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joeverhi guys14:20
G__81i am having a system with xubuntu installed (12.04) and i face issues with shortcuts, especially the terminal does not get maximized when i press Alt+ F714:21
G__81anyone facing this problem ?14:21
joeverdoes anyone can help me with how to make xubuntu run faster? 12.0414:22
joeverplease thanks :)14:22
Mathiasis there a way to boot up from a cd via grub?14:54
Mathiasi kind of messed it up14:54
baizoninsert the cd and boot from it :)14:59
Mathiasi can't14:59
G__81why is that some of the keyboard shortcuts are broken in xubuntu15:13
G__81i am using 4.10 but i saw the same problem with 4.8 as well15:14
recon_lapG__81: 4.10? anyway, do you mean media keys by keyboard shortcuts?15:16
G__81the maximize key is broken which i saw especially and few others.15:17
G__81the Alt+F7 does not work15:17
G__81if you change it to something else it works for that session and once you reboot it stops working again15:18
recon_lapG__81: http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/#defaultshortcuts15:20
G__81recon_lap, yes i have seen that . Try out the Alt+F7 one Maximizing the window it does not work15:21
recon_lapG_81: did you upgrade? if so read the know issues.15:22
G__81recon_lap, i installed 4.8 and it didnt work and then upgraded to 4.10 it still does not work15:22
recon_lapG_81: your right, seems like it's fubar , maybe someone with more exp will help15:28
recon_lapI reset to defaults and F5,F6,F7 all dont do anything15:29
recon_lapopps, I take that back , f7 does not do anything15:30
apm1recon_lap, thinkpad ?15:30
recon_lapno, aspire15:30
apm1"god" save people from acer :D15:31
apm1recon_lap, new ?15:32
apm1^if you can return it :D15:32
recon_lapapm, laptop is over 4 years old and still limping along :)15:33
apm1recon_lap, netbook ?15:33
apm1what distro ? xubuntu ?15:33
recon_lapaspire 6930g with nvedia 6800 , xubuntu15:34
apm1nvidia geforce 6800 huh nice :)15:34
apm1my nvidia machine owns my ati  bigtime15:35
recon_lapdon't see any of the f-5 f-6 or f-7 shortcuts in the keyboard setting app15:35
apm1recon_lap, do you have a "fn" key on your aspire ?15:36
recon_lapyep, spent the extra when buying it15:36
apm1the function key is present or not ?15:37
recon_lapapm1: I got the fn key, I spent extra to get the nvidia video card15:37
apm1try holding fn key and then press f1,f2...15:37
recon_lapapm1, they work, but fn-7 turns my screen off15:38
apm1fn-f7 is genrally mapped for your vga cable port output at least on my thinkpad it is15:39
recon_lapwell, it's G__81 who wants the alt-f7 key to work15:40
Sysiwinkey + B is so much better :P15:40
recon_lapI'd be happy to see the functions operate and documented ;)15:41
Mathiasyay, i managed to boot from usb via grub :P15:41
recon_laphmm, might have to re-login to get changes to work, brb15:45
recon_lapnope, alt-f7 not maximizing windows15:47
Mathiaslol, that's what alt+f7 does in irssi :P15:48
TheSheeprecon_lap: all the keys are configured in the window manager settings and you can view them there15:48
Mathiastry alt+f1015:48
Mathiasalt+f9 minimizes and alt+f10 maximizes15:48
Mathiasor normalizes?15:49
toraxHey, Can the keyboard used to install xubuntu effect the system keyboard layout of the installed system?15:49
Sysialt F7 set for maximizing works fine for me15:49
Sysi4.10 on 12.0415:50
TheSheeptorax: not, but it may affect it15:50
recon_lapMathias: alt - f10 maximizes alright, but why do the release not say that alt-f7 does this?15:50
TheSheeptorax: you can't effect a keyboard with software, unless it's software in a keyboard factory15:50
toraxBecause I have installed xubuntu on 2 computers with logitech K250 and had "bug" in both that it uses us layout and I cannot change login screen keyboard layout from anywhere. But when I installed xubuntu from same media to same computer with another keyboard the layout worked15:52
Mathiasdoesn't that just depend on what you choose under the installation?15:53
toraxyes, thats why this is so weird15:53
TheSheeptorax: you choose the keyboard layout during the installation, in the installer15:53
recon_lapwell. my keyboard layout is set to irish15:53
toraxTheSheep: I always chose finnish keyboard15:54
recon_lapTop of the morning to all of ya ;)15:54
Mathiasi always choose norwegian keyboard15:54
Mathiasweird isn't it?15:54
recon_lapbegor it tis15:54
recon_lapG__81: does alt-f10 work for you?15:56
recon_lapcant seem to find where the FX shortcut keys are set, they dont show in keyboard setting15:57
toraxTheSheep: approaching from different angle, where does one set login screen keyboard layout15:57
ekkosI have (two) problems with Xubuntu/Xfce (not sure which to adress..). a) When mounting a cryptsetup drive it accepts the key and mounts just fine. But tells me that there is a job pending on /dev/md-1 (i dont have a mdadm raid). and b) The places menu does not display an icon for the cryptsetup drive.15:58
ekkosDoes anybody know a solution for these problems ?15:59
TheSheeptorax: you have an icon in the upper left corner to change it, and the default is the system's default, which you can change with 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration'15:59
ekkosoh. i just noticed about /dev/md-0 : /dev/mapper is a symlink to it16:02
recon_lapG__81: ok, found the keyboard shortcuts, they are in System Setting -> Window Manager -> Keyboard16:03
recon_lapAlt-F7 is in there as maximize window but it does not work :(16:05
recon_lapalt f-10 is not in there but it maximizes the window ???16:07
G__81recon_lap, you can delete the shortcut and add it again it will work but reboot will lose it again16:11
toraxTheSheep: I am able to change kb layout with dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, but the settings does not last when I log in again16:12
TheSheeptorax: look into /etc/default/keyboard16:12
Mathiasi need some help fixing my grub now, could anyone help me? :)16:12
toraxTheSheep: XKBLAYOUT=fi16:14
TheSheeptorax: looks fine16:14
recon_lapMathias: hmm, dont like messing with people boot record16:15
joeverhi guys16:15
joeveri'm running xubuntu 12.04. experiencing fuzzy and blurry fonts. can someone help me please/16:16
recon_lapG__81: ok, seems that there is a bug in there, you could use alt-f10 and file a bug report16:16
Mathias*bleeeep* it16:16
Mathiasi'll just reinstall16:16
recon_lapMathias: have a read of http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html , are you installing with a USB stick or a CD?16:17
Mathiasmanaged to boot it via grub :P16:17
toraxTheSheep: yep everything seems like fi layout would be in use, but I havent yet been able to change login screen layout, I dont have button to change it in the the login screen itself16:17
recon_lapMathias: so the USB stick did not work without tweeking16:18
Mathiasrecon_lap: locked up computer ;P16:18
recon_lapMathias: how did you create the live USB on the flashdrive?16:20
Mathiaswith my other laptop (the one that's barely useable)16:20
recon_lapMathias: is it running XUbuntu, what program did you use to write the iso to the USB16:21
Mathiasxubuntu 12.04 and unetbootin16:21
Mathiasthe laptop(broken one) is installing now :D16:22
recon_lapMathias: crosses finges16:23
Mathiasyeah, if it breaks i'll have nothing to do today and then i need to borrow a comp with a sata-interface :P16:24
G__81recon_lap, yeah will file it. There is another bug. When i do git clone or pull i get this warning16:29
G__81"WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to: /tmp/keyring-ySN77r/pkcs11: No such file or directory16:29
G__81Already up-to-date.16:29
G__81anyone else facing this ?16:29
recon_lapG__81: remember reading that issues somewhere recently16:30
Mathiastried making the file just to see what happens?16:30
recon_lapG__81:  the /tmp/ folder look a bit suspicious to me16:31
v1adimirnot using it atm, but tmp does look strange?..16:32
recon_lapok, tmp not looking so odd now, probably where is stores you credentials for that session16:37
recon_lapfound a old bug report from ubuntu https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-keyring/+bug/93217716:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 932177 in gnome-keyring (Debian) "XFCE (and other non-GNOME) desktops do not initialise gnome-keyring correctly / WARNING: gnome-keyring:: couldn't connect to PKCS11" [Unknown,New]16:37
recon_lapG__81: you see that bug report ^^16:41
G__81yeah looks like its not released as such?16:42
G__81the bug fix for it16:42
Mathiasok, now i'm going to reboot it16:43
Mathiaslet's hope it doesn't *bleep* itself up16:43
G__81recon_lap, it says this as a workaround http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=649408#10916:43
ubottuDebian bug 649408 in gnome-keyring "gnome-keyring: no socket to connect to" [Critical,Open]16:43
G__81can gnome-keyring be uninstalled ?16:43
recon_lapG__81:  that fix was targeted for release 4.6 of xfce , seems it's back for you16:46
G__81recon_lap, looks like it should be for 4.1016:46
G__81This should be fixed with xfce4-session 4.10 (in quantal), but gnome-compat needs to be reenabled by default now (Bug #1008993).16:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1008993 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "enable gnome services compat (for gnome-keyring)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/100899316:46
G__81i am using 4.10 and i am still seeing it16:47
recon_lapG__81:  it's a zombie bug , back from the dead :)16:47
recon_lapG__81: I dont get any messages from keyring , so cant really comment16:49
recon_lapG__81: you running 64bit?16:49
G__81yes i am running 64 bit16:50
G__81i added a comment to that bug stating that i am facing the problem still16:50
orangepnutwhat's a good program to burn an iso16:54
holsteinorangepnut: the default one works well.. i think that is xfburn16:55
holsteinorangepnut: you can open the package manager of your choice and search for burners if you dont like the default one16:55
holsteinbrasero is a commonly used one16:55
SkippersBossk3b has always been my favourite16:56
holsteinyup.. if you dont mind the KDE libs.. k3b is *very* nice16:57
v1adimirlol I get so mad when I don't notice the KDE dependence and a whole truckload of stuff gets installed with a program :s16:58
recon_lapdanm, forgot my ssh passphrase aggh16:59
recon_lapG__81: might be a 64bit issue, but not sure if I'm even using keyring17:02
Mathiasrecon_lap: get a smartcard with certifcates on :P17:02
v1adimirMathias: that's a great idea, to have a computer key for everything.. i should look into it. =)17:04
Mathiasi've ordered some smartcards because i'm lazy and i keep forgetting stuff :P17:04
v1adimirno rly lol, never actually figured it out17:04
v1adimirhehe cool17:05
Mathiasand they're cool17:07
Mathiasadds more geekyness to the laptops :P17:07
biuffonplease some help. =( xubuntu hangs when i  use any app with a little of 3d graphic..17:14
biuffonand drives seems to be good installed17:15
holsteinbiuffon: drivers? they "seem" good?17:15
holsteinthats what i would look into.. the graphics driver17:16
biuffonand glxgears opens a window but doest show the gears17:16
biuffonsorry about my English17:17
holsteinbiuffon: sounds like a graphics driver issue then...17:17
biuffonyep. =S i dont know how to fix it..17:18
biuffonlspci grep vga: Ati Express 200m17:19
holsteinbiuffon: i would search around for a bug relating to that specific hardware.. i would check for and apply all updates.. i would search for an older driver to try... maybe try that PPA... xorg edgers17:19
biuffonim using those xorg..17:20
recon_lapbiuffon: you probably need to install the property drivers for that graphics card17:20
holsteinbiuffon: the xorg edgers PPA? that could be the issue... i would look for the proprietary driver that recon_lap is mentioning that i was assuming you had installed17:20
biuffonbut propertary  doest work since 2008 i think.. ati leave support17:21
biuffonthats what i found..17:22
recon_lapthats why I alway go for nivida graphics cards, better support17:22
biuffoni cant change.. its my laptop integrated graphics17:22
biuffon recon_lap ?17:24
recon_lapbiuffon: well, if you want more specific help you need to at lest give us make and model of you computer, can say that i can help though17:25
biuffonGood its a toshiba satellite pro a10017:26
biuffonintel celerom m17:26
biuffon512 ram17:26
v1adimir*celeron ;)17:27
biuffonhaha my bad..17:27
biuffonin using xubuntu 12.0417:28
biuffoni'm *17:28
biuffonATI RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]17:30
holsteinbiuffon: i would probably force vesa and test.. i remember being so happy when i got rid of my old satelite that was a pain with linux17:31
biuffonhaha.. i know what you mean17:32
biuffongive me a hint how to do that? then i keep going..17:33
biuffonplease =)17:33
recon_lapbiuffon: not looking good from what i'm reading17:35
recon_lapbiuffon: might be better to look for a old cheep nvidia laptop video card and install it17:39
biuffoni'll making a xorg.cong file..17:39
biuffoni'l try **17:39
holsteinbiuffon: i sometimes use a puppylinux live CD to setup a vesa enviroment that is working, and copy the xorg.conf17:53
biuffonfine.. i'll for it17:54
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=== Lukas is now known as web_usr|818181
AndreeeCZhi! running latest stable xubuntu. When i set my panel to autohide, it cannot be unhidden by mouse. When its set to visible all the time, its visible23:19
holsteinAndreeeCZ: are you up to date with upgrades?23:23
holsteinAndreeeCZ: i would try as a new user23:23
AndreeeCZholstein, ah.. it seems that it works now. Not shure what solved it23:25
AndreeeCZsure :D23:25
AndreeeCZholstein, my next problem : :)23:33
AndreeeCZi cant set brightness23:33
AndreeeCZvia xfce4-power-manager-plugins23:33
AndreeeCZand the brightness plugin23:33
AndreeeCZwhen i click on it on the panel, nothing happens23:33

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