
dakercjohnston: i got an email from Jeroen Vermeulen about the translation branch being locked10:01
=== TheDrums is now known as Guest38162
cjohnstonso did i13:07
cjohnstonmhall119: did you get that email?13:28
dakercjohnston: but the branch is not locked :/13:33
cjohnstonI'm not clearly sure what the issue is either13:33
cjohnstonI'm not clearly sure what the issue is either13:33
mhall119I didn't even think we had a daily translations export13:34
dakerthis one https://code.launchpad.net/~ltp-devs/loco-team-portal/translations13:34
cjohnstonWe do but I dont think we ever used it for anything13:36
dakerah yes we just request the tar.gz file LP, cjohnston right ?13:38
cjohnstoniirc yes13:39
cjohnstonand iirc the reason we don't use the 'daily' is because IS doesn't like things being changed automatically13:39
daker"Automatic synchronization"13:41

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