'm in dependency hell. I'm trying to backport samba 3.6.7 to Lucid using pbuilder. I need to install a newer version of debhelper, but it requires dh-apparmor. When I try to compile apparmor, it requires debhelper! Any tips?18:13
pushtheadmin: ok18:13
kbrosnantheadmin: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Register_protocol18:13
sliddjurI did a sudo useradd peter and passwd peter. then i tried to login with peter from the regular login window. why doesnt it work?18:13
rswhttp://pastebin.com/1qzVT0rK there should be a 480gtx in the other pci slot18:13
skatheadmin: i see the point of your first comment. It also allows you to run the command with -s flag so you can check its action.18:14
ActionParsnipsliddjur: what happens when you log in? saying "it doesn't work" tells us nothing18:14
theadminkbrosnan: Thanks!18:14
codemaniac~/j perl18:14
ActionParsnipcodemaniac: try:  /j #perl18:14
sliddjuractionparsnip: something black comes with a text i am too slow to read. then a sound. and straight back to logon screen18:14
rtdosone more question (2 parts): does ubuntu server come with sdl / opengl installed? if not how do i install the sdl / opengl libraries?18:15
watermarkholy shit godaddy is down18:15
codemaniacActionParsnip: thanks :D18:15
IdleOne!language | watermark18:15
ubottuwatermark: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.18:15
watermarkholy cow godaddy is down18:15
IdleOnewatermark: What does that have to do with Ubuntu?18:16
theadminIdleOne: Now fire !ot ;)18:16
watermarkit affects everything18:16
rswstop doss nowz18:16
watermarkI'm done thou18:16
IdleOnetheadmin: !language actually covers !ot also18:16
theadminIdleOne: Guess so. Sorry.18:16
IdleOnetheadmin: no worries :)18:16
rtdosis there a #channel for ubuntu server ?18:16
theadminrtdos: Yep, #ubuntu-server18:17
rswbrb gonna check bios if the pci lane is enabled cos i dont know what else to do to get the other card detected18:17
Jordan_Urtdos: Are you looking for the development libraries (headers), or the runtime libraries? If you're looking for the runtime libraries they should be installed when you install any package which needs them. What is your end goal?18:18
rtdos@Jordan_U: both.18:18
theadminrtdos: OpenGL implementations are provided by whoever created your GPU driver, so search for a -dev package with your GPU driver's name in front of that.18:19
sukimaWhat hardware does http://www.ubuntu.com/devices/android18:19
rtdos@Jordan_U: want to run wolf4sdl, doom, and mame ports but most importantly want to develop games using sdl / opengl18:19
mirajpeople still play doom?18:20
Jordan_Urtdos: sudo apt-get install wolf4sdl18:20
rtdosone stupid question, do the sdl libraries require a gui ?18:20
Jordan_Urtdos: You can build applications against sdl without a GUI, but you need a GUI to actually run said application (unless maybe it's audio only).18:21
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rtdosok thanks Jordan_U18:23
rtdos@Jordan_U am back to: how do i d/l the development libraries for SDL/OpenGL ?18:24
Jordan_Urtdos: "apt-cache showsrc wolf4sdl" shows that wolf4sdl build-depends on libsdl1.2-dev and libsdl-mixer1.2-dev. I don't know enough about sdl to say if that's what you'll want to develop against as well.18:24
drecutekaramel4e_:  what backups?18:25
rocket_hamsterrtdos: sudo apt-get libsdl1.2-dev18:26
karamel4e_recute: What's the question?18:26
karamel4e_drecute: What's the question?18:26
Jordan_Urocket_hamster: You forgot "install".18:28
rocket_hamsterrtdos: sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev freeglut3-dev18:28
rocket_hamsterthat should be it18:28
mirajare there any snmp utils? (to manage snmp-able devices)18:28
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
kevin__can I ask...Which graphics driver is likely to be best for linux, NVidea or ATI?18:31
skaIs there a logout equivalent in dash?18:31
ahferroin7ska: exit18:31
mirajkevin__ : always an opinion, but I'd say ATI18:32
=== Noob`s is now known as McPeter
skaahferroin7: I want to put it into a script so that it logs out the user, instead of ending ther script.18:32
kevin__opinion accepted miraj18:32
kevin__and thanks18:32
theadminska: You can't exactly do that...18:32
skatheadmin: yea,, I'm thinking "kill -9 -1"18:33
rswso can i some way let ubuntu scan for new hardware because it fails to detect my second gfx card18:33
karamel4e_drecute, what about the backups18:33
dr_williskevin__: i avoid ati like its the plague...18:33
theadminska: idk if that would work18:33
kevin__opinion  noted dr_wills18:34
skatheadmin: it does..18:34
skatheadmin: but its kinda crude.18:34
theadminska: Yeah, but logging out a user is not something scripts normally do.18:34
mirajkevin__ : the alternative you proposed, Nvidia, has real driver problems for most users18:35
kevin__I have two ubuntu machines in the house, same network, which file sharing system should I use? Mostly I want to access movies on my main  pc and watch on my laptop?18:36
compdockevin__, samba isnt bad18:36
D3hello! I was wondering if there's any channel where I can beg for help with Ubuntu ? I installed a tar.bz2 and im unable to load the program :(18:37
dr_williskevin__:  upnp/dlna servers are handy  for video sgareing18:37
Kevin`kevin__: I use nfs, since it's a bit faster, but really anything works, use whatever is easiest18:37
kevin__really I want the easiest to set up...editing files and stuff is a little bit scary18:37
=== niccos is now known as Fl3x1bl3
Euph0ria-XXhello all.  I've been giving the btrfs fs a try and I've encountered my first errors with the filesystem.  I'm not sure how to repair the filesystem though.  Can anyone help teach me a bit about that?18:38
ahferroin7kevin__: sshfs is easy, although it is somewhat slow18:38
ahferroin7EuphOria-XX: I'm pretty sure there isn't a repair program for btrfs yet18:39
kevin__sshfs? not looked at that. I did try   nfs but got lot in the set  up.18:39
D3anyone experienced with tar.bz2 compilation ?18:39
mirajkevin__ : do you intend the watch the video live on-the-fly, or transfer them forst and then watch them?18:39
kevin__miraj, transfer (temporarily) and watch later18:39
mirajkevin__ : in that case, ftp is fastest18:40
Kevin`kevin__: any specific reason? even wifi is fast enough to watch them on the fly18:40
Euph0ria-XXI recall reading that there has been a repair tool since quantal alpha-1 but I was hoping someone here might have had a bit more experience with the testing of the alphas.18:40
ozetteare webpages rendered differently in Chrome on ubuntu compared to chrome on windows?18:40
skaIs there a system script that logs a person completely out?18:41
theadminozette: Nope, same engine (webkit)18:41
Euph0ria-XXI'm using alpha 3.  There should be a beta by now...18:41
theadmin!quantal | Euph0ria-XX18:41
ubottuEuph0ria-XX: Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) will be the 17th release of Ubuntu, Discussion and support until final release in #ubuntu+118:41
Euph0ria-XXbut apparently not.18:41
dr_willisozette:  never seen a diferance18:41
kevin__wow, kevin...I was not able to do that. I did use ssh and managed to access konsole.18:41
kevin__that is far as I can share18:41
raidoFinally retiring a Dapper Drake server this week. Shes been running Ubuntu since Warty and has never undergone any hardware upgrades. She has been a faithful Hylafax, Snedmail, Spamassassin, Vexira server for 8 years and when I turn her off she will have 500 days of uptime.18:41
ozettetheadmin, I designed a webpage to work in Chrome, FF, IE and Opera, I did this in a windows vm, when I brought the files over to Ubuntu it looked really messed up in Chrome18:41
=== GiggAz is now known as Petaz
laykeHow would I auto mount on startup... This is what I currently type...18:42
laykesudo mount --bind /media/6d722723-7eb9-4b60-9e7c-8f958e36e739/home/layke /home/layke18:42
kevin__I will look into sshfs, thanks for all the help.18:42
ozetteI spent so much time on it, but now I see it in chrome I feel weird.18:42
Euph0ria-XXOk, sorry.  I was just hoping someone had some more experience than I with the btrfs in new releases and it might be simple.  lol18:43
dr_willislayke:  just edit the /etc/fstab file to mount that drive  where you want.18:43
dr_willislayke:  no need to have it in /m,edia/ and /home/ both18:43
laykeWould I just add it like...  /media/6d722723-7eb9-4b60-9e7c-8f958e36e739/home/layke /home/layke auto18:44
dr_willis!fstab | layke18:44
ubottulayke: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions18:44
ozetteI share a folder with my Windows VM, as soon as I put the webpage in there It looks different, like that shared folder is affecting my file - i.e a webfont not being 20px anymore but all of a sudden 10px18:45
ozetteanyone ever experienced such thing?18:45
dr_willislayke:  what filesystem is that partition anyway?18:45
laykedr_willis, How do I detect that? df something? I can't reemmeber?18:45
ozettejust by opening the file from that shared folder somethings look different18:45
calicoI have an issue with my atheros wireless, it keeps dropping me, could I do something about it? It starts ok after installation, and then the problem keeps on getting more and more intensive18:45
laykedr_willis, df -T remembered. It's ext418:46
sliddjurSo im taking my first linux class. where would be a good place to store files that are supposed to be shared between groups?18:46
mirajsliddjur : under /home is usually Ok18:48
sliddjurin /usr/groupfolder ?18:48
ratcheersliddjur: Make a subdirectory under /home18:48
sliddjurok. why not in /usr?18:48
mirajsliddjur : /usr is usually more for system things rather than shared user files18:49
ratcheersliddjur: Put it wherever you want, just make sure it is a special subdirectory.18:49
theadminsliddjur: /usr is much of a system directory, it's a second-level hierarchy, sort of "a second /", so to say.18:49
sliddjurI made the groupfolder g+s and group owner of the specific group18:50
ChogyDancalico: what version of ubuntu?18:50
sliddjurratcheer: is that what u mean by special subdir?18:50
calicoChogyDan: the latest18:50
ChogyDancalico: I thought atheros issues were a thing of the past, but you could try installing linux backports modules18:51
ratcheersliddjur: I just mean a folder that's used by nothing else, a new folder. But, I agree with theadmin18:51
sliddjurAlright. will do that :)18:51
sliddjurthanks folks18:51
theadminIt seems Ubuntu dropped support for about every architecture but i386 and amd64, is that really so?18:52
ph1rmw4r3why use /usr insted of /home/user ??18:53
calicoChogyDan: how do I go about that, I find only old threads18:53
mirajtheadmin : as of two days ago, macs apparently were18:54
OrpheonI need help with my ubuntu 11.10; The whole thing crashes at boot. Escaping to console with Alt-Ctrl-F1 and typing startx starts the whole GUI, but Pulseaudio is dead, the networking services ditto and unity refuses to start in unity-non-2d.18:54
sliddjurIf a dir has g+s can users of that group execute files?18:55
ChogyDancalico: Im not sure actually.  It's changed every release, and I can't quite figure this one out.  Doesn't really seem to be in the repos that I can see18:55
=== andredieb_ is now known as andredieb
mirajOrpheon : does the hardware work OK in other os's (like windows for example)?18:56
OrpheonThe logs in lightdm say that a service lightdm-greeter could not be executed because of missing permissions18:56
pushgetting error in script  snippet http://paste.ubuntu.com/1197218/18:56
ChogyDanOrpheon: why aren't you on 12.04?18:56
Orpheonidk, it's not a dualboot18:56
OrpheonChogyDan: because this isn't my laptop18:56
theadminmiraj: "macs" is not a processor architecture, unless you're refering to the old ppc arch (which interests me too though)18:56
eleazaris there a firewall built into ubuntu?18:56
theadminBut primarily, I wonder why there's no more support for ia6418:56
jribsliddjur: your question isn't clear, but in any case g+s should be irrelevant as to wherer or not a user can execute a file18:56
theadmineleazar: Yes, Ubuntu comes with ufw (an iptables frontend)18:56
Orpheonpulseaudio also complains of access denied on a ListAdapters reply18:57
Orpheonwhatever that means18:57
ChogyDanOrpheon: is there room on the HDD?18:57
eleazartheadmin, great, how do i open ufw? (it's not showing up in dash home)18:57
theadmineleazar: It's a command-line tool. If you want a GUI, install "gufw" from the software center.18:58
sstatheadmin: largely because nobody was interested enough to maintain it I think...it was never that widespread an architecture18:58
theadminssta: Guess that makes sense... I just hope there are no plans to drop i386 since it's no longer really "widespread"18:58
BluesKajOrpheon, check if alsa is stiil installed then , pulseuadio runs on top of alsa as a sound server18:58
OrpheonChogyDan: yes, there is 261 GB18:59
eleazartheadmin, awesome, thanks!18:59
sstatheadmin: I doubt there are plans, but the day will come I'm sure18:59
OrpheonBluesKaj: alsa seems to be up and running18:59
ChogyDanOrpheon: well, I dunno.  Maybe there are clues if you knew how this started.  Upgrading and clean installing are both good ways to start clean19:00
OrpheonChogyDan: I suspect doing stuff with compiz destroyed stuff19:01
ChogyDanBluesKaj: Orpheon: I thought alsa ran on top of pulse as a plugin19:01
Orpheonbut I'm not sure19:01
theadminssta: Well I'm on amd64 mostly, speaking of, what -march is used when official packages for amd64 are compiled? k8? core2?19:01
eleazarah, looks like the firewall is disabled by default19:02
sstatheadmin: I dunno19:02
theadminssta: Ok, never mind, not much of an important thing anyway19:03
BluesKajChogyDan, nope , it's the reverse , altho pulse isn't a plugin19:03
ChogyDanOrpheon: well, I used to run a separate /home so I could easily reinstall if I messed things up.  Reinstalling really can be the easier than trying to track down problems individually19:03
ChogyDanBluesKaj: I was saying that alsa is a plugin19:03
BluesKajChogyDan, you can run alsa without pulse but pulse can't run without alsa19:04
ChogyDanBluesKaj: I have always heard the opposite, which is why I asked19:05
ChogyDanbut I don't really know19:05
BluesKajwell , whoever says that, is misinformed , ChogyDan19:05
theadminChogyDan: ALSA is the common linux sound system. Pulse is another sound system, which uses ALSA as a backend and adds more capabilities to it.19:06
BluesKajtoo bad we need pulseaudio ,. alsa used towork fine on it's own ,,now the devs are barely expanding it's capabilities due to pulse getting all the dev work19:07
Phiscribei cant remember pulse ever working right19:08
Orpheonstill need help, if anyone has to give19:09
BluesKajPhiscribe, it seems ok on my setup, I just think if alsa could be configured to work with webaudio like flash audio , then pulse would be redundant19:10
rtdosok lost sudo capability, am getting weird messages when i try to use sudo. how can i fix this without logging in as root?19:10
Phiscribei got systems what have browers that play sound, no pulse, just alsa19:10
ChogyDantheadmin: again, I have read the opposite everytime.  This is the first I have heard alsa being a backend to pulse.  My understanding is pulse took over everything, and supported alsa as a legacy via a plugin19:11
unknown420can a staffer please give me an unaffilated clock?19:11
theadminChogyDan: Well that sounds completely wrong.19:11
theadminunknown420: #freenode please19:11
theadminunknown420: Not here19:11
Phiscribepulse is an abstraction layer, if alsa is busted, no pusle19:11
theadminunknown420: As I said, join the #freenode channel.19:12
BluesKajPhiscribe, using onboard audio on those systems without pulse?19:12
HEuiHEUIhEuihi everyone, what irc client you use?19:12
theadminHEuiHEUIhEui: Please refrain from taking polls in this channel, this here is for support issues only.19:13
Phiscribepulseaudio is like a software mixer.  its on top of the userland, it requires something under like alsa, pulse is never required19:13
HEuiHEUIhEuiI'm trying a lot os clients, what´s the top client actually?19:13
jagginessHEuiHEUIhEui, there's google I use-> "List of irc clients linux site:wikipedia.org"19:13
HEuiHEUIhEuijagginess: and for windows?19:14
theadminPhiscribe: Infact, Gnome 3 "requires" Pulse. More of, they were too lazy to let it control ALSA directly so they only let it use Pulse.19:14
jagginessHEuiHEUIhEui, google19:14
doug1Does anyone have any idea what packages besides ntp may create the ntp user? is there an easy way to find out?19:14
jribrtdos: you should pastebin the "weird" messages19:14
Phiscribetheadmin oh i didnt know that, how foobared19:14
Phiscribestill alsa has to be in there19:14
HEuiHEUIhEuijagginess: special thank´s for the world´s best answer :)19:14
theadminPhiscribe: Sure is19:15
jribdoug1: you could grep /var/lib/dpkg/info/ I guess19:15
mbeierlHEuiHEUIhEui, this is an Ubuntu support channel, not Windows or IRC.19:15
BluesKajChogyDan, thi might interest you : http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/01/how-to-remove-pulseaudio-use-alsa-ubuntu-linux/19:15
Orpheonwould anyone have an explanation to why everything including lightdm and pulseaudio don't work because of permission errors?19:15
jribOrpheon: because of permission errors19:15
doug1jrib: Oh i see. didn't know that existed. Looks like uit has output of postinstall scripts. Handy. thanks19:15
jagginessOrpheon, you getting desktop freezes?19:16
jribdoug1: yeah.  It will only have it for packages you've installed though.  I'm assuming that's good enough for your question19:16
Phiscribestuff doesnt work cause dev's like to make new cool things, not fix boring old bugs maybe?19:16
Orpheonjrib: do you happen to know a possible fix?19:16
doug1jrib: totally19:16
jribOrpheon: I don't even know the problem19:16
BluesKajOrpheon, were you using autoloogin previous to your lightdm crash ?19:16
Phiscribeand nobody is getting paid enuff19:16
Orpheonjagginess: no19:16
OrpheonBluesKaj: no19:17
Orpheonoh, and spftware center doesn't look capable of installing packages either19:17
Orpheonand no network connection of any kind, wired or not, can be made19:17
PhiscribeOrpheon if ever run a gui app with sudo instead of gksudo, well weird things can happen19:18
jagginessOrpheon, if you're *sure lightdm is a problem, and tried all avenues, there's also "gdm" as a login manager19:18
jagginessOrpheon, gdm will start and disable lightdm19:18
jagginess,/(it disables the other, you can always enable lightdm later, with dpkg-reconfigure lightdm)19:18
Orpheongdm; Unrecognized service19:18
jagginessapt-get install it19:19
Orpheonno internet on that pc19:19
zanberdoquestion: can one install 12.04 with full disk encryption?  That is, I would like to partition my disk with /boot, /, /home, and swap. I've encrypted the entire partition, used lvm to create the four listed parts but when grub2 attempts to write to the MBR I get the dreaded GRUB can not write to /dev/sda error.  Should I use the old-style of creating /boot as unencrypted?  I thought grub2 had support to decrypt a part then boot19:19
zanberdo.  Is that not the case?19:19
jagginesswell then get internet19:19
jagginessa pc without internet is useless19:19
BluesKajOrpheon, suggest you install either gdm or kdm for login , lightdm still has some bugs19:19
Orpheonjagginess: As I mentioned before, I can't get it to connect19:19
PhiscribeOrpheon check your /tmp permisions, if they are out of whack...well19:19
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OrpheonBluesKaj: as a permanent solution I want lightdm19:19
Orpheonthat tmp idea might be correct... let me check19:20
BluesKajOrpheon, sometimes what you want isn't going to work for you , but it's your call19:20
jagginesswhy not help him fix his internet, that's more important..19:20
OrpheonMost folders in tmp have owner myself, with folder r&w, no file access, and nothing whatsoever for everything else19:21
Orpheonis that as it should be?19:21
sazawalI cannot configure my Thunderbird for gmail account. Any help?19:21
BluesKajjagginess, it could be as Phiscribe suggested , a permissions proiblem19:21
rtdosi get this error message when using sudo: http://pastebin.com/tqT1ysPF19:22
jagginesswell if he gets internet on that pc, first thing he should do is update any packages.19:22
Orpheonjagginess: I'm not going to get that19:22
Orpheontried all forms of it already19:22
buffalo960I have a problem on my laptop, I have a core i5 and it doesn't seem to be dynamically clocking properly (stuck at 800mhz). Is there any way I can force it to full speed all the time?19:23
Phiscribedrwxrwxrwt for tmp19:24
BluesKajrtdos, have been editing the sudoers file ?  parse error in /etc/sudoers near line 2819:24
jagginessbuffalo960, maybe you should install the intel microcode pacakge if it's not installed19:24
wilee-nileebuffalo960, I use indicator-cpufreq to control.19:25
* jagginess thinks speedstep as a keyword to search packages related19:25
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod19:27
rtdosi get this error message when using sudo: http://pastebin.com/tqT1ysPF19:28
buffalo960jagginess, yay that seems to have worked. Thanks a lot :)19:28
o0oScoRcHo0oi have an ubuntu server that upon reboot asks for a disk check... i run the check and fix the errors.. but when i reboot again ... it asks again and constantly boots into readonly mode.  I cannot get this to work.  The fsck appears to fix the errors, because if i run it twice, the second attempt shows up clean... any ideas?19:29
thebishophello ubuntuers19:30
thebishopi'm seeing an odd issue with sound.  running 12.04, kernel 3.2.0-30-generic.  audio works fine through speakers.  when i plug in headphones, pulse senses the jack and switches to headphone output, but i hear no sound.  system volume and rhythmbox volume are both maxed.19:31
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Orpheonwhat does this mean?19:33
OrpheonWARNING: Failed to open CK session: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by any .service files19:33
daemonhey all I just installed a MTA (exim4) and it broke up the config into sections:19:34
daemonacl/ auth/ routers/ etc...19:34
daemonhow do I tell it I just want one single config file19:34
geekzeroai alguien que hable español?19:34
alpreo0oScoRcHo0o: post you fstab19:35
thebishopdaemon, that looks like the normal behavior19:36
Orpheonwhat does this mean?19:36
OrpheonGDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit was not provided by any .service files19:36
o0oScoRcHo0oalpre: there is nothing wrong with the FSTAB.. it hasn't changed.. I did now remove the fsck by cahnging the pass-num to 0... so it will boot in RW19:36
alprethebishop: can you see the sound playing on the output in pavucontrol?19:36
o0oScoRcHo0oalpre: so basically i am cheating19:37
daemonthebishop, non of my other servers have it in that style19:37
o0oScoRcHo0oalpre: mind you .. i only changed the drive having this issue (unfortunately the root drive) over to not runa  check..19:37
daemonthebishop, kinda disorienbtating dealing with it19:37
alpreo0oScoRcHo0o: I had a brtfs root booting for a month, and suddenly it would do the same, then I read that one option was wrong for that fs19:37
o0oScoRcHo0oalpre: weird.. yeah.. i mean it boots fine if i just change that one flag..19:38
alpresorry, no idea o0oScoRcHo0o19:38
thebishopalpre, yes.19:40
alprethebishop: are you sure it is the headphone sink, does it switch sinks when you plug in the headphones? I'd look into module options for your hardware maybe, they can be set in .pulse/default.conf or something.19:42
jagginessalpre, you mean if the audio syncs with the video19:46
jagginessalpre, a small delay is fine as long as it's not too long19:46
alpre jagginess no, just if it is the sink that is supposed to be playing.19:47
ubottuii00907: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:47
Dresk|LaptopHello, I can't start X right now because I changed video cards - what's the procedure for Ubuntu to change the X video driver without having access to a GUI?19:47
ChogyDanDresk|Laptop: try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)19:48
ChogyDanDresk|Laptop: or maybe you want to remove the old video card driver19:49
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ChogyDanDresk|Laptop: sudo apt-get remove dkms     that might remove all the proprietary video card drivers19:50
Dresk|LaptopChogyDan: Any risk of anything else it might remove?19:51
thebishopalpre, on the "Output Devices" tab, under "Built-in Audio Analog Stereo", when I plug/unplug, the "Port" field switches from "Speakers" to "Headphones" and vice-versa19:51
HexeonDoes anyone know about "Schulze method" for voting?19:51
ChogyDanDresk|Laptop: yes, virtualbox drivers, or any other driver.     But if you describe the hardware, I might be able to give a more targeted command19:51
Dresk|LaptopChogyDan: I'm going from an NVIDIA GTS 200, using (I believe) NVIDIA's proprietary installer (but I can check for dkms) to Intel Ivy Bridge onboard (Z77 chipset)19:52
ChogyDanHexeon: try asking in offtopic19:52
ChogyDanDresk|Laptop: oO   so you just removed the card?19:52
Dresk|LaptopChogyDan: In the system I am working on right now, the card is plugged in but the BIOS was told to use onboard and that's where the HDMI cable is19:53
ChogyDanDresk|Laptop: regardless, `dkms status`     if nvidia is the only thing listed, removing dkms should work19:53
Dresk|LaptopChogyDan: Yes, it's the only thing listed19:54
LibertyTraderI have a 32 GB SSD and 500 GB HD In my laptop, what is the best way to install ubuntu?19:54
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: define "best"   and maybe folks can help further19:55
BluesKajthe nouveau driver should work with nividia card and doesn't require Dresk|Laptop19:55
LibertyTraderI want to use SSD to load my system and maybe some applications, but HDD for everything else19:55
LibertyTraderProbably just system loaded by SSD for now19:56
alprethebishop: I'd guess a different jack is used than what you expect, you should be able to change the mapping in the module options then.19:56
Dresk|LaptopBluesKaj: I'm no longer using NVIDIA, I'm switching to onboard Ivy Bridge19:56
BluesKajDresk|Laptop, it doesn't reuire dkms19:56
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: than I guess just install to the SSD, and setup the HDD as /home19:56
LibertyTraderHow do I do that?19:56
Dresk|LaptopBluesKaj: Well the first thing I noticed is mplayer performance is HORRIBLE, it seems to have no hardware scaling, it's running at like 1/4 the framerate19:57
Dresk|LaptopMy next question was going to be what kernel is needed for Intel Ivy Bridge drivers19:57
LibertyTraderI anticipate I will have at least 50 GB of applications19:57
LibertyTraderso I don't know if that is a good setup19:57
BluesKajDresk|Laptop, what about vlc ?19:57
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: when it comes time to partition (during the installation process), ask to do, wait what?19:57
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: 50GB of apps?  what apps?  are these games?19:57
LibertyTraderyes games and development tools19:58
LibertyTraderlike Quartus19:58
BluesKajDresk|Laptop, the kernel source driver should work19:58
thebishopalpre, i should've said audio works most of the time.  i've only seen this odd muted headphone thing once or twice before.  and now that you mention it, i plugged into the microphone jack.  still no audio, but both the input and output switched to 'line in' and 'headphones' respectively.  is that normal?  I wouldn't expect the output to change19:58
drecutei'm running netbeans on a latop with 8 cores 4gb and netbeans is still slow to a crawl on ubuntu19:59
LibertyTraderChogyDan: do you see why I am concerned?20:00
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: well, I don't know.  Maybe maybe you could have all the app files mounted to the HDD?20:00
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: I do, but 50GB is a HUGE amount of apps20:00
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: unless its games, so... it's just unexpected20:00
LibertyTraderAnd my system is UEFI...20:01
LibertyTraderI'm in for a trat...20:01
LibertyTraderI bought a nice shiny ultrabook that used the SSD as a cache to 500 GB HD20:01
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: maybe dual boot, one for regular use, and one for all those games.20:01
LibertyTraderBut linux doesn't support that20:01
NEoneTrying to install the wine emulator to be able to run Windows programs. ... There's wine, wine 1.4, qt4wine, wine-config... OMG, so many packets! ...Which ones should I choose?20:03
tfhlapis there a way / a software that allows me to tell which device is using how much bandwidth of my wifi network for Ubuntu?20:03
LibertyTraderIs there a way I can just put the kernel and boot stuff on the SSD?20:04
tzvi_where can i download the mintmenu for ubuntu 12.0420:04
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: maybe by mounting /boot to ssd, but I don't think that will garner you much performance benefit20:05
tfhlapis there a way / a software that allows me to tell which device is using how much bandwidth of my wifi network for Ubuntu?20:05
NEonetfhlap: I guess your linux box can't measure that. You've got to be looking in the wifi-router, there must be options and a monitor for QoS/bandwidth.20:05
ChogyDanLibertyTrader: in fact, the HDD might be faster for that...20:05
luckyrubygetting Running /etc/init.d/networking restart is deprecated because it may not enable again some interfaces. What should I use then to restart after modifying that file?20:06
guntbert!repeat | tfhlap20:06
ubottutfhlap: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:06
tfhlap@NEone ok thanks20:06
ChogyDanluckyruby: maybe sudo service networking restart, or something to that effect20:06
tzvi_where can i doenloaded mintmenu for ubuntu 12.0420:06
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BluesKajluckyruby,  /etc/init.d/networking restart , still works . I just used that command 2 days and several reboots later my suystem still connects to internet just fine.20:11
BluesKaj2 days ago20:12
alprethebishop: no idea, try changing the module parameters in PA20:13
alprethebishop: you can change the hardware config in pavucontrol too20:13
thebishopalpre, hmm, which hardware configs are you thinking of?  I've played around with all the ones i see.  is there some advanced configuration menu?20:15
Pupuser402-1maybe someone has a temptation to tell me does grub erasing mbr sector when it's written there?20:16
alprethebishop: I meant those in the menu, other than that look at the module parameters20:16
Pupuser402-1i'd like to erase it and I thought that it could be easy way to do it20:16
alprehaven't tried microphone yet thebishop20:16
alpreluckyruby: try ifdown and ifup20:17
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alpreluckyruby: I guess you modified interfaces20:17
kontagioushello, i cannot get the battery icon to appear in my ubuntu 12.04. I have tried "show battery status in the menu bar" in power settings but it doesnt seem to work. i have also tried reinstalling Indicator Applet Complete but it didn't fix it either.20:19
alpretfhlap: you can use tcpdump for that if you know the ip addresses of the devices20:20
WarOfTheNerdGuys, how can I make dpkg skip --configure?20:20
WarOfTheNerdI have a badly-written package installed that ruins apt20:20
ubuntUseri tried to install ubuntu on a paritioned HDD , did the install but i get once i restart the laptop a No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key error20:21
trismkontagious: do you have indicator-power installed?20:21
ubuntUserany thoughts please !!!20:21
ikoniaubuntUser: grub was not installed20:21
ikoniaubuntUser: make sure grub is installed to the master boot record of the boot drive20:21
ubuntUserok and how do i install the GRUB ?20:22
BitWraith_how do I control which renderer mesa uses?20:22
ikoniaubuntUser: the installer should do it for you, just pay attention where it puts it20:22
kontagioustrism: "indicator-power is already the newest version"20:22
trismkontagious: if it is, check that: upower --enumerate; returns something, if indicator-power can't find a battery it will hide itself20:22
zyphexAnyone know a good opensource solution/combination of opensource tools for hotspot billing and captive portal?20:22
kontagioustrism: the only device is line_power_AC20:23
ubuntUserwell it's the second time ikonia i tried to install it, i created the partitions table with /, /home and swap20:23
ubuntUserdo i need more ?20:23
kontagioustrism: its good to note it shows when it's about to die, or plugged in20:23
ikoniaubuntUser: that should be fine20:23
trismkontagious: yeah then it is probably there but hidden20:23
_Aviator__Anyone know of a Ubuntu 12.04 system monitor applet that doesn't leak memory?20:24
alpreubuntUser: you install grub to sda, that is the mbr of sda, not sda1 or some other partition20:24
BitWraith_I have the X server running, nd I believe it's using the nouveau driver now, but I'm not getting direct rendering... on Gentoo, I would normally use eselect mesa set to fix this. How's it done on Ubuntu?20:24
ubuntUseralpre thing is i have 2 hdd's on PC20:24
ubuntUserone is paritioned from 250 to a 211 and a 3820:25
alpreubuntUser: then the installer should default to the drive set in bios to boot first, otherwise decide yourself and set it in bios too20:25
ubuntUseri am trying to install it in the 38GB partition20:25
ikoniaubuntUser: master boot record of the boot disk - install grub to it20:25
ubuntUseri did that ...but i get the same error20:25
ikoniaubuntUser: the partitions don't matter, just watch where grub is installed20:25
ikoniaubuntUser: you didn't - you can't have just re-installed in 2 minutes20:25
ubuntUsernot now mate... today20:26
ubuntUseri did it two times20:26
ikoniaubuntUser: right, so re-install, and pay attention to where grub is installed20:26
ubuntUserand i tihnk i messed it up twice as it seems20:26
alpreubuntUser: use the drive which boots first20:26
ubuntUserthank you !20:27
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kontagioustrism: after googling, i powered down, removed and inserted battery, and now it works. thanks for the idea(s)20:27
kontagiousi would have never guessed it was hidden20:28
utopshow to compile i686 on x64?20:29
ikoniautops: why are you compiling the kernel ?20:29
ubuntUserok..so install it in /dev/sda and it should be OK /20:31
ikoniagrub should auto install to /dev/sda (master boot record) unless you tell it not to20:31
ubuntUserthanks !20:31
utopsikonia: im installing  gentoo i686 on free partion,using ubuntu.20:32
ikoniautops: so #gentoo is your channel20:32
alpreubuntUser: np :)20:32
ubuntUserthanks guys , catch you later !20:32
utopsIm almost done,only kernel need to be compiled on i686,but it won't20:32
ikoniautops: so #gentoo is your channel20:32
utopsguess so.20:32
Dresk|LaptopI have no idea right now why this is happening, but Ubuntu is booting my drive with only one mount point, /, and it's 100% full, when there should be other mount points - what utilities should I use to investigate what's going on with the drive?20:35
ikoniaDresk|Laptop: a.) try to manually mount the partitions b.) look at the fstab c.) clean up your main partition20:36
MonkeyDustDresk|Laptop  type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste the url here20:37
ubuntu8c'e qualche italiano?20:37
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:38
ubuntu8sorry! tanks!20:38
unknown420cant find screem for 11.10???20:39
Dresk|LaptopMonkeyDust: I can't really do that because the entire drive is full20:39
Dresk|LaptopMonkeyDust: Is there a way to list all files above a certain filesize with ls or such?20:40
ruif13how can i downgrade pho 5.3.10 php 5.220:40
mbrigdanAnyone know how I could remove every other page in a pdf under ubuntu?20:42
zykotick9Dresk|Laptop: running "sudo apt-get clean" will remove downloaded packages... might free some space for you20:46
Dresk|Laptopzykotick9: Thanks, let me see if it can even do that command20:46
Dresk|Laptopzykotick9: Unfortunately I can't do anything, it's 100% out of space20:47
drecutei'm running netbeans on a latop with 8 cores 4gb and netbeans is still slow to a crawl on ubuntu20:47
zykotick9Dresk|Laptop: you could try, "sudo -i" then retry above command without the sudo20:47
extrasolarnetbeans 7.x?20:48
drecuteextrasolar: yes20:48
drecuteextrasolar: i also configured it to use opengl. I experienced worse performance20:49
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drecuteextrasolar: i gave it 1024m, no improvement as well20:49
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extrasolarDo you have to use netbeans?20:49
drecuteextrasolar: yes20:49
drecuteextrasolar: eclipse is no better20:50
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extrasolarinteresting, what;s your full specs?20:50
extrasolarand laptop name/model20:50
drecuteextrasolar: sony vaio F series20:50
sstaeclipse is slow always...that's the default speed.  Netbeans is generally faster though (unless you have a lot of modules enabled)20:50
DrGrovHi, sitting on 10.04. Would like to check that I do not have SSH enabled on my install and check for attempted root access from the outside. I check the log in /var/log/messages, correct? I usually use grep ssh /var/log/messages20:51
_cronus_mbrigdan: take a look at pdftk. It has the ability to select odd and even pages with the cat command20:51
drecutenvidia GEFORCE with cuda, intel core i720:51
Dresk|LaptopSomething VERY weird is happening; after I got the space and rebooting, the other partitions mounted, but the main mount point is still 100% full20:51
extrasolarThat's strange20:51
drecute8 cores, 4GB, ubuntu 11.1020:51
Dresk|LaptopNow I have an "overflow" mount point20:52
extrasolarhave you tried seeing what is being used in htop?20:52
drecuteextrasolar: yes20:52
drecuteextrasolar:  all 8 cores are currently in use20:52
drecuteextrasolar:  java uses between 250 - 350MB of ram20:52
mbrigdan_cronus_, I was actually just looking at it! I'll see if their website explains how to select even/odd20:52
zykotick9Dresk|Laptop: mounting stuff won't affect the df of /.  what is taking up the space?  is it still being written to by something?20:53
Dresk|Laptopzykotick9: I'm not sure, I can't do any apt-get operations because it has no space to even do that20:54
drecutefirefox uses up to 400 - 550mb20:54
drecutelots of tabs by the way20:54
mbrigdan_cronus_, Figured it out, thanks!20:54
subcoolcan someon help me setup magnet links20:55
zykotick9Dresk|Laptop: you need to figure out what is using the space (something you should already "know" as well).  how much space is apt using for it's cache ("du -sh /var/cache/apt/archives/" to find out)?20:55
_cronus_I think that you append even our odd to the range of the cat command. Unfortunately I am not in front of Ubuntu right now to test. I'll take a look at the manual and tell you more.20:55
extrasolarI'd try upgrading to ubuntu 12.xx20:56
_cronus_mbrigdan, good news.20:56
extrasolarsubcool read the rules20:57
DrGrovAnyone who can explain how to check SSH server status on 10.04?20:57
ikoniacheck it's status ?20:57
mbrigdan_cronus_, FWIW, you give the file a handle, then add even or odd to the handle in the cat command (ex: pdftk A=Linear-Algebra.pdf cat Aodd output Linear-Algebra-fixed.pdf)20:57
zykotick9Dresk|Laptop: suggestion, "cd /" then "du -sh * 2>/dev/null" to get the sizes of all your root directories (might take a while)20:57
subcoolextrasolar, which one are you referring to?20:57
zykotick9DrGrov: "ps aux | grep -i ssh" should tell you.  look for sshd.20:58
jribDrGrov: initctl status ssh20:58
zykotick9DrGrov: "sudo /etc/init.d/openssh status" might also work20:58
_cronus_Drgrov: try ssh to the local machine or check if sshd is running with system monitor.20:59
WXZis it possible to run a USB version of ubuntu through vbox?20:59
* zykotick9 notes init.d is only applicable to 10.04 on ubuntu!20:59
ikoniaWXZ: a usb version ?20:59
extrasolarWXZ YEs20:59
WXZextrasolar: tutorial?20:59
drecuteextrasolar: i dont think it matters20:59
jribzykotick9: even on 10.04 it's the upstart job that gets started and the init.d is only there for use in chroot20:59
subcoolextrasolar, ???20:59
zykotick9jrib: you're right!  sorry, my mistake.  lucid did have upstart!21:00
DrGrovApparently it is running, how do I turn it off from starting upon boot?21:00
extrasolardrecute sorry I can't help21:00
snwhAnyone running Ubuntu on an SSD? or have tips for optimizing Ubuntu for an SSD?21:00
Dresk|LaptopI found a ginormous 6.3GiB logfile from CUPS, I removed that, rebooting21:00
DrGrovDo I actually need a firewall while running if I disable SSHD?21:01
zykotick9DrGrov: if you're behind a home router, if you don't run services - you don't have "much" to worry about.  i don't run firewalls on each computer, just the network.21:02
DrGrovzykotick9: Yes, I am behind a home router. No, I do not run any services but would like to turn off that SSH daemon though since it probably got stuck running and starting when I boot up.21:03
zykotick9DrGrov: sorry man, i've forgotten how it worked (already demonstrated publicly above ;)21:03
DrGrovzykotick9: No worries.21:04
DrGrovSo, how do I turn off SSHD on 10.04? I do not like it to be running upon boot.21:04
DrGrovThe problem is that I can not even remember why I did it in the first place :D21:04
zykotick9DrGrov: if you install it, it's enabled by default (as it should be ;)21:05
DrGrovzykotick9: Ok, I leave it be then. No worries21:05
jribDrGrov: "touch /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run" will stop it from running at boot (or if you don't want it at all anymore, just uninstall it)21:06
_cronus_Drgrov: the easiest is to remove the server I think21:06
zykotick9DrGrov: do you see an openssh file in /etc/init/ ?  (NOT init.d)  with sudo you can rename the script to foo.disabled and reboot and it "should" be gone.21:07
ikoniafollow what jrib said21:07
DrGrovjrib: That did something at least when I did it as sudo :)21:07
DrGrovjrib: Thanks :)21:07
DrGrovThanks for the help guys21:09
zykotick9jrib: looks like using sshd_not_to_be_run is "sshd_not_to_be_run is obsolete and only still21:12
zykotick9supported in order to be nice to people still relying on the old method"21:12
zykotick9that's from 200521:13
=== tudor_ is now known as ubuntUser
ubuntUserok back21:16
ubuntUseri've installed it, worked well but now i noticed that the laptop is running extremly slow21:19
ubuntUserlots of lag21:19
subcoolcan someon help me setup magnet links, i cant find a guide that refers to my setup21:19
AxsuulAnyone know why if i do... `ssh-add`, it asks me to enter in passphrase twice?21:19
Axsuulthis is the ssh key agent21:19
jribzykotick9: I agree it should go away, but there was no nice way to stop services from running on boot back in 10.04 other than what you suggested21:21
zykotick9jrib: i commented about that in #ubuntu-discuss a little while ago ;)21:21
jribzykotick9: I didn't really know it was deprecated in some way, though it still exists in 2012 :P21:21
zykotick9jrib: i couldn't figure out a way to get ubottu to find debian bugs, but look into debian Bug#33836621:22
zykotick9jrib: removing the package is the best solution.21:23
ubuntUserdamn it's kinda slow-ish !21:24
atari314Hello, does anyone know where lightdm set vsync on for the session it starts?21:24
jribzykotick9: well, some users may want to not have it run at boot but still manage it manually with upstart.  I thought creation of that file allowed for that, but apparently it doesn't (so you end up with the same situation as renaming the .conf in /etc/init)21:25
jribI guess in 10.04, you have to resort to editing the start on values in the scripts themselves21:25
zykotick9jrib: foo.disabled is almost the only way on ubuntu to manage services?!?21:25
jribzykotick9: well later versions of upstart have override files you can use21:26
trismzykotick9: you can just comment out the 'start on' line in lucid21:26
_cronus_Jrib: I think update.rc is the official way of managing services under debian.21:27
zykotick9trism: true as well!  but more of a pita in my opinion, useing the number stuff makes little sence to me.21:27
_cronus_Jrib: i'm not sure though21:28
trismzykotick9: agreed21:28
leojrfsis anyone running ubuntu installed in a usb flash?21:28
ubuntUserany ideas why after a fresh install ubuntu runs very slow /21:29
ozetteI'm trying to psftp, and mput some folders content. Yesterday it worked but now I get  "open for write: failure" 's for each child folders, these folders have full permission on host and client what am I doing wrong.21:29
ikoniaubuntUser: your video card is not configured correctly21:29
ubuntUserthat might be it ikonia21:29
ubuntUserhow should i do it right ?21:30
ikoniaall depends on your video card21:30
ubuntUseri did installed a driver that was recommended in aditional drivers21:30
ubuntUser9600m GT21:30
ubuntUsernow i've removed the one that was supplied21:33
id10terrorAnyone have a link for a tutorial on how to install eclipse from command line?21:34
zykotick9!info eclipse | id10terror21:35
ubottuid10terror: eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7.2-1 (precise), package size 16 kB, installed size 121 kB21:35
zykotick9id10terror: "sudo apt-get install eclipse"21:35
ubuntUserthere is driver found after searching for them and it's stated as [recommended]21:35
id10terrorBut I want Indigo not Galileo21:36
zykotick9? good luck.21:36
tamatarid10terror, 3.7 is indigo I think21:36
tamatardo you menan Juno?21:36
id10terrorJuno would be ok, just no galileo, which is the one in the ubuntu repos21:36
tamatarid10terror, i have juno installed in my home directory21:38
tamatari downloaded it from the eclipse site and untarred it21:38
tamatarthat's pretty much it21:38
tamatarof course you'll need to install a JDK21:38
anternathow do i fix mbr within windows/ boot repair didnt werk21:39
Sokelanternat: Fix mbr for what exactly? Windows or grub21:39
teek_hi, i'm using 12.04 with the side bar where your running programs are normally displayed. I minimized a program, and it just completely disappeared, but it's still running somewhere. how can I reopen/find it?21:39
id10terrortamatar, what is the command to install the latest JDK?21:40
LibertyTrader I have a 32 gig ssd and 500 gig hdd in my laptop. Would it be possible to install my system to the SSD, mount home as the HDD, and use symbolic links to install large programs (steam) on the HDD?21:40
=== mimor is now known as mimor_
DaekdroomLibertyTrader, yes, yes, and I'm not sure.21:41
teek_alt+tab isn't working, also21:41
cautiongamerHow bad is it that i just did "sudo chmod 777 -R /"21:41
arno__mam problem21:41
zykotick9LibertyTrader: moving program install directories is REALLY hard to do.  all the "os" should be able to fit on your 32GB ssd.  and just use your hd for /home.21:41
tamatarid10terror, unfortunately due to oracle's distribution policies, sunjdk is no longer available from the official repos. However, you can follow the instructions here: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/01/install-oracle-java-jdk-7-in-ubuntu-via.html21:41
tamatarbut i couldn't find a PPA for the latest eclipse21:42
arno__prosze o pomoc z systemem21:42
LibertyTraderzykotic9: So It will be very tough to have multiple games :/21:42
teek_okay could someone tell me how to at least kill the program if I can't find it?21:42
tamatarbut since it's pretty much self contained, you can unzip it anywhere and it works21:42
zykotick9!tab > LibertyTrader21:42
ubottuLibertyTrader, please see my private message21:42
zykotick9LibertyTrader: games can cause an issue with 32GB, my / was often much bigger then that.21:43
id10terrorDamn you Larry Ellison!21:43
arno__ludzie pomożecie mi?21:43
Troy^LibertyTrader: have the released steam for linux yet?21:43
tamatarid10terror, my thoughts exactly ;). anyway, i'm off to bed, good luck!21:43
OerHeks!pl | arno__21:44
ubottuarno__: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:44
LibertyTraderzykotick9, this laptop came with a wierd cache raid21:44
LibertyTraderwhere the ssd would act like a cache for the 500 gb hard drive21:44
ubuntu8hello all, i have one problem, on this pc are installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex with Gnome 2.24.1, now when i try to update or install by Synaptic it's fail because i belive its all offline how to risolve this? I do not want to update to another Ubuntu because here everything is working, driver etc21:44
id10terrorthanks tamatar21:44
LibertyTraderbut it only seems supported in windoze21:44
zykotick9of course... ;)21:44
arno__jak ktoś nie zna języka angielskiego to co wtedy??21:44
karamel4e__Hello, is it a good idea to run a ddrescue to make an image of a hdd with 64 bad sector so I can recover some files?21:45
Troy^is there any decent games for ubuntu? ones that are actually interesting21:46
Sebastienhow would one fix this21:46
Sebastienroot@irczone:~# su - eggy21:46
SebastienCannot execute /bin/bash : No such file or directory21:46
Troy^also is there any newer fps games for linux21:47
Sebastieni have to use su -s /bin/bash -l user and i find it annoying.21:47
ubuntu8suppose to update ubuntu from here, retains all current settings drivers included?21:47
PhiscribeTroy^ short answer, no best stuff is commercial.  steam is on its way i hear tale21:47
* zykotick9 points out Sebastien is root with a # prompt21:48
nerdbromancer Troy^: steam beta should be out soon, valve is trying to put out l4d2 this year but I dont know about other games21:48
Troy^nerdbromancer: yea i have l4d2 in windows21:48
anternatSokel i was dual booting but i had screwed my grub\ however my files remain still \ had to reinstall xp to another poartition21:49
Sebastienzykotick9 points out Sebastien is root with a # prompt21:49
ubuntUserthanks for the tip ikonia21:49
ubuntUseri installed the recommended driver and it's a bit better now21:50
ubuntu8can someone help me..21:50
Troy^Amnesia game looks intense21:50
nydelhello ubuntu commons21:50
Sebastienzykotick9 ??21:52
dr_willisSebastien:  su -    i belive means 'switchj to root'21:52
zykotick9dr_willis: the trailing - means "fake a login"21:52
_cronus_Sebastien: does "sudo -i -u eggy" work?21:53
nydelubuntu8: i can try to help you21:53
ubuntu8on this pc are installed Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex with Gnome 2.24.1,  when i try to update or install by Synaptic it's fail because i belive its all offline how to risolve this?21:53
dr_willisWhen - is used, it must be specified as21:53
dr_willis           the last su option21:53
Sebastienroot@irczone:~# sudo -i -u eggy21:53
Sebastiensudo: shell: command not found21:53
Sebastieni don't use sudo21:53
dr_willischecking man su ;)21:53
zykotick9dr_willis: "trailing"21:53
Sebastieni log on root then i SU - user  when needed.21:53
nydelubuntu8: you believe it's all offline -- what do you mean? are you offline?21:53
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dr_willissu - username      works here.  su has weird syntax it seems. :)21:54
OerHeksubuntu8 8.10 is EOL, no longer supported. please upgrade21:55
=== anonymous is now known as Guest95789
zykotick9dr_willis: ;)21:55
_cronus_Sebastien: what certain of Ubuntu are you using? Sudo should be installed by default.21:55
ubuntu8nydel no21:55
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) was the ninth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 30th, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.21:55
dr_willisubuntu8:  then you are on your own basically...21:55
nydelubuntu8: are you on that system right now?21:55
zykotick9ubuntu still in brown ;)21:56
dr_willisubuntu8:  the old servers get moved to an archive server. so if you want to keep installing stuff. you need to change your sources.list21:56
Sebastien_cronus_ not sure21:56
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:56
nydelubuntu8: you're technically on your own, we don't support that release. but i am happy to help you unofficially.21:56
ubuntu8if i upgrade loose my driver ?21:56
dr_willisubuntu8:  we have no idea..21:56
dr_willismost newer releases i find work better with any problem hardware i had in the past.21:57
dr_willisfor a release that old.. a clean install may be a MUCH better idea21:57
nydeldr_willis: was there ubuntu one or any other backup type utility in 8.10?21:57
dr_willisnydel:  no idea.. that was quite some time ago21:58
nydeldr_willis: i think ubuntu8 will need to upgrade, we should help him to make that process as painless as possible.21:58
Norrinjust ran apt-get install apache221:58
Norrinwhy it is listening as root by default?21:58
Norrin# ps -ef|grep -i apache21:58
Norrinroot      7457     1  0 21:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start21:58
Norrinwww-data  7459  7457  0 21:57 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start21:58
FloodBot1Norrin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:58
ubuntu8which version I have to upgrade?21:58
dr_willismost painless would be a clean install   to upgrade to  12.10 may be quite a challange21:58
OerHeksUbuntu One has a client application that runs on Ubuntu 9.04 and later ...21:58
nydeldr_willis: okay, that sounds right to me. so we'll need him to back up everything he'll lose21:59
dr_willisYou would have to upgrade to the  closest LTS then go LTS -> LTS to get to 12.0421:59
dr_willisand Hope it works. ;)21:59
nydelubuntu8: what "driver" are you worried about losing?21:59
ubuntu8all :D i try on this pc to run an lastest ubuntu usb live22:00
ubuntu8but not run22:00
ubuntu8this version run very well22:01
dr_willisdetails would be more helpfull.22:01
nydelubuntu8: it's extremely outdated. i think you will be pleasantly surprised by precise (12.04)'s automatic hardware support, don't you think, dr_willis ?22:01
sliddjuris the settings of /etc/login.defs loaded every time and for every user logging in?22:02
ubuntu8there is a way to update to this version so that I keep the current settings?22:02
dr_willisubuntu8:  yes.. and that updateing may take a few hours..22:03
dr_willisubuntu8:  and it may not work totally, or may have other issues22:03
nydelubuntu8: i'm totally stabbing in the dark, but try sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install; sudo apt-get upgrade.22:03
ubuntu8sudo apt-get not work22:03
dr_willisand if the servers have been moved to the archive servers for that release. then you will need to 'fix' your sources.list first22:03
_cronus_Sebastien: you could try to edit /etc/passwd to make sure the login shell is properly set22:03
dr_williswhich is why apt-get 'not works'22:03
ubuntu8becouse probably the server22:04
ubuntu8moving files22:04
nydeldr_willis: do you think it might be helpful if i upload my sources.list & ubuntu8 tries replacing his with mine?22:04
nydeldr_willis: or would that just be a fubar22:04
ubuntu8Err http://security.ubuntu.com intrepid-security/main Packages   404 Not Found [IP: 80]22:04
dr_willisnydel:  if he were upgradeing, he has to upgrade to the next release and the next.. untill he gets to a LTS version. THEN go LTS to LTS22:04
nydeldr_willis: right right of course22:05
dr_willisubuntu8:  yes.. all those lines in sources.list need to be changed to point to the right a4rchive server22:05
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nydelubuntu8: does the machine run only ubuntu, or does it boot anything else such as windows22:05
dr_willisthen you could upgrade/update, or perhaps you could get lucky and just try  the 'release upgrade' tool.22:05
=== jesseC is now known as Guest47442
dr_willisubuntu8:  in any case. i definatly would backup any imporntant data first.22:06
GycklarnQuick question. can 'apt-get -y upgrade' make the computer reboot, if deemed necessary?22:06
ubuntu8i have dual boot with windows xp22:06
dr_willisGycklarn:  not that ive ever noticed or seen22:06
SolarisBoyGycklarn: afaik no - it should prompt or notify you to do though22:06
SolarisBoyIF an applied update requires that22:07
=== developer is now known as alfatau
nydelGycklarn: may i ask why you're doing that? just curious.22:07
nydelubuntu8: did you use wubi?22:07
tfittsycan someone help me figure out what is wrong with an init.d script for managing nginx.  it seems like the only thing it does right is start the server.  it gives the wrong status and can't kill the service22:09
WeThePeopleis it possible to hack inti ubuntu from windows22:09
nydelubuntu8: if i were you, i would boot into windows & use wubi to make a new possibly temporary install of ubuntu LTS. you can then boot into it & see how it works, plus you can mount your old ubuntu partition & copy over needed files etc. or you could make a ubuntu cd & install on a new partition22:09
ubuntu8in the uptade manager i find Update to ubuntu 9.0422:09
ubuntu8but they are supported ?22:09
nydelubuntu8: basically, you are going to have more trouble than anyone would hope for if you try to upgrade from so far away.22:09
ubuntu8Traduci da: italiano Digita il testo o l'indirizzo di un sito web oppure traduci un documento. Annulla tradotto automaticamente da Google italiano inglese spagnolo Alpha or has expired as this22:09
nydelubuntu8: do you have enough hard disk free to create a new partition for a new install of ubuntu?22:10
OerHeksubuntu8 see the links given, all info is there.22:10
nydelubuntu8: you could start fresh then migrate your personal files & settings over. a lot of things are going to work differently with the newer ubuntu so you are best starting fresh than trying to upgrade.22:11
nydeldoes this assessment sparkle with all the girls?22:11
* nydel hopes someone says 'sunshine'22:12
ubuntu8This version of this hardware is working and fast, I'd hate to use a new version with the live usb I have had many problems, the screen could not be seen for example22:12
ubuntu8probably keep this, but there is a way to install programs manually? for example Xchat , where i to donwload and install ?22:13
nydelubuntu8: new ubuntu has a software center. or you can use apt-get or aptitude.22:13
ubuntu8most web sites give the comand to shell but not the link to dowload22:14
dr_willisYou would be downloading several 100+mb of data.. more likely a few GB to do that ubuntu8 ..22:14
dr_willisIts best to just reinstall what you want.22:14
dr_willisand let the package manager download them as needed22:14
Norrinhow do you set a password so that it cannot be used?22:15
nydeldr_willis is right. & ubuntu8: unless your hardware is particularly strange or outdated, i think you're going to be surprised at how easy the new ubuntu is to install & configure. find some joy in starting fresh, that's what i'd do.22:15
Norrinwas it passwd \* <name> or something?22:15
dr_willisNorrin:  you mean disable an account?22:16
daemongpladd keyboard shortcut to disable laptop touchpad?22:16
nydelnologin account?22:16
Norrindr_willis, not necessary.  just set a invalid password, so login can't be used with that account22:16
duhnniehi everyone, i have a problem here with my Ubuntu installation on VirtualBox , when i try to start it it shows a message "the system is running in low graphics mode"22:16
dr_willisNorrin:  that is disabling the account...22:16
Norrinwell i'd like if i could still su to the user from root22:17
=== silverghost is now known as gandhi
ubuntu8nydel there is a difference between a live and installation hardware recognition?22:17
dr_willissince that dosent use the Users password.. that should still work i belive22:17
Norrini notice that doesn't ask for a password22:17
Norrinright.  so that's what i'm trying to do22:17
gandhihello guys i want to ask a question is richard stallman married ?22:17
Norrinpasswd -l <user> isn't working22:17
dr_willisgandhi:  check his wikipedia entry22:17
nydelubuntu8: i don't understand the question -- do you, dr_willis?22:17
Norrinit'd thinking it syntax is bad for some reason22:17
gandhican't find anything22:18
W3RCan someone confirm something for me?22:18
Norringandhi, why?22:18
W3RIs the section on KVM, DHCP Bridging accurate here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking22:18
Norrindr_willis, so how to lock it?22:18
miktorHello there. Anyone here that has experience with dwm?22:18
=== gandhi is now known as ubuntuunitysucks
dr_willisubuntu8:  on a full install you can install extra drivers. so there is a diferance22:18
Norrindr_willis, or diable, as you said22:19
ubuntuunitysucksisstallman a gay22:19
nydelNorrin: write a script to set the password to something random, then every time you want to use it, change the password using sudo?22:19
Norrinnydel, over kil?22:19
ubuntuunitysucksis richard stallman a gay guys ?22:19
nydelNorrin: fun?22:19
dr_willisNorrin:  http://askubuntu.com/search?q=disable+user+account  perhaps has exact answqer22:19
tuxhathey man my ubuntu is all working weird22:20
tuxhatcan u help me i think its the unity shell22:20
tuxhatits all lagging and stuff22:20
nydeltuxhat: sudo apt-get install cinnamon22:20
nydelam i right!? woo!22:20
tuxhatoh i tried cinnamon same sshit22:20
nydelubuntuunitysucks: can i get a hell yeah?22:20
Norrinnydel, masochist?22:20
tuxhatits all gnomeshell22:20
dr_willisnydel:  cinnamon is not in the default repos... and not supported here22:20
tuxhatis gnomeshell stil in beta testing ?22:20
nydelnevermind then! do we support gnome?22:21
ash_hi, i am having a problem with my sound :P whenever i do video call i cannt lisen to any music :O i got to switch to my sound seeting to do that and i cannot video call on skype and lisen to music together somebody help me plz22:21
dr_willisUnity uses gnome322:21
tuxhatubuntu does support gnome22:21
ubuntu8well thanks for the help nydel and dr_willis I will try to install tomorrow22:21
tuxhatno shit right22:21
tuxhatwhy u dont use awesome ?22:21
=== ubuntuunitysucks is now known as beastie
tuxhator openbox ?22:21
FloodBot1tuxhat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:21
W3Rash_, check skype options for it turning down external audio.22:21
tfittsycan anyone help me with a shell script for managing nginx as a service?22:21
tuxhatwhy unity looks so much like mac os x22:21
nydelubuntu8: good luck - i think you should worry less, i think you will have a pleasant time installing the new ubuntu.22:21
tuxhatcan u people be orgninal ?22:21
W3Rtfittsy, install webmin, it will be much easier.22:21
dr_willistuxhat:  it dosent.. and please troll elseehere22:22
beastieunity is lagging for me also tuxhat22:22
tuxhatwhat i am not trolling22:22
OerHeks!ot | tuxhat22:22
ubottutuxhat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:22
tuxhatthis is realistic views22:22
nydeltuxhat: i can't tell you to do this, but use cinnamon. cinnamon has solved ALL my problems related to unity & gnome.22:22
tuxhatu people must know the truth22:22
tuxhatis it22:22
OerHekstuxhat, stop it please.22:22
tuxhatpeople actually supports ubuntu lulz22:22
nydeltuxhat: we don't support cinnamon, but i do.22:22
beastietuxhat try sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop22:22
tuxhatbut my system works with make install22:22
Norrindr_willis, found it.  thanks22:22
tuxhatwhat is apt-get ?22:22
duhnniehi everyone, i have a problem here with my Ubuntu installation on VirtualBox , when i try to start it it shows a message "the system is running in low graphics mode"22:23
tuxhati dont understand why i have a non linux kernel ?22:23
Troy^i am a XFCE fanhands down beandog22:23
dr_willisduhnnie:  install the guest addations perhaps?22:23
beastietuxhat what was ur problem slow performance compiz makin fun of ur desktop22:23
W3Rduhnnie, you need to change the VM options I guess.22:23
beastietuxhat i think u should disale compiz22:23
tuxhatso ur saying in eed gibson computer to run ubuntu ?22:23
W3RTake a look in the VM options for the gfx adaptor settings duhnnie22:24
duhnniedr_willis: it's already installed, it was working fine, but an hour ago i have to reboot ubuntu and then i got that message22:24
dr_willistuxhat:  do you have an actual support question or are you just rambling?22:24
tuxhati thought ubuntu was server ready ?22:24
beastietuxhat disable compiz22:24
W3RUbuntu server is.22:24
tuxhathave u people heard of bsd ?22:24
duhnnieW3R: ok, i'll try22:24
Sokeltuxhat: BSD is terrible.22:24
beastiewhat is bsd22:24
tuxhatwhy is it terrible ?22:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:24
hwkiller-netbookyes, tuxhat. is it relevant to this channel?22:24
tuxhatplease tell me this22:24
W3Rtuxhat, this is not the correct channel22:24
ubuntu-noob-101-guys need help.. just installed ubuntu 12.04 update stuck at getting dconf-gsettings-backend.. its only 16 kB?22:25
W3Rmove elsewhere to discuss non support things.22:25
tuxhatu gonna banned me again22:25
beastiewhat is bsd tuxhat22:25
ubuntu8what is the fastest Desktop environment with ubuntu? like Enlightenment for example!22:25
ozetteCan anyone tell me why I get "open for write: failure" errors on child folder upon psftp mput *22:25
hwkiller-netbookjoin #ubuntu-offtopic22:25
tuxhatremember the first time i made fun of faggotz in here22:25
tuxhatremember that22:25
Sokeltuxhat: First off, wrong channel to bring it up. Second off, I feel like having a working OS on the get go with.22:25
beastiewaht is bsd tuxhat22:25
tuxhatdo u remember me22:25
FloodBot1tuxhat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
tuxhati am tuxhat yes22:25
hwkiller-netbookbeastie, not here. go to the offtopic channel22:25
Sokelbeastie: Don't even bother.22:25
beastiehow to go to offtopic am new to this irc22:25
tuxhatubuntu suckz22:25
hwkiller-netbookjoin #ubuntu-offtopic22:26
hwkiller-netbookif you're on xchat, just rightclick on that22:26
tuxhatno i want to tell u people that ubuntu sucks22:26
ubuntu8nydel ;P what is the fastest Desktop environment with ubuntu?22:26
beastiehwo to join this ubuntu offtopic am new to irc man22:26
tuxhatfull of fagz in this community22:26
Sokeltuxhat: There are plenty of other distros :)22:26
OerHeks!ops | tuxhat22:26
ubottutuxhat: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:26
dr_willisbeastie:  /join #channelname22:26
MonkeyDustbeastie  type /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:26
tuxhati dont use linux22:26
tuxhatlinux is bloated22:26
Sokeltuxhat: It's not. Please leave.22:26
beastiewhat is linux isnt ubuntu linux22:26
tuxhatwhy i can't come in here point real facts of ubuntu22:27
MonkeyDustSokel  don't give it attention22:27
randendavisHe's just a troll.22:27
dr_willisand a poor one at that.22:27
tuxhatu people must here the real facts so u can improve it ?22:27
tuxhatno ?22:27
nothingspecialpoor people in #ubuntu-offtopic22:27
tuxhatditch gnome 322:27
duhnnieW3R: i have enabled the 3D aceleration and 128MB for video but it stills show the message22:27
tuxhatput awesome in ur system22:27
WeThePeoplewhat does this look like to you guys >>> http://imgh.us/ip.jpg22:27
Sokeltuxhat: You're not one of them brazilians are you22:27
beastietuxhat ubuntu is lsow to boot what to do22:27
ubuntu-noob-101-guys need help.. just installed ubuntu 12.04 update stuck at getting dconf-gsettings-backend.. its only 16 kB?22:27
tuxhatno i am canadian we use unix not linux wannabe unix22:27
alpreduhnnie: when does it show that?22:27
ozetteCan anyone tell me why I get "open for write: failure" errors on child folder upon psftp mput *22:27
duhnniewhen i start ubuntu22:28
W3RStrange, duhnnie try installing ubuntu vm extensions.22:28
tuxhatu people every though porting DTrace in ur kernel ?22:28
duhnniealpre: when i start ubuntu22:28
weeblythen go to #unix22:28
alpreduhnnie: that is normal22:28
PriceyHey tuxhat, can I help? :)22:28
tuxhati want to be in here22:28
tuxhatis that wrong22:28
tuxhati am not allowed to be here ?22:28
beastiewhy not give freedom to tuxhat let him talk22:28
duhnniealpre: no, it was working fine, today early end yesterday22:28
beastieshare his knowledge22:28
W3RUse the following command to ignore tuxhat /ignore tuxhat!*@*22:28
tuxhatthanks beastie u see bsd on my side22:28
dr_willisbeastie:  because this is a support channel.22:28
Priceytuxhat: This is for Ubuntu support. It's very busy so perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic for other talk? :-)22:28
beastiehe is not abusing22:29
hwkiller-netbookoh lord, tuxhat and beastie are working together (beastie is the bsd mascot, iirc)22:29
tuxhatoh this is ubuntu i tell u some support22:29
kostkonbeastie, this is a support channel not a place to troll22:29
dr_willisbeastie:  yes he is.22:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler or Jordan_U!22:29
tuxhatit sucks22:29
FloodBot1tuxhat: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:29
alpreduhnnie: at boot it has low graphics, that's why, in desktop it is not a problem22:29
tuxhatunity shell is stupid22:29
dr_willisso are trolls..22:29
PriceySokel: hwkiller-netbook, I'm here :-)22:29
PriceyAnyway, movin gon!22:29
beastiewhy is ubuntu gnome coming out in oct if canonical has os much faith uin unity22:29
duhnniealpre: wha can i do to solve this?22:29
ubuntu-noob-101-help anyone?22:30
ikoniabeastie: because it's not an official release.22:30
ubuntu-noob-101-im stuck at 17%22:30
Sokelubuntu-noob-101-: !help22:30
Priceybeastie: THere's also kubuntu, xubuntu etc. Canonical aren't paying for it.22:30
ikoniabeastie: someone has just decided to do it22:30
alpreduhnnie: nothing to solve22:30
tuxhatlook at htes people going nuts22:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:30
duhnniebut i can't start the graphic mode22:30
beastietuxhat i aprreciate ur views respect\22:30
duhnniealpre: i can't start the graphic mode22:30
ubuntu-noob-101-!help guys need help.. just installed ubuntu 12.04 update stuck at getting dconf-gsettings-backend.. its only 16 kB?22:30
ubottuubuntu-noob-101-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:30
alpreduhnnie: but try in #vbox if you want22:30
W3RSorry I missed the all command22:30
beastiepeople should be open even torvalds agrees linux kernel is getting bloated22:30
kostkonbeastie, gnobuntu is a community project like xubuntu kubuntu etc are22:30
W3R /ignore tuxhat!*@* all22:31
alpreduhnnie: so you don't have a desktop ?22:31
ozetteCan anyone tell me why I get "open for write: failure" errors on child folder upon psftp mput *22:31
duhnniealpre: i'm with a desktop, not a laptop22:31
W3RIs the section on KVM, DHCP Bridging accurate here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking22:31
duhnniealpre: is that what you mean?22:32
alpreduhnnie: I mean the desktop login doesn't work? with mouse?22:32
duhnniealpre: exactly22:32
alpreduhnnie: OH22:32
duhnniealpre: it only shows a X as the mouse pointer22:33
alpreduhnnie: is this ubuntu 12 you have?22:33
duhnniealpre: and 4 options22:33
duhnniealpre: i have 12.0422:33
ubuntu8what is the FASTEST (not the BETTER) Desktop environment for ubuntu??22:33
W3RFastest is probably openbox.22:33
kostkonthat escalated quickly...22:33
ubuntu-noob-101-guys need help.. just installed ubuntu 12.04 update stuck at getting dconf-gsettings-backend.. its only 16 kB?22:34
ubuntu8tanx w3r22:34
alpreduhnnie: did you install guest additions somehow?22:34
ubuntu8W3R openbox vs Enlightenment?22:34
W3REn is more shiny22:35
W3Rthats about it22:35
dr_willisubuntu8:  radically differnt apps/desktops/wms22:35
duhnniealpre: i've installed guest additions yeasterday, and it was working fine,22:35
W3RShould be same kind of fast.22:35
W3RI prefer openbox.22:35
hwkiller-netbookubuntu8, that's hard to gauge really. openbox is quick. tiling wm's are very quick. xfce is quick too22:35
W3Rxfce is shinier22:35
W3Ra lot easier to use for new people.22:35
alpreduhnnie: you mean you used the menu on your host system to do it? Did you try to reinstall them, just run the installer again from terminal.22:35
hwkiller-netbookxfce is the quickest of the fully featured DE's22:35
W3RThat is if you install xubuntu22:36
hwkiller-netbookwell, enlightenment is quick too, but it's still buggy22:36
dr_willislubuntu is very nice. perhaps missing some features people may want. but still useable22:36
alpreduhnnie: other than that I am really not sure what to do22:36
duhnniealpre: i've used the VBOX ISO file,22:36
hwkiller-netbookdoes lxde use gtk3?22:37
duhnniealpre: i'll try reinstall from terminal, can you guide me please?22:37
alpreduhnnie: yes, maybe try using it again22:37
alpreduhnnie: just ask22:37
duhnniealpre: ok, it can be private? there are so much messages here22:38
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ubuntu8I used bodhi linux liveusb, and very nice and fast22:38
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alpreduhnnie: better ask here, more people who know stuff :) it is noisy sometimes22:38
ubuntu8ubuntu and enlightenment like bodhi ?22:38
ubuntu-noob-101-UBUNTU SUCK!22:38
duhnniealpre: ok, i have the ISO mounted on ubuntu22:39
ubuntu-noob-101-everyone READ that? it suck!22:39
Kentosall i saw was noob22:39
aaasENGLISH BAD22:39
ubuntu-noob-101-what ever22:39
ubuntu-noob-101-it suck!22:39
duhnniealpre: ok, i logged in from terminal22:39
alpreduhnnie: cd into /media/cdrom0/ and run 'sh bla-installer-linux.sh22:39
duhnniealpre: now, how can I access the image from terminal?22:40
alpreduhnnie: sorry run sudo sh of course22:40
ubuntu-noob-101-just kidding.. help me please?22:40
duhnniealpre: ok, thanks22:40
ChogyDanhow do I turn pidgin off?22:41
dr_willissudo sh  - is not advised... sudo -s or sudo -i   is perfered22:41
W3RTurn pidgin off?22:41
ubuntu-noob-101-ChogyDan: Uninstall Ubuntu22:41
W3ROpen the menu, exit.22:41
Kentoswhats the basic hardware list for making a decent low-mid traffick website. Would one server be enough(without media streaming or down/uploads) ?22:41
ubuntu-noob-101-Ctrl+Alt+F1. > sudo reboot22:42
Fuchsubuntu-noob-101-: please don't do that in here, thanks.22:42
funky1ChogyDan: open terminal and "killall pidgin"22:42
W3RHardware is rarely the issue Kentos22:42
ChogyDanive been right clicking in the unity menu, and clicking quit, it keeps logging me back in22:42
W3RNetwork is.22:42
duhnniealpre: i'm trying access /media/VBOXADDITIONS_XXXXX but it shows mw "Permiso Denegado" (Spanish Version), i think it means "Access denied"22:42
Kentosnetwork speed?22:42
ubuntu-noob-101-Fuchs: why is it ubuntu update stuck at 16 kB of file?22:42
W3RHow fast your network connection is Kentos22:42
Fuchsubuntu-noob-101-: hard to say, maybe the remoted disconnected or something else happened, have you checked the log files?22:43
Kentos30/4 currently22:43
W3RThat will likely be saturated far before the server is.22:43
zeeeerosup peoples.22:43
=== mimor_ is now known as mimor
W3RA cheap celeron would be more than sufficient.22:43
alpreduhnnie: what command did you use to access?22:43
W3RA routers could probably manage Kentos22:43
ChogyDanI has no close option in pidgin!22:43
ubuntu-noob-101-Fuchs: yes... it says it was moved to something.. it is actually dconf-gsettings-backend22:43
funky1ChogyDan: open terminal and "killall pidgin"22:43
W3RYup that will work22:43
dr_willisChogyDan:  why are you needing to close pidgin?22:44
Phiscribeubuntu-noob-101- out of disk space?open dialoag behind the one your are looking at waiting on input? another program open trying to do updates?22:44
ChogyDanfunky1: I would like the GUI method22:44
ubuntu-noob-101-space? its only 16kB22:44
Kentosinteresting, it won't run into many problems say with proccessing the read files or anything? Im using a really old computer22:44
duhnniealpre: i've used "cd /media" then "cd VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.6_74713"22:44
funky1ChogyDan: what happens when you right click icon and use "quit"?22:44
Phiscribeubuntu-noob-101- just guessing. what about open dialog waiting on input? alt tab around22:44
Kentosits got a dual core Xeon in it, which to me sounds good for what i paid for the whole thing22:45
alpreduhnnie: does 'ls /media/cdrom0/' show something?22:45
ChogyDandr_willis: no other reason than I want to.  The problem is that it keeps logging back on.  I think it is restarting based on my net connection, which is flacky22:45
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: I am not following u..22:45
ChogyDanfunky1: ^22:45
W3RChogyDan, my pidgin has the quit option under buddies22:45
alpreduhnnie: there should be an installer .sh file for linux in there22:45
funky1ChogyDan: what does that mean?22:45
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: Fresh install Ubuntu 12.04, Update, and im stuck only on this dconf-gsettings-backend22:45
duhnniealpre:  it shows: "No existe el archivo o el direcotrio" = "no such file or direcotry"22:46
funky1ChogyDan: what vs of pidgin?22:46
alpreduhnnie: then you didn't mount it in /media/cdrom0/22:46
zeeeerohaving some issues here setting permissions of a home ubuntu core server even as owner of all files withen the target dir tree. can anyone one maybe lend a hand.22:46
alchhi, can someone help me, i was using a ubuntu live usb for some lab stuff, but it has stopped booting up, it locks on "[ somenumber] Btrfs loaded"22:46
ubuntu-noob-101-Fuchs: any idea?22:46
alpreduhnnie: do 'sudo mount /media/cdrom'22:46
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: any idea?22:46
ChogyDanfunky1: omg, 12.04, but I think this is an issue with unity22:47
duhnniealpre: i've just used the virtual box menu to mount the iso22:47
dr_willisChogyDan:  i just clicked the close button.. and it closed.....22:47
funky1do you have the pidgin icon in the taskbar?22:47
funky1i have also piding 12.0422:47
alpreduhnnie: that only put the cd into the virtual drive, you need to mount manually now.22:47
dr_willisnot any more ... no icon22:47
funky1i mean pidgin in 12.0422:47
funky1when i right click the icon, i can just select quit22:48
duhnniealpre: ok, what command i need to run to mount it?22:48
alpreduhnnie: do 'sudo mount /media/cdrom'22:48
ubuntu-noob-101-how do we remove dconf-gsettings-backend from update pool?22:48
ubuntu-noob-101-Get:6 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main dconf-gsettings-backend amd64 0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1 [16.1 kB] 0% [6 dconf-gsettings-backend 3,845 B/16.1 kB 24%]22:49
ubuntu-noob-101-this is such a bad experience trying out ubuntu..22:50
Phiscribeubuntu-noob-101- what im asking you to check is if a window is up, that is behind another, that is sitting there waiting on your input to continue the update.22:50
duhnniealpre: it fails, it shows: "no se puede encontrar /media/cdrom en etc/fstab o etc/mtab"22:50
nca_hi all, quick question. I have a dual-port e1000 card in my desktop. Is there a straight-forward way to bond the interfaces through Network Manager? Googling just results in server configs (which just give issues with NM still running)22:50
duhnniealpre: it fails, it shows: "no se puede encontrar /media/cdrom en etc/fstab o etc/mtab" = "it can't be found ..."22:50
Kentosim a little dissapointed by my service around here for internet. For a website its mostly upload if im not mistaken, and the highest package i can get is 5Mbit up speed.22:51
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: Yes its waiting for input "cursor blink" u mean?22:51
alpreduhnnie: try 'sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom'22:51
ubuntu-noob-101-i did was sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:51
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: and im stuck on that dconf....22:52
W3RWell Kentos how many people are you expecting?22:52
Phiscribeubuntu-noob-101- try dragging the window to the left or right or up or down and see if ANOTHER window is behind it waiting on you to answer a config question22:52
Phiscribeif its not that, i dunno22:52
duhnniealpre: it shows "el punto de montaje  /media/cdrom no existe" = "doesn't exist"22:53
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: Nope nothing..22:53
alpreduhnnie: ok, weird, the what is in /media? ls /media22:53
=== bousselham is now known as skrocco
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: Its just this >> Get:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates/main dconf-gsettings-backend amd64 0.12.0-0ubuntu1.1 [16.1 kB] 0% [1 dconf-gsettings-backend 3,845 B/16.1 kB 24%]22:53
skroccoHello all22:53
duhnniels /media22:54
Kentoscould someone give me some info on the differences here in the US on what ISPs call a bussiness internet connection and a residential?22:54
alpreduhnnie: 'sudo mkdir /media/cdrom' if it doesn't exist, then try mounting sr0 again22:54
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.22:54
duhnniealpre: in /media is VBOXADDITIONS_4.1.6_7471322:54
zeeeeroany ideas22:55
W3RKentos, you are better asking the businesses about that than here.22:55
Kentosyeah, im just wondering if theres any real difference22:55
W3RBusiness connections tend to be higher through put22:55
W3Ri.e. faster22:55
W3Rwith no bandwidth limit22:55
W3Requal down and upload speed.22:55
alpreduhnnie: just try what I wrote then22:55
Kentosyeah, i was looking at the DSL companies, but...its the exact same speeds as their residential connections22:56
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: is there any way i can proceed update?22:56
Phiscribeif its stuck its stuck22:56
duhnniealpre: i tried, i tried with both: VBOXADDITIONS... and cdrom and cdrom022:56
Kentosbandwidth caps are something i would like the option of getting rid of lol22:56
duhnniealpre: i'll have to reinstall ubuntu22:57
alpreduhnnie: 'sudo mkdir /media/cdrom' if it doesn't exist22:57
alchhey how i can get to the prompt in a live install? it goes right for unity(which seems to not work right now)22:57
ubuntu-noob-101-Ok, where do i change plist ?22:57
duhnniealpre: dorectory created22:57
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.22:58
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: this file is actually moved to: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/precise-updates/22:58
alpreduhnnie: try 'sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/cdrom', you can create another directory and use that too instead22:58
ubuntu-noob-101-Phiscribe: where do i change this plists to correct this ?22:58
Kentosi suppose the service here isnt great for a server application, best upload speeds are the same residentially and for bussiness at a max of 5Mbit... kinda strange with down speeds are offered up to 100Mbit22:59
ubuntu-noob-101-where do i change this plists to correct this ?22:59
duhnniealpre: mount as read only22:59
duhnniealpre: mounted as read only (i guess)22:59
alpreduhnnie: ok, then cd /media/cdrom23:00
duhnniealpre: ok, i'm inside cdrom23:00
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.23:01
alpreduhnnie: OK look how the installers inside are named23:01
alpreduhnnie: there should be a file called ...Linuxinstaller.sh not sure exactly23:02
duhnniealpre: the "ls" command shows some elements like runasroot.sh, VBoxLinuxAdditions.run autorun.sh and some .exe ans a .pkg23:02
ubuntu-noob-101-THIS IS SUCK..23:03
duhnniealpre: also shows 2 dirs: 32bit and 64bit23:03
dr_willisubuntu-noob-101-:  yes  you do indeed.23:03
alpreduhnnie: VBoxLinuxAdditions.run it is. I did sudo sh 'VBoxLinuxAdditions.run'. Here it was mentioned that instead you should use sudo -i or sudo -s, but I don't know how that works23:03
ubuntu-noob-101-dr_willis: ya right.. you do as well23:04
duhnniealpre: ok, i'll try23:04
ubuntu-noob-101-username states that i am a noob so?23:04
ikoniastop that23:05
ubuntu-noob-101-ikonia: ok23:05
ikoniathank you23:05
dr_willisbeing annoying in the channel tends to get you ignored. restate the support question in a clear concise way.23:05
delinquentmeHow do I search recursively through my file system to file a file called "mysqld.sock"23:05
ikoniadelinquentme: it's in /tmp23:05
ikoniahowever find / -name mysqld.sock -print would work23:06
ubuntu-noob-101-dr_willis: its been almost.. but nothing seems to float23:06
dr_willisdelinquentme:  the locate command, is very handy for finding files. but a .sock file is a socket file. whya re you needing it?23:06
delinquentmeikonia, no such luck23:06
dr_willisso much for clear and concise.23:06
ikoniaI'm guessing an application is complainin it can't connect to mysql23:06
ikoniathe socket file is missing because mysql isn't running23:06
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.23:06
ubuntu-noob-101-does anyone here from ubuntu support.. PLEASE update sources path..23:06
funky1delinquentme: go to / and run "sudo find . | egrep mysqld.sock"23:07
delinquentmeikonia, so " sudo start mysql " returns mysql start/running, process 983923:07
alchi think my live usb tha i need for some lab work has been corrupted after forced shutdown, anything i can do to save it?23:07
ikoniadelinquentme: can you connect with mysql client ?23:07
wilee-nileealch, this usb have a persistance?23:07
ikoniadelinquentme: what's the error ?23:07
dr_willisalch:  you could try to fsck its casper-rw file.. be best to  copy that file somewhere else, then try fscking it. then mounting it.23:07
Marvin827I think you ought to know, frigg, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
Marvin827Marvin827, you are just one person too many.23:08
ubuntu-noob-101-damn this.. :D23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, ubuntu-noob-101-, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
duhnniealpre: i've discovered something23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, duhnnie, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
delinquentmewhat the shit.23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, delinquentme, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
delinquentmenow it connects23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, delinquentme, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
W3Rmarvin please go elsewhere/23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, W3R, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
ikoniadelinquentme: please drop the language23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, ikonia, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
ubuntu-noob-101-Marvin827: no worries.. its me who is depressed not u23:08
FloodBot1Marvin827: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, ubuntu-noob-101-, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
Marvin827I think you ought to know, FloodBot1, that I'm feeling very depressed.23:08
ubuntu-noob-101-Marvin827: no worries.. its me who is depressed not u23:08
delinquentmeOK. sooo I dont even know what I did.23:09
ikoniadelinquentme: probably started mysql23:09
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.23:09
duhnniealpre: maybe thats the original problem: i don't have enough space on my virtual disk23:09
delinquentmethis is the worst kind of solution lol23:09
delinquentmebecause I learned nada23:09
delinquentmeikonia, how do you personally check the status of mysql being on or off?23:09
alpreduhnnie: maybe, the xcursor was not normal either23:09
ikoniadelinquentme: ps -ef | grep mysqld23:09
dr_willisdelinquentme:  the service command is handy for that23:09
wilee-nileealch, I would answer the error question, and realise that a persistent file fills up and is difficult to clean, and will stop it from running when filled up.23:10
delinquentmesudo netstat -tap | grep mysql ... ps aux | grep mysql ... service mysql status23:10
duhnniealpre: i remember, this morning ubuntu notified me about it23:10
delinquentmeI've aquired a few today23:10
ikoniadelinquentme: the service command as dr_willis said is valid, but it reads a pid file which doesn't always confirm mysqld is running23:10
alpreduhnnie: when you install ubuntu, don't install the guest addiditions from the menu, you usually don't need it and ubuntu has them built in, just a bit older23:10
alchwell i dint changed anything in the last boot23:10
duhnniealpre: ok, thanks23:11
wilee-nilee!who > alch23:11
ubottualch, please see my private message23:11
alpreduhnnie: they are in ubuntu menu, system settings third party drivers or something, no need for the iso. np23:11
duhnniealpre: well i'll try to resolve this by myself, i think that the problem is about disk space23:11
alchubottu: ic sorrry23:11
alpreduhnnie: yes, could work23:11
W3RDoes anyone know if the DHCP section in KVM is accurate: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Networking23:12
W3RFor bridged connections.23:12
wilee-nileealch, I'm not saying the persistent is filed, but ut gets filled with error messages and just general use scripts as well as ading and removing apps and stuff.23:12
alchwilee-nilee: ic23:13
CiscoNinjahello folks23:14
delinquentmesudo find . | egrep mysqld.sock    << this finds no files .. however mysql is running23:14
delinquentmeLe GRRRR23:14
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.23:14
ikoniadelinquentme: look in my.cnf to see where your socket file hsould be23:15
ikoniadelinquentme: /tmp /var/lib/mysql for example23:15
ubuntu-noob-101-If you want to get things done, do it your self.. thanks anyway23:17
CiscoNinjathe wife likes to watch soap opera like from youtube and other websites. she is bugging me to stream it to our bedroom TV. my options are ROCKU box and xbox360 . any luck for me or should i stop being lazy and hook up vga to the tv each time she want to watch 'em?23:18
Kentosdo you not have multiple connections for your streaming device?23:19
Kentoslike multiple monitor type of deal23:20
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.23:20
delinquentme/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock ikonia23:20
CiscoNinjaKentos, am not sure i understand23:20
delinquentmegrep didn't have search access to that dir23:20
Kentoswhere are you streaming from currently?23:21
Kentoswhat do you connect with the VGA to the TV23:21
CiscoNinjaKentos, i don't want to connect physically to the tv23:21
=== bill is now known as Guest74212
pragmaticenigmaAnybody have a good resource for configuring a Nvidia GeForce 6200 card? When ever I am in X, the system hangs and the screen often draws a corrupted image23:22
Kentosok, you have a wireless connection from your tv or something? there will have to be some physical connection to it for something, unless its a smart TV with youtube apps and webbrowseing23:22
CiscoNinjaKentos, xbox360 -> tv "netflix" or Rocku ->tv "netflix+ other channels"23:23
zeeeerofor free or with a budget because I have seen a bunch of ways to handle your situation23:23
RPG-MasterIs their a way to install Ubuntu to an extra internal hard drive *from* a currently running Ubuntu on another hard drive in the computer?23:23
CiscoNinjaKentos, no smart tv23:23
RPG-Master*in the same computer23:23
zeeeerofor about 150$ you could build an itx to fi5t on the back of your tv(s)23:24
Kentosyeah, I'm not quite sure what your after then, zeeero seems to be more knowledgeable23:24
pragmaticenigmaRPG-Master: You could use something like CloneZilla to image the main drive to the second drive.  You would have an exact copy for each harddrive23:24
CiscoNinjawhat is itx zeeeero ?23:25
RPG-Masterpragmaticenigma: Is that ok if the "from" hard drive has bad sectors, which is why I'm doing this?23:25
* CiscoNinja google to the rescue23:25
zeeeeroalso for $40-$70 you can buy one of many streaming box tops that support a wide variety of streamcast including your pc23:25
pragmaticenigmaRPG-Master: It is possible that the corrupted sectors may cause difficulty, however, there is no harm in trying23:26
CiscoNinjazeeeero, ahhhh itx mobo23:26
zeeeeroVERY low power mobo thats around 8"x8"23:26
RPG-Masterpragmaticenigma: If I have so, I will, but if I can just install Ubuntu to the second hard drive with this current Ubuntu, I'd prefer it.23:27
CiscoNinjazeeeero, but then i will need a hdd and other stuff right23:27
Kentoswould that allow him to then stream data wirelessly to his TV?23:27
pragmaticenigmaRPG-Master: There is no way to "install" using one harddisk to another23:27
delinquentmehttp://pastie.org/4698752 ikonia does this mean mysql is running or not?23:28
zeeeerosomething that only did streaming could run from a 4gb usb23:28
CiscoNinjazeeeero do you mind to take this to pm....i don't want to piss ops since this is heading away from ubuntu23:28
RPG-Masterpragmaticenigma: Eh, ok. I admit defeat. :/23:28
_MarcusWhat is the package name for CGI-bin?23:28
RPG-Masterpragmaticenigma: Thanks for the help.23:29
pragmaticenigma_Marcus: There is no package CGI-BIN... that is just a folder used by apache to host server executed scripts23:29
_Marcuspragmaticenigma: So it's part of Apache?23:29
zeeeeroyeah sure. dont know why it matter though I have been asking for a seemingly simple permissions queastion for about 45 mins now and no one here knows dick.23:29
pragmaticenigma_Marcus: It's a directory configured by Apache to store executable scripts23:29
CiscoNinjazeeeero, they make 32gb usb now! that is not the issue but you will still need keyboard and mouse23:30
_Marcuszeeeero: If it's simple, why can't you answer it yourself? No need to be rude to people.23:30
zeeeerosynergy or vnc23:30
dr_willissynergy and vnc have differnet tasks23:30
CiscoNinjadr_willis, i like nxclient23:31
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CiscoNinjazeeeero, how can i stream youtube to my tv using uvuntu and xbox360 or rocku /23:32
zeeeeroit seems simple but I dont know enough console jargon to google it properly cuz I have tried. all I wanted someone to do is give me a few good search terms to point me in the right direction. I intended to DO it my self. I wanted someone else to show me what I was doing wrong so I COULD do it me self cuz Im at a wall right now23:32
dr_williszeeeero:  for what?23:33
zeeeeroattemp proceed like this Terminal/gksudo nautilus/navigated to /media/trunk (folder containing storage partition from windows set up as nas with trunk as network storage)/right clicked (gksudoed) naut window of "trunk"/ attemped to change permission of "trunk"/ owner permission successful but group and other revert back to no access.23:33
_Marcuszeeeero: What exactly is the problem that you are having?23:33
dr_willisyou do NOT chown/chmod a ntfs/vfat.. you set its permissions/owner at Mount time23:34
zeeeeroI cant changed the permission to a folder of files I own23:34
dr_williszeeeero:  is it on a ntfs/vfat/network share?23:34
_Marcuszeeeero: Try changing it as root?23:34
zeeeerontfs on the same drive as the ubuntu server install23:35
dr_willisyou do NOT chown/chmod a ntfs/vfat.. you set its permissions/owner at Mount time23:35
zeeeeroseperate partitions23:35
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions23:35
zeeeeroso I am to change the mount. think you could kindly throw a few search terms for or you think "drive mount options" would be enough23:36
zeeeerodrive mount options 12.0423:37
CiscoNinjawith all do respect to everyone , in the past dr_willis have helped me a lot ...this dude knows his sh*t. i would listen to him @ zeeeero23:37
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zeeeeroI am listening he is helping.23:38
snwhAnyone running Ubuntu on an SSD?23:39
zeeeeroor was but telling me there is a different ownership process was a lot of help. Fo reals. thanks.23:40
dr_willisis what hanelds the mounting of ntfs... ....23:42
joofshwhy doesn't % tar zxvf jre-7u7linux-i586.tar.gz work?  I get a bash: fg: %: no such job error23:43
KentosI wasn't aware you could mount ntfs partitions to ubuntu23:44
dr_willisKentos:  have been able to for years.. and years23:44
Noobuntumy synaptiks touchpad driver crashes on every reebot23:44
Noobuntuany idea guys?23:44
dr_willisfor a long time it was read only... but now a days.. ntfs-3g works well23:45
dr_willisjoofsh:  you are entering a % ? thats not part of the command...23:45
Kentosthat work well when networking with windows clients?23:45
dr_willisKentos:  thats samba.. has nothing really to do with ntfs.23:45
zeeeerothank you found it. and sry for talking smak. I just assumed I gave plenty enough info for a response. sadly I didnt get any until I started talking shit. I hate talking shit but posting my problem every 3 full scroll pages on a 1080 seemed like it was enough to let those busy stay busy and let anyone who thought they might could help could let me know. and if you did tell me that earlier I didnt know what it ment without my name or conte23:45
joofshdr_willis: arg. Yep that's it. Thank you.  Was just trying to follow the java install guide.  Says to start with a %.  silly me23:46
dr_willissamba dosent care what FS you are shareiong.. as long as the permissions are correct23:46
dr_willisjoofsh:  % = part of the prompt.23:46
Kentosi see23:46
joofshokay, good to know for future reference23:46
dr_williszeeeero:  i still dont know what youa re rambling on about....23:46
Kentosi recently set up an odd raid style for my server, had not found documents on it before23:47
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:48
m3powa good IDE for Ubuntu ?23:48
Noobuntuanyone had any issues with synaptiks touchad driver crashing? I use an HP dv6t laptop23:48
KentosI set up a mirror hardware raid  on 6 drives, 2 per mirror, using one as the install mirror, and then setup a softRAID in raid 0 for the two remaining mirrors23:48
Kentoshas anyone done this before?23:49
ubottugiorgia1503: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».23:49
pikeaeroCode::Blocks IDE23:49
m3powi have noticed eclipse there aswell23:50
m3powi want one that does a good job with ruby,php, html etc23:51
CiscoNinjais there is a way i can stream my screen to TV via xbox360 and ubuntu23:51
Kentosnot sure how Xbox connects to a network, out of my area of knowledge23:52
CiscoNinjaKennocha, wire(less)23:53
CiscoNinjaKentos, ^^23:53
KentosI'm not really familiar with streaming data either, much less so in using an Xbox even for games. Let me know if you find your anwser though I wouldnt mind learning how that is done23:54
dr_willisCiscoNinja:  dlna/upnp servers can stream to a xbox36023:55
dr_willisand i think vlc can do that.23:55
Kentosid really think the Xbox would have to DL something to accept a stream, however If it already has soemthing, you might want to look into its streaming app/software23:55
CiscoNinjadr_willis, i would like to stream youtube and other sites23:56
CiscoNinjadr_willis, by dlna you mean ushare23:56
pragmaticenigmaAnybody have a good resource for configuring a Nvidia GeForce 6200 card? When ever I am in X, the system hangs and the screen often draws a corrupted image23:59
zeeeeroI found this and I LOVE this site as its very user frendly if you can cookie cut http://www.havetheknowhow.com/Install-the-software.html23:59

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