
SirFunkanyone using a motu 8pre with ubuntu studio?00:13
ailoSirFunk: Check ffados home page for firewire device support00:25
SirFunkyeah.. it says it's experimental (with a bunch of people reporting it working) .. but for me it's not being recognized.. was hoping to find someone who has experience with it00:28
ailoSirFunk: ffado has a mail list00:28
ailoYou could try asking there for more detailed info00:29
SirFunkhmm.. ok, i may have to do that00:29
ailoIt's either that or LAU - Linux Audio User00:29
ailoexperimental is pretty promising though00:31
ailoIt's sort of the step below supported00:31
ailoI have a focusrite pro 40, which is labeled experimental, but I think it's more or less fully supported by now00:32
ailoCan't say how much experimental it is, but at least something should be working on it00:33
ailoI mean, whatever is labeled experimental00:33
ailoThe pro 40 is not really that experimental anymore00:34
SirFunkyeah.. i don't know I'm not even sure where to start. ffado-mixer says no recognized devices00:35
SirFunkthat's about as far as i've gotten00:35
ailoSirFunk: The mixer is a different beast.00:40
ailoIt only controls internal routing00:40
ailoSo, not really involved in the actual audio streaming00:41
ailoSirFunk: The big deal is really whether you can get it to run with jack00:49
SirFunkwhat's the simplest way to see if jack can use it?00:52
ailoSirFunk: Just start it with the firewire driver00:53
ailoSirFunk: Are you on Ubuntu Studio?00:53
SirFunkwell... ubuntu00:54
SirFunkjackd -d firewire ?00:54
ailoSirFunk: Did you add yourself to audio group?00:55
SirFunkfirewire ERR: FFADO: Error creating virtual device    Cannot attach audio driver    JackServer::Open() failed with -1    Failed to open server00:55
ailoMake sure you can start jack with any alsa card first00:55
ailoIf yes, then try firewire00:56
SirFunklooks fine with alsa00:56
ailoOne thing I have to do with my device is power it first, then attach the cable00:56
SirFunkhttp://www.ffado.org/?q=node/65  seems a lot of people are getting success with ffado-mixer first00:57
SirFunkbut the posts are also really old when they were using the old firewire stack00:57
ailoWell, it should work with the mixer then00:58
ailoI suppose trying their "dance" using another OS may be one thing to try00:58
ailoSeems like an odd device00:58
ailoConverter mode is when it's only used as an ADAT device or something?00:59
ailoWell, I'm the wrong person to ask anyway..01:00
SirFunkwhat i gather from that thread it sounds like it should show up in the mixer, and from the mixer you can tweak something and it will switch to interface mode then you can use it in jack... I can't get it to show up in the mixer01:00
SirFunkhah.. well you know more about it than I01:00
=== Soupermanito is now known as GridCube
SirFunkmaybe i'll just bust out my old laptop and reinstall windows01:02
SirFunkor try and find someone who will trade me a usb interface :-P01:02
ailoCould be worth making sure how it operates01:02
ailoIf you're looking for a multitrack usb, I recommend the Presonus 1818vsl01:03
ailoFocusrite Sapphire Pro 40 is a nice firewire device01:03
ailoThe Presonus 1818vsl is the only multitrack usb device that looks really promising01:04
ailo..of what I've seen anyway01:04
ailoHaven't tested it myself yet01:04
SirFunki really only need like 2 tracks max01:04
ailoThen you have a lot more to choose from01:05
ailoand here  http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/current_audio_gear01:06
SirFunkoh there is a thread from this year on the 8pre on the mailing list... reading....01:06
SirFunkeh, i'm too poor to buy anything01:06
SirFunkjust about to buy a new bass amp and a double bass bow01:06
SirFunkmoney = gone01:06
ailoThe Motu should be a pretty good device, and worth a bit of money, no?01:07
ailoI would stick with it, if you can get it to work01:07
SirFunkyeah it was a good device.. but i barely used it01:09
SirFunki should probably find a windows system.. maybe this 8pre is hosed01:13
SirFunklol.. i tried the other firewire port on the device and... bingo01:14
SirFunkso.. stereo mastering in linux.. what should i use?01:15
ailoSirFunk: Ardour is good, but you might want to use many different applications, depending on what you want to do01:22
ailoAudacity is great for some things01:22
ailoSirFunk: Was it a front port, that didn't work?01:23
ailoThey aren't always connected to the MB01:23
SirFunknah there are 2 right next to eachothre on the back... (this is on the motu) maybe it just wasn't pushed in tightly :-P01:28
SirFunkhmm.. how to change sample rate in ardour01:28
SirFunkahh that's done with jack01:29
SirFunkI wonder how quickly i can learn to use ardour :-P01:34
len-dtMost of it seems pretty simple. The one thing I had to look up is: export = mixdown.01:36
SirFunklol.. opened up ardour and jamit at the same time... jack seems to be hung01:37
SirFunkjamin rather01:37
SirFunkI can't believe I'm using this card again :-P I abandoned it years ago when i stopped using windows.02:07
drupini installed have installed ubuntustudio on pendrive with help of pendrivelinux.com installer02:58
drupinbut i cannot install apps in it02:59
holsteindrupin: i suggest just installing to the USB stick03:20
holsteindrupin: you likely have a live instance, and changes arent save03:20
drupinno i did sudo and it installed03:20
holsteini just install to the USB stick, and i end up with a full ubuntu installation on USB with normal user, ext filesystem and "persistance"03:20
holsteindrupin: you dont need "sudo" to install it03:20
holsteinyou might have sudo dd'd it03:20
holsteinim talking about *not* using the help of pendrive linux... im talking about the normal installing03:21
Unit193LiLo isn't a bad bet to make a persistant bootable live USB.03:21
drupinfor that i will need two pendrive03:22
holsteindrupin: or a CD.. or a usb and another drive03:22
drupinCD is broken03:22
drupinmean drive03:22
SirFunkhmm.. audio linux is weird. Routing things between standalone programs and trying to remember to not close them :-P03:23
holsteindrupin: you can also search about how to make a persistant install as Unit193 is suggesting03:23
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent03:23
Unit193LiLo for windows is nice, though.03:23
drupinok let me see03:24
drupini will bookmark those03:25
holsteindrupin: yup.... or just install to the USB like normal03:26
holsteinshould take about 15 minutes03:26
drupinbut i need to boot it from somewhere03:26
holsteindrupin: i use 2 usb sticks.. or CD03:27
drupinright i can do that03:27
drupin8 gigs is ok ?03:27
holsteini fit ubuntustudio 8.04 on a 4 gb stick03:28
holsteinthe iso will fit, and the install should as well03:28
chimboanyone ever had an issue where DSP plugins take up 99% of DSP when a signal disappears09:56
chimbolike in Ardour09:56
chimboi read something about denormals09:56
chimbobut i tried adding the DC bias and it did nothing09:56
ailochimbo: You might find someone at #ardour who knows10:26
chimbogood point11:28
chimbosorry ailo wrong chan :)11:29
ailochimbo: I think this is a good a channel as any, but not as high trafficed. On #ardour there's just a bigger chance someone will know of this issue11:33
chimboailo yeh12:22
ailo-wlen-dt: What's the url to ubuntustudio seeds?12:47
smartboyhwailo-w: Seeds?12:47
ailo-wfound it12:47
ailo-wsmartboyhw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeedManagement12:49
ailo-wI'm going to add this part to our dev docs12:49
ailo-wlen-dt: What does () do in seeds?12:55
ailo-wlen-dt: Recommend?12:58
ailo-wAh, wrong channel12:58
bubuanyone here?14:31
smartboyhwHi bubu14:32
bubuhi! i was reading a bit about ubuntu studio... do you know if it is set up to reduce audio latency?14:33
smartboyhwWell we do have a -lowlatency kernel:)14:33
smartboyhwYes we do. When you install Ubuntu Studio it preinstalls the -lowlatency kernel for you14:34
bubuoh great14:34
smartboyhwOr do you want it on your current system?14:34
bubuno i was looking around for a distribution to install... i have had issues with latency on linuxes in the past14:36
smartboyhwOk but then do you want only lowlatency kernel?14:37
bubuwell i want a distribution that is easy to install and get working, and provides low latency audio output14:38
=== slurry is now known as slurryart
smartboyhwbubu: Then Ubuntu Studio:)14:39
bubuok i will give it a go14:39
slurryartgood morning, new ubuntustudio user, love it btw, thanks for your work... i need to use same xcfe theme for the gnome apps, or find a way to use a dark theme for nautilus and the other gnome apps, any ideas?14:41
slurryartok, thanks again, 12.04 is an awesome release, please keep up the good work, have a good day14:43
velhohello beautifull people :)17:37
velhocan I run VST3 plugins in a linux DAW?17:37
velhoand if there is no VST3 support on any host, what programs recognize VST2?17:39
holsteinvelho: i would just test them and see17:48
holsteinim my experience, the ones that say they work in linux do17:48
holsteinthe ones that dont, sometimes do17:48
holsteinthe kxstudio team (which is mostly just falktx) has done a great job providing support for all VTS's that can be suppported17:49
holsteinvelho: most of us just use the software provided in the repositories17:49
holsteinthe idea of an operating system that included all the production software and access to thousands of other applications to download is quite different than the workflow on other operating systems17:50
velhoholstein, hmm. I guess I'm starting to see the picture17:54
holsteinvelho: you'll just need to try them.. we cant know if they will work17:54
velhoso, indirectly you are saying that I don't need to worry about VSTs that I already use, because there are plenty of free software to work with?17:54
holsteinwe are not allowed to include support17:54
holsteinvelho: i can only say that i dont miss any of my old VST's17:55
holsteini dont use VST instruments however17:55
holsteinif i wanted to use windows VST's, i would try KXstudio.. i am still using ubuntu 10.04 with the KXstudio ppa's added on my production machine17:55
velhoI can live without the VST instruments that I use. but not the same for vst effects17:56
holsteinvelho: there is nothing ubuntu or ubuntustudio or linux is doing to prevent *any* VST's from runnning on the system17:56
holsteinvelho: will they work? i'll tell you what Paul Davis told me when i posed the same question to him years ago... try them, some work and some dont17:57
velholol, ok, good answer :)17:57
velhoi gotta stop making questions and try the stuff17:57
holsteinnone of mine easily worked out of the box, so i just moved on17:57
velhowhat did you use?17:58
holsteini honestly cant remember17:58
holsteinvelho: i had a nice lexion reverb though17:58
holsteincame with a device i purchased17:58
holsteini had "free" plugins that i liked and understood how to use17:58
pandorashello everybody18:08
pandorasi get little troubles with my liveUSB-stick and cant get any logs or verboses18:09
holsteinpandoras: you have a USB stick that isnt "working" ? its not mounting?18:09
pandorasfirst i tryied to install to a SanDisk Cruzer, and that whant not working, because they had a little messie firmware on it, calles u318:10
pandorasafter that, i choose my kingston stick (8gb)18:10
holsteinpandoras: are you installing to the USB stick? or having issues with a USB stick while using ubuntustudio?18:11
pandorasand installed a current ISO trough usb-creator-gtk on it, that worked fine18:11
pandorasi can now boot from that stick, but after the dialog to choose a language, a loading screen appears and does nothing18:11
pandorasno verbose in any TTY18:11
holsteinpandoras: i would try safe grphics mode18:12
holsteintapping shift while the CD iso boots, i choose from the F6 menu at the bottom "nomodeset"18:12
holsteinpandoras: should be the same on the USB boot18:12
pandorasok, shift, F6  lets try... brb18:13
pandorasso, i think i has the problem, is it possible to make a huge mistake, and i have to use a explicit USB Image?18:20
pandorasa verbose searching for files in the cdrom-drive /dev/sr018:20
holsteinpandoras: im not sure what an expliciti USB image is18:21
holsteinpandoras: i would confirm the downloaded iso18:21
holstein!md5 | pandoras18:21
ubottupandoras: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:21
holsteini would try just buring to a DVD assuming that is an option18:21
pandorasi have no burner18:21
holsteinpandoras: cool.. so you can ignore that last option then18:21
pandorasand the CD drive was not used years ago ^^18:21
holsteinpandoras: you can move to using unetbootin instead of the ubuntu tool18:22
pandorasis that a difference? because the live system, loaded via USB is searching in the CD-drive, no wonder nothing happens18:22
pandorasmom i try the mighty google18:23
holsteinpandoras: the "virtual" CD rom drive18:23
holsteinpandoras: i would be using the live CD image, which i assume you are since ubuntustudio only has the live one in 12.0418:23
holsteinpandoras: and thats ubuntustudio?18:26
holsteini would make a bootable iso with unetbooting after confirming the md5 sum18:26
pandorasdo you think that makes a difference between usb-creator?18:32
pandorasa try doesn't harm18:32
holsteinpandoras: i suggest the use of, and use unetbootin...18:32
pandorask.. install package18:33
pandorashm, where is my image gone? xD gnarf i am stupid, or does datas in the download directory magical disappear?18:45
holsteinpandoras: im not sure what your setup is like, but downloads typically do *not* disappear18:46
pandorasthats the point, that confuses me too :D18:47
holsteinnot being able to locate your downloaded file confuses you?18:47
pandorasthe *.torrent is still present18:48
holsteinpandoras: you likely downloaded the .torrent file, if you were using a torrent to download the iso18:49
holsteinpandoras: i would confirm the md5 on the *.iso18:49
pandoras-_- im not a full noob, i only not remember deletet this file for a reason18:50
pandorasmom ...18:50
pandorasok... im a moron, i dont know how, but is it on the Desktop directory18:50
holsteinkeeping the *.torrent wont break fuctionality18:51
pandorasok, it was late at night xD18:51
pandorasits running now18:53
holsteinand it ='s?18:53
pandoras18% ...18:54
pandoraswhen it works, i wonder whats the difference between unetbootin and usb-creator18:57
holsteinpandoras: for me, unet fails less often18:57
holsteinpandoras: i think its easier to setup persistence with the usb creator,, though i just install to the USB stick for persitence18:58
pandorasnope, doesn't work, but it have a different loader, from unetbootin19:10
holsteinpandoras: what doesnt work? and in what way?19:11
pandorasi see a startparameter, file=/somethingliecdrom/somefile  is that realy on the usb-stick mapped, or point the udev to the cd-device?19:12
holsteinpandoras: you dont have a CD device19:12
pandorasno, i have no burner19:12
holsteinpandoras: all of that will be pointint to and using the CD19:12
pandorasi have a cd-device19:12
holsteinpinting to and using the ISO on the USB stick19:12
holsteinpandoras: where did you get that iso? did the md5 sum match?19:12
holstein!md5 | pandoras19:12
ubottupandoras: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:12
pandoras got it over ubuntustudio.org it was the torrent-link19:15
holsteinpandoras: and you confirmed the md5 sum?19:16
pandorasim on it, wait19:16
holsteinpandoras: did you check out the link i gave you?19:17
holstein!md5 | pandoras19:17
holsteini dont know those #'s right off my hat19:17
pandoraswait, i found the list19:18
pandorasthats not what im searching for, should the md5 not appear on the download site? should the torrent not make the md5check bi himself to check the file19:19
holsteinpandoras: i would check the md5 sum for the actual iso19:20
holsteinfor 12.04.119:21
pandorasjep, match19:23
holsteinpandoras: ok. so the downloaded iso is matching and confirming ?19:23
holsteinnot the .torrent... the .iso ?19:23
pandorasonly 1 bit in a file, and you get a complete other sum19:23
holsteinpandoras: so, the sum is confirming? for the iso?19:24
pandorasits nearly impossible to get a collision, jep, its the iso19:24
holsteinpandoras: i have had many bad iso downloads19:24
holsteinpandoras: if you feel i am wasting your time, you can try #ubuntu or #xubuntu19:24
holsteinpandoras: i would format the usb stick... i do that with gparted19:25
pandorasholstein: today the checksum should done by any browser and torrent downloader automatic19:25
holsteinpandoras: and we have confirmed that, correct? so we dont need to wonder.. its the iso.. and its good..19:25
holsteinpandoras: i would format and make the bootable stick with the iso using unetbootin19:26
holsteinif that doesnt work, i would try the "nomodeset" option in the F6 menu19:26
holsteinif that doesnt work, let me know and we'll go from there19:26
pandorasi try tomorrow that again, have lot of things to do.19:26
holsteinpandoras: enjoy!19:27
pandorasi tryed nomod yet, same problem. anyway, gn8 and thx for the help19:27
cbx33hey all20:30
cbx33anyone use guitarix?20:31
cbx33if so, do you know if building from source creates the LADSPA plugins?20:31
cbx33the version in 12.04 has too many denormals20:31
LeLapin'lo o/23:57
SirFunkhey i'm trying to get my yamaha ux16 interface (midi) working on ubuntu. when i plug it in a usb device is detected in dmesg but i don't see the input available to jack23:57
LeLapinça s'installe :)23:58

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